Figure it out, Abdul!—The Trump-Harris DEBATE SURPRISE | The McFuture w/Steve Faktor

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 00:51:37 Category: News & Politics

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welcome to a Resurrection episode of the MC future I don't want to promise anything but I will try to do some episodes regularly I've had some big changes in my life and uh I don't want to get into it in this particular episode uh but I did want to talk about the uh kamla Harris Donald Trump debate I was live tweeting and by the way the best place to follow my mental breakdown is probably on X which is where most people's mental breakdowns now happen but it is really uh you know I had a lot of preconceptions and in some ways I also didn't have a dog in this fight so my personal inclination were was towards RFK Jr not so much that he was an amazing candidate but in terms of representing the positive ideals that I associate with the country and the aspirational things that we want to become he was most aligned with that so uh and he was the only one talking about health he was the only one talking about uh just Patriots ISM in a way that resonated with me and also really revisiting how government works and whether these agencies are really serving us or not now he has some conspiratorial leanings and some other things that you could debate of course but it was by far you know just hearing him interviewed long form it was clear that he actually read books about all of these subjects that he was talking about whether it was Ukraine or Israel or any of these things and you definitely don't get that feeling with Trump or Harris so um you know in terms of trump he is what he is you know what he is he's a bullshitter type of guy you know Maga loves talking at these big rallies you know Trump is Trump and KLA Harris to me you know my feeling going in to this debate was she is an avatar for the system in fact that's been two candidates in a row that the Democrats put out that are essentially empty husks that are just vessels for carrying uh DNC agenda items and donor priorities into the uh presidential office in fact arguably we have not not had a president for maybe a year maybe more who knows what contribution Biden is actually making as of now I don't think we have an actual president we have this sort of Confederacy of flunkies that are running the DNC and the Democratic party and Biden is the Avatar and KLA will be a similar Avatar and that was my feeling and she also says a lot of dumb things and she's very proud of her self when she says it she talks in circles and it's clear that she doesn't do the homework but she's proud of herself as if she has and as if she said something really profound anyway if I motivate myself maybe at the end of this video I'll put a collage together of all of her Circle talk but regardless that's my opinion so you know in both cases I see both votes as completely justifiable and here's what I mean by that a vote for KLA Harris is a vote for the system so if things are working out for you and let's face it for most White Collar uh business professionals who went to college life is pretty good their 401ks are doing well uh they've got a couple of kids they've got a house they're doing pretty well so regardless of all the woke nonsense and the Democratic party and some of the Flights of Fancy that they've taken for the most part they have every reason to uphold the system that gave them this great life so in that regard a vote for kamla Harris is perfectly logical but if you're not happy with the system if you're not happy with your life if things did not go as planned or as prom promised then overthrowing the system or at least shaking it up a little does make sense as well and that's what Trump does trun Trump is trun Trump is uh some sort of agent of chaos uh some of it positive some of it negative but a lot of it unpredictable and we've seen some of it before some of it was clearly manufactured by his political enemy and others was was self-inflicted he doesn't shut up he says a lot of nonsense and it gives a lot of ammunition to his enemies anyway so these were all my preconceptions going in so I'll go through my notes on the debate I'll try to make them make sense out of context because I was really commenting on the debate as it was going but I think you'll find it interesting I mean there were some real gems in here anyway so uh my first thought was and this is right before the debate started do we need any of these commentators the world would be better off with rein Prius as a goat herder I I'm not even sure I know how to pronounce his name rein Prius what country is that from and I know he served in some Administration but he's some kind of government uh deep State flunky and I don't mean deep state in a conspiratorial way I just mean a guy who circles the toilet bowl somewhere in DC some like low-level guy anyway and uh a while back I tweeted uh so apparently at the time uh kamla Harris was seeking changes to the debate rules and I wrote quote okay roll him in on a gurnie his face muzzled with an ether Rag and my buzzer sends a th000 volts directly to his nipple that's my final offer kamla Harris so uh you know and my comment was Wheel him in then I said something will die during this debate I believe it will be specificity neither of these two people are known for discussing specifics Trump famously just talks a lot of BS and kamla talks in circles so together you