The Guess Who: Burton Cummings' Lawsuit Drama?

hi this is alopi from rep of fire and you're watching CMS TV enjoy it's junkard right here on your classic Metal Show with the simple man and if you ever listen to those uh lyrics very very uh relatable yeah I'd say very relatable it's just like yeah give me give me whatever love you can give me and I'm out the door yeah give me a little what you can and then Set Me Free please I'll see you when I see you yeah it's it's the perfect song chicks don't like that though no they don't of course not they don't like that they don't like M Davis baby don't get hooked on me right of course you know I don't like anything that tells it the way it is exactly all right I don't know if you have anything but I ran across this uh excuse me I got the hiccups I I ran across this story earlier this week that kind of relates to something that we talked about on the show sure the there there is a version of the Canadian band The Guess Who toring around okay they have a new album out which fairly new album I think it came out last fall we we featured it with it's like the drummer and everybody else right Gary Peterson I believe is his name yeah right and you more or less kind of made a comment that you you might even consider going to see them if they I would came to see them yeah I would definitely go and see them right well you know two of two of the uh what do you want to call the founding members being Burton Cummings and Randy Bachman of Bachman Turner overdrive who have not been involved with the Guess Who in decades literally okay well they have a problem with this version of of the guests who touring around have they is this like the first time that they're touring around in like no I I mean when I worked in a club in California back in the 80s there was a version of the guest who touring around back then and we act we actually had them at the club okay but it did not feature Burton Cummings and it did not feature uh Randy excuse me holy [ __ ] you gonna make it over there yeah it did not feature Randy Bachman at all okay and as far as I know but this was pre- internet um there was not an issue with them the going out as the Guess Who okay well now there's an issue with it of course there is because Burton Cummings believes that the current iteration of the guest who is quote unquote a cover band wait a minute it still has the drummer in it right yes [ __ ] as good as anything else okay well he doesn't like the fact that they're going out there performing the songs that he sang on well tough [ __ ] if he doesn't own the name no so so here's a weird what do you want to call a legal move okay to keep these guys from using his music that he performed with the guest who as advertisment for the show okay uh for the past six months Burton Cummings founding singer and songwriter of the classic rock group the The Guess Who has been in a be bit legal dispute to uh Wrangle control of his whole band's Legacy now he's adopted an aggressive and relatively unheard of approach to make that happen giving up certain royalties so the band can't play his songs so you know obviously American Woman these eyes yeah you know clap for the Wolfman you know all the ra Staples that were popular mostly in the 70s right I mean that's really what people know the Guess Who for right they they know the Guess Who as the early mid 70s band yeah they really just know those three songs that you just named [Music] yeah um Cummings the original guess who guitarist a and the original guitarist Randy Bachman SU the current iteration of The Guess Who as well as the band's original drummer and bass player Gary Peterson and Jim kale last October alleging that the group that currently holds the Guess Who trademark as a cover band using the original groups recordings in ads in an effort to boost the cover band's ticket sale oh yeah for live performances to give the false impressive that the plaintiffs are also performing in this band now see it's interesting I I know this I know this is a fact because when I worked at a club in in California back in the late 80s we had the Gary uh Peterson version of The Guess Who play at the club now when we were selling tickets because we didn't do the whole Ticket Master thing we were selling the tickets locally people were calling the club asking is Burton Cummings part of this lineup okay that was kind of the important caveat okay and the the answer was no they had a guy that sounded like Burton com but they were the Guess Who as far as we were concerned that's what we paid for yeah sure and and if I remember right the um the ask price back in 19 I think it was like 89 I think was like seven Grand okay wow but our club Only Hold like four 400 people yeah so you'd have to sell it out and still charge it exactly exactly so but as far as I know and again we also had fog hat there okay wow which version We had both we had okay we had both Dave Pet's version and we also had Roger Earl's version