Saturday: Tricky Themeless Indeed! - 14 September 2024 New York Times Crossword

Published: Sep 13, 2024 Duration: 00:24:23 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: nytimes
hello it is Saturday September 14th 2024 I'm Chris Remo and welcome back to the New York Times crossword daily solve it's a Saturday crossword today which means we're going to be solving what may well be the trickiest crossroad of the week the second of two themeless puzzles and this tricky themeless edition of The Daily solve has been brought To Us by Michael Lakehouse Bros and as always the indomitable schm the incorrigible sheer beer and the indefinable Charlie padet thank you so much to the five of them benefactors of the daily solve patreon campaign for their generous support they do of course sustain this channel keep this whole thing going and for that I'm very grateful thank you to them and to everybody who's a patron of the channel if you'd like to support this channel in the same way you can head to daol or click the description field link where you'll find the bonus videos available to patrons which includes the mini puzzle pseudo speed solves this week's uh monthly bonus puzzle from The New York Times and coming up on Monday a practice puzzle for the upcoming boss wordss fall themeless league series I always really enjoy the boss wordss themeless league so look forward to that as a patron anyway uh thanks to everybody who does support the channel and um thanks as well if you subscribe on YouTube which is a big help uh let's get on to today's crossword this was constructed by Christina Iverson who's constructed a few dozen puzzles for the New York Times it was edited once again by Joel Fano and uh let's start solving see how we do red in the face say angry or cheric or I rate or upset I can't think of anything that fits Gala eg a party maybe or actually it could be an apple a Gala apple let's I kind of like that more because it's less obvious let's look at the red in the face oh angered maybe maybe you could say I'm angered I'm red in the face dismisses unceremoniously dump probably so maybe not this let's see if this works no this doesn't look very good does it many Renaissance thinkers kala I mean what if it is party no that's still doesn't look good okay I'm not certain about any of this I was hoping to get something crossed dismisses un ceremoniously still probably ends with an s brand seen on Canadian Highway SSO is a um fuel brand um whose name is derived from the initials s so for standard oil now um you know long long defunct okay so blank sea lice collaborative album by Courtney Barnett and Kurt V I don't know Kurt V looks like a reference to a different Kurt V uh pulls up I don't know where the average American lives huh don't really understand what that means does it is it referring to a sort of category of place like a sort of suburban context or something I'm not sure what exactly that's getting at word with the same meaning in English Swahili and Mandarin among other languages taxi maybe taxi is one of those words that has is almost ubiquitous among most major languages but I mean there may well be other examples of that that's just one that I happen to know off hand so it I'm not sure many Renaissance thinkers red in the face still could end in ed connections might hinge on it for short could they be referring to the to the um the game The New York Times game connections which is inspired I assume by the quiz show only connect probably not connections might hinge on it I don't know I'm not sure that this is right senior class tradition I'm not sure about that either this is not going well bumped things what might you bump bumper cars bumped things something trimmed after purchase you trim a Christmas tree a fur bumped things ends with an s trying way too hard in modern lingo something extra you're so extra maybe I'm not sure that that's right but let's see home to Sun Valley oh Idaho maybe I think that sounds right something true maybe it is a fur Christmas tree women woman in dire need question mark what is that getting at 315 EG um in the US sort of dating system that would be March 15th oh the ey The Ides of March be wear the Ides of March there we go okay um so bumped things oh fist bumps right oh there we go okay good that's fine so woman and dire need Renee I don't know why that would be the case I mean Rene is friend and D is a French word de to to talk or say I don't know that it doesn't really mean anything accessories for some bell ringers I don't know does it mean people who play the bells as a musical instrument maybe not sure trailer homes question mark uh could mean movie trailers sort of places you'd see movie trailers the cinema or something like that that's too long obviously but sister label of va records of stacks records is a record label oh so oh theaters yeah no it is that I was right okay so yes I just didn't think of that word for some reason or actually it'll probably be spelled this way so maybe this is Renee why why is that woman in dire need Renee I don't understand why that's the answer accessories for some bell ringers Santa hats I see so this might be referring to people collecting funds for the Salvation Army who might be dressed as Santa Claus around Christmas time all right job that anyone could see themselves doing not sure what that's about it's pretty open ended so far actress weaving of 2022 is Babylon oh Samara weaving who I think is the daughter of Hugo weing I weaving I actually enjoyed this film my feeli sort of came and went it probably didn't help that it was um sort of the tail end of the of the pandemic but I actually enjoyed it let's see kind of boat affected by a wind advisory I don't know I mean there probably any number of Vates to which that would apply muscles used in rowing for short your lats maybe your latal muscles yellow Teletubby um do I know all the names of the Teletubbies I don't think I do but I do know some of them it's winky maybe and la la possibly this