UCF Vs New Hampshire Charge On Pregame Show | 8/29/24

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:34:45 Category: Sports

Trending searches: new hampshire vs ucf
e e can you hear us now wow all right so no sound the great starts of the season it's New Hampshire we're working out our Kinks this is very interesting here uh we got Kevin Suarez in we got Ian L3 what we were saying was it's very hot outside let me see can you guys put HD on here okay cool I was about to say I'm like looking at our stream and it is grainy uh but hello we have sound we have sound I can actually hear it in the ears so that's that's good um hello let me restart hello everybody and welcome to the charge on pregame show I am your host Sean green alongside my other co-host nick gettis uh this was an on the-fly setup I should have known better uh We've Got One mic we have a sound mixer the the postgame show get ready for the postgame show because we're gonna be on the field we've got I brought a suitcase full of stuff for the postgame show but the pregame show is more uh relaxed we are inside the bounce house right now fans have not come in yet but Nick was saying we again we were muted so Nick grabbed the mic and didn't get to talk but I'm gonna let Nick talk about kind of what we've saw from the fans good good turnout which is what we expected yeah there's been a lot of energy here um you wouldn't tell they're playing New Hampshire it definitely feels like a first game of the season uh we got the students in my in my eyesight right now we're all waiting to come in we're about minutes away from all the fans piling in here uh the tailgate for a Thursday afternoon looked incredible uh we did not indulge we did not indulge we uh we showed restraint but um yeah I'm excited to be here I made the drive and look forward to having a good season like you said we're going to be much more buttoned up when we get to the post game later on hopefully celebrating a UCF win yeah I'm hoping we're more buttoned up knowing my luck I it's it's going to be just as hey I'm King I'm the king of technical difficulties in fact I probably shouldn't even be here because wherever I roam I bring the technical issues with me it's just a thing yeah and and listen uh I hope that on my end the stream is not good quality let me know if the stream is good quality down below if it's grainy or something I apologize we'll get it worked on for the postgame show but just trying to get something out uh before everything um you guys aren't going to get stampeded are you uh Devon I'm I'm gonna be honest uh we want fans to come up I would love for fans to uh to come say hi we are in front of the front Gates uh gate 76 5 4 3 2 1 so if you guys want to come up say your thoughts on the show we'd love to have you look Ian Ian L3 said should have came to my tent would have set you up Ian get in contact with us we'd love to do that for any uh the future home games yeah Ian always stressed out about where we're going to set up yeah Ian let me know your Lot number uh because that would be great uh we last year we set up if you guys watch us last year we were set up in the coke there was a coke uh tent that we we love the guys over at coch they kind of set us up we're we're looking to still do that but today was a was more hectic first first game trying to get it all out let's read some of your comments because there's a lot of you in here for this first pregame show we we really appreciate it uh Kevin happy birthday Kevin happy Kevin Kevin's girlfriend is the most amazing human being uh she reached out to me a month ago and wanted me to wish him a happy birthday uh through a video so happy you're in here Kevin we've got the band coming I think this is the night the little uh I can't even remember the Nugget right just went by nugget walked by it's about to get maybe loud here um but right through yeah listen you're going to get the the real good you you might not even see them because we're kind of right off to the side um but let's Stampede coming in we've got you should see the players coming in here soon um it's about to get really loud hopefully this mic works really well but you're going to get the real feel they're walking right by us right now uh you're going to see it all but we're gonna still take your questions hopefully it doesn't get too loud but um me muted Carlos Veo let's go yeah let's go I mean it's been how many nine months eight months it's been about eight or nine months since we've actually seen real college football in real UCF football I I this was the perfect spot we picked because we are just we were about to you're about to see everything uh in our background um Ian we are back Devin good now so we're good now Scott lemon tuning in from South Dakota would you rather have your FCS tuneup against New Hampshire or a perennial power like South Dakota State um Scott I'm so glad that I'm not we're not playing or UCF is not playing your is it the jack rabbits right I think so I think it's the jack rabbits please correct me if I'm wrong if I'm UCF if I have to play an FCS opponent and I made my feelings known I would like to see some better competition I'm I'm for one week opponent on the schedule like that at a conference UCF has two in a row but if I got to start out with one if you're asking me New