Love Is Blind UK is absolutely insane

this UK dayon show is absolutely [Music] wild hello you gorgeous little donut have you ever proposed to someone without ever seeing their face well that's the concept of today's reality da and show love is blind this is one of Netflix's most successful da and shows over in America I believe they've got over like six Seasons of Love is Blind so they've decided to bring it to the UK and going to break it down for you the concept is based around falling in love with somebody because of their personality rather than their physical attributes which a lot of people can probably be guilty of and on paper I believe this is kind of sweet like this is the way that you want to fall in love however the way that Netflix conduct this experiment is crazy and you're going to see why they start in these enclosed pods where they can hear each other but they can't see each other they use this time to date multiple people and kind of figure out who they like and to regress to the next stage they must propose to somebody in these pods without ever seeing their faces what this is crazy after this they go through a series of challenges which kind of tests their relationship and this all leads to the final day their wedding day and it's so brutal because they literally decide at the altar in front of each other if they want to marry the other person so stick around because I am telling you this is brutal so I've watched the entire season for you and I'm going to break down every single stage of this experiment so you don't have to let's get into it so the show starts off with us getting introduced to both the group of guys and the group of girls who are all living in this hotel I believe but they're obviously separated because they're not allowed to see each other in the first stage of this experiment is them dating each other in these pods where they can't see each other they can hear each other but there's a physical wall that is blocking them now when I first heard the concept of this I just thought it was stupid but after watching this stage it actually kind of works because you kind of figure out who you want to be with a lot of the time in love island people just go for like physical attraction whereas they get so deep so quickly because they have to talk emotionally so the first two people we meet in a pod is Freddy and Catherine and Freddy tells Katherine that he's a funeral director and he's here to find somebody that he wants to spend the rest of his life with I'm a catch because I'm a caring person um I've got a lot to to give somebody I'm just going to tell you now okay Freddy is a superstar you're going to see why later on in this video but oh my God I might marry him okay oh my God Molly me is looking for someone Freddy that's who you need love Freddy anyway no more foreshadowing what' you do I'm a funeral director oh are you are you actually calm down I'm not going to embar you I love that bit of death flirting nothing like a bit of morbid flirting is there oh God hello love would you rather as bury you or cremate you right o crate very hot very hot isn't it oh if you died I'd sniff your ashes what am I saying this is too much we then find out that Freddy's brother has Down syndrome and he wants to make him his best man which is just oh my God that is the cutest thing ever I love that guys just look at me and they just think long hair physique sixpack then really all they're thinking is sex sorry that's so funny just the way she said that guys look at me they're thinking wow beautiful face six-pack chisel JW line [ __ ] makeup on fleek oh I want her right now in my box of shorts however Catherine also has a a flirty relationship with olly and during this process these are the two men that she's going to be choosing from really no one else kind of catches her eye we then have Demi who says physical attraction is really important which is great because she's on the exact show that that matches what you're only attracted to people's faces you've came to the right place love what's your name cuz I need to write that down Ollie what's yours my name's Demi what I love is they've got like notepads it's so cute and they're writing down like their little plus points about them and hopefully not not too many negatives that would be awful imagine finding someone's not pod with all the negative things about you oh my god wow I've just found a new Wick that's unbelievable and Demi also likes Ollie and Katherine and Demi later on are going to kind of maybe he's tossing over this man oh my God I'm so into this show we then meet both Sabrina and Steven my granny who I was very very close to my GG um passed away oh gosh I don't want to um you know she was the kind of part of her family and um after her funeral oh my God not Gigi this is this is the thing like these shows it's so sad but I get so emotionally involved if this woman doesn't find love to fill the Gap gig left arm I don't believe in love are you're trying to doubt there was Netflix and where are you from Steven I'm from Birmingham but I've lived in London for 14 years okay I live in Bast you live there now yeah yeah what about location wise in would you relocate or you why bro got like a state agent R so would you relocate yeah yeah is that what you're looking for yeah yeah yeah okay how much per calendar month oh right great I can definitely find you something for that love don't you worry and these two like have such a strong relationship in the pods they really don't flirt with anyone else they're kind of tunnel vision on each other and then we meet possibly our villain of the show I've saw so many people talk about this guy like I kind of feel bad for him but then I kind of don't and you're going to see why this blog is called Sam and I'm just going to warn you he's a little bit out there I came off the dating apps I trained very hard in the gym great new skin care routine the whole lot cuz I'm hoping that the next wedding I attend will probably be my own wait so bro trained for Love is Blind by getting a new skincare routine and going to the gym you do know they can't see you right that's the whole concept bro didn't know bro thought it was you can see each other but you can't hear each other he's went on the wrong show he thought he was going to love his death he also goes on to say that in Anno him that wedding say bring a plus one and he often sits up thinking at night why he doesn't have a plus one which is a little bit sad him just like in bed like one day oh I'm going to be a great father I care for people as a living and I can't wait to be a mom did he just play it with the camera like when she started speaking he just pretended to be asleep I feel like that's a little bit disrespectful cuz that's who I am I'm Peter Pan I'm just a big kid do you like to stroke your boyfriends um sorry you're Peter Pan so you're going up to like children's windows and stealing them and taking them to like a mystical place and fighting a pirate with one hand that's not great right that's a little bit of an Nick that's going to be hard for your partner to deal with how are you going to tell her that I'm putting a fi on py power that this guy does not get married all right I'm just saying it now I'm going to get pretty good odds for that you're going to have to wait and see if it happens we then meet Nicole and she has a good report with Bania however Nicole also really likes Sam somehow I don't know if he's like give like a love portion I don't know what she says in him that's probably a little bit harsh but hey this is what you come to this channel for the straight Fox I might change the channel name for that why have I got it as me name I'm just going to title it straight fo although Nicole and Sam are getting on Sam is also talking to Jasmine however he's aced a little bit weird in the pods with that in my opinion if I'm standing at a bar mhm I might get some attention but you wouldn't realize that what amazing person I am bro just yapping like what's he actually just what are you actually saying oh yeah like people come up to me and I got a lot of attention in bars but they don't realize that I'm just such a good guy yes I've got a Godly physique but what about my emotions man aren't they Godly I believe Jasmine at this point kind of gets the ick and she kind of furthers our connection with Bobby and Jasmine and Bobby kind of keep making their connection stronger as the Pod dates go Nicole and Baya are also making their connection a lot stronger now jumping back to Freddy and Catherine Catherine is like jumping between wanting to go for Freddy or wanting to go for Ollie however on Catherine's third date with Freddy this kind of tips the scal in Freddy's favor and you're going to see why my middle name is Mary is it yeah it's named after my my Nana was called Mar stop I'm