Rapid Fire: Al Golden, Kyngstonn Viliama-Asa, Deuce Knight, KK Bransford, Caitlin Clark

Published: Apr 09, 2024 Duration: 00:39:53 Category: Sports

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Jesse are you ready for Rapid Fire I am ready for some Eclipse fire let's do it let's do it here we go so I asked Al golden if Kingston vamu ASA could find himself a larger role than just special teams this season and I just realized that I had not queued it up yet but here is what Al golden had to say about that he's on track too um he's an exceptional learner he spends a lot of time at it like he really really works hard at it and um he's got a Pros mentality meaning like he comes for that to that day he comes ready to go on the material that is being covered that day and uh when it comes day after day that's what helps him stay ahead of it and uh so he's ultra competitive um he's got size he's got lateral quickness um he's a you know you know he can Blitz inside he can play The Edge if we need him to do that so um he's doing a great job I mean he's really attacked this spring and we'll see where it goes from there all right so after hearing that scale of 1 to 10 what's your confidence KVA is going to get legit linebacker reps this season um there was nothing there that really was like yes he's GNA be you know he's going to be in the mix really the thing that I felt Al golden he said he's on track to though he said he's on track thing that he said how golden is like like you know like if you look at you know like the difference in the personalities of the two they're both somewhat matter of fact but obviously you know you heard Mike Den Brock earlier you just heard Al golden golden is a little bit more you know like downplay pragmatic you know whereas as Den Brock you know kind of kind of adds a little spin to the things I think some of them I see what you're saying I just feel like the when he kind of just the kept highlighting on his versatility and think what that what I took as that is I don't think he'll be in a starter rule but I think he'll find himself in some packages that allow him to maybe not play you know traditional Mike linebacker maybe he's in because he he if you play the clip back again he kept highlighting he can come off the edge he can Blitz he can do this he's good at that like I just think that that shows if they need him for a specific instance on this package of you know this down or situation I think he's going to find himself self in those sort of roles and so while I I while I I I don't think he's going to get a ton of reps at like a true Mike linebacker but I think he's going to be kind of plugged in here and there because of his versatility to do things across the board if that makes sense you so I'm putting at a eight out of 10 talk to all that you go eight out of 10 you made it sound like you were gonna give it a four at the best the way you talked your way I mean like you literally I just don't think he's going to get starting reps I don't think he's going to get saying starting reps here here was the question the question that I posed and the question that I that I said will he find himself in a larger role than just special teams not a starting role just a larger role than special teams I'm gonna go ahead and play the clip again because you said if you play the clip he's on track too um he's a an exceptional learner he spends a lot of time at it like he really really works hard at it and um he's got a Pros mentality meaning like he comes for that to that day he comes ready to go on the material that is being covered that day and uh when it comes day after day that's what helps him stay ahead of it and uh so he's ultra competitive um he's got size he's got lateral quickness um he's a you know you know he can Blitz inside he can play The Edge if we need him to do that so um he's doing a great job I mean he's really attacked this spring and we'll see where it goes from there okay so I'm going eight as well you talked for like five minutes before you finally gave your eight there in the end but you know again like pros mentality size lateral ultra competitive first thing that he said is that you know basically he's trending in the direction that he is going to have a larger role than just special teams and when you look at like the body that this guy has as a true freshman and his F you know some of the physical things that we've already seen him done in you know limited practice windows and stuff like that I mean he's I think you know again I do think he's going to be on virtually every special teams you know for Notre aame this season Drake Bowen is going to be the starting Mike linebacker but I think KVA is going to be the number two and to what you were talking about he is going to find himself in some of those you know down in distance and situational packages in stuff like that you know whether it's Blitz inside come off the edge I think that they can do a lot of different things with kba so I came away like you know again I expected sort of the standard well you know he's an early androl Le and it's spring and we're only you I think it's eight practices in or something like that so I haven't really seen enough to kind of make that kind of decision yet but he was you know for like for as rosy as Al golden his again I thought he was pretty Rosy in what he was saying about Kingston there didn't you yeah I I didn't I think I misunderstood the question a little bit I think he's definitely going to have a role outside of you know a special