Exclusive Interview: The Bachelor spoiler king @realitysteve dishes on how he gets his inside scoops

all right this is um shaie flowers from monsters and critics here with Reality Steve The Bachelor spoiler King everybody knows you we love you we follow your spoilers and um you've been right more than you've been wrong so have props for that um my first question for you today is actually about the season spoilers that well you got wrong um first I wanted to commend you because you absolutely took ownership of it even though obviously it wasn't your mistake per se can you just tell us a little bit about how that all happened and you know how you figured it out yeah it's really weird obviously because I never see anything any spoiler I've given for the last 15 years is not firsthand I don't witness anything with my own two eyes so I'm only as good as what my sources tell me and for the most part as you said you know it's my track record speaks for itself been right way more than I've been wrong and for this particular situation I'm trying to think like without going into detail obvious I'm not going to give up any sources here but there was just so much that I was given early on in terms of it being Daisy and the information I was giving where it was coming from it was it was almost like an avalanche of it is Daisy and I was told it was Daisy and then usually even when I get that I'm like okay but what about the other two cuz at the time time it was Rachel and Kelsey and Daisy in the final three and I'm like but what if someone else comes to me and says it's Kelsey or someone says it's Rachel I need to kind of know where in where it lies in terms of well who's more right but I never got any of those I never got anyone any information telling me it was Kelsey in fact I got the opposite and so the same with Rachel I kind of knew it wasn't Rachel Rachel just by the way things were going all season I kind of felt it wasn't her and then I never got anything told to me post filming and then so I you know I sat put it out there that it was Daisy all season long I really did even feel like it was like everything was adding up and making sense to me that it was Daisy and then I started getting a couple Rumblings I want to say beginning of February where it was like you my want to look into this you might want to look into that I the thing is I get that every season I mean every time I've given a spoiler whenever I did whether it was before the season started or halfway through the season I'm always told you're wrong it's somebody else and so every season I have to go through this and it's just like sometimes I'm just like I'm sick of it this is right and it's not that I didn't look into what people were saying about it being Kelsey I just when I looked into it I didn't find anything I didn't find anything concrete I'm like okay I see what you're saying but there's nothing concrete out there and then the big thing happened where it was spoiled that Kelsey posted a Tik Tok from a happy couple of weekend and to me that's about as concrete of a spoiler as you can get if you find out who's at a happy cup a weekend either they spoil it themselves either accidentally or on purpose or whatever you pretty much have your winner because there'd be no reason for Joey and Kelsey to be spending a happy couple weekend together if he's engaged with d to Daisy so once that picture came out and it was um it was confirmed that that house was a happy couple and Joey was there and Kelsey was there I knew the spoiler was wrong my question then became there's a 2% chance that maybe he did pick Daisy and had already changed his mind and now he's with Kelsey I didn't really believe that to be the case and it wasn't the case so you know um you know I don't like being wrong especially on something like this and especially on a season where I literally had every date and elimination already laid out for everybody it's the only thing I've been wrong on all season so that part sucked I really wish I could have got the whole season right but you know it happens there's nothing you know it it happens you know this isn't I'm not holding the secrets uh to the nuclear football this is a reality television show I'd like to get it right I'm right most of the time this season I wasn't and I can accept that I'm I'm fine with it as much as I would like to have not gotten it wrong I'm fine with it and I'm glad that we had still a month left now the thing that does suck for me and and and for the contestants is it must have been kind of hard for Daisy and Kelsey over these last three months because if you looked on the social media platforms of each woman anything that ABC posted it would you know you read enough of the comments and everyone's like oh can't wait to see Daisy win they're the perfect couple or whatever or anything Daisy posted can't wait to see you and Joey engaged and happy I'm guessing that probably sucked for Kelsey she probably wasn't too thrilled seeing that she knows what the spoiler was out there and for three months she had to hear other people basically just glom on to Daisy now is it all because of my spoiler no I think a percentage of it is but to say that it was because of my spoiler I don't think anyone can actually pinpoint a number of how what percentage of the fan base started following Daisy because of the spoiler because the day of the first episode she only had 20,000 followers and on Instagram now she's over 400 and the spoiler was out since November so clearly from November to January 22nd nobody