going to cry oh my God that's the best way to get married right it's the easiest way what your your nana was called Mary so was mine is this written in the stars is that mercury retrogade oh my God my crystals are aligning what your grandad called Bill no yeah I've got goosebumps stop do you know what my Grandad was called Bill she's crying like she's watching the note or something what's going on what a c called Phyllis oh same [ __ ] moving on from this Demi who was also talking to Oi says she's going to fight Catherine for olle however Catherine says that she's going to step aside and let Demi and Ollie kind of do their thing which I kind of guess is nice from her I don't know like what do you mean step aside as if Demi wouldn't be able to get him if you didn't do that I don't I don't know maybe that is just a nice thing to do I was kind of on the fence about it bearing in mind we're still in the first episode here and this is where we see our first proposal what who could it be is it Frederick is it will you marry me bro that is mental like asking someone to marry you when you haven't even seen her face oh my Lord what happens if she look like you know a a a German dictator from 1942 right then you're not good don't worry you just can get a divorce and she'll take off the house and you know kind of try and invade somewhere that's fine no a real this is actually really cute like Sabrina and Steven are such a good couple like they literally don't have any interest in anyone else these two have just really connected with each other and they've had some really tough conversations about kids and Sabrina was saying that she isn't really bothered about having kids like she's open to it but it's not our main goal where Steven really wants it but they've kind of compromised and talked about it these two are a really really nice couple and later on you're going to see the meat for the first time so I'm looking forward to that and moving on from this we get our first interaction from Tom who has a really good connection with Natasha but he's also talking to a girl called Maria who he also likes two time an hour Tom huh are you big age wow men never learn to they never learn now I actually really like Tom in the pods he's really funny he's like seems really caring and he's like treats like anyone he's talking to with respect unlike other people like s Samuel and he spend his entire pod Journey kind of picking between Maria and Natasha but Maria and Natasha don't really know that they're getting chosen between so it's kind of weird I believe he kind of gets on with Natasha more but he doesn't feel like sexually attracted to her whereas he feels sexually attracted to Maria and also gets on with Maria I think that's the kind of vibe he was saying it's so strange that you can feel sexually attracted to someone without ever seeing them you know that's just such a weird concept like if somebody said to me oh my God can you Jo me on fortnite I'd be like what can of moving forward Jasmine tells Sam that she wants Bobby and not him and his reaction is a little bit over the top I just feel like there's just a better fit cool I really hope that uh it works out all right okay bro sorry you're a grown man why are you throwing your your glass your Chalice on the floor like that what are you doing like oh God jine didn't want to touch my penis this is so annoying God if the neighbors's could here I'm going to shut the window that is hey hey you don't look happy bro it's the worst experience of my life now you can see in the show like if you watch it a lot of the other guys like they don't really Comfort Sam and they don't they seem to not really get on with them and I believe it's because they they all kind of get the idea that Sam is playing up to the cameras like he's not actually here for love and I believe it because everything he does is so dramatic but not like dramatic like he wears his heart on his sleeve like dramatic like he's just acting up I believe that when he's talking to the girls he just wants to proceed to the next round like he's telling them what they want to hear rather than what he actually feels inside because Sam now decides that Nicole is the girl of his dreams all of a sudden anyway now that Demi and olle are kind of out of the triangle with Catherine Demi gives Ollie a birthday card and she also gives him I believe rose quartz the crystals I'm just saying if a girl gives you rose quartz that's basically like she's done open heart surgery and just give you her heart like that is such a compliment take that sir put it on your window sill right charge yourself up your time is now my friend there's no better compliment trust me so like I've previously mentioned Nicole and Baya are getting on really well and they've kind of formed a strong connection with each other but Nicole and Sam are also flirting and getting to know each other and building a strong connection themselves in my opinion banaya and Nicole have a much better connection but Baya is kind of being honest and he's not telling Nicole everything she just wants to hear whereas in my opinion Sam's just telling Nicole oh yeah I'm going to do this for you I'm going to be great this is our life's going to be so good we're going to smash it he's kind of selling our Dream because in my opinion he just wants to be on this show for as long as possible and I don't know at this point if this is SW Nicole because obviously she's not seeing what we're seeing she's just seeing what she's getting told I hope she chooses banaya she has to know there's someone else on the scene I understand and I I respect that massively the only reason why I'm sitting here today is because of you no it's not you literally want a Jasmine but she rejected you and now you're run in a call you the you're acting like Nicole is the reason you're on this planet you're acting like you came out of bloody foof love you smell that you smell it [ __ ] absolute [ __ ] fell he just wants that boohoo man deal he does Nicole then tells bayah that she might be leaning towards Sam and then bayah comes out with something I totally didn't expect him to say it to her he basically says that Sam's in the experiment for all the wrong reasons he literally he's basically at this point he's just trying to say in Nicole I'm wed you don't pick this guy he doesn't actually want you and moving on with this episode The Producers then put both banaya in one room and Sam in one room and Nicole has to choose which room she wants to go in and which person she wants to proceed with the experiment with this is so brutal because one of them's going to be left alone and it makes it worse that banaya literally said before going into this room that he's going to propose to her like oh my God this man is going to get his heart broken I connect with both guys in different ways it's it's insane Nicole ah this is so awkward Nicole I think I just need to speak oh my God the fact that they're saying her name and she's not in the room this is just horrific like this would kill me inside why are they trying to break these people's hearts Nicole Hi how are you no no what the why did you pick him why watching someone ruin the life in 4k is not what I expected to do today anyone but him anyone but oh nobody ever fancies me it must be because I'm a six pack don't pick him oh God banaya the lad Jesus looking guy was going to bring you all your hopes and dreams Nicole then goes into the room with banaya and basically says like look like I do love you but I I want to go forward with Sam I just believe this is the right thing to do however like when she left the room after seeing Sam was the one that she wanted to to be with and after Sam proposed she didn't look too happy I'm still trying to keep very grounded but I am engaged I don't know just her reaction here isn't the same as what other people's were when they've been proposed to I know it's complex things and I'm sorry and you can just tell by the way Sam walks off after this that he is just purely not really in love with Nicole in a bit bye bye bye like I feel like he was just happy I get through the next round and the fact that Nicole said look I want to spend the rest of my life with you he like oh yeah great right I'm going to freaking rock your world see you later in a bit love it just doesn't give the same Vibes as like Steven and Sabrina they look genuinely like so Overjoyed like it was the best moment of the life I can't see these lasted a couple of other Monumental things happen in this episode such as Freddy proposing to Catherine our friend I can't wait to make memories with you oh he's wrote a letter he Bros wrote a letter he's the sweetest Soul ever will you mared man yes oh sorry yes that's that's yeah Catherine yeah yeah will you okay great I'm down on one you know now this is very nice right it is it's