Bill O'Reilly EXPOSES Kamala Harris | With Piers Morgan

yeah so let's Advance the story I'm sorry I'm taking over your program but you know how obnoxious I am let's Advance the story all right so um election day is less than two months away in 1984 and again you'll learn this when you read confronting the presidents all right Ronald Reagan got waxed by Walter mandale of all people in the first debate mandale destroyed him and Reagan looked old and befuddled and daughtering and and it was panic and then they had another debate and Reagan was much better prepared much more incisive and he beat Mandel and then there was a landslide victory for his reelection that can happen now if you're KLA Harris she said she wants another debate but if you were advising her would you advise her not to have one I I wouldn't if I were K Harris I'd go home with my winnings yeah and again she didn't win but she didn't hurt herself so now it's a slug Fest which is a win you see you see I would categorize her not hurting herself as a big win because the expectation was Trump would beat her up you can do that and that right there is exactly what I've been talking about lately did Trump actually lose this debate or did he just not deliver to the expectation that people had therefore fooling people into thinking that since Kamala Harris did better than expected and Trump did less than expected somehow Cala Harris won W but I do have to say Trump needs to prep better for the next one I think Trump wasn't expecting to be challenged as much as he was by the moderators which threw him off a little bit because the first debate against Biden they didn't challenge him at all and I think that they moderated it rather fairly but in this last one they were constantly having their own mini debates with Trump within the big debate that he was supposed to be having with Cala Harris which would have been fine had they challenged Cala Harris on the things that she was saying as well the lies that she was saying but when they didn't I believe that in part rattled Trump a little bit but in this one Bill O'Reilly breaks it down rather nicely and I hope Donald Trump puts better people in place to prep him for the next debate because we need him to come out there and completely demolish Cala Harris and hold her accountable for the last three and a half years that her Administration is responsible for and oh yeah I got a new hat today what do you guys think okay let's get her started well the polls were shifting in Donald Trump's favor before Tuesday night's debate for all the Relentless talk of joy and change voters felt that Harris have failed to Define herself and her platform they wanted and needed to know more well most viewers think that she won the debate quite comfortably in the end but did she move the dial was this simply a missed opportunity for Trump to land a killer blow or was it the turning point that vice president Harris has been desperately searching for my next guest cannot be accused of failing to give straight answers to the big questions poost of no spin news and the author of a new book confronting the presidents Bill O'Reilly rejoins me now Bill great to have you back is it really peers is it really great to have me back are you just saying that it is genuinely great to have you uncensored I can't think of a man more better equipped to appear on a show called uncensored than you um right well let's get uncensored about this debate who do you think won no one Trump didn't help himself Harris didn't hurt herself but if you are a fair-minded person and you listen to both of them they both had um let's say dubious nights uh Donald Trump just can't discipline himself he gets caught in the you know migrants eating dogs and cats let's relitigate the 2020 election for the 835th time um he calls her a Marxist but doesn't back it up uh a lot of rhetorical mistakes my Mr Trump in my my opinion KLA Harris was even worse because she absolutely Flatout refuses to answer any direct question three examples um the moderator said are there any restrictions at all that you would support an abortion she doesn't answer the question moderators say to her did you support the Afghan withdrawal she doesn't answer the question then they say are we better off now than we were four years ago she doesn't answer the question every single time now American voters some of them are astute and pick that up others don't care they vote on a motion they believe what they want to believe but if you're going to look at that debate as somebody helping America last night neither of the two candidates in my opinion did that you see what my take on it and I watched it all first thing in the morning here in London I taped it woke up had a couple of coffees and was very clear-headed and tried to watch it with a very clear fair-minded head um my ass that's unusual for you that's unusual for you very unusual very unusual better better than a glass of my favorite French Bordeaux Bill to adle the brain um but I I watched it and here's what I thought I I genuinely thought Trump was going to Flatline it and uh in boxing pance far from him delivering what could have been a knockout blow if he had in the way that he knocked out Biden I felt that she won on points and I'll tell you why because I felt that she jab jab Jab him in a deliberately provocative way and he reacted exactly how she hoped he would right down to you know taunting him about the size of his rally crowds and so on and Trump couldn't help himself but get rattled by that very trivial sort of attack line um and I was surprised he wasn't a lot more combative whether he'd been told not to by his debate team whether it's a deliberate strategy whatever it was he just struck me is just not quite as fired up as I'm used to him in a debate stage and for that reason in the end I thought you know what she came in with such low expectations she got quite a few Jabs away if it was to the boxing match on points I'd give it to Carla Harris I can't I can explain why he wasn't more combative because he needs