The Virginity Obsessed Killer Couple | Michel Fourniret and Monique Olivier Case

have you ever heard the true story of the serial killer couple who would roam the streets at night hunting for their perfect victim their Unholy Alliance would lead to the deaths of 12 people and the sexual assault of numerous underage girls between 1987 and 2003 The Killers would operate with impunity without worrying that they'd ever be caught this is the terrifying tale of murderers Michelle for and his wife Monique Olivier and the trail of blood they left in their wake first things first guys let's get a little bit of context into the type of man that Michelle was basically Michelle for had a really sick and disturbing obsession with virginity and a depraved desire to rob it from any young girl who happened to be unlucky enough to cross his path he had what could only be described as a rough childhood his father was a metal worker and his mother a homemaker as a child he was described as quiet and reflective and enjoyed activities like playing chess and listening to classical music as you can already tell these are pretty harmless hobbies that were totally different from what he would later come to be known for as he grew into adulthood in conversations he had when he was a bit older Michelle would claim that he had been sexually abused used by his mother numerous times and it would make a sense that his own loss of Innocence could and would have impacted him psychologically at the age of 12 Michelle also claimed he had a vision of the Virgin Mary as he rode his bike one day this probably also contributed to his Fascination and obsession with the idea of a woman's Purity maybe the idea of robbing or destroying Purity gave him a sense of power when he entered adulthood he worked a series of menial jobs such as being a forestry worker and at one point even a school supervisor in 1966 he committed his first sexual assault he was 24 years old and imprisoned for the crime of groping a minor and while this crime was awful in itself no one could be prepared for what was to come next his real Rampage would begin much later after a period of quiet because of his 1984 imprisonment for sexually assaulting five Yes you heard me five young girls at this point Michelle was 42 years old and he also attempted to kidnap a young woman at this time but the horror does not stop there he would go on to claim to have allegedly sexually assaulted 15 young girls in the Paris region but he was never even prosecuted for this I mean was it even investigated because the numbers were crazy how was it that this guy wasn't put behind bars earlier surely authorities would recognize his potential to reoffend if his claims were to be true Michelle was sentenced to only 3 years in prison for the assaults and you'd think he'd at least try and change his ways while locked up but no instead his desires only became more depraved it was like he was hellbent on fulfilling his fantasies no matter the cost he began thinking about how he would carry out his plan for when he eventually got out what he didn't know was that he would meet an accomplice and she would later become his wife a divorced mother of 2 Monique Olivier and Michelle forier began conversing through a pen p program after Michelle placed an ad in a Catholic magazine and it was not his first romance he had previously been married but was horrified when he found out that his wife had not been a virgin when he married it's also Ben suggested that Michelle had an issue with his sexual performance and virgins would not know or recognize that he wasn't necessarily skilled in the bedroom which might be why he developed such an obsession with them when corresponding with Mo'Nique Michelle did not hide his fantasies he confessed that he wanted to go virgin hunting to kidnap and rape young girls in his letters to Mo'Nique he would describe the girls he wanted to hunt as membranes on legs and spoke of wanting to pierce them with what he called his rainbow another term for his penis he stated that by doing this he would be a man like any other Michelle also admitted that he had a notebook or a collector's item in it he detailed every sexual assault and the personal details of every victim and rather than being absolutely horrified Mo'Nique agreed to help him in his mission to fulfill all of these sexual desires if he promised to murder her ex-husband Michelle agreed to this but this would just be one of his broken promises he would never kill Monique's ex nonetheless Monique would continue to assist him at that point Monique was intensely lonely to Michelle she displayed an emotional dependency and fear of Abandonment this was obviously a clear manipulation strategy for Michelle who convinced her that she was not alone but Mo'Nique also saw a plan when it came to Michelle one for her own type of domination and the assurance that she would never be abandoned Monique was just 38 years old when she began her relationship with Michelle her two children had been taken from her custody and she would go on to claim that her previous partner a painter would make her pose for hours on end or else she would be forced to suffer cruel treatment at his hands she claimed that he regularly beat her tortured her by holding her head underwater and would also pimp her out to other men however none of her claims could be proven and her ex-husband denied all of these allegations it seems that even then Monique was intent on portraying herself as a victim and Michelle had become a source of attention but also Revenge Monique's childhood could be described as lonely she was born in tours and moved to nante when she was four Monique's mother was an alcoholic driven to drink because her