Interview with ‪@WhatTheHales‬ AKA Jeremy SON ‪@Nat-qz2bq‬ aka jason hales // Slug Entertainment

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:58:52 Category: Gaming

Tags : games twitch
Trending searches: jeremy jackson
also quick thing that kind of got popped up um apparently someone in my chat named Jason hailes is claiming that he is Jeremy's kid from his first wife the one he allegedly abused no idea this is like uploaded an hour ago um so this is Jason Matthew hailes um see the you can see the resemblance right away he even has a picture of Jeremy hailes with two different kids where did this come from he was in my chat and this is on his channel this was an hour ago of all the of all the the the the channel is doing a what the hell stream he came to your chat I why would you come to like fox or tug or somebody who who got like that's that's a different thing maybe it's well Fox and tug they're not live right now from what I know I just dm'd you the video was like doing a she was doing a Lego some Lego stupidity man she's disrespecting Legos let's see wow this is interesting and did he offer to contact you you know live on the phone or he's in my chat right now uh Jason if you want uh join the Discord yeah feel free to join the Discord um here I'm going to move us to the live room so I'm able to have him join waiting look it's either going to be a blockbuster scoop or or it's going to just be you know a stupid little know prank yeah I'm gonna move us up real quick that's one that's two you there hello oh ah oh boy I think the fact that I moved him broke everything chat uh Jason join the Discord it is at the top of the chat we have a source in the chat saying familiar with this Photograph as being an authentic photograph um Jason hails um I've seen that photo and it's real it's of Jason and the two kids Jesus that's actually very interesting yeah um okay so let's uh now I'm just waiting for um hopefully Jason's able to join in I don't know if he's um he looks like Jeremy how old is he um I wouldn't be surprised from like maybe late teens early 20s because Jeremy's 47 you don't have any issues if he's like 17 or under do you like to let him on um well it would be public and it wouldn't be in a weird conversation style you know what I mean yeah up to you I'm just just yeah no worries um let's see here let's see [Music] Jason see is this see um H uh Jason if you are in the first let's hear the voice so we're able to um understand who is who if they join in so they were born in 2004 so they're like 20 now there's your proof okay and uh if that wasn't enough then there we are are yeah that's a really direct resemblance like Jesus You're Gonna still try to get him on is he uh yeah I I just uh told him to hop into the waiting room here in the server okay there we go hello uh hey howdy um just for verification because the audio sounds a little bit different than the uh video could you uh show your face real quick it's not going to be shown on stream in a sense I just want to verify yeah just um uh okay that is that is Jason okay perfect I just wanted to verify for like yeah it's it's it's cool yeah so you just posted this video and I'm not going to be I'm kind of surprised so I I haven't watched the video yet what are the major claims that you have involving this um so I don't actually I don't know what he's been up to lately um but the thing that prompted me to make the video um my mom just got a new phone number uh and I I asked her why because it was completely unprompted to to me and she broke down in tears and said that he had apparently like shown her phone number on one of his videos and she was getting hateful messages and stuff and it was just that's so was this recent like how reason was it I'm asking because it's CU at least yeah I didn't ask when uh the messages started I just know that she changed her phone number today um and it was because she was getting those messages so I don't I don't know when they started I don't know how long it's been going on for I just know that she changed her phone number today that's that's what prompted me to make the video um in the video I discussed what a lot of what he did um over a decade ago now um and how he is very clearly well not clearly to people who watch his stuff obviously but he's not the person that he says he is okay so I have to ask you and I guess we'll move down to the waiting room because I think the Discord is bugging for Bruce one sec sorry about that Bruce forgot that Discord might be bugging out for you but my back yep you're back sorry oh please don't I don't want to interrupt go ahead yeah so involving all of this I do have to ask um has there been any contact between you and Jeremy in the past 10 years or has it been a full cut off on contact um there's been I I mean like I try to avoid him as much as I can um but I mean like there was one one time uh on one of my birthdays where he left a huge box uh on our front porch um like for me which was honestly I was surprised it was out of character for him but then um we figured out uh why it's because he um what was in the box was like uh two like original Xboxes and then two Xbox 36s and then a bunch of games and inside one of the Xboxes was um a game disc with like a note attached to it like for me and it was like had like an email address so that I could talk to him I think this was before uh he realized that like I didn't want anything to do with him so I know this may come as like a either uncomfortable