What Putin and China just did to Israel is SHOCKING, Netanyahu is Finished w/ Ben Norton & Lee Camp

Published: Sep 02, 2024 Duration: 00:22:45 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: netanyahu
maybe we can take our attention now to how the multi-polar world has been navigating this crisis in Gaza genocide of Gaza the also the growing Lurch or maybe just the already arrived uh endless war in West Asia uh you have on the one hand you have China with this pretty incredible declaration that was signed in Beijing by 14 Palestinian organizations Palestinian leadership organizations resistance organizations from Hamas fat to the rest of the resistance you also have I mean you you've had Russia meet with the same groups I think there was some coordination going on between Russia and China over the last several months to the last year uh several meetings between them of Palestinian groups and then you also have Russia and CH Russia and Iran signing a strategic partnership rumor by us intelligence very scared of that somewhere in that strategic partnership there's going to be uh arms to Yemen and then you also have now Russia meeting with Bashar al- Assad um of Syria as they begin to move toward turkey Syria peace potential peace talks and of course this comes on the heels of what I don't think I've spoken to either of you about on this channel which is Saudi Arabia and Iran normalizing prior to all of these developments so you know there's there's quite the stark contrast here uh how have you all been following these developments and understanding them well I think one of the most blatant things to notice is that China seems to be involved in creating peace packs while the US is involved in obliterating people and and and sending weapons to drop on children uh it's a it's just such a glaring you know even even when it doesn't succeed you know like it hasn't succeeded with Ukraine yet but uh due to the US Etc but it's still an effort to create peace in the proxy war in Ukraine um and so it's just such a glaring difference between the United States and China China wants to uh use diplomacy China creates business deals and the US basically just looks for ways to bend countries to its will sometimes through Straight on assassination sometimes through other coups sometimes through law coups like in Pakistan uh you know various ways and then there's the economic Wars but the US is just trying to Bild Bend every country to its will while China facilitates peace and diplomacy for the most part yeah I mean uh you both raised such important points and Dan you mentioned this increasing cooperation and partnership between China Iran and in Russia this is so important and I should say that this is the ultimate historical irony because the US Imperial strategist zign Bev binski famously wrote in 1997 in his book The Grand chessboard that the biggest threat to us hegemony us unipolar dominance of the world would be what he referred to as an anti-hegemonic alliance between drum roll China Russia and Iran which is exactly what is happening and as he pointed out in his book which he wrote nearly 30 years ago now he said that this anti-hegemonic Coalition would not be based necessarily on you know the same system or even necessarily the same ideology but rather shared Grievances and that's exactly what we're seeing obviously China and Russia have very different systems today but they're very close partners and certainly Iran has a very different system although I would point out that actually there are some similarities especially economically all three Powers have maintained significant public ownership of their strategic National Assets including the banking system including their natural resources let's not forget in Russia that although it is capitalist it's no longer the Soviet Union Russia does have a very resourc nationalist economy especially in recent years under Putin there's been rationalization of the major natural resources the largest company in know the entire Russian economy is gazprom which is the state-owned gas giant the biggest banks in Russia are are state owned like spare buunk and in Iran this is also not talked about actually Iran maintains a lot of State ownership obviously of the oil sector oh I think we lost Ben it might be a dramatic pause oh yeah sorry you froze a bit anyway you're back it looks like uh can you hear me I can hear you Ben hear you you're Frozen though your your picture is Frozen I lost them no there he is wait coming back this is US economic war on Nicaragua right yeah what's going on hey sorry did I think did you lose me can you guys hear me I can hear you every time he says that he freezes again I Lee if you want to pick it up well Ben uh well I can't possibly uh pick up on Ben's thoughts they're they're too uh they're too awesome so uh but no we can we can talk about bricks some if you'd like uh it's yeah such an important Alliance and of course China and Iran and Russia are the Lynch pin to it uh with Brazil coming in fourth I guess um but yeah it's it's uh incredibly powerful and a lot of what we're seeing around the world is the US US fear of losing hemony but that also means fear of dollarization the two go hand in hand and we're just seeing so many countries that before would didn't have the power or the will to stand up against the the United States and Western uh Empire Western of gmany are now doing it in so many ways you know things like not signing on to the sanctions in the Ukraine proxy war uh various African nations throwing out their Colonial uh you know leaders or not leaders but rulers owners I don't know what to call them but uh and and just so many countries are are able to now stand up to the US in a new stronger way I think Ben good now yeah sorry I I lost you guys for a second um so I was saying just to to finish that train of thought that you know what what does it's not just shared grievances which is obviously us imperialism us aggression and War it's not just that that brings together countries like China Russia and Iran I mentioned for instance you know it's well known that in 1953 the CIA backed a coup that overthrew Iran's democratically elected prime minister Muhammad madc because he nationalized the oil and the US and also British intelligence wanted that oil to be privatized Again by The Shaw the monarchy they reinstalled but what's not often mentioned is that after the Iranian Revolution 1979 they once again nationalize the oil and today Iran's oil is is owned and produced by a state-owned company so there are some commonalities aside from the ideological differences but the point I want to get back to is that this issue of Eurasian integration which was briny's worst nightmare I mean this is so important because we also see that these countries are not only pursuing independent paths to development but they are not