4k & Blu Ray Vinegar Syndrome parcel from Craigtalkshorror

[Music] hello and welcome along to Mondo chette movies my name is John and a few weeks ago I got an amazing package from my good friend Craig Burton in which I received a load of vinegar syndrome slip cases or slip boxes so Craig got back in touching me with an offer to say would you like to pick up some of the Blu-rays in 4k that were in them sets so of course I jumped at the chance and it gave me a sweet deal in it so I'll show you the footage of the unboxing of the package and I'll come back at the end of the video and I do a comparison in pictures of what the movies look like so nurse what do we say scalpel thank you obviously I was going to try and pick those vinegar syndrome relases up this is a great way to get most of them what I will do on this one I'll be showing you a screenshots of what they look like so I'll be going downstairs after I've opened this and i' be trying to mount to see what they look like but I can't wait because as I keep saying vinegar syndrome if you're on the fence with vinegar syndrome the presentations are second to none and also the actual when they do the transfers the transfers are some of the best transfers out there they just seem to know how to do it look at this plenty of these in that's uh that's me T for night sorted out take a look at that those wen't going to get damaged I've got to say probably more than most companies when you do buy stuff stuff from a company to think is this going to be good is this going to be the way the best one I've got no complaints with v syndrome I obviously think when I get them they're going to be the best ones out there by by a mile I would love them to start doing these sent to do more obscure horror movies and the horror movies that you think do I really need that one when you get it you think wow I can't believe I never seen that one before or I really enjoyed that one I would like to see we get a bit more mainstreamer by that I mean getting around to the Hammer stuff T tyon you know all all of you know Halloween maybe the Halloween's been done we know some other franchises be great to see the first one up here is graduation day now I don't want this on this the H slasher collections it's number one actually but it's long out of print I let you know if these are region one locked or not this is just the Blu R yes Blu R cuz some of them are 4K I will compare these when I when I watched them to see what they're like compared with picture quality and also with extras are these the ones the best extras so let's get the slip cover for that one I have put them in these cases as I said and I just think they just look amazing no reversible AR cuz sometimes you can reverse the art there you go graduation day with spot Glon as well and and Boston and mostly all of their slip covers are the same and they just so thick I just I know go on about it but if you haven't had one and then you get one you know exactly what I'm talking about you'll know that it's not no flannel these are the main ones when it comes to slips if you like slips like I do they're the main ones out there that's graduation day next up is sworn to Justice this is Cynthia Rothrock we are big fans of Cynthia looks like it's Region Three actually on there but like I say I'll tell you if these are region fre which I I would imagine they are so in here you get a you get a poster in here as well actually this is a massive poster what you usually get but this one goes into this one here which is are they VSA titles I think they're called should have got me lesses on for this one so there you go this one slips up there I think I've got another one of these numbered limited edition 4,387 of is that 5,000 honestly my eye is terrible amazing really want to watch that one next up is spookies this is just just amazing the two dis one I don't want this anyway it's round about there in the 101 collection it got not double dip with vinegar syndrome yeah amazing just the artwork on these it's just it's worth owning just for the artwork but obviously you get the alternative artwork and they get the chance of putting this all together just non better so that's spookies a night of unrelenting Terror next up is the bogey man or the boogeyman you get two discs there this is the 4K you get the 4K disc and you also get the Blu-ray disc I don't know the quality on this is absolutely insanely good absolutely brilliant I do find sometimes you get these ones and they're a little bit tight when you put them into the case but when they're in this case for a little bit then the case becomes kind of it fits much better I mean it's snug but it's not too snug just look great in the shelf so that's the bogy man next case or next package obviously it's one of those movies it's a video nasty as well it's one of those films when it came out and when I watched it first time around I thought that's all right didn't think that much of it but the more I watch this movie it's one of them ones the more you watch it the more you think somewhere else got the video nasty all work on there this spot gloss and boss is just one of the best for you'll see of a video NY so that's mad man next up is undefeatable another Cynthia Roth Rock action flick you get the 4K in here and you also get two Blu-rays so it's a three disc set with a booklet in it now I don't think I've