Ozzie Albies Gives Injury Update, Talks Ohtani and Acuña with Mookie Betts | On Base, Ep. 30

Published: Sep 14, 2024 Duration: 00:45:57 Category: Sports

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what's going on guys welcome back to on base live in your bleach Report app I am your host mookie bets and today we have a three-time Allstar a two-time s Silver Slugger and what I think is the best thing a 2021 World Series champion Azie alz yay yes it is yes it is like you said how you doing brother I'm doing great man how are you doing I'm I'm good bro I uh you know seeing you coming in it was hard not to talk to you because every time I see you it's like I get excited you know usually I've done some good I'm on bass first and then I get to see my boy I get to see my boy out there and I get to get to talk to you so it's really get to really good to get to sit down next to you finally yeah it's it's definitely more fun sitting next to you you know beside only on the basis um we got to talk and enjoy enjoy ni show right right all right so first I want to start with uh a game my Play It's called on base off base whether you're in or out Atlanta traffic is not that bad I'm out you're out you're out on that so you think it's terrible oh yes especially rush hours you're going to sit there in zero miles per hour zero oh yes so so have you been in any LA traffic oh it's the same it's probably worse I say you think LA traffic is worse so 20 2022 we went to LA early and I stayed with Kenley Kenley Johnson okay Hometown uh we were from the same place we are from the same place and I was sing at his house we drive into the field he said yeah I'll take like 30 40 minutes we end up taking like an hour and 15 minutes just sitting there and he's literally trying his best because we had a meeting we were going going to make it so um he tried but I'll say LA traffic it's it's definitely tough too I'm not I'm not a bougie person like I'm not maybe I am I don't know no I don't think you are you just I like nice things yeah on the field you know you kind of swag with your cleats your your your Jordan CLE I mean everybody talks about it because it's just one thing you focus on and that's it it's not all around no you know what I'm saying and so I never could imagine that I would get a driver to to go to to to work but like now it's like dude I'm not sitting in traffic for an hour it's an hour ride every day it that becomes a lot and so I I'm I'm out on I think Atlanta traffic it's all right it it but it ain't it ain't that late though it ain't another story I was going to dinner and it's only it was like 12 miles away from the house and it took an hour and 20 minutes to go 12 miles and then when dinner was over 9:30 10 it took only 18 minutes to get home to get back yeah exactly that tells you how the traffic is okay all right next next one a phantom red tailed catfish is the rarest fish in your collection I think so yes so tell me about your this fish collection so I have a big fish collection okay um all kinds of cichlid all kinds of salt American fishes um but the red tail the phantom red tail I have never seen one myself so so I always was looking around to find one and I finally found one so I pull the trigger on it right away and you got it there it is there we we uh there it is that's amazing you guys got the video and everything so so how many aquari you you have aquarium like you own aquarium what are we talking here like so yes I have massive aquariums talking six yeah 600 gallons 500 gallons oh wow I have a so do you jump in there with them yes I do I have a video of that too so I'll show it to you after okay yeah so so when you feed them like is this a do you have your own fish mix yeah so I do I buy some frozen food online okay from a fish company I use in New York and they ship it straight to the house and I mix that with uh Pebbles and stuff for the fishes so they can grow and be massive I want to see some like three feet four feet fish in the future wow so do you have any sharks I do have freshwater sharks not saltwater sharks like so which one eat you uh both I'm pretty sure the one from saltwater I don't have that one so you have so you we good if we jump in you good I always jump in with them they come and eat right from my hand no problem and and what do you usually feed them uh powels also oh so they don't eat meat no some of them so I have a fish called paku he's a carnivore he eats everything like strawberries bananas take stab at you at all or bite at you or whatever not bite but he thought my finger was food so he came to it but he never B yeah he never bite me okay okay so that's cool that's that's neat okay yeah I'll make sure it's I'm on the safe side I can throw a ball the next day you know exactly okay so what about this there should be at bat dogs in the major leagues so definitely you you think so you're just an animal lover yes I'm a big animal lover so when you see the dogs go out there especially the dog that goes gets the bat and uh and brings it back to the Dugout you're all in on that I'm all in on it we we actually talked about it in the clubhouse cuz some of the guys they are do laer too oh okay and they say why are we going to get one I said well that's so y'all want to have a dog at you want to have fish at home and a dog at work if it's possible