want to be producer that zero rack effects you will not find an evti or lexicon processors in his Studio wow none of your business I got to say I'm very impressed when the functionally illiterate attempt to insult me good job man here's a little thing you might not see it off camera yeah uh please don't pay any attention to this giant ass KN console behind me apparently I'm a phony and I don't have any Rat gear like all this stuff the camera's pointed at right now that's just out of frame on that side I've got it there so it's easy to get to but you're absolutely right you will not find an even tide or lexicon processors anywhere in my studio that is until now put that in your blunt and smoke it all right listen up you damn filthy software pirate there's more to this than just using plugins look I get it plugins are great especially plug-in compressors there's so many varieties and if you're crafty they're all there for the taking so why the hell would you want an analog one what's the freaking Point simply put you can use it to save yourself a lot of grief down the road in the mixing process cuz if you compress on the way in that means you're committing to something and you can add a certain flavor to the sound you're tracking and then you don't have to [ __ ] with it later and chances are right now you're probably working your ass off at your day job and you don't have enough time to nearly put into learning the craft and mixing so anything that's going to make your life easier is probably going to be worth it the other reason is if you produce a lot of content or you're doing podcasting or talking into a camera like I am it can really save your ass like if I talk loud like this I've got a compressor over here I've got my distressor doing the thing it's stomping down on the signal so I can talk quietly and I can talk loud and the distressor will do its job and keep things from clipping cuz clipping doesn't sound good let me show you what I mean so this is why we compress on the way cuz I can get a bit shouty in these videos and then we get digital Distortion and that's something nobody wants you think I'd be able to do this and actually have people enjoy my show if it was clipping all the time yeah probably not and notice when I'm talking quiet it really goes quiet yeah this is why we have the mic the preamp the compressor and then the converter cuz that's the thing once it's clipped on the way in yes he can kind of repair it but it's so much easier to just get it right to begin with especially if you're in the content creation game at of any kind having a compressor can be great hell if you're tracking a singer you know and you're compressing on the way and they get a little shuty but it's a Once In A Million performance you know it's just great to have it it's compressed you don't have to [ __ ] with it and when you compress it on the way in that's going to save you a lot of grief say if you're mixing a vocal you don't have to sit there and automate the living [ __ ] out it cuz the compressor is doing its job but the main reason we compress on the way in is one simple reason it makes [ __ ] sound cool let's check out the omnipressor from even tide this one's been rough because I've had it sitting here for about a month maybe even 5 weeks now just going play with me Glenn play with me and and it's it's an even tide it's an analor compressor I talked with the guys it's kind of a fet compressor it's kind of a VCA thing it's kind of in between and it's definitely its own thing and apparently it's highly sought after these days and the fact I haven't been able to touch it until now like 2 days before I leave for Europe just says how busy I've been around here for the last couple weeks doing those great big amp shootout takes an awfully long time there's a lot of parts in play a lot of things that have to happen ooh this looks interesting I love the artwork on this this is actually pretty sick so uh let's get this out of here well that that worked okay ooh isn't that pretty check this out remembering the past defining the future I think that's that's a pretty cool slogan that's for sure if you listen to VI if you like listen to Passion of warfare uh the even tide harmonizer was all over that record he even gave them a songwriting credit which I thought was pretty cool like uh listen to track alien water kiss uh you you'll hear what that's all about but this is something different this isn't a Reverb or a delay this this is a compressor wow look at look at this documentation that's pretty oh wow so infinite compressor expander Noise Gate limiter Dynamic reverser this I talked with the guys they they briefly kind of went over what it does and uh this is not your typical compressor this might be really cool this might be super cool on a snare drum or something like that for like a compressor gate I'm really curious how that's going to going to treat things the only thing thing is it takes up two rack spaces and I hope I've got enough space for it cuz uh contrary to n business's brilliant observations uh I do have racks but they're quickly filling up so uh hopefully hopefully hopefully uh I'll be able to make some space for this thing well of course I will my distressor got to go in the shop and first box ooh power cable now just going to make this clear before I plug anything in uh I am not getting paid by even tide to say nice things about this but I have a sneaky suspicion that once this video is done once I put this thing through its Paces they're going to have a very difficult time getting it back for me so uh sorry sorry guys that's just how it is I have a feeling