Kamala Harris & WOKE Left BETRAYED Women | Kara Dansky | Gaines for Girls with Riley Gaines

Riley's Thoughts on ESPN's Firing of Sam Ponder Hello everybody welcome back to the Gams for girls podcast thank you for tuning in make sure you check us out at outkick.com or anywhere where you get your podcast be sure to like And subscribe uh exciting news they are now airing gains for girls and other outkick podcasts on Fox Nation so you can check us out at foxnation.com as well very exciting stuff there uh it's been a big week uh it continues to be a big week uh this has felt like a a century long past few weeks really whether it was president Trump getting shot whether it's been kamla Harris becoming the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee uh avoiding any sort of press conference interview unscripted question for for now almost 30 days uh it has felt like a century these past few months uh but a big week for uh women's sports uh we have now seen where Elon Musk and JK Rowling are being sued by aain khif the male boxer the boxer with Y chromosomes who was previously uh from competing in the world championships because of his failed sex eligibility tests uh well he's now suing billionaires I will be interested to see how that goes for him uh we saw just this week where Sam Ponder uh one of the I have had the the pleasure of being able to spend some time with her one of the most beautiful kind authentic genuine intentional people you could ever meet on a personal level of course she's incredible at her job uh we saw this week where ESPN yes that's right ESPN owned by Disney of course fired s Ponder um this was news to me uh I was looking up you know what was the reasoning they said this was for budget cuts uh but it should be no surprise that Sam Ponder was the only current employee the the only current female employee at ESPN who was willing to publicly declare that men do not belong in women's sports uh just about a year ago Sam she quoted one of my tweets talking about the Biden Administration and title N9 and and what they were doing uh to this to this ruling effectively abolishing title n she quoted one of my tweets and said that it wasn't hateful to demand fairness in sports for girls uh then USA Today columnist or columnist Nancy armor she then attacked Ponder for her views she claimed that her views reflected bigotry and they were a sham uh Ponder she's been the host of ESPN's NFL Countdown since 2017 she went on to then respond to this article by Nancy armor saying that biology is not bigotry and even went on to say that loving people does not require the absence of boundaries um absolutely but now uh she has received the Sage Steel treatment the David Pollock treatment both guests who have been interviewed on the gains for girls podcast and so I encourage you to go back and listen to those episodes um all of that to say ESPN is a joke uh we absolutely stand with Sam Ponder again one of the most incredible women I've ever met so it's ESPN's lost no doubt she will she will land on her feet uh she will be doing just fine for herself but we absolutely stand with her that brings us to today's guest uh we've heard it many times since the seemingly quick with little debate Embrace of the gender ideology movement and and that thing I'm talking about is the question of where are the feminists this is a valid question I initially wandered this question uh but we will have that question answered us answered for us today because we are talking to Ked Dany uh she is a self-proclaimed she calls herself a progressive a lifelong Democrat uh and now she calls herself a Turf which stands for Trans exclusionary radical feminists uh she is a public speaker she is a writer she is a consultant uh who is committed to protecting the rights the Privacy the opportunities the safety of women and girls on the basis of sex in law and throughout Society uh in November of 2021 she released a book uh it is called the abolition of sex how the transgender agenda harms women and girls uh and just this November she released another book it is called the Reckoning how the Democratic left uh or how the Democrats in the left have abandoned women and girls uh really great books I encourage you to pick them up read them regardless of what your political view views are uh very insightful uh she's currently serves as the president of the US chapter of WD wdi which is women's declaration International uh which again seeks to promote the Declaration on women's sex B rights so check out the conversation here with Cara Dany well Cara thank you for joining the gains for girls podcast I have had the pleasure of getting to know you over The Betrayal of Women and Girls by the Democratic Party these past two years or so uh which has just been uh the biggest honor of and so I want you to take a little bit and tell us about yourself and when you became a feminist thank you so much Riley and let me just start off by saying thank you so much for your endorsement of my book The Reckoning how the Democrats and the left betrayed women and girls uh when did I become a feminist so I have never really not been a feminist I think I became a feminist as an early teenager uh and then in in college and again in law school I studied feminist philosophy feminist Theory feminist legal thought uh but then my career took a different turn and when I graduated from law school I decided to go into criminal law and criminal justice my first job after clerking in federal court was as a public defender and from there I went to Stanford law school where I was the executive director of the Stanford Criminal Justice Center I had a couple other jobs one of which was working at the ACLU uh I worked on the aclu's campaign against mass incarceration and the campaign against police militarization I have always thought of myself as