UCF vs Sam Houston Charge On Postgame Show | 9/7/24

Published: Sep 07, 2024 Duration: 00:56:32 Category: Sports

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get this so because yeah you're going on the left all right I think we're live uh and you are on the right side so we're just going to back up no you're good you're on the you're on the right side Steven's goingon to be on the left um do we want to move this should we like move this a little bit that way so you have more room to S all right uh so remember when I said in the if you were with us with the pregame show I said I had all my stuff together we were good everything was working great uh I forgot something so we're going One mic again Steven's going to join us uh in a little bit he's at the press conference thank you for tuning in to the charge on postgame live show I am your host Sean green alongside Nick gettis Steph Leonard will be joining us in just a couple of minutes we have a lot to get to uh second charge on postgame live show let us again let us know if the audio is good if the video is good I think it's looking good and we want to hear from you we want to hear from you nights fans drop down in the comments below what you thought on the game uh it was a good one uh we're me and Stephen are or me and Nick are going to give our quick uh immediate thoughts on this game before Stephen gets here um I'm intrigued to hear what Gus Maan has to say on a couple things uh we're not going to get answers to some of the questions I have but all in all here's my thoughts this is everything we wanted to see out of UCF in week two a step up in competition it was a step up I don't care what anybody says it was a step up in competition uh k J looked exactly what we wanted KJ to look uh I did a couple stats that I'll give later on but KJ looked really good um I'll have to pull up the stats so we have the stats in front of us because we did not get the final box score we are getting wet and rained on I'm going to move this a little bit I'm G step forward how about that yeah we're gonna move we're going to move this back live TV guys you know uh cuz we're getting wet but yeah there's a comment too we have an echo slight Echo slight e h let me try [Music] this let me see if this fixes it one second it would just be my luck to uh M check one too all right let me know if that fixes it uh if it doesn't I apologize I will figure it out um but no so we got every we we saw everything we wanted to um in my opinion out of KJ uh he looked he looked phenomenal uh the stats won't necessarily tell you the whole story uh but to be honest I think it was the best you were going to uh see out of KJ tonight uh defensively uh just fast they they played fast the entire game uh it was again we talked about it you want to see an improvement you want to see it continue to go from week one to week two they showed that uh love seeing some of the passes that KJ was throwing he looked really sharp in the passing game and then again the running game looked incredible um so I'm looking and sounding good boys thank you Kevin uh Nina thank you um but yeah so we H I don't really have many negatives Nick and I don't know if you do it was everything you really wanted to see out of UCF uh in week two if there's a negative I'll find it as you as you always try to remind me um you know they always say like in college football the biggest Improvement you see is usually week one to week two I thought that was evident last night uh I know the score line last week was 57 to3 but given the fact that there was a you know I know it was still lopsided 4514 the doubt the the result was never in doubt I think this still was a pretty good step up in competition I even told you like we were watching both of these teams warming up like it's crazy the difference in just how big these guys from um Sam Houston looked as opposed to New Hampshire so that was there but I really thought tonight was a really really strong effort from both sides of the ball but especially offensively we really talked a lot about KJ Jefferson on the pregame show what you need to see from him I said that he needed to be a little bit even more than marginally better and I don't think the stats are going to say it 12 of 15 for 169 tonight no touchdowns but no turnovers for KJ Jefferson I can't really recall any time where he one but that wasn't his fault the one and and I yeah I think that wasn't really exactly his fault he got hit as he threw probably need more effort from the white out there to go get the ball to be honest with you so that turnover doesn't happen but I don't really think he put the ball In Harm's Way um I really really think that he made some strong throws tonight especially to Kobe Hudson you know he hit he hit the 50 53 yard pass um I think it was an early fourth quarter late third something around there but so a really strong effort tonight I think we learned a little bit more about KJ Jefferson and tonight was a step forward no for sure I kind of want to give you guys a better look honestly I don't think it's raining anymore we were kind of nervous doing this so I think I'm going to bring this back just to give you guys a nice look at the outside I know it really doesn't matter in terms of the game um but I kind of just I think we're safe with the water so I'm going to pull us back yeah you got your uh you got your weather forecast right tonight you said it was going to stop R I said was going to stop at got to this and that's exactly what happened it's perfect yeah so I think gosh again if anything uh I mean that's all I wanted was the weather to stop and it ended up going well so give you has a little bit better little bit better look but no you're 100% right I think things to clean up there are 100% things to clean up uh yeah I mean javarus Johnson KJ gets hit javarus Johnson just watches the ball so you don't want turnovers well F first drive of the game there were four penalties and they were all procedural penalties on the offensive line we even had the one of them my favorites false start everybody but the center everybody but we don't get that one often when we do I I love it uh but no I mean I'm sure Gus probably was going crazy on the sideline because UCF had no problem moving the ball on that first drive in particular but they were just sort of killing themselves with the penalties but hey they still made it out with uh with seven on that drive yeah let's go through that first drive uh because I think listen I I'm going to keep mentioning KJ KJ is going to be a big focal point of this show but we said you need to see something out of KJ and that first drive UCF did KJ uh zero favors if anything it was like they were trying to make it harder on KJ you had Kaden kler hold you had the Paul rubelt false start you had the delay of game on KJ which to be honest don't I think the clock should have been bumped up after so I don't really consider that on KJ but it was a penalty for five yards um you had the false start everybody but kitler that all came in the first quarter uh so that was four penalties in the first quarter for 25 yards and I think that was all on the the first drive