there you go of fog hat who knew there was that much interest in fog hat well they were available and the price was right it was five six five six grand okay so between the ticket sales and the bar sales the the owners still could make a profit right but uh apparently for whatever reason and this isn't the first time because I know this from personal experience a an iteration of the guest who has been out there touring without Burton Cummings and without Brandy box okay but for some reason now there's a problem with that okay legal wranglings I guess yep um so anyway the case is still ongoing and a federal judge denied the Ban's motion to dismiss the founders suit earlier this week but as the suit continues Cummings has taken a nuclear action terminating the Performing rights agreements for all the Guess Who songs he wrote removing the copyright protections that allow the band or anyone else to perform hits like American Woman these eyes no time at a concert in effect he shot himself in the foot to try to shoot the band in the face so wait a minute since when do you need permission to sing a song that's that's a good question now see I don't I don't know how the legal wranglings go because the Guess Who is a Canadian band okay right yeah so they're performing here in the US so I don't know how the legal system works cross you know uh boundaries like that yeah so I I don't know if this suit is filed here in the US if this is a Canadian injunction or I have no idea I'm going have to reach out to my guy Patrick AB of crocus and see if um they could still play American woman okay I mean that because if if if you're saying that his injunction means no one can play it that's a hit for no he said anyone can play it oh so so then how would that stop the band well let let's get into it okay I'm willing to do anything to stop the fake band they're taking Bachman and my life story and pretending it's theirs coming told comings told Rolling Stone they're not the people who made these records and they shouldn't act like they did this doesn't stop this cover band from playing their shows it just stops them from playing the songs I wrote If the songs are performed by the fake guess who they will be sued for every occurrence okay but what about anybody else I I don't know coming strategy is very is both very aggressive and particularly rare two music attorneys with no affiliation to the Gaye tell Rolling Stone they never seen such a strategy before cumming's attorney Helen U spent several months working to get the license properly terminated he has that part of why it's so unheard of for an artist to consider such a strategy is that often writers don't own the publishing which is required to pull both ends of the license not a lot of artists are both the writer and the publisher on their songs and Burton cumins fortunately is so this is a very rare case where the artist can't let's see where the artist can take this action you says and I think this situation shows the direct Nexus between their false advertising and who they say they are well this is I I mean dude here's here's where this is interesting yeah if this let's say he wins this which I don't think he will personally I just don't think you could tell people as long as there's a royalty paid I don't think you could tell them that they cannot per you would think so yes you know I mean every body's done that but if that is the case you are going to see bands left and right doing this with their music as they release music and then like think about a band like Kiss And I know kiss already sold their catalog but think just for shits and giggles a band like Kiss wouldn't kiss use that Ploy and make every one of these 9 million cover bands out there pay them a fee in order to to allow them to use their songs you would think so wow that could be a real problem for the cover circuit again this this goes with setting precedent it's like I'm I'm willing to take the hit yeah for the long-term result and it's interesting it's this guy looking for a long-term result he doesn't have a longterm to live he's [ __ ] 76 is that how old Burton is he's 76 yeah so I again there there's been versions of The Guess Who touring around for decades right so who's got their bug up their ass about this right now because this is nothing new why do I think it went this way I'm gonna I'm gonna imagine for a minute they don't get along anyway yeah Gary Peterson and this guy hate each other apparently so because well you're just a cover band well yeah I I we had a version of The Guess Who back in 1989 playing the show as far as I know yeah nobody was calling it a cover band but why do I think the reason this went down and again I'm speculating a th% I have no knowledge why do I think that Cummings tried to book a gig somewhere and he got turned down because the Guess Who was playing there and therefore got pissed off and was like these guys are [ __ ] up my life right and was like and there's only one [ __ ] guy and he ain't me you know that's what happened so he called this guy and told him to knock it off and this guy told him to go pound salt yeah she's like all right I'll show you well apparently at least from this article they own the name the Guess Who it's like okay well you own the name the guess who but you can't play my songs yeah which is crazy because no matter who wrote them they're not listed as and and I know this from starving artist it depends on what they were released as not what they not the individual guy yeah it wasn't the Guess Who at that time featuring Burton Cummings well but and even yeah and and with those songs those songs weren't released as Burton comings no they were released the GU back in the 70s in mid probably early to late 70s yeah I mean the only thing he's and again this is my knowledge of it and I don't know that I'm the expert I'm clearly not you're certainly not a legal eagle Chris I'm not but what I do know is that all he's entitled to if somebody plays it as a royalty for it right so I don't think he could stop them well they're they're it's it's stopping them temporarily yeah well that's and temporarily when you're 80 is a problem yeah well as as The Story Goes On you'll see where the temporary stoppage has taken place okay the move is focused on agreements set through a groups called performing rights organization PR yeah the termination targets all the venues the band would play almost every concert venue in the country has a blanket agreement with the previous Pros such as BMI and ASCAP who collect royalties on behalf of the songwriters for the public performance of their works if a venue has licensing agreements in place the venue's artists are free to cover any song from the pros uh Repertory which is what you're talking about yeah because I and this is exactly what do it starving ours is deal with Pro but when Cummings and his publishing company uh Chalet shalele music terminated their performance agreements with their Pro they removed the venues permissions to house any performance of the songs Cummings wrote wow so it's just like it's just like what Neo young did he took all of his songs off of Spotify so they're no longer part of the repertoire that you're allowed to perform yeah except for that [ __ ] caved now they're back but well I know because Joe Rogan was a meanie and he said mean things yeah but that [ __ ] caved well but my point is is that's that's the strategy it's just like well we're taking our songs out of that list that you can perform and it's if it's not on the list you can't perform it now what about H what about Burton Cummings can he perform it it doesn't say that I'll bet he can't perform it either well well that's why they're saying he's taking a hit by taking that out of what a stupid move but well the whole thing is I'm gonna starve these guys out until they stop doing this dude you're 76 that guy's 80 then I'm going to reestablish it oh my God can go do it this is never gonna happen see see what I'm saying it's just like I'm gonna cut off my nose to spite my face wow good luck you see what I'm saying that's what he's doing it's just like well I'm gonna take the hit I'm not gonna take any royalties I'm not gonna perform I'm not gonna do this I'm just gonna starve these [ __ ] out until they die on the vine right and then once they're dead then I'll reestablish so I'm the only one who can do this oh my God what that's that's really what it is that is horrible man yeah so I'm gonna drag these guys down to death's door right and then once they're dead on the vine then I'll reestablish and go okay I'm the only one who can do this WOW CRA [ __ ] that is nuts all right that that's really the strategy it's like I'm in a cash positioned where I don't have to where I don't have to worry about this I'm going to just G to ride out the I'm gonna ride Riding the Storm Out as sang that's right and I'm gonna hopefully that's I'm gonna drag them down the death door and fck them that is craziness well hey wow I I admire his Moxy here I will say that I that's a move man that's like [ __ ] you well again I it's it's hard for me and and I know hard for you to Fathom that these guys after all these decades are depending on a gig yeah it's just like did you not save any of your money at all are you serious to quote the great stepen Tyler it all went up my nose I guess none of these guys saved any money dude they dude every one of these guys when you see pictures of these guys in the 70s or whatever they're all on private jets and [ __ ] I know it's just like did you not save any money after millions and millions of dollars that you earned you nothing left and so you're still waiting on a supper club gig that's gonna you you know $10,000 yeah are you serious to split six ways or whatever Jesus Christ I know it's it it's sad but it sounds like Burton Cummings did put his money away because he can wait these other guys out I guess that's exactly what he's doing