will not get a lot of uh facts and figures and what's funny is I was looking at the The Two Hosts and the ABC host I don't know what his name is but he had this generic news anchor expression from like the 80s or 90s like uh Peter Jennings or one of these types of guys like he's this leftover from an era that is completely dead or almost dead where we're not going to be sitting there watching news anchors anymore and if they do exist for anyone who wants them they're going to be AI generated he looked AI generated let's put it that way and if he were you wouldn't know it because a guy like him would be extremely easy to replicate because we've had thousands of him on TV in every local market and uh and on the networks and no audience pussies you know I I I like the Roman Coliseum quality of uh politics now because at this point Trump is performing in arenas and Klo is out there dragging out like Megan the stallion or whatever the fuck her name is but they're out there essentially like oh look at all these people who showed up to kamla Harris uh event no they didn't show up to KLA Harris event they showed up to me Megan the the stallion I I swear I don't know name and I and I really wish I didn't um they showed up to M Megan the stallion concert that happened to also have Kam Harris but regardless KLA Harris was kind of a manufactured entity in my mind because all of this phony excitement around um her candidacy was really almost identical to the phony narrative about Biden being alive because it's clear he's been dead for a very long time or at the very least uh impaired to the point of just being a vegetable as we saw on the debate but uh anyway so it's obvious the media has uh kamla as their preferred candidate and they're serving up all of the DNC talking points uh but regardless um you know KLA started out a little bit wobbly um but overall a decent answer on housing and then you could tell she was rehearsed on all of her personal stories and they're they're working pretty well uh she started out attacking tariffs which ironically the Biden Administration not only preserved all of Trump's tariffs but they actually extended them to all of their uh favored Industries because you know they the two parties are owned by different uh corporations and different Industries so you know they'll just set rules for whichever ones favor theirs and um Trump you know he still doesn't understand how tariffs work or who pays for them because ultimately yeah of course consumers in the US are who pays for them and of course they're inflationary because prices go up especially on things that are Necessities it's that simple but the way he talks about it shows he doesn't either doesn't understand them or he's just kind of bullshitting his way through because he thinks tariffs are something we should have and uh he's also right that uh Biden did keep most of his tariffs um uh Trump goes into his immigrant stick uh pretty quickly uh they're taking over towns and you know it's just not clear to me how much this negativity will sway Independence and then KLA goes into her BS about uh the covid era and even though she's technically correct that they took over and inherited this broken economy from Trump but only because of covid and because of a lot of the restrictions that not only did Democrats support in all of the states but exacerbated so uh to say that you know they took over this crippled economy from Trump is kind of a Hal truth honestly [Music] um at that point I started to realize she's doing better than I expected and Trump really is on Shaky Ground with Co stuff because his side doesn't like the vaccines or the shutdowns or all the bad judgment calls that he made like keeping fouchy who clearly is not an honest broker because he actually funded Wuhan and covered it up and lied to Congress and all kinds of other things made up the you know the the social distancing rules and all kinds of other stuff the guy is really just kind of a a dirty troll that lives inside of government and just feeds off of it he's just a bottom feeder um and it didn't take uh kamla long to go well 60 Nobel laurat say that my economic policies it's sort of like the 200 Former Intelligence agents say that uh the hunter Biden story is fake which of course it wasn't it's just you know more of this DNC psycho Babble misinformation stuff but whatever um Trump is really weak on tariffs uh you know I'll just make five really basic points about it one tariffs do make imported goods more expensive so they are inflationary two corporations in China and others countries are intertwined with government so they receive all kinds of subsidies like for overseas shipping China subsidizes that um competing outside of pure Market forces like dumping Goods um onto our market so uh we're not really competing on a Level Playing Field so they've got either tariffs or subsidies and we probably should have something comparable just in terms of trade parity uh the third point is it's far from certain whether or not Dom domc players become more competitive from protectionism uh but the net cost to Consumers is always going to be way more than the dollar benefit to one industry or its employee so in other words consumers will get hurt more than employees in one little narrow industry will benefit uh Biden Administration I I mentioned before has been more Maga than Trump uh they preserved everything and then added other tariffs and then the last point is some Industries like food military