Preparing For The HIDDEN STATION | SAVE OUR STATION In 100 Days (8)

hi guys and welcome back to day 71 to 80 of our save our station 100 day run but before we do jump into today's video if you did enjoy my content and want to support the Channel please do consider going down and subscribing now as it does help massively or maybe drop a like and a comment instead thanks guys now let's get on with the video okay guys we are back day 71 9:00 not a bad time to wake up we'll catch the broadcast at 10: so I think in these 10 what we're going to do is we're going to head to these other stations but first what we need to do is actually add some modifications to the car I think we're going to need some is it metal pipes or something so we'll probably do that today uh we have one metal bar so yeah we're going to need more we'll probably be able to find some I need to check what it is we need to put some Hood protection on there doubt we're going to find chains but that's fine for the tires so we'll just take the hood protection Al that is the main issue we're having so yeah we don't want another repeat of when we actually had to save the station make a quick salad up lovely stuff let's get that in us there we go right let's go and have a look actually let's take the propane and everything over shall we we may as well wait for the broadcast over here on this radio all right what we got then air activity detected that's fine system Integrity how are we looking no ISS she's detected nice nice okay right let's kind have a look what we actually need on the car what we need to repair it now there's probably some pipes and bars in in these cuz didn't we dismantle a load of uh okay um there's nothing in there I don't know if we're going to be able to find some maybe we go over the uh over the road there maybe we find some in here I don't know but let's have a look at the ram the Dodge Ram see how it's looking okay so we just need suspension and a couple of tires maybe three tires I'd say sorry a brake pad suspension and a couple of tires okay what do we need to add some protection oh we need metal working for so doesn't look like we'll be doing that um okay right well let's that's a bit annoying actually all right well we'll take the propane no we're probably not going to have enough space are we let's get all of this out uh we probably will have space let's let's take it we can Dismount some stuff along the way there oh that was lucky because we don't have our have we read that map yeah we don't have our oh no did we leave our stuff in the Humvee oh we did oh no oh no that's not good um okay well well well we're going to have some problems here then aren't we okay doesn't look like we'll be repairing the uh repairing the van unless we can find a Jack and a lug wrench somewhere uh we will take our battery though cuz that is in better condition than our current one so we can changeed it with just a screwdriver so that's something just check the back of these cars is there not ah yes okay here we go I thought there might be one up here I remember seeing one but that's a bloody result then isn't it okay let's strip this for parts there then uh well maybe not actually we'll take the tire that tire is not the best we can find a b one let's go and drop all change this stuff over so we're not carrying around such a heavy load oh we do have a plane flying over not too worried okay let's change this brake pad and the suspension did we get the suspension oh I hear a zombie we're overweight we're tired oh no oh leave me alone leave me alone oh there's mple oh we are very tired get in the car rest okay that looks like it let's just get these other bloody tires on okay one more Tire let's just rest in this car quick and surely one down here will be okay uh yeah 78 we'll take that all right that's all repaired wait did we we had a new battery as well didn't we yeah there we go happy days now we'll keep one of these tires in the car what's this 54 we got the space we may as well we'll keep this stuff in there as well okay that's looking good looking good we think we need to get some fuel for it but that's fine we'll do that actually let's just do that for the rest of the day with these uh gas cans oh there's a tire pump there should probably actually look at putting the uh pump in the tires okay that's the fuel refilled and the gas can with fuel in it let's get the tire pump beans we are here and just do that cuz we have changed the tires yeah look 23 out of 35 okay that's all done Happy Days yeah so tomorrow I think we will set off um back out of of Louisville oh it's probably going to be rough cuz oh where the hell did this bastard come from hey oh oh they're all in my house I didn't close my door I hope they broke the door down any more in there oh they have broke my door Ah that's not good is it oh right well we need bloody hinges and stuff can we get them from the fence okay we got the hinges ah you know what we might not be able to get door knobs from here though we're going to have to go over to one of the houses over here the buildings that's fine though ah there's one here actually see we can get some wood planks problem is our cometry is not high at all I haven't actually done anything with it this run need two more planks there