Intro is it hot in here or is it just Sam's breath Love is Blind UK the reunion is here and the hosts are finally looking like the British Lees devil incarnate they're there to stir up the drama to question people they do this little bit where they solemnly swear to honor the guests and question them almost like they're getting married to the reunion God remember when people said that gays were going to make a mockery out of marriage no but it's the reunion the day that the cast comes together together to State the obvious love may be blind but the cameras aren't do I embrace my thick ass or is it time to call Uncle Oz short for OIC love may be blind but I'm not and I don't want to sleep next to him he looks like a gremlin love may be blind but it's definitely not deaf and listening to his chewing every day makes me want to put an album by Taylor Swift on repeat so my ears bleed never to have to listen to his chewing again oh that's going to get me in trouble love may be blind except on Friday night when love has a moderate price of 8,000 or $80 special discounts reserved if you're hot love may be blind and I would be blind too if I was [Music] blind Hello everybody welcome back to my channel if you're new here hi I'm Eric I have a stutter and I make YouTube videos as a coping mechanism for my depression which is my coping mechanism for my anxiety which is my coping mechanism for my stutter which is God's idea of a funny little joke where everybody gets to laugh except for me because I am the joke and if you're not new here what up [ __ ] Love is Blind UK reunion is out and they have all the Goss along with some unseen footage and of course Sam the Antichrist it was a very strong showing for women they seem to show up with intent and with answers and with specific examples of what has happened in the meantime whereas men were very vague very surface level almost like they wanted to keep this reunion a cord conversation rather than a what the were you thinking but let's get down to couple straight away we see that Demi and olly and Sabrina and Steven are not sitting together they're the only couples that are sitting apart and Grace yourselves cuz the first two are are are handfuls so first up Demi and olly they Demi and Ollie are not together I love Demi Demi has had the best character Arc of the Season she has had the best character development that we've seen in a while she came to this reunion guns blazed ready to just lay it all out on the table be vulnerable but also be very strong and assertive in who she is she just had a different Aura a different attitude about her she mentions that at the wedding it was a I do not for now but as soon as she left she realized that olie's not the person for her he's still a great person and they still have much love and respect for each other but ultimately that was it she talks about how she wanted to go back to her life and feeling Joy again because watching it back she couldn't recognize herself it was almost like she was a shell of a person which I think came across and I think that Jasmine was constantly harping on that Demi also talks about opening up about her endometriosis and how that has helped her connect to a lot of people she's received a lot of support a very warm reception from fans audiences everywhere and I agree she was one of my favorites this entire time and then we talk to olly Olie seems to agree that they just weren't right for each other in the end even though they they loved each other very much and he says that he saw some people online talking about how he wasn't going to feel attracted to Demi and he reiterates that the women he's dated in the past looked very much like Demi and that he was very much attracted to her and the only reason I don't believe this necessarily it just brings me back to that interview that he had in in his uh in their honeymoon phase where he talks about how he was so attracted to her that he had to separate the emotional and the physical because he didn't want to objectify her like he would have peopled in the past and to me it just sounded like his way of avoiding physical touch for a while at least and and to see like how far he could take it but he says that it it was not that so I guess we'll we'll take him at his word and then we talk about Catherine and how Catherine stepped out of her conversations with olly to allow Demi to to truly be with him when Catherine broke things off with olly she made it very much seem like she was gifting Demi this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this man almost like she was allowing Demi to be happy like no no I will sacrifice my interest in him so that you can be with him I'll be the bigger person almost like it felt slightly condescending and Demi then calls out cat about before they saw each other in person when they were still in the pods cat said along the lines of do I think Olie and Demi are going to work out on the outside world no H my mouth's going to get me in trouble and she said this even though she had never seen olly in person so she didn't know what he looked like physically Catherine really didn't have much to go off of other than Demi's appearance so her comments were malicious and she tries to play it off as it wasn't malicious I was just nervous and you know I everybody that knows me knows that like my words you know it was nerves no no it wasn't it was you Catherine could have said so many things to that question like do I think they're going to work out in the real world maybe I hope so I don't know no perhaps not and though Catherine is trying to again place the blame on nerves Jasmine has no time for [ __ ] remember Jasmine the one that just jumps into action whenever a friend needs defending and she was like no no no Catherine you you were malicious though because if you weren't you wouldn't have said o my mouth's going to get me in trouble it was such a a a flippant comment to make and and then you laugh about it he he he as if it's funny it was malicious and this is definitely Netflix saving the white woman from the situation but because the white tears were about to come she's