teamer um but in terms I guess I was more so looking at it like is he going to take time away from Drake bone I just don't think he's gonna do that no and but the thing is is too is everything he highlighted like you know the way he's processing how he attacks practice and and absorbs material like I that's just every linebacker especially when you're playing at Notre Dame like these are all guys who are doing these things at a high level so I guess there was nothing that really was like that stood out as a differentiator until he started talking about what I was defining as versatility of we can put him inside we can put him outside and again the last the way the very last thing he said was if needed right and so like it feels like if we need to put him around in different packages because we feel like we are deficient here or there or maybe on a third and long we'd like to have a guy off the edge that brings a little bit more athleticism that's kind of what I was getting at but he's also trending right now toward potentially being the number two middle linebacker right off the bat behind a you know like another really good middle linebacker so like that that alone I think says that it's looking up for kba I think Tommy says celebrity death match between the Styers the younger and D cmer let's get it on you ready for that there's only the first of all there's only one celebrity in that sentence so we have to amend the title but I mean we're in the same city I'm ready at any time any place we can uh how close to Cleveland is Derek like is he in Cleveland he's on the outsides I think he's like a 20 20 he's in the suburbs of Cleveland okay my understanding is like 20 to 25 minutes I'm surprised you still you haven't gotten together on that yet he keeps inviting me but then we'll uh I know but then it'll be like a second before whatever and then get mad that I don't show up you've got your things to to do right very very important very important stuff going on over there in Cleveland fill in the blank Notre Dame quarterback commit Duce Knight has been invited to the Elite 11 finals after topping the leaderboard at his Elite 11 Regional this weekend I missed where the blank was supposed to be inserted I'm sorry I don't know it's blank it's electric I mean dece KN this is what happens when you send me these things like five minutes before the show starts no no it's it's electric that Duce Knight um is is continuing to be like the best of the best like he is like I love the Elite 11 stuff because it drops to me like all the labels right like it's just quarterbacks are here it's let's grind let's figure this thing out and so that to continue to see dece Knight um Excel is is like it's good and bad it's like a double-edged sword in my opinion because the with the more that he does I think he's going to get more interest out of more people right and like I know that he's all on Notre Dame and da d da but until he is you know not his name is Inked to the paper you're always going to feel some type of way and so while it's like really cool to see him you know kill these Quarterback Camps and be one of the best of the best it also is kind of like that pit in your stomach of all right let's not get like too popular here or too good here because we got a good thing going on it's like let's let's stay let's stay with Notre Dame right like only Notre Dame needs to know about you not the entire you know all those all those teams down south type situation well your buddy Lane kein is all over him I mean Lan you know they they they want him down there I've heard about it he keeps showing up to his basketball games and stuff right or or he was right Tommy I have not seen the 40 time yet I saw him run the 40 but I haven't seen the 40 time published anywhere yet I was looking for it in the time that I had after Jesse sent this to me um a little while ago but yeah I can find it you think you can yeah let me look around a little bit all right he he was ju just some of the video that I saw you know whether it was the 40 or you know some of the drills they had him do he he looked pretty good and he had a man's body you know like he's a he's a he's a long lean guy but just you know looking at him with the t-shirt and you know the physique that he's already got as a guy who's going into a senior season he was pretty impressive looking and it and this was the the Oxford Mississippi um Regional right um I mean just to kind of go off of this this article here from 247 sports like they labeled him as the Alpha Dog Knight's arm strength was evident as he displayed the velocity to pierce the winds at every level despite mother's Nature's best efforts here's the winds at every level and despite Mother Nature's efforts to refute meaning it must have been a windy day out there um in addition to flashing some high arm Talent throughout the day the four star's natural ability to operate on the move as a passer is a particular attribute that should translate seamlessly into Mike Den Brock's offense what he feels like is like to me he's he's like uh he's the jadden Daniels to to Mike Den Brock in my opinion right like he's the profile of Jaden Daniels Caleb Williams all you know what I mean all those kind of guys that are Heisman level quarterback in my opinion and so I just the more the reason why I sent that to you is just you know the more and more you see that he's doing well it's just the more and more you get excited because I think he's going to be ultimately the best quarterback that nerd Dame has seen come