yes I mean I told them he look it's way more than my my paycheck I can't decide on that I said bring a dog though that decision you know it has to be talked to okay you know field people and all that I can't just bring a dog in and let it you know so any dog like you'll just walk up and if if someone says my dog is friendly you'll go up and play with him 100% Wow all I said is right away I go can i p him and sit there spend like at least five minutes really yes man if I saw like and I'm not even I don't know I don't know that I'm scared of them I just don't you don't I keep my distance me know that's your that's crazy man I see you go up and play with that dog man I'm like that dog might bite I'm not doing that you never know what they thinking yeah sometimes you got to you know that's why you you ask yeah like that one is one of the ones we we had from the foundation that that I have and the they probably feel that love too though the love that you because they were in the shelter and then we give them love and they have a chance to get adopted by uh another family and I'm all in on that I'm helping cuz I love animals do you have any dogs too I actually have seven at the house right now bro what seven dogs yes so what are we going to the aquarium and a zoo oh yes so I have over 300 fishes for sure and seven dogs at the house right now six of them we owe me and my wife Andrea and then we have another one that came he was stranded in the wild so we so you getting paid with your check and like half of it is going to the animals so I tried yeah we tried to help as much as we can because of the foundation I have the Dog Rescue Foundation and the why your your your wife family hope they have to all love animals yes we all do love animal it's not just me or ha no it's all of us so it's like a routine when we bake C the first thing we do is take care of them and then we take care of ourselves okay okay okay guess you do what you got to do okay last one you're the biggest trash talker on the Braves probably you think so yes so so what people don't know is Azie is very nice on the outside but on the inside he's got some fire in them would you agree with that sometimes yeah is that that's where the you got to make it fun it's a long season it's a long season and uh we have a great team great great group of guys I will say there is some of them in there that you might think not is the biggest trash talk but they are like Matt oen is one of them also oh yeah he's quiet with he's quiet but in the club housee we we get after it I mean you got to have fun the season is long you want to win winning is fun and you got to make it fun yeah and that's what we do trash talking oh yes definitely definitely on the bus TR in everywhere yes okay so let's get into a little bit of azy here being on the shelf for a little while first can you take take through everybody how you hurt your hand so hurting my my hand I was going to make attack at second base and collided with the runner bend it all the way back and do you did you that just kind of freak accident or you kind of felt like I'm in a bad spot here how like as you're going through that play there so as I'm going through the play you know you kind of it's a risky play so when I'm going at it I'm like ah I think I'm in the bad situation right here you feel it like you felt it coming already the minute he hit me I grabbed on my wrist I was I looked over I was like yeah yeah it's it's not good I knew it I knew it and so being off like what do you do while you're outside of uh you know getting training getting yourself back and obviously the animals outside of the what else do you do so beside animals and you know I'm offering I'm not playing I go to the field do my rehab do everything I can do to be better every single day to come back as soon as possible cuz we in a we in a still in a great spot to make it to the playoffs so um at the moment I'm doing everything to be back but beside that just watch the game and cheer my team on okay and try to do the best I got I got to like for for me it was that's the first time I'd ever really been hurt when I fractured my hand I was never been hurt for really more than a week two weeks maybe and so uh this was two months and so it's definitely boring it's boring it's boring and so I I really got a lot of time with my kids time that I I've never never I haven't gotten since I was 18 you know and so it was uh it was although it does suck not working you know going to the going to the field and not being able to to participate yeah it is also you do sit back and enjoy some some time to yourself that you get to hang out with your family and stuff that you just we never get a chance to do never get time to do that while the season is going on and then when offseason hits it's a little bit and then got to get back to work be ready for the next season so like you said I had time to stay home and when the teammates the road I would have go in early get my re done then come back home enjoy the family yeah enjoy the animals I don't have kids yet so I got to enjoy the animals I don't know how you going to fit kids in there it's going to be tough it's going to be tough okay and speaking of injuries you guys have had a lot of injuries we've had a lot of injuries but so I think we can both speak to that like starting with