he's waiting them out wow that's funny all right um Cummings Council sent a note to the band's lawyers earlier this week explaining that as of April 1 none of the venues in which the cover band is currently scheduled to perform possess the requisite license needed to public publicly perform cumins songs that should the individual members of the cover band publicly perform any of chal's Music compositions uh intends to Institute legal action to protect its copyright interest wow so we're going to sue you all into individually holy smokes that's hilarious the strategy to the group's shagrin seems to be working at least for now two shows were cancelled over the weekend with Barbara B man performing artist or performing arts hall in Cypress Lake Florida announced that the show was cancelled due to unforeseen issues with the music licensing the Sunrise Theater and Fort Pierce Florida similarly uh made a last minute cancellation Wednesday night also citing the licensing dispute wow by Thursday morning the Florida theater in Jacksonville the Sagar theater in MO uh Alabama and Peabody Auditorium and Daytona Beach Florida who would have hosted the guest who next three shows announced cancellations as well tickets for the show Beyond those dates remain on sale as of this article's published Jesus Christ but but those venues are going to get sued too yeah they're gonna they're gonna have to refund whatever money they collected I guess wow Burton com boy Burton Cummings is killing himself because none of these venues are going to welcome him back either after they had to refund and lose lose fees for refunding in every city and every Club in the country yeah holy [ __ ] oh yeah you're the dick that c that cancelled the Guess Who shows right yeah we're not booking you we ended up losing you know $10,000 in in fees you know in credit card fees they don't get that back they only get back the you know they they don't the bank doesn't refund all of it they just refund the ticket cost right the face value yeah all right and attorney for the guests who didn't respond to Rolling Stones request for comment regarding uh the shows in December the band took a social media calling Cummings and Bachman suit meritless uh in a memorandum the band argued that there's no dispute that the defendants lawfully own The Guess Who trademark well you might they probably think they they probably never saw this coming right of course well they might own The Guess Who trademark but who knows what Burton did behind the scenes over the last 40 years to get his get his songs trademarked under his name and the uh consumers who see an ad for a concert by the guests who would not reasonably assume that Bachman and cummings are performing merely because they were in the band many years ago assuming the group does does play the classic Aeros songs that their upcoming shows both the band and the venue they play could be on the hook for legal recourse yeah which means the venues are not going to book them no well that's why they're cancelling the shows yeah but like most nuclear options coming strategy doesn't come without the risk of some mutually assured destruction while terminating the rights uh complicates the current guess who's performances also significantly hits cumming's own earnings aside from working with concert venues Pros also collects royalties from when songs are played on the radio on TV shows or even when they're played on the background and restaurants or shopping malls when license are terminated Cummings will likely lose out on seeing these royalty payments and that's not just on the versions he recorded but on covers such as lendy kravit Kravitz uh Grammy a winning American woman cover uh but Cummings is hoping that uh what may amount to a flesh wound for him would be a mortal injury for the group he says is tarnishing the Legacy yes I'm going to lose some money but we're going to find out what what's worth what I will not have this fake ban going on anyer Wow uh Johnny GOI if you're listening we're not signing Burton Cummings a note he's got a vetta man we are not signing him he's got no royalties coming in yeah [ __ ] says I'm going to lose some money but the name is worthless without those songs so what are they going to do hey the guest who is playing but what but what can't do let's see hey the guest who is is playing but we can't do share the land or American woman we can't do these eyes and nobody's going to be there the termination is the latest development and the uh decades long dispute that bubbled over with last year's lawsuit so I guess this kind of [ __ ] has been going on since I'm talking about yeah it says decades long dispute yeah wow the fight began with the band's original OB basist uh Jim kale obtained the trademark for the Guess Who uh name in 1986 okay so he had it when when I had him or we had him at the club as the band hadn't secured the trademark before then right and we've heard these stories before it's just like