about to start sobbing and they're like okay okay okay let's stop this topic here please guys it it definitely was not okay so we draw a line on that I I yeah yeah she was definitely going to weaponize those tear but then we we see that olly and Charlotte remember Charlotte so Charlotte was a girl in The Ponds she had had a couple dates with a couple people but she was never even like introduced formally like a a personal interview or anything she was just like she was just a constant background character that Oli had spoken to and then Olie saw her when they all get together and he was like oh yeah she's she's she's a goddess she's really beautiful and that was it turns out olly and Charlotte are now sort of dating and it's so funny they they ask Charlotte how how how the relationship is going and she's like Ollie really helped me get through these past weeks I don't know what I would have done without him and I'm just there thinking you weren't even in the main cast ma'am you like she didn't get engaged she she didn't have like her her personal life kind of invaded by cameras and crew every day for for a few weeks like where is what what did you need to get through though was it maybe seeing your current boyfriend dating someone else but like really did that it just felt like an odd thing to say as if she's been like a victim in the situation but anyway Demi and Charlotte super cool their friends and Charlotte and olly are going strong sort of okay um yeah happy ending for all I think not every couple will be Sabrina and Steven this complex by the way but Sabrina and Steven the perfect couple the gym owner and the Irish lady they connected from day one and they seem to be perfect for each other and they're not together and what each of them had to say about the situation was was very interesting Sabrina was definitely a lot more intentional with with her comments she said that there was a lack of commitment from Steven Steven didn't really make an effort to make accommodations for her where she went out of her way every time to accommodate him Steven talks about a lot more surface level General vague terms like again oh yeah the distance took its toll and then the communication started slipping and then we just lost our spark no no Stephen give us specific examples of what happened because here we have Sabrina saying that you visited her two times where she visited you seven yeah cuz at first they had to do longdistance she opened her own agency which is what PR people have to do after the age of 35 let's be honest because they reach the age of 30 and they hit ceiling they're like oh there is nowhere else to go but opening my business it's it's honestly a deadend career there's way too many PR people you need to dedicate yourselves to farming and she says that she tried to make accommodations for him like for example when he visited he wanted to go to the gym so she paid for a rental so he could drive to the gym she got a coffee and tea even though she never drinks it she got him an ironing board at her place because he wanted one and he couldn't even bother to [ __ ] visit in Belfast over Christmas 2 days before he was supposed to visit her over Christmas he was like oh by the way I don't think I can come and then then obviously her family was expecting him and he was like [ __ ] happens they'll deal with it and she's giving so many concrete examples TI for T and his reaction is just it's a lie it's a lie and I'm like I don't think it's a lie buddy I think you just don't know what else to say and he says oh I could give examples too but you know I'm going to almost implying that he's going to keep it classy and that he doesn't even recognize her now that she's speaking up classic Gil tripping manipulation it's his attempt at coming off as the good guy I it's like no like if you have examples give us the examples that's what we're here for she's giving us plenty to go off of and nothing is painting you as a monster just a lazy person who decided not to commit to his marriage and there's nothing wrong with that you know that's why divorce rates are so high all the time because people just get married willy-nilly it's fine and then the show does something really shady they show us like Snippets of their dates and then the host is like guys you are so in love with each other you all gave us hope that love truly is blind I mean what happened you look so [ __ ] miserable now look at you satad sack can't stop crying you lost the love of your life you lazy gck obviously he didn't say all that but like it was it was it was almost rubbing it in their faces like you were so happy what happened you're you're you're a mess now you're a mess of human beings look at you sad sad people depression everywhere I can smell tragedy ugly people no ugly people don't smell bad smell smells it's another one of those things no matter how much they love each other when you get to the real world and you know there's real things happening and there's real responsibilities there's jobs there's routines there's friends there's ex lovers there's nights dancing and singing it just shows that it doesn't matter how perfect uh your love seems and your connection seems because the real world has real things happening that actually affect a relationship it's not just two pods in a wall but two peas in a pod they they're not on good terms I don't think she likes him very much and I saw someone comment online that they had seen Steven at the gym the day that the the weddings aired and he seemed like almost embarrassed and he could feel the looks on him so that's sad don't stare when you see them out in the street unless it's Sam then stare and Jasmine and Bobby next up Jasmine and Bobby and yes they are as annoyingly happy as they were when we last saw them they are just perfect for each other after one year they have zero complaints everything everything's been going swimmingly well and her mother stopped being a thunder her mom has given them her blessing everything is swell in Jasmine and Bobby Paradise good luck you guys I can't wait to see what your kids look like cuz they are 