through from start to finish in a really long time I think so too and I mean he's still you like to your point about the worries that he's going to go someplace else and just get more interest I mean he's already got a lot of interest you still see him out there all the time tweeting about Notre Dame tweeting at other guys and and stuff like that so obviously it's always a concern until they sign on the dotted line but I don't think I'm any more concerned with him than anybody else DJ coming in hot hit the like button do it do it now we appreciate it thank you DJ so the F on the blank Notre Dame women's basketball player KK Bransford entering the transfer portal is blank it's unfortunate right but at the end of the day there's always going to be a transfer and the reason why there's always going to be a transfer is because you're playing at the University of Notre Dame these players are the top players in the country KK Bransford was a McDonald's All-American when she came into Notre Dame right and so when you're one of the top players in the country you know you're a McDonald's All-American and you're coming into Notre Dame and you're playing you know you have the talent to be the girl right like to be the the the lead of a team and then when you see you know Hannah hogo uh Olivia miles Sonia Citron you start to kind of see your role or you know your Spotlight dwindle down a little bit and it's natural to want to be the head of the show right with so much talent KK Bransford probably feels like I could go to another school and be the person who is leading this team right like I can be the alpha of this team and again it sucks but I mean I've already seen that two Yukon girls have hit the the transfer portal like this happens to programs like Notre Dame to Yukon South Carolina when you're the top end programs these really good players get Restless they want to play more and they want to have more of a spotlight she only started 19 times over over the last two years and as you said this was the two-time Ohio Gatorade Player of the Year Anam McDonald's high school All-American you have higher expectations and when you factor in everybody who's already coming back who you touched on you've got Hannah hadalo back you've got Sonia Citron back good chance you get Matty westbeld back and then of course you're getting Olivia miles back from injury next year that's four right there you know and one of them is a forward the other three are guards and then you've got Kate Koval coming in you've still got Nat Marshall and I wouldn't be shocked if they bring in at least two more transfers they're probably going to go out you know you got Emma Rish coming back I didn't even think about that you know she's she's much more of a shooter and that's what hurts KK's game is she cannot stretch the floor her whole game is mid-range and in slash to the basket pretty good defensive player but she's only you know she hits 63 pointers this season after hitting one all of last year so in two years she's hit seven three-pointers and that's just that's not what the game is for a guard you know you've got to at least be a threat from the perimeter and you would see you know players play off you know Defenders play off her quite a bit especially toward the end of the season and you would also see her unfortunately sometimes kind of take probably some ill time shots because it gets to a point where you're always coming off the bench and now it's like well you know my hand I want to get my shot up yeah that's exactly right you know so it's kind of like now or never like if I don't get my shot up I'm not going to get my shots up you know what I mean it's just I have a very limited window you feel the pressure of okay I know this is my window let's maybe get not bad shots but maybe shots that you wouldn't normally take you know what I mean like yes like a 80 to 90% of your shot yep and you know deca's point was you know he said was you know it seems like a you know kind of a shocking move and he says he'd rather come off the bench and have a chance at a national championship than go start at another school well unfortunately as Jesse talked about with with where we are with the transfer portal that's not what most people want most people want to go out and they want to be they want to have their Caitlyn Clark moment to be honest with you yeah and you know let's because it is also a transfer portal era you know transfer portal and nil era even though I think you know she's you know has good nil opportunities here at Notre Dame if you go to another big school someplace and you're in the starting lineup potentially gives you even you know more and bigger nil opportunities so all those things are intertwined I mean you know very good player but I just you know when when this was announced it was I if if I was going to you know my when I kind of sat there and was was thinking about it over the last week you know who's coming back would anyone want to go everyone else you know most people were talking about other players in terms of who might enter the transfer portal this is the probably the least surprising to me because of all these things that we talked about you know she was still the like the first player Off the Bench but not in the starting lineup on a regular basis they want to be out there starting and have a chance to get theirs I almost view the transfer portal now as just like trades like Notre name is giving KK Bransford the the or the giving the transfer portal KK Bransford and it's going to spit