I Spent 100 Days in Radioactive Chernobyl in Hardcore Minecraft... Here's What Happened

this is a mutated cow hey that right there that is a giant mutant frog with a very long tongue longer than you would ever believe that thing I have no idea with that thing is no one knows yeah that's just a ordinary fly don't don't worry about the fact that there's a group of them flying in one specific Direction I'm sure that won't be a problem and all of these things are in Chernobyl I had a very large map built Loosely based off of the real place oh that that is the sarcophagus surrounding the reactor it's also surrounding a horrifying creature hi I don't want to go in there hey look just giant Ferris wheel a lot a lot nicer than the spooky sarcophagus got the hotel oh home to a bunch of zombified stalkers room to room you can go see him it's good hey this building I don't know the name of it but look there's a lot of crazy stuff in there this is not a safe place besides the mutant Beast there's also anomalies okay okay hey there's also radiation make sure you put it on a radiation suit otherwise you're gonna die very quickly the major and make sure it's sealed good over the next 100 days not only am I going to survive here in Chernobyl but I'm also going to build an underground laboratory where I will capture and study many of these mutant creatures and this time I'm bringing three items with me number one potatoes I'm a man who gets very hungry and I'm going to be honest I I don't know if they put food on the map number two name tags so that I can capture these mutant creatures and have them not despawn and number three and this one's the most important a flashlight because it gets pitch black there I need to be able to see what's going on okay here we go 100 days Chernobyl [Music] okay all right so I spawned outside of a small village this tiny little nice looking Village in the irradiated forest and against my better judgment I decided hey you know what let's just go in there right now with no weapons nothing just me and my potatoes and flashlight oh good oh look at this another explosion went off right there [Music] the best thing he's a flashlight oh perfect rain already if I wanted to go into the Zone I was going to need a radiation suit to protect me and these small villages should have the resources I need to make it problem was I didn't know it was in these Villages for all I know there could be a mutant man standing in any one of these buildings waiting to I don't know slap me with a tentacle or something I don't know but I had to loot them to try to find the stuff I need to build a suit you know what it is all good I got this little flashlight to shine it on anyone who's hiding in here oh I just I went from building to building looking for supplies to make the suit and I wasn't really finding anything besides food which honestly you know it's good to get the food okay I'm not going to be upset about that but yeah oh yes [Music] head up cow in the building I always struggle with food in these things I always end up eating like raw flesh and uh this time I thought you know what I'm gonna be a man with higher standards not eating any raw flesh at any point in this video and if I do you know what call me call me the fleshman shut up we're not doing or I'm not doing this right now all right just focus on the script anyways going building the building to make the right radiation suit I needed a wool it's a regular old wool uh well no no not regular old wool it needs to be yellow wool and black wool uh so that's what I was looking for I did not find it didn't find any I'm sure there was wolf somewhere on a building that I was just an idiot didn't look at but I didn't find it in a chest and I got tunnel vision I could only look in chess for some reason anyway so I sealed off a building because I knew that night time was coming and well I wasn't in the mood for whatever was going to be coming at night who knows who knows what was the plan anyway so I I started mining after I got this thing sealed up and uh sure enough I found some weird stuff in the mine what is that [Music] what a plate when I came back up it was Pitch blackout my man could see absolutely nothing but the inside of my little house here uh was dimly lit by the furnace and the flickering of my torches it was actually kind of a very cozy first night in the zone let's just promptly ruined when this house was absolutely swarmed by giant mutated half spiders to half pigs what is that what is that what is that what is that [Music] oh my God okay okay oh my God oh my God my entire building is covering these things look at this I spent the rest of the night and a good chunk of the next day mining finding more iron and eventually making an iron sword once I was taken care of I needed to find a way out of this situation A man in the house swarmed by you know spider pigs you know what do you do in this situation okay okay so I'm coming over there that's awesome [Music] [Music] I don't why are they so big that's the thing can you get them in there somehow why why how many of them is there well I went back into the mine and I slept I kept Mining and eventually I dug a hole up to the surface I felt like a groundhog poking his head out taking a peek to see what's going on what is that oh why would I even write that that makes no sense there's no groundhog it doesn't matter they're the sweaters oh the g-spawn all right I'm free hey I thought that was gonna be way longer what is that what is that what is that you know what they say when a man digs himself out of the ground expecting to see about 200 half spiders half pigs only and only sees a single mutated Beast that is a man with peace in his heart what is his script this time what what is this that doesn't even make that makes note okay you know what it doesn't I looked around the town all day looting more and finding stuff to take back with me before I slept again and in the morning of day four I packed up all my stuff and thought okay you know what I have absolutely done with this town any town that has giant spider pigs crawling around is a town you do not want to be in as little as I know that is absolutely smallest of the concerns of the Beast that I'd be seeing so I grabbed all my stuff and uh I hit the road started started walking walking deeper into the Zone I climbed a small hill and I found some sort of weird cow what's up oh oh use my spy gloss [Music] or radio tower put on some pigs Okay so [Music] is that even hurting him it's doing nothing the boat the boat was doing nothing she's just nothing just jump I had time for me did you know what there's no point in going there just leave it's still coming what was this place you need more of those things in here I don't see them destroy this destroy this right now oh beautiful okay [Music] oh my God foreign [Music] it jumped over the wall and it followed me off [Music] how high can it jump [Music] what do I even do here there's an anvil here on chest Infinity plus the bow I have right now [Music] oh Robert was the one who did the loot thank you thank you Robert I'm not going down there I almost forgot Bucky climbed he climbed the ladder foreign [Music] but you know what's scarier than a creature like that caught at a subscription checkpoint like this and not being subscribed to a man like me because oh yeah trust me I don't want to be a man like that I want to be a man who is subscribed and the man who leaves a like on this video and leave the comments saying wow think thank you I got through that that subscription checkpoint as a subscribed man all right so see you later Sean what okay I'll see you later I'm going now I enjoy the video hey you ever seen that movie it follows it's uh it's a movie about this like uh creature you know follows people around can't get this thing to stop following you no matter what always follows you it is very slowly but it's always there coming for you anyways like 30 seconds into that movie I figured out how to survive absolutely no problem you just trap the thing in a shipping container let the man walk in close the door problem solved hey hey [Music] Okay I uh [Music] I'm gonna be honest I thought the bow was not damaging him and I was gonna oh looks like I would have died because this is all oh it was full exactly what I needed before I relaxed I walked around the whole area to make sure that there wasn't any creatures lurking about and there wasn't and there was one happy man about that so I started digging again I wanted to make this radiation suit and I needed iron so I got some came back out of the mine and made my first piece of the suit okay so anti-radiation body bingo almost able to go but I needed more so I went back down and spent the rest of the day Mining and in the morning I I changed my shaders the uh the flashlight I was using it was very cool looked good but uh the rest of the Shader pack I it wasn't for me I don't know it just it was looking a little wonky at times it was hard on my computer so I just I put the usual one it doesn't matter okay just it look who cares just outside of this little compound that I was in uh I found a road the house right there the road's good whoa oh got the suit on I got the suit on okay I can't cannot go any closer Oh yay not going down that road without the radiation suit found that out real fast that I will need the suit I wasn't sure if that was gonna work it turns out it works it might work a little bit too well starting to think hey I don't know if the suit the suit's gonna work or not so uh after I got turned around there I went back to the first military Outpost that I when I ran into those like creatures and uh hey my speaking of creators look it was still there thank you [Music] my hands are tense okay [Music] another one you know it's not worth it it's all right there foreign [Music] the helmet and the legs and I was completely out of yellow not I was not completely out I was nearly out of yellow wool I didn't know enough to make the next piece so went out again started looking for yellow dandelions don't I had no idea why or I'd never expected to be doing this in my uh this video but you know what hey a man looking for dandelions and uh did not find any and just walked around pointlessly I don't even know if they would spawn him no idea didn't doesn't matter didn't I didn't find any dandelions all right next day I kept looking and I still didn't find any but I was also looking for water because I was going to need sand to make the glass for the helmet and sure enough I did not find any water either I was I almost installed The Thirst mod thank God I didn't because I would be dead right now absolutely could not find water this is well man I found like a man in the desert kept looking for it I did find more mutants though um back at the other military base but uh this time I just killed him with my bow and one went in and looted it that night I was back at my military camp and uh I saw I was thinking things were finally calming down and in the trees what do I see is he a little glowing glowing stomachs in the trees what is that a big long frog out there I have a feeling that's not gonna be laughs this is I got a feeling this is probably not gonna be good I got a feeling I'm not gonna go well okay okay oh look at me oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God the giant frogs oh my god look how many frogs are so many frogs no the frogs are coming the frogs are coming no no I'm not spending another night in that town why is there so many frogs I thought I was gonna spawn in like four there's like a hundred of them hey there's nothing supposed to be a few frogs that spawned it everywhere I look frogs you know what I gotta help them in Arrow so this bow is gonna break eventually but you know what if they get close it's over for me turn to frog food giant mutated frogs mailing me down you know two minutes ago I was falling asleep while I was playing when I was doing that long run back my eyes were closing just feeling like all right I didn't know how much more I got in here probably go have a little nap now I'm alive because I got I need to get into the city so I can get rid of these is that what is that what is that what is that what is that there's frogs in the trees they're in the trees thankfully they glow that tells me exactly where not to go I would love to go to my house no I don't know why I'm outside for the frog is Hunger Games frog Style they're frogs everywhere I I don't know what they're what their tongue range is or how they can jump oh this is so stressful I don't know how high yay well enough of you you're sure causing problems look at this look at this why is there so many oh there's more coming this is ridiculous okay I don't I don't even want to go the ladder because I don't know where their tongues can do okay just go to bed [Music] day eight let's look at this look at this somewhere small some are big look at this guy they call him the big boy they're not in a situation yeah one man 100 frogs well what do you do in a situation like this y'all I'll tell you what you do you go underground and try to outsmart the frogs by digging away okay oh my God the soft tongue can fly into the tunnel okay I was getting fed up with these frogs now I never thought I'd be tired of frogs guess what today was the day was it absolutely I had enough for the frogs so I eventually tried making some sort of drop down thing for them using trap doors uh but it did not work as they were falling they were trying to pull me down with them with their tongues and there was no way I was getting pulled into that so I tried killing them but that didn't I just caught more tongues flying at me didn't want to die like that so I ended up digging back into my house uh mainly because I had gotten a lot I was completely lost in these tunnels down there I had no idea how to get back out so I just dug back to my camp and when I got it when I resurfaced it was very a one why can't I talk right now all right let's get it back inside shouldn't have gone down to that line I I did not have time to be messing about with these frogs not yet at least