wow where do you start with that reom AFC three reading nil in our second home game of the league on season rexam have put in a 10 out of 10 performance against a very solid reading side going into this game who've of course picked up that point away at Birmingham city who are outright favorites to go and reach 100 plus points this season and win the league we're expecting big things from reading today we're expecting a really tough test and to be going into this game going into Bolton you take a draw similarly in this game you thought it was going to be a really big test we were expecting you know a tough battle in every Department of the pitch against reading today this team has proved me wrong yet again we have picked up an impressive 3-n victory of course over the Royals today at the race course Grand a big big three points and it just continues our really good starts of the Season Wick him at home 3-2 it was never going to be an easy game we picked up the points we scored three goals against a good defensive outfit we went to Balon MRA we picked up that point I'm sure a lot of teams would you know be really happy with in this division we could have wion the game so we're seeing promising signs you know as we're going into this league it's a massive Step Up of course from League two to League one but in my opinion it's a challenge that I think we're all relishing from the coaching staff to the players to the fans we can understand the Ambitions going into this season but as it stands I think we're proving ourselves wrong as well I think in this opening three games if you have said we'd have come out this unbeaten against WIC and B and reading I'd have been really really happy with it but before we get going into today's match review of course if you'd like to see more Rex MC content on YouTube make sure to get down there and click the red subscribe button we are literally that close away from hitting 25,000 subscribers I think as we're recording we're about 35 away so if there's 35 people who haven't subscribed to the channel make sure to get down there click the red subscribe button of course if you would like to support the channel further you can click the first link in the description down below of course if you would like to help the channel progress and continue as we go into a big big year for both channels this season this one and my second one Liam talk CFL but without all this waffling let's get talking about this fantastic performance I think there's only two players that you can start off this review with and that is James mlan and Elliot Lee in my opinion two man of the matches today I couldn't pick one if I tried two of our best players like I said in today's game mlan he looked hungry okay in the first half he didn't really see much of the ball down that left hand side it was predominantly coming down to B it or shifting in that Midfield as you know we had a really big Midfield battle on our hands in the first half and it was Scrappy a lot of ground Jewels were being won a lot of ground Jews were being obviously had by the Midfield so it didn't really allow the wing backs to be you know in possession and seeing a lot of the ball but I thought you know we overcame that challenge of reading in the middle of the pack we of course went in with the lead after battling some pressure I would say from reading and you know in that second half we saw mlan down that left hand side he always performs in that second half you know down attacking by the mold Road stand but he of course was a lot more involved in the play we' seen a lot more of the ball you know he was doing some incredible crosses into the box putting the chances on a play for our Strikers and the players that were in the box and of course he was doing those neat flecks I think the main thing about James mlan today was his role in the link play I thought the chemistry between mlan Elliot Lee and just any of those midfielders that were involved in those intricate passes of play I thought mlan you could see his quality you could see his International and Premier League quality coming into that game and I thought him and Elliot Lee hadn't absolute field date and in my opinion I think that might be the best game we've seen James withl half in a rexim shirt that second half he grew into the game massively is that a new thing we're going to see long sleeve James McAn that's an also message to Maron to make those long sleeve shirts available to for everyone to buy enough of that but James mlan I thought again if he'd have capped it off for that goal he had that really good chance I genuinely think this would have been a 10 out of 10 performance from him you can tell the class that he brings this team and I saw someone on Twitter say would mlan be a player that would drop in the stting 11 and I think that is ridiculous I think James mlan Maybe by one or two other plays should be the first name on that team Sheet you do not get a player that is going to bring the quality that James mlan does bring to that team I think it's just overall passion his experience brings so much to that team I can sing his Praises all I want but another man I can sing the Praises of Highly as well is Elliot Lee our Center attacking midfielder I just want to read you out some of his stats on today's game one goal one assist 90% pass at accuracy 52 touches three out three accurate long balls three passes into the final third eight ball recoveries and an 8.7 rating what a performance this was from OT Lee we're seeing time and time again OT Lee just continues to flourish in a reom shirt and continues to be you know that leading player in the attacking phase he is undroppable at this moment in time and I think he is going to be one of the best plays in this division like we saw in League 2 last year it's of course a massive step up for Elliot Lee and the whole team in Rex and but he's been there before he's been there for Lucen he's been there for Charlton he experienced in this league we know OT League's qualities and we always see it week in week out although we might not seen as much last season we're going to see the best of ediot Lee this season I think he could once again chip in with at least 12 13 goals and assists this season Elliot Lee as well compliments that free roam role that he does play in that Center attack and Midfield position really really well I think you know he's got incredible dribbling he's in such a good dribble of the ball when you think he's you know going to get dispossessed he'll just keep hold of the ball and weave out