100% going to be the first ones to have kids next up Tom and Maria they're Maria and Tom not together Maria much like Sabrina was Guns of Blazing full of intent intention she knew what she wanted to say and why she wanted to say it and Tom looked sorry Tom looked looked almost pitiful and in my last video the weddings one I did say that these types of differences in values would make or break a relationship I don't think that you should sacrifice your values that much for someone but that's from what Tom said Maria makes a very valid point saying that she wants to raise her kids the same way that her mom raised her and looking at herself and her siblings she thinks that they are very kind generous people hardworking independent and she doesn't see anything wrong with kids that same way and you could see Tom's [ __ ] clench in slow motion he says that rewatching the episode he saw some ugly behavior from himself that he he he would like to rectify and then they mentioned how Maria's mom went to him and comforted him just before the wedding Maria said that she got mad watching that seeing how kind and generous her own mom was and how he just went up there then and just disrespected her and her entire family because in a way what he said in the interviews he he did say that he didn't want to raise kids the same way that Maria wanted and I don't know something tells me that because Maria is Muslim and it's a a more traditional upbringing the way that she describes it and then she mentions the traditional roles of a husband and a wife that could have also just been within parameters that Tom is okay with you know there could have been a lot of middle ground because the way Maria is talking about it now it doesn't seem to be as Extreme as Tom painted it she also reiterates that she never wanted him to to support her or to pay for everything while she stayed at home raising kids she's very independent and has her own money and she she also obviously provides and Tom again looks incredibly regretful of his decision I think that if Tom could go back in time he would have said yes and I think the show would have benefited from showing more of these conversations about their values than just showing Tom saying actually we don't want to raise the kids the same way and the way he's saying it implies that she's not going to raise them to the same standard she's not going to instill good enough values yeah Maria doesn't seem very happy about it and though it seems like Maria does not like Tom I think there's a lot of sexual tension here and I do see the dynamic of Maria dominating Tom and bed becoming a Dominatrix and making him her [ __ ] I think that would be great for everybody's spirits to to to cleanse your chakras and to align your inner things I don't know what the do you align inside your body nothing aign nothing you know what get literally Maria would absolutely make Tom her [ __ ] and Tom knows it and I think Tom likes it I think Tom's a little wet I think Tom's a little horny and I don't know I think that after this they went back and [ __ ] so good for them next up Nicole and Benaiah bayah and Nicole and this is a formal apology to Bia and Nicole on my last video I said that they seem to have no chemistry with each other or as people and I take it all back they have chemistry after all as people and with each other they seem happier than ever happier than any of these other [ __ ] couples even happier than Jasmine and Bobby they are just the right amount of cringe they they really match each other as weird we see a little Montage of their past year as a married couple and yeah they are just a two PS in a pod same joke same sense of humor same silly goofy little things it's just they just seem really really happy and in a really beautiful place and then they even show us unseen footage of their reactions coming out of their first date with each other and it was so cute it was like both of them knew that that was something really special and they just like stay on that for like a few minutes really taking it all in after the date and I'm just watching that like this is soing cute why wouldn't you air this in the first place instead of Sam the Antichrist because Love is Blind is more concerned with entertaining our dumb asses than it is to actually show what the show is about love being blind and then they bring the Antichrist to the stage Sam we all know Sam he's the narcissist who was dating Jasmine and Nicole saying that Jasmine was his number one until Jasmine dumped him then it was actually Nicole the entire time Beggars can't be choosers I can't lift her will you marry me oh I think I love you actually she wanted to sleep with me and that's why we broke up that's him he's he's a pool of and he starts off by saying that he's had a lot of backlash over the last couple weeks you know as people all saw how rotten he actually is but again painting this as his uh origin story uh character Arc he's now a lot stronger and if he can handle this he can handle anything like no remorse or self-awareness no acknowledgement that he did go to the show to be famous no He Still Remains very steadfast on the idea that he wanted love and a wife the entire time Jasmine even speaks about uh her intuition that told her something just wasn't right and how she never felt that with Bobby and then the hosts start asking the hard-hitting questions we've all been wondering they mentioned the comment about him not being able to pick up Nicole you know oh is she going to be too heavy I do like meat but and he starts this ramp about how he's human and how he was nervous and how he's not a bad person and it was just nervousness then they asked Nicole how she felt watching it back and if she could see why bayah wanted to intervene and she was like yes I completely understand why he wanted to protect me and then she turns to him and she's like I just want to thank you you've been my protector you've been there supporting me along the way the entire time I love you so much and he's like I love you too and wow these two showing their love for each other their genuine real love and rubbing