Political BURNOUT: America IGNORES Presidential Debate?! | OutKick The Show with Clay Travis

The Impact Of YouTube welcome in to outkick the show I am your fearless leader clay Travis right off the top I I want to talk about something for a sec I am blown away by how amazing our YouTube audience has become and I want to give you just one data point on this I love you YouTube last night um we had 164 comments on X react ing to uh my trump comma live reaction show and I love all of you that watched we had 131,000 views on Twitter I'm looking right now uh as I am talking to all of you um and I'm going to go into the debate got a lot of different things that I want to talk about uh but I went on to YouTube because sag who is doing a great job as our social media guy um is a big YouTube hard worker and I think it's so fascinating we had okay a couple of couple of data points for you uh we had 610 likes on that show on Twitter we had 8,300 likes on the YouTube version of the exact same show it's the exact same show we had 2,100 comments on YouTube compared to again 164 on Twitter SLX I'm not trying to demean our audience anywhere I love all of you if you're watching this on Twitter if you're watching this on YouTube if you're watching this on Tik Tok Instagram Facebook wherever if you're listening to it on audio the amount of audience and the reaction to the things that we are producing on YouTube is through the roof we've got right at 1.7 million YouTube subscribers for outkick and I don't spend a lot of time in the comments anywhere on any platform but I went into YouTube last night as I was getting ready for bed and I'm just stunned by the quality by the humor by the sheer number of them we don't have a small audience on Twitter I've got over a million followers whatever the number is on Twitter but but when you talk about 8,000 likes to 600 likes when you talk about 2,000 comments to 150 or 60 or whatever comments the audience and the interaction on YouTube for outkick related content is through the roofs and there are other platforms where we are dominating too but I I think some of you probably are active I'm active on Twitter more so than anywhere else but I've known that YouTube was becoming massive because that's where my boys spend all their time the 16year old the 13y old the 9-year-old they're on YouTube all the time I would encourage you to be aware of how big the media audience is and where the audience actually is and YouTube has taken over my boys this is crazy I I'm fascinated by it because I love media I love reading media stories everything else obviously I found a media company I just want to think about this for a minute my boys love watching football probably not a surprise given who their dad is but when we were down uh at the beach for Labor Day weekend my 9-year-old is setting up the iPads so that we can stream as many games as possible laptops all these different devices and he's going on and he's finding where the games are streaming and he can search for them and he can pull them up and he's got them all going and they couldn't none of the boys could figure out what stations on traditional television actually carry games it's really important they don't know Fox they don't know NBC they don't know Amazon they don't know Hulu they don't know NBC CBS FS1 ESPN for me I can still tell you boom ABC is channel 2 in Nashville NBC is channel 4 in Nashville Channel Five in Nashville is CBS channel uh ESPN is Channel 11 in Nashville that has been the case for my entire life I can tell you every one of those channels I just did it off the top of my head I'm 45 years old if you're anywhere within like 10 15 years of my age certainly if you're older but I would say down to about the age of 30 you probably know your ABC NBC CBS ESPN affiliate heck I can tell you that wtbs channel 23 when I was growing up Fox channel 17 um uh TNT channel 35 these are all ingrained in my head like some of my friends phone numbers are you know are you like me can you still remember some of your teenage friends phone number and you might not know your girlfriend's phone number now you might not know uh you might remember your parents phone number from when you were at the house back in the day I can still tell you what my home phone number was I don't even have a home phone now anyway my point on this is we are in such a rapidly evolving media era that traditional brands that you and I spend a lot of time with as a family and as sports fans you knew them all kids today don't they know the team that they care about but they are completely agnostic when it comes to the method in which they consume a product uh meaning a game and they don't even think twice about the legality associated with streaming they just they can find any game streaming anywhere on the internet and the fact that they might even have which we do they have the ability to put it on television they would rather find a streaming version to watch on their iPad or their iPhone or their laptop and I just think as a media guy as someone who loves media we are in such a fascinating era and everything is evolving so quickly that traditional audiences are Vanishing and they're going in through new platforms if I had a choice I would rather own YouTube than any of the television networks out there think about how crazy that is like from a business perspective I would rather own YouTube than CBS NBC ABC Fox FS1 ESPN TNT TBS I'd rather on Unimpressive Debate Ratings YouTube um and I I was thinking about this as the debate viewership numbers have come in this thing was on every channel last night so back uh when Biden and Trump debated on June 27th 51.2 million people watched