too right all on the first all on the first drive and KJ did it with his legs he was making accurate balls and I will say I had some tweets I I want to read some tweets that I got sent later on but somebody said I forgot who it said but somebody said like oh KJ isn't all that we thought he was going to be but if he plays like this I'm like I don't know what anybody else is watching but I think most UCF fans Nick can agree that what we saw of KJ Jefferson tonight there was there was one bad pass it was one bad pass and it was the screen pass to I think it was Xavier where he just threw it really high besides that KJ Jefferson was insanely accurate tonight I don't think there was one ball that I was besides the one to Xavier where I was like yikes he looked incredibly better in all facets running the football he was very way more decisive than last week and throwing the football yeah I thought they gave him some easy throws on that first drive I mean I mentioned a lot in the pregame show about getting Xavier towns in the ball and we saw a lot of end rounds to Xavier we lot we saw a lot of screens to Xavier year so that was really good to see um they even let him air it out a little bit I already mentioned the 50 yard 53 yard pass that he had to Kobe Hudson which you know we saw that once in the first game and it's like Kobe's really good in the air and we saw that in week one we saw that last year quite frankly and we saw that there in that 53 yard uh pass in the third quarter and there were some other opportunities too I mean remember there in the first quarter Sean they went to him down the sideline and he made a great play on the ball but unfortunately he got called for offensive Pi yes um but I still love the process of that that entire play and KJ throwing some some pretty good balls and letting his his top receiver haul that in um he had some good throws to Randy Pitman especially on that first drive as well I think that was the first throw first completion he had in the game and that got him going a little bit so now is UCF going to be again he threw 15 times tonight KJ Jefferson he threw 14 times in the first game that is not going to be I don't think the standard for the rest of the season especially when you get into Big 12 play next week they're going to have to probably throw it a little bit more but when you have the running game that UCF has put together this year and shout out to the offensive line by the way I don't want to bury the lead because I thought the offensive line was the star of the show tonight especially in that first half they were bullying people the holes that RJ Harvey had opened up for him and Miles Montgomery and Johnny Richardson Penny Boon all those guys made it m made it much easier for those guys to do those job because of all the efforts from the offensive line tonight so shout out to them but absolutely KJ is definitely going to be the uh the guy that we're most focused on as this season goes on into the start of the season and I thought it was a good start tonight I am almost done all right oh and the lights D even though we know thank you he look at Nick get is taken taken charge uh I just had to tweet out the link I totally forgot to do that but uh let's talk about the running game I and when Stephen gets back we'll talk more about KJ because I think KJ uh is a huge factor of tonight I think if you're looking at looking ahead and looking to next week against TCU you feel a million times more confident which is W they just they're trying to get us kicked out we are staying here until at least 11 uh 1110 uh but no you feel you feel a lot more confident about KJ heading into next week but the star of the show and it has G it's going to be the star of the show it will be the start of the show it was the start of the show tonight was the Run game uh let me pull up the stats here cuz I have the stats handy on the computer uh 57 carries for 384 yards and six touchdowns RJ Harvey once again uh what do you say I mean 19 19 carries 126 yards four touchdowns uh listen up in the Press Box you're not supposed to cheer but we were kind of clamoring for RJ to break the single game record uh for most touchdowns in a single game in UCF history uh didn't happen Gus pulled him and the smart person was Gus maon that's smart you pull him you don't need him out there the fan and everybody is like we want him to break the record but listen he's gotten what if we do the math right if I do math he's gotten 30 carries on the year over 200 whatever yards close to 300 he's got six touchdowns on the year so I mean he's at a point right now and we've got stepen Leonard coming right behind us so perfect we're going to get crammed in here in a sec um we're at a point where RJ Harvey's your clearcut number one but getting KJ in the Run game and getting other guys in the Run game is only going to make UCF way more versatile yeah and we talked a lot about oh we're gonna get Stephen in come behind me yeah come behind behind this week One mic this week my mom's actually watching fun fact hi Stephen's mom so yeah I forgot a piece I forgot a a USB to USBC so now we're using One mic for this postgame show so not perfect I was close this week okay I was one thing away but I was going to say uh about the running game I mean we talked a lot about the importance of having a miles Montgomery back there and a Johnny Richardson and a penny Boon to sort of spell RJ Harvey all season long and I think you're starting to see that pay dividends early on because RJ when he gets in there he just looks very fresh you know we don't H you don't have to run RJ Harvey into the ground especially in these games you know if you want to run him into the ground against you know Arizona or something like that when we cross that bridge we'll get there whatever but you don't have to do that right now I think we've got a chance to see that they have four capable running backs and capable is probably putting it mildly they have four guys who look like they all could start for a lot of teams in in the nation right now uh but RJ definitely was the focal point and listen he's a six fifth or sixth year running back sixth year right Stephen yeah six year running back I mean we sort of expect this kind of stuff from him there's not much more you can say about what he does I'm sure Gus Malon if he was asked about it um would probably tell you like what do you say say about this guy at this point uh yeah no 100% And I feel like every week we're going to be talking about RJ Harvey it's just he's in my opinion a top three back in the country but the running game we'll get more into running game as we go on but Stephen use came from the press conference uh I don't know what could be said I don't know what was interesting that Gus might have said but kind of give us your take or give us what was said in the press conference that maybe you find you found interesting um obviously like one thing uh was like the running back rotation he talked about Penny Boon being that guy that's just starting to come along in the offense and like having a guy like Penny Boon to be your fourth quarter running back is insane uh fresh he was super