American women to vote for him and all the surveys both internal and out to tell that that's his problem American women feel these to Bell aast too uh nasty too mean so he brought it down my problem with Donald Trump's presentation is he talks too much I mean this is not a a hard definition of KLA Harris she is the most Progressive leftist ever to run to the presidency in America when you read confronting the presidents and you should as soon as you can because it's relevant to today there's nobody comes close not even Barack Obama to what kamla Harris believes all Trump had to do was Define those beliefs because the moderators weren't going to do it Harris isn't going to do it Harris is telling you she's a moderate now I mean every position she held including co-signing Bernie Sanders's National healthc care bill now she repudiates it all Trump had to do was just run it down but he wants to explain overe explain gets himself into all kind of of rical trouble and the SEC and Bill O'Reilly is completely right there Donald Trump gets too caught up in defending himself when he needs to just stick to the policies and focus on what he accomplished and the failures of the last three and a half years in the Kamala Harrison Administration and let us be the fact Checkers we'll defend him and we'll set the record straight and the second thing is the moderators at ABC and you got to understand the corporation Disney Bob Iger runs it they hate Trump so there were a lot of loaded questions to him and to make kamla look good I'll give you one clear example so David mure who's not an ideologue by the way Lindsey Davis the co- moderator is Ardent liberal but mure isn't but Mur throws to kamla Harris hey if Trump's elected he says he's going to put the people in jail who uh were fraudulent in the 2020 election I mean this is the biggest softball or soccer ball in England could possibly float of course she's going to take and run oh he's a dictator on day one oh he's gonna destroy the Constitution which is exactly what she said and mu knew that ABC knew news knew they were giv there this big thing and whack all right Trump didn't get any of that but Trump should have known that was going to happen and he didn't look like he was cognizant of what was going around him yeah I completely agree um I thought his best line was his last line uh got a clip here this is his his closing line which I felt was what he should have said repeatedly during the debate let's take a watch so she just started by saying she's going to do this she's going to do that she's going to do all these wonderful things why hasn't she done it she's been there for three and a half years they've had three and A2 years to fix the Border they've had three and a half years to create jobs and all the things we talked about why hasn't she done it see that to me Bill was the obvious thing to keep saying she's presenting herself as some breath of fresh air you know New Blood she's actually been the vice president under Joe Biden for nearly four years now as Trump said at the end very coherently actually uh yeah if you're going to do this stuff why haven't you done it you know look that is he did get that across I mean at one point in the debate uh he says she's Joe Biden and then she you know turns to him goes I'm not Joe Biden you're running against me I'm not well if you're not Joe Biden lady with all due respect you haven't come out in one instance and differed with him about anything and when you were in the senate for four years you voted straight party line and co-sponsored radical Progressive bills that's all Trump has to say okay and he hit her on the border he hit her on inflation and all that but then her comeback is it's all Trump's fault Trump didn't support the Border bill so this is his fault Trump ignited uh inflation while he was in there which is absolutely false and Trump all he had to say was look when I left it was 1.4% inflation in the first year you went over nine how did that happen okay these are the questions that should have been asked by the moderators but you're never going to get that in America today because the corporate media is infused with ideology and there's no doubt about it we don't have a free press we have a profit press and they speak to the choir that's what we have but again it's on Trump to Define her and he got muddled up in all of this crazy stuff and I don't I don't think he lost any votes Donald Trump so if any of you were going vote for him before the debate you're still going to vote for him but he needed to persuade some people because it's that close here yeah that that's the point and I I completely agree he got sidetracked way too many times and that's what I mean about she kept jabbing him and rather than responding in kind he kind of got himself entangled in all sorts of weird little rabbit hole stuff which just it was like watching one of his rallies when he gets into the second hour and just starts riffing um but it doesn't work in a tight debate and also you got 90 minutes there it's actually a lot of air time if you want he had he had six more minutes apparently of airtime Trump and carala Harris if you don't like the questions you're getting you can use the airtime you have to ask the ones or answer the ones that you want in other words you can frame what you say any way you like you're not you're not beholden to behave exactly how the moderators want you to and I was surprised Trump didn't often he wasn't nearly as sharp as he was against Biden so let's Advance the story I'm sorry I'm taking over your program but you know how obnoxious I am let's Advance the story all right so um election day is less than two months away in 1984 and again you'll learn this when you read confronting the presidents all right Ronald Reagan got waxed by Walter male of all people in the first debate Mandel destroyed him and Reagan looked old and befuddled and daughtering and and it was panic and then they had another debate and Reagan was much better prepared much more incisive and he beat Mandel and