Biden Trump that sounds like a lot there's 330 million people in America last night the number that I have seen shared is that a total of 57.7 million watched the debate last night now maybe that number is going to evolve maybe it's going to shift it's not not that many when you consider that it was on every channel over a 100 million people watch the Super Bowl on one channel Fox News MSNBC CNN ABC NBC all of them had the debate on last night and the vast majority of Americans didn't care now obviously a lot of people are going to watch reactions to debate hundreds of thousands of you watched my reaction to the debate right after just on YouTube and just on Twitter millions of you just listen to me on the clay and buck show uh on um radio stations all over the country or on the podcast but where are all those viewers going they've abandoned television they're in streaming they're not even aware that the race is going on in an aggressive way and I just think it's so fascinating because that evolution of media is occurring so rapidly that getting big audiences outside of frankly the NFL and a big college football game is almost impossible but the debate audiences compared to 2020 are down like 30% so what lesson is that giving us are fewer people engaged about the election in 2024 I think the answer is yes you might have heard me on the radio with buck months ago I bet him that fewer voters are going to turn out for 2024 than for 2020 I really believe it I think Trump as Boogeyman doesn't have the same resonance for the Democrat Party as it did in 2020 I said earlier I don't think that Trump and I said on the show was the best version of himself in the debate but I don't know that it's going to matter at all because the number of people that actually consume debates unless you come out and fall flat on your face like Joe Biden did it's almost impossible for something in a debate to really move aggressively the outcome of an election and if as I'm talking to you right now nearly $900 million has been bet on the presidential election and Trump has a 1 percentage point lead over for KLA Harris 50 to 49 now he dipped down a couple of points she rose up a couple of points based on the election debate but overall I don't think much is going to move the needle I think people have made up their minds I think fewer people are going to vote in 2024 than voted in 2020 and I think Trump is going to win this election because ultimately I think the swing voters are going to look around and say my life was better four years ago than it is now um and that means that I need a change agent and whether I like or dislike Donald Trump I trust him to be the change agent more than I trust KLA Harris so again I encourage you to go subscribe on YouTube look at the way that we're sharing things on YouTube look at the way that it's growing I'm on Tik Tok now I don't know how to post anything on Tik Tok I got uh an assistant who's now in charge of posting my stuff on Tik Tok but we have stuff go viral every day now at outkick millions of views on platforms that I'm not even on um you know I went to the eighth grade a football game recently and my son uh who's playing wide receiver 8th grade football uh I was talking to a couple of the the kids on his team and they said oh yeah we saw your Tick Tock about um the uh the competition between the best boys high school team team and the best women's NBA team like who would win 6 million people watch that Tik Tok 6 million just on Tik Tok and so I the point on this is we're used to an Era when it's very top down somebody on CNN says something somebody on Fox news says something somebody says something on MSNBC or ABC CBS NBC Fox ESPN whatever Channel you want and it really drives a lot of the discussion that air is gone way more people are watching and listening to stuff on YouTube and Tik Tok that never gets carried by the me carried by the media and X than ever are talking about things on television and it's what's old is a bit new again I'm always surprised by this we got the ratings data on Kay and buck the other day and I'm kind of nerding out on media but they gave us the top 51 markets and I printed it off and and I looked at ratings for instance we are the most popular Radio Show in Milwaukee EV just just Milwaukee on our radio show every 15 minutes 22,000 people in the Milwaukee listening area are listening to us just in Milwaukee nobody really covers radio segments on a day-to-day basis I want you to think about that for a minute 22,000 people just in Milwaukee by itself every 15 minutes so that means every 15 minutes it's more but an average over a three-hour show 22,000 people just in Milwaukee are listening now there's Millions listening Nationwide but I again we just got the data most television shows these days struggle to get 22,000 people often times um on on on broadcast not on podcast but on cable television there are lots of days on FS1 where we would post on lock it in 50 60,000 viewers for our cable gambling show that was on Nationwide every 15 minutes we get almost that many people just in Milwaukee I don't know how this is going to pan out in the 2024 presidential election I think anyone who claims that they know is out to lunch but I do think we're at such an incredibly interesting inflection point where everything is changing all at once and in the same way when the 2016 election happened and a lot of people said oh my goodness we never saw Donald Trump winning this election and there was such a shock wave that went through the population I'm a media nerd you go back in time and you think about the ways that people communicated um you know FDR had his Fireside Chats on the radio