something out in returns right it's like almost like you're just the transfer portal is like legal trading without contracts almost it feels like to me right well you know and then I didn't even mention I don't think C Prosper potential you know like if she's fully healthy next year so you're already getting miles prosper and rback so that's three people right there that you're competing with time for miles is going to be you know like she like that you know everyone talked about the big three this year if you like West you get West Bel back it's going to be the big four plus you know adding adding Koval next year it's gonna be a pretty dangerous I mean there's a reason why they're number three in the way too early rankings already right right and I've SE I've seen some people I can't remember where I saw this comment today but somebody was asking about you know does Neil Ivy you know have enough players on scholarship you know why doesn't she have more you know let's remember she had a very like when you look at all the players who were wearing sweatsuits at the end of the bench this year there were you know like a lot more than than they had planned on they started the season with emerish and kassan prosper in the lineup as part of the regular rotation not to mention Kylie Watson obviously a fixture as a starter so like she actually had you know a couple more players than she typically has this year compared to her first couple of years it's just that they had the unfortunate run of of all those injuries you I keep saying it but if they're healthy they're going to be really good next year really good like ESPN's already got them in their way too early top three I think they had him number three so more players on the bench than coaches that's right td4 ND like they're were all right so South Carolina beat Caitlyn Clark in Iowa in the women's national champion ship game here is South Carolina head coach Dawn Staley after the game I really would just like to say that um I I have to congratulate Iowa on an incredible season awesome awesome and I I want to personally thank Caitlyn Clark for lifting up our sport her she carried a she carried a heavy load for our Sport and it just is not going to stop here on a Collegiate tour but when she is the number one pick in the WNBA draft she's going to she's going to lift that League up as well so so Caitlyn Clark if you're out there you are one of the goats of our games that we appreciate [Applause] you okay so there again Don Staley the South Carolina head coach after winning the championship I don't know about you Jess but I'm just about worn out tired of all this goat talk and like everyone has to talk about goats and all that kind of stuff can I can we just can we just put it to rest like do we have to keep talking about that well yeah it's just frustrating because I don't understand why we can't just say Caitlyn Clark is one of the greatest players to ever play and and call it good at that like I really liked how Dawn Staley mentioned her she said she is one of the goats in our game and she always will be I don't think you have to say that she is the greatest or you know I don't understand why it's always a competition or let's line up the track record of you know who is Al the ultimate go like this is a great player who influenced the game in a tremendous way and I thought Don Staley said that great and I think that that's the way everyone else needs to look at it it's just she's a great player she helped the game out a ton and I hope that it continues Beyond her I hope that she's able to you know motivate or inspire a generation of young girls who want to play basketball and continue to bring you know the spotlight to the sport and so I just think it's rather than hey let's like is she the goat let's just be thankful for what she has contributed to the women's game she's one of the greatest players of all times and all these you know like Brianna Stewart was was saying she's got to win a championship to be considered the goat I mean look Brandon Stewart like those girls played on the best teams ever that's that's they were there were four Caitlyn Clarks on one team and that's what I was going to say like to hear these Yukon players take shots at Caitlyn Clark is just ridiculous because because of what you said like Yukon and you know like go back to the Pat Summit Tennessee years it's like every player was a Diana terasi or a sue bird or Brianna Stewart or a Maya Moore or uh you know Candis Parker on and on and on you know they the the the talent was just you the rosters were loaded with this five-star talent and essentially you know like Vince was talking last week about well those Iowa players they're you know they're really good they're they're nice role players you know like Stokey I think has the you know the biggest upside of any of them they're good players they know their system they know their roles on that team but Caitlyn Clark completely elevated that team with no Caitlyn Clark iow was not in the national championship one bit two years in a row they're not even close to it they're they you know they might not even they might be you know like a first or second round NCAA tournament team but they're not what they were without Caitlyn Clark so it's just completely different it's an apples to oranges argument when these Yukon players start you know setting the standard with winning championships because that's all they're used to I mean they've got more championships than anybody those teams could go out and and probably