question what happened because I'm I'm going to still watch the video but I like to ask from the horse's mouth per se you know what I mean uh yes um so what happened um uh he was very emotionally manipulative and abusive to all of us mom and my two sisters um he did get physical once or twice but that was not very common thank god um okay so so he was and I'm going to say allegedly and of course implied for anyone watching so did Jason Jason meant allegedly yes I for legal reasons yes allegedly Y and involving this so emotional abuse was alleged to have happened and so at least it is good to know he was not commonly physically abusive making it extremely rare so it's good to at least rule that out I am sorry that happened a allegedly kitten Daddy it's fine I'm mostly over it yeah so can I ask a question or two slug sure hi Jason yeah how you doing my name is attorney Bruce matkin I actually represent Michelle Preston that's the neighbor that that um Jeremy haes is have has a dispute with um I'm just wondering how old are you uh I am 19 I am turning 20 in October I see do you know and and and well can you tell anything about um your your father's departure from Sky View Ranch where he worked for a number of years he was a preacher in 2014 and he and and it's now come out that he you know was uh terminated from that job and everybody Wonder so couldn't hurt to ask yeah he um he Che um on my mom a number of times throughout their relationship um and when he was found out that's why he was terminated from that position um but uh I apparently I I I don't actually know if this is 100% true but I was told that I might have a half sibling about my age somewhere in America right now have you ever followed up on that information to see um well I mean I I would I would like to but I I honestly don't really know how I don't really know how to go about it was there um uh there was a was there no contact order as part of your parents' divorce um not at the time the divorce happened but after um about a year uh he um was deemed um unfit to be our parent and he lost all custody and there was a no cont ATT order and it was it was a whole thing and he kept fighting for custody for a long time after that um until my younger sister uh reached the age where she was able to choose whether or not um she could go right that's age 18 um well I mean legally yes but also like you can't exactly force a 16-year-old to go somewhere where they don't really want to go unless you like and they and you and she chose she chose to not have contact is that correct yes yes and since and since you've turned a you remain out of contact yes I I um I want nothing to do with him um he pretty much ruined my entire life um he paused virtually irreversible damage to my mental health um I was suicidal for a time um because of he was he was the main reason but also the stress of ghoul already because I like it was it was a whole thing I had to drop out of high school and go to a therapist and get medications and it was just I how are you doing now better definitely better that's great to hear well listen uh and how did you come across slugs slug entertainment's channel to drop in the chat and and know and then come on I um I was after I had posted the video um I I went to like search for like his channel to see if like it would pop up uh if you looked for his channel and then I I didn't see it so it's just like well I wonder what would happen if I if I went and filtered like by time of upload and I filtered uh by today and I saw oh there's a there's a live stream and there's a lot of people maybe I can let people know like a little bit more about what he's like and here you are doing that um had you seen any other like coverage do you even know what the whole whole craziness is about the bad neighbors story you know are you familiar with it I am unfamiliar with it I saw the thumbnails but I I didn't really so I I do got to ask this this is not a ja at you or any attempt to discredit you in any way but this is more for verification just like earlier having you turn on your cam so I could see it's the same person and such so is there PO is there evidence that you are able to give of like you having to go into therapy or stuff of that nature because there is always the I have my medications here um next to me if that would be sufficient um would you be cool with helping verify as a witness Bruce because it I won't because I won't show it on Stream So basically to verify the claims of enduring depression and stuff of that nature just to verify because I'll I'll invite Jason to to um contact me off um you know off a live stream and talk about that stuff um you know I mean I'm not I don't want to make him commit to something like that on the spot completely fine talk yeah so and I don't mind uh I could just it's so simple to tell him here well I'll put it in the chat um and and it's my name with the number one after at gmail Jason y all right and so we'll get that verified and this is again not a jab at you this is more for verification and to make sure that it's keeping H kept as verifiable and as accurate as possible because these are I understand yeah I'm sorry for the foral just gave you my email address Jason um my email address um here um you could you could just email me just take mine and email me all right yeah okay awesome now so you claimed emotional abuse allegedly because I know Jeremy might get lawyer happy but if I get sued I'm not I'm not scared but when it comes to this I have