lovely but you're going to see further into this series why I I didn't want him to propose to Catherine and that's just my opinion shoot me down I'll take the bullets you're going to see why but there's also a couple more proposals Tom tells Natasha that he's just kind of not feeling it enough to propose to her and then goes and proposes to Maria will you marry me yes yeah you know I think it's so easy to clown on these people for like asking people to marry them after not even seeing them but I feel like if you were in this experiment like from their point of views it's probably so intense like you're not talking to your friends you're not talking to your family you're just constantly thinking of this person you don't have access to your phone I think it would be so much more intense and I and you know I I kind of rate it is that weird maybe Ollie also asks Demi to marry him even though he kind of fancied Catherine for a lot of it but she kind of took a step back from the situation so will you marry me of course I'm marrying bro I could actually cry right now I'm not going to because I'm like hard as [ __ ] and I would never cry on camera but I could if I wanted to I'm just saying right the the opportunity is there now out of all all the people that was in this show only six couples proposed to each other and it's now time for arguably one of the most important parts of the process they're going to meet each other for the first time face to face this is like a make a break moment like if they don't like what they say is that it over well they've AG great to be married so I don't know can you imagine if you got dumped at this stage though like how humbling that would be if I got rejected after this like I would be spending the rest of my days on this earth like the Phantom of the Opera I would just wear a mask for The Eternity of my life this big nose will strictly be for my own pleasure thank you very much so let's see what their reactions are like oh my God they're a fit couple how are you could you imagine from their perspective how weird that would be like you know so much about this person but like just seeing their face I feel like I would just stare at them like for like 10 it without saying anything like it must be such a surreal feeling that only them can kind of like know how that feels oh my gosh obviously as you can see they're like Overjoyed that they they look the way they do like these are a really fit couple like I would I don't think either of them really would be that disappointed next we have Bobby and Jasmine hey they look like a good couple they look like they would be together on the outside world oh my God bro is running bro is actually running you are so cute I wasn't expecting this I was actually expecting you to be like a proper M and like I was going to be the fit one but now I'm like kind of um I'm pleasantly surprised thank you very much the Little Beard connected into the skin f i can get behind that don't you worry about that love next we've got the king Freddy and Catherine meeting go [Music] oh my God actually I'm going to cry that's so that's so nice that's just so bloody nice really though is it what are you are you joking me what are these emotions you're making me feel I thought I was dead inside the medication's wearing off going have to take another Eye bruing 2 SE I mean if you were either of these I feel like you would be buzzing like physically these two are probably like they're very conventionally attractive both of them a lot of the couples also do this really nice thing of like proposing to them again like face to face which I think's just really nice so that you can kind of get the full experience of it and will you be my [Music] wife on the bloody cute I mean they're not really you're going to see why in the in the in the in the next part of this video stop it I'm going to cry as we know out of bay and Tom Nicole chose Tom and them two meet for the first time and again it's just awkward [Music] hi oh my God hi it's going to be okay what do you mean it's going to be okay if she looks like different would it not be okay like what why are you reaffirming this like you don't even need to say that like we know it's going to be okay we we're in love right what you think oh oh gosh I can't tell if I love this guy I hate him what do you think right told you I was tall don't you worry love there's a lot more to come as well you are thank you thank you yeah to me I don't care what anyone else thinks to me she's freaking gorgeous what do you mean like other people saying she's not gorgeous just his language like he's like insinuating things that people aren't saying like yes we know it's okay yes like nobody's saying she's not attractive she's a very attractive woman like the stuff he's insinuating is stange but one point thing today one awkward thing that happens when he proposes to Nicole is the ring gets put on the wrong hand and you're going to see later in this video why that is kind of important in a way it's just all awkward like I don't when I don't feel the love between these two every couple that's came out previously I've been like oh my God these two are like balling in tears loving each other this just seemed kind of empty next we've got Tom and Maria obviously Tom chose Maria over Natasha who he said he didn't feel sexually connected to hello hello how are you I'm good how are you you're gorgeous so to you oh so happy to see you hi this is cute and one hilarious thing that happens with this is Tom like kisses Maria and then Tom's face looks like Heath Ledger in Batman like it's just red up here I've got lipstick all of you i' got you want to know how I got these scars Maria why was Heath Ledger a pirate there I have no idea and then last but not least we have olle and Demi meeting and I believe this one's a really important first meeting because Demi has said that she's really self-conscious of how she looks and like she needs a lot of reassurance just because she's probably been hurt in the past and this reaction from olle when he Seena like I'm just really happy for [Music] her oh my gosh it's so weird actually so weird look incredible oh my gosh come on just hold you for a yes oh I actually love these two I really like them like I really like Emy oh God young love I'm going on as if these two aren't like 10 years older than me so yeah that's all the couples that will be proceeding to the next stage of Love is Blind UK and now them six couples are engaged to each other they're all going to spend a week in C Fu together according to the show the aim of this is so that they can work on their physical connection not just their emotional one which basically means shag shag shag whole lot of shagging going on in kofu right now so will this crumble a few of the couples right you know like he's on sexually compatible right what happens if he has a microp penis surely that's something he should have brought up in the pods in the first clip the show shows us is of Catherine saying to Freddy that she's nervous to meet the other couples because she never quite got closure with Ollie and she needs it which annoys me so much because you stepped aside that's all the closure you need love what do you mean you need closure with them what closure what if is closure just forget about them I am nervous to meet Ollie we never really got closure he didn't know I was going to call it off so I think for him it was a bit of a shock Freddy and Catherine also admit to shagun not once but twice so I mean I think that's all the clo Asha really needs isn't it you've said hello to little Freddy that's that's all you need love right you don't need a little Ollie in your life a very little Ollie I must say what am I saying and here comes the first major shock in the show because obviously as we know there was six couples that progressed to kfu however one of the couples and I feel like you going to get a gauge on who have decided not to fly to kofu I'll give you a minute to think yeah you're right Nicole and Sam obviously now I did metion mentioned earlier in the video when Sam and Nicole both met for the first time that actually Sam put the ring on the wrong hand of Nicole and she brings this up and she says like look this was just an omen that this wasn't the right thing to do which I think is just the perfect G of Jill freec Cod like I feel like she knew that she made the wrong decision but for some reason something in her body told her to go for Sab rather than banaya and then she says there's no one on this planet that should rather live the rest of her life with them banaya which is just a little bit weird cuz I'm like well I was kind of of on your side now I feel like are you like you're playing with two people's emotions here but I know it's obviously really difficult cuz she's obviously just so confused by how she's