drugs and other strategic Industries are justifiable to protect and not leave just to market forces or at the very least diversify our sourcing and that's because in emergency you want to you don't want to rely on foreign countries just like we did during covid on very important important medicines that China manufactured for us we can't let that happen again and uh Comm very quickly went into her uh let's be clear uh and she goes he invited trade Wars meanwhile they invited actual real wars um I wish Trump uh caught on to that but he didn't wish I honestly I don't care um and she was extremely well prepared she was quoting his tweets back to him and I think Trump has a good amount to work with in terms of her past positions that were very weird and very leftist uh in terms of like you know defund the police and bailing out these uh riers and all this other stuff there's so much to choose from but he just he doesn't have that attention to detail so he didn't have anywhere near her level of preparation and then he started throwing out around the Marxist label which realistically does not work outside of the internet uh not as well as Republicans think and most Americans think Marx was a silent movie star they have no idea who KL Marx is have you seen Americans grades uh they're not known for their Scholastics um abortion you know I I I get why Democrats are trying to make it an issue but realistically in practice the point should be moot by now at a national level be and that's the angle Trump should take but he kind of goes off into his own like Trump uh uh mental gymnastics at the end of the day the Democrats have no viable National proposal that could bring back roie Wade protections on a national level they don't have the votes they don't have the policy and they cannot defeat the roie way decision it's impossible in fact they had plenty of opportunities when they had majorities with Obama to uh codify them into law and they did not so at this point I don't even understand why we're discussing it so if if the Democrats really cared about abortion not just using it as a um fundraising issue then what they would do is create a fund to help women who live in states where abor is banned to get them the abortions that they need and that's realistically the most they can do but they're not doing that they're just using it for fundraising so it's kind of cynical um it's really smart to try to link Trump to abortion bans because she gets to claim The High Ground as a woman and he's going to lose that one every time realistically it's also smart of kamla to try to link link him to project 2025 but it's sort of like Trump trying to link her to Marxism because outside of the internet most Americans think project 2025 is a PowerPoint that's due on Monday they have no clue what that means and Trump's second try on abortion was a little bit better but net net he's never going to get The High Ground on this and uh you know I just I just think it needs to be dropped as an issue and I think there's just a lot of people who still are clinging to this as a thing and they think it's just going to I I I don't know I think both parties or at least the Democrats are now using it very cynically and Republicans I think got what they wanted and then in the states where they control it they can they can restrict it um she did do a very good job of limiting her Circle talk cuz that is her uh her trademark Trump uh I found it funny when he said I have been a leader on IVF yeah he mentioned it once in a rally that's it there's no policy position there's no anything there's no plan for paying for it none of it it just it just talk it's just bullshit and and then they started talking about immigration I tweeted immigration hide your pets uh in case you don't know what that means I'll explain in a second uh she then goes back to uh going to identifying as a prosecutor so now she's kamla the cop first she was siding with BLM and with the riers and then she became the cop again she really kind of flip-flops back and forth depending on whether she's trying to appease the left of the party and be to the left of Bernie Sanders or she's uh now talking to a general audience and has to completely rewire everything um uh she's got a lot of identities to manage she must have a very good notes app and it's pretty much official whatever you believe that she stands for she is extremely well rehearsed uh was extremely well rehearsed and her dagger in this debate was commenting on the insanity of trump rally she's like oh I encourage you to go to a trump rally and see how crazy it is and it really hits him where it hurts his ego because he loves nothing more than standing in front of these crowds and just getting the agulation and just talking trash for two hours it really is insane and he literally went there he said they're eating the dogs they're eating the cats they're eating the pets holy shit he said it the memes are alive so in case you haven't been paying attention uh there was a meme going around the internet that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are eating people's cats and dogs their pets basically and then other random animals they happen to find and it turns out that it was a hoax uh they asked the police chief there and he was like we don't have any reports of this so you know who knows whether any of this has happened some people online talking trash but to bring it into presidential debate at the level of the low level of knowledge