actually pushing for War I mean it's there's this kind of there I like like this ultr leftist talking point or like this liberal talking point they say well like what about Iranian imperialism or Russian imperialism which is complete nonsense they have no idea what imperialism actually is imperialism is centered on Wall Street the United States is the leader of imperialism it's a country having a foreign policy is not imperialism Iran has provided support to countries in the region and peoples like the Palestinians who are defending their sovereignty against us-led imperialism and the reality is that China maintained a very non-aligned policy for many decades because D sha ping had made this assessment which ended up being once again an example of the Strategic patience which ended up being proven correct he said we must buy to our time said lie low and bide your time maintain a low profile because China was in a catch-up stage of Economic Development and he knew and other leaders of the Communist Party of China knew that if they poked the bear and provoked even more you know of a response from the Imperial Powers they were so weak that they could not defend themselves China can now defend itself and China is now playing a more activist role in its foreign policy China never had like a pro-imperialist foreign policy but it did have a kind of non-aligned non-interventionist foreign policy and it's still non-interventionist in the way that it doesn't you know invade countries or impose measures on them but what China is now doing is stepping up and filling a void in support of international diplomacy and peace now Russia has been doing that for many years and that goes back to the Soviet Union but this is actually a pretty new development in China people have talked about it a lot in Beijing and what we see now is you mentioned Danny this historic R pront in 2023 between Iran and Saudi Arabia this is absolutely historic in so many ways first of all it helps to stabilize the region because the US was trying to use Saudi Arabia to wage proxy war in Iran the war in Yemen which was ostensively led by Saudi Arabia but in reality it was the us behind it that was part of an attempt to try to isolate Iran by weakening some of its allies in the region and in the process hundreds of thousands of yemenis were killed this brutal War another important aspect of this in addition to stabilizing the region is of course Iran and Saudi are seeking alternatives to the US dollar so this is a way that China as well is seeking more energy security and it knows that if there's another kind of conflict that the US could try to cut Chinese Banks out of the Swift system which would make it hard to process transactions involving the dollar which would make it very difficult for China being the world's largest importer of oil and gas to purchase oil and gas in dollars would be very difficult so China's been trying to find ways to purchase oil and gas from the Gulf it's the largest customer now the largest trading partner of the gulf not the US which hasn't been for 10 years after the the Shale revolution in the US oil industry so China is dollariz its purchases of oil and gas and now Iran and Saudi are at least invited to join bricks Iran has confirmed its offer Saudi actually is once again kind of playing both sides and being very you know ambiguous they said that they were going to join and then they actually said in February that they haven't joined and they're still considering it but the point is is that China opened up all of these new political diplomatic and economic possibilities through that normalization process and it also made it clear to the forces in the region that although the resistance forces still they're very suspicious of Saudi Arabia rightfully given its historical role they can focus on the primary contradiction which is the US and Israel they don't have to focus as much on the secondary contradiction of what gusan kanaani the Palestinian revolutionary famously referred to as the reactionary Arab regimes his whole argument was that you know it's not just the Israeli regime but also Saudi the UAE you know Qatar Jordan but now what we see is that at least in the short term these other countries are because they're trying to hedge their bets and maintain an nalign foreign policy they would clearly kind of go along with with whatever side is best for them now the resistance forces don't have to divide their energy and they can focus on Israel which is what they're doing so you know there again there are these Ultra leftists who criticize China and say why isn't China just like sending a bunch of weapons to Palestine blah blah blah China is playing a particular political role that complements the role of the resistance the resistance doesn't necess neily need more Military Support they have a lot hisbah is the most powerful military in the region it's more powerful than the IDF they don't necessarily need more technology and weapons The Well of course there's the Iranian the Iranian military is the most powerful but I mean like in in the Levant region around you know and and and furthermore you as as you said earlier China's basically letting the US and Israel I mean especially Israel kind of hang itself uh with its own actions so if if China were to get front front lines involved all of a sudden it's a much larger War which becomes far worse and far more unpredictable but instead you can just sit back and watch Israel destroy their their reputation around the world yeah and I just I quick quick note here I mean there's this kind of talking point that it is a bit orientalist so I don't people say you know China they have 5,000 years of History so they don't think in the short term they think because I mean that's obviously kind of exag I don't think all of them are that old though 5,000 years exactly it's obviously a kind of orientalist but what I will say is that from my experience in different Chinese universities speaking with people in Chinese think tanks participating in conferences Chinese policy makers they really do think in the medium to the long term and that's not because they have 5,000 years of History it's because the Chinese political system is very different they don't have to focus on these very short-term policies for two and four year elections Cycles the Communist Party can actually make fiveyear plans and longterm it can use long-term strategic thinking and planning and that's what bell and road is I mean they're literally thinking 20 30 50 years in the future whereas in the US everything is about this you know four-year campaign cycle if you can raise money how many votes you can get depending on whatever this is their system is very different it actually allows them to be much more strategic it's partially the campaign cycle but it's also because the US is completely unfettered