seemed to care that the spoiler was Daisy one they didn't bother to follow her so that's why I say and and she jumped after episode two which was her first one-on one day I think she just has a likability factor that a lot of people glomed on to and she's a kind of a she's got an Underdog Story and people likees rooting for underdogs it's just the way we are in society so I think that had more to do with it my spoiler probably a little bit but more to do with her on screen and her story attracted a lot of viewers I think that you're probably right on both points um also I mean something that kind of jumped out at me and I've always wondered this and I wanted to ask you really do you feel like maybe that spoiler was planted intentionally and I ask that because the way that this season was edited it was edited so that Daisy is like front and center from like you said episode two and we're getting down to episode8 now and everybody's like where did Kelsey come from this is the first I've seen of her so do you think maybe that that was intentional no and I and I can say that because of this when I have gotten a wrong spoiler in the past if it's intentional obviously I go back to the people who fed me this in information and for the most part they were just telling me what they believed to be true and the same happened here uh with this particular situation if I would have gone back to them and they would have ghosted me and they would have just been like oh man sorry I don't know then I could probably tell it was planted it wasn't I've been speaking with um numerous people regarding this that were you know telling me it's you know it's Daisy it is not Kelsey and again like I said I'm only as good as what my sources tell me and they I know if I'm being misled because they would I'd be able to catch it in conversation and they their stories would end up changing and it's just not what happened this time it was they genuinely believed the information that they had was correct so they passed it on to me could some somebody who had gave them that information lied to them on purpose it's possible but that doesn't the person who told them wouldn't have any idea that it was going to be coming to me so the the short answer is no I I there has been a season where I was misled and that was the only season where I got it wrong the whole time and that was Desiree season because when I went back to my sources that season they ghosted me I couldn't get a hold of them after the fact so I was like oh yeah so clearly they planted one on me um but this one no I don't believe that was the case at all okay so another question for you because not only are you the spoiler King apparently you make some good predictions too so I wanted to ask you about the golden Bachelorette and your prediction that lesie will be the golden Bachelorette I feel like you might be right I've been kind of gunning for her all you know all through the golden Bachelor especially after the way that it ended do you think that um her appear her she's appearing next week on the show do you think that that's going to be kind of a clue I didn't even realize they were appearing on the show until he saw the previews at the end of last night's episode so I think that only adds to it she makes the most sense right she lasted the longest she finished second people remember her the most you know I know people clamor for other people Susan um I keep for oh Faith you know basically anyone but C right yeah it's just like I get it why people want maybe someone else and but lesie seems like the choice that they're gonna go with and I think she's got the star quality kind of star power behind her too so I mean it makes sense total yeah she's got the storyline behind her we know how this show loves to basically work off story lines and you know she has the best storyline behind her and the fact that she lasted the longest and didn't get picked she thought she was going to get picked and then whatever you know Gary does right that what the Redemption story like she gets to redeem herself after she picked out her dress and she wrote her vows and and Gary apparently did a 180 in the overnight she you know she has said in interviews post show that she absolutely Gary gave her every reason to believe he was going to pick her and then all of a sudden it changed like I totally get it I I I I I really would be surprised if it's anybody but her but you know it's a possibility I mean who knows maybe something fell thr us off you know something fell through in negotiations maybe she wants you know we don't know but I know that they want her and I know that she's someone that they absolutely would sit down and interview but I just don't I just don't see it with anybody else she makes the most sense I mean Faith already said it's not her so unless she's throwing us off who knows who knows at this point right yeah um so keeping on the whole Bachelorette train how possible do you think it is that Maria is our Bachelorette do you think it's Maria do you think it's Daisy have you given it much thought yeah I mean my my guess is it's Daisy like that's that's my guess I have no information regarding that I think it's definitely between the two of them I don't think you're looking at Rachel as the bachette or Lexi or who whoever came in six I forget already uh Jen I don't I just don't think it's any of them because once again for those that don't know we've had 20 seasons of The Bachelorette but we've had 22 bachelorettes because two seasons had two women Gabby and Rachel's