Hampshire or South Dakota State it's New Hampshire all day because South Dakota state that's trouble that's asking for trouble yeah I'll take with the I'll take the cupcake early uh I'm not trying to be playing like Colorado as week one this was not planned what a great start I'm just going to let you guys hear the band for a second turn down your [Music] audio so it is the jack rabbits though yeah I knew Scott said it is the jack state was the Bison y are the Jack hey I'm all for the Jack we're going to get the picture quality sorted out later on too we are in a area far away from our good Wi-Fi our Wi-Fi um so Devon I won't lie to you the quality isn't great but we are here regardless yeah I apologize we're going to make sure the the quality is much better it's on HD for me but uh we'll we'll stream through something else uh for the postgame show to make sure it's better but glad to have you guys here please drop down in the comments below what you guys think uh what you guys are hoping to see tonight obviously first look at KJ Jefferson again it is an FCS opponent so you're not expecting there to be trouble but listen I've seen crazier things right you go back many many years and you had Dylan Gabriel as the backup and gosh we were literally just talking about the starting quarterback of that year no Notre Dame transfer why am I why am I Brandon wimbush so you have Brandon wimbush and everybody's just straight up assuming this guy is going to be your starting quarterback and then crazier stuff has happened but we're not expecting anything like that tonight Nick yeah no that a little bit of a different situation um I don't think jurry Brown is NE neily breath it down the neck of KJ Jefferson to be quarterback one for this team we we've talked so much in the offseason that KJ Jefferson if you were to make a a gus maon quarterback in a lab short of Cam Newton it probably was gonna look like KJ Jefferson now I don't want to put him in that same sort of category because he's not Cam Newton and I don't think we should get our expectations blown up like that uh KJ Jefferson is a solid option at at the quarterback position that has a lot of starts under his belt in SEC competition so I think that's what we're all sort of looking for tonight is how this offense looks with a little bit of a different profile than what we've seen from the last few years of having John or the last couple years of seeing John rice Plumley No it should be interesting I'm expecting big things tonight for KJ they're GNA want to show not the whole package they're gonna want to show just a sliver of it but you're GNA see a lot of KJ Jefferson tonight uh he said not turn it up well they've passed luckily I couldn't hear myself think it is listen the band's great I'm not I'm not hating on the band we next to it like that and it's a it just bombarded you right there for when you're trying to do a live show with already grainy video I I'm sure doesn't really help uh help our case but I appreciate all of you guys tuning in Zachary yor said want to see penny I'm gonna be honest from everything I've heard you're gonna see Penny on the goal line uh Penny Boon is gonna get a lot of the goal line touches I also expect RJ I expect RJ to get that but at the same time Penny Boon's a big back he falls forward I'm sure we'll get a Big D uh dose of Penny Boon tonight yeah I think Penny Boon kind of I have to see it up close obviously tonight I'm anxious to see it but who knows he could be the Isaiah Bowser of the offense remember when Isaiah Bowser was here every time they got to the goal line you knew it was going to five and lots of times it would go into those wild cat kind of formations which we know Gus loves sometimes they drive us nuts um RJ I think gonna be used on those as well and and don't don't forget Johnny Richardson Johnny Richardson's been in this program for a long time now um he's the guy that has the home run hit the Home Run potential to take one to the house at any given moment he's going to have a role in this offense I think ucf's going to lean on their ground game a lot this season probably more so than people think yeah and don't miles Montgomery too I mean UCF has deep four deep foreheaded monster at running back um let's see if I can get this this Wi-Fi working better you know it is just my luck I am doing it off my iPhone uh hotspot so that's probably why the the it looks grainy but I promise for the postgame show it will be way better quality I promise and I appreciate you guys sticking in with us as always I'm a stickler for Quality Nick as you know so that is bugging nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with being a stickler for Quality I know so this is bugging the hell out of me but as long as you guys can hear us and it's not too bad uh we'll make sure it's good for the postgame show um but let's Go Down Kevin what do you guys expect to see out of Jefferson tonight do we keep the plays vanilla until week three at TCU uh yeah I I think you're going to see a lot of KJ I think you're going to get a big dose of him but at the same time it is New Hampshire you're not trying to you're not going to show you a bunch of these plays they've been working on it's going to be very vanilla you're going to run the football a ton I think our friend Stephen Leonard who