JFK in many ways mastered television better than other politicians did Reagan was an actor incredible communicator on television Trump has Twitter but I think the next iteration is who's going to really do an incredible job of motivating people on Tik Tok or on YouTube and I think it's going to result in outcome that become more surprising to people who have traditionally only watched television I just Just Thoughts From Me um as I have been surveying the media environment I I just think we are at a moment in time when everything is changing simultaneously and many of the rules that lots of us grew up with about how media was consumed are completely changing in real time so anyway just uh Just Thoughts From Me uh on that um couple of other things that are out there what's the biggest takeaway for me Rigged Debate? from the media going forward as it pertains to the debate that we saw last night I said you can go watch my review as I said it's up on YouTube it's all out there you can go watch all last night I'm not going to recapitulate what I said last night but I thought it was interesting pay attention to what people do not what they say I think that's a good life lesson across the board to me the most interesting outcome post debate was commala Harris's team said they want another debate that surprised me I thought especially if they did had a good result I think they had a good result last night I thought that they would say we don't want another debate they want another debate what they do not just what they say I think KLA Harris's campaign is losing I think they have internal debate uh internal polling data that shows them behind in many different uh States out there that are going to decide this election Georgia North Carolina Arizona Nevada Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania I think they have data out there that is showing them losing and I think that's why they want another debate as a general rule the group that wants more debates again as a general rule tends to be the group that is losing I think that is going on right now um and in play uh and we'll see what happens the other thing I want to go in I do want to address two things that I thought happened last night ABC rigged the moderation the likes of which we've never seen in a presidential debate ever it can simultaneously be true that Trump was not the best version of himself and I'll talk about that in a moment and also that the debate itself was incredibly rigged against him if there is going to be a second debate I would come out right now if I were Trump and say I'll do a second debate but it has to be on Fox News he's already gone on CNN he's now gone on ABC he's gone into two leftwing media environments I think Fox News would play it straight I think Brett Bayer and Martha McCollum would be right down the middle um but if I'm Trump I'm not agreeing at this point to go on any other left-wing Network to me a moderator if the moderator or moderators are doing the best job should not be a topic of conversation after the game or after the event or after the debate referees the best ones are seen and not heard they are not in any way the storyline CNN Jake Tapper and danab bash stayed out of The Fray let Trump and Biden go head-to-head let the viewers judge it themselves factchecking in any way is a definite attempt to weigh in on one side of The Ledger particularly when the factchecking only occurs in One Direction it's like throwing flags on only one team or calling fouls on only one team this was beyond a shadow of a doubt a rigged three onone debate that Trump walked into having said that I'll give you two Trump Whiffed At The Debate? examples that I think Trump had the opportunity to get a debate knockout and he totally whiffed first first question out of the gate was to kamla Harris and it was what would you say to voters who ask it I'm paraphrasing if they are better off now than they were four years ago KLA Harris began her answer by saying I was raised as a middle class kid it was a canned answer it had absolutely nothing to do with the current state of the country because here's the reality white black Asian Hispanic gay straight male female north south east west it doesn't matter where you live what your ethnic identity is what sexual identification you are all of us are economically worse off because of rising inflation than we were before the uh comma Biden Administration began we had 1.4% inflation in January of 2021 it went all the way to 99.1% it still double today what it was then and inflation coming down doesn't eliminate the inflation that already existed I'll give you an example if you put on 20 pounds in 2021 and you put on 10 lb in 2022 and you put on 5 lb in 2023 the fact that you only put on 5 PBS in 2023 doesn't mean that you lost the 30 lbs before in fact you're actually 35 pounds heavier all you've done is slow the rate of increase in your belly size the weight that you put on has not gone away that's why everything seal see seems so expensive in this country today because the weight you put on in 21 22 23 is still impacting you in 24 if you put on 35 pounds and you go out and you try to go for a jog the fact that you only put on five more pounds in the most recent year doesn't eliminate all the weight that you put on since I'll give you an example when I graduated from College I weighed 165 lbs I was 22 years old 6 foot I weighed 1165 pounds I now am 45 years old 23 years later double the age I was when I graduated from college I weigh 185 pounds on average over the past 20 years I have put on a pound a year now the reality is I probably put on some years more some years less I've weighed basically