fresh in the fourth quarter and he gets that touchdown um officially new kickoff specialist Evan Morris the biggest kicker in the nation according to GM on I posted on Twitter he he said it um not that Colton Boomer is doing anything wrong is what he said saving his leg uh saving his leg uh getting him back to that freshman year uh where he was nearly perfect he had the 63 yard Miss but that was it yeah so uh I think those okay yeah those are the big things those are the really big things I think that he brought up who else uh is there any players uh he didn't respond to the DeShaun Pace question who asked uh Chris Bole Chris Bole shout out he was Beach News Journal so he didn't respond did not re he said n no comment so I we haven't got into that yet but uh up in the Press Box we noticed immediately uh deshun Pace was my defensive MVP last week uh he was not on the field it was X3 Alexander and I said where's DeShaun pace and why is he not on the field uh Steph took out his handy dandy phone and zoomed in and saw he was on the sideline so we're like okay uh clearly something disciplinary I wanted somebody to ask somebody did Chris but shout out so no answer but at the end of the day deshaan P's had a good game uh he got in the game clearly was something minor uh but you know besides that again this game was the epitome we were saying this game was the epitome of everything you wanted to see this week specifically after what we saw last week everything worked so good last week but KJ was kind of eh the defense you want to see them going up against a better opponent it seemed like specifically this week was significantly better on all fronts all fronts including the quarterback um let's talk about the defense one thing I asked about the defense uh not to Gus but to Mack yeah uh mck McWilliams obviously starting quarterback got a his first interception today uh he was at the podium and I asked him about all of the new spring transfers getting involved [ __ ] leak Sheldon Arnold and himself obviously they all had a big game they all had turnover worthy plays uh obviously UCF didn't recover the fumble but Niger leak forced to Fumble m Ma and Sheldon got interceptions he said Ted roof knows how to recruit that's uh something I a lot of people questioned UCF going out and getting a bunch of players in the spring portal they question whether those players can actually play obviously they can yeah so I will say this the night and day difference I I think in the New Age college football with transfers especially on the defensive side of the football you see it with Florida State I hate to bring Florida State up but not every transfer is created equal sometimes you hit sometimes you don't hit not every player's the same I want to temper the expectations at the end of the day we've played New Hampshire and Sam Houston that is a fact we we do not know next week is going to be the big test you're playing TCU on the road in your first Big 12 game but from what we've seen Nick on these first two weeks the players that are making the plays are not guys that were on the roster last year it was guys that have come in this off season and in Ted roofs defense that are the impact in these first two games yeah shout out to Ted rof I mean we I we honestly should give a nice little golf clap to Ted rof because um like stepen had mentioned I think a lot of people saw that hire and went is that really an inspiring hire at this point for a guy who's been around the block and and had some good programs let's I mean let's let's not throw dirt on the guy he knows what he's doing clearly a lot more than any of us do uh but the job that they did in the portal like you said you mentioned Florida State being the greatest example of that and there's other examples too and and you know I go back to the comment that Nick Sav said on game day you know you bring all these guys in but if they don't if they can't play you're you're so but six new defensive starters out of 11 are transfers and I think every single one of them has been a hit from from my estimation every single one of them has been a hit and even a guy like Nigel Le Kelly who you know had moments and flashes last week against New Hampshire but we were probably looking to see more out of him and he made a great impact tonight so the transfers and especially what they've done to that linebacker room I mean I thought Ethan bar again another another solid solid night for him Deshawn Pace when he got in there solid again Sheldon Arnold getting a pick M McWilliams getting a pick that's been the story for this defense is the transfers have sort of transformed it and it looks nothing like it did last year no it doesn't and I think you look back and you look at the Kent State game you look at Villanova and you say okay they dominated the game but you go back and you actually watch and it's like they they did but they didn't it just looks different and that's why we take into account the teams we're playing Stephen we take that into account but there's a clear difference in the way that Ted roof's defense is playing in these first two games compared to last year against the the Gimme the Gimme teams I guess yeah so last year you saw like a Bend but don't break kind of defense and then the Kent State would like go for it on fourth down and not get it so you you don't have like the same you know not scoring against you but you're giving up a ton of yards you're giving up scoring chances is they I don't think they got onto the the UCF side of the field until the second half I was going to say I mean Gus said that during the presser they had the 60 something yard uh trick play but outside of that they didn't their first team could not move the ball I'd make him run burpees for that trick play but here you go Nick no I was just going to say you mentioned the trick play because that's I was going to mention like I almost bring up you because there was a moment in the game where you're like I don't like the way the defense is playing like and I was like there so I'll say I'll call it I don't care the first team defense was I thought lights out to be honest with you I mean you take the trick play away this game's what 45 to to seven and you want to call that busted coverage not really I mean it was just a trick play it is what it is I don't think anybody looked at each other and went oh that was really bad it happens but outside of that when they were playing just straight up 11 on 11 no no gimmicks no gimmicks um ucf's defense I thought dominated their first team offense and and they should and again we we talked about it leading up where people were calling I guess us out we're part of the I guess problem this week which was giving Sam Houston too much credit and acting like Sam Houston's too good it wasn't that I think it doesn't it didn't take a rocket scientist to look at Sam Houston tonight and say they are bigger than New Hampshire didn't take a rocket scientist it they looked like it on the field but UCF didn't look specifically the offensive line I want to talk about the offensive line I know that's kind of like we're going from the defense to the offense the offensive