this one's going to be exceptionally useful just just by even TI's reputation for building really quality Studio Gear oh that's pretty wow now this is just a mono compressor single channel oh yeah there we go check that out so just up front here we got our threshold attack release function yeah that's uh it goes from compressor to expander and like reverse compression apparently that's for bringing up really low noise levels attenuation limited gain limit okay cool got an output oh stereo link control if you can afford two of these things I wish H let me see here yeah we got a couple different meter ing side chain base cut great that's when your mix is jumping around all over the place it'll do that and I have no idea what this line is but I'm sure I'll figure it out and on the back we've got link line note side chain in a note and line in super cool so that's great if you want to like you know side chain a bass guitar to a kick drum or something like that you can do that and I've got the roading capability on the console to make that happen which is really sick as well so it's something to keep in mind anyway all right so that's it out of the box got to say nice packaging job guys now for the fun part I've got to pull the distressor out and get this thing into play and let's see what it can [Music] do so I'm shooting this on August 11th I've got a flight on the 13th so needless to say I'm trying to get this done before I leave for Europe for gear Street and all that stuff so I'm going to do something a little bit different than what I normally do I like normally I'll sit down and scrip this stuff out and you know really refine a fair [ __ ] it this one I'm going to kind of do off the cuff I've got my iPad here I made some notes there's some points I want to bring up and uh just kind of go over it that way for what the hell let's try it this way maybe you guys might like this more offthe cuff style better you tell me I really want to hear from you what do you like do you like the more scripted type videos do you like the more off the cuff style you know I want to know because I want to keep you entertained I want to keep you watching my stuff yes my ulterior motive watch my videos I I always get that in the com GL you just want you just do this CU you want people watching your videos really wow Nothing Gets By you here's the deal okay so why an analog compressor especially in this day and age when the plugins have gotten so good oh yeah by the way there is an omnipressor plugin you can go get it at the even tide website it's like 150 bucks I think they've got a free demo if not now the even Tide's been around since the mid '70s we took some notes Here the original run Ram from 1974 to roughly 1979 like a lot of cool things from the 70s greedy people have gotten hold of them and put them online for sale I mean like here's one for $6,500 ooh serviced Yeah by that you're going to get serviced right in the wallet that's for sure uh let me see o here's one out of bargain for 3,400 damn uh here's another one 3739 jeez I'll take seven God uh oh here's a here's a real bargain $2,700 okay cool because I obviously had nothing better to do spend that kind of money the insane thing is you can get a brand new one brand new 2,000 bucks so do yourself a favor your interest in getting an omni presser go hit up my friends over at Sweetwater talk to Jeff Allen great guy and uh he can hook you up with one and they've got all kind of financing stuff like I'm not sure exactly the details they're not out to [ __ ] over the musicians anyway which is really cool that's why I like working with those guys as well so yeah I get it though 2 Grand is still a lot of money for a lot of people here's the thing I'll talk about this um I'm going to be doing a piece in a couple weeks about something called the Golden Channel I'm going to be using the omnipressor in conjunction with a couple other things and this is something pretty much every small Studio needs and I'm talking to you you [ __ ] filthy software pirate yes you might need some actual physical gear cuz it will make your life a whole lot easier especially when it comes to mixing if you get it right on the way in and having an outboard compressor can definitely save you a lot of grief down the road uh this is the thing I bought my distressor in 2003 for 1350 us at a Guitar Center and it's wound up on nearly every single project I've ever done it's wound up on my records it's wound up on you know nearly 2,000 YouTube videos uh to say I got my money's worth oh [ __ ] yeah that's for sure it's just been there it's been reliable and it's done the thing and it's only up until now it started to crap out so when they sent me an omni pressor I'm like great I'm got to try this as on my vocal who knows it might be really [ __ ] cool we're going to try it out on a couple other things as [Music] well so you can see it the Signal's going to the compressor but it's not punched in yet on the board I've spent the last couple minutes doing a little bit of a dive into the manual here and I want to make make this very clear I'm not going to sit here and show you guys every single function this thing does I don't want to do a video product manual those videos are [ __ ] boring I'm just going to show you guys real quick why you would want to get one of these cuz if I start yelling you can see just how much dynamic range there is there that's absolutely nuts so if I punch this in now look at this wow does that sound Incredible or what and if I yell like I'm yelling my freaking head off here I think we got one tiny oh we got two we did get a couple tiny Peaks