that we have he's like oh and lots of people on television are saying it and I I wrote Oh God so stupid Trump what the fuck are you doing dumbass I literally tweeted that it just so dumb and what's the point he just can't control himself he can't help himself um and at that moment she pulled out all the anti-trump Republicans it was the perfect time to do it right after the eaten pets and uh you know and it's funny he goes on to start talking about how they in the Biden uh Harris Administration never fire all of these people who screw up who let all these illegals in and all this other stuff and and uh he's right about firing people but he also hired a bunch of crappy people and so you know it's kind of two sides of the same coin Biden never fires screw-ups and Trump hires a bunch of screw-ups but does eventually fire them so pick your poison right neither would be considered a great manager regardless and it it's funny cuz the the moderator he asked Trump how would you Deport all of these people now the correct answer would be exactly like Barack Obama did because there are multiple articles from 2010 2014 and 2015 from NPR the guardian and Washington Post talking about there's one titled Obama deporter and chief that was from the guardian which is left leaning uh deportations higher under Obama than Bush that's 2010 and 2015 Washington Post us plans raids to deport families who surged across the border so uh that would be the best answer and a winning answer but Trump for whatever reason is unprepared and incapable of delivering it and um really here is where the Democrats lawfare pays off which is basically cing all these crazy lawsuits against Trump and let's not fool ourselves yeah Trump is you know he does some shady business dealings but honestly no more than most other uh business people who make it to that level especially in New York or certainly in the casino business or or anything of that sort so is he unique in the development business no he's he's exactly what you would expect but painting him as a criminal was the game all along so whether it's the impeachment whether it's throwing all these harassment suits and all this other stuff and it'll be interesting to see if it works uh it'll work on some people but maybe it'll work better than people think it will or certainly than Republicans think it will um but he is right about them weaponizing the justice system against him absolutely that happened um and I'm saying this from a nonpartisan lens I have no love for Trump or Harris uh and you know he just says so much bullshit talks so much smack that he gives his opponents almost infinite am ammunition to paint him any way he wants to and uh they did ask a good question about all of Kamas excuse me one second he did ask a good question about all of kamla's flipflops and realistically as I said earlier she stands for nothing she it's easy for a person like her to flipflop I don't think she has any deep foundational principles she just doesn't and look people will argue with me but they'd be wrong because that's just the reality uh anyone who flip-flops that easily on things has no beliefs uh and I'm not saying she's a bad person in fact if I were going drinking with somebody of any of the candidates that ran this cycle by far KLA would be my favorite first of all she would laugh at all of my jokes and a bunch of random sentences she'd be laughing at everything excuse me she also would know all the wines clearly she's the tips and if nothing else and also um you know I just think she she's a fun hang I I I have nothing personally against her uh but the bar is not the bar for a president we need a raging narcissist who who spouts BS in front of crowds and blames others for every I I don't know Trump is uh is a very specific taste an acquired taste and he's really been so thoroughly painted as a villain by corporate media that the more he denies all the stuff that's been tossed against him the guiltier he sounds even though he's correct at least 50% of the time um and of course KLA throws in the quote fine PE on both sides that is not what he meant but it keeps being used um he there's really no way for him at this point to overcome this railroading that was done uh against him um and you know a lot of it is his own fault um and he's also right about the bloodbath comment they they use that against him uh he was referring in an economic sense about trade but they're using it in some sort of like violent revolution sort of way which is total bullshit but again he says so much stuff you know and um look you know they brought up uh election uh tampering and and uh look I think election fuckery is a real problem uh and not having IDs to vote is a deliberate strategy by the Democrats to flood additional voters however it is that they do it because uh you know the more marginally legal people are and also wanting to legalize illegals which CH Chuck Schumer has stated that he wants to do as have others as has um Nancy Pelosi they want to legalize all these uh millions of people that they've allowed in and they're betting that they're going to vote blue and they're going to uh basically make the Democrats the permanent majority party so yeah that's a legitimate strategy that they're that they're using and also mailin votes mailin votes for the long longest time since I started voting years and years ago have always been extremely rare essentially mailin votes were for Ser US service members overseas or something like