a team in spring training especially you guys and then getting through the season and like you look up there's only two guys out here that started the team like that sucks it does sucks we actually had the conversation last night uh we were sitting Muna and Strider were eating right before the game they said who wouldn't know we sitting here all three of us hurt and we can't do anything can't do anything like nothing yep and like on the like you said there's only two three guys on our team that hasn't got hurt rest of the whole team got hurt this year and and I mean sometime I mean sometimes it happens sometimes it doesn't happen but it's just when it does happen man it's tough It's really tough and difficult and to you guys though that shows how how good the the Braves tradition is and how deep you guys are you're still in a playoff hunt right now with you know yourself coming back who else is coming back I mean I know freed just came back yeah freed and then freed came back and then ly just when he got hurt he's on the 15 day um yeah I'm definitely trying everything to be back to help the team in any way I can and I know you said mentioned that when you come back you said you may only hit righty yeah I might because on the left side it still bothers me a little bit so I was like hey if it doesn't bother me on the right side we'll go right right on right I've done it before yeah do you is that like an adjustment period if you if you haven't done it in a while is that like an adjustment period yeah so I told them just give me a couple days you know oh just how you need a couple days see see some stuff from right on right and from there let's go and which side your natural side righty righty is my so that's why you don't worry it yeah I'm not worried as much it makes me more comfortable doing it okay so I want to get into how that how you became comfortable like that when did you start hitting when did you start switch hitting so switch hitting was at 16 right before I signed oh you yeah I wasn't I was just righty how did you so the Scout told me hey you are small you're tiny you fast you don't have a lot of pop at the time he's like I want you to be a lefty also so I want you to be a switch hit or put the ball in play and run you know that that's how the game used to be where hey you drop a bond you slap ball to the short step just beat it out that's it so that's how I started hitting Lefty so I was putting the ball in the te and hit the whole day from the te only till it became where hey let's go flips and overhand and and then you just did it all through the Min I just did that through the miners and then that's it is it hard maintaining both it's definitely harder cuz you got to understand where I mean let's say you know I know you like work on your hitting too if you spent you know a good 10 minutes hitting 50 60 quality swings I got to do from the other side also I got to keep both sides so you got to you got to take where I go and take 40 swings you got to take 8080 yes because I got to do 40 and 40 God I can't let it go yeah because they bring a left end that night I got be on my aame I got to be ready I gotta be ready that can be be thebat to win the game so I got to be ready did Chipper did being you know being that he's obviously iconic Brave did he ever talk to you about yes we talked switch hitting we talked hitting and it was fun and he he helped you oh you just talk to him about hitting switch was everything you know I was in the miners and was struggling at the time and wasn't doing that well and he's like hey I'm coming down to talk to you and you know help you do do some work to to be better and to me talking to him was even better than he actually working and then we got to work do some stuff stuff and it clicked it nice it was awesome and now you don't is there a side that you kind of favor more than other other or you don't at the moment no I just you know be ready go play and but I if you ask me hey which one you prefer to pick the bat and go like out of the bat wake up and go it's right right-handed because you're natural because I'm natural yeah and I think it's something too being your right- hand dominant you know being able to deliver the swing exactly you know something you had to really learn to do exactly like on the left side I feel like I got to you know get loose M now let's take some good hacks now let's do this like on the rights I'm like oh off the bat let's go okay it's natural so it's natural so as a kid you grew up in curile a lot of other guys are from curile did you know a lot of these guys before y'all made it over to the big leagues yes and so these are the guys you play Little League ball with and did you guys play any other sports so curious I used to only baseball only like I'm in my shorts on the street no flipflop nothing just like a broomstick with a tennis ball and that's it that's it go after how you got good at baseball yes that's how I got good at baseball and then first one of my friend told me hey let's go to the baseball field down the down the street and I'm like no I just want to play in my back I was like four or five years old and he's like no let me just I told him no let me just play here in the backyard with you guys I'm good and then the minute I stepped on the field fell in love never left the field again and and