of different scenarios where there's two or three players around him he can provide that moment of magic we saw against Bolton he was you know our spark in that attacking play he was there today chipping in with two goal contributions and this is going to be a running theme and a theme that we're going to see a lot of this season is Elliot Lee heavily contributing to our goals this season I think the thing that I like about Elliot Lee as well he's such an attacking and positive player you see Wingers these days okay Elliot Lee isn't a Winger you see Wingers that don't really like take on their man anymore that will be happy to cut back and play it to the left back or play that backwards pass or the pass inside but I think the thing with Ed Lee is he is not afraid to take on his man he will have no second doubts about whether he's going to take on your man skin him put that cross into the box create the chance and get the goal on the score sheet he is just someone that you know you can rely on to be such a positive player going forward you can rely on the goals you can rely on the assists and most importantly if you're a Paul willing Steven Fletcher Ole Palmer Jack maret you can expect the ball to be put on a by Elliot Lee someone else that massively impressed me today and has massively impressed me so far this season and I would say he is our best signing of the summer is George Dobson he might be my new favorite player he is incredible in the Midfield he adds just so much quality and you know what a sign in he's been I think he adds obviously that class to the Midfield the composure and that extra quality to the Midfield that I didn't think was possible after you know seeing that really good Midfield of Canon Evans and Elliot Lee last season I thought we're going to sign someone and they won't be able to replace or fill the boots of these players who've ended this season on such a high but Dobson has come into that Midfield he's just taken the rooll by the Scruff of the neck he's been thrown into the deep end straight away and of course it's not like we've signed him from the national league he's League one quality of course spending all those years at Charlton so we had an idea of the quality that we would getting when we signed George Dobson but seeing him in the flesh and seeing him you know take on these Midfield on his own you know he's not afraid to put that tackle in he breaks up the play really well and he really does add that League one quality to our Midfield and on the topic of quality let's just have a look at some of his stats from today 11 ground jws won five ball recoveries 20 accurate passes and an 8.2 rating from that game so another performer if it wasn't for the you know that brilliant performances of ellot Le and James mlan George Dobson would have easily been man of the match and by far one of the brightest Sparks on the pitch today and if this form does continue you know throughout the games we've got some really tough tasks coming up and I think this is when we'll see the best out of some of the players for example the George Dobson's you know you'll see the best out of Andy Cannon we're taking teams on in the next couple of weeks Peter be United we've got the Darby against HBY which will relish massively then you've got Birmingham city if we can see the best out of George Dobson in those games if he can continue to put in some really quality eight out of 10 performances in the Midfield he would be my first name on the team sheet yeah and I think it's about time we have a word on our opposition today reading of course going into this like I said in the intro of this video we were expecting reading to be not a team that's going to completely blow us away you know we were going into Baltimore and just thinking look at their attack they've got Dion Charles Aaron Collins John MCAT they're going to be lethal which of course they weren't in the end but of course we knew that reading were going to be coming at the race cross ground attacking us from minute one not being afraid to you know take on the defense that at times last season in League 2 was very very shaky of course we conceded five goals on multiple occasions so I think they would have definitely wanted to have targeted our defense a lot more than they did and have more shots on goal than they did they were good in the middle of the park the first 10 minutes I thought they were very very comfortable on the ball and in that first 10 minutes I thought we were going to be up for a real tough test don't get me wrong of course rexman the end 3-0 it was 11 out of 10 performance fromom us but in that first sort of 10ish minutes I thought you can really see the quality between a league one established side and a newly promoted League two side they were knocking the ball around really really well and I think they were massively disappointed and let down by their defense of course three goals conceded and their attack who I think it's fair to say was very very poor today but that's nothing of course to take away from Rex's defense I think it was a mixture of two breing being not that great on the attack but rexam just doing really well to soak up that pressure and just take any life out of the strikers that they had going into this game and of course if you're looking at the stats from after the game I think Reading had something like 71% possession but as Jermaine genius will know at home possession does not win you matches as Alan Sher did once say to Jermaine genius so possession doesn't win you matches Rex him I don't care if the opposition has 90% possession in a game we're not playing on this stupid XG rules who have more possession expected goals all that nonsense it's about who puts the ball in the back of the net rexam did it three times reading did it none and I thought as well like I said they were bullied up front they were bullied defensively it was just I think readen caught us on a really really good day today and I think that'll be a theme for a lot of teams coming to the race course ground this season we love to put in a big performance at home at the race course ground and I think you know that's not me trying to sound intimidating or anything but any teams you know expecting to come to the race course ground and Steamrollers three or 40 I'm not saying it's not going to happen but there's definitely a very very low chance that teams will come to the race course ground and Bully us off the park because we mean something this season and I'm not getting too ahead of myself but we've seen some promising