that you would never in a million years have this insane flood that they created during the pandemic so again these are all strategies to flood uh vot votes in on your side but I tweeted I don't know how Republicans plan to a prove it or B fix it they haven't thus far and not sure if Independents care that much and and really I think it's an existential issue I think there absolutely should be IDs to vote and I think we should have a day off for people to go and vote and do it like every other civilized country this this bullshit the idea that Democrats convinced white people dumb well-meaning but dumb white people that black people don't have IDs is so mindblowing to me literally every move you make in this country requires an ID to drive to get a job to do any to get benefits whatever part of the spectrum you're on in this country you have an ID so this ridiculous idea that black people don't have ID was only a cynical strategy to make sure that it's viewed as racist so then people demand there be no IDs at the polls and we need IDs at the polls just like every other country does um uh because of all these narratives at The Ether I that are in in The Ether KLA had so many good cards to play and she played them all uh Republicans against Trump all the lawsuits January 6th election denial and she executed very well extremely well and as much trash as I've talked about her she looked presidential and it kind of pains me to say that a little bit because I did talk a lot of smack about her and then and even on Gaza Israel uh she sort of went into explainer mode but overall pretty good answer um except for one basic fact she's in power right now or Biden and the DNC are in power right now and they haven't done any of these things that she's talking about in terms of Gaza Israel peace but she really has learned to walk the tight tight rope on on Gaza in Israel and she executed beautifully it was really well done I I was very impressed um and it's true he he said she didn't uh meet with Netanyahu she didn't do it for Optics reasons because at the time I guess she was trying to Pease the all the protesters in the Left Flank of the party now that's over in the general election no more appeasing them now you got to move towards the middle uh and uh he is probably right that he is better for peace uh and she also is right that he's not respected by world leaders he's not loved by them uh but he may be feared by them he is perceived as somewhat crazy which many will accept over resected and Biden's weakness realistically not only goated us and uh Ukraine and uh Israel into Wars but you know I just think his weakness was an invitation it was an invitation uh maybe for China to take actions in um Taiwan and certainly for Iran to be as rambunctious as they've been and certainly turkey which is a NATO country which is now talking about Muslims rising up against the Jewish State this tiny little dot that you could barely see on the map and this giant conquered territory that is uh Muslim and Arab it it's so insane to me but the things that are being tolerated because we don't really have a president is beyond me and um I I think Trump is wrong saying that she hates Israel I I think her beliefs are as fluid as our genders at this point and I wrote I have underestimated her she is such a pro at playing this part when she has to she will study and she clearly did uh it's really striking how much oxygen this debate uh in this debate was burned up talking about Trump and all of his nonsense and not about the vision for for the country or how they're going to help Americans it is so exhausting and most of it is self-inflicted and it's it's the irony of trump that the thing that got him elected is also his Achilles Achilles heel which is this insanity and this torrent of craziness that follows him and yes some of it was artificially manufactured against him but a lot of it is also self-inflicted so you know he giveth and he taketh away um he said of course I'll solve it in 24 hours talking about Ukraine uh his plan realistically is just an exit for us out of Ukraine and Ukraine is going to take it on the chin but I think that's inevitable uh regardless of who's in power or when it happens it's just a matter of how many more people need to die because I don't think Ukraine is winning this war and I do think there's probably some messaging we should have that we're not going to uh leave them hanging but Trump is just incapable of delivering that um and he is right about the numbers of deaths and re realistically this whole thing was so avoidable I did a whole series on that um his best line was we have a president that doesn't know he's alive it's a line I've used but it's funnier coming out of him and at the debate and I started wondering what anti laughing gas did they give kamla why isn't she on this 247 is it deadly she really did a good job of containing her involuntary laughter I don't know what they did to her I what they shot her up with whatever it is she needs more of it and she needs a 247 and uh and uh she her quote was thanks to us Ukraine stands as an independent and free country and I posted a picture of Ukraine basically on fire look it is not an independent and free country because without our weapons there would be no Ukraine so they are completely an utterly beholden to the US and NATO so this idea that Ukraine exists as a country is insane at this point because without us there there would be no Ukraine so we're the thing propping