Burning Man Is Dead. Scott Peterson Docu Released. Bethenny Frankel Is A Moron

Introduction and Podcast Overview [Music] all right we're very demure very mindful on this podcast actually probably not Egg Donor Update today okay I'm probably gonna rant most of it so this ain't going to be mindful welcome to the Sarah Frasier show I'm your host Sarah so lots to get to egg donor update a lot of Gossip too from over the weekend we're going to talk about I told yall about Bethany Frankle so long ago but now Bethany Frankle chicken salad in the Hamptons is trending so I'll rant about that if you're completely lost about the very demure very mindful Trend we'll get into it and then an egg donor update that and I I have a lot of other stuff including apparently it's over for burning man I haven't even had a chance to go to burning man all right well let's be serious [ __ ] you ain't going to burning man it's the truth I'm not going I'm not going to stay out in the desert if I were going to go I want the $80,000 camper and the whole experience and it's over apparently nobody's going so all right welcome to the Pod let's start with my egg donor Journey people are always curious about that and we've selected the egg donor so we have the donor we are purchasing eight eggs the company that we are going with guarantees a egg to blast which means that it fertilizes with shm's sperm it makes it past that like five day because they unthought they fertilize it then they give it a grade you know like an AA or A A I hope the AA doesn't mean it's in a meeting but you know what I mean okay so they give it a grade the the better the a rating like the most likely it is to have zero chromosomal issues and it's well fertilized and it's ready to be implanted so usually every time you unthaw you lose about half that's why they say eight is a good number because when you you might not right you might get six that go to blast and completely fertilize it's a complete you have no idea right so we bought this woman woman's eggs she's 6 feet tall I'm very excited SCH man's mom and most of shm's grandparents are were quite small and his mom's still alive thank God but she's only like 5'2 so or 5'1 so I'm hoping that maybe shman picks up that side of it because schm is 510 511 and that will balance it out or otherwise we're having a giant child but uh here we go so really the next phas is when you do this process because people have said like Sarah I want the whole recap and I feel like I can't give the full recap yet because I'm only still in the beginning stages I feel like the Fresh vs. Frozen Eggs really I don't know juicy stuff or maybe the stuff you have to kind of think about comes later on when the eggs actually unthought and then they start to be fertilized cuz also we only want one more kid on our own and then we're also fostering you know looking into and starting the process of being approved to foster to adopt here in Los Angeles so I only want one more child that I'm going to carry and then all my other babies can come however from different Mamas and different daddies you know babies from all kinds of places so I I feel like the real stuff that you have to decide comes later on but because for us it was never a difficult decision to think about egg donor I felt like I should have done egg donor even before I tried this round of IVF that failed this summer or sorry this spring but a lot of moms that have done egg donor said to me try IVF because you don't want to ever have regrets you don't want to ever wonder like hey if I had done IVF would it have worked could I have used my own DNA right because that's important for a lot of people and I completely understand that so I did that round of IVF it failed we're going to do a second one they screwed up the medication delivery again I just said this is a sign to not do this very happy about it was ready to move on to egg donor prior to that the biggest thing you have to think about when doing an egg donor is fresh or frozen I have friends that are scientists who have told me the the ratio of success between fresh and frozen is like a 2% difference meaning you have like a 2 to 3% higher percentage that the fresh egg will work over Frozen to me that was not a big enough difference to justify fresh egg donors are insanely expensive 40 50,000 you are paying which is great these young women should absolutely get paid and the Frozen egg donors get paid as well but they just do it on their schedule whenever they want the eggs are there you purchase them so the fresh egg donor it doesn't even make sense to me this is such a racket out here anyhow they really a lot of clinics ibf clinics push you to do a fresh egg donor which is like4 $50,000 and of course if you want anything specific eye color hair color athlete ivy league I could care less about any of these things but for some people they are important even more and more money right and then she does a cycle could be months and if she's not within a it's such a racket if she doesn't live within a certain radius of Los Angeles you have to pay all her expenses great for the women I mean this is a business like do you want get get it but I was not going to do this that to me was the biggest Anxiety Medication Among Donors decision Frozen egg banks are just as qualified do all the same screening do all the same mental screening do all the same blood work screening the whole thing you still get to do a profile so I was not going to do the fresh I'm not doing fresh eggs so doing the Frozen very excited about it picking the donor a lot of people said to me isn't that strange cuz you go on these websites and you really select a menu it is it is initially the first time you do it you are like wow this is kind of like customizing a chicken sandwich but uh little different but it's true you pick the race hair color eye color or eye colors you're willing that you're okay with height range education range if religious if you are if that's important to you anyhow so once I got over that picking was pretty easy and I just really and SCH man's so on the same page with me so it makes it easy but I was all about going with my gut and as I told you guys I feel like you get a read for these donors all of whom are lovely but that one woman that said she was mean as a child and acted like a dog till she was five just a red flag and then we told our therapist about it our marriage therapist and she said yeah good good that you went in a different direction so that for me was the was the hardest part because there were some really Burning Man Ticket Sales Drop great donors that we had on there and it's probably more nurture versus nature when it comes to personalities for kids it's probably your personality your household versus their DNA but you know DNA is strong baby so I was happy to let that go donor go pick this woman that I really