to ask what would have been done in specific such as would there be the would there be gaslighting or would there be attempts of negation of one's own personal autonomy stuff of that nature if that makes sense yes yes there was plenty of plenty of all of that um there was a lot of a lot of telling us to do do things and then when we did it he would yell at us that we did it wrong um and then he would undo it and then redo it the exact same way um there was there was there was a lot of like yelling and basically just getting us scared of him um would is there a specific example that you could give of any incident involving that or involving something along those lines um um man it's it's been so long um yeah I'm I'm sorry you know again it's like I should I should probably say you know you know maybe next time let him get let me give a little thought before he wants to talk about really deep person personal stuff you know yeah no worries I'm usually I usually ask these because I've looked into stories along these lines and I've and I've interviewed people and usually I you I like to ask these questions to make sure that me and others are not taken through a loop but as far as I'm seeing I am believing Jason and the fact that he has a photo of a younger Jeremy hailes alongside himself and his siblings does give a lot of credibility and you said you saw his face he took off off put himself for you to see so he did yes so and of course I will also confirm you know Jason I I assume he'll get in touch Jason with me on on um email and we'll talk and then I'll be able to certainly authenticate it yep and I don't ask these questions to try and dismiss your claims I do it to make sure that because a lot of people will ask these questions alongside people like all of the people covering this online the people like that umbrella guy or the fox lady a lot of people will ask a lot harsher questions along the same lines and I want to ask them to make sure because these are valid questions in a way yeah abely it's been such a long time that it's kind of kind of numbed a bit Yeah like you've come to accept like yeah this has happened I've grown from it am I off the Mark um yeah you pretty much hit the nail in the head there yeah and if and you can feel free to let me know if I'm trudging something up or I'm making you uncomfortable without any restriction at all just feel free to at any point because I I ask these questions to make sure while I'm able to verify and I'm able to look further into this a lot of people will be asking for more information so I'm asking the more pertinent questions and Bruce and others can help verif other questions and underlying things so you're right about that there's going to probably be more questions raised than even answered U because of the answers and so you know and and you saw listen I know this has got to be tough it's it's unplanned and we really I know slug feels this way and I do really appreciate um you know your courage and coming on and talking about difficult things like it was I just like what when I heard like that he just showed mom's phone number I just I got so angry more than anything else now I I'm going to ask this not uh I'm going to ask this so when that happened are you able to describe the are you able to describe what was going on such as the whole start middle and and you were like where were you what was going on at the time and what what do you feel comfortable letting us know about that whole event um yes so earlier today uh my mom texted me uh from her new number and saying hey this is this is my new number um and I thought you know that's a little bit weird like she would she didn't say that she was going to get a new phone or anything um so I after she got home uh because she's a teacher um after she got home today I asked her about and I was just like hey did you get a new phone or whatever and she said no I just changed my number and I'm like okay why why did why did you change your number and she told me that um one of her friends had asked her um about something something legal um and they wanted advice and she told them uh something and then that information made its way to somebody who knew uh Jeremy um and uh he apparently had um shown uh an email or something with whatever it was um and it had her phone number on it and he'd shown it on a video um or at least that's what Mom told me uh and she was getting a lot of nasty messages from people and that's why she changed her number so this so my recommendation because I've dealt with my information being put out there as again that is a form of doxing and yeah I I told her that too I said that she could take it to court but she said like we that like we can't afford it that's other thing too it's it sucks but doxing is not illegal in the United States if you are harassing someone with it then you have more of an argument and Bruce can correct me if I'm wrong there yeah well sure um you know I mean the the point of it was to probably you know the point of it infera was to have people strangers calling and harassing her and and you know serving this purpose I'm sure I'm sure sure if you go to the video where it happened he didn't say to do that because he's very smart and he's very Charming when he wants to be um and that honestly is probably one of the things that scares me the most about him because he's he's very good at getting people on his side um and yeah you know he's got an echo chamber of you know 100,000 viewers regularly