feeling so she's probably not meaning to kind of hurt anybody in the process of her deciding what she wants to do when I took the ring I placed it on the wrong finger on the right finger he didn't notice I think now I look back in hindsight that was a sign that it just wasn't right I would be fuming though like imagine you're getting a free holiday in C Fu in like this Posh Villa and then the person you meant to be going with goes actually I'm not really feeling it I'd be like love think of the tan you w't need to use fake tan for a week love now episode five begins with Nicole and bayah meeting for the first time now obviously these don't know what each other look like so it's kind of weird but because they're not meeting in the setting of Love is Blind they're just meeting in a cafe hi oh my God oh my God I'm good you exist you real realistically and I feel like this is cuz I'm kind of guarded emotionally if this was me and I was banaya I I wouldn't want it like if you didn't want me as your your first choice I don't know if I'd come back cuz I'd like I don't want to be a second option however she hasn't kind of picked them as a second option because she's called it off with Sam so it's not like they've tried it and it just hasn't worked she instantly knew so I guess that's a little bit of a leeway to come back into the picture also the fact that you're going to be on Netflix that's also a little kind of we're all thinking it don't we so these two have a chart and they kind of explain like what's happened and bayah says that he went home to Germany and he cried the entire time which I imagine makes Nicole feel great about a decision Nicole also just apologizes and they somehow just rekindle what they had in the pods like Sam never existed and then this happens because I think a seed has been sewn I want to help nurture no what I I am asking you today [Music] ni will you marry me brother no what are you doing you're not in the pods anymore you don't need to ask her to marry you right just go off the show work on your relationship if you both like each other you just want a free flight to coo that's basically what you want you want to stay on the show you don't need to marry this woman also so right like she's previously been married how many times has this woman been proposed to in her life like what a lucky lady right that's like three or four times now go on love collect on them like Infinity Stones they then fly out to C Fu to be with all of the other couples and this is where all the couples meet for the first time and this obviously means that olle and Catherine meet face to face for the first time obviously they had a connection in the pods but obviously this is the first time they're physically seeing each other Ollie then says that Catherine is really pretty and then they go for a private chat together and they kind of iron stuff out and you can just tell by the look on ol's face that he fancies her and this makes me feel so sad for demi because obviously Demi so into CU and she was really guarded in the pods and Ollie had to really you know work on breaking her down and kind of getting into her emotionally so I hope he doesn't ruin it will he ruin it in the rest of this show let me know in the comments now get your predictions in just don't chat [ __ ] about me n I'm not going to do that I'm going to do that you hear what I'm coming I ain't got nothing bad to say about you and to be fair like you being with Freddy me being with Dam doesn't change the fact that we had a what do you mean it doesn't change the fact that he's had a Vibe why are you saying that you dirty dirty Rascal I didn't think you had a beard I'm not going to lie is that a good thing or bad is a beard a good thing or bad thing Beard's a good thing this is flirty talk he's like oh amar's good as what you thought oh the beard oh the beard a good thing do you fy the beard do you want to Li the beard do you want to take a It Go on take a it I'll let you it's like okay fella just calm down you you're you're literally engaged to be married here to another woman and she's also engaged it's like a swingers club makes us sick all he then says to the other lad that he still feels like Catherine likes him oh my I'm just thinking of Freddy and Demi during this whole entire time and then all the girls go off together and they talk about how happy they are in their couples and how amazing it is to be here and if you just look at Demi's face she's like quiet the entire time and you can tell she just feels not on the same level as the other girls just because she feels a little insecure about Ollie I think it's hard cuz you watch other couples right and everyone's very like lovey doy and when we're alone yeah we get to have our cuddles we get to have our deep conversations when we're in group settings I do need to get a bit more from him I can imagine this is so hard because you will be comparing yourself against like other couples like in the everyday life you don't compare yourself against other married couples cuz you're on your own Journeys but when you are starting at the same point together and everyone is in the same kind of pathway of course you're going to compare yourself and it's going to make you feel worse because anytime you compare yourself to anyone else on this planet it makes you feel worse so I feel like as the season goes on and these to move in together away from everybody in the next stage I feel like hopefully they're going to Blossom a little bit more and become a lot stronger without other people's opinions and comparing themselves to everyone else so Demi and olle return to the room and then Demi asks olle about his conversation with Catherine and Ollie gets a little bit defensive about it I don't really want to zoom into that but it was like a lot of laughter I'm a funny guy but it wasn't flirty laughter that's what you think it was nothing like that it was it it really was they were flirting the word Demi Demi God I wish I could hear it through the screen right now I wish it was an and deck in your ear I'd be like Demi evacuate Escape get on a pedalo come back to London and during this part of the entire show The Producers really kind of you know microscope in on the Cracks between Katherine and Freddy and OE and Demi and are kind of insinuating that these two could break up and go with each other possibly as Freddy tells Catherine that he has in fact cheated like six or seven years ago and he's only cheated once previously in his past but he feels like really bad about it and he often thinks about it and it like kind of Tears him apart like he really wish he didn't do it like obviously it's a terrible thing that he's done um have you ever cheated yeah I have cheated yeah and like it's really hard to hear I I came into I came into this experiment um saying I'm going to be truthful I'm going to be honest I'm just being me I'm being real I did I have cheated in the past again like this is you don't want to hear this because you know if it's in someone's nature to cheat they could possibly cheat again but I feel like it's better that he's admitted it especially when he's admitted it like on a Netflix TV show he could have easily have just lied and then he's F out a lie but he wants to be honest he wants to change and I kind of respect him for this however Catherine kind of puts him down a lot because of it so I respect you telling the truth but obviously it's hard to hear I've always been the one to say want a cheat always a cheat yeah and I kind of stick by that like that's a really hard thing for Freddy here obviously he hasn't cheated on Katherine he's done this like seven or eight years ago and I just feel like if this was me I would be like oh this is kind of she's given me a sign that she probably doesn't want to progress with this but again I can see it from her point of view and why like if she's been cheated on in the past she's definitely taken that you know emotion into this relationship to stop her from getting hurt again so I totally get it but I'm just saying the way she communicated it I didn't think was that nice considering he didn't cheat on her and during this entire time when there were weighing K Fu like everyone is chatting [ __ ] about Demi and olle saying like Ollie doesn't do enough for demi Ollie doesn't really like Demi like there's so many different opinions in this so then Demi and Katherine literally just have a chat and they sort everything out and say look I Katherine says I don't want to be with Ollie Demi's like I'm happy with Ollie Katherine's like I'm happy with Freddy and it kind of I think puts to bed this thing of Katherine and olle getting together I guess we'll see as we go on with the episodes if it is put to bed but I believe that at this point they've kind of sorted it however Jasmine decides to confront olle and