Category: Gaming
Llegó el gran día y estos dos equipos están ansiosos por demostrar de qué están hechos veremos quién nos regala un triunfo [música] hoy cuál de estos dos se llevar el triunfo en este [aplausos] clásico la tiene el equipo holandés y nos ponemos las [música] pilas alemania que presenta estos 11 titulares... Read more
Category: Gaming
[música] ambos equipos se han preparado durante mucho tiempo para este momento alguno de ellos logrará arrancar con el pie [música] derecho y qué tal si vamos con el comienzo de la primera parte vamos a presentar los 11 jugadores que arrancan para inglaterra hoy en el arco est joh trabajar junto a harry... Read more
Category: Gaming
Stick around to learn more about how surfshark lets you browse the web freely and securely plus get four additional months for free when you sign up using offer code skillup at surf forge sl skillup gamers when concord was first revealed i made a flippant offhand joke being like oh let's hope... Read more
Category: Gaming
Évidemment et oui c'est dedans et une bonne chose de faite concentration avant ce moment important ça va au fond le tir est placé c'est bien fait dans le petit filet au rat du sol très bien joué et oui tir au but transformé très bien tirit rien à dire et voilà parfaitement frappé et oui ça paraît même... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] a city imbued with the spirit of excitement and a stadium enveloped by anticipation this has all the ingredients necessary for a tasty football recipe and both sets of players are ready to throw everything into winning the game for their fans a mw watering prospect awaits stay tuned we'll have... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] well hey everybody and welcome back to the dojo right here on rage select i'm jeff jeff is that me in the driver's seat ah i'm a man to get the [ __ ] out of my way like the colored hair the septum piercing the glasses y i don't know i don't know this is called dust born this is like a a new... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] a city on the verge of greatness a new type of city based not on the man but on the automobile the car the symbol of freedom and [music] vitality where every man can own his own home and have room to breathe and not be overlooked by his neighbors a city where a man's home is his castle a quarter... Read more
Category: Gaming
É o bravo da [aplausos] [música] Read more
Category: Gaming
Inspirez profondément détendez-vous soyez zen oui le match va bientôt commencer dans quelques instants vous serez plongz dans un océan d'imprévu dans un espace infini de possibilités comptez sur le talent comptez sur le calcul faites comme vous voulez une seule obligation profitez de ce m le duel est... Read more
Category: Gaming
Mais uma vez o xbox series s é alvo de polêmica chefe de produto da funcom scott júnior reconheceu durante a gamescom que trabalhar no xbox 3 s é um grande desafio para a equipe criativa na realidade a decisão em lançar dooney awakening primeiramente no pc foi justamente por causa disso a existência... Read more
Category: Gaming
Live from guaranteed raid field on the south side of chicago inter league baseball on mlb the show it's the new york mets going up against the chicago white sock first p coming your way next just about set to go and getting the start for the white socks eric feny pitch guy he's got some options to work... Read more
Category: Gaming
[música] todos lo rumoraban... y nadie lo creía... pero es real... estas palabras describen perfectamente este anuncio nintendo lo hizo de nuevo... o mejor dicho fue capcom la nostalgia, el hype, pero principalmente la esperanza ha vuelto a nuestros corazones y sé que, al igual que yo, estás ansioso... Read more