season and then Claire and TAA season so we've had 22 bat rats all but two of them finished in the top four of their season the only two that didn't were Katie thst and Hannah Brown so we know it's probably coming from the top four well that leaves Daisy Rachel and Maria and Rachel hasn't gotten any sort of edit to get anybody behind her this season to make you think that she could be bachette Maria has dominated screen time she's got more screen time twice as much screen time as any other woman on this season it'll probably it'll it'll dwindle now that she's off the show and Daisy is still on the show so but at the time that she left twice as much screen time as anybody else I just think for me um and and not for me as I want daisy as the bachette because I don't care who gets the lead as long as there is a season that's really all I care about I'm GNA going right yeah they going to treat the season the same way if Daisy's the bachette or Maria's the bachette my whole goal doesn't change which is find out the spoilers to the season but if you're asking me who I think it's going to be my guess would be Daisy and and just because of everything we went over before she is someone who's got the biggest following coming out of this season she's got a story that no other lead has ever had you know she is deaf heart of hearing never had any sort of lead with and I don't even want to use the word disability because I don't even know if that's the right word but you know what I mean it's somebody a lead that has basically something working against them physically um and she finished a second like this the story is All right there we're talking about story lines she has the perfect storyline now you can say you know for people that want Maria what would be Maria's storyline going into next season the only thing I could think of is she was dumped by Joey yeah and maybe like the bullying stuff everybody against her but go didn't really focus on that that much she said it one time in a ation but it hasn't been her character like and I understand that some people are put off by Daisy I don't understand the hate coming towards her but it's one thing to just be like i' I'd prefer Maria over Daisy I'm fine with that but the things that I'm hearing as to why people don't like Daisy I mean the nerve of some people who are full of hearing to tell somebody to stop talking about her coar implant just seems so disturbing to me and so off huding like great you you have you know this is something that this woman deals with every day of her life right that she cannot hear like the rest of us and you're telling her to stop talking about it like any anybody I mean it's part of her daily life anybody that she gets in a relationship with is going to have to deal with it I just I I'm I'm floored by some of the responses like I said you can like Maria over Daisy for bachette I'm fine with that but people aren't just saying I prefer Maria they are saying daisy seems calculated she's been out for the bachette since the beginning she won't stop talking about her C implant that stuff is it's a little bit wild considering that up until you know you figured out who the real winner was everybody loved Daisy and wanted her for Joey so like that was kind of a sharp youturn right yeah oh seriously it's just like how can you somebody that has all you're hearing tell somebody how they should be you know reacting about something that they have to deal with every day of their life it just doesn't make any sense to me I don't really understand why people are getting so mad at her and the whole thing about being calculating and she's wanted to be the bachette since the beginning look every woman that goes on the show every season you basically have a one in 30 chance of winning I don't think any woman goes on the show saying I know I'm gonna be the I know I'm gonna win I know say but who believes it I mean they say you can you can think it but I don't think anybody truly believes it right and then but all know hey the longer I last on the show The more followers I get I can build a brand so once it got down to final four I'm sure it went through Daisy's mind and Rachel's mind and Maria's mind like if I don't win I have a chance at this but think I don't even think Daisy and and Maria I don't think either of them are doing anything on camera that's calculated so they can be the next Bach R and that's what people are saying about Daisy and I I don't I don't I tend to agree with that neither of them strike me as like clout chasing in that manner either so and here and here's another thing I want to point out this is another one that I I keep hearing all the time is we don't know anything about Daisy other than she has a c leader implant that's all she talks about okay if I were to ask the average fan out there what does Kelsey do right what is K what do we what do we know about Kelsey this season her mom died she's talked about it twice she talks about it a lot I'm not saying that's a negative thing but that's s story you know that sory everyone's got like this backstory or whatever Daisy is her hearing we've heard Kelsey talk about her mother dying numerous times which she's allowed to but what I'm saying is if you're saying daisy only talks about her clear implant what is what do we know about Kelsey I don't even know I don't even know if I'm sure I know what Kelsey does for a living and you can take the same thing I know Rachel's a nurse right we take that same thing to Maria tell me one thing about Maria what are Maria's goals