line this season first of all you have the same five I mean we're not changing up a center every we're not getting injuries you know thank God right now the offensive line I think is the UN unsung heroes of the first two weeks the running game obviously keeping KJ protected they allowed the one sack that was really the one time Stephen that we looked at and said yikes that was bad every other time KJ had plenty of time was able to get out what can this offensive line they looked clearly dominant against Sam Houston and you know Sam Houston is Sam Houston they're much better than people give him credit for but seven sacks last a lot of sacks last week they had a lot of sacks and that's what I'm saying it's like or no rice rice had seven sacks R had seven sacks two sacks two interceptions I cannot wait until I don't forget the thing so we all have a mic this is ridiculous that's on me I suck this is my bad I oh I'm so mad okay uh but no talk about the offensive line because I think you know over the last couple Seasons it's up and down but the last two games specifically they look incredible I think there was a big worry about Paul rubo being the starting right tackle I think he's been the best player for the first play of the game he ragged all the defensive end and I was like all right okay we're cool like Paul's just Paul's fine I I think he was a worry for everyone but he's just he's just that guy I guess so zero starts in four years or five zero starts in four years now fifth year and he's pretty good keep in mind too we talked a lot of we talked when we opened up the show tonight about four penalties on that first drive and you don't want that but I don't think there was any more offensive line penalties for the rest of the game maybe I mean they only finished with six penalties total yeah so that's a good sign I mean I know you four you don't want on any drive and they were still able to score obviously on that drive but for the rest of the game they only had two penalties and obviously last week they had only three penalties I believe so the uh the undisciplined play that you saw last year that Gus talked a lot about uh in the offseason he had to clean in his words some of that crap up I think they've done that here in these first two games the offensive Line's been a big part of that you mentioned rubel I'll mention the guy on the other side of the line Amari kite um you're a bigari kite big Amari kite guy I thought he was who isn't who isn't Amari kite's a big guy he's he is a big guy and I I thought he was great tonight and I thought Gus mazan his play calling especially in that first quarter I mean Gus Gus was in his back he really was it was a little gimmicky I I I'll give Casey Keeler that yeah he well he said he he said he thought Gus SM on was just a gimmick but he's not it was they're very disciplined there was some gimmicky he he you can call it gimmicky but I mean he had Amari pulling and everything and Amari was finishing on his guy on the other side of the line I mean I talked about the holes that were being opened up I just I just thought Gus was really putting those guys in good situations tonight I will say I I don't think of anything was more beautiful tonight than the offensive lineman pulling I mean it it looked gorgeous the way they were doing it one thing Kaden kitler I he had the one holding penalty on the first drive he is such a revelation as Center compared to last year it is night and day obviously started twice last year but he got hurt yeah everyone outside of him last year kind of struggled he's just so he's good listen I don't want to I don't want to throw shade to any former former players but it's very nice not have Drake metf uh under Center I'm not trying to listen to anybody that watches this show I I hope Drake has a great recovery I know he tore his like he popped his Achilles in the spring but he's supposed to come back can play a guard for Virginia so praying for quick recovery yeah we are praying Hey listen we don't want any we didn't fit here you just made me look mean on on this show I don't want any injuries playing a different position as well guard there is like he's he's a very good guard we can only judge what they do on the field in a UCF uniform okay and Drake medcafe did not play well last year that's just calling it out and Kaden kler for the stability that he provides again hopefully stays healthy Center is a very very important very very important position I've learned that as I've as I've continued to watch football over the years it Center is very important and Katen killer has done a great job I'm going to try and get to some comments we have 49 people watching uh thank you especially with this uh ranky dink setup that I've uh I've got going for us so I appreciate all of you tuning in if I can get the comments up I want to get them up we're going to do you yeah you could probably get them up I don't know why my phone's not working that is very small text so I can zoom in my phone over there it's okay I know I was saying we're getting someone mentioned that bullah bouah did his job last year so we didn't mention bouah uh did his job I don't who said bull did his job there there was a lot of s okay so hidden Hawaiian I want to bring this up and and this is not we're listen we're going to last year he said bull did his thing though last season bull had the highest PFF grade last season on offensive line you can't just look at PFF I get PFF PFF is something it's it's it's something to look at not it is not everything pass block grades are really good on PFF run blocking grades not so much no so don't look at PFF List look at PFF but then watch the game with your eyes it doesn't take if you just watch football the time which everybody in this postgame live show watches football boou is not good uh but Kane killer very good all right so POS do we have any negatives I have a negative I do I have two actually two negatives negatives two negatives negative Shawn is actually coming out Sheldon Arnold took a playoff and it allowed for the like trickery Noah Smith or Noah brown or whatever his name is I think it's Noah Smith I thought it was right I was right um Noah Smith throwing that 60 something yard touchdown he took the play off uh that's a bad play but he had a great game outside of that so not going to be too hard burpees burpees for the entire team uh tomorrow I they practice probably practice tomorrow yep so uh burpees uh Nick do you have any negatives I don't want to call it a negative because I thought he did solid work when you say that it's definitely netive well I thought he had he did solid work in the in the in the run in the Run game defensively but I don't think we're seeing enough out of your your number one pass rusher and that's Malachi lence um there was a moment there or there was probably about a couple drives there where I just concentrated on Malachi because I I wanted to see how some of these past rush reps were looking he wasn't really making an impact this just calling it out and I mean I don't want to call it a negative cuz like you had to me there like he was doing good in run defense and stuff like that