might be that I think it's I think it's spelled with extra A's in this manner I think this is a Teletubby comes out um oh no no it doesn't say that it says comes to that was strange awakes or Rises or um comes to I guess it could be comes to as in wakes up but it could be comes to as in arrives at a location for instance I'm not sure Cry of delight yay or something I mean this we I mean it could yay uh aha I don't know could be all sorts of things okay job that anyone could see themselves doing could see themselves doing something that involves looking in a mirror something washer I don't know why that would be true kind of boat a small craft I don't know that comes to could be comes to a realization maybe or come you know comes to an idea don't know no backing out now I don't know this could be wrong okay uh this is not going well still where else can I look highly rated French Vineyards cruise administ is that right administrative Center um I don't know acting as a spy Maybe Cry of delight doesn't stick out doesn't stick out Blends maybe administrative Center and To Kill a Mocking Bird family oh the uh what's the name of the family from tequilla Mocking Bird uh adus Finch and Scout Finch so finches maybe does that doesn't stick out flushes if something's flush it doesn't stick out but you wouldn't say flushes doesn't stick out is I can't quite see it no backing out now it's or I'm administrative oh compound maybe thought of that because of I'm no backing out now well let's look at the shorter ones it once ran the headline Santa dies on Christmas trip abbreviation NPR Maybe I don't know um I'm just trying to think if there's another obvious abbreviation this could be I don't want to jump to conclusions here uh with such a short clue when repeated college party chant toga oh is this not finches To Kill a Mocking Bird family I mean I guess it could be another family from that story I can't remember I mean there's Radley but that's not a family that's just one guy um I don't know maybe compound is wrong I'm I'm I'm more confident about finches than I am about compound administrative Center when repeated college party CH oh it could be chug chug chug there we go okay good I'm relieved not to prove this wrong because I want that to be correct okay so then this administrative Center not sure seen enough if you've seen enough you've had it yes you I've seen enough I've had it you could say out of frustration City near Memphis oh uh Giza like Memphis Egypt musical character who sings just you wait oh that's from Hamilton right Eliza Skyler is that her name I think I think so uh Salon offering tan like a tanning salon maybe MIT school oh Sloan school I think it's maybe a business school possibly at MIT the Massachusetts Institute of Technology oh so what's this Hall oh City Hall administrative center of a of a municipality okay there we go so it once around the headline Santa dies on Christmas trip okay so it could this could be New York Times or New York Post or something uh setting for a sitting oh some kind of studio so it is New York Times okay so then what's this setting for a sitting arts or no Art Studio there we go sitting for a painting okay or a photograph I guess it doesn't stick out fits in all right good fine no backing out now it's a done deal yeah that work that a is what put me onto that so that looks good acting as a spy maybe you're inside you're sort of mole you're inside you know the other the opposing sort of agency or something dentists concern enamel the your te the enamel of your teeth bad idea a no no okay good this is finally getting somewhere what the ancient Romans called the cupid Stone considering it a symbol of love an opal Maybe in four letters starting with an O probably cat's handle for her kitten the nape of the neck is how cat might pick up a kitten uh hard things to ignore metaphorically elephants the elephant in the room is um something that is sort of staring everyone in the face but not being addressed some longdistance callers are yoders people who are uh singing in who yodeling or singing in that manner which is long distance and associated with you know the Alps all right Canadian province abbreviation Prince Edward Island probably starting with a p and three letters Apollo was conceived in them could it be the Apollo space program um not sure where a rope ladder might lead um a trap door or something I don't know Soda Shop purchase something malt uh a malted sort of shake um I don't know but let's let's look at uh this where rope ladder might lead treasure or it's probably not right Puppy Chow ingredient um not sure about that either capital city on the Red River uh this feels like it should be clear but I'm not sure blank du maybe I'm not I'm not actually sure that's right I'm just going to look at the crosses and see if I can confirm or deny celeb with a number one single and an acting Oscar Sher maybe Sher was in films maybe I don't know if she wanted Oscar maybe she did they can be whole half or quarter whole uh oh rests in music on a musical staff you could a whole rest a half rest or a quarter rest just like a whole note half note or quarter note and that indicates you know don't play anything during this for this duration okay so then oh tree fort a rope ladder might lead to a tree fort that's good capital city oh Hanoi there we go okay that that'll be what it is and then Aid in skyscraper construction is a crane good puppy chow ingredient is checks is that is that right oh it must be because Apollo is conceived in the' 60s right so it's not where Apollo was sort of you know it's not where the the actual craft were built it's the time the decade in which the program was conceived the 1960s all right kind of boat affected by wind advisor oh it's just small craft it's just simple as that okay comes to and then business card abbreviation tell for telephone number oh oh it's a meaning of comes to that I hadn't that I hadn't considered so as in the bill the bill comes to 10 it totals 10 