it in Sam's face you can tell that Sam just looks like he ate a big plate of monkey [ __ ] but the hosts aren't done and they're like what about this comment of I think I love you and Sam's answer again he's just a dick that keeps doubling down without realizing he's doubling down he says I didn't mean I think I love you I meant I think I'm falling in love with you because that's the point of the show you know it's taking this idea of Love is Blind all the way to the Altar and I just couldn't tell her in the moment that I loved her you all saw how awkward it was but I was really getting there and I was getting closer to that feeling and I'm just like you are admitting that you propos to her without actually loving her I okay this is this I I think Sam's comprehension skills have have melted off his body completely I don't know what he's done but someone told this man that the show is you take someone to the altar full stop are you telling me Sam has never watched a previous season to understand that you should only propose if you actually are in love with a person not if you think that maybe down the line once you to meet and have sexual chemistry maybe you start developing feelings for that person no like no you either want to marry them after the pods or you don't and if you don't you didn't find love in a place where love is blind and that's okay so he's just really telling us that he wanted to get to the altar no matter what and you know why because getting to the altar means that you're going to be in the entire season and people aren't going to forget you after a couple of episodes it's getting juicy and at this point Demi is is eyeing him like she's Charles Xavier an exorcism out of his mind she's eyeing him like she's about to humiliate him in front of everyone then the presenter Shady that he is he's like who ultimately decided to end things between you and why Nicole said that she originally had doubts and that she straight away told Sam that she didn't want to go to Greece and go through all of that experience in front of the cameras and that he didn't take it well and Bia was incredibly happy about it because he felt like he had been given a second chance and he could rectify the fact that he didn't give her enough reassurance es while they were in the pods and then the host asks him why he felt the need to say that Nicole wanted to sleep with him and Sam goes on another me me me insufferable long rant about how when he walked in he felt like Bay was off with him and he was genuinely caught blindsided and he thought the situation was going to go a different direction Demi stare intensifies at this point but Sam continues that the conversation unfortunately got a little heated and after watching it back he wishes none of it took please and then he continues you know for the last week I've had to have you know a lot of son say I'm sorry to Nicole please it was disrespectful what you said and the audience applauds and laughs at him because ultimately this is the point that he's missing he's he's trying to paint himself as this saint as this person that made no mistakes and was just chasing love when actually he's just a misogynist who still hasn't apologized to the person he's humiliated on the show he's like apologizing to everyone except for Nicole he's not even looking in her Direction but eventually he does apologize to Nicole with the same conviction I had when I used to tell people I was straight and liked women and finally Sam leaves the stage and we can Sage the place and expunge all these demons and last but not least Catherine and Freddie Freddy and Catherine who are mostly boring they didn't keep dating they kind of came to the conclusion that though they really liked each other and they loved each other and probably still do and they really got along in the pods the the reality of the situation is they LED two very different lives you know they they had very different Lifestyles and it it makes it sound like Catherine is still like young and living life and going out and being with friends all the time whereas Freddy is just more like a home body he's just happy to be at home chilling in the comfort of his own place and uh though both forms of living are very valid they are incredibly different and I don't know it it it is hard to try and conciliate those two very different Dynamics in the same household then we also speak to Freddy's sister who who stands by her words to Freddy that something just didn't feel right and she could see him when he came back from the experiment that he was just different there was something not clicking and it had to be their relationship and ultimately it was it was a good decision they had a strong connection like a sturdy bridge but then life proved too heavy for said bridge and it broke out of six engagements we got two Final Thoughts weddings there's something to be said about the amount of people that were ready to jump into marriage versus the amount of people that actually stuck with it but the hosts decide to announce at the end that they are committing to doing this again which means season 2 is probably coming they've renewed it on the night of the reunion these people are fing Brave and I cannot wait for next season I hope it's a season full of L Island eres contestants that just want to be pretty on camera and not actually find love cuz who the needs love right and that was Love is Blind UK season 1 let me know in the comments down below what you thought and if you want more vide like this about like dating shows because it's a lot of fun to to talk about them and yeah that's it for today thank you so much for tuning in if you like this video feel free to leave a like down below subscribe to my channel leave a comment and click that Bell notification so you never miss a future upload from me support gay rights and gay wrongs and there's a lot of gay wrongs happening in this channel but we keep it pushing unless you're pooping cuz that's how you get hemorrhoids until next time stay safe stay sane stay stupid and stay stuttering bye guys

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