capitalist system so everything's like fiscal quarter I mean it's it's basically how can we how can we enrich ourselves in the next six months at Max they might plan a year ahead on how weapons contractors can make the most money there there's no planning in the US that ever goes 10 years ahead yeah and I think just to and just to maybe close on this um it also impacts foreign policy or you know Imperial policy because you have the United States as an Empire wanting as badly as possible to either expand or maintain uh its control and dominance over particular regions like West Asia so will'll do things like very hastily just uh arm to the teeth Israel and Israel does whatever it wants and you know now you have the United States in this very precarious position of well no one in the world likes what Israel is doing but the United States needs Israel to continue to exist in its current formation but then have Russia and China a lot of people you mentioned Ben criticisms right A lot of people criticize Russia and China especially over this very question over how it's handled its relations with Israel but I don't think what people understand is that when especially China but Russia too when they engage in these kind of diplomatic uh Maneuvers as they balance the situation they're not just thinking about well to what what's happening today as much as it might be important we all want what's happening in Gaza to stop but at the same time uh I think you know both of you have intimated that not neither are interventionists and interventionism actually worse than the situation the access of if the aess of resistance is saying interventionism is going to worsen the situation in the region then I think Russia and China are probably going to listen to them not necessarily to people who in the United States you know we have a warmongering Empire that just Slaughter ERS people in a very rapid manner yeah we want that to stop but Russia and China are looking at well how do we long-term build the bridges the roads politically and economically to ensure that we can actually get there without you know ending up in some kind of nuclear catastrophe which is the the position that both Russia and China find themselves in where where they have to think about that uh quite often and quite frequently yeah I want to make a quick Point that's related to that what you just said Denny which is um you know if you look at a map of the countries that recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization it is also the same map of the countries that it put sanctions on Russia which is it's the west and a few of its proxies I mean it's a tiny fraction of the world population and Hamas as a political movement and the governing party in Gaza has political offices which are basically kind of function as embassies in multiple countries including in Russia by the way and Hamas just participated in these diplomatic negotiations in Beijing and they participated along with other Palestinian factions like Palestinian Islamic Jihad popular front for the liberation of Palestine Etc which are recognized as so-called terrorist organizations as well by a small handful of Western countries the vast majority of countries on Earth do not recognize them as terrorist organizations and there are numerous UN General Assembly resolutions including 3535 which said very clearly which reaffirmed that the Palestinian people have a right to Armed resistance and even recently as recent as this July when the international court of justice made this historic ruling saying that Israel's occupation not only of the West Bank but also of Gaza is illegal one of the judges in his opinions in the opinion that he wrote in this ruling he also emphasized that as people under occupation the Palestinians have a right to Armed resistance he pointed out that would would be within international law right so he would say you know hostages are not included in that but attacking Israeli forces that are occupying them that is absolutely in the right of Palestinian forces under international law and Russia and China have recognized that that in fact China's legal representative said the same exact thing in the icj proceedings he pointed out that under international law the Palestinians have a right to Armed resistance so we should not forget that Russia and China when they're engaging in diplomacy with these factions in the region not only in Palestine but also Hezbollah other forces in Iraq anah and Yemen they often their relations are itical relations diplomatic relations as if they were kind of state-to-state relations so they're dealing at a level of actual diplomacy like they would be negotiating with the states of Qatar or the state of Saudi Arabia they kind of deal with these armed groups in the region so they're dealing on a fundamentally different level and ultimately China and Russia want to stabilize the region they do not want war to continue and you're absolutely right that if they were to get more directly involved in any way it would probably be World War III like no one wants World War III maybe like a few crazy warhawks in Washington and Tel Aviv but outside of them I mean people asking for like Russia and China to somehow get more directly involved it's just utopian thinking these people don't know anything about how diplomacy geopolitics military strategy works and they're they're asking for the world to be pushed into World War III which is actually what what China and Russia are doing the most as the actual adults in the room to prevent I mean the US is so irresponsible in so many ways and if if China and Russia weren't pushing back and trying to put the break on we probably would already be in World War II given how crazily hawkish everyone is in Washington I mean it's not just the Biden Administration it's almost all of the Republicans it's Trump it's most of the democratic party almost all the Democrats I mean 95% of people in Washington are basically pushing the world toward World War III and and China and Russia are doing everything they can to tr try to put the break on thank you for tuning in to my latest video I appreciate all of your support this channel however needs your help I am seeking to make this channel more sustainable in the long term and upgrade necessary equipment to ensure that this work continues onward and makes progress to give you all of the geopolitical analysis that you all deserve for that reason I'm asking you to become a member of my patreon community at patreon.com danany high Fong you can find that link in the video description or in the pinned comment below for whatever amount you choose to give just know you are supporting Independent Media that you can't find anywhere else thank you so much and I look forward to the next video [Music] [Music]

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