holy [ __ ] that trademark was out there and nobody owned it so somebody got smart and go okay well I'm going to trademark the name I own that now like holy [ __ ] now he owns everything I've done that's right uh from then on Kale had organized several tours using the Guess Who name featuring a heavily rotating lineup which I saw and booked by the late 1980s which I had them at the club the guest who's original drummer Gary Peterson joined the band as well kale retired in 2016 leaving Peterson as the only member left but he doesn't play every show kind of like uh the guy yeah MC Jones from Foreigner yep uh Bachman and cumins allegedly uh meaning some shows featured no original members like Foreigner since cumins filed the lawsuit he said the band has removed his access to guess who's Spotify for artist page when the suit filed last year the ban Spotify page showed a picture of the current guess who's lineup but as of publication it's now a picture of the old band okay Cummings also tells Rolling Stone that within the past month the band's lawyers said that they sue me if I ever say I was ever in the Guess Who you know how ridiculous this is what's next can I not say I was born and ra raised in Winnipeg that I'm a Canadian Cummins didn't specify how much he expects to lose by forgo the performance royalties nor did he say how much of a loss he's willing to take but he seems willing to ride it out for the foreseeable future to try and force the ban to stop wow how much is my life's work worth you can't put it in dollars and cents he said it's wrong what they've done for years nobody did anything about it but we're doing something now and this may may set some precedent because there were other acts out there that aren't real either IE Foreigner this is about uh way more than just money I wouldn't have pulled the catalog if it wasn't Cummings if it wasn't Cummings added this is about the legacy of the songs and the fact that the cover band is doing anything they can do to race me and Bachman from the of the group I see advertisements for the show and it's me seeing an American woman what they're doing is fraud because they're using real songs from real guys to push their fake man I'm protecting the name of the guess who I'm trying to protect what we did wow all right wow what an angry guy just like well again I didn't real I didn't read this whole article but apparently this has been going on for 30 40 years yeah it's just non-stop yeah well that's tragic yeah so so but when was the last time you heard Burton Cummings do anything Ribfest in the 90s maybe I mean hasn't he profited from The Guess Who songs I think so why does he care if the if there's a version of The Guess Who out there performing songs is does he think that they're r ruining his original it's not about that it's about deep hate for Gary Peterson he he hates somebody he hates Gary Peterson and and he's just like [ __ ] that guy I'm not letting him have one [ __ ] penny off of my back now one I don't care if we were in a band together [ __ ] that piece of [ __ ] yeah I know that's just stupid dude it is but hey whatever all right well do you want to end the show on a happy note because that was a pretty sad story yeah but it it's it's interesting because the only reason I brought this up because it's Petty yeah and we talked about it here on the show before because you you know you had um you know had an interest in maybe going to see the current lineup touring around yeah not no more where were they gonna play were they gonna play Roo okay so all right all right so I I'll let you you take the Reigns and take control and where we going with this I just think we need something a little more pleasant a little more upbeat little happy a little happier a little more classic baly you know I mean guess who I mean that was sad and tragic and you weren't aware of this right no not at all I just thought not at all when I read that article earlier this week I thought I bet you Chris would like to hear about this oh I did I definitely did it's it's a [ __ ] up up the deal it's interesting to me from the starving artist side think and other B could do this of course hope hopefully my customers don't see this but um Jesus Christ just don't give it to Stevie relle to run with the story that's right well on a happier note all right sack and founding basis Steve Dawson sentenced to five years in prison for abusing six-year-old girls in the 90s wow we have an all pedophile ban now in [ __ ] jail we have I mean you've got this guy you've got that Ian Watkins guy that was just ridiculously crazy Holland's dead but he you know he didd a [ __ ] kid right or something like apparently so yeah um it's like what the [ __ ] um according to the BBC founding Saxon base says Steve Dawson has been jailed for repeatedly abusing a six-year-old in the 90s all right so so how did they track this down 30 years later well we'll get there all right we'll get there and your question is very