will be on the postgame show said that he expects there to be five different rushing touchdowns from five different UCF players so we are expecting a heavy dose of him but I would also expect it to be very vanilla let's go to Kaden want to see if the Ted defense is as aggressive as advertised from everything we've heard Nick it's going to be very aggressive I don't know how aggressive they'll be tonight but you're going to get a heavy dose of a lot of blitzes a lot of pressure which could hurt or help the knights yeah I mean games like this and next week against Sam Houston State like we've been saying it's going to be hard to really have any true takeaways for as it relates for the rest of the season but I just think you don't want to have you don't want them to you know sort of play around with the opponent you out Talent them by a large margin you're at home the crowd's going to be into this we all know that so they need to really Flex their muscles in this game and I think Ted rof I mean same thing defensively I don't think you have to get too exotic on that side of the football either because again just playing straight up manto man you're you're a better team than New Hampshire so yeah I I think everybody of course is so anxious to see just re live football we want everything to be great but again I don't know how much we're going to really learn about this team for these first two weeks but we're just excited to see it like I said just don't play around with the opponent just put him away yeah the the first two weeks we've talked about on the show the first two weeks are going to be preseason games preseason NFL games you're going to blow the teams out it's how you blow them out is it are they rough games with the offense because somebody asked the question earlier uh in uh you know what do you want to see out of the offense like what constitutes a positive game I think you can tell when an offense is flowing and when an offense is struggling like if you get into a bunch of third downs and you're scraping and calling for first down all night I think you do hit the panic button a little bit you don't hit the panic button necessarily based off the score of the game you do hit the panic button and also keep in mind even though the opponent is not it's not a high level opponent um it is week one there are a lot of moving Parts on this team in regards to transfers especially defensively we six of the 11 starters are transfers and when you have a team like this that is built not exclusively through the transfer point portal but a large some of the best players on this team at the most important positions are all transfers you don't really have an idea of how they're all going to mesh together how they're going to look as a team until you get out here into live football and so it is great that they do get to play in New Hampshire at home to start with because like I said like we've been saying I don't think anything's gonna get too crazy um and the fact that you have two weeks to kind of ease into this season is good as well but again week one if it looks a little clunky the first few drives I think we should overreact because I think eventually they'll pick it up yeah Ian want to see KJ through the first half at least I would expect you to at least see him through the first half a lot of people are assum I know and that is true but I do expect him to play through the first half regardless I think he hasn't played all spring he's been held back he's not been live this is the first game he gets to go live and I think you have to give him he's played a bunch of college football right he's played a bunch of it but he does need live game reps he hasn't played football since last fall so I get it's a cupcake team I get he's supposed to dominate this type of team but at the same time you have to give him live reps you have to play him uh so we expect that to be you know a lot yeah at the same time I not like I've been saying I don't think J Curry's breathing down the neck of KJ Jefferson but I would love if they get to a point maybe in that third quarter where let's say it's it's very lopsided and if we get to see jurry brown get some reps and stuff like that I mean remember last year in the Villanova game we got to see Dylan r r a little bit yeah so I'm I'm all for it if we get to see jur bound play and some of these other guys especially the receiver position the receiver position I'm interested to see I think they're going to play a lot of the all those guys I think are going to get time tonight because we talked about the death chart the other day and Trent whittimore is right now plugged into that third spot but I think he's got a lot of proof even as a six-year player there's not been a lot of production there I think there's a lot to prove and I think a lot of these other guys whether it's jacobe Jones um the trans the transfer from Alabama who is escaping me right now Alabama maybe it's not Alabama Auburn oh ja John javarius Johnson all those guys I think are going to get working tonight because I still think that third wide receiver position is going to be very fluid oh it is and Trent Whitmore has proved himself in Camp obviously to get that third wide receiver position but like you said who knows I think you're going to get a big dose you're GNA see