lovely day out here today what's good YouTube it's your boy s Ry come back to you boys and girls with another POV video as y'all can see man the car is clean finally and there is a helicopter flying over me of course it's always a helicopter flying around in this city as you can see there's like minimum brake pad dust on the uh front now because I now have I sweep pads on the front and the rears and I just got this tire replaced as well so that tire doesn't have a bubble in it no more this video going to be special cuz it's my 10,000 subscriber special I just want to say thank you guys thank all of my subscribers thank all of my supporters if you follow me or subscribe it don't matter whether you just watched throughout the entire video and said nothing I just want to say thank you but uh yeah this going to be my special I don't really know what I'm going to do too much I'm going to give youall a little some some little spicy it's going to get lit but we in the city right now and it's in the afternoon but we going to just get to this POV man but before we get to this POV though how's everybody day has been hopefully everybody day has been solid I pray everybody been having a great week if you haven't hopefully my upload Cher your day up and makes everything better for you hopefully you know I provide some inspiration to you for those of you who would like a car like this one day or like this specific car I've been seeing a lot of people say that they that I've like influenced them to get the M5 and I would just like to say I'm thankful for uh I'm thankful for you telling me and I'm thankful for being an influence for the f90 I've had like four people tell me that so far so you guys let me know whenever y'all get y' cars and uh I would love to see if y'all loving it or not but let's get to it man enough talking trying to see what the road looking like I don't even know like where I'm at but I do know the highway I want to get on we going to go over here had the windows down for y'all get the car a little bit better I don't know if I'm in a turn lane or not I'm probably not in a turn lane and my car is like super dirty oh we can go my car is like super dirty right now cuz I ate a lot of food in here it ain't too bad and my steering wheel is also dirty too oh yeah also for this video I'm going to have that V true off because that is tripping I got to see what's to it if they keep doing that I'll just end up getting a new one not going to lie cuz I don't got time for uh any fuckups with that but yeah before this video I ended up getting pulled over bro pulled me over for my window 10 bro that's crazy I'm like yo why you got to get me though cop was cool but you can tell he was just like a cop I don't know how to explain it or bro was just tired as bro just did not seem like he wanted to pull me over it was what it was though it's 86 out here let me put my phones in a secure spot I don't need to put that phone anywhere bro is listening to that this is what you get when you move to the city get a buttload of traffic I know y'all probably wondering to yourselves like damn R what the Tik toks and Instagram reals bro like what's going on bro bro they coming soon I just like took a break from them bro like I don't know why I just took a break just know when I come back like it's really going to be that like y'all know how I get I'm really him when it comes to those uh those shorts I just realized my tire pressure is higher on one side than the other oh brother at least got a bubble though that's way better and the ride feels smoother I'm wind these windows up this traffic is not it bro is bro is merging onto the highway at 26 mph what the no way yo I got to disappear hold on that was enough I've had way too much I don't know if I'm really do too much talking in this video I mean I may not it just depends on how I feel I'm kind of like with the V8 soundtrack right now I love this it never gets old bro I am going to slow down right here though usually always a cop right here don't tell me this backed up bro no way no way how how long is it backed up it doesn't even say jeez too much traffic I know it'll free up eventually cuz this is uh 400 they probably trying to get off at the uh other exit I don't remember the exact number for it I got to get like a new cushion for my like GoPro Mount cuz it's like this hurts my head whenever it's on like I don't know how to explain it and it's not even like something you can like tighten or untighten is just always tight everybody be saying the car sounds like a fighter jet bro not going to lie this actually do sound like a fighter jet no I did not mean to cut them off like that the turbo spooling sh actually do sound like a fighter jet but there's no traffic up there the what is going on why is there so much back here I had to get out of that I'm not going to lie a modification I really want for my car like over every other mod is those um dining strut I think they're called like strut links they reduce body roll bro those shits oh my God this car with no body roll cuz the car like it already doesn't have a lot with the springs on but with those bro I just know it'll be way better there's a police up here oh God no y I hear that like rattling bro that is literally my exhaust vibrating against the plate I got to fix that bro keeps happening cuz I keep going over that I'm not supposed to I'm going to get back to y'all whenever I get out of this traffic cuz this is boring all right guys um we're going to try something new my GoPro is literally on the charger by the way I don't know if you can see this little line we're going we're going to record with this on the charger because I literally don't want to to die my GoPro was at 6 oh look at that but my GoPro was at 60% whenever I um turn it on the first time I don't know why it's so low now probably got too hot and literally fried itself but hey it is what it is everybody going the same speed over here there's nowhere to