kind of of really go for him in public in front of everyone do you like her or not simp of course I do what do you mean I would be if I didn't I'm just asking cat oh man if you feel it you feel it like that but I've told you I'm feeling it like at this point Jasmine just stopped Ollie said that he struggles with mental health issues and I feel like she's just making them feel really anxious especially when it's in front of a camera crew and everything like he said look I don't need to tell you this and Demi also came out and said look he doesn't do anything to make me feel the way I do I just feel it because this is just how I feel so oi isn't actually acting like a knob towards Demi in any way so I think it's just unwarranted the way that Jasmine's kind of going at him although she is probably just looking out for her friend but I do believe she just kind of wants a little bit of drama cuz I think she's a little bit toxic and you're going to say later in this video why that is because the stuff that comes with her is mental is insecure girl do you know what she need she needs a reassure days I'm I've said yes I'm going to do it one more conversation it that's it like feel like Jasmine parked the bear there like she kept asking kept asking kept asking when in reality it's none of her business like it's not her marriage and then eventually O's reacted after like the 10th time she's asked him and then Demi and Ollie have a chat and Ollie says he literally just wants to go home like he wants to get away from this and I obviously he doesn't really mean that like he wants to stay with Demi but that's just how he feels In the Heat of the Moment but I think this is similar to how I would feel like I would hate to go on a show and have all these other people who are appearing to be happy have loads of comments about me in my marriage because none of the journeys are going to be the same like they're going to all move at different paces and I feel like you just don't need other people's opinions who you don't even know they're not you've known them for a matter of a week okay what do you want from this I want to go home okay cool then go home I'm done with let me get out here fight this [ __ ] [Music] let night obviously that's like so dramatic but then later ol he talks about his ADHD and I like could relate to that how it's some things just get really overwhelming and and if there's like a lot going on in your head you're just like oh I just need to escape this because my anxiety going through the roof like I can totally see this from his perspective although his actions are probably going to hurt Demi because Demi does not want to hear like oh I want to go home I want to get away from everyone cuz she's literally engaged to this guy so we'll see how that works moving forward towards the Wen now the week in coru is done it's now the next stage of the experiment where it heats up even more the couple's now all move in together in an apartment in London to see how they'll phase like kind of living with each other 24/7 because obviously they need to live with each other if they're going to get married and in every normal relationship this is very intense because this is where you're literally spending every week and minute of the day with your partner unless that work good and there's already a bit of tension in a couple of these couples so I feel like this is going to make or break a couple of them so let's find out if they're strong enough to cope with this now straight away we see a little bit of toxicity from Jasmine which she didn't really show in any of the previous stages with Bobby she says she's an extremely jealous person and she would even be jealous if she caught Bobby just scrolling on Instagram like just the feed I'm a really jealous person I don't know how he is on his phone is he constantly on social media scrolling on Instagram you know I hope he's not like that uhoh puppy you're in trouble blink blink twice love it's fine we'll come and get you hopefully the producers are just keep in like a a firm eye on them too obviously Jasmine is not evil for this she's clearly been like very hurt in her past by previous relationships that has drove that to like feel this way where she's like self-conscious about her boyfriend literally just being on social media like she wants one of those boyfriends that either doesn't have social media or follows no people and just like doesn't really use it and you're going to see later in this video the exact reason why Jasmine is this way so stick around for that now I haven't covered Jasmine and Bobby as much because they don't have as much drama as some of the other couples but what extremely funny thing that happens with them is Bobby has a music video and Jasmine finds it and she's fing with them about it just quickly I want to stop this video to say make sure you are subscribed to this channel so you're in the donor Community you'll have plenty of videos like this to binge watch when you're bored and you just part of our little corn of the internet the donuts so make sure you're subscribed obviously you know the video this [Applause] is you know and of course it's not something that just done M like yesterday it was like a couple years ago MH I'm sorry but if she doesn't like you scrolling Instagram having half naked ladies in your music video is she really going to be cool with that them tweerking on you just quickly I need to see is it a body of a Dan I need to say this just quickly oh my God this has got so many views now it sounds like vibranium from [Music] chunks oh my God this is him London syney that's how I used to W people in clubs by the way I'd walk off at them like this right just like some of this right yeah like that yeah oh nice I've just made me whole room shake I've got to lay off the digestives I love that the top comment on this had to pause the episode to search this yes same mate we then have a conversation between Tom and Maria in bed and Tom says that he was very judgmental when he heard that Maria was a makeup artist that's horrible do you think so yeah the big value of mine is like work hard be Ambi because I want to live like a a really good life wait so let me get this right would judgmental of her being a makeup artist because you don't believe she's ambitious she's literally like self-employed like she's a business owner that is arguably more ambitious than what you are what do you mean like that's such a hard thing to do even if it is being a makeup artist which which also is like a talent in itself that's such a weird thing to be judgmental on someone for the job they have like that would really put me off someone and I was a Tom fan right earlier in this process if Tom had no fans I'd be dead but now I'm kind of like ooh I'm a bit less sure on him cuz I feel like this would give me the ick if my you know fiance said this to me you're a YouTuber what you you talk to people on the internet H episode 7 now begins and it has the couples doing kind of normal everyday stuff and Freddy and Catherine go shopping and the way that Katherine speaks to Freddy makes me want to jump in the screen and just shake Freddy to leave oh that nice you got them in an 11 oh my God that's funny that's funny why are you looking at him with that face that's hilarious sorry I might even write that down she looked at I'm like uh why is he so funny we've got to beat this out of here no we're not having any jokes in this family thank you very much that's nice like mushrooms you look nice in that no ST what about this have I go to a cowboy them by stop you're you're being sarcastic and you're winding me up and you know you are oh my God this makes me feel really small because like I feel like I have a similar personality trait of Freddy where I just kind of I like you know I just feel like he wears his heart on his sleeve and he's quite emotional and he's just likes to make people laugh if he can I know I don't make you laugh but you know I try and she's just putting them down and she's kind of knocking out who he is and now he's going to feel like he can't really be himself around her because he's hurting her this is actually quite a sad watch he's always joking and you know taking the Mick and winding me up I need him just to be serious because is making me feel like his friend not his fiance it is so interesting though because like obviously I in my inner relationship that's one of the things I would look for like I'd really want someone to bounce humor office like I want to have a good time where some people in their relationships they're not really looking for a a friend first and like a relationship second they just kind of want the the serious aspect of it I guess which I guess is you know everyone has different taste when we go shopping is it something you would want to do with me or would you just