being on the political left and still do and at one point uh in 2015 no in in 2014 a radical feminist schooled me in how quote unquote gender identity is a threat to women and girls as a sex class and in 2015 I joined the women's Liberation Front in 2016 I joined the board of women's Liberation Front and stayed there until 2020 and in 2021 I started getting active in women's declaration International a global organization of radical feminists that fights to protect women and girls as a sex class and I served as the president from 2021 until just this past July July 31st was my last day as president of the US chapter of wdi and although I still remain very active with the organization but maybe what is most relevant to this conversation is that as I was working on the board of women's Liberation Front I was doing that all as a volunteer and my paid work was as a consultant working with various Progressive left leaning nonprofit organizations on topics related to uh Drug law policy other topics related to mass incarceration immigration and at one point a contractor kicked me off a project because she said that my views on sex and gender were considered toxic and she didn't want to kick me off the project she really liked working with me she disagrees with me on this topic but she ended up having to kick me off because she told me the ACLU of Texas had complained about my participation in the project So eventually I got cancelled from my almost 20-year career in the so-called Progressive Criminal Justice Reform movement so now all I do is uh work to protect the sex-based rights of women and girls wow um so obviously I mean really there's there's no one better to have this conversation with you've seen obviously far longer than I have I'm new to to understanding uh the controversy that has seemingly consumed our country really globally uh but you've been seeing this for a long time uh even now I saw recently where you wrote a letter an open letter to vice president kamla Harris specifically uh and so will you talk a little bit about this letter what you included in this letter because again I think it's something that that people want to hear yeah so it was maybe just over a week ago or so I I think about this topic all the time and I don't know exactly what made me do it but something inspired me to sit down at my computer and type out all about how I've met vice president kamla Harris although to be clear there's no reason she would remember meeting me I've met her three times all encounters were very brief so I'm not trying to claim that we're friends or anything like that but I have met her and I thought all right look I wrote the book The Reckoning how the Democrats and the left betrayed women and girls and that was published in November and that was two years after I published my first book the abolition of sex how the transgender agenda harms women and girls and November of 2023 was obviously also one year before the November presidential elections this year and my thinking and the Publishers thinking was look Democrats you've got a year to get your act together to knock it off with all this gender IDE identity nonsense and to get back voters on the left who are angry at you and there are a lot of your viewers might not be aware there are countless Rank and file Democrats and importantly former Democrats who are sick to the teeth of what democratic party leadership is doing here the you know mainstream Legacy Media Outlets will not let you know that they don't want Americans across the political Spectrum to know that there are countless Rank and file Democrats who are furious at Democratic party leadership so I published that book last November to say listen Democrats get it together knock it off and get back your voters specifically female voters but men too there are plenty of democrat men who are angry at the Democrats as well including my partner who's here right now um so and that hasn't happened right we haven't seen it in fact they're just digging their heels in we know that in April of this year the Department of Education finalized rules under Title 9 that will complet that do completely redefine sex to include so-called gender identity so the Democrats have just doubled down they haven't heeded the warning so this day about a week ago I just thought all right kamla like let's give it one last shot and so I sat down and wrote that letter and it explains how the Democrats are getting this so disastrously wrong and I I'm particularly irritated because as I say in the letter I worked very closely with the vice president's sister Maya Harris in Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign we were in almost daily contact I have her personal contact information and in May of 2019 I sent her a very long email explaining how the whole concept of gender identity throws women and girls under the bus I also explained that it's horribly homophobic and why all the lesbians I know are very angry about it and I didn't get a response from her and I was not surprised but I asked her to share the information with her sister the vice president I have no way of knowing whether she did that or not but if she did it's quite clear that the vice president knows exactly what's going on so there are a lot of people I see uh frequently on Twitter X who say oh you know Joe Biden and kamla Harris are just confused they're being advised by the wrong people no they know and I know they know and my book The Reckoning sets out all the reasons I know they know and so my letter to vice president Harris is really a last Stitch effort to say you know look do the right thing stand up at the DNC this month in a week or so or a couple days maybe and say that a woman is an adult human female now do I think she's going to do that no I do not I think there's approximately zero chance that