you didn't play soccer nothing else nothing else baseball only School home baseball that's it and you did that your whole life whole life till I was 14 and then I got mentioned hey do you want to play in the big leagues I said definitely because Andrew Jones was there and he's from kir also and they asked me do you want to be a big leager one day I said of course so I start working out separately from the team work extra my parents were mad at me because I was like I don't want to go to school no more I want to just play baseball so you didn't you stopped going to school or at 15 at 15 I stopped and just focused on baseball and I got signed at 16 and so and when you signed you signed with the Braves and how was your minor league experience because that that had to be going from a kid that didn't want to play in front of anybody yes to now playing it professionally how was how was that so they didn't want to play in front of nobody like like I mentioned before and then when I fell in love with the game I said yes of course I want to be a big leader so go through the m going through the miners was tough MH because it was my first time being away from the family okay yeah um never experienced that in my whole 16 years living with them so first was tough and then kind of talk on the phone with my mom like I came all the way here for a reason so it's stop with the crying stop with the feeling sad and lonely it's time to work and that's how I picked things up and I only spent three years in the miners three four years and then I got called up and so do when you got called up and you debuted you didn't want to play in baseball in front of anybody and now you're playing in front of 40,000 40,000 people yeah did that make you nervous I was at the beginning yes like At first in when I took the field it was a little bit you know like when you walk in the first ATB in the your legs are a little shaky I know exactly what you're talking stop that back from moving um but it was it was you know the greatest experience of all time that I had in my life and after that first DB everything got back to normal yeah it was fine and the rest is history that's and now you love playing in front of the fans it's almost like the opposite like it's it's almost like now if there aren't fans I don't really like 2020 it it was bad it's hard to play it's hard to no adrenaline yeah we I remember when we played the playoff day they finally say yeah fans can come back I was like that made it that way better way better but no fans nah no fans is not it baseball is not the same without the fans no so we love you guys yes we do yes we do so and then going through these playoff runs and then take me through 2021 we're playing and you see that atat where well those three abats that he punched out all three of us oh my God and I've spoke about it before and you know that was one of the best baseball moments I've ever been a part of even though I was on the the wrong end of it just being a part of that moment super dope but I want to hear from your perspective well me from watching at second base he was throwing gas gas like Tyler mic was throwing gas and I see you know he's putting signed that I'm like oh he's going fast but right here boom 99 I'm like whoa yeah that's impressive he's getting everybody like by you by you and I'm on defense like yes yes then when he struck out the the whole side I was like there's no way he just did that yeah it was I mean you and man like I could only [Music] imagine when if somebody's doing that I feel like you just kind of sit back and you you know they're not hitting to you literally enjoyed the show yeah there to do and then I love when uh I think when everything happened they start calling him n Tyler nut I have to say it was the best like the whole clout I was talking about it that's a dope nickname though do he deserves it man he deserves it look if we don't get out of that in I don't know what would have happened yeah cuz I mean that changes that changes a lot and and as you know going through playoffs and really going through baseball in general momentum means a lot yes and one play can change the whole game the whole game and there's something sometimes there's just nothing you can do about it once someone gets momentum there's just no stop he was just I'm literally at second base I'm like he's he's gassing them out yeah boom boom boom and I was like wow that's impressive that was awesome and then so since then you haven't made it back which that's normal right but can you just put in perspect into perspective like how hard it is to to it takes plays like that to make runs like that definitely like making it to the World Series and even playoff in general playoff in general yep it's tough It's Not Easy like most people talk about it like oh it's yeah you play that no no no it's you got to play and you got to outplay the opposing team it's not just play because any team can win that night right but if you don't do what you're supposed to do in the game you're not going to win right and just that but now you got all the other teams playing you can't control anything they're doing whether they're playing good bad whatever and so it's just a lot of things you got to focus on that game yep that's it cuz if you you can't be focused on a different game while you're playing this