once I had my laboratory built hey you know what I say setting the frogs down but right now send the frogs away didn't deny all these big glowing giant tongue-shooting frogs all over me so the next day I'm putting a hole in the fence in there I just went running because uh these things are just gonna box me in so I was still looking for sand and dandelions and I ran all day long I think to the other side of the map and at one point I thought maybe I could go into this house to uh check to see if there was something in there maybe some wool in there tried to walk in now the radiation was strong whenever was in that house was man a man should not be touching that and stay away from that thing anyways I kept running no dandelions no water well the situation was not looking good hey day ten I I still wasn't exactly happy with the way the shaders were looking so I you know it doesn't matter I just messed with the shaders to make this place feel more like the zone and you know what it looked good hey look at this the fog and everything's so good after otherwise I went walking and uh you know I finally found sand water sand I understand oh [Music] still wasn't happy with the shaders my man they call me the man who likes to mess with shaders uh and uh yeah you know I did why why do I have this in the scripture just ignore this anyway so I kept walking around with absolutely no sense of where I was going the world's most clueless and lost man there's a man wandering around but just look how dead this place felt [Music] oh [Music] playing this alone in my room at like 2 A.M yeah kind of kind of creepy a little spooky anyway so I kept looking for my way home and I wasn't finding any I found absolutely nothing that looked familiar and I was getting hungry and I was running out of food and I was starting to get a little bit worried I don't know this [Music] where's everyone everything I needed food I was gonna starve to death so I relied on I hate having to do this fishing to get food now I love fishing don't don't get me wrong but when you want a man gets so desperate that he's throwing that line into the lakes to get fish that man is not in a good situation and that was that was me here especially in this dead air environment I realized that I had enough stuff to make the radiation suit helmet so I made that while I was sitting here waiting for my fish to cook however that's when I realized something I I learned that I could use bone meal to grow grass but not only grass because I knew that story I don't know when I said that flowers would grow and sometimes a beautiful dandelion would spawn is that [Music] hold on dandelion I mean yellow dye and if I that's how I do it I need bone meal yay morning of day 12. it's the one dead world and only I wrote that in the script so much I gave we get it the world's dead stop bringing that up anyway so I was packing up my camp and I heard something across the river what is that most Bandits they're Bandits okay okay I have no idea what that is [Music] what was that [Music] I I gotta stop playing this in the middle of the night you know it doesn't matter whether it's just leave if I was running through that force with bloodshot eyes in real life I was I was one scared man that was it was probably the most scared I've ever been playing Minecraft to be honest I have no clue what that thing was I don't know what mod it was a part of I have no information about whatever that was it's just some anomaly the whole experience felt exactly like something you'd get playing stalker and uh hey you know what I'm glad glad it happened wasn't glad when it happened so hey I I was Far Away now though and uh for at least I thought I was and I know still no clue where I was going so I kept sailing and eventually I found the village that I first spawned in and just as I was walking through that Village thinking all right I'm a man who's heading home gonna be gonna be sitting in his little Camp feeling good nice and safe I noticed that the uh the cow that I had uh tied up earlier and it looked it looked a little different what's going on man why is it called with that [Music] I'm gonna eat the meat [Music] oh my God I forgot about the frogs forgot about the frogs oh they're gonna get me through the window I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared right now [Applause] I don't know if they can go through there I don't know if they can go through there I don't know why am I using wool stop using wool use something else scared me so much I need to get out of here okay the frogs were back and I was trapped again getting real sick of these frogs so I climbed up to the roof and started shooting arrows at them I sat there for like it felt like an hour Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow dude just don't stop no no one wants to hear me okay I thought I had killed them all and I jump off the roof and yeah guess what no there's still so many [Music] I don't like the lightning I don't like the lightning how can I forget about the frogs in the morning I had frogs on the mine when I woke up and it wasn't a good it was a headache you know I was I was sick and tired of frogs I love frogs didn't love them today all I could think about was these giant beasts just waiting for me to come outside with their giant tongues ready to wrap anyway so after I was what am I talking about right now after I was safe from the frogs I needed to address the food situation there wasn't any which was the whole reason that I came back to this camp in the first place because I thought that I had food and chests here turns out I didn't so I got a farm going first I got two buckets of water then I spreaded some dirt out I guess and planted potatoes and carrots I also needed bone meal so I could get yellow dye for the rad suit so I made a composter and I filled it with moss a few times and it just went to bed oh how to deal with a frog problem I plan to get rid of the frogs it was absolutely foolproof first I dug a tunnel with a window roof from my base yeah just a little bit just a few blocks out any if you watched my first zombie video you might recognize a certain hole that I'm about to build I believe that one was called the zombie hole this one this one's called frog hole right this is a beautiful hole right here so I dug down like a million blocks I got this this hole nice and deep because I have no idea how big of a drop these things can survive and just to be sure because who knows the frogs I added spikes at the bottom adjust just in case the hole doesn't get them I don't know so then I started making my way back up only to realize that my pickaxe was about to break uh and with no crafting bench or sticks or anything like that uh I had no way to make new pickaxe meaning I was for a brief moment when my brain had not activated yet I was trapped down here I was thinking okay this is what am I gonna do but then I saw that I had a water bucket so I started placing the water bucket up through the Chute doing that little elevator I was so scared of falling down while doing this straight onto those spikes impaling myself yeah it was I I did not like that I'm so scared of falling on those spikes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay oh that scared me are so stressful when I finally got back up I went over to the side of the camp and I used some bone meal through the fence and I got dandelions and the next morning I snuck out grabbed the flowers came back in and made more yellow wool I then used it to make my rad suit legs and that was it I was finally a man who was safe from radiation and it could go straight into the heart of the Zone I was very happy about that I thought this was going to take a lot longer but no here I was full suit that's good but I still need to deal with these frogs before I could even leave so I went into the tunnel uh made a glass window uh put down some trap doors and tried to get these guys to drop down some of them did but a lot of them are just kind of getting stuck in the shoot so I went up to the tower beside the Chute and I bridged out and more dropped down but many of them still got stuck because there was just way too big of a frog all right no frog should be this big I imagine a frog being this big in real life I don't even want to think about that to be honest this just freaks me out anyway so I climbed down saw an irradiated Pig aren't gay bring this man aside um but I got licked by a frog a random frog and almost died and killed it I don't know why I'm back into my camp and I went to the shoot room and I I found that I could kind of just push the frogs through the fence or the Gap I had made and a bunch of them fell down this this was the technique yeah you gotta knock these guys down in there I was thinking okay good got my got my hands the frogs down in the bottom of the pit Dead uh hopefully dead but when I looked down there these they were still alive the unkillable frogs they had just survived a drop of like 70 blocks onto spikes and here they were just croaking down there with their big tongues waiting for me to jump down with them you know you ever get the call of the Void sort of thinking hey what if I jump down there with those frogs not doing that all right got no way that's happening new plan okay day 16 I I filled some water buckets and poured water into there and quickly sealed the top drowning these things oh they're coming up or at least I thought I waited a bit and opened it up hey look who's there my man's defrogs that will not die the the absolutely unkillable frogs so bad for this man I decided to just walk away from the situation since they're not really a threat anymore they're kind of just locked up just I make sure that I don't fall in this hole later so I lured that pig into my camp you were one freaky looking man oh then I basically fell asleep on my keyboard in real life because I was the world's most tired man at this point next day both in game and real life I Got a Brand New Perspective on things of eyes wide open feeling good uh but I knew I wasn't going into the city until I have a decent hold on the food situation uh and right now it was not looking good my food situated it was just it was a man who was getting hungry so I briefly went outside the camp to take a look around at the make sure there was no more stray frogs and I dug under the fence and uh yeah it was a little okay looking like everything was clear but when I went back in uh my sheep Got Away remember my pig I forgot whatever animal it was by the way [Music] why would you why would you leave all right see you later fun old man like that [Music] what [Music] I I can't just be having enough Frog's getting in what was that [Music] whatever day is today yeah I need food so I I ate more of the dried kelp containers I started to get kind of angry because for whatever reason and if you've watched other of my videos my crops never grow I I do not know what is going on but when I plant a crop in Minecraft the thing doesn't grow I I feel like I got a computer virus or something that's that specifically makes crops not grow in Minecraft this nothing nothing was growing these potatoes had been planted for like five in-game days and I had stayed in this area for the entire time of that and none of them grew there also was no mods on that changed the way crops grow they just wouldn't grow what am I doing wrong here right okay you took a break from the that was good I'll get too stressed out if I think about the crops too long I wanted to see if the radiation suit works so I jumped out of the camp and I walked over to that house that had a rated me eraded me what about what am I saying right now a rated I got radiation sickness from this house before and uh walked over to it hoping that the damage would stop we started taking radiation damage meaning the mod that I installed was not working so then I spent like two hours trying to figure this out and try to fix this because the whole point here was that I'd make the radiation too then I could go in the city that was how it was the whole there's a glitch or something I don't know the way I had set up the map was that there was command blocks all over the city that when you got close enough to them they would give you radiation poisoning the idea was that you would wear the suit and then once you got close to the radiation block to the command blocks you wouldn't take radiation damage essentially allowing you to go into the City and explore when you had a radiation suit on that was the idea but for some reason that wasn't working so I thought okay whatever I'll just go into creative mode and I'll destroy the command blocks and then it just works the way I intended it to be well guess what I I have no idea where I spawned all these command blocks they I had I completely forgot where they all were and after about two hours of trying to find them and trying a bunch of like world edit commands to delete the command blocks and a bunch of other stuff that I read online I could not get these things to disappear they were there and I kept taking radiation poisoning so I had to I didn't want to do this but I had to remove the radiation mod from the game to get that to stop which meant that my radiation suit was now also gone the thing that I just spent the last little time getting but you know it doesn't matter because the whole point was that I got this stuff before I went into the city just pretend I have it on right pretend it's underneath my armor or something like that I don't know here I'll start using Geiger counter sounds or something like that I don't know okay back to the game I got a ton of seeds I was a man with seeds pocket full of seeds I couldn't I couldn't carry a Single Seed more that's how many I had then when I got back I expanded the farm more I wanted to work on my farm a bit but I got it I got attacked by Bandits again I found my base and uh things got a bit nutty uh uh [Music] foreign okay oh abandoned make your little tracksuit it's fast oh that's not good I have no idea how they got in here okay I don't oh it's fighting them [Music] okay this I have a feeling this is a problem