there we go so here we have sta shop purchase ends with something te malt uh chocolate there we go chocolate malt okay so sort of milkshake like thing and then Cry of delight is Yay good finally I figured that out senior class tradition something day maybe I'm not sure temper a Neal so it's a sort of temper um you know metal um I think that's probably right as opposed to temper meaning your your temperament or your disposition but rather process that a I don't know Smith would use all right 5050 even or a TI a tie there we go that's a tie score I guess 50250 interjection of interest um I don't know it's not quite sure what that is maybe this is this doesn't look right is this onside acting a spy maybe no onside would mean genuinely you're with them inside is deceptive so what's this job that anyone could see themselves doing I must have tyong okay so must not be right what about this looks like it ends in USA where the average American lives oh something Town USA what does that mean uh drob the any oh window washer okay there we go window washer can see themselves doing I guess you see yourself reflected in the window all right poles with a water skiing boat say toes a person water skiing interjection of Interest oh so cool maybe no 5050 is it one because 50 divided by 50 is one I mean any number divided by itself is one except for zero I guess uh yeah it could be actually because oh cool that's a weird clue though isn't it 50 over 5050 uh senior class tradition I don't know and Peyton Manning for much of his NFL career this will be a team presumably the Colts I think are a team did he play for them yikes I have absolutely no idea not busy if it's not a busy day it's a slow day okay so that probably is right um red in the face baseball mascot with a fluffy green snout don't know many Renaissance thinkers uh I don't know could be something like polymaths maybe taxi wrong I probably was was um overly enthusiastic about that or overly quick so maybe polymaths many R Renaissance thinkers people who studied numerous disciplines so senior class tradition Match Day patch day I don't know connections might hit in on it for short connections I don't know word with the same meaning in English SP and Mandarin among other languages I'm curious to see what this is but I don't yet know or the average American lives oh any Town USA it's a sort of a general phrase yeah okay so just sort of generic phrase to refer to a place in the United States okay pulls up uh yeah I going to say if you pull someone up on something you sort of castigate them or scold them but you need it would need to say pulls up on or something like that it's not that meaning not sure what we are looking for dismisses unceremoniously um not sure still Gala EG okay so it actually does look like apple doesn't it with that P there blank seed Li don't know uh red in the face all something smes unceremoniously chops you give someone the chop you fire them no idea if that's actually right this doesn't look good does it no no I assume apple is correct L SE Li I don't know pulls up oh shoes maybe I was just thinking of L here Sho you sho someone away you dismissed them un ceremoniously that that works for me so could this be L Word with the same meaning in English SW Mandarin uh and then what was this again pulls up red in the face oh oh oh mama right okay so this is there's a theory about why the words why why sort of familiar terms for mother and father are so similar across so many languages even languages that're not part of the same language family and it's because when children are sort of very first attempting to VOC I the easiest sound for them to make is ma ma ma ma and so that sort of you you go back Millennia and that would have just kind of been because the person they're most likely to be around was their mother that got sort of interpreted as addressing the mother and then kind of one of the next most um sort of uh intuitive sounds for a child to make would be a slightly more complex sound but only only just which is p p p Papa and that's why you have PA or Papa being such a common who's the next most likely person to be around the father so that gets then assigned to them and that filters into uh that kind of sticks around in all of these different languages so that that I bet that's the answer I've always found that in yeah Linguistics and atmology is just absolutely fascinating and I've always found that an incredible Theory uh anyway red in the face say ashamed there we that's what it is I'm R yes and it literally You' say I'm red in the face I'm ashamed okay so pulls up halts stops someone from doing something I think that's probably right and then connections might Hing on oh ETI estimated time of arrival in an airport so if you're making a connection between two flights and then senior class tradition OD ditch day you ditch school and then oh fanatic I have heard of this the Philly fanatic I guess has a fluffy green snap okay so I think this is all correct this uh really struggled in the midpoint of that solve didn't I where where was it where that was happening I guess it took me a while to find my way into this corner and then I kind of made my way up here and then I got stuck again over here so yeah it was sort of these opposing Corners I think that gave me the most trouble um but there we go there was certainly a Saturday cross word I I found it to be pretty tricky let me know if you did as well but yay I finished it eventually and uh and there we go a good solid Saturday crossroad by Christina Iverson thanks to her and thanks to you for for watching let me know how you fared with us one in the comments or the daily solve Discord chat server which I didn't mention earlier but you can join from the description field link and um I'll be back tomorrow for the larger Sunday puzzle the big themed Sunday grid so join me for that but until then please do have an excellent remainder of your Saturday take care

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