we go right we can make a door oh you are joking you need carpentry free oh what oh god oh we can actually train carpentry though I'm going to have to you know oh that's a jump for tomorrow okay we're going to have to put this on hold for a couple days and our cabbage is ready okay we will wait we will put on hold going to the other stations for now because yeah this is kind of an emergency am I even going to be all right oh and I broke my crate here as well oh we had oh there's the door knobs oh you bastards okay well this is not ideal not at all I tell you what we'll do tonight take a crate and put that in front it'll do but yeah we'll have a couple of days we'll read carpentry that kind of thing yeah we need a Bloody door let's just put that there for now okay well hopefully we'll be safe for the night okay Day 72 looks like we have survived which is nice uh yeah that was uh well wow let's put all this stuff we'll move the fortune cookie in there uh it's just this stuff really ah what we will do as well we will look at repairing the generator we have it to fill it up yeah 55% there we go 100% turn that bastard on there we go put the flares in there put a out bar in there let's put all these flyers in there as well all right we are going to read carpentry because we may as well if we're going to do some carpentry all right let's read it and then we should be able to train it I think okay that's carpentry red that is good let's throw that in the bin what we're going to use is the actual bin to protect us because we filled our crate up let's just pop that down I think a bin stops zombies Walking I hope it doesn't break our bin if they come over here yeah look okay well that's fine then yeah tomorrow we will go and train carpentry okay day 73 we have survived the night which is good we we haven't actually checked the broadcast lately have we we've been too busy trying to bloody secure our base right let's go train carpentry down at the scrap wood down in these this building over here yeah it's a little bit cheesy using the train carpentry mod but you know what I left it on so we may as well use it oh or did I um oh train carpentry here we go okay so we got to level three we may as well push it to level four AR we okay there we go level four we have it that's fine okay that's good that's good can actually repair our door now it didn't take too long is a good mod like I say it could be a little bit cheesy because but then you need the scrap wood to do it so it kind of balances out maybe but anyway we needed a door so right wooden door it's a rack of the old thing but desperate times and all that there we go okay now what I'm actually thinking we do now then is possibly go down to the let me just bring the map up here go down to here and dismantle some car cuz then it'll make our lives easier and also get us a level in metal working hopefully and then we can put some protection on the car when we do head out that might not be a bad idea I mean we don't need that well we need what 3/4s of a level and also I feel these cabbage are going to be ready soon so I don't really want to go out too far so yeah I think I think we'll do that grab ourselves a quick salad what we got in here oh not got that much in there let's open I don't know some broccoli some carrots check them in the fridge uh some Tomatoes as well I guess I mean we got so many and we're going to have so much cabbage coming in soon as well look at that then how are our calories 77 that's absolutely fine yeah tomorrow down to the intersection all right day 74 oh it's 11:00 let's catch the broadcast let's turn that on quick okay communicate temporary communication failure blah blah blah what else we got going on here oh we got a helicopter just G straight over that's fine light fog tomorrow Personnel order blah blah blah blah any problems with the broadcast loot Runner heading out roast system Integrity condition nominal okay that's fine all right well let's get down to that uh Crossroads there intersection whatever get that out let's make a quick salad actually we have an M CU we're down to 76 health so uh 76 weight sorry all right there's the m is that let's see another one there we go we're gaining weight a little bit I'm going to leave the door open because I don't want to be ah being broken down again look at these bastards okay that looks like it we need to keep an eye out for a for more knives as well oh there's one over here look at this guy do we take the little Runner down there I think we do you know because it doesn't really matter if it gets a bit banged up yeah let's do it there's probably going to be a lot of zombies down down here but well I think we'll be okay as long as we don't fly into a lamp poost actually pretty quiet down here they must have wandered away I ain't complaining oh there's more coming now okay now is this a propane truck I think it might be but I think you need a propane tank to uh to get it out but we we'll uh we'll see how far this gets we should have probably brought a propane tank down with us all right let's see how far we get this man before we get swarmed definitely got a lot of uh pipes and bars I can't remember if it's bars or pipes we need let's let's check on this car oh it's pipes and bars okay okay so we are