then there was a landslide victory for his reelection that can happen now now I as you may know I've known Donald Trump for almost 35 years I mean I wouldn't say we're friends but we're certainly acquaintances I don't talk to him on a regular basis I don't intrude that way I'm a journalist I don't call people up and tell them what to do all right but I on my program the no spin news which you can get on YouTube because the UK blocks it okay um I suggested that Donald Trump hold a press conference tomorrow tomorrow and talk about the debate because KLA is not going to do that she's not going to sit down with anybody because she can't answer the one-on-one questions all she can say is I'm aspirational I I'm joyful uh we need a new pathway forward hey Madame vice president if you and Biden were so good why do we need a new pathway forward all right so Trump should have a press conference as fast as he can put it together to try to regain the momentum he lost in the debate if if you enjoy this type of content make sure to hit that like button subscribe to the channel and share this video the debate if you're KLA Harris she said she wants another debate but if you were advising her would you advise her not to have one I I wouldn't if I were K Harris I'd go home with my winnings yeah and again she didn't win but she didn't hurt herself so now it's a slugfest which is a win you see you see I would categorize her not hurting herself as a big win because the expectation was Trump would beat you can do that but I'm doing it on traditional debate roles look when you analyze and again I'm plugging my book but that's what I have to do here printed 500,000 copies when you analyze all the presidential races KLA Harris is most like the immortal Warren Harding 1920 all right Harding gets elected overwhelmingly never does a press conference doesn't even campaign doesn't come out of his house in Marian Ohio he too busy chasing his mistress around okay and the reason he wins is because the American public was so fed up with woodro Wilson was in the World War I era they would have voted for a chimpanzee right that's what the Harris people are hoping that Trump is digging himself such a big hole as far as image is concerned they can beat him just on that so if I were Harris I wouldn't do a second debate but Trump needs one let me was moment in the debate when Trump you know attacked the fact that Joe Biden's always on the beach it is a quite extraordinary situation that the current president of the United States seems to be absent without leave lying on a beach in in Delaware most of the time um has there in your in your book has there been a similar situation like this where for for many months a sitting president is not really the president Grover Cleveland dis dis appeared for 3 months because he had cancer roof uh mouth cancer and they whisked him away to uh Cape Cod nobody knew where he was nobody was in charge of the government WID Wilson had a stroke Edith ran the government okay Ronald Reagan after he was shot and not only did I write confronting the PRS but I wrote killing Reagan Nancy Reagan pretty much the most powerful person in the country while he was convalescing so this has happened before now you say President Biden's absent without leave he's got leave his own party said get lost yeah we don't want you around yeah and that turned out to be a brilliant political move yes because Harris as shallow as she is and I don't even believe that KLA Harris understands the issues forget about having problem solving abilities I don't think she understands whenever I hear her say two-state solution in Gaza there isn't two states lady there's one St all right the Palestinians don't have a state they're run by terrorists do you not understand that when there's no State and all you have are killers trying to wipe you off the face of the Earth you can't solve that problem unless you obliterate the killers on this anniversary of 911 but a Comm house doesn't understand that somebody told her oh it's two-state solution oh yeah she doesn't know but she could win let me ask you this is there another trump card for one of a better phrase that the Democrats could play which which would really help her if it still was neck and neck if Biden could be persuaded to give up the presidency and she he's not going to do that is it possible can is it technically possible no yeah he could he could resign but he's not going to do that because it doesn't get the Democrats any anywhere to do that okay that brings a focus back on Joe Biden right now Biden is Claude Reigns The Invisible Man all right if you haven't seen a movie go watch it that's where he is they Trot him out he does some ceremonial stuff and then as you said he goes back to reoboth Delaware and he lies under the umbrella and that's what he's going to do for the for the duration all right so why bother stirring this thing up and then having people's attention diverted away from hating Trump it's all about hating Trump that's it that's what this election is about because if you compare the four years that Donald Trump actually governed to the seven and a half years that KLA Harris is in Washington there's no comparison on the face of the Earth none but Americans are very emotional people and they may not care about that and how significant is the very ringing endorsement from Taylor Swift who right now is the biggest pop star on the planet do these things matter bill would it help with young women for example young women AR going to vote for Donald Trump okay I mean Tor Swift uh and I actually met her and she was very nice to my teenage daughter by the way um and I think she's a nice person um she's not a political scientist and she will not be tending Oxford as my son recently did anytime soon so all this is is pop culture all right I mean is Herman's Hermits going to endorse the Prime Minister of England is not going to matter I I'm not I'm dating myself I know that but it doesn't matter do any endorsements matter I mean we had a debate actually the other