well I'm G to I'm gonna kind of correct that he just knows how to censor his content and censor those around him um burn I'm moving you out there real quick quickly if I can did did he financially support you and your siblings after your parents got divorced um I do believe he did pay child support um but on the subject of of like money and stuff um before the divorce um he took uh $10,000 from me 10,000 from my older sister and 10,000 from my younger sister from like our like savings and um he's my older sister has gotten that back since then cuz he was kind of using it as leverage to be like oh come and talk to me and I'll give it back to you I I have to ask and I'm sorry for the interruption is there so if you were asked to provide screenshots of these conversations would you be able to send them or prove them either to Bruce or myself or if need be ever like if it ever gets to a point to a courtroom like you have evidence of what you're claiming um you mean about the 10,000s there like bank records or anything yeah even a text message talking or saying hey you'll get it back if you talk to me type of thing like you just said um I don't have anything like on hand I'm sure if I like dug around I might be able to find something okay you can provide that if you find it yeah Bruce and I we could work with you off stream at some point to verify this if that's okay with you yeah I can I can do that okay awesome and just so it's clear and asked publicly if once it's verified would you be okay with the evidence being censored for any personally identifiable info and then shown on a live stream would you feel comfortable with that yes like that is that is completely fine okay Bruce do you have any questions no you know I think we'll let Jason go and really Jason again um thanks so much and please email me I hope you saw it in the chat or you can get it later and and uh when you're comfortable um you know I'll email you back and say when you're comfortable you know we we can um plan to talk more and you know I'll ask a lot of questions whatever you're comfortable with and um you know so I hope to talk to you again uh soon uh and yeah like and of course there were some questions from the chat that were like oh are you worried about receiving any form of push back or backlash from Jeremy's audience are you worried about that in any way um I I knew uh when I posted the video that there were going to be some people who like no matter what I said they wouldn't believe me and they might uh do they might try to do things um I actually uh when I started uh recording it uh I had to uh stop and then re-record it because I had accidentally um on my uh learner permit I'd shown uh my address oh yeah that's completely understandable i' moment oh my gosh I feel that I've had moments where I've accidentally like shown my license plate on a video and forgot to edit it out before uploading so I completely understand and yeah and then that's also why I put it on a um throwaway Channel like that is not my Channel that I that I use to like browse YouTube and stuff yeah I I saw I saw Jason so you you and your older sister and younger sister are you all very close um I mean kind of uh my older sister uh uh is is moved out uh she doesn't live with us right now um and I don't really talk much with uh my younger sister uh because like what you're typing oh I'm giving a summary for the chat please do continue I'm sorry for interrupting no that's cool um I don't really talk much with my younger sister because like um since like I don't really leave my room very often I feel that um and I don't know if that's because of the depression or whatever I would imagine it is but H sometimes things happen and such but I do understand and hello to Le howdy howdy um again in chat if any has questions to ask we will ask them as well but so has has um have you ever spoken to your mother about Jeremy or has any incidence of maltreatment or abuse been discussed with your mom either in private and I'm not asking for specific details I'm usually um I'm usually asking about the I'm usually asking if it did happen or if there were conversations had involving what happened in the past um yeah there there used to be a lot more like when everything was like bu fresh so to speak um but every so often um now we'll like talk about something just like because like something comes up or or whatever so so this was a question asked in chat now are you doing this of your own valtion and does your mother know that you are talking about this I'm not asking this as a way to degrade you or patronize you I'm again it's asked from chat for me it's more of a does she know that this is being talked about publicly um yes I'm doing it of my own valtion um she does not know she doesn't really want to like he take action but like I'm I'm just like well if we don't do something he's going to keep trying to harass us and like I I understand so yeah I'm like I'm trying to keep some like some of the more like detailed things mostly about like her specifically like yeah I'm not going to yeah I'm not going to dig into your mom and stuff that's not relevant in way yeah and she has a right to privacy so I I do got to ask it's [Music] so you you say to prevent being harassed were there multiple instances of Jeremy using his YouTube audience to harass you guys in the past that I know of um as far as I'm aware uh this this is the like first time he's like intentionally done done anything there have been times in the past