husband lived a double life and had affairs without much consideration for who could find out Monique also suffered from a stammer as a child which made her feel isolated and somewhat different from her peers in 1987 after months of Correspondence Michelle now aged 45 was released from prison and Mo'Nique went to pick him up just two months after this he would commit murder he and Monique had moved to a remote town in burgundy which provided the perfect hunting ground for their new hobby at that point there was no system in place to trace sex offenders there wasn't even a registry none of Michelle's neighbors knew about his dark desires he was able to go on with his life planning and plotting without any interference from those around him when Michelle decided to commit his first murder he would use his white van as the means of abduction driving around with Mo'Nique along winding roads searching for potential victims and this is literally my worst nightmare I was always afraid of white Vans growing up and it's stories like this that make me remember why so these two together in December of 1987 spotted 17-year-old Isabelle laville walking home from school near oxir they followed her noted her route and concocted a plan to act within the next few days on December 11th Isabelle never came home from school her parents waited all night hoping to hear her footsteps at the front door but she would never return that day as she walked home Mo'Nique and Michelle traveled in separate vehicles Monique pulled up behind Isabelle and asked her for directions she then requested that the girl get into her car and show her the way and Isabelle out of kindness agreed and as the pair drove Michelle had parked his car further down the road and was standing beside it pretending it had broken down Monique pulled up next to him and the pair pretended that they didn't know each other after Michelle told them that his car had broken down Monique offered him a lift sealing Isabelle's fate in the car Michelle suddenly produced a piece of rope which he used to strangle Isabelle while Monique administered a dose of then while Isabelle was incapacitated they drove her back to their home in Sans cologne where Michelle would rape her but there was one problem Michelle struggled with impotence and to rape Isabelle he needed mon to perform a sexual act on him Monique of course agreed after he raped Isabelle he strangled her to death and the pair dumped her body down a well in busy and ALT where it would remain hidden for 18 years in future rapes of his victims he would force them to say will you make love to me mure or thank you mure phrases that Monique would repeat when the pair had sex to allow Michelle to relive the experiences after Isabelle it would only be 3 months before Michelle would kill again in March Michelle was contacted by farida Hamish the wife of Michelle's old salate Jean Pier helor who was incarcerated for being a prolific bank robber associated with one of France's most famous gangs jeanpierre had told farita about a hall that was buried in a cemetery in F and pales consisting of gold coins and ingots worth millions fro promised Michelle that if he helped her dig it up she would give him a share and so in the dead of night Michelle Mo'Nique and farita dug up the Trove and Michelle received a share worth $14,000 but that was not enough one of the conditions of his Union with Mo'Nique was that the pair would never again be poor and with Michelle's menial jobs money was hard to come by so they concocted a plan in April Monique and Michelle managed to lure farita out of her home and drove her to CLA Fontaine and evalene then they strangled her and buried her later breaking into her home and stealing anything worth selling along with the small fortune she had found in the cemetery Monique and Michelle used the stolen funds to buy a Chateau in Don sherei which would later become a burial ground farid's body would never be found by August Monique was pregnant with Michelle's child but despite her pregnancy it would not stop her nor Michelle from carrying out their plans in fact it would help them they lived an ordinary life from the outside they conversed with neighbors formed routines and were going to raise a child together they filled the house with all the things they might need for an abduction such as handcuffs gags masks for anesthetics condoms and a variety of weapons for any given situation that might come up it only shows how brutal they both were yet neighbors would describe Mo'Nique as gentle and Michelle as unassuming yet aggressive often killing cats that came into his backyard Monique would begin to use her pregnancy as a cover even before his birth the couple would involve their son in their abductions on August 3rd Monique and Michelle drove to a supermarket in Shalon M champag there in the car park they spotted a Target 20-year-old Fabian Leroy Monique pretended to be ill and the couple asked Fabian to assist them by helping to direct them to the nearest doctor's surgery Fabian agreed however instead of following her directions the couple drove her to a Forest near a military Camp Michelle knew that Monique's presence would provide a false sense of safety for the girls he abducted surely a pregnant woman and her husband would mean no harm there in the forest Michelle instructed Monique to check if fabian's Hyman was still intact but she refused Michelle Shrugged it off he wasn't going to stop Michelle raped Fabien before shooting her in the chest it would not the last time they would use their son Saleem in a killing he would often become an unwilling accessory to their evil plans the couple would lure their victims with expertise praying on their sense of