pretty low on fuel now I know someone in the comments did say that there is quite a few propane barbecues down by the checkpoint but we're not quite at the checkpoint are we so yeah we're out of we're out of propane oh jeez I didn't see him there blood oh no and I've just shouted fat fer it oh no that's not good um oh I don't look too bad actually how far off a level are we oh quite a bit propane in the back here no there's a generator down there well this is a lot better to get through now definitely I it's not perfect but just have a little Wonder see if there is a barbecue anywhere oh there's a lot of zombies down there uh let's check the back of these cars you never know can we not fill up from this this thing here I know I had a problem with it before I think oh look at all these bastards come on you bastards oh Nimble up nice oh a cever from what Mod's that from madx okay well we will actually take that there we go lovely oh can we actually fill up from here no we can siphon gas that's not what I want no I don't know I don't think we can you know don't think there is anything in this anyway okay right well let's head back anyway there is some cars a bit further up the road close to our base where we can oh that's not our car where we can get the last um bit of the level I think all right we've made it home now do we actually have a propane tank I'm sure we do somewhere don't we pretty sure we do did I pick one up yes here we go okay so that's all refueled so tomorrow we should definitely be able to get that next level let's put our gas mask on we don't only get corpse sickness cabbage still isn't ready but I think in a few days it will be but oh helicopter it's get inside oh it's passed that's fine yeah so we should be able to get the oh no it's back we should be able to get the metal work in tomorrow hopefully this will be done in a day or two as well all right day 75 we are a little bit low on the weight still so let's get another m in US you're getting low on MREs but that's fine it's fine there we go right let's wait around till 10 to catch the broadcast all right here we go what we got very thick fog tomorrow by the looks of it air activity detect that's fine broadcast system Integrity infrastructure stable all right let's go and dismantle some cars and we filled our propane up that should do us we've got a worlding mass let's go we'll take the Banger why the hell not oh look at this wow okay where the hell did all these bastards come from now we can get down there and Dismount some cars okay here we are this will do let's cut these bastards out ah bloody hell we've got to couple of close calls already today okay if we go down this side if we clear this side that should work okay let's do it oh you are kidding me you are kidding me we are so close to the next level and We've ran out of propane ah okay well we should be able to get it by just dismantling some of them uh Lockers in one of the tents near us at least we have cleared this out we have a lot of pipes and B bars and stuff so actually let's grab some more bars there we go so we could do two lots of protection now all right we are home let's oh no they haven't smashed oh no I thought they smashed our door again right we are home let's fill up the propane we'll go and do the lockers now oh no no no don't tell me we don't oh we don't have any oh no we are so close was there not one around here I don't remember seeing one I feel we would have picked the propane up if there was now there is an air drop here have we been in this one no I don't think we really need anything more from it I can't believe that we're going to have to go on the hunt for a bloody barbecue now aren't we go it's very overgrown in there now yeah no there isn't one is there okay that's fine we will go over to the houses across from us then I think hopefully find a Barbie in there that is very annoying none of these got bloody propane in no they would but it worth checking all right that's fine that's fine tomorrow then what we'll do is we'll probably walk down to these houses there's got to be some over here surely there's got to be a bloody barbecue there somewhere but that is a job for tomorrow we can actually leave the propane and the G and the propane mask there that's fine yeah okay we still got still got stuff to do there's uh no rest for the wicked wait a minute where's our gas mask there it is still on the floor jeez yeah that's the plan for tomorrow then okay day seven 6 we have awful bloody oh wow this is yeah this is awful it's fine now let's make a quick salad up ah leveling cooking right we need to read the next cooking as well maybe we can get to level 10 cooking anyway we're going to go over on foot to them houses hopefully find a propane tank and go from there ready this fog is absolutely awful though I cannot see anything I can hear zombies I just oh I see them here oh look how overgrown it is everywhere oh bloody hell I cannot see anything ah just give me a barbecue that's all I want at least we can see the fences here oh there is a lot around here I don't like this they're surrounding us okay I think we need to wait till this fog passes cuz I cannot see anything okay so the fog has passed which is nice so we can actually oh I see a barbecue but it's it's a