I've been told that somebody will call her and like ask for it like Jeremy thinking she's like George or something thing and she's just like nope not not the right number but I assume that's probably just like looking up his name on Google or something and seeing that there's a phone number for her okay I completely understand so when it comes to that it's so I I have to ask this just to at least be as fair and unbiased as POS possible most people know my stance on Jeremy I despise him but I have to ask this could the yeah could the possibility be that he's so stupid that he accidentally showed the number instead of intentionally showed the number no absolutely not he is is it a live stream or a video a pre-record oh uh yeah but like he's also he's very intelligent he knows exactly what he's doing um to Echo Bruce's question was this live streamed or was it pre-recorded oh um I I don't know okay that's fair so found the video where it happened yeah because I we could find that out but it was pre-recorded then he could have edited it out slug right yeah but for now until we're able to verify it we're able to kind of leave that question of did he stream it or pre-record it up in the air and then focus on why or focus on Jason's response to the question and I did interrupt you Jason on that I do apologize it's cool it's cool so kind of back to my question do you believe that the information was distributed by accident and why not at all he is very intelligent he knows what he's doing um he he like there was a time when he there was like a legal document or something that was sent to him um via uh the mail and he he like waited a while to open it because like he wasn't legally obligated to do something or whatever until he like opened it okay I got after a certain point like he's very smart and he uses that to his Advantage a lot of the time so like I I imagine that he presented it in a way that like would like to the average person it would look like an accident but it was I I would I would bet money on it being intentional did did you have um can you tell us you know as much as you're comfortable about your upbringing in terms of religion was it very religious upbringing because you know your dad preaches a lot of Christianity being a Christian a good Christian on his videos yes yes um I it it is I was brought up in a Christian household um and I am still Christian today um and like again like with with Sky View like I lived there for like the first like half of my life and it's like a Christian place and like yeah like it was a very Christian upbringing um there was a lot of like going to church and doing doing a lot of stuff with like with that okay so did he have um did he have a lot of when he preached was it every week at the r at Sky View was it like a weekly sermon that he would deliver um I don't no he didn't really let us like do anything there um like if if you go there now like the current people in charge who like they have kids they let their kids go around and on like ATVs and like participate in stuff but like we weren't allowed to do that we had to like stay at home like we weren't we weren't really allowed to like do anything you didn't even attend the like the the um congregational you know Gatherings where he would preach yeah like there's there's like every once in a while we could well like for the for the most part like we weren't really allowed to like do anything when there were like people there so are you are you saying that Jeremy was a strict parent or was there a more nefarious claim being made I I ask this not as a way to corner you or anything of that sort I ask mainly as a way to understand the perspective that you're giving us um with this specifically I am unsure of whether it was just being strict or if he was like actively trying to keep us from like doing anything aside from just staying home so okay and I asked I could I could see it either way yeah I ask that just so that we're able to at least have a baseline understanding like if if he's so gosh I just got tangled up so you said that you didn't go out much was he forcing you guys to stay at home all the time or was it just not going out and doing quote unquote activities or adventures and such stuff of that nature um what I mean is like we weren't really allowed to like do things at Sky View like when he was when he was there we weren't we weren't allowed to like do like any of the like stuff that was there like like the horses or the pond or stuff like that okay I asked because I don't want anyone misconstruing it saying oh he locked he locked him in the basement and he said no Jason no yeah that's I understand yeah so like yeah like the most we were really able to do is like just go down to the creek like by ourselves okay and just walk along the creek for a while so when it came to when it came to at home outside of the church where what those rules still apply such as like oh you can't go out with friends or things of that nature or was it different um [Music] I I don't really know too well cuz like I I didn't have many friends I was oh I I was a bullied kid no I I completely understand and the reason why I ask that is just the whole dichotomy of like oh we're at church you can't do X Y and Z and now we're at home and you can do XY um so I don't think he actually came to the church that we went to I think he did all that like at Sky View I don't remember him coming with us anyway but I mean he was also like a preacher there so that would make