she's going to do that but I don't do things like write this open letter because I actually think she's going to listen I do it because someone like Martina Naver toova might post it on X and she did I'm very happy to say that Martina posted it to her several hundred thousand followers which means there are a lot of eyes on it and my hope is that this will encourage and inspire people to speak up already it's okay you can say out loud that a woman is an adult human female so reason I wrote the letter absolutely I want to go back to one thing you you briefly said you mentioned the the gender ideology movement is deeply homophobic uh is that something you can touch on because I I think a lot of you know everyday people might not that's not necessarily where their brain goes immediately when thinking about this issue they think about of course other important factors of it right like the safeguarding of children or how parental rights are being infringed upon or of course women's rights but will you elaborate a little bit on why the gender ideology movement is homophobic it's homophobic generally because we cannot protect same-sex attraction in the law if we cannot say what sex is and so the gay rights movement was very successful in getting The Implications of the Gender Identity Movement laws on the books that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the areas of housing employment and 2015 marriage now a lot of your viewers May disagree with the 2015 decision on marriage that's fine I'm not here to argue about that but regardless of how one thinks about same-sex marriage regardless of whether you think it should be protected or not in order to even have the concept you have to understand what sex means and so it's just generally homophobic for that reason in particular it is threatening to lesbians as a class of women because lesbians are now being told that they're that that um that they need to date men right so a man who calls himself a lesbian will join a lesbian dating app and demand that lesbians include him in their dating profile and lesbians don't want to do this by definition lesbians are women who are exclusively attracted to women and they're not interested in men and so from that perspective it's no different from 1950s homophobia where people were saying to lesbians you just haven't F found the right man yet right and that's what's happening again today and finally I would just say you mentioned the topic of child safeguarding it's particularly devastating to young people who are finding themselves being same sex attracted and they're being told that if they are attracted to members of the same sex then they must be the opposite sex and a lot of these kids are going on puberty blockers and opposite sex hormones sometimes having surgeries done when really they're just young gay people and so a lot of people say that trans is effectively ing the gay away that's actually a phrase that people talk about yeah wow yeah I think it's important insight and again I don't imagine a lot of people think about it like that so thank you um you mentioned you you sent an email a while ago to the vice president's sister didn't get a response I imagine you haven't yet received a response from from VP Harris no and I don't expect to but I will also just say in May of 2019 when I sent that email email to the vice president sister Maya I did not know that in 2017 Maya had joined the board of an organization called the Arcus foundation for anyone who doesn't know the Arcus Foundation was founded by a man named John Striker the Arcus Foundation has for years now been funding spending millions and millions of dollars annually on various trans or queer projects and so the Arcus Foundation is one of the worst offenders when it comes to fueling the industry of gender identity and Maya served on its board from 2017 to 2018 which I didn't know when I sent her that 2019 email but as soon as I learned it I understood immediately why she did not respond to my email of course I mean that makes sense um but do you feel like this is common I mean yourself other traditional feminists do you feel as if you've you've kind of been shut out of the conversation entirely whether it's from the Democratic party whether it's from groups like uh the interational Olympic Committee uh other corporate groups what have you do you feel like your voices have been just entirely ignored for the most part yes I and you know I will say that for the entire time that I've been talking about this conservative media will platform me and I'm very grateful for that because uh you know it's really important this should not be a partisan issue and so I'm very grateful for the conservative Outlets that will give me a platform I've published in the Federalist my open letter to kamla Harris was published in the Washington exam which is generally considered to be a right leaning Outlet I've had several um interviews recently in local conservative media so I'm very grateful for that but media Outlets like the New York Times The Washington Post MSNBC they will not platform feminists who are on the political left who will speak out against so-called gender identity because they don't want Americans across the political Spectrum to know that we're out here right what's your response when people say I hear it all the time when people say where are the feminists I mean as a feminist yourself I imagine this this has to be a bit infuriating you've been fighting the fight for for I mean decades now at The Lack of Platforming for Feminists in Mainstream Media least over one decade um it's got to be relatively angering when you hear this question but but do you kind of understand where people are are coming from so so what's your response when you hear that so there's a woman on Twitter who gave herself the Twitter handle