all the wide receivers tonight no question you're going to you're going to get these first two weeks it's almost like a quarterback competition but for wide receivers Trent Whitmore won the job out to start week one you're going to see all three of them tonight and I'm excited to see them because listen there was chony magwood is a guy that I really want to see I really want to see you take a step this year and we thought heard a lot of him coming out of Camp so excited to see him um Devon the thing about scheduling FCS teams are we get to see more of the twos and the young guys almost like an NFL preseason type of thing which I think that's important to note because there's a lot of guys on the two deep depth chart that are young guys Jason Johnson I think there's a question coming up uh or Devin said Jason Johnson first round NFL career Starts Today Jason Johnson has impressed he has impressed I don't know if he's going to the NFL yet we got to see him play on on the field first but he's impressed so you have a guy like that Andrew Harris a guy that's been here for a couple years finally seems to be getting an opportunity not starting but to get those reps is so crucial in a game like this where it's not expected to be close right but and I think the benefit the benefit of playing two games against FCS opponents as well is the charts the death chart but as I just was mentioning with Trent I think the death chart's fluid at certain positions you just mentioned Andrew Harris at linebacker you're going to get a chance to see a lot of these guys play and I think the the coaching staff is looking for situationally how do these guys adjust to the moment how do they fit in because again you don't know until you get all out there six guys starting on defense who are all transfers I'm telling you right now not all of them are GNA hit that's just the reality that's not being negative that's just not all of them are gonna hit so if you're an Andrew Harris just because you're second on the dep chart or you're any of those guys in the defensive backfield where I think there was a lot of healthy competition I don't that's not going to just necessarily stick you see what I'm saying we get to week three I think for these first two games there are a lot of opportunities for these guys to play their way up the depth chart and for those guys that are in starting positions right now I mean they can't take plays off even against FCS competition yeah I mean at the end of the day you have a lot of positions that you have depth that's one of the good things but at the end of the day if you don't go out and perform you have the depth right behind you to take your spot so I think that'll be interesting free agency podcast video quality is off but content is top as always we appreciate it yeah we're going to make sure we are on we were on press Wi-Fi I think we moved a little bit too far from that Wi-Fi so I had to go on my phone lost the param we lost the parameters so I will make sure for the postgame show and please for all of you in here come to our postgame show stepen Leonard from kns 247 joining us important thing to me right now is I picked a great spot to stand because even though you're standing in my designated spot on the screen oh I didn't know yeah see I'm not moving because I'm perfectly behind this shade this tree right now so you're Sweating Bullets I'm not sweating at all because I'm behind a tree yeah see that was bad I should yeah I'm in the perfect spot and I I don't really care about where my name tag is on the screen right now well I clearly didn't either I was focused on why is my video quality look terrible but it will be good for the postgame show so we implore you guys to come back after the game to hear all three of us me Nick and Stephen talk about everything happen in the game take your live comments and questions because I don't think we we were a little nervous because I'm like we cannot talk about New Hampshire no offense to the Wildcats listen we we glad that they're here uh but we could not talk about New Hampshire for another 30 minutes with nobody no comments it would have been nice you know we it would have been nice to have they gave us a nice New Hampshire guide up in the Press box that has information out the yin we should have brought that we should have brought that down here but I I needed that three days ago I needed that three days ago yeah we had to scour the internet for any little sliver of New Hampshire content that we could I couldn't I'm not I'm not trying to create an enemy out of the New Hampshire wildc absolutely not I will create an enemy out of the BYU Cougars and I'm okay with that but I'm not creating an enemy out of the New Hampshire Wildcat yeah BYU doesn't like you very much but it's okay it's fine uh out of my DMs yeah and to be completely honest I couldn't even find the coach's press conference from New Hampshire like I was trying to find the press conference it wasn't there so I I know so we are sorry about the quality of the video but the video quality will the no so I do think there's not there's not supposed to be rain here it's supposed to stay right away from us so it looks sunny and beautiful out here I let's keep it that way that's where weather app says sunny sky so yeah so we we should be good Ian they got