let me do me i' come with you I'd just sit down on the sofa or whatever and just but I'd feel like I'll be just dragging you around I feel like yeah you would be doing but that's what happens like if you go to shopping centers it's always men sat down isn't it and like the women that's like so true right what do you want him to do do you want him to walk around the thongs and go oh my god wow that's actually that would look really great on you because he did that at the start of this he was saying the mushroom top would look good on you and you were like uh why is it why is why is he trying to be helpful you're my partner I want to be able to go to the shops of you okay it's fine I won't mention it again I'm not a dog stop stoking me like a dog oh oh oh is that a little bit of Rage get out of my head what the [ __ ] don't stroke me I'm not a dog the guy literally just put his hand on our shoulder just kind of like you know just physical touch then was crying out for this in kfu she'd love a little bit of that she's getting easily irritated over absolutely nothing and she's admitted that she actually this is true okay she's not trying to hide this but you just see from the start of this shopping trip to the end Freddy just loses all of their life in him and in my opinion I don't want him to proceed and get married to Catherine because I just feel like they're two totally different people and they don't gel at all but I guess we're going to have to wait until the final episode to see if they both say I do oh my God please Freddy don't please Fred Frederick think of their children they're never going to be able to say jokes in their life they're going to be so sad Freddy then says that he believes in the relationship with Katherine he needs to tone himself down and kind of not be himself just to keep her happy which I just want to say to you right now if you're in a relationship like this or you have been just never have that again and get out of that relationship like if this person is not allowing you to be who you are like you're literally only here once you deserve to be with someone that makes you happy and if you're not then seek it you know because like there's a person for every single person even if you are silly and stupid and you know you're big Goofy there's someone who likes that right and if you're pretentious and you want to go to fancy places there's also someone that likes that it's just sad to see this because it's really really toxic and and and and it's a lot deeper than what it seems It's just to I don't know it's just who I am that's just the way I am can you imagine working at a funeral directors and it's still sad when you return home that is mental there's more jokes at a Funeral Directors than there is with your wife that's that's where you've got to tr to draw the light come on all of the couples then meet each other's families for the first time to kind of see how they would get welcomed into each other's families and Catherine meets Freddy's Family First and this is where Freddy asks his brother to be his best man and Freddy's brother has Down syndrome and it's just a really nice moment that oh my God this is so nice there is a question that I'd like to ask Jack would you like to be my best man is that all right mate yeah it is he don't understand now but he will on the [Music] day you know I will asking Jack to be my best man means absolutely everything to you man oh my God I need to sit down two seconds Jesus oh my Lord that's that's just really lovely that is that's that's really nice that's my God cther if you break this Sky's heart I will be so sad oh my Lord that is that is so nice however the mood quickly changes for Freddy as Freddy's sister takes him out in the garden and has a private conversation with them away from the rest of the family and this is where Freddy kind of diverges that he doesn't feel good enough for Catherine it's not even it's not that it's just it's more that I don't feel as if I'm good enough for her maybe but yeah maybe the question is is she good enough for you oh he [ __ ] zackly sister you [ __ ] tell them that's why you need your sister there cut the [ __ ] yeah you don't feel good enough for but is she good enough for you Freddy no she's not sorry Catherine if you're watching probably not a fan of the channel I'm not trying to be too harsh to Catherine I just feel like they're different people they just don't match they they're really not a match Freddy then meets Catherine's friends and fredd Freddy just looks miserable the entire time I'm going to be honest I feel like Catherine's friends in in not in a bad way are more pretentious than Freddy and I believe Catherine is too like they like bougie like they're like kind of they seem like they're all like Millionaires and like they just kind of brunch all the time they have prco like they just seem Posh in a way whereas I just feel like Freddy is just like you know he's just like a lovable kind of like working class lad in the way that they talk to Freddy in this it just seems like they're kind of talking down to him and I don't really like the vibe of the conversation yeah I I'm proving myself day in day out and I feel like you're literally now picking on me do you want to get another drink as well yeah I'll grab one yeah thank you even the fact they just she like sends them away like oh do you want to go and get us another drink at the like it's I don't like the way she kind of speaks to him and the way that she's kind of like smiling here and her friends are smiling it's just a weird vibe Freddy's just voiced that he thinks that they're you know not compatible because she likes the finer things whereas he's not really bothered about that and then she starts to like go on the defensive and say you're just picking on us it's stuff's just building up to show that these two are not going to say yes at the end of this process but you never know another thing that is kind of built a wedge between the two is Freddy said previously in the season that when they get married he wants a prup to begin with he basically just wants to cover his savings so that it goes to his sister and his brother you know so they can look after his brother cuz obviously he looks after him and Katherine really doesn't like the idea of this like she definitely doesn't want to PR up why would you be offended if I was to get something in place to say that my assets would be going to say my sister if I was to pass away that sucks what You' said though okay in an everyday scenario where you're together for like 9 years or whatever it is 5 years 3 years and you've got a strong connection and then you have the conversation about preing up I feel like you're probably more inclined to be a bit like what do you not believe in us like have I not proven that I love you but these guys have known each other for a matter of weeks and they could easily get married and then they could split up a week later and it protects them both it's not just protecting Freddy Freddy's just bringing it up it also protects Catherine that if Katherine's got any savings Freddy can't take them and then you can always change a prup like later into the marriage like legally just get lawyers to change it I would definitely have set something like this up if I was going on the show and I don't know why she's angry at this I just think it's sensible to have this conversation before you get married he also brings up how Katherine bosses them about and everything and Katherine actually brings up that she was adopted as a child and obviously you know that's like a lot to to go through especially as a child like I'll never understand what that is like emotionally and that has obviously had an effect on who she is today and she blames her bossiness and who she is as a person on having to go through that and obviously that is completely fair and I know this Probably sounds harsh but you still shouldn't direct any of that negative feelings that you have about that towards Freddy is that harsh I don't know maybe but I just feel like she kind of takes out her emotions a lot on him jumping back to Steven and Sabrina the two that are just kind of so in love with each other with no drama they meet each other's family Steven meets Sabrina's mom and she like proper quizzes him like on if he's the perfect guy for Sabrina because Sabrina has had multiple ex-boyfriends who are bad for her like she even takes even oneon-one and like quizzes him like are you sure that you want my daughter which it's a little intense but I mean I'm kind of behind it right get your mom to do all the hard kind of chats that's fine olle gets on really well with Demi's dad and he basically gets welcomed into their family Tom meets Maria's family and they got on really well and then Maria meets Tom's sisters and they have like a little bit of