security and for 18 years it worked in January 1989 Michelle met 21-year-old Jean Marie Des ramal on the evening train to charville mesier she was staying at a nearby con vent and Michelle managed to get her attention by assuming a false identity and making her think he and Monique were also religious the couple met her at the train station again on March 18th and invited her to their home in flowing Michelle promised to drive her home afterward when they arrived at the home Michelle asked her if she was a virgin Jean said no she wasn't and enraged Michelle attacked her he tried to rape her but she fought back Monique held her down while Michael bounded her with adhesive bondages and gagged her then he strangled her and buried her body in the garden of the Chateau in Doner The Chateau Du satal their very own house of horrors concealing the Dead with 37 Acres of vast forest in July 1989 Monique and Michelle married for a few months there was a period of calm until December 20th when they drove to namur with their son Saleem there Michelle spotted 12-year-old Elizabeth Bret who was walking to her friend's home which was close to her house he waited outside until she came back outside again at 700 p.m. the couple pretended Saleem was sick and asked Elizabeth to give them directions to the doctor Elizabeth dutifully got into the car and the couple drove her to flowing there they tied Elizabeth to the bed and undressed her Michelle noticed that she was menstrating and ordered Mo'Nique to clean her genitals which she did then he raped Elizabeth and the next day strangled her at the Chateau he buried her in the garden using his excavator which he affectionately referred to as Dino the couple would also use what they referred to as the opair technique they would lure girls into the home using Saleem numerous opars were believed to have been hired for Saleem one in particular who would remain unidentified met her end in the home one night Michelle went into the op's room Mo'Nique would hear screaming and crying and from that day on she never saw that opair again despite searches in later years her body was never recovered she was believed to have been between 15 and 17 years old and a similar plot was used for the murder of Joanna Parish in May 1990 Johanna was offering English lessons to children in oxir Witnesses saw her in the town square with an unidentified man before her disappearance later her body would be found abandoned in the river she'd been raped and fluid was found on her corpse during the autopsy Monique would later admit that she and Michelle drove Joanna to the riverbank Michelle hit her over the head while Monique sat in the front seat of the car she listened to Joanna's screaming and the sounds of Michelle beating her and strangling her to death but Monique was unmoved it was simply another day for her and Michelle on November 21st the couple would commit their final murder together on the western coast of France they spotted their next victim in a shopping center in Ray after attending a court case for burglary charges in ntic 13-year-old Natasha daai was walking through the car park to fetch her mother's purse from her home the couple lured her into the van once again asking her for directions they drove her to a secluded area and Michelle stabbed her twice in the chest with a screwdriver then he strangled her and abandoned her body on the beach of course he didn't leave without taking a trophy raping the girl's corpse after she was dead now at the time there were very few leads and Natasha's neighbor was suspected of being involved Jean groy was falsely accused as his van matched the description of Michelle's he would later commit suicide in his cell unable to cope with these allegations said against him after Natasha's murder Michelle felt emboldened enough to commit his crimes alone in the early 1990s Michelle Monique and Saleem moved to s custine Jadin in Belgium between 2000 and 2001 Michelle committed two more murders having allegedly abstained from his Twisted desires for over 9 years on May 16th 2000 Michelle drove across the Franco Belgian border to charville mesier 18-year-old Seline saizon was on her way home from school somehow probably using his usual tactics he managed to convince her to enter his van he then drove her back to his home where Monique was waiting he raped Seline then strangled her with a rope before dumping her body in a forest in suney her remains were discovered 2 months later by mushroom Pickers on May 5th 2001 Michelle drove to sedon where he spotted 13-year-old man thong he had met her previously having given her left home a few weeks before and gained her trust that way he met her outside the library on this particular day and invited her back home to play with his son Manana agreed I mean she was known to be a sweet girl the type any parent would be proud of having she climbed into the back of Michelle's van and he drove her to noo where he strangled her to death her remains were found 10 months later having been almost completely eaten by wild animals in June 2003 Michelle would try to carry out another kidnapping and murder but this would be the beginning of the end for him he attempted to abduct a 13-year-old by asking her for directions to Mont de laai the girl agreed and got inside the van she would later tell officers that as soon as she was inside the van Michelle's demeanor changed and his smile became evil according to to her he bound her hands and ankles with rope and asked her if she was a virgin she was trapped tied up in the back of the van yet somehow she managed to chew through the binding and broke free she jumped out of the back of the van and began to run down the road until she managed to flag