that's okay [Music] fear weakness mutation sickness what is that what's that gonna do [Music] okay that was something not good [Music] I spent the entire night slowly killing these things from the safety of the Tower and in the morning I used I excluded some stuff and I got some string from those spiders and I've used it to repair my bow which was getting critically low on durability did not want to break this thing as I meant that I lost the infinity enchant so I repaired it which is perfect timing because yeah more important than that it was it was time to finally enter the Zone started walking down the road and at first it was just some apartment buildings but as I got closer I saw the ferris wheel look at that I took it slow as I walked in just trying to get a good look at everything but as I arrived to the wheel it was getting dark and I absolutely did not want to be out here at night you know what what better place to sleep than the ferris wheel spending a night in the zone I say sleep on the on the wheel I don't I don't know what else to say here right I wanted to sleep on the wheel I don't know why I'm even making this a thing right now just climbed in and I slept at the morning I climbed out and I went exploring [Music] oh yeah let me hear stuff okay oh my what's this mycelium infection okay after I dealt with those things I went back into the building and started to loot it this this building was very cool there's lots of abandoned barrels trash dirt these all sorts of stuff that was uh left here by the people who built it the Minecraft what did I say focus on the script right now I first entered the gym and it was extremely dark very very dark so I put down some torches to lighten up a bit I didn't want anything spawning in here when I was in here and then I kept going into a hallway and looted that also [Music] what's that [Music] what is that [Music] what is that oh oh okay it's coming [Music] I killed whatever that thing was and I went back in and looted the theater it was getting very dark though so I returned to the ferris wheel after enchanting my bow one more time to get the flame enchant on it in the morning I absolutely couldn't help myself I needed to climb this Ferris wheel I've been thinking about it since the moment I saw it and uh it was I thought I would wait a couple days couldn't help myself time to climb the ferris wheel today you want to know what's going on up there oh oh Caribbean up here yeah that's what I'm talking about enchanted golden apple and nether right pants that right there that's why you always climb the stuff beautiful absolutely beautiful on my way down I started hearing weird noises what's that sound what does that sound what does that sound cow over there what does that sound oh oh [Music] they're fast [Music] there's chickens thank you what is that what is that what is that well I don't like the electrical storms this is probably stupid this probably should go in here shouldn't go in here [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] my god oh [Music] I don't know where I'm going right now [Music] thank you well foreign [Music] they can't figure out how to get up the staircase that's actually good to know after the zombified stalkers wore themselves out I kept climbing the building until I got to the top and there wasn't much up here so I came down and on my way back I spotted something in the distance glowing not realizing that uh this was this was another anomaly what is that what what is that it has a sharp tail so oh but why is there cows walking around sort of don't know what to do in this situation but I jumped on a run oh look at that see there's there's a lot of a lot of strange things like that thing I don't even know what that is once again I explored a bit but this time I wanted to see where I should build uh I had a few options that I liked the first that I looked at was this field nearby which wasn't quite what I wanted uh but it was I guess it was okay then there was the courtyard which was better still not exactly what I was envisioning in my mind I'm like you know what's fine so then I walked into one of the buildings and it's got worse things about nutty when I go into the dark building oh oh oh oh oh leave it oh I thought you sound through the window I haven't gone up here yet you know what maybe it's best I just stay out of these buildings what was that what is it is pleasure to elves here what's this guy [Music] hey there's a scorpion a spider oh [Music] you know what another [Music] okay oh my God thank you a big skeleton another glowing thing this is what are these things these things give me beef okay it was running at me there coming for me what is that what does this thing oh cooked beef I checked one more spot and uh some weird stuff spawn see it's getting weird it's getting real weird again really really weird eventually I said I don't want to they don't want to spend four days looking for the perfect spot I'm just gonna build here in the courtyard so uh I started digging I dug out some of the area in the morning and I Got Dirt down and I made a small farm and then I trimmed it with some Cobblestone walls just for now and it's not gonna be what I use to keep me safe but it would it would keep me safe while I built next day I mined all day long and I learned that uh the Bedrock is not that far down so I guess the way they had built this entire map was uh in a low section in a low y value us because Bedrock was there was no deep slate and Bedrock was not that far down so I uh made me think hey maybe maybe there are no diamonds in Chernobyl maybe I'm not gonna find any so uh you know it's not that big of a deal because I realized that there's there's Armor All Over The Zone so it just means I gotta explore to find more armor specifically netherrite armor if when I found those pants made me think hey maybe there's some more other places like I'll explore a little bit but for now I need a coal and stone to build so got got going on those Hey Day 26 I was paying playing with uh I wasn't really focused on talking since I was just Mining and uh I'm gonna be honest I was eating a whole pack of crackers while I was mining there and in the morning of Day 26 something spawned outside of the base while I had a mouthful of crackers I mean crackers right now just woke up what is that you are not super worried about you're just a zombified stalker but what is that I wouldn't wouldn't actually use to fix the world away I walked around a bit killing those cows for food uh looking for other creatures I could eat because my my farm had still shown zero signs of food growing stresses me out to be honest like what is going on here does there actually exist a computer virus that will prevent a man from getting crops to spawn in Minecraft because I'm starting to think that someone infected my computer that that virus perhaps like a trojan virus that does that maybe uh some malware or something like that is that even possible focus on the video what are you talking about right now so I mind more and I got andersite very happy to get Anderson I've never used this stuff to build but this time I thought all right I'm going to use Anderson build my underground Laboratory perfect block for this and then I came up after getting a bunch of that nice Sunset over the Zone look at this nice beautiful sun setting or the building it's nice anyway so the cows next day these cows are beautiful because you can shoot them and then they'll die and you'll get meat that's that's already cooked for you but they turned on me this morning they're chasing me down uh but I did the same thing the next day I just got lots of Ender sight today and uh started running low on coal starting to get worried I was gonna run out of this stuff hey when did these all like uh four days ago been in this exact same area not a single crop is growing not a single one has shown any signs of growth good hey more mining a ton of supplies by the end of the day hey day 30. I uh walked around a bit in the morning killed some cows and called back to Mining and look what I found out oh I did not think I could find these actually I was expecting a nice peaceful day just a nice day to relax you know what I got the complete opposite okay that's okay that's uh [Music] thank you but it's not good [Applause] [Music] I don't know who this man is right he's following me what is that what's that what's that what is that like what is that no it doesn't matter what it is I'm just gonna stay away from it I'm gonna make it be anything doesn't matter what [Music] I'm gonna die [Applause] [Music] where's my shield I don't have it what is it what [Music] what is this thing okay [Music] another beautiful day absolutely beautiful day watching the sunrise oh look at that nice rainbow view the whole place actually it's really nice down there after seeing how nice it looked in the other direction I decided to explore just a little bit more okay [Music] [Music] I need your Meats okay that's a lot of cows coming [Music] it's like the leg for like the Split Second and then your arrow went the little one [Music] I'm not gonna be able to find all this beat once I take it all out [Music] where's the meat [Music] all right it's the Harvest [Music] it's getting close to getting me [Music] air repairs Logan [Music] all right with fire aspect all right look at my little Chernobyl guy should have a radiation suit on I got a bull helmet instead okay I want to try I want to test my new abilities on this [Music] all right that's how you collect meat 58 meat a man with 58 meat isn't it these cows just you know what I don't have no problem keep spawning tomorrow and I'll just keep keep eating keep eating that delicious meat in the morning I needed to deal with another mosquito swarm this one it was it was a big big big one so I ran into one of the buildings instead of going underground first I couldn't I realized I could just went underground I don't know anyway so I went to the building and then I slowly killed them all one by one they slaughtered these things but in doing so it shredded a little armor I had the few little scraps I had left it just completely destroyed my cool Bowl helmet that I got well it was good I ended up going back to my base after and I I finally started to build my lab so I dug a two by two staircase down I then built Anderson Anderson Anderson Anders I wrote my script and her site that's that is incorrect Anders okay you I built stairs right and uh I wanted the bunker or the lab to look very clean and very new I'm gonna look very uh I don't know the word for it is I just wanted to look high tech so once I had these stairs in place I dug out an area for what would be the main usually I put my like bad chests all the stuff that I use the most way back in the house far and a far far back room this time I thought you know what all the stuff I need quickly is going right by the front including the beds I don't even like messing around back there there's a walk in the front door grab what I need to get out and do it this is uh this could be a lot better the lab is gonna be in the back anyway so sir I kept digging this stuff out it was kind of annoying because there was a lot of concrete sand which just kept dropping on my head felt like a man who was doing real labor out here trying to make it just digging and trying to make a giant pit stop going the next day just dig in more more more and after a little while I had the entire pit completely cleared out the only problem was was now I was worried that a creeper or some sort of mutant I I don't know there's some sort of creature was going to drop on my head while I was down here working on this so I went up top and I filled in the top layer with blocks that I thought Blended in nicely with what was currently there for the ground which is completely pointless because the very next day I decided that I did not want to build here anymore and so everything I just spent three or four days doing complete waste of time okay so that's good love that let's be honest here what I was building right there was not gonna look good it was not gonna look good at all I was also losing a lot of frames in this specific area and I I couldn't figure out why that was so I thought all right I'm going somewhere else or the frame rate is better and the there's no spooky glowing things that spawn in the building next to me so I set out and about four seconds later I got distracted [Music] oh oh [Music] how much damage I did I'm not even looking at my health there you hear everything down okay mad nope very good you guys doing wanna come steaks there we go oh oh [Music] okay okay okay okay [Music] oh okay oh okay okay there's a lot of there's a lot of count [Music] less what am I doing right now [Music] okay okay there's so many cows okay [Music] there's that there's too many cows [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] with all that out of the way I I was happy to have a ton of steak but I still needed somewhere to build so I kept walking down the road trying to find somewhere nicer and uh look at this we found some giant power grid structure and this humongous crane the hell are those things what was that oh oh stay back hey how's it going friendly hey see you later okay all right don't leave that not those things big green oh probably the reactor I like this place yeah the frame rate was better and uh I like I like the view right this was a nice place I thought right I'm gonna build here only one problem there's a giant mutated creeper that I'm gonna need to deal with if I wanted to build here also gotta figure out what's going on with those purple guys if they'll be a I didn't know what those guys were or what they were doing the following day I started heading back to that area and on my way I stopped to peek in a truck I have no idea why Robert added like ore blocks like this well Robert what are you doing here I went into the courtyard and started looking for the mutated creeper and uh this man walked into a hole making it absolutely perfect for me to deal with him looks like this man went into the wrong hole what are you gonna