one you got EXA going to win this one then you watch and then you watch you watch highl from the other one that's what I that's what I do all right so growing up you did you always play second base oh uh I actually came up as short stu okay came up as a short stop then I injured my elbow playing a a and then we the Braves traded Danby to uh from Dbacks to Atlanta so we were flip-flopping at second and short and then we decid to he's going to Short Stop I'm stay at second base and that's how we played six seasons together six seven seasons how was it playing with Dan B best he's he's a leader and he know what it takes to win and what I'm telling you this guy just goes through everything like pain WI it doesn't matter what it is to play the game and that's all he does he's he's a legend I respect him a lot we always talk about it and I told him hey all I can do is wish you the the best with auto team you are with the Chicago right now but to me he was he was just a guy that it doesn't matter what it takes I'm playing and he and that's that's how he's built I mean that's everybody said the same thing that's why I think b b calls him Lieutenant Dany oh yes we all call him like that you all call him that he he actually used to have his Twitter name like that I don't know he still he still has it but I'm pretty sure he had it at one time and so you guys had wash together yes tell me about about wash I got to talk to wash a little bit this year when we got to play against him he was you know talking to me a little bit and help trying to help me uh Play Short make that transition to short and so I can only imagine someone that you know got to spend a lot of time with him like how was it with watch the best he's he's the baseball Legend that's what I always tell him I got to see him I was here wasn't playing but I traveled to La okay and uh I got to see him and talk to him and he's like I mean I he cursed the whole day okay course with me definitely with me and the boys on the field but in a good way yeah and he always is there to make you better even if is on the field off the field he he even calls me you know when I was I being here right now he calls me and tells me how's my how how are you mentally and I'm like I'm good mentally now we just got to fix the phys physical part because he kept telling me if your mind is [ __ ] up everything's going to be [ __ ] up that's what he and that's that's and that's what I love about him because he he cares about he talks about it he says you know I care about these boys but he doesn't just talk about it like he obviously he calls you I mean he's a manager and I see him and he's out there talking to me about certain things yes he doesn't he you want to learn he's ready to help you and that's that's why he left a big impact here in Atlanta everybody loves him I I'm pretty sure when he comes to play against us one day it's going to be it's going to be crazy loud for him did you guys go to uh Anaheim this year yes okay so next year they yeah they'll come here and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be he'll get a stand in Ovation oh yes definitely when when we wi in the playoff and you know they mentioning the whole all the staff and everything to the line he gets a better vision and us the players oh really oh yes it's it's funny to say but people love him all around baseball it's not just here in Atlanta it's the the the work he does the work atct he puts in and make you better it's just everything how is it playing for snid I got to uh I got to one All-Star game with him and uh really just seeing his demeanor and his Vibe yes at the allstar game I can only imagine playing for him he's got to be he seems like he's way more funny than you expect he actually is and he's just quiet he doesn't say much he his rules are be on time and play hard that's it that's it and even in like last night I'm in I'm on the bench watching the game arson midle play is just yelling him in Spanish oh really it's just fun like he's like hey b hey like he's just enjoying the game and I mean I had him from since Triple A till now oh so you've had him yeah yeah the best manager I obviously played for because he's the only one I played for but and you've loved it oh yes his Vibe is no never his Vibe is whenn or losing the same and you can't you know you can't ask for a battle manager like that it's just the same person no matter what happens and obviously there's you know situations where you know he's mad right for sure because it's part of the game but can beside that he's the same guy so that that's that's super dope I want to switch gears because you're from curau and I play with bogy now bogy is not Cur how but it's the islands same thing the island same we 20 minutes apart same thing so one thing I know about bogy is that he plays a lot of soccer and he tells me in the offseason you guys all get together and you play soccer is that true some of them do I'm I'm a fan on that part cuz I'm terrible at soccer oh you're terrible I'm I'm just standing watching I don't play do you I'm the guy that records but you go you go watch him though yeah so Aruba is literally 20 minutes in a plane MH and sometimes I go over to Aruba and I hang out a couple days and then I come back here like before spring training and stuff like that and when they do play their