to put a cell tower in the dang stadium for Real uh yes not for so for streaming it's probably not good that I'm doing it off my iPhone well I'm not I'm doing it off a laptop you should see my setup I wish that if anybody would come in here I don't even know if people really there's a lot of people coming watch dang see that's rough see they now they know it's GNA bug me a comment like that will boost my or just downgrade my ego the entire night I'm gonna go rewatch this during the game and be like why isn't it like this um but the Wi-Fi that we use only has like one bar so this is as of right now this is going to be the worst you know what if this is the preseason for UCF this is our preseason this is our preas this is where you iron out the Kinks we we'll figure it out we'll figure I am I happy that you guys are still tuning in we appreciate you guys tuning in uh this will be the worst pregame live show of the Season which is saying a lot uh if this is our worst we got it up in live and there are still here uh there are still people tuning in so we do appreciate it Tim Tim kneebone what a last name said do you expect the first team defense to be on the field longer than the first team offense because all the transfer starters are on defense uh yes I do I think the defense needs to work at the same time if you remember against Kent State the defense looked like the number one defense in the country I mean me and you were after Kent State again it was still Kent State but we were like whoa that defense looks legit feeling quickly went away quickly really quickly um yeah I think you're going to see a lot of rotation on that defensive side of the ball especially in the trenches uh you talked about like the experience that a Ricky Barber and Elite Hunter I don't need to see those guys play that much do you I don't think we don't need to see those two veterans out there for a while no I want to see the transfers out there for a while transfers out there I want to see what these guys do yeah and that's the thing even the backups like Josiah Pierre like I want to see the linebackers rotate I want to see a bunch of the guys get in get reps because we're going to need them what's so funny a couple questions here but no so that answers that uh T3 tacos says let's go Knights Tiki man I don't like free agency and I'm not a fan of the portal who is if they are they lying to you all right dbo yeah we're not Dabo Sweeney here but we're not fans but UCF you should not live and die by the portal you have to you have to recruit look at the teams that are winning national championships they all recruit at a high level that's a common theme not like Florida State um all right so yeah that's listen uh heav rang start okay we read that are we watching on a v VHS tape here yeah we know and then he said I'm sorry Sean not a dis on you I appreciate that like I said the postgame show will not be like this and if it is then we have a lot of work to do says who scores the first touchdown tonight I hadn't thought about this long and hard yet I know I have the script I'm not saying to bet but if I were to bet I know who it is gonna be this is probably not gonna happen I think Randy Pitman gets the first touchdown of the Season I'm gonna go with the obvious answer it's RJ Harvey uh RJ Harvey scor yeah RJ Harvey scoring the first touchdown a little bit Yeah listen that he Nick is the you know philosophical let me try and think let me put it out there I kind of mentioned it a couple weeks ago I am the resident stakeholder in the Randy Pitman fan club I am I am all in on Randy Pitman this year like Alec holler had some nice plays maybe some inconsistencies but I think Randy Pitman is one of the more talented tight ends that we've seen come through UCF in some time and so I've been saying about who's that third target who's that third target I think it's going to be Randy Pitman uh they were saying he's basically getting used like the jvon baker we talked about that on the Pod that they said he is going to be the goal line type of jvon throw it up I kind of say Alla grank but not as big as grank obviously but same same type of deal all right Patriots reference in here always always a Patriots reference um let me keep going Banksy for president it's good enough I I appreciate it I appreciate it my high school degree good enough I mean that's our college degree what are we talking about speak for yourself uh well every running back get a touchdown tonight that would include uh miles Montgomery who we have not mentioned much that also cam Martin I think cam Martin still on the on the roster right I believe so what was it last year who was the fourth running back on the squad last year I think it was oh no Stacy Gage Stacy Gage Gage St well no Stacy Gage is this year Demarcus Bowman was last year that's what I was saying last year Demarcus Bowman got work in the first game I recall might have scored we didn't see much from the rest of the season no uh but yeah I think you're going to see however many running backs are on this roster I think they're all going to play tonight I'm not going to say they're all going to score though that's that's bold I can't I can't go there I'm not going to say they all score I will say you all see them I also think we will see uh we'll see we're not just going