do in there oh [ __ ] all the little ones see that I didn't know there's a little one not gonna do anything down there she made a big mistake walking down there now you're gonna go away yeah what are you gonna do burn it in a hole you're gonna spot more little guys you can't do anything together you're stuck you just gotta wait to oh oh it's pulling me it's pulling me oh don't be blowing this stuff up a little mini creeper I kept looking around a bit and I ended up going to another nearby building [Music] how many skeletons are there they laid down a trap for me [Music] two Narrows oh [Music] I returned home that night and almost got killed by a glowing scorpion I was very excited to leave this area when I went back there the next day I saw that I had missed a chest and inside of this chest this is a big chest to miss there was a block of or brick or what a netherite scrap in here how's a man missed something like this and even more exciting than that there was a yellow key card which is extremely crucial for me this this key card right here this is going to allow me to get and find the the hidden treasure of Chernobyl all right I don't I don't know how he had but I just got yellow key card I'm gonna need this to open a door later the door was secret area it was gonna be a whole thing anyway so this air was nice it was good so I kept exploring a little bit and I ended up going in one of these nearby buildings and I found something even more incredible than the yellow key card [Music] look at this big boy oh spits oh oh oh okay four big boys in here oh my god oh oh okay but we thought from being funny to being not funny at all and still see me oh it's always getting low I don't want to use it let's do one shot both of them [Music] that guy's dealt with another big boy oh he's spitting what you doing [Music] you know what I like this guy hey you're gonna stay in here and I'm gonna come get you later I hope you don't despawn you're probably gonna despawn I need a boat I don't even know if that guy can get in a boat I don't know if that guy can move can you get them with a name tag all my name tags are back home okay I'm gonna run I'm gonna try to get home and get a name tag come back name him Rob I really hope we're all upstairs when I get back for a girl my man you better be in here's gonna be sad where's Rob oh where's Rob Rob where are you grub where's grub oh grab is gone you know what makes me incredibly angry instead you know what congratulations this man right here yes you're the new grob oh here come here you doing there you go grab I enjoy it no idea what that guy is hey so now a house I'm pretty upset about that a big big glob guy couldn't have him but it would have been would have been excellent to have this man already but you know what can't can't catch him but it did remind me that I really need to get my lab built so I can start capturing these things and bringing them down below and building little cells for them so the next day in the morning I uh use some of the resources that I had been stacking up and uh I used a netherrite on my sword uh then I made a diamond pickaxe and a regular ax for some reason don't know why I made that ax doesn't okay I don't know but I also repaired my bow for like nine levels I think it was gonna start costing me a lot anyway so I'm back to the courtyard and I looked around a little bit and I started building uh I needed to steal bars though to make like a fence or something like that so I went looking for one of those camps that I was Finding everywhere and I found one uh but inside of it there was another mutated creeper another one of them in here not a creeper right here all right last one was easy to kill these are these things are stupid [Music] oh oh okay [Music] oh you want to leave or see you later you follow me two steps and that's it I blew up oh he's jumping oh my God okay you're not stupid I did not know they could do that I thought they could only stay in a four by four square and then look at you the world's lagging I don't want to look behind me [Music] where'd he go you know [Music] oh well see you later I started building the new entrance at first I wanted to make it out of the stone that I had uh spent a good chunk of time smelting and sculpting and crafting or whatever but I realized I I want this to blend in on the surface and look like some of the other buildings are around here so I went to one of the ones that was nearby and I stole some I think calcite polish calcite or something from the walls uh and I rebuilt it it just basically completely stole the design of uh what the people who built this map did and it just stole exactly what they did so I worked on the entrance a little bit more the next day and I added a the trim for the roof and uh despite having a perfect example in front of me of the other buildings I was having a really tough time getting this thing to look nice I don't know it was just it was certain it was kind of looking like uh what are those things called in cemeteries like a crypt I didn't want to live in a crypt I don't know why this thing was not looking good anyway the next day I was as I was writing down my notes for day 41 you can see me here getting attacked without even realizing I'm just standing there on something's attacking me and thankfully I looked at my computer and saved myself in the nick of time there uh so I went back and I worked on the my my crypt the whole day and uh I was I was not liking the look of this thing which I was starting to seriously doubt my building abilities in Minecraft I always end up making just the worst looking stuff on my way home that night I I saw something weird what is that no no not you not you 've seen enough of you whatever are those teeth is gone uh [Music] no no okay I'm starting to worry I actually snuck in like a Five Nights at Freddy's mod in here Heyday 43 why don't you take a moment to notice potatoes still not growing not not a single thing in this Garden has grown a millimeter that's good so I just kept working on the house next day and the same thing on day 44. I worked on it more and uh still just on my notes Here I got I wrote down really not liking how this thing is looking I I am sad you want to what I also wrote down Goblin War what am I oh yeah look at this there's a full-blown war of goblins at the old house I I don't I don't remember putting goblins in this mob pack they have nothing to do with Chernobyl and I don't there's even a guy I don't know if he was here a guy with a suit of armor walking around at one point well what are you doing in Chernobyl wait why is there goblings here going absolutely nutty it was actually I worked on the house more I dug it I thought okay you know what outside's gonna look how the outside's gonna look don't don't worry about it too much who cares I'll spend next 60 days trying to make the outside look nice so I just said all right you know what to start digging down so I dug down several blocks and I opened up a six by six area down here which would be the main hallway of the lab everything's going to come out of this area including this will lead to where I'm going to drop down all the creatures and speaking of creatures the next day I went to where that mutated creeper was and uh he was still stuck here so I spent some time getting those fence pieces that I needed and uh just got a whole bunch of them I went back to the new house and I kept digging the tunnel making it go further out into where the courtyard was and I worked on the more the next day and I connected the drop down to the hallway and now with this I could technically start capturing creatures the only problem is I don't have uh like little holding cells for them yet you know what hey it's fine because we're gonna test this out the next day with my beautiful man grob I'm gonna bring him down here and he's just gonna be the guy who just walks around down here I need my man rob I am right now I had absolutely no idea where grob was or even to be honest even if the man was alive oh uh well I went out looking for grob [Music] I was literally able to say you're not grub [Music] we're going bro oh what else [Music] Rob my man you're gonna love it down here [Music] so much better than being out in a random field [Music] here we go [Music] thank you there you go girl run around what fun [Music] whoa whoa I know that girl could do that I'm gonna look at my broken window I see the reactor Plus in the morning I opened my door and it was immediately met by a vulture just swooping down trying to scratch up my face hold your own son look at this there we go oh girl I'm an idiot I am extremely done grouped up oh my God I'm stuck down here now but I thought you know what I'm gonna catch this man oh there he is oh they really swooped down at him oh okay oh [Music] no oh coming from the tree oh that slip flying from behind the building okay go oh I'm trying to get this oh yeah okay let me swoop out of me I hit you watch car seat try to save one to get it in a boat hold on oh I'm thinking a bird to go on a boat oh there's a pawn damage there's no armor yes yes oh that's the best suits I've ever seen oh so this oh this is incredible especially [Music] kind of like a push with the shield up like this way there we go oh Rob look at this we brought a vulture down here we have to make a little something grub get down all right you're not leaving grub once this man was safely down in the hole and the other vultures weren't down there with him I started digging out a new part of the tunnel I was gonna need to build a whole ecosystem for this guy or at least just like a containment room and the following day I worked on it all day long yeah except I ran into a bit of a problem there's a tiny small little problem so I wanted there to be a little bit of water in this containment so I wanted it to look like uh I don't know I just wanted to look natural inside there and I thought okay hey a little tiny little Pond some water is gonna look nice problem was was that to get that water I needed to just take a few little drops from the little drop down water catcher thing in the middle of the hallway well somehow I accidentally flooded his boat which released him and then I had a huge problem on my hands this man was flying all over the place down the stairs look at this wild vulture flying around down below in my base so I was trying to get him back in the boat but it wasn't working I put down blocks I pushed them I was getting packed I just couldn't get him in and I didn't want to leave because I was afraid that he would despawn so I was down there just trying to get this guy back in the boat and it was not working but then I remembered hey little frogs oh they did not go away they I came back like hours later and they were still outside looking for me well they spawned with the hordes mod and any mod or creature that spawns that way generally doesn't despawn and considering this vulture spawned the same way as the frogs I was thinking there's a pretty good chance that he won't despawn if I leave to go get the name tags so I left I'm gonna go get the name tag on day 52 I went back to the old house grabbed a ton of stuff including the the uh some sand some iron some random things that I needed when I got back to the the new lab that I was building I put down the Anvil loaded in a name tag and named it Baza I think I don't know what that name is so then I went downstairs and I I see grob standing on the steps up to the Buzzard I thought that was kind of weird um so I go over and the vulture is gone there's some of course when I need the thing D spawns when I want it to stay another thing maybe didn't despawn maybe this man grab maybe he's making Rob had something to do with it so I started searching through the Alex mobs mod and to see if a grab I don't even know what these things are called would eat a vulture okay there was no results found when I searched that so I started thinking can I even can I have this creature grub in my lab is this man just gonna eat me you can eat the other stuff what's good what am I doing with this guy down in my lab I'm Gonna Keep a close eye on this guy see what he's doing okay so I started working on a lot more uh I did some floors uh I got the first containment cell mostly built just don't really have a theme for it but uh they got the walls done next step was to come up with a system to get the mobs into this thing and lights so I'll start with the lights and rods they look so good and thankfully I don't have to go to the end to get them they were all kind of all over the place all over the map in various buildings and whatnot so I went back to that big Courtyard to find some and just as I spotted one I got chased by the scariest mob I've ran into yet I don't even know what this thing was [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] after I killed it I got as many n Rods as I could and I came back and I rigged them up kept working on the lab replacing floor ceilings putting in doors windows Etc but I wasn't happy with the look of the main hallways and uh starting to just stared at it for a bit then I put polish what is it called I can never pronounce diorite diorite I don't know this stuff right I'm an idiot why can't I print it's another thing I'm actually just stupid anyway so I actually put down a block of a little bit too low and thought kind of sort of looked like an air vent and I like the look of that it also adds a little bit more character to a like boring square hallway so hey I'm having air vents down here it's good I love air vents also noticed that everything was still kind of gray uh so I went with a wood ceiling it's not it's not high tech it doesn't seem like uh what you'd have but you know what hey looks good adds a little bit of color so uh it works day 56 and day 57. a man working two days in a row I think I use slabs uh with the air vents to just make it not look so one sized you know how like air vents kind of change shape and stuff I don't know I was starting to experiment a little bit with interior building something I'm not usually good at okay last thing I need to do was the the thing