it up and Trump goes quiet please before talking about Ukraine and it's just so surprising I wrote how isn't he burying her on Ukraine they started two Wars on their watch he should be killing it on this and he's not it was just not the slam dunk it should have been and she said she met with zalinski five times and they wrote was there McDonald's ribbon cutting in adessa she is not known for being being handed the important tasks she really they kept demoting her she's like oh borders are and then it's like uh how about talk to nasau kids and then that didn't work out and they're like okay we're going to send you to Slovakia to cut a ribbon and that's really been her vice presidency it's been out of sight out of mind until she became the Messiah when the when the DNC and its media machine decided that she was going to be the candidate because that was the only way they can keep all the money that was raised by Biden anyway uh she's doing the righteous indignation thing great even though she has zero principles and flip-flopped on every positions she really is an impressive construct a perfect political vessel and I tweeted all this I take everything back now I see how she got where she got and I say that with all honesty now it's a little bit of a backhanded compliment obviously but I definitely for the first time started to see what other people saw in her and why she got to where she got she's very calm meticulous righteous and well rehearsed honestly I was blown away and if it was solely based on this debate she would win then then uh when they were talking about the Afghanistan withdrawal Trump these are actual quotes I told Abdul figured out Abdul we're leaving Abdul Trump's new sitcom figure it out Abdul that tweet has been doing very well it's uh been circulating on uh the internet so to speak uh he really did uh put his foot in his mouth on that uh thing when he started questioning kamla's black Ness and he's like well she was Indian she's black there's no way to win on this subject but it is kind of Rich hearing her talk about dividing people by race when literally every single one of her fundraisers is white women for Kamala Caribbean Americans for Kamala out for comma native women and two spirit call for Harris she the Democrats literally subdivided the country into these little voting blocks that are convenient for them but extremely divisive and corrosive for the country but obviously that doesn't matter in uh debate format but it's just so cynical and it just H it's really gross anyway uh she went into some platitude jumble about race and uh she was right about this birther thing that Trump was on uh and it is pretty racist uh it just again we were back at Trump sucking up all of the oxygen with his trumpess it is so exhausting and his quote she is Biden is a very good angle of attack but he didn't back it up with any substance he's always at the surface level and it's always negative and it's always Petty and I tweeted somebody get me RFK and his bear in case you haven't heard uh RFK had a dead bear in his uh in his trunk that he uh was going to use the meat but then he didn't have time so he took it as a prank to Central Park to make it look like it was hid by a bicyclist anyway it's such a bizarre story that it makes it hard to support him I I just have to in my mind mind separate out the personal lives of these people from their uh from their political lives otherwise you will go insane you could not vote for any of these people like you know comm's husband cheated and he has some like crazy sorted story you know like I just you can't get into all this stuff because you will make yourself insane and uh she said uh let's turn the page that's their big slogan I expected Bob Seager to come out because that's his famous song Turn the Page and the other question was nine years later uh where is this health plan that you talked about Donald Trump and I wrote Trump's terrific plan is coming trust me it's coming all over us bottom line if you're waiting for Trump to give you health care you will die you will absolutely die so he that is not a priority for him that is not a republican priority they do not care and uh kamla she basically just supports status quo so whatever Obamacare is today it will be exactly that going forward because fizer and Etna and all of these uh Healthcare companies are the ones who have a vote because they vote with their dollars and support of the DNC they do not not we do not have a vote on this anymore because there is no party currently other than RFK there is no other candidate that would be willing to stand up for Americans on Healthcare and it's funny she keeps using the term Access to Health Care yeah you can access it if you can afford it and uh Republicans aren't giving you any health care or child care there was a a clip of um JD van talking about um uh child care he was asked well what's your plan cuz you're you're obviously four Americans having more children uh and he his answer literally I'm not joking I I'm not going to have time to put a clip out but he said well you know if you have grandparents that would be a great place to start give them to the grandparents basically his solution is no solution there is no version of reality where Republicans fund Child Care Health Care or any Social Service uh except things that maybe already exist and they absolutely cannot cut because they are a party that is in the rebate business they are in the tax rebate business for their