the feminists with a little trademark symbol so when someone says we are the feminists she can just reply and be like here we are um so my response to that is first I do understand it because organizations like the National Organization for Women Planned Parenthood the women's March uh the national Center for lesbian rights the national Center for Women's Rights have all completely sold out women and girls completely uh they are completely captured by the idea that some men are women the National Organization for Women of course having been set up by glorious Stein for women presumably and they've all completely sold us out and so if that's all you see that's all you know and so the question where the feminist is a completely reasonable one however yes it is extremely annoying for those of us who have actually been standing up for women and girls as a sex class so my response a couple years ago was to sit down and write a substack to answer the question where are the feminist and it essentially lists all sorts of things from what's been going on in the UK to the found founding of the women's Liberation Front in 2013 to the establishment of women's declaration International and it lists all the things that we're doing and it is necessarily not up to date because I'm too busy doing the things to keep up with that post but there is a substack post on my substack called where are the feminists it's pinned to the top anyone's welcome to use it anytime someone says where are the feminists copy paste into X and hit send it's a very handy guide I love that um you mentioned some of the things that you're doing uh I I've been of course we were on this bus tour for the entire month of June essentially uh traveling around the country Coast to Coast border to border it was the takeback title N9 bus tour uh really just spreading awareness of what is going on the new title n rule that went into effect uh just earlier this month and so I I got to see you for for that month um haven't seen you the month of of July which is heartbreaking uh but you mentioned some of the stuff that you're doing fill us in on what you yourself what wdi uh what you guys are doing so I guess I can start with the legal front uh wdi USA has since 2020 filed I want to say around eight or so briefs before the United States Federal Judiciary the first one we filed was in a case called heo versus little which is coming out of the state of Idaho where Idaho has a law on the books protecting women only Sports shout out to Barbara ehart um my friend and primary author of that bill it was signed into law by the governor in March of 2020 within two weeks the ACLU had filed suit challenging the law representing a male athlete who wanted to be able to compete in the women's track team at his college this case has been Meed in litigation ever since and just recently the ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the male athlete and the state has asked the Supreme Court to take up the case and so just two days ago wdi USA having filed a brief in support of the state back in 2020 just two days ago we filed a a meus brief before the US Supreme Court urging the court to take the case just yesterday wdi USA filed a similar brief before the United States Supreme Court urging the court to take up a case that is called West Virginia versus bpj this is very similar to the Idaho case West Virginia has a lawn in the books protecting female only Sports a male ath challenged the law and eventually the fourth circuit ruled in favor of the male athlete in both cases these male athletes are arguing that the laws violate their rights under Title Nine and the equal protection Clause of the 14th Amendment because they call themselves women and of course we disagree with that so we very much hope the US Supreme Court takes up one or both of these cases in the meantime wdi USA has filed cases um I'm sorry filed briefs in cases to protect uh female only sorority a female only spa and several other cases where we are fighting for women and girls as a sex class under the law and I can tell a brief anecdote about the spa case if you'd like you've heard me tell it before so the spa case came out of the state of Washington where there is a women only Spa outside Seattle I have been to this Spa when I lived in Seattle my friends and I went a couple times I promise you at that time it was just a bunch of naked women walking around uh nudity is expected in the spa this is a traditional Korean style nude spa for women only and a man decided that the Spa's female only policy violated his human rights uh and he sued them before the Washington State Human Rights Commission which agreed with him and said that Washington state law protected him and his gender identity and uh the spa turned around ens sued the Washington State Human Rights Commission which is a pretty bold move I thought in federal district court and the federal district court among other things also ruled in favor of the man and in that opinion you know I will say over the years that I've been doing this I have become accustomed to reading the phrase transgender women in court opinions I do not like that phrase at all because of course there is no type of woman who is not female however over the years I have at least gotten to the point that I can read the phrase transgender women without you know wanting to throw my computer against the wall however in this case the district court used the phrase transgender women with male genitalia and I just thought oh so then I realized I was going to have to explain on appeal to the ninth Circuit Court of Appeals why the phrase transgender women with male genitalia is a problem so I had to find a citable definition of male genitalia which I did and it was basically a list of male sexual and reproductive organs and I put that into a federal