day where we're were talking about this and I spoke to Destiny who said you know even he'd even accept an endorsement from Adolf Hitler if it helped move the needle you know are there any endorsements which you should reject outright publicly of course I mean you don't want to take an endorsement from somebody who heinous somebody who's evil um but all of this is sideshow stuff what it comes down to in November is Americans are suffering economically because they're paying far more for the essentials of life than they did that's number one yeah and number two we have 12 million foreign Nationals undocumented in this country without any supervision at all because of the Biden Harris Administration those are the two things now millions of Americans don't care I don't know why I don't I get furious and I got plenty of money I get furious when I walk in there and got to pay three times as much for a carrot than I did four years ago when it was totally unnecessary all right so I'm not voting for KLA Harris and I don't endorse anybody all right but I'm not voting for this because this is gross incompetence in confronting the presidents Comm uh Joe Biden's the second worst president that has ever served this country why because he created the problems that we are experiencing now most bad presidents Hoover and others inherited them and couldn't solve them Biden caused them and Harris went along with it how did you feel when you heard Dick Cheney's ringing endorsement for Cara Harris I just glad that Cheney wasn't uh telling America to invade Iraq again I was wow I thought he was going to get us back there uh again I mean if it's between Dick Cheney and Taylor Swift I'll probably go with Cheney but it's all personal you know the chenes hate Trump the bushes hate Trump because Trump insults people and they don't like that that's all personal do you think this debate Bill finally will determine who wins the election or have we got a long 60 days ahead of us it's not going to be a long 60 days it's going to go by like that the debate helps KLA Harris but if Donald Trump like Ronald Reagan can recover if he buttons it you got to be Surgical and disciplined I've never seen that from Donald Trump but he did come close in the Biden debate got to get back there and redefine KLA Harris in a very simple way she's an extremist a leftwing extremist and you got to just keep pounding that so I'm right now Harris is ahead that can change obviously biller Ry great to have you back thank you very much indeed so that was pretty good but during the making of this video some breaking news came out and I'll just show you here this one from the daily wire Trump declares he won't debate Kamala again the former president Donald Trump declared on Thursday that he would not participate in another debate against vice president Kamala Harris who signaled that she wants a second Faceoff but only after getting favorable treatment by the moderators during their first match held by ABC news earlier this week when a priz fighter loses a fight the first words out of his mouth are I want a rematch polls clearly show that I won the debate against comrade Kamala Harris and the Democrats radical left candidate on Tuesday night and she immediately called for a second debate Trump said in a post on Truth social she and crooked job destroyed our country with millions of criminals and mentally deranged people pouring into the USA totally unchecked and unvetted and with inflation bankrupting our middle class he added everyone knows this and all the other problems caused by Cala and Joe it was discussed in great detail during the first debate with Joe and the second debate with comrade Harris she was a no- show at the fox debate and refused to do NBC and CBS ending his statement Trump emphasized Cala should focus on what should have done during the last almost 4year period there will be no third debate in a post to X roughly an hour later Harris said two nights ago Donald Trump and I had our first debate we owe it to the voters to have another debate so apparently as of right now there's not going to be another debate which is sad Trump should be out here champing at the bit to get in the ring with her again like he said when a champ loses a fight he wants to fight again right away and that's not what Trump is doing here which is extremely disappointing I don't know maybe he feels like he can't get a fair fight with the moderators behaving the way that they did but you know I'm not going to make excuses that doesn't matter he should be able to go in there and debate her again I don't know what he plans on doing for the next two months until the election a lot of people believe that he needs to stop doing these rallies because all he's doing is really just putting on a concert for the Maga base that's already going to vote for him um I know he's been going on a lot of podcasts and doing a lot of shows with young people and things like that but maybe he needs to do what Dr Phil suggested and do more Talent Halls try to get out there and question and answers with actual citizens he needs to meet the people in the middle because that's how he's going to gain ground he needs to win over the independent voters by meeting them where they are and frankly most of them aren't at Maga rallies and I don't know how many of them are watching the podcast that he goes on so big television events are where it's at for him like this last debate and I think he's making a mistake by not debating Camala Harris again like Bill O'Reilly referenced Ronald Reagan got demolished in his first debate and then he came back and crushed the guy in the second debate and then won in a landslide in the election and I feel like that's the footsteps that Donald Trump should be trying to follow but who knows I'm just a guy talking to a camera so let me know your thoughts on this whole situation and um other than that make sure to like And subscribe to this channel share this video and I'll see you guys in the next one

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