Category: Autos & Vehicles
Oh stupid what's up guys you're watching another video we have made it back to the bmw dealership we're about to pick up the f80 cs already thank god bro they finished it overnight literally getting it back the next day shout out to them if you guys remember yesterday's vlog we dropped off the f80 here... Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
E [music] hi everyone welcome to another episode of sunday morning drives today i'm going to share with you a very very special vehicle this is a porsche 964 generation 911 from the early '90s that has been converted into a rwb this car was originally the kera 2964 which is a rear wheeel drive car with... Read more
Category: Sports
E [music] [music] oh boy hi everybody bit bit of a different setting tonight let's just change that a little bit it's it's a weird weird week for me i'm on the road appreciate you guys coming in how do i sound am i coming in good um we are we are on um yeah f in the chat for the creed fans i i apologize... Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
So aston martin have announced the new aston martin vanquish um a follow on from the wonderful but compromised aston martin dbs the aston martin vanquish keeps the formula the same in some areas such as the twin turbocharged v12 engine um this time putting out 600 600 sorry 835 horsepower and 1,000... Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Bmw m6 друзі всім привіт сьогодні ождаємо дуже ексклюзивний автомобіль на огляд до нас зараз має приїхати машина котра випущена була в 2007 році це bmw bmw м6 це п'ятикілограмовий двигун це v10 тоді в 2007 дуже у багатьох людей не вистачило коштів по-перше коштів доторкнутися до цього автомобіля а друге... Read more
Category: Sports
E [music] [music] how we feeling do i sound good i know we had problems last night how we feeling tonight guys uh we we happy with that race are we are we unhappy with it uh how are we are why for yes and for no are you happy with the finish i'm very interested to see where we all we all land on this... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hakka so data to us all i can do this all day i can do this all night all mom for my whole entire life who you know get a home but see me live on the road looks like the black band applause what's up you guys decreasing here so we're actually in the zurich train station we're about to head out to munich... Read more
Category: Sports
E [music] [music] good evening welcome on in everybody damn jeff burton got down there quick i just so i'm a little behind so it just got back from commercial for me damn i was uh i know he just left the booth but i i didn't realize if i knew that it was like you can get down there in 5 minutes flat... Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
[musique] la famille les amis bonjour j'espère que vous allez bien on se retrouve aujourd'hui pour une aberrante vidéo que je suis super content de vous faire alors aujourd'hui comme vous avez pu le constater on est mardi on n'est pas samedi pourquoi je vous poste cette vidéo le mardi parce que justement... Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
[संगीत] में तो bmw's व्हाई m5 को सुपर कार किलर भी कहा जाता है लेकिन क्या आपको पता है कि इस m5 की शुरुआत कब और कैसे हुई जिसका क्रेज आज नेक्स्ट लेवल पर है एंड साथ ही क्या आपको यह पता है कि bmw525d m5 के बारे में बात करते हैं इट वि अ बूट ट द बैक स्पेस फ फाइव बिजनेस इन द मिडल एंड ए मसली पाफ एजन एट द फ्रंट ट्स द मेन थिंग अबाउ ए m5 इट [संगीत] तो मिड 1980 के टाइम bmw530d आती थी जिसमें डिसेंट पावर मिलती थी लेकिन... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] yeah i think fans are going to be really shocked it's very sad so ged what the you want to know who gets killed in season 4 gary we need you in here makeup sorry well you never expect any of to die but in each season someone goes and it comes out of the blue um i heard from some of the other... Read more