court brief and I just thought why are we here you know why are we here and I ended up saying in that brief it is truly a testament to where we are as a society today that it must be said in the context of federal civil rights litigation that women don't have penises I mean I literally had to type that into a federal court brief and if you had told me when I graduated law school that I would one day be using my law degree to explain to the United States Federal Judiciary that women don't have penises I would not have believed you you and every other sane person uh this is never a place I I would imagine where um we saw ourselves going even as short as you saw it uh being kind of immersed in the space but but even five six seven years ago your everyday person would have never imagined that we would reach a point where where even the verbiage of her genitalia her male genitalia her penis has to be verbally expressed and then you're reprimanded if you don't say that and so you ask the question of why you know why why are we here why why has the Democratic party abandoned women and girls and in the process abandoned biological reality and objective truth so there was this movement in Academia called postmodernism starting in the 1960s that basically said um you know nothing is real and all truth is subjective that's the that's the gist and out of that grew so-called queer Theory which says that sex isn't real and so one of the things I talk about in both of my books is that if a bunch of wacky academics in the Ivory Tower had tried to sell the American people on the idea that somehow sex isn't real or that nobody knows how babies are made they would have been laughed out of the room you know they no nobody would take any of that seriously because it's absurd uh so they invented the word transgender the word transgender is a much nicer word than you know nobody knows how babies are made right and so they sold it as a civil rights movement that was all going along a pace at the same time that a massive industry was growing and so you know I want people to understand names like John Striker who I mentioned of the Arcus Foundation names like Tim Gil of the Gil Foundation Tim Gil has been called a mega donor of the Democratic Party by Rolling Stone magazine the Gil Foundation does nothing but fund so-called trans and queer projects it's based in Colorado and it has totally queered so to speak the Colorado democratic party and and you know the Gil Foundation funded the 2023 Pride Celebration at the White House and the only reason I know this nobody would really nobody would ever know this but I do crazy things like read the statements of President Biden and first lady Jill Biden that they made during the 2023 Pride Celebration some folks may remember that 2023 Pride was when a man named Rosa Montoya flashed his fake breasts into a video that then went viral the I should say the White House to its credit then banned him from the White House property so we need to say that that's a good thing but if you read the statements of Vice President I'm sorry President Biden and first lady Biden they both thank Tim Gil and the Gill foundation for their sponsorship of the event and so you know there's a tremendous amount of money behind all of this I also want people to know the name of Martin rothblat Martine rothblat is a man who calls himself a woman who has been featured in New York Magazine and on NBC he's a multimillionaire he has a company called terasem it's t r AEM which promotes the idea that human beings can exist without human bodies he promotes this idea and he funds this idea of what he calls mindwar where his his aim in life is to make us all superhuman non-human humans if you will he once made a robot of his wife bino so you know some of this sounds conspiratorial I understand it sounds a little bit like tin foil hat thinking but the thing is it's very real and these people aren't hiding they're right out there in the open they're right out there saying Martin rothblat has a book published called from transgender to transhuman and if he were just some weirdo in his basement you know typing out wacky theories I wouldn't be too worried about it but he's a multi-millionaire and he's pushing this hard and you're right if you can be transgender or transsexual for that matter what's stopping it it sounds so outlandish to say transhuman or to think of of the idea of being trans AG or or any other objective I mean objective truth to be able to alter that it sounds comical it sounds like a a South Park episode or something but again that's where we're headed if we are willing to deny that sex is not real and so I wanted to ask you really quick too something I'm curious about what are most of you again traditional feminists lifelong Democrats progressives or or honestly better known as turfs what will you guys do at The The Division Among Feminists in Voting for the Democratic Party Ballot Box in November obviously we've established that there's not a candidate that aligns 100% with your views naturally and and there never will be so will you vote will you just not vote at all uh this is something that if you feel comfortable answering this is something I'm curious about yeah um I wanted to go back just for a second and urge people to read the 11th Hour blog if you want to know more about the why is this happening uh the founder and author at 11th Hour blog is a woman named Jennifer bck who has Trac the money she's all over it so people really ought to read that blog if you want to know more about the why I'm not trying to evade your question what's going to happen in November so I don't know at this moment in time I do not know how if at all I will vote in November I'm going to wait until November 4th to make that decision but I can tell you that of the people I talk to as you say