normal one not a propane one there's got to be one back here hasn't there somewhere one of these bastards has got to have one there's not even any garages for us to check either we got one from over there I think originally didn't we oh I see one I see one down here oh amazing can't put in on Alice Pack ohz we've got oh I forgot we got all this on us oh God right we got to be careful going home now then hopefully it's pretty clear uh or not right got to watch our endurance as well it is taking our endurance down oh God there is a lot there all right let's Crouch FR oh no no no no this is not good this is not we got to kill him we got to get rid of that we got to kill him a no we're tired okay we got them by the looks most of them anyway okay we are at full endurance so that's good let's grab this we not go in somewhere else like no um okay oh bloody hell they're just everywhere okay we made it to the truck let's just get rid of all these this pipes and bars and Jesus get out of it you bastard okay okay we're fine we're fine okay let's fill this up refill propane torch there we go is that empty already yeah empties it out okay well we'll keep hold of it that is full now though so that's fine so that is the job for tomorrow cuz we're very EX exhausted we're going to be tired soon let's just rest to get our energy back yeah so that's the job our dismantle well get to that next level of metal working and then we can finally put some protection on our car I think all right day 77 we are Safe and Sound by the looks we got rain oh we better get the uh umbrella AR we oh we're woken up quite late it's 12:00 let's uh get the broadcast on just to see all right any load loot Runner heading out that's fine broadcast is some Integrity operating with parameters all right well let's go and dismantle the lockers hopefully that'll get us the next level think I saw them in this one yeah here we go oh and there we go we literally needed one tiny bit of experience wow okay right well let's go and put the protection on the car then wish we had some chains for the wheels but they are quite rare chains in my experience anyway okay let's put some Hood protect a you are kidding me we don't have screws oh God where the hell can we get screws from oh no I didn't think this through did I don't actually know where we could get screws from maybe the desk Oh I thought I was screws there what the hell gives you screws isn't it like what the hell gives you screws is it a fence actually maybe a trough can't dismantle it no oh that is so annoying okay well we what the hell gives you screws I mean a lot of things IRL would give you oh to these maybe maybe it's metal things let's dis matter we got to be careful of the propane though no we got nothing from that do we not do we not have a box of screws we should probably check that let's just see if one of these gives us screws first oh using on no no that didn't give us any screws okay we got to be careful with our uh oh taking your M oh military backpack Ranger 39 90 uh you won't be able to add attachment s will you this one's better let's go and see if we got a box of screws it is something that I would pick up I think and I kind of vaguely remember picking some up but I don't know definitely not in there come on screws oh no we don't oh wait a minute what about in here no we don't ah and we could probably find them in a hardware store but where the hell's the uh wait can you get them off of fences I got a feeling you can no Nails damn it yeah we could probably get some from a hardware SW but I don't really want to go try and find a blood hardware store in Louisville see none of these crates have anything in them oh oh okay these do got Nails we don't we'll take the lighter we don't want Nails we want screws come on be good to us be good to us paper oh can we make screws out of like paper clips or something no okay let's just go around looking in uh crates then oh this has got some hardw stuff no just armor nothing in here it's not like a little maintenance shed or something around here no hm back of trucks maybe well what we might have to do then is just go out without the protection it's is so annoying cuz we spent all this time getting the metal working up only for us to not actually be able to put the protection on very annoying okay well yeah there we go doesn't look like we're out in protection that is so bloody annoying I should have checked I mean I I always have screws well obviously not but oh he had a knife in him it is short blunt bolo knife okay we'll take it oh let's get back anyway it is what it is there's nothing we can really do about it um it is what it is I suppose there's nothing we can really do about it tomorrow we are going to read car uh cooking though I think and hopefully these cabbage will nly be done okay day 78 actually do we even have yes we do have cooking five there we go okay right let's uh oh we got a helicopter that's fine let's get reading this cooking get it done I want to max out cooking actually it looks like the cabbage is done as well so we will harvest that today we never got a bloody chest freezer either I forgot we needed that oh well okay so we just finished cooking five and it's 20 to 2 so we are up a little bit late but it's fine it's fine let make