but as we get going you want to see him flash a little bit more because we saw him flash last year obviously and now you you know you want to see that continue to go up I don't think I've seen that so far through two games and obviously a weak against weak competition as well so it's just something I'm monitoring something to watch he did take that step up when conference play came so maybe he's just a big 12 guy that's fine that's that's fine with me I'd rather I'd rather Malachi Lawrence perform uh in Big 12 Play against Sam Houston State in New Hampshire so that's again that's why I don't want to call it a negative necessarily it's just an observation no and I would agree uh but last week we were talking about the edges and like and they were okay the backup edges were way better in Cav Colin Isaiah Nixon today nigie Kelly showed up and we'll talk about our MVPs and stuff he's definitely one of our MVPs he was incredible um but yeah I I would agree I wouldn't call it a negative but you definitely want to see more it kind of gives me flashbacks last year of the starter is like it is he him and then the backups come in and they perform better so it it's two weeks just like you can't I want to say we're very positive but it's Sam Houston I'm going to pull the same card I pulled last week because it is Sam Houston it was a step up you did what you were supposed to do but at the end of the day you're not going to know until next week because next week you're playing TCU and Malachi can come out and have two sacks and it's like okay he just played against good competition Isaiah Nixon really good again Isaiah Nixon stock Rising uh yeah he's he's going to be good uh What a steal a big time steel uh from last year right that was last year uh yeah yeah so uh him getting reps early John Walker should be coming back relatively soon uh we hope but no he's he's coming in clutch I'm loving the edges specifically I was going to say I think the dalen doson experiment inside is working it's working now I I find it hard to judge the backup sometimes in these games because they're coming in the fourth quarter you know that offense line has been worked over for three quarters and so I would expect the UCF backups to kind of have a lot of success but again it's a very encouraging sign because you just need depth behind the top two guys with John Walker out and I think dalen Dodson I he got in there I think he had four tackles on the first two series he got in there and another big thing obviously his size was a big concern Sam Houston's not small on the offensive line they they have decent size as their starters he he looked he looked fine um I do have two negative okay itive um I can't even remember the one okay you have one negative so technically one negative and I I mentioned it to you guys and you guys told me I was crazy you are the past listen I'm just gon to call like I see it I'm not saying it's bad the pass defense inside like within 10 yards does look a little shaky I'm not saying and we'll see we'll see as the weeks go on I am very intrigued to see how they play the run defense looks great which to be honest I'm expecting it to be especially against teams like this they played really good against the run last season against Ken State and Villanova the P defense did look a little shaky now you won't see it by the stats just like you won't see with KJ by his stats that he had a really good passing day right I'm just saying at some points it did look a little shaky Brandon Adams looked a little shaky at times right I let you rebuttal but I will say it did look a little shaky it should be good though I'm not really too nervous about it I'm just saying it look shaky I want to point out that they got over half of their yards outside of the trick play yes when UCF went to prevent defense yes yeah there there's a reason that they were getting a lot of underneath stuff is all 100% I'm just I'm just saying I'm just watching the way that they're playing it especially early in the game I think they it wasn't NE I don't really care about the late game stuff which I think you guys were like Sean it's late nothing matters right now and I'm to the late stuff this this was the only time in the Press Box I sat next to you up there for for come on five hours tonight and three and change in that game and the only time you were talking about the pass defense and you can back me up Stephen was in the fourth quarter it was four qu I said it early when you're you're you're talking to me when Chason Johnson's out there and and Fe and Tran fagin is out there I don't care say it with me I don't care TR [ __ ] looked fine he looked fine contrary to what Sean thought uh and also there was a backup quarterback that came in the game I whose name is escaping me right now uh something Bower I can't get the jce bow jce Bower I almost said Nick bow I think he play the third one too no they played three they had three people throw a pass but one was receiver yeah it was the backup quarterback playing the UCF backups who in most games are not going to touch the field I do not care like the UCF threes were out there against the backups speaking of UCF 3s I'm so upset that I don't you already know I'm so upset I talked him up last jersey I talked him up last week about how he was my favorite player on this team and I don't think he got one snap tonight I'm talking about kesan Hudson big big boy kesan Hudson tyrei got in there that's good for him but there was no kesan Hudson tonight who just looks like he's having a fun he was rolling around against New Hampshire he was really getting in it and he he wasn't out there tonight and I was I was very disappointed in that so that's my negative of the game actually and I'm G be honest you're probably not goingon to see him for the rest of the year so uh you know maybe you know who my favorite backup player on the entire team is xri Alexander he's just he is a starting quality player I I understand Des he started the game but Deshawn Pace like was held out for the first drive for unknown circumstances I I'm not going to speculate um he is just unbel I obviously was FCS All American but he's unbelievable no he's good uh it's listen that punish man is a hardcore punishment one Series against Sam Houston um he's really going to learn um that's all I'm going to say blow this one I proportion this week uh yeah uh so let's read some of your comments before we give our MVPs uh again thank you guys for tuning in we really do appreciate it spare room films KJ look good I feel much better now than I did last week would like to see them finish a Red Zone Drive late in the game even if they are up by a mile that is two straight weeks that at the end of the game we're like uh one more would feel nice and they don't do it at the end of day it doesn't matter backups Jakari I'm personally very frustrated with the Gus miles on for not giving RJ Harvey a fifth touchdown I I was not here for that but like you got to give him fifth touchdown he didn't even mention that he like tied the record like he just didn't care like I know RJ doesn't care RJ just wants to play football but you know I was gonna say actually