valid all right I just just very curious that why is this coming up now it's funny Phil The 72-year-old Who was a member of Saxon until 1985 when he was kicked out of the band got a verdict at an earlier Hearing in the Sheffield Crown Court on March 21st all right so how old is Saxon I know they were in the late 70s right yeah like 79 80 somewh right so he was in the band what six years they were they were part of the original new wave of British heavy metal right back in the you know late 70s early part of the 80s mhm so he has not been in the band for 40 years but remember he did his own version of Saxon remember the Oliver Dawson Saxon I do I do remember that and I I think I interviewed him at one point all right so so so in in reality though as far as the quote unquote the biip biford uh version of Saxon he hasn't been in that version for 40 years no but he did write I mean he was in the band with the big hits with Crusader and you know Denim and Leather and stuff sure you know so you know he's he's an important guy I guess in there other than the raping of kids all right um let's see the officer in charge of the case detective Constable Robert Heath said Dawson thought he had got away with committing horrific crimes against young vulner against a young vulnerable victim 30 years ago 30 years ago she has shown extraordinary strength through coming forward he added it is clear that his evil acts have remained with her throughout her life and I hope this sentence goes some way to allowing her to move on from these traumatic events discussing the charge Heath assured that the case demonstrates just how seriously we take these offenses urging others who have been subject to any offense no matter how long ago it happened to come forward and report it to us he concluded we are here to listen investigate and bring the perpetrators before courts so again they're taking her they're taking this kid at not a kid anymore [ __ ] 40-year-old at their word they're not saying that and here's the [ __ ] napkin that he [ __ ] on or something you know I mean they're there it's a he said she said and she won yeah it's it's uh accusatory claims yeah and again I'm not trying to say that he's not a [ __ ] scumbag who knows I know this though should have come forward a lot sooner than 30 years later right three decades later yeah that's just got I mean I don't know enough about rape to know is is that like a statut did the same as like murder where there is no statute I have no idea because it seems like the laws change every other year and this might be European law too instead of or British law instead of American law too I don't think I don't think she could have filed in America I think you're only allowed that that grace period or maybe she did under that grace period I don't know but well he's in jail yeah I don't have I don't I'm not reading all this [ __ ] cuz all the rest of it is just horeshit but but um are are we shocked another guy that was diddling kids not really yeah all right well that's that guy and then I got one one very last thing and that we are going to finish my [ __ ] back is like pulling itself out of the [ __ ] skin all right but um this one will make you happy happy bro if it makes you happy well you'll like this one I know how much you love social media yeah not at all you love it stop it you love it sure I do and I'm sure nothing makes you happier than when you're driving by somewhere you're visiting a store or you're you know taking a walk or something and you see somebody taking ridicul ulous selfies you love that right I love it well you'll love this one tourist plunges 170 feet to her death while taking a selfie on a popular clifftop viewing platform you know that that happens a lot that that isn't a rare occurrence I know it's not that that unfortunately happens quite often too much and it's dude and I see these videos all the time where there's like people climbing to the top of these like statues and mountains and [ __ ] and just to take a picture it's like what are you [ __ ] doing but this yeah I mean honestly do you say good riddens yeah that's stupid would you do that no would I do that no yeah it's a good ridden story it's a thinning the story I agree a woman tragically lost her life after falling from a clifftop viewing platform in Georgia plummeting 170 feet all right Dam she's pretty good looking too yeah but but again well but again it's the it's the whole um uh look at me look at me look at me here's where I'm at now look at me look me that's right earlier this month Anessa po poeno a beautician in sohi Russia was enjoying a stop with this was enjoying the breathtaking views of the whatever viewing point in wherever Georgia which overlooks the Black Sea the 39-year-old who was an energetic Instagram user enthusiastic Instagram user enthusiastic frequently posted travels from her Global oh [ __ ] let me try again frequently posted selfies from her Global travels to her 9,000 followers so she