traditional feminists on the left as well as men on the left I would say that we're pretty much equally divided between uh voting for Kamala anyway even though we're angry about this issue because of her because of the Democrat stance on abortion frankly there are are a lot of turfs who will vote Democrat to protect abortion rights um a lot of people are sick enough of the Democrats that they either won't Vote or they'll vote for RFK and an equal number of turfs are so sick of the Democrats that they've left the Democratic party or they haven't but they'll just vote for Trump because they're so angry about this and I will say I'm not judging anyone for their vote this is very hard for people uh on my side of the political aisle who are fed up with gender so I'm not judging anyone's decision this is an impossible decision of what to do and as I said I don't know what I'm going to do but I do think that turfs are pretty much equally divided vote for comma anyway sit it out or vote for RFK or screw it i'm voting for Trump that's what a lot of people say interesting yeah makes sense uh you've mentioned your book several times uh the Reckoning how the Democrats and the left betrayed women and girls I've read it it's incredible I was fortunate enough to be able to endorse your book it really really is so eye openening even if you're not a Democrat uh even if you just want more insight on the issue how to how to better have the conversation uh to to try and understand the thought process of those on the other side this book is incredible and so Cara where can we get it tell us a little bit about it thank you so much it was published in November 2023 it's available on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble you probably can't get it in a bookstore but that's okay you can buy it online I hope everyone does as Riley says I I hope it's informative for everyone chapter one of the book explains why I wrote it basically uh the preface to the book is an invitation to democratic women to really sit down and take this seriously uh chapter 2 Chron uh you know it sets out all the ways in which so-called gender ident convicted male rapists and murderers among other people it talks about female athletes such as Riley herself it talks about how lesbians are being harmed as a class of women it talks about how gender identity disproportionately impacts black women as a sex class those two factors are really important lesbians and black women are reliable Democratic voting blocks and Democrats are just you know they're they're just shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to this anyway it goes on chapter three describes the industry that is fueling this and chapter the afterward is a cautionary tale and a policy prescription where I go through what's happening to leftist parties everywhere in the world and I tell the Democrats what to do if they want to get voters back I give them a policy prescription I tell them exactly what they need to do if they want our vote amazing amazing well I hope they read it um it's incredible uh eye openening and would give a lot of insight to again a large demographic of of not even just women of people uh human beings who understand what's happening the harm of it the severity of it the trajectory of where we're going if we don't listen to people like yourself Cara and so I couldn't be more grateful for you uh keep up all of the good work all the amazing things you're doing we'll be following the scotus cases uh very closely and so thank you for filing those briefs we appreciate you thank you so much Riley thank you guys for listening to the gains for girls podcast hopefully you now feel equipped to answer the question of where are the feminists again a very valid question um thanks for tuning in be sure to check us out at outkick.com uh anywhere where you get your podcast very exciting that now Fox Nation will be airing gains for girls and other outkick shows so be sure to check us out at foxnation.com thanks you guys see you again next [Music] [Applause] [Music] week hey everybody thank you so much for watching the fight to save women's sports and restore common sense is far from over and I continue the conversation every week so make sure to catch more cont content over here and subscribe to outkick so you don't miss a thing

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#TechTips🌐 Who's Winning In The Polls?? Trump vs Harris | Impact of RFK Jr dropping out #tiktok

Category: News & Politics

Let's break down who's winning in the polls nationally and in every battleground state it's been a weird week because the expectation was the dnc would happen and harris's lead would get extended but at the end of the week donald trump got endorsed by rfk jr who dropped out of the race so people expected... Read more

Donald Trump speaks for the 1st time on the assassination attempt thumbnail
Donald Trump speaks for the 1st time on the assassination attempt

Category: News & Politics

Me begin. this evening by expressing my gratitude to the american people for your outpouring of love and support following the assassination attempt at my rally on saturday. calebbarlow as you already know, the assassin's bullet came within a quarter of an inch of taking my life. so many people have... Read more

#TechTips🌐 What does Jeff Walz have to say about his brother??? #election2024 #tiktok #Hoops227TV thumbnail
#TechTips🌐 What does Jeff Walz have to say about his brother??? #election2024 #tiktok #Hoops227TV

Category: News & Politics

New nations rich mchugh joins us live rich you spoke exclusively with jeff walls about those comments that's right nicole i spoke with him this morning and he says he wants to set the record straight and basically clear the air on some of the misconceptions about what he said now just to reset the new... Read more