soccer or golf I just watch because I think this year was the first time I golf and I can say it's not good it's not the best but it's getting there I'm still a rookie on on the golf for sure definitely but um it's something fun so I did it for quite quite a bit of hours and it's fun yeah you you'll figure it out you just got to put in a lot of time exactly you got to spend some time out there one other thing bogie that I learned about bogie is he speaks five languages and how many do you speak I speak four you speak four languages so so you grew up speaking Papo papiao yeah then you go to school mandatory to like hey you got to you got to know know these languages so what languages did you learn in school so first was Dutch Dutch and then Spanish and then English Papo Dutch Dutch Spanish so what do you what are you thinking so if I get a question like let's say we talking English right now so I automatically go in English because that's what I'm speaking more every single day but then if I'm back home or I'm talking with the family on the phone everything is in pu so you think inop yes everything so what language do you not really use that much uh Dutch and I don't use it that much because I really don't have a dutch person that I talk to like on a regular daily base but but you still know it though I still know it yes if you throw some words at me I'm definitely understanding everything and speak Dutch where yeah in Netherlands that but I thought they speak I guess all the islands they got different they you have a lot of people that so tourists from Netherland go down to Cura when it's winter over there because it gets too cold so they all come down where it's like 75 80 degrees and that's how we because my passport it's still from the Netherlands okay because that's how we used to be you know like United States Puerto Rico is part of it we used to be like that so that's how they they have it and you see a lot of Dutch people in Kira and so you know how to speak to them yes and so when you're here and you see anybody like is there a look that someone has that oh he's from the Netherlands 100% And so do you just go speak Papo I try to you know if we got to go meet each other or something I can see the person be like yeah you definitely know Papo or no you don't you actually know Dutch and is it like when you talk to them and they do speak papy Mento back is it like home you feel like to me it's like oh wow how do you how do you know that because I know you're not from KIRO so how do you know Papu because Papu has spoken only in three islands the ABC islands that's it so it's Aruba boner there is small line and cirl oh so okay so this if you're talking to somebody in papy MTO that's probably like your cousin or something yes it's probably your family you don't even know definitely definitely but it's fun like I was eating at roomies here in Sandy Spring was it Sandy Spring or Midtown I remember a couple years ago in the offseason and the guy came to me out of nowhere say hello to me in Pap M I'm like oh where are you from like I don't even nobody here speaks that language and he's like yeah I'm from Kira about 20 years ago I came and live here in Georgia for work I'm like wow that's impressive I wouldn't expect that and it was it was a cool moment we talked for like 10 minutes ni yeah it wasw so and in Spanish obviously you probably use you may use that more than uh maybe not more but just as much as English especially especially on the team we have like 10 Latin guys and all we do is speak Spanish so um you know we always they always tell us hey keep it low because it gets loud yeah of course with the music and all that what it what is it like being cuz you know being American we speak English and I don't really speak I I mean you know a little Spanish but I'm not fluent in Spanish and so usually in the clubhouse like it it doesn't segregate in a bad way it's usually like the Spanish guys will kind of Talk Amongst the Spanish guys and English guy but we're all together especially guys that don't know how to speak both like uh those guys kind of talk on their own and the guys that don't know any uh Spanish kind of talking on their own it's not in a bad way or anything it's just the language barrier yes just where you from there's nothing we can do about that what is it like being the guy that can translate or go back and forth I was just about to say that I translate a lot okay and I'm there to help them like especially early in A's career you always ask me like hey what are they saying and I'm like hey I'm here to help you whatever whatever it is tell me I'll I'll translate explain whatever it takes okay because I don't want anybody to misunder understand you right right you know he's he's a great player I don't want anything weird to happen where he gets buried because somebody thought it was this and it was that so how how has it been with him I mean seeing when he was young to now you know every time he takes the field he's the best player on the field like oh yes you know it sucks that he had you know both knees uh surgery but every time he steps on the field I mean oh my God it's the best it's the what he does is super impressive and you saw this from the very beginning oh yeah since the miners he came over he's taking BP and you saw you know you can see a play and