to see Jakari Brown I think we're going to see a couple different quarterbacks uh I think the one that you need to keep your eye out for I think EJ Coulson gets in the game I think the young 17y old you think he's ah head of Dylan yes now listen I'm not helps go into practices sometimes I'm not saying anything crazy um EJ Coulson is look good in that the few times I've saw him I think I think we might see EJ Coulson tonight um you might also see Dylan risk I think Dylan risk is the older uh the older guy on roster so it wouldn't shock me but I would not Al it would also not Shock me if you saw EJ Coulson tonight um next if Ted roof's defense allows a touchdown tonight is that acceptable it's okay it's okay I promise we didn't allow a touchdown to Kent State so that would be a downgrade we allowed a few field goals but if they allowed one I mean and general from a defensive standpoint if New Hampshire scores more than 14 points that's problem that I don't know if problem is the word I'd use but I'd go like I I would just say that would not fulfill me if they give up more than 14 points I think I'd be like a little bit like yeah but again let's see how the game goes if they're playing you know a bunch of freshman and stuff like that at the end and it's garbage time whatever but uh I think 14 and under is my threshold I'll tell you this if they score 14 points uh that will be sea green will go on the postgame pod tonight or not postgame show and then our podcast that we're recording it two in the morning score 70 it doesn't matter they cancel each other out no no doesn't matter uh 14 points for the defense would be uh a negative for me uh but I think I've said six I think you have to keep it to a Kent State score it's an FCS team but at the end of the day here's what I will say if you're bringing in like third and four string defensive players and you're trying to get them playing time and you're trying to get these it's a lot of transfers Nick it's a lot of transfers so it would not Shock me if there's a couple miscues here or there but at the same same time 14 points is a little unacceptable for me for me but who knows UCF Fez I hope they pull RJ harv KJ Jefferson out after the first half I really want to see our backup quarterback I think it is a 100% chance there's very few things in life you could do 100% chance I think there's a 100% chance you see jurri brown in the game tonight not I'm not gonna say 100% but I'm gonna say 95% because I don't do I don't deal in a 100% but um yeah it's very very very very very very likely you will see jurri brown tonight and and uh I'm intrigued I'm intrigued I I mean we saw him a little bit at Miami you know some good some not so good but um yeah I think we're gonna see him tonight and if EJ Coulson gets in the game I mean that's really who I want to see I really just want to see EJ Coulson kind of like you know a few years ago still wish he was on this roster the Thomas castalanos um we got the chance to see him for the first time I remember that was really cool yeah so EJ Coulson kind of in that same sort of vibe I mean EJ Coulson I mean it'd be great if he could be your quarterback of the future because eventually we've talking about this you got to find the inhouse option and EJ Coulson I think has the best shot of the guys that are in the room between him and and Dylan and Riley yeah it should be interesting uh we'll we'll we'll see I I'm almost positive you're definitely gonna see J Curry Brown uh not so positive about anybody else but who knows I'm hoping we see EJ tonight um I think Gus is going to throw the ball more to work the Kings down since they know they will be able to run I'm to be honest I actually think I would disagree with you Banky I think it's going to be the complete opposite said with running you're not really giving much away if you're pounding the rock it's it's simple run formations you're not really giving anything away I think you're giving more Away by throwing the football a lot against a team like this you're giving more plays away even though they could be vanilla plays I think they're going to run the ball a lot more do you think they're going to pass or run the ball more I think they're gonna run the ball more um it's the strength of this football team it's their identity it's what they want to do if ucf's going to get where Gus maon wants them to get they're going to have to L on that ground game because again keeping expectations sort of in line KJ Jefferson I don't think is that guy that's going to be throwing 40 times football game for you like I don't want KJ Jefferson throwing 40 times but I want this running I want this whoever's running the football RJ Johnny Miles uh and and uh Penny whoever it is you know I want to see 40 to at least 40 carries a game out of this back field I think that's the balance you want you do not want KJ Jefferson throwing 40 times a football game no and it kind of brings us to our one of our next comments uh EO Marquez about KJ two rushing touchdowns tonight it wouldn't shock me if he got one I mean I got I think he gets one yeah I I think he gets at least one um Devin did Cam Mo get buried on the depth chart after he flashed a little in his freshman year I don't remember seeing him I I don't know I have to look he's definitely he's definitely