win gold medals for the US in the Olympics right like to be honest with you those Yukon women teams that you know had star after like they could have went and and won gold medals like it's just not it's just not a fair comparison and then you brought up another good point it's just like I these Yukon players consistently bashing on someone like Caitlin Clark was just not a good scene in my opinion it's just you know the fact that you've already got Rebecca Lobo sitting you know in that chair on you know on the main ABC broadcast for the final four and I think does a good enough job but everybody knows she's Rebecca Lobo you know from from the Yukon Huskies so you've already got someone from Yukon sitting in the big chair on the TV broadcast then you have the bird terasi bro it's just too much Yukon there you know like right you need somebody else from another school there are plenty of Tennessee players whether it's you know like Andrea Carter does a great job in the studio and I wouldn't want to see her leave the studio but like that's someone one who could easily you know be in one of those seats like if you're going to do the bird terasi show I think there needs to be a player from another program that's that's in there with them to just not let you know to to kind of some checks and balances you know to keep them you know sort of to to to check them a little bit just like you've got you know Barkley Kenny The Jet Smith and and Sh on Inside the NBA you need somebody from a different program to kind of yeah I mean and you got different the that's there's a point guard a power forward and a center right so it's just like different teams different positions different perspectives but I just ultimately don't understand like what what gives them not the right but like those Yukon players bashing her and saying that she needs to accomplish this or that or this or that like it just felt it didn't feel right and you know I get it like every rookie or freshman quote unquote is always going to catch a hard time from the Vets like that's no matter if you're going into high school college or professionals like no one likes the rookie no one likes the The Freshman you know what I mean like they're the grunt they get picked on whatever but like I don't understand the hate for someone who has the potential to bring excitement to the WNBA like they did college basketball like you should want a player like this in your league because of the potential exposure that she can bring to you because you know what that means more fans more sales and tickets more TV uh more eyeballs on the TV and that just means more money in the bigger contracts for those women players that already feel that they're at a disadvantage when compared to the WNBA or sorry the NBA and so again why would you not be rooting for someone like Caitlyn Clark to join your league when ultimately she can generate more Revenue that's just my opinion on the situation because it's ultimately more jealousy you know like di terasi got to be one of the biggest stars in the game and it's like she's been playing professionally for 20 years now like you know you're going to retire at some point can't you just be grateful that someone is going to as you just said bring more attention to your sport rather than crap all over them because you're jealous of them basically of the attention that they're getting you know like you got to win your championships yeah and no one did that to them along the way either you know what I mean like no one was like sitting there questioning them about their talent or their project how they'll project into professionals or that they need to accomplish this or that to validate how good of a player they are it just simply wasn't like that absolutely so so the Women's Championship game just uh came out this afternoon right before the show started 18.7 million viewers so each of Caitlyn Clark's last three games a leite 8 final four National Championship set a new viewership record 18.7 coming into this year you know coming into the elite eight a week ago I think what was it like 10.7 was the record from last year's champion ship game so the the viewership nearly doubled from last year's championship game to this do you buy or sell tonight's men's game getting to that number 18.7 million yeah so women Peak to 18.7 million and and it said that they had 24 million uh or sorry averaged 18.7 and peaked at 24 million at one point I don't know if the men are gonna beat that because the thing about Caitlyn Clark is she is getting casual fans to watch the game right and I don't think the men have anything to to do that like they're not just getting people to to click over because like everyone knows the CL Caitlyn Clark name and so whether or not you're a basketball fan a women's basketball fan like you could be a casual you know uh I would say maybe female and you want to feel empowered or or kind of feel this movement so you're just going to tune in because you've heard about this Caitlyn Clark I don't think the men have anyone in that they they have good you know the the returning national championship of Yukon I mean Zack Edy doesn't push the needle like yeah the 74 giant doesn't quite push the the needle for me and so I honestly don't think they're going to because I think unless you're like a fan of of men's college basketball or of these two programs you're not just getting the Stray viewer that's ultimately what I was trying to say is like Caitlyn Clark got a bunch of stray viewers because she's Caitlyn Clark