I do want to point point this out real quick it hasn't mattered but it's interesting who who's the third wide receiver on this football team it's supposed to be Trent [ __ ] it's very clearly Trent [ __ ] it's very clearly Trent [ __ ] but I think he has one target through two games and I don't think we've been impressed yet with uh you know jacobe Jones we're not we're not we're not very impressed with javarus John you want a negative javarus Johnson the the turnover is 100% on his like his he just stands there he needs to like attack the ball like try to catch it one and then attack it once it hits the ground but that's besides the point he also had play where he probably should have got the first down oh I do have my negative it just popped and I don't I don't even want I don't even want to come I don't even want to come to you for rebuttal we're we're going to move on after I want to see some sacks I know it doesn't matter in the grand scheme they're going to get mad at me I get it I get it I love the pressure I love the pressure so the sacks they'll come but I do want to see like a sack extra here there fantasy football I get it Hey listen I know it's not fantasy football I just want to see some sacks man that's it but think about it my negative so small it's such a small negative so I can throw it out there such conviction is the issue it's my negative so I you know I'm not saying it's right or wrong I'm saying it's my negative and we're going to stick to it all right let's go through a good chunk of these comments so we can get to our MVPs and we don't really have many negative players I think we have our bad offensive player yeah that's what I'm saying we have javarius that's basically uh it but we can we'll we'll see if we hate some not hate we'll see if some guys are it is a mean word I I caught it myself no I don't hate jaar G play tonight yeah no that's think he's a good player too I just think he had a bad game yeah I think he can help I think he can help the guys all right Zachary Foster Sam Houston's def defensive line was cooked all night nothing much else to say yeah they the offensive line played great defensive line on Sam Houston just looked overmatched um Cory team has the potential to be deadly honestly pretty sloppy and still blew them out I wouldn't consider I wouldn't consider it sloppy yeah no I mean maybe late there was like some sloppiness but that's you know second and third team whatever I think the sloppiness came in the first drive where they had four penalties and still scored a touchdown so Jefferson out worked it so didn't UCF starting offense score on just about every Drive they had on all one one where they punted on Fourth and two which you probably in a different game you probably would have gone for it and the punt ended up at the six yard line so I think you're fine uh Macky 315 said little bit of frustration on Sidelines with Johnny and Boone I did not see that I can I'll go back and watch I didn't see any frustration but I you might have seen some from Johnny I know I was looking with my phone at the sideline uh for a bit of the game Saw Penny he was pretty locked in all game so which credit to Penny because to be completely honest for Penny Boon to get as much talk as he's gotten this offseason to be basically rb4 I noce Stephen he is still rb3 we're not going to get that could be a 30 minute conversation but to basically be rb4 get in at the end of the game and still not put your head down just work credit and he's going to help like you said Gus maon mentioned it he's going to help but it's good for him not to make it a big deal and I was going to say like the fact that you have the ability to send him out there in the fourth quarter of these ball games I mean you talk about the ability to wear down opponents I mean I think penny has sort of that more physical rough style right yeah 240 for a reason so I mean I think he's a real weapon to use lat in ball games against some of these good teams yep yo car and KJ definitely made me feel better heading into TCU yeah we talked to K about KJ a lot he looked good tonight I mean he looked really good no complaints out of KJ Jefferson Kevin Suarez the running game is really going to wear down opposing defenses as the games go on is Boon rb4 I cannot I did not know that that was uh he is rb4 Ste this your burner account it's not my burner account there's some burner accounts your phone I think that might be your burner Boon is rb4 uh but in my book here here's what I'll say Steph believes he's rb3 because technically Johnny is a he's been playing wide receiver he's not lined up a single snap at running back outside of the fourth quarter against New Hampshire he is not lined up at running back yes but he is listed as a running back so technically Penny Boon is rb4 but I don't think he's going to be rb4 as the weeks go on they are going to find I don't not know what that is that's your phone my girlfriend ising me that is it's a good ringtone um okay uh Mackey 315 defense is more aggressive this year than last season much improved we talked about it we'll see next week next week's going to be huge can you shut down tcu's offense like you shut down these teams I don't think it's going to be as dominant but we're going to really see what this defense is made of uh moving forward um R taxs 84z much improvement on the quarterback running game is a monster feeling better now to see how we perform on the road let's quickly talk about that before we get to our MVPs and kind of read kind of this SU of these going on the road last year was Boise State had to go pretty far here you're going to TCU which not trying to call it TCU one of the Lesser Road environments that you could go on in the Big 12 in my opinion I hope it's a really good environment I'm going to be there so I hope Fort Worth is nice for your sake I hope it's nice uh how do we think this team faes like I know this is a a greater conversation you won't know until it happens but Nick I'll go to you first do you think this team is built to go on the road and take it on the road I mean if we're just basing it off what I've seen in the first two games like I do have a pretty good level of confidence at the moment I mean some of the concerns that I had going into the season so far I think have been kind of put away against this this level of competition I don't think TCU is a great football team to be honest with you um don't think they haven't been tested I mean they played I think Long Island today and they shut them out as they they should so I think it's going to be as much of a test as it's going to be for UCF I think it's going to be a really big test for for UCF and I know TCU loves to throw the football so that's going to be a first we're going to get really see this defensive back field truly tested next week and I think that's what I'm going to be looking forward to yeah I think same that you're you're going to be able to test the defense backs I think that's a key for this week um something that I think a lot of people have said over the years I don't know who came up with a quote running game and defense track UCF has a good running game