here let me just pull that back a bit I'm going to bring the attenuation limit back ever so slight I'm going to kick in a little bit more compression and try that again yeah there we go damn that's fast attack time 100 milliseconds so uh this is the thing it's like super fast attack like you'd get with an 1176 compressor check that out that is insane now this gets really interesting here when we start bringing in the gain limit this is going to uh bring up the Soft Stuff even more you just hear the noise come in like you hear that hiss that's like if you want to bring up the soft stuff so I'm I'm speaking really softly right now and if I talk really loud you know it's really kind of evening things up the only problem is now you're St to hear the fan noise so it's definitely something you're going to want to balance and try and find a sweet spot for but I can see where this would be super useful especially when it comes to say getting rid of high hat noise and a snare track I'm going to look at that in one sec here but I'm just kind of Blown Away by just how smooth this thing is like it's just gone that's crazy so I'm going to add about s 10 DBS again here's this will bring up the Soft Stuff let me see if I can get this to just print a slightly hotter level here on the board there we go I just added like 12 DBS a gain so I'm getting a slightly hotter print now this would probably be something I'd be more than interested in working with like in my day-to-day doing like desktop explainer videos like this cuz this really jumps in and it's just so quiet when it's on that's really super cool wow so and and this is the thing though I think even tide came along just the right time because you know I'm always switching between you know at the desk and and Main camera videos and those two different mic setups and I'm always plugging stuff in and unplugging so I can put everything through the distressor I don't know this might very well become my de facto desktop compressor cuz this just sounds great I'm going to drop it on snare here in a second here and you're going to see a massive shift in the uh quality of my voice over mic though because well let's be honest I don't have a flock patch Bay yet so I can't just move stuff around so this is patch it in on Channel 8 which is you know my main mic so in order to do that I'm going to switch over to the road mics you guys have been warned as promised I'm on the road mic I just want to show a couple quick things with the snare drum I just started playing around with this this is really neat so I've got the omnipressor on Channel 8 which is normally my voice over mic I've thrown the snare on that and then I've got my snare uh room sample thing on channel two here and that's going out to a Reverb and here's a snare I'm G to pop that out for a second here yeah nice I I want to show you guys what what happens when you throw this on this is crazy I've got it set to like the most ridiculous setting ever just for a little blip of noise for the snare check this out this crazy we're going to pop it in the mix here [Music] yeah that's that's just nuts right there it's just like I said I got this little blip and it really does something cool there pull it [Music] out that's crazy H and this the thing I just set the thing up as a gate just to just to play with it and because you you start messing around the function knob interesting [ __ ] happens and you start mess out the release time and interesting [ __ ] happens like I got this thing sold up [Music] okay that's obviously a way more you know realistic snare setting so that's just kind of as a gate and if we turn this knob over it becomes compression very cool and a mix [Music] so it'll work as a gate it'll work as a compressor generally I don't like compressing the snare very much anymore these days as I've just as I've switched over the board here I've kind of changed my whole mixing style up it just makes the snares way more pleasant so I kind of like this as a gate more than a snare [Music] compressor yeah that's got a real nice impact to it damn guys I got to say super cool indeed I am very impressed with this all right that's my first look at the even tide omnipressor I got to give a great big shout out to the even tide guys for sending it to me cuz uh I got to say I'm extremely impressed I love what it is doing for my voice right now that is just amazing one more time so we're going to we're going to pop that out and then drop it back in and I mean like listen to that that's just instant FM Radio soft listening I mean check check it good evening and you're listening to candl light and wine on WK radio Toronto Ontario you know it's just got that kind of sound it's so cool uh like I said I'm just kind of getting my feet W wet with it I'm he sure you're going to hear it on about a million more demos on this show on various sources so stay tuned for that if you want to hear more of it because it's definitely going to happen got say super impressive go get yourself one today go talk to Jeff Elvin at Sweetwater told him I sent you and drop by the even tide website and say hey Patrick Glenn at us here to check this out so uh go go take a look go go read up on it a little bit more and go check out the software as well if you want to take a look at what it can do there got to say though super impressive by even tide definitely stands up to their name that's for sure the fact that it's available now for a lot cheaper than it's going on the used Market that's even better all right that's it for today's episode that's all I got so [ __ ] off

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