that I was avoiding it was the floor inside of the attainment area I wasn't sure what to do with it I wanted grass but getting grass to grow down here would take way too long but I had an idea I went up to the surface I made shears and I got some bushes and while I was doing that I remember that I could get moss so I got Moss and some leaves some dirt and I brought it down and I made a nice looking area in here some natural looking grass or terrain I guess for whatever would go in here eventually it was supposed to be a vulture no clue what's going in there so I went out looking for a man to throw in this cell I went to the building where all those weird creatures kept spawning and sure enough the time that I need something to spawn in here this place is empty more empty than my head when it comes to coming up with a joke for right now that was a really bad joke that was that was one of my worst that was so bad that I don't even I don't even know if I should include that in the video who cares just keep keep reading the script I ended up settling on this zombified stalker but as I was bringing him back some sort of mutated Beast charged me I thought hey it's perfect so I got back to the to the drop down and the thing followed me right down and I ran into the containment area this man just walked right through the door and he can't hear it because I was eating more crackers at the time and had my mic off but I was freaking out I was spitting crackers all over my monitor thinking I was gonna die luckily I made it out and when I came back down the man was in the boat which was perfect well not so perfect because now I needed to figure out how to get him in the containment area no idea how I was gonna do that because when I'd walk over the boat he would slice me right up so that's not gonna work I eventually just let him loose and ran in and seal the door instead of trying to close it and that worked very last thing I did was grabbed the name tag that I had made for the vulture that uh grob had eaten and came down slapped it on the whatever this thing was in the containment area and now he's Baza no Guardia you're gonna stand there all right grob's gonna watch over you day 59 I fixed my diamond pickaxe I was gonna need it to dig out the next containment cell and then I went down and started digging and I dug all day long and I got the whole thing dug out and uh I felt like a man working down there then I started putting down some proper blocks uh it came up went to bed in the morning I realized that I was missing armor and I had my Albert Einstein skin on for some reason this is not an Albert Einstein video so I don't know what I mean it's made some new armor and then I went out and mined some for some more supplies from the lab and I came back and I met with my man grob Rob what are you doing over here there's a new don't worry you're not going in there this is a meat for another man don't worry you get to wander around Rob do whatever you want you're a free man come out it's not for you oh no I'm not not keeping you in here come on hey Rob I was starting to like grob Rob was I don't know if grob ate the vulture but grob seems like a good man you know man that you want around I was happy to happy to have this guy down here now so I got the walls built uh I got the floor done and I got the ceiling made and the following day I just worked on the lab more I started digging out a room for me because how can I forget about the most important man down here I guess the second most important Rob is the most important Rob isn't it I love grab right grob most amazing man on the I love Rob right so I started digging out my own little room here because I need a place for me to sleep and uh that was good A little Square Room back here and then for some reason I just started digging more started digging other rooms open just trying to open this hallway up so it's not just a big L shape and there's some depth to it plus you'll see soon I'm gonna put this the most beautiful creature you've ever seen in this giant open room that I'm digging out you're gonna see a a incredible Beast going here regardless I was starting to get a little bit bored of doing all this digging and building and stuff I needed to kind of break it up but you can see that I was getting bored because the next day I was getting lazy building this containment cell I I didn't bother making it look all high-tech inside I just kind of made it look more natural by leaving the wall in the back cut out and not polished just kind of can tell you no man was getting lazy here I think I was recording this at like three o'clock in the morning still eating crackers I ate an entire box of Premium Plus crackers you know how much salt that is it was so unhealthy for me to be binge eating boxes of crackers who eats come on just move on move on no one wants to know about the crack in the morning I needed a break from the stuff both in real life and in game so I left to go explore the crane I'm gonna climb the crane okay okay I did not see that man oh he's sprinting okay down here down here oh [Music] okay [Music] I mean give me give me give me this give me this give me this right now [Music] I'm naming them car I'm panicking right now okay what do I do how am I gonna get this guy okay okay I have an idea going down here he's gonna charge me I don't know where he is he's right there hey car let's go he's stuck Rob what are we gonna do with this guy come on and charge me in a second [Music] thank you [Music] okay [Music] oh oh it is oh I wasn't planning on getting a guy today look at this and what is this thing why do they name them car I should have put him in here this would have been such a better spot for him okay I got an idea I'm gonna I'm gonna try to move him this is stupid there's no point in moving this guy [Music] why why am I gonna move them I don't know because I want them in here what's my plan to move this guy through there maybe then I gotta build like some sort of [Music] leaves of wood because it's easier to get rid of [Music] then I guess I build [Music] all right car [Music] come here car give him a little [Music] car hey let me give him a little tap it's so scary it's so scary come through here come on go in go in car get in there car I should remove those blocks I'm scared I'm serious gonna knock me off the car scares me [Music] go in their car go in Parts go in [Music] go in car come on look come over here come on go in go in you're gonna do it car I'm not going in there [Music] car how's it going dark this is so this is so stupid car come in all right maybe I can give a little nudge no [Music] come on I don't want to kill him how much I don't know oh this is stressing me out I would I wanted to go climb the crane today car come in you're going slabs [Music] go on the slab he doesn't go in slabs [Music] hey [Music] there we go car sealed you sealed all right good grab my man you seen this Rabbi you always hanging out in the ladder Rob I think we need a do something about this you're always on the slaughter hey Rob you always up to something grob this doesn't look good but for now it works Rob my man you taking a look look there's a guy car almost forgot his name you like that [Applause] by the way what's with the The Goo even dropping around lately I'm curious about whatever that is grob I'm so happy we got this man in here look at this I don't even know what mod this is grob so so far we got all right what do they name this guy oh jeez he tall I don't know if you could stand up like that I think it looks like someone from The Last of Us anyway okay good stuff Rob stay down here no no Rob sit down see him or The Watcher Rob there man to make sure everything's going good okay day 60 what a day day 64 was the day started off normal I decided I wanted to check out the giant crane finally let's go up here but on my way I got distracted by going through some sort of of those what are they shipping containers and I learned that they have chests inside I knew that some of them did but I didn't know that sealed ones did uh so I dug my way into every single container or shipping container I saw and I got a ton of good stuff oh [Music] oh [Music] oh three diamonds okay that's good oh golden apples diamond boots right there golden carriages [Music] after I had all my all of them searched and cleared out I made my way to the crane I climbed up to the top and at the very top of it there was a floor made out of netherrite blocks and I know what you're thinking why did you mine them and I'll tell you right now no I did not mind them because clearly this was not the reward for climbing the crane it was not an entire floor made out of netherite blocks it was this these diamond boots that I found in the chest and you know this reminds me of one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to playing Minecraft with people when there's something that's clearly meant for the map as a decoration and people use it in the game if we were doing one of the one of my scenarios this floor would have been chewed up and used everyone on the server would be equipped with netherite armor right now and you know as soon as the first man does it you gotta do it as well so this is I didn't I left the nether right there I didn't touch the stuff it's part of the crane I wasn't using it but those diamond boots that I got they had feather falling four on them and for a very brief moment I consider that it it might be enough to let me jump off this crane thankfully I didn't because wow that would have been a giant mistake I climbed down and uh had no idea what was about to happen hey time to go home home what is that what is that what is that what is that [Music] what is this oh my god look how many there is mutant beasts come running through the oh is this stupid oh my this might be the stupidest thing I've ever done [Music] oh my TNT blow up what was it doing that oh there's a dream level play right there I gotta get out of here I don't want to go into a random building are they climbing up here relax it's in this fall when you light it come on there we go how are they surviving there's so many of these I'm not even able to play them all how fast are these things okay drop down how come in there's so many there's more boars coming drop down yeah it's killing them okay all right feather falling okay run run through the Tall Grass oh my god with the lightning man going through this whole grass of these things chasing him are they chasing me you can't tell because the grass I can't see because of the grass oh why are you why is there always a guy on a horse what is it with that guy in the horse where's my house go go what is that what is that there's a ghost why is there ghosts they're not supposed to be posted why is there a ghost close the door oh my God oh what is it the ghost of Chernobyl get out of here sleep down here grow up my man you don't even don't even know the day I just had car how's it going calm down a little bit I have no idea what this guy's name is all right Rob come here in bed a65 my plan for the day was to get to the reactor room but something interesting happened Rob get these diamonds look at this for some reason someone put them as a you have no idea what I'm talking about Daniel and what's with this stuff you keep giving me Mongol spores but you like this stuff oh Rob he like the s'mores brother I didn't know I could feed you this oh God I got more oh hold on oh I just got a really good idea I could probably love the spores there wait wait thought I was going in there today going in the reactor today but I'm just gonna find another what is that I'm looking for the colleagues of grob an they wouldn't have wandered this far I don't know you guys do wander was that egg thing oh who are you oh I just what's going on oh what was that left shift to dismount what what am I what am I doing right now okay you know what I don't care if I I'm a complete idiot I think it was just a hat or something okay operation fine colleagues of grob the complete failure hey grub hey how's it going let me go for you full okay there oh you left me a little Frozen you love me more all right okay the following day another huge day I woke up and uh spoke to my favorite thing in the morning started speaking of Rob hey you got any goo for me grub got some goo for you every day but that's what we do every day I give you a little bit Groove what no goo here there you go hey you enjoy that got something to do I then went out and I started looking for things around the shipping containers and looting stuff that I thought I might have missed it was going well until I walked into the a big room and I found something very big [Music] okay okay that was a big boy right there that was a huge oh [ __ ] it blowing that thing up okay what do I do oh it's loaded [Music] watch this you don't see a move from the smartest man alive I gotta make sure I don't get shot here shoot oh okay he shot oh he's shooting oh he's shooting good okay okay looks like he's stuck in there so I'm gonna do this okay just wait a minute taking a lot of damage taking a lot of damage seeing a lot of damaging a lot of damage you cannot do I need this money this how long nope okay okay when you eat this do I need this I mean one I don't have anyone [Music] okay ready there he goes there's a drop in the pit that's how you deal with a problem with that oh he's still alive okay just looked him dead in the eyes I'm smoking right here how's he still alive [Music] look at my Smack right here you go oh chops leaps I don't know if this is supposed to be like if I'm being an idiot right now oh he's dead kill him okay it's good I wanted a peaceful day after everything that just happened so I went mining also because I needed more iron and hopefully diamonds so I dug down and I found a weird cave with sponges in it I don't I don't I don't know if the builders put this down here or why there were sponges down here or what was going on so I I don't know I'm gonna mind around it ended up getting down to bedrock like five blocks later and the only thing I found during this entire day of mining was like five blocks of