seen this movie before I just know that when I don't know there's just something about Cynthia Roth Rock action movies I just think they're so good it's so watchable they're so fun why not loads of extras there I don't know why there's three discs in here but obviously I'll find out when I I'll go through it I'll probably tell you on the end of this if it's got extra cuts on it now when I see the Deborah that um you know we're going to watch Cynthia wrock and I and I do talk about these slip covers and say you know like it should goes just slip cover you know I say well I think you'll find it's not just a slip cover like I say I want to thank Greg once again for give me the opportunity to get these I was going to pick them up and I will pick up the rest of them on eBay but this has helped me out no end that's a nice one that that feels quite heavy as well brilliant that's undefeatable next up is X-ray and skitso this is a double bill on 4K now I have these on the uh the a collection up there somewhere in there I think they're quite low as well I think x-ray is down here probably that one actually skits soid might be up here now I have watched x-ray before and I thought was brilliant I do remember the Blu-ray looking a little bit sort of ropey so I'm interested to see what this one would look like now skit soid is a movie I haven't seen but I have checked the Blu-ray out and I think the Blu-ray look quite nice so yeah I'll be quite interest intrigued to see what these look like and then here you have three discs you have a 4K which looks like a 4K of skitso and you have a 4K separate 4K of X-ray and you also have a Blu-ray there which looks like it's skid and X-ray on the same Blu-ray I believe what can they do with the 4K is because I do remember thinking x-ray with movie I really enjoyed it's so funny it's ridiculous actually the acent is like you got a to believe it but I'm not taking anything away from it the fun factor is there but you you do think wow this is a 4K what would it look like will it be acceptable or will it look like a kind of one you think that could have got with a Blu-ray on that one I don't know but it's always interesting to find these things out so it's up to you which way you want to show this do you want to show it with X-ray on the front or you want to show it with skid on the front top yourself I think I'm going leave it the way it was with skito on the front but it doesn't matter you just turn it around have a look don't you so You' got the best of both worlds skito and x-ray with Bobby Denton what a name and last up by no means least is Mark of the devil this was a band video nasty because I I thought is it but it's on the section three I believe and sometimes I get the section mixed up now these these ones here this one here is my meant to be I have watched it before on the Arrow version I've got the arrow one down there and I thought it was really good but I want to get back into it because it was it's kind of like think of like a witch finder General on acid for for the G got three disc there you get the 4K and you get two Blu-rays so obviously this one is going to be a better set than the arrow one the arrow one is I think it had a good quality this is H does say the region a on the Blu-rays there so yeah but I'll I'll tell you all at the end of this I'll put something on the screen to say what what's what nice cover that don't think I've ever seen that one before very 70s this movie is from 1976 I believe so you got all this this amazing artwork look at that you've got that great artwork there which goes into this slip color amazing slip cover they don't scrimp on these slip covers not like the ones they put in there like lesser quality you still get that ridiculously thick um outer shell you get this this fantastic artwork on there it's B glossom of course and on there and then that goes into this amazing slipper box there you go absolutely amazing so let's say what these look like in comparison first up is swart Justice I don't have a comparison put beside this one this is the blue right here I will tell you that practically all of them are region free I'll show you the ones that aren't and I'll tell you the ones that didn't play you've got to get a region free Blu-ray player if you would like to watch them obviously all of 4ks are region free anyway so we put these fairly Niche cult movies in and you expect them to look you know pretty good but they look absolutely fantastic the Blu-ray on this just looks absolutely Sensational actually I know I've got a 4K playe it does up scale a bit but sometimes you put these in and you question whether or not you look at the box and you say is this a 4K because you just completely stunned by the Blu-ray quality but this is just absolutely amazing I just love this box as well I've got a couple of these actually I just find them just nice little hard boxes which you can't hear on this this microphone unfortunately but absolutely brilliant so that's sworn to Justice next is undefeatable and the third disc in here is actually a different cut of the movie that's what it it's just that cut all the extras are on the second Blu-ray and the 4K is obviously the undefeatable now it does say at the start of this movie when it puts it on it says that there's you know print damage and stuff like that and maybe the quality of it isn't as as good as it