didn't even have like millions of followers yeah she had 9,000 it's not a ton I mean it's not nothing but it's not a ton right uh it's reported that poeno climbed over a safety barrier to capture the perfect photo a decision that tragically led to her death eyewitnesses claim that she stumbled and fell 170 ft to the beach below this happens a lot I know I wish I could find this part disturbingly footage that appeared on social media shows her body on the beach I did look I couldn't find it all right I I tried paramedics were quick to respond but despite their efforts from falling 170 ft paleno succumbed to her injuries and was pronounced dead think she was like broken into pieces yeah she probably was she probably was just a puddle there was just a puddle on the beach they only cleaned it with high tide the funeral took place on April 9th in SOI and authorities have initiated an investigation into the circumstances of her death here's here's the start and the finish of your investigation she fell yeah she was a dumbass and she wanted to appease her social media following that's right I have 9,000 followers I have to please them all that's right this in this incident highlights a growing concern as new research suggest that taking selfies should be viewed as a public health problem is it is it no it's not it's a decision problem it's not a public health problem guess what if I don't ever take a selfie I have a phone that's not a I have no health problem here right again it's weeding out the week yeah Australian researchers have found that over 400 selfie related injuries and deaths have occurred since 2008 I think that number is drastically low that's very low that's maybe that's in Australia maybe that's not dude here you see people getting hit all dude um Stevie sent me this video today and um it was guys they were laying on the side of the road with their cameras taking photos of a some sort of motorcycle race these [ __ ] motorcycles came by probably 50 of them 150 miles an hour easily if one of them would have hit a [ __ ] Stone every one of these photographers dead I agree and luckily it didn't happen but but I mean if literally you're you're a stone away from Death so you can get a photo ridiculous get you know get a wide end or what do you call that a zoom lens or something just dumb the study notes that victims are often young women with falling and drought in while taking photos being the most common cause of death the researchers have called on social media platforms to Allure users to these potential dangers that's never going to happen you're never going to see [ __ ] Elon Musk saying hey Twitter world don't uh don't post a selfie yeah be safe out there yeah why is it their problem how about just don't be a dummy Dr Samuel Cornell a risk expert at the University of New South Wales emphasized in his study the selfie related incident phenomenon should be viewed as a public health problem that requires a public health response what are you GNA give somebody a sub a prescription what's the prescription a [ __ ] lens cap when you and I were being brought up your parents said hey don't run out in traffic yeah now now it's don't don't run out in traffic with your camera on yeah don't don't don't balance yourself off of a cliff trying to take a picture yeah how about don't even be up there right you dumb [ __ ] to date little attention has been paid to the averting selfie related incidents through Behavior change methodologies or direct messaging to users through apps well no [ __ ] the the Facebook and Twitter they don't give a [ __ ] the only reason they care about if you die is if you're [ __ ] paying to boost your posts that's the only reason they care if you live or die although previous research has recommended no selfie zones barriers and signage as ways to prevent selfie incidents our results suggest this may not be enough so what are you supposed to do put up a fence what are you supposed to do to people's stupidity how about people just don't be stupid right anyway it goes on and on but that's the that's the gist of it is this woman fell taking a goddamn selfie all right and as pretty as she is she's now a puddle right goodbye good night yeah she's out there with OJ that's right all right well I know that you're hurting yeah my back's a little sort and I just but but I want to do one last thing all right round out the hour all right Cheryl Crow yes what what is her Legacy as far as her longevity in the music world I know this is one of those things it's like man has time gone by yeah I mean what I want to run to the Sun or whatever or all I want to do is have some fun yeah so years how many years oh [ __ ] I hate that I know this but I think I I I think it was 94 cuz I remember that that was a popular song when I was working at the steel mill so what do we looking at 30 30 30 years yeah wow Cheryl Crow is a 30y Year Legacy artist Jesus doesn't seem like that right yeah but she's 30 years in on her Legacy