I don't think the men's game has something like that right now I agree I don't think the men's I I think I think maybe they come close you know like in the 17 18 million ballpark it is going to be on TBS compared to broadcast you know the women's game was on ABC you know and that's a big part of this contract as well the fact that that they're Al you know the men's is alternating back and forth every year between uh TBS and CBS the the the Kansas Carolina championship game a couple of years ago got a a nice number but those are two of The Bluest blood programs that you could have like that's a dream matchup for any TV network to have Kansas against North Carolina in the national championship game that's not Yukon Purdue it just doesn't move the needle the same way so deaf gets it no interest in the men's game tonight I'll be watching the Cubs is what decaf said and it's I'm gonna be honest it's gonna be tough because we're gonna talk about these tip off times now look the women's game is tipped off at three in the afternoon two years in a row there was some grumbling about that the men game tonight is going to tip off tonight at 9:20 there's obviously grumbling about that as well like what do you think about these times problem with the women's game tipping off I'm glad you've combined this into one question I love the women's tip yesterday it was I had I had enough to get up I had enough to go walk around we got to downtown we went to the Science Center had a couple drinks went to a bar and caught the end of the game in downtown Cleveland like it was great right like it felt like I could get everything else I wanted done in my day and the national championship fit into that schedule yeah and I could just continue to keep going right and the late game sucks I don't want to stay up that late for it and if you had to pick between the two I would take the women's start over the men's start and again that's why I'm glad you comine the question I would much rather have the women's start than the men's start there is I just I don't know if if it being in Arizona has something to do with it because it's not a 620 tip until local time they always tip off the men's championship at 920 it's ridiculous it doesn't matter where they play it it's ridiculous and like it's that popular of an event I I like it is at the but it's not it's not it's not at the same time right and I mean the fact that the women's game in the middle of the afternoon pulled that kind of number just shows you that people will watch if you put it on a time where everyone can watch and people always talk about oh the kids the kids the kids were able to watch Caitlyn Clark they're going to be in bed tonight when you know this game tips off most of them going in bed or head and they're returning back to school after spring break this Eclipse day like driving everyone's crashing and burning after yeah that's right that's I I've got because like basically like the women's PE the the the women's fans complaining about the 3:00 tip off they're saying oh we're not good enough for prime time that kind of thing well they just proved you don't need to put it in Prime Time on a Sunday afternoon when everybody's off work I mean that's that's why so many week night games get pushed to Prime Time because people are at work the NFL plays at 1 o'clock and 4:30 every Sunday and people watch that like it's always you know it's the most viewed you TV programming year in and year out like they've got no problem with it I've got no problem with it I thought it was perfect and you're also not going like Sunday night prime time is also one of the bigger you know there's not as much probably on right now but it it is still from a TV standpoint that's still where you put some of your best programming is Sunday night and so you don't have to worry about going up against any of that either if you put it at three o'clock in the afternoon and the fact that a record 18.7 million people you know 24 million with an average of 18.7 just proves the point 920 is ridiculous like I didn't think that I was going to be able to make it you know remember last week when uh I guess it was it was Friday night I didn't think I was going to be able to to stay up for Iowa Yukon for the women's final for you know in the second semifinal I'm not nearly as interested in Purdue and Yukon as I was in Iowa Yukon on the women's side Friday though especially at halftime if it's not close you're gonna get a lot of people who click away y salty asking what happened to Kansas now are we talking about when they played in the championship game that I just referenced you know the championship game that they won two years ago against North Carolina or are we talking about this season basically a couple of their best player work hurt this year yeah that's right and Not only was it their best player it was a guy who was like nasmith like you know like he had he been healthy he would have been a nasmith finalist Lance mcculler Jr that's right so I mean it happens like no excuse for the nerd Dame women's though am my right for what the injuries what are you talking about what they continued on well that's true that's true they found a way all right Jess fill in the blank John caliper leaving Kentucky after 15 years in Lexington to take over at Arkansas is blank it's shocking honestly I never thought calip Perry would leave Kentucky for another sec school um and it's shocking again like I always throw the term out like lateral right and I don't know what the next move is in ter like