would like it to be but the bits I put on I was absolutely stunned by the quality of this it was I mean there might be some bits where it's not that good you know print damage and stuff also as well it's got this this um sort of training footage of Cynthia when she's doing this stuff with these um big big uh swords type of thing they're they're bit like more like ceremonial swords and she's got two of them and she she starts off a little bit as if they're they're huge and maybe she can't handle them I was wrong about that cuz she's doing all this like knife movement and the sword playing that and she does this thing and she's doing jumping up and down splits and then turn jumping up and then jumping from the splits turning around into the splits and I'm thinking mik I mean I knew she was SLE because some of the leg kicks that she does in some of the movies and she puts her leg up and kicks some somebody behind her it's unbelievable to see it something like that she's just so good to watch in a train and and everything about it to me is mesmerizing but this this look fantastic now the the extra cut on here is called Mary bloody killer and it's like a it's Eastern cut I think they take out some of the storyline and they just trim it down so it's going to be more palatable to Eastern Cinema I believe but yeah to get that but the Blu-ray of it the Blu-ray of that I mean it's nearly as good as a 4K it's absolutely stunning but highly highly recommended this and I mean these are two movies I haven't seen a his way back in the day I didn't see these at all I would have remembered them had s especially this training footage so that's undefeatable next up is graduation day now I have got this on the slasher collection series and I can compare it to this one now this I think they look pretty much the same as you'll see from the screenshots I'll put you know I'll put them side by side one after the other so you'll see there's not much of a a difference in them actually I thought this looked really good so I thought this one in hindsight there's are quite a few that I thought looked a bit Ry but this one I thought it was a bit dodgy but it's not it's absolutely brilliant I mean the the um the opening credits are a bit you know iffy but that's like that in most movies this has got some great extras on which this hasn't got that many extras on apart from it's got one extra scream Queens horror headlines exposed 77 minutes like a movie so this is worth getting for this I know this is out to print but I would really recommend you if you can and you want to see that more of lenia quigly of course who's in there that's her just getting hers in this movie but absolutely brilliant but this is these are I would say if picture quality I would say they're just identical but they got different this has got the better extras but this has got this amazing extra which isn't on this one so it's worth picking them both up in my estimation that's graduation day next up is mad man as I've said before the black levels on this movie is just just unbelievable and it does St gay and Ross from da of the dead so it's good it's just a brilliant movie it's what it's it's really one of these throwback slashers that you kind of forget all about or you don't even know about and when you watch it you think it's pretty good the more you watch it the more you enjoy it so uh this one the the arrow one the arrow 4K remaster Blu-ray has always look good now I do think the Blu-ray on this looks exactly the same as the Blu-ray on here now these are got I would say it's worth picking them both up because theyve got different extras on it there's a lot of extras ported over here or can be similar ones and that but I do think that it's worth getting them both because I think they both got different extras on and I have been through I went through this earlier on the day so I'm hoping that I get me um facts right when it comes to talking about these because there's a lot to remember when you you go through them all took us about an hour and a half actually to go and compare them take the screenshots but anyway I do think that it's worth owning them both but the absolutely the 4k on here is mesmerizing but I tell you what the blue run here this is one of the best Blu-rays I've seen especially of bar video nasty so that's mad man speaking of video nasties next up is the Boogey Man or should I say the boogy man this 4k on here is absolutely Sensational I knew it would be because the Blu-ray on here this Blu-ray is literally one of the best Blu-rays I've ever seen when this come out I think this is Spain number 10 it was one of the first ones to come out and I couldn't believe the picture quality cuz I've always thought this looked a bit Ry on VHS bit dark but it's just absolutely brilliant and I knew the 4K would be mesmerizing now this doesn't have much in the way of extras this one I think has got ton of extras on here so this is by far the best one to get the extras i' would say the Blu-ray on here does look the same as this Blu-ray but if you're just interested in a movie and they want a good presentation if this is still in print do get this one cuz I've got to say the Blu-ray quality on here is absolutely fantastic but if you want the black levels there's a lot of black levels in this one that the fork here in here is next level so that's the Boogey Man or the