you're like damn he he has a talent like there is something extra not just baseball but there's something extra right there and since the miner leagues we played together we live together I was like bro you special like there's things you do you don't realize right now but you got to be special and yeah it didn't take long it didn't take long it didn't take long he took off yeah and and would you say would you say him coming back I think even with him coming back regardless of the knes I think he's that talented to where he's going to come back and he's really not going to miss much yeah I don't think he's going to probably maybe a little bit of his running game that's that will be it and that's it I think everything else is going to be the same I mean because it was that much better than everyone yes you know before so we work out together and there's a machine that like calculate your jump uhhuh and I'm jumping Max Max and I'm like only a five he comes in not they they didn't even get lose just jump 65 I'm like bro it's okay you don't need to embarrass me in front of people like that like he got some like superpower that he does without even trying and it's special do you think there's a there's a thing to you know especially as uh us being you know playing with shohi playing with aunia do you think there's a thing especially for kids out there like when a kid is really that good and you're on his team instead of like trying to say oh he's not this that and the other I think it's almost like accept like dude you're really good and you like almost praise them like dude you're really good keep them going yes you are CU they're be they're going to be the reason why we win exactly bro I I can't do anything against that hey you are better than me and it's just accept it yep just go do it and you got to make sure they keep doing it and that's it that's it done bro because you're doing it yeah because you are doing it yeah I can be here to help be on base for you and all that stuff but you are the one doing it like even last year he was get on Bas and he's like hey give me at least one two pitch I'm going say bro go I don't mind hitting with two strikes because if through the zero outs I'll move you over they drive you in or if I get a bloop a base hit that's RBI for me the and the team yep that's the team that's when one to win most people ask oh how did you get a 100 RBI he was on base yep and if he takes off I'm I'm literally going like this I'm just watching you know he's safe I know he's going to be here yes so 70 something back like nothing back okay so tell Batten second now because you bat second right behind aun yeah I've learned like with shohi at first you almost really kind of have to wait because he's going to still s yes yes he's gonna go and you have to tell me about that like talk to me about hitting second because I need a little help with it um I've been doing all right but like you know some of those type of things it's it's weird for me yeah so with him it was hey I'm going on the first pitch and if I don't go on the first pitch and it was a ball give me another one okay and I was like fine one one count that's fine that's fine with me so he will literally one or two he's going and all I was doing is take but then he tells me if I don't like you say today it feels heavy legs you know to those days you feel a little heavy for sure he's like they're going to think I'm going they're going to throw fast ball bar MH and that's what I did there was games where two pitches in the game we do not because I just all right I'm going to try to go deep right here boom they left the the fast ball middle middle because they want to throw him out they want to throw him out so he was running like that I mean I saw you know obviously yes he was because he stole 70 bases but like he was really just hey within the first two pitches I'm going I'm going he said hey I feel good I'm going and I mean good for him what I'm yeah what I'm going to tell him no don't go that's creating a run right there I have to let him go and then there are so many times where I got jammed I hit opposite field bloop it's a RBI one nothing team is winning I got a I got a stake I'm happy everybody loves everybody loves that so you know he helped a lot I watch I was watching his uh highlight of that year and like towards the half end of the video all you see me do is like this every pitch and he's stealing that's going like this but it helped the team win a I mean we won over 100 games so that's special exactly Okay so um the last thing I want to uh we're not this is not talking this is a game and you know our producers I love them I really do love our producers but uh they uh they haven't they haven't done very well with our games you know we've me and and the guests have demolished all their games I mean they're but this one they came and tell me today it's a it's a batter up or not I don't know what I think it's called better I'm not sure it's like a oh I know which one you're talking about is the one you guess the players and yeah that's what we about to do and they tell me that this one is good we we're not going to get this one so we're not going to get this one this is it I know I know the swing already but I forgot the name I okay so do you know what what I think this swing is really familiar it look