iron and this creeper that could explode without exploding oh [Music] so I killed it and ran away and slept I spent the entire day running around looting more and I climbed a radio tower there there wasn't anything exciting there except hay which was kind of weird and I went to a room where I found the giant skeleton and I killed some mobs and got a ton of TNT down here and the next day I did the same thing the exact same thing I looked around more and I found a ton of Barrels in a warehouse near the reactor and uh I walked out into a field and I I found another creature that wants to kill me [Music] okay you wouldn't obsessed [Music] I think just lighting everything on fire [Music] uh oh okay [Music] I don't need water [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] still coming oh my God they chased me on the way home I have no water [Music] [Music] did the water kill it oh the water killed it and I get blaze Potter foreign [Music] come in come in okay today was a special day today was the day I was gonna go into the reactor room this is it we use a yellow key card doesn't actually do anything just what is that what is that how's your music oh come in I'm in oh it's a boss fight I didn't know it's a boss fight oh oh oh god oh what is this thing get me out here I didn't know I was doing this where's the exit oh my God okay that place is not safe at all that place is not safe [Music] I take care of this thing first I'm not going in there two heads on it no it's the jaw split now you know the big pet I'm not fighting these things right now using all my apples I'm gonna hit by lightning okay it just blasted through the plastic through the door it's out it left [Music] it's just left the reactor [Music] oh sixth time is it a red key card okay well if it's not in here you know what it's not my problem I mean it just blew his way out the skeleton the ghost infected this I don't like that okay don't like that at all yep it's back it's back I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone I came back in you know what there's no point I got the key card I got the key card he blew a hole out of the side of the reactor and just started tearing up the world uh stuff on fire look at that look at the hole I thought this is the music scares me it's outside that is so much damage look look this thing's flying around [ __ ] there it is all the way over there all right oh whoa whoa whoa oh okay T70 good I released the thing it's it's not in the core anymore it's it's out you know what not oh crap you scared me Rob we gotta we're gonna stand our ground for a little while girl I got no more spores for wait a minute can I capture that thing I'm gonna try to trap that man but I'll need a very specific containment cell for him I started making it by bringing out TNT this might be a mistake what am I doing [Music] yo girl do it [Music] grow up you're too close don't grow up oh go go go up here here careful [Music] rob [Music] you gotta stay out of here once I ran out of TNT I began clearing up or cleaning it up by replacing the floor and removing the water cutting things out that didn't need to be there just making it look a little bit uh better I don't know the big challenge with this tank was that I needed to do two things and you need to do them perfectly okay the first thing was was that it needed to stop him from blasting his way out this man would shoot an explosive I don't know just explosive things and the second thing was he needed to not be egg rolled on me because when he was egg rolled on me he played this music I didn't want to hear every single time I walked into my base if I had to hear that song every single time I walked into here I would I would turn into a mutant Beast so I need to be able to see him without him being angled on me I was challenged number two and so I started building because I had an idea my plan was to build a waterfall window which would hopefully kill the aggro uh and mitigate any explosive shots that he might shoot at me and hopefully stop that song from playing and when I thought about it I realized when he was in the reactor room he wasn't trying to blow his way out it was only when I entered that he did so maybe if he wasn't aggro he wouldn't be shooting his explosive shots everywhere and this I don't know maybe he needed a line of sight on me or something which shouldn't happen in here so the plan for the waterfall window was it was very simple it would be a three layer window I mean two layer window with water falling in between the two winter panes so I I just built it and it was looking it was looking better than I thought it would I thought this thing was going to look terrible but it turns out it actually looked okay but now I need a way to get him down here so I built a simple drop down like before but I made it way bigger this time look at this I'm thinking of everything because I'm gonna need to seal this hole right so what I'll do is I'll run down here and I'll go just like that this is gonna work now without taking care of the last piece of the puzzle was to figure out how once I dropped down into here that I was gonna get out and he wasn't ender pearls right but where where do you get another Pool I couldn't I was not finding any Enderman anywhere at all throughout this entire playthrough except for one you remember that house with that big big man inside of it guess what I'm heading back there inside of this house there's a man that needs to go down walking around but I'm not just gonna Rush right in there I got a plan everything's better with a plan what am I doing there's some header off there that's what are you looking at building the bunker where I can go hide just like this [Music] all right those are neat Sky friendly oh okay he's not friendly guys not friendly yet put that there you find your flint and steel where it's right here I'm gonna come back hey man hold on oh it's good friendly more apples as long as I don't look at them what am I doing right now walking through his legs okay there we go okay now he's snowing oh where am I oh oh he's teleporting me [Music] it's all good Mission with arrows oh okay he's he's hitting me through this throwing blocks okay see that shaking well I'm looking down that's not me doing that okay okay building this why is it why is there okay I don't know what I think he's stuck though so as long as I voices he's whipping stuff oh support in here what was that wait what am I doing like if you fitment I need steak just keep keep hitting them with arrows damaging them throwing blocks get him he doesn't matter just stay in here keep hitting them it's absolutely massive but you know what it doesn't matter throwing them in okay go in first uh a smack with the sword shoot his hands no oh I should pour water on you have a bucket of water I don't wow I gotta go for one snack okay just held into more arrows right in the leg he's taking damage defense going down scariest thing I've ever done fighting a giant Enderman I don't think he was outside of the house okay I don't like the I don't like this part I think this is too easy to build my wall man thinks it's fortnite out of the house he's shaking out okay you dead hey okay okay just want the integrals and you don't need that I will take four oh four intervals and a bunch of Eyes of Ender wow okay that was that was significantly easier than I thought it'd be I think it's mostly because he was in this little brick house if he wasn't Eevee flying around on the street and uh four intervals and I got a bunch of I if I were to throw this what would happen get him through it because there's no end that's good got my ender pearls hopefully I only need to use one hey my man brought me some more goo there you go how's everyone doing they're gonna get a man in here once I get that guy in there I'll get a guy in here I was kind of need a guy in here as well a room for a lot of guys when I got back I worked on digging out an additional room while I waited for night I spent the following day looking around just relaxing taking a taking a stroll I don't know what I meant by that but okay look I guess I was taking a stroll hey 75 absolutely insane day I started off by burning stones to make a more smooth Stone I then ventured out and the first bit of trouble I got was when I went into a building in a skeleton attacked me but then it wasn't long before I another herd of mutated boars ran me down so I ran right into the core room again where I got jumped by multiple of those mutant zombie things so I climbed up to get away and at the very top found a chest LS with another another right helmet in it if I climbed down I killed some boars and I went to bed day 76 okay I was out all day looking for more supplies specifically more armor since I was not finding diamonds organically what I mean by that is when I'm digging I don't know if when they were building this map if they made it so diamond ores generate or if they do they are extremely rare because I was Finding absolutely none let alone there's no nether so I wasn't going to be getting netherright and to come to think about it I was having a hard time even finding iron so I had to really rely on finding the stuff around the map I went back to the old spot and I found more shipping containers on a roof and I loaded them and I got another extremely good apple and lots of gold and the next day I needed to smelt down all that raw gold that I got so uh I loaded it into a furnace I'm at this point it was like three o'clock in the morning uh real life time and so I thought all right I'm gonna just close my eyes for one moment while I wait for this gold to uh hold the smelt down and uh look at this this is you know what you're watching exhilarating footage of me fully asleep at my desk right here this is this is The Man Behind the keyboard right here just sleeping making making a YouTube video in his sleep hey it's good it's good okay back live again day 78 I uh I finished digging out the cell and then I made a ton of golden apples and spent the day looking for someone to put in the box and I you know who I found I found no one found absolutely not a single man out there so that was I know day 79 I I thought about putting this whatever this slug in there but what's the point of putting a slug in there just one single slug I'm gonna think about it when I was a kid I had a pet snail I don't know what happened to that guy it was like there's a regular who cares it's a anyway so I woke up the next day on day 80 and uh I went outside and things got nutty fast what is that it's in the grob [Music] oh okay thank you oh yep I don't know what that was there's little things outside now one of the one of the mobs needed an update and uh okay okay [Music] don't know what that is [Music] let's put those there and I'll put that there and I'll put that there let him go figure out what that is okay things are getting a little bit weird now these are getting very strange now okay I don't know if I like it my bow is almost broken I'm gonna need to repair it again [Music] [Music] time to go inside time to go inside right now and I'm just gonna go ahead and close that and uh [Music] no clue what that was if I take a peek [Music] oh the Shadows scared me man afraid of don't shout out oh my [Music] God I thought it has a little pit right here [Music] [Applause] on a tree over there oh my God they're over here oh oh oh [Music] is the door open oh no [Music] oh the hole is open crop oh look at this [Music] I don't think anything spit I can't I can't even hit them with my they're going nuts at one see it seemed like they were getting him [Music] but there's more there's more spiders coming what is going on here I don't know what to do and I'm scared to go down there business there [Music] oh where did where did this guy go do that that's the best crop I know the best feeling about things right now I dealt with the spider problem the next day by running very very very far away from my house I basically just opened the door and just beelined it straight out that door tried to get as far away as I I could and every once in a while I would turn around and try to cut down as many spiders as I could kind of get rid of these things what's this I got no time to look at it but there's a penguin there when I got back I had these putrid flesh things in my inventory that I got from the spiders and I realized that I might be able to use them to make something look at this putrid flesh I can make all the stuff I can make rusted metal helmet who never right a bunch of scrap rusted metal chest piece not again Hey so uh I may or may not have said something about not using the netherrite on the crane and I'm gonna go ahead and say that uh that was my cousin talking into the microphone and not me doing the voiceover that point a man like me on day 80 is a man who will take any nether right he can find at all even if it's meant for decoration all right so completely disregard whatever I said here's me going to the crane all right on my way to take that netherrite what is that all right the Sheep has no legs or does have legs he's got oh oh what is that what is that [Music] okay it was getting weird very weird I went up the crane and I took I took like four blocks of netherrite and you know what I'm gonna be honest did not care at this moment in time it was day 82 I could not find iron I could not find diamonds and definitely couldn't find another right and when a man finds a entire floor of netherrite when he's as desperate as he is to not die in these last few days he's taken that netherite all right he didn't want me to use it shouldn't have put it here that's what I say that's what I've always said never said anything else besides that I always say if it's in the map use it even if it's meant for deck anyway so I came home and just when I was about to use it the local caught into my base tap there's a man in the house for some reason I have no clue why there's a dark wizard down there I made the armor up top and I I made the helmet first and now I wanted the chess piece which I honestly should have made first because I Cur I still had an iron chest piece now