a quick salad I think tomorrow we'll actually Harvest all the Cabbage it should be fine for another day well overnight so that's fine okay day 79 we have Bloody awoken now are we going to have enough space for this cabbage I don't know we will soon find now I suppose okay let's pop that seeds in there we have so many seeds we got8 cabbage I don't know if we're uh we're going to get through it all we can't put any in the freezer by the looks of it and we can't put any more stuff in the fridge okay well looks like it's going there what we will do though is change the autoc cook to freshness oh actually look you need more proteins so I'm guessing freshest will use the oldest stuff first first I'm guessing that's the way I'm reading it anyway oh this water dispenser is out of water that's fine because there is so many around here we will put this one in we've just eaten about six salads it looks like you can just keep eating salads full to bursting look we can still eat so we've actually probably got through yeah a lot of the veg okay well there you go right what I do want to do then is actually load the truck up with the metal working stuff because we'll probably have to do that while we're out and about we'll take the small sheetss as well cuz we can repair the hood in the meantime if we need to there we go look at that get out of it you bastard so yeah that is ready to go 107 out of 114 so we're at our limit with that it's fine though oh look at these bastards they just they do wander around a lot I like it I like the wandering mod you never be too safe you always got to be on your toes let's just have a little walk around see if we can see if any of these cars do have screws in them I mean what are these little security checkpoints maybe uh no they're little cash registers now this truck could uh no oh what the hell is is that a propane truck there is that nails or screws Nails it's have a look in this maybe I don't have the uh the mod on that lets you actually take stuff from it's not saying there's anything in there no there's definitely no screws around what about these buildings up here these green ones let's go and investigate can't remember what they were I think they were restaurants weren't they let's go another butches anyway you never know oh it was the car place wasn't it use cars maybe just maybe pre-owned cars yeah I don't think there was any mechanic stuff in there there was there but we'll have a look yeah no there wasn't nothing in here was there no okay there's a lot of ammo in here is this a toilet yeah uh we got a propane we would actually take that that's nice oh no there is a lot of zombies up there we're going we're going we'll be fine what we'll do is we'll just go when we do set off probably in the next 10 now we will just take the car as is and we'll we'll stop off at a hardware store somewhere maybe in West Point maybe I'd rather get the protection on sooner rather than later these bastards hiding here get that out of here all right where's our welding mask oh we're wearing it all right that's all in there Happy Days ready to go so yeah they're stuck up on smokes as well before I forget what did I do with the cigarettes there they are 26 we are quite low on cigarettes 43 okay day 80 we're very hungry we got horrible rain let's get our umbrella oh come on equip it don't need the propane T let's check that in there we'll read this magazine there we go right we'll make ourselves a lovely salad means we have so much oh we have a salad okay we got so much bloody veg right let's catch the 10:00 broadcast let's have a smoke while we're waiting as well right how are we looking there wasn't anything or did I miss it oh we may have to repair the station let's wait around for the 11:00 one okay what what we got nothing okay let's fast forward a little bit okay we cannot miss it this time we're a bit bored let's read a magazine I may have been fast forward in just a little bit past it then maybe we've had interference outage restored initializing systems okay so I guess it was a blackout like a interference one okay that's fine that's fine so there may be a breakdown coming then possibly but I think what we'll do for the next 10 and possibly the 10 so the last 20 we will get down to these other stations yeah so the first thing we'll do is head down a mold we'll go this way down here well we'll stop off at West Point try and find some screws possibly depending on how busy it is and what condition the car's in we'll come down in MRA check out that station then go to Rosewood then go to the Zulu one the secret one and then we'll have to get back to day 100 to get the extraction so yeah I think we can do all that in 20 days but we're probably not going to start that today that will be in the next 10 we'll attempt all of that so we're probably going to leave it there for this episode so thanks so much for watching I hope you have enjoyed it and I will see you in the next one cheers just want to a massive thank you to all of our YouTube members but a big shout out to everyone on the shambler tier knife Rob Jones 309 Bas head Akuna whiskey mcdaddy tool Killer Mike 84 Roy fart Brandon nigas Mr Pickman Cy 34 and Austin thanks guys really appreciate it

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