donors uh Democrats also but they at least have some Notions of helping even though they're not very good at it uh then they get into climate and uh kug does a laundry list of all the things they've invested in with the IRA which is the inflation reduction act which had nothing to do with inflation in fact it added to inflation because it was so expensive costing like trillion dollars or something uh and it really puts our deficit at an existential uh risk I mean we're not in good shape uh and the jury's still out on the IRA because you can juice the supply but that doesn't mean you're going to have demand or that these industries are going to be globally competitive um same this is what happened with EVS uh electronic Vehicles they spent all this money gave billions and billions of dollars to these manufacturers and no one is buying these cars they were for a little while and then it completely tapered off even Teslas uh have tapered off and all of these um executives are in record basically saying uh we'd rather eat the losses than keep making these cars so uh so yeah it's it's stagnating because the technology isn't quite there yet and you just can't keep funding that but not fund the electric grid that's going to support it and not fund The Battery Technology and get that up to part because realistically electronic Vehicles will not beat gas powerered ones until they're as fast to fill up as as a uh as a gas vehicle without waiting for hours for it to fill up or installing some special charger at your house uh some people live in apartment buildings or whatever um secondly the cars have to be much cheaper and third the range has to be higher that's the bottom line so it's just not going to happen and then they went into closing statements um commas is all Democratic boilerplate and platitudes and it's kind of smart for her to play it safe and it might just be enough to win and then she goes into her little personal story and as a prosecutor blah blah blah it's all fine competently executed overall I gave her a B+ and then Trump's closing statement why hasn't she done it was a great angle and I think that should have been the entire theme of it uh but then he goes into saying quote we're a failing Nation at first I wrote it's a bad angle and then I wrote other countries are watching this this is a scorched earth type of commentary that only benefits trump it is so self-serving and I fucking detested I detested I hated every second of it and it was at that moment that I tweeted honestly after this I might vote for comma because I was so disgusted by that angle we're a failing Nation what president talks like that what leader leads people like that what executive at a company would go up in front of you know whatever like let's say you're an ambitious executive that wants the CEO job would you go up there and go uh this company is failing and only I can see I mean it just there's no version of reality where that that makes sense in any context at all and it just infuriated me and it just underscores how Petty and small and just pathetic and egotistical Trump is it's just it it turned my stomach and then you know I wrote that and then I saw a tweet by Elon Musk where he made a fair point he wrote the publicly stated goal by almost all leaders of the democratic party is to legalize the 15 million illegal immigrants as soon as possible as well as bring in tens of millions more that would immediately make all swing States deep blue just like happened in California with the 1986 amnesty turning America into a permanent one- party State this is the last real election if Trump loses I want to parse the truth from the bullshit here I think it's too conspicuous to just open the border the way they did there was a strategy behind it this at first I thought it was just economics it's like let's reduce the pressure on wages and having all of these new cheap labors will make prices of certain goods and certain inputs much cheaper so I thought that was a legitimate explanation but I do think there's more than that because it's just so unfettered it is so uh wide open and then when Schumer went out there and said that we support amnesty and we want to make all these people citizens and uh make it legal for them to vote at this point it's not a conspiracy at this point that is a strategy and look it's a good strategy but it's not good for the country because look at what's going on in California California is running unbelievable deficits they're the highest tax state people have been exiting San Francisco and and the state in general they are in huge trouble and then they're arguing about bullshit like genders and and transgender surgeries and giving uh loans to illegal immigrants all this stuff is just pure insanity and the reason that's happening in California is it's become a one- party State there's not a competition of ideas and as a country we're already down to two parties do you want to have one party rule because that's autocracy and so I think we really need to think about this and I honestly have to think it through because not that my vote is so important but um realistically this is a huge risk and you need to maintain balance in the system and is the price of one more Trump presidency a price we're willing to pay for that number one and number two I think Trump's 2028 running mate will be Suge Knight thanks good night follow me at Steve factor or ideafactory online I might do more of these MC Futures we'll see how it goes