to make the chess piece I needed a putrid heart which I was hoping to get from The Wizard down below so I went down and killed it it really opened the dark Wizards gone then a little bit here okay bro but we got a problem here I guess I have no idea what it does I'm just gonna eat a golden apple and go to the door okay is it really bad there we go it's just stressing me out when I slept I wanted to get more parts to make this this metal armor so I went into the reactor room again which for some reason spawned a lot of mobs and I learned something very interesting [Music] stop there yeah man can't figure out how to get over a piece of carpet good to know wait what you can't walk you can walk around him you can't walk on carpet oh that is good to know for the next video I'm doing I see a tentacle okay didn't like whatever that was and look at that there's a little look at all the Sheep just oh my God okay yep that's usually when I go to bed in Minecraft I start writing my notes for the day and hey look at this there's a morning of day 83 right in real life I'm writing notes in game getting pummeled by whatever this thing was and at the very last moment I paused the game hey so that uh that was really close I paused and just panicked there what what is happening how is stuff getting into my house and it's gone now oh no it's not gone did it come through and keep that loaded up because that oh I'm just getting stressful I sealed up my room and I put more torches down I also closed up one of the holes thank you [Music] foreign what is this [Applause] look at this never seen this before what is this I don't mean I don't want to hit it I want to pick it up oh I get this I'm gonna go on a boat I'm just gonna go on a it's such a bit clean in the bowl and bring them then yeah why am I right now why right now what is [Music] oh okay okay that's a force oh [Music] okay that's a force that goes fast okay okay come from having a lot of fun to have zero talk later okay what is that oh they're all over my house oh they launcher you I want to put you in I want to bring you home I can't because I got oh my God the horses okay I have an idea I don't think horses can go upstairs yeah can't go any stairs can ya that's fun watch this a little trick I learned a long time ago my next stop watch this [ __ ] slow falling here we go oh I should use that one I thought the shocker you're still oh [Music] oh what was that a wild day I forgot about that now there's a horse in the house yep until whatever this is I'm going to bed hey okay so the next day 86 I spent the day inside cleaning things up and just repairing I wanted to check in on the shulker box guy to make sure he was still there so I left to find him where is this man I need steak I'll take [Music] okay no I'm not in the mood for the cows today oh oh my God man that was worthless horse oh [Music] this is not good oh my gosh right there have I tried to build up right now I would I would fumble it I'm not gonna be able to run in a second there's a guy [Music] oh oh [Music] what are you doing every time I see you I get trouble well the little man in the bucket that causes trouble no what are you doing why oh my God he's coming I'm not prepared for this right now okay okay wasn't planning on this right now blowing thing what is that oh no okay the outside of my base was almost always a war zone whenever I walked out and I was starting to think you know what maybe one time I walk out of here and I don't walk back in because I'm dead so uh I want to put up some walls so I started doing that and the second I started it was demonstrated to me just how important this was I was not in good shape my chest piece was broken I had no easy way to repair it since there was no iron underground and there was no diamonds I was just I was scared sitting inside and then I remembered that the nearby building that had iron blocks in it uh so uh here I am again uh throwing out my morals and uh getting off my a high horse uh to steal iron yeah there's me taking the iron going back using it I also need to repair my bow which was very very very close to breaking and without my bow I was gonna be a dead man so I need a string I went out to look for spiders but I didn't find any I don't know I went to the old house to get I was thinking maybe had some string at the old house don't know why I'm calling it a house that chest that I left out in the middle of a field or that concrete place I always think I'd string there but when I want to go there this man almost took me down outside of my house well the next day when everything was clear I started walking back and uh it's got to travel the cows oh my God I forget look why is there so many cows there's Cowboys as far as the eye can see how much beef I got oh okay so there's like becoming an invasive species [Music] look how big this one is [Music] running [Music] if I can just for him you can't hurt me oh you can hurt me I made you assistant [Music] [Music] this might be stupid here but you know what here we go running foreign [Music] [Music] okay hey there's no string in my chest I thought thought I had kind of thought I don't know why I thought I had string in here remember there being a ton of string at one point but who knows who that is now so I went back home and oh okay maybe I'll go in the reactor maybe this spider will be in there no not that type of I hate these things okay yeah I'm never going near one of those things again look how much damage I I legitimately thought I was gonna die there yeah you're not doing that let's spend the rest of the night with a fly and fly hey how you doing I'm not flying it was multiplying but look how many flies there are flies outside oh oh oh oh oh [Music] the thing is hunting fly it is going nuts on the Flies [Music] he's just eating all the Flies oh oh it's going nuts on look up there I've been waiting for anything outside air flies [Music] come on in [Music] how's it going oh three hey oh four come on more here you guys hang out in here I'm going down here [Music] hey come on [Music] hey [ __ ] love at home [Applause] she looks funny about this I have like a hundred flies in my house in real life my house is completely invaded by flies and not even in game in real life she flies everywhere in my house in the morning I went outside and things started to get very weird so many of them [Music] I think I have some of those look at this this guy is the worst flies man hey or more common the king of the Flies okay [Music] okay all right I'll see you guys later you guys going to do whatever you want to whatever they're all they're all going to my base string I'm gonna need I'm an idiot because like oh this is a useless chest everyone flies here what is going on March it's a great fly migration fly I'll see you later what the flaws okay now they're just confused okay this is I love the Flies how's it going stop okay there better be a mosquito there's one and blood sacks okay this is okay this is getting it's gonna be a bit much okay I control the Flies well I'm Albert Einstein smartest man alive [Music] what is going on with these things the last time I saw those things it was there was an entire zombie apocalypse all right I don't trust those things at all you know as I've been doing this on our days I've been thinking oh maybe you just there's another one right there two of them are there Okay so here's what we're gonna do a few things here first of all this is the big one I'm gonna do this boom boom boom boom boom boom get that all right take this put that there plus that 27. okay hopefully it'll last the end the most important thing I want to do I'm going to take this and I'm going to take this and that gives me a crimson mosquito larvae Pest Control okay I I don't really know what you do with it capsid transform what's it like serious what I didn't think I I just want to do this gruel if this doesn't work the way I want it to work I am going to be very upset come on come on turn come on come on what is this thing capsid I need to look that up I started looking into what a capsid transformation this look at this what this is so far above my the level my brain can process things at what is this and what why you got a man like me looking at this I I think it has something to do with a virus and that and there's these little tiny things that crawl around that have looked they look like they got dice on their heads and they infect things I think they're the virus I don't know all right I'm a dumb man trying to understand very complicated stuff what I did understand though was that in Alex's mobs you can get a capsid container by killing I think they're called necrophages or something like that doesn't sound very smarts in that I was gonna guide the hand of Fate by making the next horde be those things so that I could do this capsid transformation in my lap that's not good oh [Music] there's so many of them no [Music] what's this Ender flute what's gonna happen look at this [Music] time but I'm scared I'm so scared ah Robert what is happening oh stop Focus come on [Music] I got two sicknesses going right now I'm very sick man I gotta kill those things though maybe I should Capture One I actually capture one where did they go right here oh oh [Music] there it is okay [Music] what is it doing what's that go another good oh [Music] my God oh [Music] come down let's drop it look at it go in there [Music] come on dropped in there [Music] come on go in oh [Music] I got the capsid I can make a rocket look at this Mysterious World okay this get in here there's one please don't don't do your trick okay [Music] look it's going nuts look they're just flying around out there it was just DNA shooting off all okay you're gonna latch onto me we're gonna do something really dumb here probably a mistake get on me oh my God okay now it's doing way too much damage where's the name tag that I prepped I made the larvae is it down there okay I was making a new one oh come on this is so dumb what I'm about to do maybe then maybe don't do it how about that and I'm kind of worried about this Ender flu Ender flew five what does it do I'm gonna go down here and rob you want to stay away I don't want you getting infected with anything that I got here's how I'm gonna get these things come on down wait a minute I know what to do I'll just jump down and I'll follow me oh [Music] you scared me see that Man's eyes okay I'm gonna preemptively eat one of these then get on me come on let's go okay it's going wild what let's just get in here what are you doing come in here no no right here come in oh my God where's the name tag well there we go there we go I like that what I don't like is how that's open I also don't like is this Ender flu okay another one is drop down exactly what I was worried about [Music] scared me doing that yeah one more [Applause] [Music] okay it keeps it in there you're a guy but look at look at the way I'm sleeping right now race against the clock what does that mean catch you enter flew Cure by eating as many core fruit or drinking milk be sure not to let it run its toll I'm gonna drink milk and work oh my God I know our cows oh my God there's another one shooting across the sky there [Music] oh there's so many they're flying towards me right now [Music] what does it kills me where's the cow where's the cow here it's mutant milk it doesn't matter [Music] oh give me a little more guys oh okay oh oh see oh okay so there's a there's a radioactive virus things crawling all across the Zone oh I'm sure that won't be a problem for uh future 100 days video that's a problem future me's got to worry about current me not we're talking I thought thought in the world about that so when I got back to the base I placed down that device thing into one of the cells and uh as I was writing these notes oh okay I gotta stop going you think you think you can go AFK in your own base oh wait a minute Rob [Music] where is it where are these things like where did that get in from are there holes somewhere oh is it dark somewhere okay that's enough that's it it's time to capture the big mutated shulker and bring him down then I activate the worm thing oh oh I wonder if I can get milk from this guy oh I can okay these things these things are okay they're everywhere okay [Music] okay they're everywhere okay it's flying all over the place okay you know what I'm just gonna ignore them today's the day thoughts are still flying at me [Music] they're all the way over here too how far have these things spread oh there he is just hard because I got okay look how many they're so okay oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're just everywhere like spreading I got a job to do what if I should just eat this okay here we go oh okay this is already going so poorly go [Music] oh he can teleport oh oh okay this is already going so bad I need to get him to follow me where is he nothing what am I doing right now come on get him on the road oh okay come on come on follow me I'm fine I don't want to be flying I don't want to be flying but I'm flying okay this is too high this is too high it's too high the sweet one okay why is that thing up here why are these things flattered oh why is this thing here I'm taking way too much damage but there's more virus things [Music] duck why is there so many virus things about the Ender flu oh where's this guy Golden Apple oh there he is okay let's try that again you need to chase me I need to get better shooting these things down what am I doing stop being so bad Oh no I got worse oh okay I'm almost out in the strike zone what am I doing [Music] okay he's close there's no turning back at this point I need to lure him up here and into the hole where's the hole oh my God oh my god grow up get ready girl dude [Music] come down Percy oh does he even fit down here come down oh my God he's blowing his way down hey Jesus [Music] [Music] go [Music] I'm dead I'm one dead man and my laboratory exploded spreading a radioactive virus everywhere so I'm telling you right now that's not good all right that's probably good for you because it means the next 100 days video is coming radioactive zombies