an awkward conversation Maria basically says she doesn't want to move in with Tom because she doesn't want to pay off half of Tom's mortgage which I found was really strange because do you expect Tom to pay everything for you then like what what do you want him to do he really give up his mortgage like if he's already paid off a lot that is better for you guys in total if you are going to live the rest of your life together like you'd be paying rent anyway and paying off someone else's mortgage ass surely you want to help pay off the person you love and then that's both of your home but she says it's down to our culture and like the way she was raised so I guess you know that's just how she was raised that's that's how she is a person now the most awkward part of the meet in the family stage is with Jasmine and Bobby now I said earlier in this video you're going to find out why Jasmine has some toxic tendencies and here is the reason why the way Jasmine introduces her mother before she even meets Bobby it's like she's talking about Tommy Shelby she's like don't say anything bad she will find everything bad about you she will kill everyone you love she doesn't go that far but kind of and then Bobby meets him mother and the way she goes on like if this was me I would just leave I'd be like sorry love I know I love you but I can't I I can't deal with this for the rest of my life how many girlfriends did you have not that many serious relationships my last one one um not serious no like why are you asking about his ex-girlfriends you creep like you don't need to know that like yeah them twoo can talk about that but why is the mother talking about this is weird so how what's your body count really right how many times you done anal four times Christ that's four times more than me you want to try it oh no sorry no when I was in school I was I struggled really to kind of concentrate so I ended up not going to University sometimes it's very difficult to communicate with an uneducated person bro bro what she looked at him and went it's a little bit difficult you know to to communicate with some you know uneducated people i' be like all right love is it is it really [ __ ] there you go red wine in your face you're going to have to go on a fort you wash now off unfortunately like how rude is that to say to someone like just because you don't go to university does not mean that you're you're uneducated that is the most like backwards way of thinking it just shows she really doesn't have a good perspective like on life overall most men every time they meet another woman you know it changes their perspective their want their likes um and I've watched my mom go into really uh poor relationships you know with the wrong types of men so that's the last thing that I want to be I feel like Jasmine's mom has been through failed marriages failed relationships and she's like projecting that onto Jasmine and kind of not letting Jasmine make our own mistakes like not even giving her the chance to make our own mistakes and obviously like you need to date people that are wrong for you to find the person and know what is right for you and she's just not let letting Jasmine do this it's controlling and I really don't like that they've documented this cuz it's really like dark to watch and I've criticized Jasmine for being toxic towards Bobby but this is all she knows in compared to her mother she's not toxic at all Jasmine even mentions that if she was CAU talking to a boy or even had a boy's contact in her phone Jasmine's mom would like go through her phone and delete it and like scream at her which is like that's you know I don't want to say the word but it's a little bit abusive right my mom was doing that to me I be be like Mom will you [ __ ] off like what you doing leave us alone I love that when I get angry I get higher pitch like how can anyone ever treat me serious when I'm angry that's why I just don't get angry b i and Nicole's family talk and them just get on really well like they kind of sort out how Nicole didn't choose banaya and they kind of seem like they're both kind of welcome into each other no real drama there however what is next has so much drama in it as there's a party with all of the couples since K Fu like they haven't been together since kfu they're all going to be in a room together not only that okay they're inviting everyone who was in the pods back to see everyone so everyone you had an old flame with is going to be in the same room with you and now that you've tried it with like you know your fiance that's going to be you know a little difficult for the people that are going through kind of tough stages because they can kind of relight a flame with some oh my God this is going to have drama Tom meets Natasha who we almost chosen the pods instead of Maria and she basically says that it's been hard to fall out of love with Tom insinua and that you know she still kind of is in love with them bet Maria's buzzen that she got the night off work for this right she'll be loving this and you can tell in Tom's face that he kind of still feel something towards her it's just not nice to be Maria because obviously you're meant to be marrying this person and then he's talking to someone that he previously said that he loved it's just oh my God this would ruin me as a person I would never go on this date and show if I was single and I wouldn't recommend it to you there's a girl that apparently Ollie was chatting to called Charlotte for a couple of times and he says that she's really fit and then shortcuts to Demi saying that she has like no insecurities anymore about OE and just the fact he said that and now Demi's comfortable with them it's just not working out why can't they just have total vision on the person that they're meant to marry I mean I love it really though right the drama that's what you [ __ ] want and then the person that we're all waiting for turns up the mighty Sam back from the depths of hell and by hell I'm mean Birmingham I think the way they're editing this is if he's like Thanos returning Sam then pulls Nicole for a chat to basically just close that chapter Nicole just basically explained to him that you just never thought that them two were going to work and then Sam says oh I believe that the reason you broke it off was because you wanted to have with me but I said no I mean whatever makes you sleep at night Sam apart from that point I feel like Sam handles it as best he could however Baya you can see is like pissed like drunk pissed and also angry so when Sam's outside he goes outside to confront him and he basically says to Sam that you're here for fame you're not here for the right reasons and I don't like the way that you've Tri Nicole in the process and then Sam replies with has she told you that she wanted to sleep with me so you're aware when she stayed at mine that she wanted to sleep with me and I said know yeah no like generally cuz you obviously been told one side the story go you talking he's definitely said that to kind of just shove the you know just shove the knife in oh did you know that she wanted to tickle my balls that she tickled your balls don't think so she wanted to tickle mine I said no no I said and yeah these two just kind of keep going back and forth at each other I wish I could show the clip but Netflix will tear me and you [ __ ] figuratively and physically I've seen it happen Sam then goes back inside and one thing unfortunately I think is really toxic again from Katherine is she says that Sam looks so much like her ex and she keeps mentioning it to Freddy basically saying like oh I fancied someone who looks like him doesn't he look like my ex but she keeps saying it and then she goes over to Sam and just starts flirting with them whilst Freddy's right next to them and it's just so awkward I'm 31 product designer from London any single friends right I'm staying single oh I hate this I hate it I hate it I genu he's standing there by himself and you're all over composure compos lot this angers me right this woman speaks to him like he's a piece of [ __ ] and then goes in first with the next man you you you or you you you know oh yeah words wouldn't describe you love she then says if Sam's ever in town to hit her up which I would if I heard that I would be like you know what let's call this marriage off now I don't care about this TV short you're not embarrassing me but Freddy's just too nice it's now the second last episode of Love is Blind and this is basically just them documenting the Stag dos and the hus and this is the final stage before they say I do because now they have to move out of the apartment they've been living with each other with for 24/7 hours of the day and they have to spend some time apart now this is the first time they're spending time apart since basically they've met really so