down a passing car but Michelle was not about to let her go he turned around the girl had gotten inside the car that had stopped for her and they drove onwards passing Michelle's vehicle along the way the driver took down Michelle's license plate and then drove to the police station where the 13-year-old reported the attempted abduction when the police ran the plates through the system Michelle for's name came up he was taken into custody and thus an investigation began thank goodness finally there's an end to this violent disgusting Rampage on June 27th 2003 police began searching the for home using diggers and ground penetrating technology there they discovered the horrific items inside the home they found condoms ropes and mismatched children's clothes that did not belong to Saleem which signaled to them that something was very wrong and Mo'Nique was present but to officers she appeared to be a submissive and obedient wife who just kept claiming that she did not realize what was stored in her own home to authorities she seemed unremarkable a blank canvas of a woman who was possibly of lower intelligence than the average citizen but they were wrong Monique was fully capable of creating her own mask Michelle was taken into custody and he refused to cooperate with authorities and so they turned to Mo'Nique certain that the demure housewife would give them the information that they needed they thought she was under her husband's thumb and would be easy to break but it took over 100 interviews between Michelle and Monique before any information came to light as the year 2004 dawned and she was subjected to intense pressure she finally broke she admitted to six murders after she confessed the House of Cards fell and Michelle confessed to killing eight women and one unident identified man between 1988 and 2002 after the confession Mo'Nique was arrested and the pair were extradited to France in 2004 the pair also took authorities to the burial grounds of Elizabeth and Jean at the Chateau Du santel when the bodies were uncovered the prosecutor was present and standing beside Michelle as the excavator uncovered Elizabeth's body the authorities looked on in horror Michelle reportedly turned to the prosecutor beside him and said it's so sad it's awful and then added do you realize that when I strangled that little girl she was the same age as your daughter is now so the trial took place between March 27th and 28th in 2008 in charville mesier it was a media circus with over 400 journalists in attendance Mo'Nique seemed particularly Keen to have the women men at the trial hear her side of the story believing that they would empathize with what she had been through but to the French public this was a slap in the face she did not want to be seen in the same light as Michelle but to many her role was even more horrific the prosecution was aiming for both to get the maximum sentence and it was clear that Michelle would likely get life in prison but Monique's fate was not as certain without Michelle Monique may not have become a criminal but without Monique Michelle never would have been able to abduct and murder as many girls as he did as the trial began throngs of people lined up outside the courthouse the public hated Mo'Nique as they believed her role was worse due to her gender and that she was a mother Monique's defense tried to portray her as weak and afraid to get the public to sympathize with her as much as possible but was she really a victim on the first day day of the trial the room was packed and Mo'Nique was expressionless looking all around her she had dyed her hair blonde and cut it she just looked ordinary harmless and old clearly she'd been giving grooming advice to make herself look just as innocent as possible she was slow to answer often stammering mumbling and trembling she didn't seem to fit the profile of a killer at all but honestly isn't that how their whole scheme worked Michelle on the other hand wanted a closed session with no photos even at his trial he wished for control over the whole thing but in her opening statement to the court Mo'Nique said that she wanted to explain that she was actually a victim despite her testifying against him Michelle stated that he had threatened to kill Monique and Saleem if she turned on him both he and Mo'Nique were painting her as the victim but not everyone was convinced on April 30th the man case was discussed the horrifying topic of the couple's sex life was introduced Monique stated that she would act like the victims asking her husband to rape her all the victims were made to beg Mo'Nique and Michelle would replay their crimes in their sex life but it was not just for Michelle's benefit it pleased Mo'Nique to arouse him these actions held perverse interest for Monique she could have left or turned Michelle in but she didn't in her own way she also received gratification on May 26th the prosecution offered their closing speech they requested life imprisonment with no parole for Michelle and life imprisonment for Monique they referred to Michelle as a gr tesque grimacing clown and Monique as a witch and a spider who had betrayed the cause of all mothers and wives Monique's defense represented by Richard delen claimed that the hostility toward Monique almost absolved Michelle of his crimes on May 27th the defense made their closing statements as delin stood to speak the families of the victims stood placing a rose and a photo of the victims before the jury and Le leaving the room in a silent Act of defiance they did not wish to hear why the monster deserved a defense they felt Monique was the real Mastermind on May 28th Michelle was sentenced to life in prison with no parole after being convicted of seven murders