buried I mean but in in his defense there's just a lot better guys above him that right now are getting the playing time so we'll see if he can kind of make some leeway especially during this year but I think he might be more of a next year guy um let's go Devin that's a bold statement Sean but also very intriguing of EJ Coulson is qb3 over risk and tro listen I'm just saying what I it might have just been I I don't know from everything we're hearing E's performing really well you are probably more accurate I it might be a bold statement to be completely honest though qb3 is probably the least thing that matters in this season this season yeah so it's like whoever won the qb3 job it really doesn't matter as we know Jakari Brown came in and won the qb2 job very quick I was going to say I think I think last year whoever quarterback 2 was and stuff like that ended up mattering a lot because you know John rice pumble was always a threat to get hurt and we knew that but you know KJ Jefferson this is a this is a this is a thick dude okay he's really really big um I know everybody's going to refer to that Viral clip last year against Alabama but there's plays like that all over his tape um I don't think there's much of an injury concern for AK I mean anything can happen freak things like that but uh yeah I don't think the third quarterback is is really on the minds of this staff right now heard some positive things about miles Montgomery do you guys think he has more snaps than Johnny come end of season yes I do I do I think I think the way that they've talked about miles Montgomery it would I'd be shocked if they he gets less carries than Johnny but I also think it's all situational like it's situational Johnny though I I I like having like you know three to five plays maybe set as side for Johnny because again he he's got that home run potential okay sometimes he can be a very frustrating running back though right uh we saw that a lot last year just not seeing the holes well and things like that but I still think that there's there's a lot of speed in his legs and I think if you give him at least three to five touches somewhere maybe a little bit more I think he can still do damage and so I don't know I mean I have to see miles Montgomery out here tonight he was listed fourth on the dep chart for a reason but again death chart can always be subject to change subject to change and listen again you're going to see all of them I think that's going to be by Design they want to get guys playing time especially in that running back group you have the one-headed snake at RJ you have the two-headed snake with Penny and then you do have multiple guys that can play if they're if they're all capable running backs like we like we think they are maybe you know maybe don't be taking your Heisman ticket for RJ Harvey I think there's a I think that's a large part of the reason why RJ Harvey I know I'm switching the subject a little bit it's fine but I think a lot of people you included feel like RJ Harvey doesn't get enough respect around Community the Big 12 is loaded with running backs I'll just say this I think part of that comes from the fact that RJ Harvey I think people were were expecting Penny Boone to cut into his workload they're expecting these other guys to cut into his workload I don't think you're gonna see RJ Harvey get 30 car maybe sometimes if they absolutely need it and it's clear that maybe Penny's not working out or whatever again we don't know we're about what how many minutes to kick off right now about 53 kickoff right now we're gonna find out how this season goes on but I don't know if I would be rushing my RJ Harvey Heisman ticket in because they have the bodies to rotate out I'm be honest whoever said rain uh you jinxed us because it's kind of looking in unless it's just cloudy feels good it feels good right now I'm loving it because I am uh Sweating Bullets uh luckily I'm wearing black because it's blackout I just want to say thank you guys so much for tuning in to our first charge on pregame show a lot more people than we expected we appreciate we've grown this channel a lot we're going to be doing a lot more of these we're going to be doing one later tonight in our charge on postgame show with me step Leonard and Nick so join us we'll be on the field hopefully the Wi-Fi is better on the field I I'm sure it's not but we're going to make sure this is better uh because I need it for my mental sanity but I thank you guys for tuning in final score predictions we kind of gave ours but we'll say it again I was being more conservative said 49 to6 Nick do you want to change yours I think you said what 56 to six what was your I'm go 53 to 53 to n 53 to9 so not too shabby but we appreciate you guys please like subscribe comment share do all that you do uh please subscribe we really do appreciate we've gone up a couple subscribers uh since we've done this show so we appreciate you hopping on hopefully the nights can make it not stressful for us because it's going to be a long night for us so if it's stressful uh I don't I don't know for our mental sanity the season will uh will go too long so uh for Nick gettis my name is Shan green we will see you guys after the game thank you guys that went good uh we had

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