Germany is sinking! Flash floods after heavy rain storm

Published: Aug 13, 2024 Duration: 00:08:50 Category: News & Politics

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a storm hit the K's R area hard on Tuesday  evening streets were temporarily underwater   clean up work has begun in BR and gondim after  the heavy storms on Tuesday evening and flooding   in the c r District emergency services in the  brutel area are still in constant operation in   brutel emergency services began clean up work in  the morning in kleim and in the brel district of   hedel shim numerous sellers have to be pumped  out according into the fire service power cut   off for safety reasons the city has cut off the  electricity in some streets for safety reasons the   telephone and cell phone network in the brel area  is also currently affected many people have been   rescued from tricky situations says burnt moloto  from the fire department there are currently   more than 400 operations still open in addition to  drle shim and brsa Carls dorf new that is now also   the focus of the fire brigade of the thw sandbags  have been installed on the sbatch relief Canal to   protect a residential area the K Ru District fire  brigade Association announced in the municipality   of forc Emergency Services were able to prevent  a forest fire after a kiosk at caught fire flood   waters were in the streets and under pusses on  Tuesday evening the water was over half a meter   high on the streets or in under pusses in several  places according to a police spokesman gondim and   brel were particular affected in the morning the  residents of gondim are still feeling the effects   of the night water masses mov from gondim to brel  the storm first hit the community of gondim in   the ks R District as a fire department spokesman  announced in the evening absolute chaos rained in   gond according to the fire department one helper  was injured while transporting sandbags the sbatch   River overflowed its backs and washed the water  through the streets towards brel in the Local   District of hiim K District the flood situation  worsened shortly after midnight the need warning   up called on residents to evacuate basements and  ground floors in certain areas and to seek higher   floors the storm also caused damage in the helan  district a similar development was also expected   for the city center of brutel areas around the  train station and we stress were affected since   Tuesday evening the city of brel has also been  warning the population on its website attention   stay at home it said brel mayor petel chick  100y years BL brell's May Cornelia petchi greens   expressed concern last night about the current  flood situation overall the situation is very   dramatic because we have now found ourselves in  a situation that we were not prepared for at the   beginning of this evening the flood waterers Rose  in a matter of minutes according to petel Chi over   400 emergency calls were received people had to be  evacuated because the water caused power problems   and in some cases short circuits in some cases  the power had to be deliberately Switched Off for   example in the H shim District Two helpers from  the public are said to have been injured but it is   still unclear how seriously storm in Northern Bon  extent of damage still unclear until the water has   drained away people should stay at home or in safe  areas and not stay in the flooded areas a crisis   team met in brutel until the early morning all  firefighters are deployed primarily to save lives   and eliminate life-threatening situations the  city announced forces from the German Federal   Agency for technical relief and the dlrg as  well as the road maintenance departments were   also deployed the Emergency Services will also  have to deal with the question of how to pump   the water out of residence basements this was  partially contaminated by destroyed oil heaters   restrictions on rail traffic from brel to breing  rail traffic has also been affected by the storm   the station area in brunville was temporarily  closed due to flooding which is why rail traffic   was suspended according to the city of bruda  one track is now open again however according   to Deutch Barn restrictions are still in place  floods in 9:20 a.m. thunderstorms and Rain have   caused flooding and tri and led to traffic  disruptions according to the city a screen   in the buer district overflowed its banks as  a result County Road 5 was flooded around 10   sellers were also flooded and several trees fell  over according to reports the fire department was   on site with 100 emergency Personnel the situation  calmed down during the night but operations by the   fire department and Technical relief organization  continued for the time being County Road five   remained closed Nursing Home in East fr are  evacuated 8:37 a.m. heavy rainfall has also   led to hundreds of fire service operations in East  frisia the town of oric was particularly affected   according to a spokesman for the Operation  Center in Whitman around 25 residents of a   nursing home had to be brought to a sports Hall  in the evening ceiling panels had come loosen   the home in an oric Hospital the fire service and  Technical relief organization work to prevent an   evacuation Hailstone hits people laceration 8:30  a.m. severe storms have also occurred in North   Ry West failure deburg was also badly affected  all available emergency services are deployed   said a fire department spokesman the helpers were  mainly dealing with flooding in cellers and water   under under passes one person was hit so hard by  a Hailstone that he suffered a laceration on his   head the police reported several flooded areas  on the autoban 59 and autoban 42 near d Berg they   warned of aquip cleaning in greenb lightning Set  Fire to the roofs of two residential buildings on   Tuesday evening according to the fire department  the fire was quickly extinguished lightning also   reportedly struck houses in other parts of the  city no one was injured lightning strike near   Aran roof truss Burns 8:25 a.m. several lightening  strikes have led to operations in the Aran City   region during the night in woran a lightning  strike set a roof on fire a police spokesman   explained the house in question was badly damaged  by the fire and remained uninhabitable according   to a spokesman there were no injuries another  lightning bolt then struck a Cellar in the   immediate vicinity of the affected house however  according to the police no fire broke out there   fire brigade still has hundreds of missions ahead  of at 8:15 a.m. after the severe storms in the   K's ruer District the fire brigade is still in  full operation hundreds of sellers still need   to be pumped out especially in brel and gondim  said a spokesman for the district fire brigade Association the Emergency Services will now  go through the area Street by Street and work   through the incident the spokesman said these  are not time critical operations he assumes that   the helpers will be busy with the cleanup work  all day enormous amounts of rain expected flash   floods Fe 8:05 a.m. more rainall is forecast for  today Wednesday as the weather portal   reports there could also be flash floods read  more about this here osity crashes into Fallen   3E 8 a.m. a osity train in Bavaria collided with  a tree that had fallen onto the tracks and came   to a stop around 260 people were on board at  the incident near bad end o rosenheim District   according to the federal police there were no  injuries according to a railway spokeswoman   the line was reopened at around 1:30 a.m. and  rail traffic resumed according to the federal   police a tree fell on the overhead line the  train hit it and the tree then fell on the train Arrow right storms in Germany flood sweep  away cars Arrow right cellers flooded trees   on roads and tracks flood of the central and  brel train collides with trian wi and aletas F   Catan D formed by M from the city of brel was hit  particularly hard according to the flood control   center the sbat river reached its highest level at  the BR s gaug at around 230 a.m. at a good 2.13 m

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