How to Find The BEST Mortgage Firm For You To Work At

welcome to the mortgage career Hub with me Ash band I'm a mortgage business coach helping mortgage brokers simplify success but this channel is completely dedicated to helping mortgage brokers who are starting off in the industry all the way up to the point when they go self-employed and in today's video we're going to be talking about how to find the right Mortgage Firm for you so you've passed your cmaps you're thinking about starting this career and you're moving into this career properly what are you doing now for this specific one we're talking about self-employed okay not employed self-employed and I'm joined today by Craig Skelton he is very well qualified in this he has his own firm he also has his own kind of pseudo Network as well which is very unique in the industry and he's very he's also a business coach for mortgage brokers and has coached people all the way through this and it's he's very well positioned to answer this question so we're going to bring Craig onto the show hello mate welcome back because you've been on many of these no it's good to be back again so thank you much for another invite I really appreciate it all good mate so yeah let's dive into this question of how to find the right Mortgage Firm for you as a broker because this seems to be something like I said that people do have a problem with and it can be really daunting and I know me and you spoke off air when we were planning this show today about this idea of it can be you can get it wrong and it's very expensive and timec consuming and heartache to get it wrong first time and actually it's not as simple as just changing where I think people make it out to be so just give us the kind of layer the land for people who don't really understand that I think when you look at being a becoming a mortgage broker particular you say you're talking about self and blow you're not always going to get it right from the start but what the idea about this is just to explain it's better to obviously get it right from the start you want to get the right fit for you the right firm for you and I think the things you've got to look at is two key things with all this one is the support you're going to get and then the second thing is the firm is the brand align to aligned to your values because if it's aligned to your values you're more likely to make it work you're going to feel more determined to make your business succeed when the tough times come which they do and I think then not that knock on effect with that is then the supportive element of it that making sure that you get true support now as we' talked about before Ash it's about people will tell you what you want to hear if they're recruiting you into their firm they're going to tell you what you want to hear and that so that can difficult thing you but again with that you've got to stay true to your values don't cut Corners with it really trust you got in a lot of these things because you'll get the right feel if you're going to be self-employed with a firm when you're meeting the principle of that firm what are they like what are their values are they aligned to you it's okay and I encourage it within my own firm if new Brokers join in my firm whether it's under their own trading style or coming under my brand I always encourage them to talk to brokers in the firm who better to speak about what it's like than brokers who are already in the firm and that's okay and if you're a principal if you're asking that question to the principal and they're comfortable with you talking to one of the Brokers that's there they feel pretty secure about their business and what they're doing if they're not open to that then you've got to question yourself with is this the right fit for me but I think going back to it you've got to You' got to be the support there there will be days where you'll be thinking and again one of the things that is important as well is with regards to culture is a massive thing because do you want to be in a place where you are competing against others and is there a battle for leads is there a league tables that are provided by The Firm to show you or is that not what you're looking for you're looking something that actually just is okay with the broker who you are doing the hours and things like that you've got to that getting that right that's a really just dive in that's a really important point and i' I think I've done a video on this in the past with and and even in my other channel at the mortgage business Mastery show like we've spoke about this in in in length is the culture is getting that culture right is difficult and actually it's not that any potentially I'm going to dive a little bit more into this in a minute but it's not that every any specific thing is wrong it's more that it's got to be aligned with you so I've had people ask me like what network should I choose and it's if you like corporate Primus might be the one to go for if you want to be left you want to do wealth and you need to look at to Le you need to look at open work you need to look at something like new leaf and if you want something to be left alone and completely left alone you want to look at something like hlp or Stonebridge and there's these real I don't think there's a one-sized fits all and as you said I think it's all about knowing what you want how important is that this the clarity of knowing what you want because I think that's something that many people do struggle with if you don't know what you want how are you going to how are you going to know what network is right for you because like you say every Network work every firm is very different within the network so I think that you've got and one of the frustrations I have is that when somebody will go on one of the Facebook groups and say oh I'm thinking about joining this network like what are people's thoughts that's like saying should I support Manchester United or should I support Liverpool you're just going to get people saying yes and no you're going to get people sharing the good good and the bad it's it's irrelevant you got to find what is right for you because the consequences for you of choosing the wrong Network or the wrong firm at the start you going into this to build a long-term career you've got to get it right or give yourself the the greatest chance of getting it right from the start so do your research don't just accept the alarm bells are going on your head if there is there those alarms Bel going on there for reason so trust that instinct and and try and either put the fire out by talking to more people or listen to the fire and just don't make that jump but because if if you think about it it's long term your clients you're placing your clients with this network or this firm there's always the deliberation of who wants the client when people leave and things like that as well there's a thing about clawbacks if you're telling protection on Indemnity and things there's all different things going on but stay true to you and your values and what you what culture you are looking for and you like to say people will you've just got to do as much research you possibly can as much research if not more about doing whe How much think about how much time you did looking at cmap and doing your studying for that you've got to give as much importance to which home you're going to go to as you did with your cmap and that because getting it wrong can be an expensive thing you can waste time and waste money what would be your you know to wrap this one up what is your red flags would you say obviously that everybody's culture is different and everybody has different goals but what would be some red flags that you would say if you're out there you're out in the market right now you're thinking about it what would be the things you're like oh that probably I probably should maybe move away from that because there are a lot of mortgage networks out there that are not the big names there's a lot of these like smaller networks some of them are phenomenal and some of them like I've had conversations with clients who are in them and or people who were in them I'm like that's a bad idea I don't know how you ended up there so what have been some of the red flags when you say that you people should potentially the big word is potential because it doesn't mean they're bad it just means that there could be a potential issue there I think you've got to stay know what you want like you said before you've got to know first of all understand what you want in and some massive thing and if you find that if you're meeting up with somebody and they're negative or they are talking about things that they shouldn't be talking about in in a meeting with you or they're over promising and underd delivering the selling selling the role is a massive thing you selling if if you're being looking at joining a firm and they're really giving it and they're following you up and really pushing saying you need to make a decision by today you've got it we're the right place for you and if they are selling it they're selling it for a reason whenever they're selling you or telling you to do something it will benefit them it won't benefit you so whenever if that's the case and that's where with me with people that join my firm they never I'll always tell them the worst thing I'll always give them what a bad day looks like because if then they decide to still join my firm or work with me and my help and support they can never come back to and say Craig when we first met up or your first interview or first conversation you said it was going to be like this and it's not you don't want to be in that situation you don't want to be as a business owner as as a human being you don't want to be in that situation so yeah so going back to your question I would say know what you want no exactly why look at the supportive thing and if then just listen to what the person saying and if they are really pushing you and really selling the role selling the firm and they don't let you talk to brokers in The Firm i' be say not not for me that's a really good point Craig thank you so much for coming on the show mate that's been really useful now for guys if you're wanting to take your career to the next level or you're wanting to understand how to become a broker then check out this on the screen right now which is my mortgage career blueprint now this is a step-by-step masterclass video breaks down from all the qualifications you need all the way through to applying for a job interviewing for the job how to improve your sales skills and it effectively takes you right up to the point in which you go self-employed and then and you're a proper business owner at that point and that's where that will leave you so make sure to check that one out and I'll see you in the next video bye

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