you has a good defense so I if that can travel I think they can do whatever the one concern is outside of that Boise State game I think they lost all of their Road games if I'm not mistaken I me were they were in some close ones like me the Oklahoma game the Texas Tech game they they should have won the Kansas State game they were in the Kansas one was a complete just noow from the entire team it's going to be a key for them to actually it's going to be a key for them to actually win like win on the road and like win convincingly because TCU like you said not really the best team they they were in a dog fight with Stanford last week I know Stanford pulled away from Cal Poly but if you're Stanford you can't be in a game with Cal Paulie I was deleting some comments I apologize uh I saw yeah I had to delete some comments so I had to log into an account cannot be uh we ain't GNA read it on this show I'll say that but um some might okay I'm not gonna get into it um no so TCU yeah we're not going to get into TCU but I will say like I said before on the pregame show they do play a lot Sam Houston's offense does remind me a lot of TCU it does they do run a lot of misdirection I gu I guess a lot of like UCF um but we'll see we'll see how that travels we'll talk about it on the postgame pod but also the pregame pod for uh TCU let's read a couple more uh to out of here and we'll go quick uh it'll Deon said it'll be fun to see the DU of nigia Kelly and Malachi Lawrence Feast on the Big 12 opposition 100% uh they're going to Feast uh spare room films they will be underdogs going to TCU good keep sleepwalking on UCF folks I don't think they're going to be underdogs they might they might be like a one and a half yeah yeah it's a toss up um Kaden Carter so happy to see Boomer hit that 50 yard field goal looks like he's back to himself we could have got into Boomer that's huge going into next week for him to make that 50 yard I mean his confidence should be high he's back he also doesn't have to deal with the kicking off anymore it appears so booted it too by the way it out of the end zone went all the way over the uh the end over here through the end zone almost hit somebody yeah probably ended up in this Cabana I mean we are standing on the prefaces of History right now ev's first kickoff in a UCF uniform landed in this very Cabana not first kickoff though not first kickoff very very important designation there Morris's prolific prolific kickoff career coming to you seef R taxs 84 will the backup quarterback was throwing to the backup receivers who he practices with so they have a relationship plus they are playing ucf's third string uh I think you're referring to what I maybe Jakari I don't know I think he's I think they're referring to your comment about the passing defense struggling Yes again it was the first half too I'm not it seems like everyone disagrees with you no because spare room film said agreed sack the QB so I mean 50% that's a separate 50% separate point but it's one of my points that he agreed with so you'll just take anything you can get tonight 100% I'm gonna take what I can get okay uh finally to the MVPs uh again thank you guys for tuning in uh who goes first he goes first on defense Nick oh yeah we'll talk defense first because I go first on defense you had first you go oh I had first pick on defense see we're not all perfect tonight we all we all make mistakes pass that back over me and Stephen knew exactly who went first these are best buddies right now that tonight yeah okay well then I so we're listen listen all right uh starting with defense nigie Kelly uh he was clearcut the best player on defense tonight uh I don't even have the stats on me he forced a fumble he had a sack he nearly had a touchdown you can make the argument should have had a touchdown had a touchdown that went backwards uh he was feasting on uh tonight and I think it was the on defense when you talked last week about edges and maybe not performing as well as we'd like to see that performance from him uh was huge so Nick who's your defensive MVP it was a tough one I thought the overall performance of the defense was strong but in terms of picking out a standout I mean we had two interceptions tonight but I'm going to go with X3 Alexander because I mean we didn't know none of us knew he was going to start tonight I'm not sure when he found out he was probably going to get in that game tonight to start and I thought he he took the opportunity and he ran with it I mean I think Deshawn pace is still going to be that starting linebacker probably moving forward but it's good to see again that's a room that I've sort of been having my eye on about improvement from last year to this year I thought he played another solid game I could have gone with Ethan bar for this as well but I'm going to go with X3 Alexander six tackles a tackles for loss uh didn't do anything noticeable to me that was wrong I thought he played well tonight uh you just mentioned him I'm going with Ethan bar I think he got credited with one tackle they're going to have to edit that cuz he got a bunch of assists but he was everywhere on the field I he calms the play down he just when he's in I feel it's fine like they're not going to run all over them he's just going to stop everything it's fine it is back-to-back weeks where you don't notice Ethan bars on the field because he is stopping yeah closes every hole it just there's not there's there's nothing to say he's just he's just that guy you have four quality linebackers five five ji Pierre play too yeah ji Pierre Andrew Harris you have five quality linebackers that could step in and play today which from a year ago W basically so credit to again the linebackers for stepping up offense now this is you had the first pick on offense um but offensive MVP Robert Harvey Jr he had four touchdowns uh he carried a lot of the offensive workload um there's there's some good picks there's some good picks I think both of you guys have good picks um I think there's another good pick that could have went but the I RJ Harvey had a great game I think it's just undeniable that he was the best player on the offense uh yeah I can't argue with that to be again like we talked about he's in my opinion a top three back in the country he's showing it uh I had KJ Jefferson KJ Jefferson was my uh if I I had the second pick I picked KJ in my opinion you know what you're getting out of RJ KJ showed something that a lot of UCF fans needed to see he was accurate with the football he made really good decisions whether to pull the ball run the ball hand the ball off when to throw it uh he should have had 224 yards passing uh he had the Kobe face mask penalty which he threw a beautiful ball to Kobe it seems like their connection on deep balls is really good something from the press conference uh there was like a lot of talk in the offseason about those two not really getting along so much uh not not getting along but like not having that chemistry KJ talked about them being two pzas and pod again uh he hadn't brought that up since he first got here they're back to be in two piece in a pod I think that's important I think he had 