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Presidential Debate Watch Along HIGHLIGHTS w/ Godfrey & Dante Nero thumbnail
Presidential Debate Watch Along HIGHLIGHTS w/ Godfrey & Dante Nero

Category: Comedy

Now 2024 debate between vice president kla harris and former vice former president would happen they said it wouldn't happen because trump was trying to run away but now no audience though which i pr you donald trump said nop it probably wasn't going to get too rowdy yeah that's probably why i think... Read more

Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump Presidential Debate – Who Won? Taylor Swift Endorses Harris – EP 7 thumbnail
Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump Presidential Debate – Who Won? Taylor Swift Endorses Harris – EP 7

Category: Entertainment

[music] what's up guys welcome back to sit down withit podcast season 3 episode 7 here i have uh my good friend uh dave once again joining us for this cast and uh dave what a presidential debate we had on on the on september 10th between donald trump and camala harris yeah it was very interesting so... Read more

Trump Pushes Pet-Eating Immigrant Conspiracy at Debate, Taylor Swift Endorses Harris | Tonight Show thumbnail
Trump Pushes Pet-Eating Immigrant Conspiracy at Debate, Taylor Swift Endorses Harris | Tonight Show

Category: Comedy

-enjoy yourselves. welcome, everybody. welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." you are here. thank you for watching at home. [ cheers and applause ] well, guys, everyone's talking about last night's debate between vice president harris and former president trump. and it seems like most people... Read more

We have to expose Kamala Harris for exactly who she is: Sen. Roger Marshall | Newsline thumbnail
We have to expose Kamala Harris for exactly who she is: Sen. Roger Marshall | Newsline

Category: News & Politics

Policies. but you are original co-sponsor of the save act. and the fact is attached to this. and now there's the deadline, which some say complicates it. how do you work around that? because it's a very important act that i think americans, you know, need to have, that these workarounds cannot be tolerated... Read more

What's REALLY Going On with FRACKING in the PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE? thumbnail

Category: News & Politics

So then why have so many of your policy positions changed so my values have not changed and i'm going to discuss every one of the at least every point that you've made but in particular let's talk about fracking because we're here in pennsylvania i made that very clear in 2020 i will not ban fracking... Read more

Trump Said the Word "Weird" 11 Times in 30 Seconds During Fox Town Hall thumbnail
Trump Said the Word "Weird" 11 Times in 30 Seconds During Fox Town Hall

Category: People & Blogs

-good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." we hope you're doing well. and now if you don't mind, we're gonna get to the news. in a fox news town hall last night, former president trump said the word "weird" 11 times in about 30 seconds. and good thing he stopped at 11, because 12 times would... Read more

Fact-checking Trump's Project 2025 claims, Harris' jobs comment from debate thumbnail
Fact-checking Trump's Project 2025 claims, Harris' jobs comment from debate

Category: News & Politics

Back on the devastating impact on the country. first we will talk a little politics. a pretty tense night in philadelphia as vice president harris and donald trump exchanged blows in the first and potentially only presidential debate. we will bring you coverage all morning and we want to... Read more

Karine Jean-Pierre knows EXACTLY what Peter Doocy is talking about thumbnail
Karine Jean-Pierre knows EXACTLY what Peter Doocy is talking about

Category: People & Blogs

[music] since when does the vice president have what sounds like a southern accent i have no idea what you're talking about everywhere i go i tell people look you may not be a union member you better thank a union member well i mean this is she was talking about unions in detroit using one tone of voice... Read more

Kamala Harris Dominates After Debate - Voters Agree She's the Winner😮#trump #breakingnews #lifestyle thumbnail
Kamala Harris Dominates After Debate - Voters Agree She's the Winner😮#trump #breakingnews #lifestyle

Category: People & Blogs

This shouldn't even be necessary to mention but just to make sure people know a clear majority of voters believe cala harris won this debate according to a range of surveys Read more

Hurricane Francine latest, Alaska Airlines pilot on midair incident, more | The Daily Report thumbnail
Hurricane Francine latest, Alaska Airlines pilot on midair incident, more | The Daily Report

Category: News & Politics

23 years since terrorists unleashed the most concentrated burst of loss heartache bravery and resilience in american history it's also a reminder that american leaders particularly a president can face in a flash unimaginable strain which embeds them in the tracks of history where day after day they... Read more

Gwen Walz Takes On JD Vance in HEATED Debate thumbnail
Gwen Walz Takes On JD Vance in HEATED Debate

Category: Entertainment

[applause] so let me use my teacher [applause] [music] voice english teachers you know what these babies are for okay here's my mr vance how about you mind your own [applause] business h i see okay you don't have to put your glasses on but try with me in your teacher voice mr vance how about you mind... Read more

EXPOSED: Trump Fact-Check Uproar #shorts #trump #news thumbnail
EXPOSED: Trump Fact-Check Uproar #shorts #trump #news

Category: News & Politics

It was 3 to1 it was a rigged deal as as i assumed  it would be because when you looked at the fact   that they were correcting everything and not  correcting with her there is no state in this   country where it is legal to kill a baby after  it's born president trump as you know the fbi   says overall... Read more