like a guy from Minnesota Minnesota I think so so we actually play this game every day in the club house oh do you oh yes so we got a season V on here okay all right I actually do play this one and the strike zone one and the the pitcher one so so um uh can we type in Minnesota or what do we uh the name the name we got to put in the name okay um so if we just put in a name on Minnesota then they'll let us know yeah but I the name is like I know the name but it's not coming up in my mind right now I don't know that [Music] swing it's a white guy all right why guy on Minnesota okay who plays first base Carlos Santana no this our first base who plays second base isn't it um the Latin guy Castro play second it is Castro no he does he play Third I thought he played third he played third also I think he may he's kind of yeah he's kind of like cuz Korea's a short yeah Kore isn't it Miranda too Miranda Miranda I thought he play their base but I don't think that's his swing the name is not popping man H it pissed me off even in the clubhous man the name doesn't come okay so can we say a name on the team and then it tells us the division because you can guess the you can guess some names and then we'll tell you the division and yeah so then we can maybe think of another yeah but I I kind of know the name but I can't okay so we got to say something though is it like um trying to think of the name right now it's not Jeffers no he's not I don't think he's with what you call it geez can we can we go to the to the picture and come back to this one yeah yeah let's do that oh you want to do the picture okay yeah let's do the picture first we're going to do the pcture oh that's no it's the brother the one the one within uh uh uh uh uh noaz it was it was show it's not uh put Diaz d i a Alex Alexis yeah 100% there you go I don't think it's admin yes yeah let's go yeah I play this game in the club house okay yeah it looks and you know it's cool it's cool that they are both closers in the big leagues it's impressive two brers yeah I mean getting to play with your brother I actually do the pickle too you guys do pickle the pickle game there's a pickle game yeah there is a baseball pickle too so you choose a random yeah so you go to the field and you play games you play games so we play this game every day and we compete against so me me against somebody on the team we always like me against shrider see who gets in in less guesses every single day and then what do y'all play for just just play for okay start putting some money on it the Su right put a fish on it um put a fish on I'm literally trying so bad to get the name of that hitter is he right he's right Lefty he's a lefty yeah he's Lefty and I just can't I just can't put it man I can't get the name in my head right now I don't know I I I haven't seen that swing that swing I haven't seen it's the name the name yeah I can't help you with that I don't know I think this guy plays second too not sure is it the uh Ed uh it's not Ed uh uh Edmond or not Edelman but uh he's the little no yeah he's Lefty he got juice yes he goes Opa and everything oo uh Julian Julian jul jul jul jul jul yeah put Julian it will show up wait Ian yeah right there it should be him oh what did I tell ah you said it I said it let's go I knew it let's go I just didn't get the name the name wasn't po oh you know what I have seen that swing yeah yeah the name wasn't popping in my head I knew it he played second base I think I think so and you play doesn't he play off field 2 does he playi I don't know I thought he played second base but think he yeah I think he played didn't matter um name wasn't Popp it man he that's huge that's huge uh anyways so uh Azie thanks for coming on the show man you know I I uh I'm really happy we finally got to sit down and talk I love talking with bogy and I know that got typically all guys from the islands have the same super chill Vibe Kinley I call them kley cuz he got the ass on the end but uh same Vibe super chill I love uh you guys are you remind me of just the southern people really with the the family aspect and the respect for respect for your your family and older you know people of uh importance in front of you you all the time we we just you know we grew up like that and was living in the house with Grandmother grandfather mom dad and we all about family and just we always relax weekend is just go to the beach every day good to enjoy fishing whatever you catch you you eat yeah that's it's just it's just that's how the Island Vibes are and like kley I I love I love kley man he always relax he's like come to the house we'll throw some steaks on the grill you'll fish in the backyard do whatever you want like he's just cool cool human being and he down to earth so like all you guys are all you guys are you got to enjoy life and be cool that's for sure that's it one thing we got to do is get you your own uh fish feed though we'll we'll figure out how to do that okay we'll do it all right so uh anyways good luck to uh you and the Braves when you come back I'm sure you'll be fine I'm sure we'll see each other a lot going forward um you know with the Braves and Dodgers brother definitely yes sir thank you guys for joining us and we will catch you next time on on base thank you guys [Music]

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