104 yards receiving should have had more if he didn't grab a guy's face mask but again he also talked about that he said they were joking around in the in the locker room about the face mask I can't believe they called that that's like in it's it was a dumb call but again uh then you also had the 18 on the Randy Pitman catch but it was a hold on the center or I think it was the center yeah K killer so um no I think KJ was phenomenal if KJ plays like that UCF is going to win a lot of games I mean you can't stop the running backs if KJ's throwing as accurately as that like we saw JRP last year and he was way more accurate last year than he was the year before there were some balls tonight where you look at and you said I can't remember a quarterback that threw as accurately as KJ did tonight now it's one game but you could definitely say that it was first Jitters I tweet that out first week Jitters you can officially you know put it to that but Nick who do you have as your uh offensive MVP it's unfair to single out one of them to be the MVP so I went with the collective offensive line Amari kite Paul rubel Adrien medley Kaden kitler and marcelus Marshall they are my offensive MVPs of this game um could have gone with Kobe Kobe had a great game but I always the difference was because Kobe's big play came when the score was already the game was already decided that was really it he still had a great game all that stuff we but we know Kobe but the offensive line to me you boil down to the game of football sometimes it could be very conf it can be very complicated but if you dominate the line of scrimmage you win on the line of scrimmage you are going to win football games more of than not it's that simple I'm not saying anything anything groundbreaking whatsoever and I thought the offensive line did a tremendous job tonight as I said throughout the show tonight all in all really good uh can't really complain this is everything we wanted to see out of UCF uh in week two now you got real football you've got real football uh heading into week three I'm excited to see kind of the talking points coming out of this week this is GNA be this game specifically is really going to make her break at least the next two weeks for us uh on Twitter uh on our shows X whatever you want to call it if if now this is we get a whole week to talk about TCU but I think if you lose to TCU the sky is going to fall and if you beat TCU you're going to a big 12 Championship I don't think there's any in between at least with UCF fans and we love UCF fans I love all UCF fans but that's how it's going to be you're going to have a week hopefully I mean Gus said that KJ had his best week this past week hopefully he says that again uh heading into the next game but final thoughts cepen I'll go with you first final thoughts we're going to read some of the final comments as well but final thoughts on this game to wrap it up into to a nice little bow I think I had the closest score prediction of all three of us you need to you need to pick go look at the pregame pod I think I had the closest one out of all three of us I I posted on Monday as well so I I had the furthest out what was what was the prediction I had it 4813 yeah I said 13 I was off by four total points yeah Sean it's not my job to keep track of what your score prediction was so I'm not going to pull the video up I'm going to I'm going to let that one die in the way uh I know that I said 37 or no 38 to 17 so I was a touchdown off for UCF and a field goal so I thought I was pretty close to but Stephen nailed it see now I feel like I nailed it but I want to go look and I'm just not going to iy two points last week I'm on a roll see I feel yeah okay I'll give it to you I for any charge on fans please can you go look and see what my score prediction was I forget I will remember TCU because these games are kind of forgettable when I make score predictions but I mean they are I can't even I can't remember is it forgettable because you didn't get close or is it forgettable I was close I said 13 to I can't remember I came up with my score prediction in the moment on like Tuesday it's Saturday and I never forgot it not once it was in the it was 40 something I think it was either 41 or 48 it was one of those two but don't copy me now I'm not we're said it was 41 up well I'm no no no pretend so what we're going to do is we're going to leave we're going to turn off the live and if I'm correct you're going to Tweet out say Sean was right okay that's all I'm going to say um for copying me for Monday I didn't even know your score prediction I didn't know I didn't know it's not it's not I promise uh I told you before you filmed your live too that is valid I I filmed on Tuesday so I don't I but we'll see maybe I didn't even say 48 Nick final thoughts uh before we close this one out yeah I thought this was a big improvement from week one to week two which generally you want to see um in college football and I think you got that tonight in all facets uh KJ Jefferson from week one to looking like a true freshman taking the field for the first time in college football I think tonight he actually looked like the six-year senior that he is he was in full control of the offense and everything else I think sort of leted off of that so um yeah we'll look ahead to next week obviously the Step Up in competition is going to continue to grow couple more comments read through these quick Anthony said that was how we need to use KJ as a passor really like the game Gus called don't really hear that often from UCF fans so uh credit to you for actually saying it because yeah Gus called a really good game uh trucker said what do you all think about Jakari is see the future uh TBD uh way too early so they they also brought up uh Gus brought up that that Dylan risk and Jakari were both going to get minutes uh today that's what the goal was to come into the game Risk looked okay I uh Jakari looked a little bit better he had the 26- yard run he had a couple throws that were eh but it was raining too yeah it was raining and he you know there was a couple times he should have pulled and didn't but and you know it you can't really know so we'll see um Pierre was Sol a hidden Hawaiian said Pierre was solid to a linebacker yep all the linebackers were solid uh Anthony also said rice had seven sacks last week against uh Sam Houston let's see how Kelly does against a better o line very valid very valid Jason said Ethan bar was solid and reliable facts and then Kaden Carter perfect way to end it said the preseason is finally over and I think uh that is valid the preseason over is over UCF now takes on TCU uh next week your final score 45-4 UCF starts 2-0 make sure you tune in to our postgame pod dropping tomorrow at 8: a.m. for Steven Leonard Nick gettis I am Shan green we will be back next week with two pods and a live watch along for TCU so thank you so much for tuning in we will see you the next time we do pregame or postgame live shows will be a couple weeks from now against Colorado so we will talk to you guys this week go nights charge on we will see you

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