artist ironically that's the same number of of um pieces of toilet toilet paper that she's used in those 30 years exactly well real quick nine time Grammy Award winner Cheryl Cheryl Crow claims and again this goes back to the discussion we just had a few minutes ago about people and their money yeah he's hustling to make ends meet because no one buys records anymore oh stop it stop it 30 years Cheryl Crow you didn't save a a goddamn dime I'm gonna just say I don't believe her all right I don't believe her that she's hustling the way we're hustling that's rid well again I'm just reading the article as it's written now the all I want to do singer how old is she Chris quick 60 62 all right that's close all right is forced she's forced to sell her s songs like soak up the sun all I want to do is soak up the sun remember that song I got a feeling I'm not the only one ex that tune every day is a Winding Road another good one every having to sell these to the lowly TV commercial oh shut up just to stay afloat so sell your catalog for 50 million and shut up right I feel so [ __ ] bad for you Cheryl shut up you [ __ ] one square wiping smelly [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up well her 1993 debut 31 years ago uh studio album Tuesday night music club which I have a copy right here behind me uh moved a mere 40,000 copies as music fans uh flocked to streaming services like Spotify which sells out shells out only $ 4800 for a million spins you can make money the hit maker said on an episode of Bill Mars's Club random podcast it makes me sad and sick I hate it because for me when you sold records you knew you had people now a friend exclusively tells in touch gerl always thought licensing songs commercials was a sellout but she sees now it's the only way to keep a roof over her head shut the [ __ ] up it's the end of the music business as she once knew it she's an idiot that's just not true I know I just brought this story because I just had to laugh it's just like Cheryl after 30 plus years you have no M no money are you kidding me you have no money yeah she's broke meanwhile she owns a $5.8 million farm right of course shut up you're so [ __ ] broke you dope shut the [ __ ] up right so there you are what an idiot that annoys me that being said hey Cheryl um starving artist we could get you more of your money it's funny be when I read these stories I think of you I what will Chris a can say about this [ __ ] because I know how I'm how it makes me how it makes me feel but I go holy [ __ ] what is Chris gonna say about this yeah look at this destitute woman's home I know yeah she's destitute she's just trying to keep a a roof roof over her head yeah yeah there it is there's the roof over her head it's a goddamn Palace I look at this I know that's a [ __ ] Palace dude you're not you're not fooling me for a second what do you think this is a duplex and she only gets half even that would be more than I've got look at this [ __ ] oh yeah this poor this poor unfortunate woman what a dumb thing to say let's see if we can get inside the home ah here we go look at this inside the home look at this poor this Popper's home look at this can you see that yeah that looks that looks broke don't it yeah she's she's she's going to be living on the streets of Chicago before you know it yeah look how does she put how does she live in such squalor look at this are you [ __ ] with me with this that looks just like the rev's apartment the [ __ ] out of here with this [ __ ] what a [ __ ] idiot what a dumb thing to say she's just working to keep a roof over her head for her and her two boys yeah shut up I think you how about how about this you want to keep a roof over your head sell the $5.8 million house buy a $250,000 house and you'll be set with [ __ ] 5.4 million generating interest right what an idiot yeah she's [ __ ] suffering what a dope I know all right well I thought that I'd bring you to uh to a crescendo of the show yeah no [ __ ] wow what a dumb thing to say I know all right all right well we're going to get out of here we'll be back next Saturday and we will do this thing all over again so thank you uh everybody who's tuned in everybody from Rumble to the locals to the to the uh whatever other PL X and mines and all that [ __ ] you guys are great yep all right since we're talking about money and wealth and you know whatever I'm going to close the show with some Jackal could relate to since it's over 50 years old oh uh I'm going to leave you with something from the Dark Side of the Moon I'm Gonna Leave You with something with h Pink Floyd some money nice CA we all love money yeah we do take your hands off of my stack yeah because give it to Cheryl Crow she needs it she's broke she needs it with her big $5 million mansion idiot God damn it all right we're gonna get out of here so this is neie along with my very good friend Chris aen we're gone see you kids [Music] 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