Monique received a 28-year prison sentence with no parole both were also ordered to pay €1 1.5 million EUR in moral compensation to the victim's family Michelle and Monique had been inactive for a period of roughly 10 years however they were at one point averaging one or two victims per year could the public really be expected to believe that they were able to resist their desires for that long I mean it seemed impossible logically there was an estimation that the total number of victims was more along the lines of 35 and so with this in mind the investigation picked up speed again the only other person who knew the truth was Mo'Nique she was the key to the other cases but with nothing at stake would she agree to participate Monique insisted that she did not know if there were any murders in those 10 years in May 2015 Monique's former prison mate contacted authorities Monique had confided in her about the Estelle mine case the prison mate had seen Estelle's father pleading with the public on television for any information she asked Mo'Nique if she knew anything about the case Mo'Nique reportedly replied she's his type of child referring to Michelle's preferences it was on January 9th 2003 that Estelle left school at 6:00 p.m. and never returned home she was only 9 years old the youngest of all the victims there was no evidence no clues no Witnesses but her parents believed she had been taken authorities conducted a 25 km search around guante looking in Wells waterways and forests but they found nothing in 2018 Michelle confessed to the murder of Joanna parish and in 20120 of Estelle mine at the end of 2020 a reconstruction took place Monique and Michelle were escorted to the scene of the abduction for the first time in years the couple was reunited Michelle's m was hazy but through discussion with Monique more information came out at that point Michelle was showing signs of developing Alzheimer's which could have contributed to his bad memory despite this Michelle admitted that he had killed Estelle yet searches yielded no results despite digging through Acres of forest they did not find the body and Estelle's fate remains a mystery on May 10th 2021 Michelle died at age 79 from heart problems after being hospitalized and unfortunately his Secrets died with him Estelle's remains were lost forever the rest of the truth lays with Mo'Nique alone but she didn't take part in everything eventually she would go on to admit that she was present when Estelle was kidnapped Michelle left the home and Mo'Nique watched over Estelle while he was at work it was important to keep up the routine she said so that no one would suspect them although Monique claimed to no no more information others were skeptical that she was just simply using the opportunity to Garner attention and was making up stories in August of 2021 the searches for Estelle resumed at the satau chatau Monique traveled with authorities leading them up a dense forest path speaking as they moved 18 years had passed since Estelle was kidnapped out in the open air Mo'Nique was once again the center of attention she reportedly took pleasure in leading the authorities as they relied on her for information once again she got to manipulate someone at the very end of the search Monique suddenly told authorities that oh oops they're in the wrong location altogether it was as if Mo'Nique was playing a game and receiving satisfaction from the situation even though nothing was at stake anymore she felt like she got to be in control again the cases of Joanna Estelle and Marie Angeli do whose remains were also never found were tried together in November 2023 in December Mo'Nique was handed a second life sentence with a minimum of 20 years once again the 3-week trial highlighted her role in reassuring the victims get into the van Monique Olivier will be able to apply for constitutional release in 20132 then she will be 84 years old what does Monique Olivier know if she knows anything at all just how involved was she in the deaths and disappearances of all these young girls and just how many more victims were involved Monique was vilified in the media rightfully for her role in The Murders however it cannot be denied that there was a difference in the blame she took in comparison to her killer husband many have wondered about the son of these killers Saleem in a recent hearing for Monique he spoke to the court and to his mother via video while wearing an elaborate disguise of a wig fake glasses and a fake mustache he shouted at Mo'Nique to reveal what she knew and told the court that he had no idea of the horrors his parents were committing referring to them as actors who concealed their crimes from him for most of his life after discovering his parents' real identities Saleem moved to Southern France and assumed a new identity and a new life but in a shocking twist Saleem was arrested did in nce in July 2023 for the alleged attempted rape of a minor it's a horrifying conclusion to the legacy of Cruelty as he mirrors his own father's Behavior police even questioned if there were more victims as Saleem allegedly operated with prowess and skill that only someone who'd committed the crime before could possess perhaps he had learned more from his parents than he was willing to admit unfortunately the more information that comes out about killers in recent years we realize that Monique Olivier and Michelle for were not anomalies at all monsters walk among us and they are far more common than anticipated with the news of saleem's arrest we must ask the question are monsters born or created and how many are out there waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike

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