between 175 and 195 my whole post law school life okay so I've had a 20 pound range but every now and then I'm like hey when I came back from Australia I was up I stood on the scale I was 193 pounds I ate a lot while I was in Australia I said I got to get back in shape I drove it back down under 185 this morning I stood on the scale I was 18 I got to take it back down a little bit I'd like to be back to 175 I don't know if I can do it or not that's what my ideal weight I think would be in my own mind but I put on years of weight inflation is toxic like weight gain is because you don't eliminate it unless you go back and take away the weight that you put on before that is an easy answer KLA Harris and Joe Biden have failed everybody is worse off Trump didn't call KLA on the fact that she didn't answer it here's another one for you and let me give you today is the 23rd anniversary of 911 I was a first year lost student on 911 I was in my torts class current dean of Vanderbilt University law school was my visiting Professor Chris Guthrie I watched the Twin Towers fall in televisions that they rolled into the center of Vanderbilt law school 22 years old standing there watching the Twin Towers fall 23 years later we are here on this anniversary yet last night kamla said January 6th was the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War 911 and Pearl Harbor among other things have occurred since the Civil War crazy idea for you I think the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor and essentially beginning World War II in terms of drawing in the United States was far worse than anything that happened on January 6th I think watching the Twin Towers collapse and over 3,000 people die on 911 was far worse than anything that happened on January 6th it was the eve of 911 last night when she said that which she has said alongside of Joe Biden for years how in the world was Trump not prepared to reference 9911 I'll give you one other example of what I thought was a failure from Trump she went after the rally size I've been saying this for years no one cares how many people come to your rally she knew that Trump would would go down the rally siiz Rabbit Hole it was also imminently predictable that she would attack his his uh rallies why was Trump not prepared when she attacked his rallies to say look I know lots of people enjoy coming out to our rallies because they want to make America great again and I look forward to doing many of them even to the extent that I will risk my life to do them because on July 13th I was shot by someone who tried to kill me I still have the shrapnel damage from my ear from a bullet that narrowly avoided blowing my head off I was lucky that day one of my supporters was not he was a Fire Department volunteer in Pennsylvania Corey campori I want to tell you about his story here for a moment because I think his story is emblematic of the story of many people who support me across the nation and why I look forward to doing rallies to support them but let me tell you about a little bit about Corey was an amazing opportunity for Trump to honor a supporter of his who gave his life to go to a rally instead he argued about whether his rallies were entertaining enough again this is very basic stuff I was frustrated last night because kamla Harris is wrong on the border she's wrong on crime she's wrong on the economy she's wrong on Foreign Affairs she and Biden have failed she's wrong on inflation she's wrong on cost of goods she doesn't have the right solutions for America she and Biden have failed across the board Trump had an opportunity to hold her accountable for all of the things that she's changed her opinion on and I didn't think he did it and just like when you have a game American Playbook but just like when you have a game your team doesn't always play well I'm a fan of the Titans they were awful at the quarterback position and on offense against the Bears that doesn't mean I'm not a fan of the Titans I pay season tickets I'm a fan of the University of Tennessee they were great political fans are less honest often than sports fans are I try to be honest with you for both politics and sports and tell you exactly what I saw when somebody's great I'm going to tell you when somebody's not great I'm going to tell you that too Trump wasn't great on Tuesday last night he needed to be and he could have been because KL is the worst candidate running for president in any of our lives and she has the worst record I think all that matters um okay DBAP Unless You Need To SBAP DeShaun Watson uh you know what we've gone on for a while I'll dive back into Deshawn Watson uh Panthers Taylor Swift the impact all of that I will talk about tomorrow because I got a bunch of shows still I got to go give you my sports gambling picks I'm about to sit down uh and write up my uh outkick gambling picks for you for college football tomorrow we'll be back with out kick the show I love all of you on YouTube that are consuming uh that show there in such massive numbers um be with you on clay and buck Kelly Stewart and I are going to do our Sports gambling show tomorrow the fade so we'll have a couple of more shows for you tomorrow I'll have Clay and buck I appreciate all of your support for outkick dbap unless you need to sbap thank you to everybody out there uh who uh has supported tunnel to Towers raising money for 911 uh survivors as well as the survivors of military police First Responders uh thank you for all the work that all of you guys do I'll be back tomorrow unless you need to be unless you need to esap I'm Klay Travis this has been outkick the show

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