really go ch this Lane the fast lane the Speedy boy Lane I seen like two people say for your uh 10,000 special video you do like a sliding every corner bro tires are expensive especially the ones I got on the rears bro and I like kind of told myself a long time ago like I I quit that slide and because I don't know it really just with the car I know a lot of y'all might say oh well a BMW is kind of like built for it yeah n I'll pass for now at least I just got some fresh new tires I don't want to have to get a more soon so I'm just uh chilling out on the sliding part where do I go from here I can hit that lane I can hit that lane I can't hit that lane this dude is slowing all the way down really I could have made it through all that if I went over there beforehand but I just wasn't quick enough sometimes you miss your window of opportunity whoa the is going on here I hate hitting bumps while I'm like gasing it bro just makes the car tweak the out there's a lot of people like doing this today like I don't know this is like the third time this happened it's like regulating speed at this point we can make that I don't want to be in any traffic I'm spinning like right now what the spinning ain't winning we go this way keep we going I know exactly where I am this area would be kind of like hectic too no B what the freak going on man make sure you subscribe make sure you like the video make sure you know what's up with it you know what I'm saying yes sir all right y'all it's a little bit later in the day I came out at night time cuz earlier was complete garbage in terms of traffic and stuff so here we [Music] are it's kind of police everywhere I'm not going to lie but I'm going to make this interesting for y'all trying not to get on nobody's like radar I was heading towards the city and then I just got hit by a c b so I'm like hell no I'm going just stay away from that side for now I'm just stay over here yeah that's what we going to do [Music] going make our way to [Music] 285 so many people be spotting me bro like I get spotted every time I come out the house now that's the price you pay I guess but it's okay though like it doesn't really bother me it's always cool meeting uh new people not going to lie I think this strip has like hella speed cameras on it so I'm going to like chill out for a second down there it says 71 on my uh thermostat so it's getting colder out here which is a good thing for the cars I've been waiting for it to get colder for a minute now damn this this strip this this dead at this time of night what the freak I want to go west that's gondo I'm going be using the paddles this entire time for y'all I know this car like the back of my head at this point it's gotten so bad I've literally studied the RPMs to where to where the smoothest down shifts are and where the smoothest up shifts are I could have ran that but I rather not be a criminal [Music] that left lane over there moving left laner what is this let's play a guessing game is it Audi looks like an electric Audi I don't know uh I doubt that's Audi it's definitely little electric though bro got out of my way for that's my exit right there I almost missed it that would have took way longer while we're here I might as well spit a few words of uh positivity while I'm at it I ain't going to try to like get yall no fake advice or nothing like that I'm going just keep it a ban just keep it a buck with everybody here no matter what you do if it's something that you really really really want to do and actually want to see yourself doing for quite some time I always put your all into it because if you do that you're already like ahead of damn near everybody else who doing it too and if it's something that people aren't doing just make sure you stand out from the rest also it's always going to be a hater no matter what no matter what you do bro it's always is going to be a hater never let that get to your head and to be honest you literally just Zone the out and like I do I literally block them just keep moving don't pay any M they just want a reaction bro don't give it to him this highway lowy sketchy right now there a police P up there and I legit don't see the police I mean I know he's around the corner but it's like oh no it's too empty for me there he is got some somebody not us though speed it up for y'all damn I got to come up with something a little bit more interesting although this is the 10,000 subscriber special I already told yall like I'm not sliding my car and right now I got to figure something out for what would be interesting for y'all like besides sliding sliding is like horrible for the car oh be something interesting for y'all besides this cuz this low key like like class for real bro my car feels so planted with this new tire on and I'm not going around that big ass truck I don't know what the he has on the back of it looks crazy though oh there a police up here oh it's right there sometimes you got to keep it chill you just got to keep it chill sometimes over here I slick don't want to Max it out cuz it's kind of like dead right now yeah tomorrow should be more promising it's probably just cuz it's a weekday you know everybody just going in late nobody driving right now but you already know what it is for us we outside for real we never inside come on now but yeah that's pretty much going to wrap up this video y'all yeah it's like to dead right now highway is just empty and there's more to driving than just speeding so I rather do it with someone else I thank you guys for watching this far if you did if you like this video make sure to smash that like button smash that subscribe Button as well don't forget to comment down below if you like the interact to me as well and don't forget to hit that notification Bell as well if you don't miss an upload just like this one and that's pretty much going to be it for this video guys I'll catch you guys in the next peace

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