bogey man next up is spookies and I've compared it to spookies one from the 101 series now when I put this on I hadn't seen this one for a long time I haven't watched this fully this uh this disc in here there's two discs in here there's two discs in here and this does have the one with the vipco the story of vipco on it they both do now I'm led to believe when I looked at DVD compare that this one the 101 has a longer cut of the VIP Cod documentary now when you put them on it's got a it's funny because the running time is longer but also this one does have a bit of an extra footage from that which is 26 minutes long although this one is 12 minutes longer so in reality I haven't watched them yet but this one should be the best one to go for but do know that I'll have to watch them back to but not back to back but I'll have to see what they look like this one might be the one to go for but anyway the picture quality on this one Blu-ray I always thought for some reason this one looked a bit like dodgy but it looks absolutely Sensational and so does this so when I put them side by side I would say they both look exactly the same so I do think and this it does mention vinegar syndrome on here somewhere so I think that it's just a direct Port but that extra footage in that VIP cord documentary was a bit not confusing but you think I need to get to watch that cuz it looks like a great document we great things about it the story of vipco they were the probably the people who put out the most video nasties on VHS they probably were all cut and I think the blocker was behind vipco was a bit of a he was in a lot of things and uh come AC coper I think you know it was it's a great F fascinating story vipco was the the label that you were went for and you were hunting down his video nties 99% them were on viore a they were kind of bit Robby to say least when them but really interested to watch this now but I've got to say the the quality on here on both of them is absolutely fantastic it's amazing when you go back to them fill them after you sort of think well it's all right and you look at it again you think my God this is like stunning so yeah that's spookies next up is skitso and I did compare it to skitso from the slasher collection so the Blu-ray on here is region locked actually when you look at these ones and you think cuz I've got this one I haven't watched it yet and you kind of put it on the back bur and you don't get around to watching I will watch it on obviously on 4K and you do think it was probably all right but when you go back with it and look at it properly you realize that 88 have done a really spectacular job with these and I do think that they were closely with vinegar syndrome they probably get the vinegar syndrome and masters of them and they can make their own ones who knows maybe some of these will come up with 4K I've always thought that with them being bed follows with with vinegar syndrome the 88 will start to do more of these on 4K the 4K of skitso looks absolutely amazing and there's not that many extras on here so this is definitely the best one to go for the extras so that's skid next I watch X-ray and I'm going to compare it with x-ray of course I love this film I've always liked it since I saw it it's so ridiculously duffed everyone in here is it's a red heron everybody looks at the camera with that look to see I'm the killer or I'm the one responsible for all this it's just mad but I that's what I like about it now in my mind I had this down as being a really bad print now I'm definitely getting this mixed up with another one and it's one of them one of the early ones so I think it's I'm going to say some like some suit Massacre and which looks pretty Ruby but this one looks really good actually I was quite surprised to see that uh this x-ray look pretty good because the the 4ky on x-ray looks out absolutely Sensational it is so good so colorful so vibrant I did always think this one look quite grainy and it does look a bit greeny but this one just look absolutely amazing this is the one that I thought there's no way they can get a good Fork out of it but for me it looks absolutely perfect so I'm really interested to watch this because of the fact I just love this movie and to see this in this in this fashion is just unreal again this hasn't got that many uh special features on no it's got a few on this has got a lot on so this is by far the best this to get but do know you need a region free player if you want to watch the Blu-ray on here which has got the extras on so that's X-ray and last up is Mark of the devil now I'm going to can't wait to get into this stuff here there's a lot of stuff I want to watch you know very quickly but I'm watching my tyon stuff at the minutes I'm getting really deep into that so only got another two to watch and I've watched the full lots so I can come I've got the moment I can come back on and I talk about them because I've got a lot of talk about there some amazing movies in there ones that I thought would have been average but they were absolutely brilliant and I think that you want to up quick and get them especially if you can get the slip covers on you know cuz for me that makes it but this this one here I put it on and now I do remember that the the arrow one to my mind look quite good but this looks thek on here looks stunning I've never seen anything