aspirations what is her job right I don't know anything about Maria so all I'm saying is you can say daisy only talks about her cook leader implant but how about the other women that are in the top four that have lasted as long as they have what can you tell me about Maria I don't know anything about Maria so it just goes to show that's and it's more the format of the show they don't really get into they'll always have a you know they each have a backstory Kelsey's mom died Daisy has a cocar implant but they don't ever dive too much into other things and I don't I just don't know enough about Kelsey either to where it's like oh I know so much about Kelsey this seon totally understand why he picked her and all I know is Daisy has a coar implant no it's not that it's not that wide if anything it's even because they've both said the same thing a lot so that's what I'm saying like again you can not like Daisy or prefer Maria over Daisy but don't say she only talks about our C implant because I don't even know what Maria is about I don't know what her job is has she ever said what she does for a living I I don't know I think in her bio it says she's like a a a office manager or office has she ever talked about that once no I don't think never on show that's what I mean and and even in the future she's never talked about I don't know anything about what she wants like I said goals aspirations well it's not it's taboo to say out loud that you want to be on further shows and build they don't say it on the show but we know right because nine times out of 10 that's what they're doing yeah one thing that struck me this season way more than others and I know they've been doing it and been doing it was exactly what you said the backstory the backstory I felt like every single one of them that got to tell their story had some crazy tragic story and it stuck out the most with Medina when she took on went on Tik Tok and was talking about how she didn't get to tell her story about her hospital it was just like is that really the goal now to just have some tragic thing to talk about it's weird to me it seems like whoever gets one-on ones does have a story and I think maybe the you know obviously the show knows everything about these contestants before they even get there they know everything about you and so it is very possible that they are well aware who's going to make more interesting television now they also know who the bachelor is into after the first night mostly into and who their favorites are and I'm guaranteeing that Joey was NE Medina was never on a list where Joey told producers she's someone I would like to get to know better and that's no nothing against Medina just you know Different Strokes for different folks she wasn't someone that he was totally into so we're just not going to give her a one-on-one date you know he kind of knew I mean once once Daisy was announced as a contestant on this show and we all knew back in September that this woman had a clear implant and had written a book for children right about it was just like we knew she was going far it was just they weren't going to pass up this opportunity all the more reason why I think that she's going to be bachette but it does seem like every single one-on-one it almost would be like if we saw a one-on-one with a bachelor and some 24-year-old girl that had no tragedies in her back in her backstory in her past and she's just like yeah graduated college um I work as an office an office assistant and things have been great like I think people would just be like this Jade sucks she's nothing there's nothing where's the substance here and it wouldn't be anything against her but it I I don't know if that makes compelling TV and maybe that's the wrong way to approach it but we have to remember first this is a television show first not they're not looking to really create a match here if they get one great but they're looking to create television that people are going to talk about and nobody's going to talk the next day about the girl that got the oneon-one date who's had nothing in her back in right it's all about viewers and advertising dollars we all know this and I feel like in terms of reality TV Bachelor at least has been the one to keep it the most like above board I guess is a way to say it like some of these other shows and I don't want to like say too much but you know 90day Married at First Sight they've gone Bonkers so Bachelor I mean I'm not mad at them about the backstory soab stories but you know they got to make their money right yeah and it does seem that's compelling television more so than someone who hasn't had a lot happen to them in their life do you feel like um B like a lot of and some of the ones I mentioned they get really upset when we spoil it does Bachelor production care do they embrace you do they hate you how are you received by the Puppet Masters I guess it's a good question uh publicly they don't acknowledge me they can't because they can't say oh he got us again right they never going to admit that and they're not going to say whether I once I put a spoiler out there he's wrong give it away then you know what to right so publicly they don't acknowledge me privately I know that they don't care uh I've spoken to enough contestants who obviously are in touch with production I've spoken to enough contestants in the past where they have you know my name's been brought up and they're like do we wish he wouldn't do it yeah but what are we going to do we can't stop it we tape our television show in advance