signs and if we can keep this form from the opening three games throughout the whole season we could be in for a good season I think their off the field issues are a lot more important than what they're current having on the pitch D young has turned this club into turmoil the past couple of Seasons so that'll be something they're more focused on from a rexon fan point of view we've seen it we've had the Alex Hamilton Gutterman all those people Jeff Moss that tried to come into the club and ruin it we can sympathize massively with the reading fans in saying you know that we hope that they can get the off field issues sorted as soon as possible because they're a really good club they've been in the Premier League you know not too long ago you know they're an established Championship side who should be up there in the championship pushing for playoffs but they've been let down by their owner and the investments into the club so let's hope you know that that can be resolved in the next coming few weeks and of course that'll be their main priority so credit to all the reading fans that follow despite everything happening off the pitch I'm not going to try and pronounce his name but the strike up front for reading today we of course saw him against Birmingham city he scored that goal and had a really bright performance and I thought he's going to be an issue today but Max kth had a really good performance one-on-one battle against him and I thought Max kth did get the better of him thought whole 90 minutes of the game barely giving him a chance and you know I think that's credit to clth and the player that he is and not the reading Striker because I think we're going to expect to see him with a 10 plus Gold T this season and let's have a word on player ratings I think this will be really interesting before we get going into these player ratings let me know if you agree with me in the comment section down below but a conro I've given a seven I thought it was a really good performance from a conro plucking crosses out the air you know you really saw his height in that game really Domin in goal today bar I've given an eight I thought was a really impressive performance down that right hand side it's Barney we know what we're expecting when we've got baret on the pitch got the assist as well just a really bright performance attacking the defender and putting those crosses into the box really good performance from Barnet clth I've given an eight really good performance for all round very dominant at the back oconnell I've given a seven this Probably sounds really harsh because I thought he did have a good game but in terms of oconnell Standards I don't think he was tested as much as he was against Wickham but you know he's kept a clean sheet but he's not had all too much to do likewise with Tom oconor and that left Center back roll I've also given a seven so yeah oconnell and OK Conor I don't think had as much to do as they've had in the previous two League games mlan I've given it a nine I've already talked about him a top tier performance from him Canon I've given an eight of course capping off with that goal a really good performance I thought the best performance of the Season that we've seen from Andy Cannon so I'm really happy to see him you know putting in those really good eight out of 10 performances Dobson have given a nine no words can describe how good that man was today Elliot Lee have also given a nine I could copy and paste the words that I've just said about Dobson to Elliot Lee Har have given us 7.5 he scored that header really good header I don't think he did a lot today apart from the goal likewise with Jack Mar I've given a seven but like I said no one in that team today was a six they all had really good performances and I think that was definitely our best performance of the season and could be our best performance we've seen for a very very long time I think that's Testament to you know how Phil Parkinson gets these players prepared going into the matches the tactics you name he'll have those plays ready and I thought it was a really resilient defensive display we had a lot of pressure put on us in that defense but we were there for the blocks we soaked up the pressure really well we took the life out of the attacking play for reading which really frustrated their attack and Rex and being rexon we capitalized we got the three goals and then you know after that first and second goal reading the motivation wasn't there in that team rexon capitalized put the foot on the gas and really dominated the game I think something else that's really interesting to know is of course looking at the lineup eight out of the 11 in the starting lineup today were signed in non League which I think is Testament to our transfer activity you know that has been incredible since the Takeover has happened our transfer activity has been Second To None you know the business that we've done through every single transfer window has been spot on and I think this is you know obviously the plan for the long term when we were in non League getting these quality players in for you know you look at the likes of Andy cannon in that Midfield you look at the likes of Owen o Connell tom o Conor who we know we got for an absolute bargain Elliot Lee on a free Ryan bar as well all these players who we got for a significant amount lower than what we would get now if we were trying to Target them a real big pat on the back to you know the scouts at Rex and Phil Parkinson his team who get these chfers across the line who spot the talent there and the potential for them to become a really good player in that team so you know a big big round of applause for the transfer activity that we've seen and of course how they're performing now in League one in the starting 11 so yeah that is it for today's video let me know if you would like to see more of these match reviews after the games let me know your thoughts on the game in the comments section down below let me know your man of the match what are your thoughts going into next week's away game against pet United like I said any support on this video is massively appreciated if we could hit 350 likes that' be massively appreciated of course if you could subscribe that would be massively appreciated I don't know how many times I want to say that but yeah any support on this video I'm always grateful for so yeah what a performance a five star performance and rexim I'll see you in another video take care guys up the town

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