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Павел Дуров задержан в ТЮРЬМЕ в ПАРИЖЕ #FREEDUROV #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmeme

Category: Gaming

Павла дурова арестовали в аэропорту парижа ле бурже это произошло в субботу около 8:00 вечера по информации французских сми дуров был задержан сразу после посадки его частного самолёта в момент задержания он находился в сопровождении охранника и женщины Read more

bert kreischer what`s going on @riteaid???? | hasanAbi react to bert kreischer thumbnail
bert kreischer what`s going on @riteaid???? | hasanAbi react to bert kreischer

Category: Entertainment

You know directly on stream looking at [ __ ] on twitter but you know if anything you made the point that lockdown had no effect on school shootings when you said some still happened during covid anyway i know every single one of assan haters will pump that tweet now since he got mad at it i know but... Read more

L'ÉQUIPE DE BRAS CASSÉS MINECRAFT...(Best of Nmkz) thumbnail

Category: Gaming

[ __ ] mes touches nigre nécessaire oui c pas nécessaire [musique] no jouer à class c'est quoi ça c'est l'avenir c'est quoi l'avenir cherche sur google tu verras que bon on lance et puis on attend vas-y vas-y vas-y ouais c'est vrai ta mère ça fait combien temps tu [musique] l'asain je exaspéré sa mère... Read more

My New Friend Has A DARK SECRET… (Minecraft Doodle Town) thumbnail
My New Friend Has A DARK SECRET… (Minecraft Doodle Town)

Category: Gaming

Oh my god he's here dude he's building a mansion in doodle town welcome back to the greatest series in the world this is doodle town in the previous episode we invited evil jelly to move into the town and he built himself a house and not just any ordinary house no this is a mansion dudes we still don't... Read more

Fishing for Nautilus Shells Ep  90 Sky Vaults Season 2 thumbnail
Fishing for Nautilus Shells Ep 90 Sky Vaults Season 2

Category: Gaming

[music] i'll tag youtube we have another episode here for you um we've been doing a lot of fishing to get those nautilus shells and here we are having that complete so let's get this crystal made perfect oral it's probably the next one that we might run into having an issue but i think overall we should... Read more