can he go any higher it felt like Kentucky for what he like what he wants to do it felt like Kentucky was always going to be home for him right and like when you talk about getting some of the best players them going on to the NBA helping them in their career you know preparing them for the NBA Etc it felt like Kentucky was always going to be the best place to do that and so to go to another sec school is really shocking and like I remember going back to like 2014 LeBron when LeBron was gonna come back to Cleveland for the second time and the Cavs had the number one overall draft pick they threw a ton of money at John calip Perry to become to to ask them to become their next head coach y he turned it down and so clearly he wants to stay in college and so how much of a pay upgrade is he getting I don't know but did you see the video of him today walking his dog in roller pushing you know what that gave what Vibes that gave to me I think you'll appreciate this that gave me um George Bluth Vibes off Arrested Development I love it doesn't it though like he's like like walking around knowing he's kind of a wanted man being like Oh you're coming up to me asking oh me me as I'm walking my dog in a stroller on like a very public you know Road like it felt very I don't know I just as soon as I saw that I was like this feels like George blue the when he's like in hiding or whatever yeah um but it's It ultimately to answer your question it's shocking and yeah I was shocked too but there's a different level of expectation obviously now you know 15 years at Kentucky is a long time and he had a lot of success but you know there was already talk when it when they lost to Oakland you know that wow this this could be it for caliper I didn't really think it would come to that but Money Talks I guess because between Jerry Jones I was going to say you hear Jer Ty chicken family yeah they're like they're throwing all kinds of money together for him down there and it sounds like caliper is gonna kind of shift his philosophy as well because he had stuck you know pretty hard to that to the oneandone guns and I think that that's why he didn't have more consistent success here down the stretch like he's gonna he's gonna go to the portal more and you know those those kind of things and so you're telling me it's going to be more of team basketball theoretically because honestly and I don't think this is a bad thing John caliper prided himself off of helping those oneandone guys like that was part of the gig to him like right he he compensated not winning national champ I mean at least he says so right like everyone's not GNA be like oh you know I don't care about winning National Champion but like part of the process to him or what made the job gratifying or fulfilling to him is knowing that he would get some of the top talent in the world and maturing the men as much as possible to go on to the NBA and be as successful as possible like that was a part of his role and so for him to step away from that and be more team basketball and like you said maybe two to four year guys and transfer portal guys I think we might see like Memphis John Cal Perry come back you know when he had Derrick Rose there it's exciting I think it's exciting for college basketball yeah I mean Arkansas is going to be a player again like they were I know you're way too young to remember Nolan Richardson and 40 minutes of hell and all that kind of stuff but those were fun days I mean it felt like Arkansas was good at football and basketball like right before I was around like the 80s and 90s that's true just like the Cowboys were something before you were around that's exactly right but you know again different era different era you know back then the last time Arkansas was was really good when guys stuck around for four years corus Williamson and Scotty Thurman and and those kind of guys but uh it'll be it'll be uh it'll be fun to kind of see what what calip Perry can bring to that and it's an evolution how much is he how much is he willing or going to change at the end of the day yeah back in the day that's right unlb was was relevant UCLA was a power Duke all those different programs Tommy uh Tommy says we haven't seen Jesse's props prop bets I've been doing good with baseball so far I'm waiting for the season to kind of progress a little bit you know like it's hard with baseball when you have 162 games you can't really figure out Trends in the first week true but it's fun we'll be looking forward to that then all right Jess appreciate you coming in today get some sleep tonight sleep it off yeah one more thing nope that's it I was just telling myself I'm number one because I showed up today and Vince didn't that's right you're number one you're the uh you're the favorite co-host today thank you Vince Falls to number four I think by the time the week is over right all right well that's going to do it hit that like button before you leave and of course subscribe rate review listen to your podcasts as well we appreciate you and we will talk to you uh oh Tommy's calling you out for no showing on Friday I didn't know show I let the people know I had obligations Vince is scheduled this Vince is anticipated to be here on Friday he is expected to be here on Friday Vince put together this spreadsheet that everyone plugs in days on and off and all that kind of stuff and I think Vince has taken advantage of the [Laughter] spreadsheet we'll talk to you tomorrow on IB Nation Sports Talk

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