I feel like it makes it more exciting that way like I've actually had um I've had production from other shows contact me and beg me not to post the spoilers like not even my spoilers you know I write about your spoilers all the time not even my spoilers but just like well we won't work with you if you post these spoilers I'm like why would you not want me to drum up excitement for you it makes no sense yeah I think from what I've been told the episode by episode spoilers I don't think they care about too much it's the ending the ending they wish i' really that's the one thing they wish I wouldn't do because I'm basically ruining their whole season ruin the every time I have spoiled it with the ending or what it hasn't had I'm not affecting the show in a negative way it's if I did then you could be able to watch the ratings all season and then when they get to the finale it would just plummet because oh we already know who won why would we tune in if anything the finale always goes up that's why right it's I I get why they say it it's more from a television perspective like yeah I wish you wouldn't spoil but for the main part I'm giving them free advertising that's that's what it is that's why I don't think they really care all that much and they never say anything about me publicly and I get that they can't address me publicly because they don't want people who don't know about me tuning in and going my website and finding out who doesn't know about you there there are a lot I mean there it's it's it's a weird it's a weird mix of fan base here because there's the ones that follow along daily when the show is filming but there are so many people that you know once Joey's finale airs on March 25th there are so many people that will literally shut off their brains until they see the next commercial for the bachelorette and they're thinking like oh oh let me go to that reality SE guys site he's probably got information on what happened yet from March until May when the next bachette season is filming anything I get happening in real time I spoil it and there are just a lot of people that don't follow that stuff and don't care to think and then they're just like I watch it for two hours on Monday night and then boom shut off my brain I don't go online I don't read message boards and I just watch for two hours every Monday night and I don't follow along on what people are saying and all this that makes it's just and it's I think there's there's still people in this franchise that think this show is happening in real time like I don't even think they get the concept that the next Bachelorette season is filming right when Joey's season is done airing from March until May and then it won't air until whenever they do the first episode usually you ended up being in end of June now it's being pushed to July usually so we don't know yet the premiere date for bachette but yeah that's and there's so many fans out there believe it or not that just don't follow any of this stuff and are just looking on money nights for two hours and that's all I care about so wild to me because you know I go I go digging for spoilers obviously you clearly that's how you got into it right like how did you even end up being the spoiler King was this on purpose on accident like no it was on accident yeah I got my first spoiler in 2009 when somebody told me about the Jason and Melissa ending which at the time had never happened in the history of the show we had never had somebody choose somebody and then break up with them during a private taping and then ask the girl that he dumped to start dating him and I found out about that and that just happened to be just some you know a the the wacky ending that it was and then from that season forward it just turned into oh you're like the default Authority on spoiling the show because you nailed what happened on Jason's season you told us there was a private taping and that Jason had dumped Melissa and asked Molly to date him and that's a and that's what played out um and then ever since that season it just became people started telling me stuff you know and I didn't ask for that someone someone who knew someone who knew that I wrote a column about the show is the one who came to me and said hey I got this info I know you write about the show I know you got a little bit of a following and I had a very Niche audience back then but the second I gave a spoiler for this it blew up it's amazing an accidental happy accident right and here I am 15 years later still doing it like even after I got the Jason spoiler I didn't know what to expect the next season which was uh Jillian season and I I think actually Jillian season I didn't get it right or I I know I didn't even know people were asking me you knew Jason's ending what happens with jillians I said I don't know the next season after that was Jake pavela and then from that season on spoilers pretty much every season so yeah it's crazy amazing well it's been great talking to you I don't want to keep you any longer because you know I know you've got people to talk to it's been a though thank you honestly this has been like one of the most enjoyable interviews I've done I I I like chopping it up with about you about Bachelor with you this has been good thank you hopefully we can do that again maybe we can talk Bachelorette yeah anytime we get to the end of The Bachelorette season we'll do it again sounds good all right you have a good one all right thank you [Music] thanks [Music]

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