sense that he wasn't with us you the church could you explain that to me because I've I've been far removed from religion for a long time and I don't want to say anything that's inaccurate or offensive involving that so what I what I mean is we went to church at a different place to where he preached okay was there a reason for that or is it just personal choice I think it was just more that the place aligned more with what my mom thought okay okay so um oh gosh so we have that so how involved before um Jeremy left your life how involved was he in your life beforehand um he I mean he wasn't who involved um okay it was it was like and if you don't feel comfortable with a question you're able to skip it if need be it's it's it's not that I'm just just like I'm trying to like yeah I'm sorry I'm just trudging up things from the old memory Vault I'm very sorry it's it's cool it's cool and yeah um he wasn't too involved um like unless there was like something like going on like I remember I remember when I was like man I want to say like seven or something I like I really wanted to like join the Boy Scouts and I went to like the first few meetings and then he was just like nope you're not going to do that like you just wouldn't let me do it um would that have been um was that that because of a concern for safety or was it or do you not know re the reason that he gave was that everything that they would that I could do there I could do at Sky View but he wouldn't let you guys do things exactly exactly was it so I I got to ask was it the possibility of control or was it the possibility of he did not trust the outside parties and trust it Sky View I would say control so could you elaborate on why you would say that it's [Music] control it's it's like to the best of your ability like yeah like I I don't know exactly what goes on inside of his head but like being able to control what someone can or can't do I imagine gives him a feeling of superiority and it it just it's easy to do that with a small child at what time so you were seven at the time correct um or seven or eight maybe it was I was I was I was small I don't remember exactly how old I was but I was I was small okay so just so I'm able to recap and kind of kind of like measure out how we've what we've covered or what is understood so far Jeremy was allegedly emotionally abusive and controlling allegedly during the first marriage towards his kids and his family and at any so far I'm on the I'm on the point and he showed his Tendencies of apocracy of saying you can do things at Sky you but not allowing you to do things that Sky you correct so I have to ask this and we can I'll just make it a hypothetical just so that we're able to not try and influence your view on any of this so if an individual was claiming that they are being stalked and had barely any evidence but has a history of doing what Jeremy does would you have a disposition to believe the claim of being stalked if somebody like him were to claim that they were being stalked I would not believe them could you elaborate on why you would not believe them because like it's with somebody as emotionally manipulative as he is there is a very high likelihood that getting me to believe them um that getting me to believe them and their story about being stalked is some sort of COG in their plan so would the plan because I'm trying to understand what would was there a pattern of behavior or something that you're that Jeremy has always attain or wanted to attain sort of a goal that he has had that he can't seem to get I ask this because of his behavior with a lot of the Endeavors he has gone through such as with his uh reselling or the live streaming or the content creation is there a kind of hidden goal that he has tried to attain from my experiences it seems like what he most values is a feeling of power um like with all of the with all of the manipulation and gaslighting and hypocrisy like it's it's it's like it's just I don't really have the word for it right now but like it feel I'm I'm trying not I don't even know the word Bruce would I think he might have a better description for that what's that so involving how the end goal of Jeremy with the manipulation the gaslighting and the hypocrisy I mean I don't think Jason hasn't even really known him for what nine going on about nine 10 years Jason so I don't know I'm not sure that he that he he would have uh you know an informed opinion on that because he wasn't even familiar with he's still not familiar with the bad neighbors fake reality storyline that he's using his YouTube channel for to destroy my client's life but I I have a feeling Jason you're going to get to learn that a little bit you'll probably watch it on your own and see why we're all here right now really maybe I I think we should let Jason get going slug what do you think um I believe so this isn't in any way to kick you off I'm just wanting to think he's getting tired no yeah it's it's cool I honestly should probably be asleep by now uh no worries feel free to contact me or Bruce and we're able to verify anything talk to you even if you just need like a random dog video from time to time we got you yeah I look forward to hearing from you Jason take care man be well and nice to speak to you have a great hang up while you can yeah thank thank you for like giving me a platform to say all this and stuff it's still open and it's still open for you all right take care have a great night yeah you too okay that was incredibly