this is going to see how strong the couples are because if they have long distances they're really going to have to work at this and the ones that done are probably going to crumble on the wedding so let's move on to the wedding days and let's see who says I do oh my God I'm so excited oh get your predictions in the comments guys so the first wedding is Steven and Sabrina and I feel like this is pretty nailed on Steven do you take Sabrina to be your wife through all the challenges opportunities yes he does I I do [ __ ] K Wow some hormone just got released there and that felt fantastic that is great them two have like been so good and so tunnel vision I'm so happy for them they deserve it next up we have Maria and Tom now obviously they have had a little bit more of a tougher Journey than Steven and Sabrina I think we all knew they would get married so will these two say I do I think Tom do you take Maria to be your wife why can't you make eye contact with her all of Life by her source of comfort and support no matter what challenges life may bring bro why she's like yeah yeah just say yeah and he can't look at his eyes stop it I love you yeah you do I just feel like right now is not the right time for me are you [ __ ] Jo going on yet no no like sorry you've got me in my wedding dress I'm all doled up I've got me entire family he had to see it and now you're like oh I'm actually not that sure so if this is me I'm just too nice even if I like wasn't fully invested in it I'd be like oh yeah it's fine I'll just deal with it I just I don't want to hear you and then the madest thing he just walks off somebody going Huger he's just went yeah I'm not feeling it I could kind of see that them two wouldn't be a match because I just feel like the way that Tom thought about her job and the way Tom like he didn't really agree with some of our values that the the man should pay for everything Tom kind of wanted more of an equal thing also the mortgage thing I just feel like they loved each other but logistically Tom just wasn't compatible with Maria I guess he thinks I'm I'm UNS sure next we have Debian and oh my God I can't take another not the AL these two have to get married they've been through so much together is that a bad thing or a good thing I'm not too sure I'm proud of you I can't believe you're a baby but I hope I have a daughter like imagine walking your daughter down the aisle oh that would be so good so Demi's first is she going to say yes I think so damn oh they've cut the episode oh luckily they're all out I can just press next do you take Ollie to be your husband to love him comfort him honor and protect him and forsaking all others be faithful to him as long as you both shall live come go on DS say yes I love you yeah you do wait I do know look at his face he like what it was me who was meant to be the one deciding not you actually you know what Fair Play Love right you're not putting up with the [ __ ] of being in this triangle right his eyes were swear my partner's eyes shouldn't be swear they should just want me I'm not even going to give you that chance to embarrass his love look at him he's like what the [ __ ] why the fact it's on Netflix in front of your family I hate it it makes me skin crawl that the that they they're standing there and basically Demi just says the reason why she's said no was because during the time where they lived apart OE didn't really reach out he didn't like really try and speak with Demi and Demi just feels like that's a bit of a red flag like your person that you're going to marry should be putting in F and he kind of wasn't which is a fair example right that's a fair reason and acting back after that but obviously F goes both ways and we haven't really saw if she was making F too we just got to kind of go on what he was kind of saying and Olie kind of feels okay with this he has a drink after and he's like you know what we can still kind of talk after this and then build our relationship which is so true like if this was me and I like someone I would say no at the altar if I had I probably wouldn't but I would like to think I would and then just work on your relationship like on the outside like you don't need to get married next up is Bobby and Jasmine I do yeah you do wait why is she not making eye contact love this is your time to be your own woman don't look at your mother don't look at your mother I do oh yeah you [ __ ] do love get it I love this right because yeah we haven't focused that much on Bobby and jazine but what we have saw is in this process Jasmine has went from being controlled by her mother to being her own person with her own like making her own decisions as she should she's an adult I love that she just has totally disregarded what a mom thinks of Bobby and she's like you know what I'm doing this cuz I want to do it okay next up we've got Nicole and banaya I'm telling you right if Nicole rejects Baya for like the second time Baya just get yourself out of there like this is not meant to be I don't know what's going to happen now she's saying yes she's got this come on Nicole the banker I do I mean she had to if she didn't then she is like evil like she's she's rejected this guy brought him back took him to the Altar and then rejected him that would be just horrific and obviously I believe bah is going to say yes let's find out I feel like these are kind of nailed on I do yes I do sorry Sam Sam who I don't know any Sam I just know bay in the G and last but not least we have Catherine and Freddy my favorite I'm actually really really nervous for this okay like I really really and I feel like I need to preface this before they get to the altar Freddy's says to him like look if you're not feeling this don't do it like I don't feel like you should do it she basically says that to him but anyway he goes ahead with the wedding and his brother walks him out as his best man and it's just the sweetest thing I've ever seen you're very smart are you very smart I can't no actually that's M me marry her right you to this is so like oh my Lord why am I getting emotional over a [ __ ] reality what am I doing I'm so sad oh this is so nice he's doing so well Catherine then walks out with her dad and she looks kind of nervous look very beautiful now I'm seeing them together I they look so good like physically they just look like a couple now first up to say yes or no is Catherine I do oh that's nice [ __ ] sake no that is nice pleas that's an actual person I need to be nice it's now time for Freddy to return the favor and agree to get married or not it's now time for what this entire show has been building on if Freddy is going to say yes or no oh my Lord the energy that I'm feeling through my veins right [Music] now but the timing might not be right for us just this isn't a goodbye it's not a rejection of the love that we share [ __ ] hell all right this guy is the main character and and all the side characters there's just no other characters in this movie it's just him I tell you what I haven't had a feeling like that in a while that's fantastic go on son you know what this guy again it's it's horrible that Catherine is at the altar and I feel really sorry for her because she's wanted this fairy tale wedding and this is this is definitely a fairy tale wedding before he said no obviously I don't think that happened in the fairy tale but I'm just so happy for Freddy because he's stuck up for himself and he's doing what he wants to do rather than like being really nice and just going along with it he knows this isn't right for the both of them and he's not trying to paper off cracks I really respect this Freddy then goes off and this like crying his eyes out and also Catherine storms off so tisue you've got just proud of yourself you did the right thing like you were honest to yourself again like I didn't want them to get married but just this is so dramatic I hate it but I love it it's great television but oh my God these are real people and the emotions these these guys are feeling right now is real this is real reality TV and its finest my Lord I love this show so much better than love Island there I said it I know this was a long video but I really enjoyed doing it and I think there's a Love is Blind reunion coming in the next couple of days so if you want me to cover that let me know because I have loved this 3,000 likes on this video and we will do that I just rate that this show is about real people not influencers it's actual people who want to fall in love and have had issues trying to do so it's just the whole concept it seems so stupid but actually I actually rate it but yeah if you want to watch another video where I break down another British TV show click this video because the stuff in this is absolutely mental the drama is providing

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