like it and this movie shouldn't look this good because you think with it being so you know the way it was like made it's like really really exploitation ational and really gory and P of torture and all that type of thing you think this is not going to look good but it's just looks absolutely brilliant I mean it's one of the best looking forkers I've ever seen especially from vinegar syndrome who knock it out the park all the time this is unreal so I did compare it to the arrow one now the arrow one I've always thought it look great but when I put it on my play was probably the first time I watched it upscaled it looks absolutely Sensational the level of details on people's faces especially the guy who's his face I've never seen anything look so detailed I mean he's got a detailed face but it looks Sensational to say the least so this is a great one to go for it's got a lot of extras on here but of course this one has got more extras on and it's got the best um the best look and the best package and just you know you can't go past it but this isn't a bad release by any means but this one does have it's got three discs in here it's got your 4K you've got your Blu-ray of the movie which has got some extras on it that's region locked then you've got an extras disc which isn't region locked so that's a bit of a strange one you've got two of the two of the discs you can watch but if you haven't got a region 3 player you'll not be able to watch the Blu-ray or more importantly you not be able to watch the extra features on the Blu-ray because there's quite a few on there which I thought was a bit strange must be some right issues or something like that so I'd imagine the stuff on that second disc you wouldn't find on here I do know that a lot of the times when you're looking on DVD compare and just seeing which has got the best extras it'll see they've all got different extras on or one of them's got a little bit more on such such and such a one and it's to me I think that if you're a fan of vinegar syndrome sort of like the last word on this is that the I mean I have got these ones here which you could see it's a bit perous now cuz I've got the 4K of it I don't really need it but of course it does go into that my collection of that so it'll never go anywhere there might be other ones that I might like pass on like the mad man and stuff like that but I think there's enough extras on there to make me keep it but at this moment I'm not going to get rid of any of these ones that I've double dip with but to have these vinegar syndrome ones I'm I know I'll go on about vinegar syndrome but I am sort of saying that you just can't beat vinegar syndrome I just don't know how to do it I don't know how what they use for these slip covers what materials they use and how they make their stuff just so ttile just so good the embossing the the spotl and the actual artwork as well it's just a cut above yes they are a bit more expensive but I'll tell you what with having this deal with uh with Craig which I leave a link down to his all all his media down below when I had this deal with Craig when he got in touch with me and give me the first deal then the second deal I I've really it's done me it's given me a great great deal and a way to get these this stuff cuz when these go out to print they're really hard to get and sometimes if you keep looking you'll get one you might you might score but another thing is I keep saying is if you want something just just get it straight away because even though you may think oh 30 40 quid may be a little bit you know ridiculous it'll be a lot more on that down the line and if you're a big fan of this movie and you think it's out of print for instance and you try go in for you can't get it there's nothing worse than that you're better off just biting the bullet early do picking them up getting getting them done and then you can sort of relax and just enjoy the the pleasure of this whole experience that I keep talking about with vinegar syndrome so what I will say to you is even start try with a cheap one I don't want to give you sort of another collecting habit that you think oh my God I'm in this I mean I would never try and get all of the vinegar syndrome releases because I would literally be begging on the streets because um I would use all me cash doing it I would love to do it but there's no way on Earth I could do it I'm very envious of uh channels when they have that whole they've got the whole collection which is just a just something to behold it's just the best thing ever anyway I'm gushing about it because I'm just such a big fan of it so I want to thank Craig once again for doing this for me I've been messaging privately and saying how much uh really appreciate it all and the how much of it and help he been with me getting these I will get the other ones that I've got there's about I think about another four that I need to pick up but uh this has really helped me by doing this so once again thank you Craig con thank you enough do check out vinegar syndrome because I do think you'll be stunned by what you see and you'll never pick up a release and think that's that's all right you'll be wed by it like I'm wed by everything I've got there is so thanks for watching you take care special IG and I'll see you on the next video cheers [Music]

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