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[ACTUS MODE] Westwood, Gaga, Haider Ackermann, Brat summer & indie sleaze !

Category: Gaming

Bonjour les gens bonjour à toutes et à tous comment allez-vous bienvenue dans cette nouvelle après-midi mode j'espère que vous allez bien dans cet après-mid en cet après-midi pluvieuse enin non cette journée pluvieuse parce que bon voilà ici à paris en tout cas comment allez-vous les gens bienvenue... Read more

E:227 22-10-26- Juventus (8-1-0) @ Hellas Verona (0-8-1) - FIFA 23 - Lineups thumbnail
E:227 22-10-26- Juventus (8-1-0) @ Hellas Verona (0-8-1) - FIFA 23 - Lineups

Category: Gaming

Well what a game we have in store for you today the hype has been building all week and the fans are pouring into the stadium the tension palpable stay tuned we'll have all the action for you live here on ea tv or just the sort of weather the fans were hoping for this evening it's absolutely ideal i'm... Read more

FPRL | F1 24 | Tier Vote | Tier 3 | Season 8 | Race 5/10 thumbnail
FPRL | F1 24 | Tier Vote | Tier 3 | Season 8 | Race 5/10

Category: Gaming

Might as well get the ties up on stream because yep it's raining in monza do even everyone welcome to what is actually the halfway stage of fpr season 8 race five now this time it was a little bit more how do i say interactive with our tier categories and our tier divisions tier three tier 2 and tier... Read more

FC 24 St Louis City SC vs LA Galaxy thumbnail
FC 24 St Louis City SC vs LA Galaxy

Category: Gaming

The stage is set and the ition is power b 90 minutes of what should be highly entertaining and absorbing football to come and it would take a very brave person indeed to predict the outcome what an enticing prospect stay with us we have every kick of the ball next here on eatv and a warm welcome on... Read more

M's Skipper Lou Piniella Rips Bret Boone After Frustrating Loss To K.C. (Parody) - ‪@SNESGriffey‬ thumbnail
M's Skipper Lou Piniella Rips Bret Boone After Frustrating Loss To K.C. (Parody) - ‪@SNESGriffey‬

Category: Sports

Wine wine wine i've had it with your excuses you're acting like a loser you want therapy i'll give you therapy get off your duff get out of here and make something happen do i make myself clear Read more

The Kyle McCord Show 8-27-24 thumbnail
The Kyle McCord Show 8-27-24

Category: Gaming

E [music] train social media for being a little more social connecting with new friends game day just an am track [music] away all right everybody welcome in if you're wondering what this is this is a completely new thing i'm bri that's the quarterback you know him he's kyle mccord here's what we're... Read more