like and the other question I've received a lot from you all is why are these women doing this like why why what do they say because they have to give a lot of information on their profile not only their personalities their siblings their parents their parents' Health their parents personalities what their household was like and also why do they want to donate their eggs and mo it's two things one for the most part these profiles are either their nurses that have worked in OBGYN or still do and they see the struggle that women go through to have a child so they're they want to donate and then the other thing is usually they either have a sister or a friend who struggled so much with fertility and so they feel like it's important and I will say there's a third which is a lot of them say they don't know that they're going to have kids so there's that but the one thing I do think is fascinating when you look at these donors because they're all they have to be under the age of 31 or 32 that's the cut off and they don't let them donate till I think they're 21 or 22 you have to have you know your mind developed enough that you're really thinking through this decision right because your DNA is going to be out there so the one thing that we did notice which I don't know if this is scary or just indicative of society or what it is but literally I'm not I'm not even kidding 98% of all the donors are on some sort of anti-anxiety medication all of all of them all of them now is that just being young I've certainly gone through periods in my life where I was more anxious than others is that just cuz now it's easier to get prescribed an anxiety medication or are people that anxious I don't know then if you have anxiety should you be donating eggs I mean if they said no to that they wouldn't have any egg donors because all these women are on they're all on anti-anxiety medication all of them could you just smoke weed I don't know no I guess that makes you paranoid it's just fascinating to me I'm like gosh but I do I do think that age range 20s is probably when I had the most anxiety so so much uncertainty of of your life and you don't realize kind of how the world Works yet and how like if you just relax and let kind of the world EB and flow it's much easier than you think so I don't know but it was just fascinating and also fascinating if you're anxious isn't egg donor kind of the opposite thing you should be doing like isn't that like more unar like more because then your kid your DNA is out there I don't know anyhow we on that okay think about that guys I wanted to thank you if you joined our live podcast our virtual live podcast show on Thursday August 15th with David yon thank you it was a hacked house oh my God it was two packed it was to sold out this is I don't know what we're going to do for the next one guys the show was 2 and a half hours if you were there you know you feel it you feel me it was such a great show people had unbelievable questions really a lot of people are very upset about the fact that this is probably the end of Real Housewives of New Jersey as we have known it there'll be a new iteration but the old iteration is done we may we may not get Teresa back the legendary Teresa jich so a lot of people wanted to ask about that wanted David's thoughts wanted my thoughts because obviously we do these twice a week David yontiff and I team up and do Bravo recap shows towards the end of the week every single week it's just great escapism but the show went on for two and a half hours because we did all VIP and everybody got to ask a question so we got to figure out I don't know if we do two VIP parties next time but we wanted to make it more intimate that everybody got to ask a question but also hear other people's questions but honey it went on and on and on however I'm but I'm I'm a person too that I like a show that's two hours leave me wanting more leave me wanting more so that was that if you were thinking about going to burning man it's over apparently news stories coming out this past weekend say that burning mail Burning Man sales are down to a record low it is normally 70,000 people gather for one week in August it's the first time since 2011 that the resale Market is selling for half the price people cannot even sell their tickets for half of the $575 normal fee you can currently get tickets to biring man right now for $200 $300 the lowest amount they're saying since 2011 now people have a lot of speculation about this is this a sign of the economy that's was M take I think the economy is way worse way worse than we think but they Bethany Frankel's Chicken Salad Video also say the weather the unpredictable weather last year that of course ended with torrential downpour and it's out in the desert so you're not anticipating that the incredible downpour poor weather had people stuck for days trying to leave Burning Man and that has turned off thousands of people who are not interested in being stuck in the mud in their designer campers this is actually the year to go if you were going to go now if you back in the day I'm talking like 2017 2016 when Burning Man was redh hot and everyone was going if you went on the more luxury end meaning you and your friends rented like you know the $100,000 Drive-In camper the five star T burning man could cost you anywhere from 3 to 8,000 and for some people up to $20,000 for the week used to be very you know artsy very Indie ride around nude on a bicycle is what my friends say that have gone there but now it's become much more designer and posture and people are also rejecting it because the true meaning of connecting with the world and Earth and people and not valuing material things is gone from burning man so do we think we could see an end to burning man I've always wanted to go but now with a kid I mean what am I going to do I'm not going I'm not let's be honest I don't know I mean have you gone to actually let me ask you this have you Very Demure, Very Mindful Trend ever gone to Burning Man and you were sober CU like I'm not going to do my days are way behind me of drinking all day I never did drugs but it just ain't happening now I'm definitely not doing them with fentanyl and all that I happen in here so if if you're going to burning men let me know but apparently they're not I don't even know that they're expecting 40,000 people at this point everybody's still watching and talking about because today is the day that Scott Peterson speaks face Toof face with Scott Peterson is now up on peacock if you have a subscription I you know guys I really struggle with True Crime I'm not a huge true crimer I am when it comes to I I will say this I really am obsessed with with True Crime shows that or these stories where they're going back thanks to great DNA and police work 35 years ago and they are solving murders missing person that to me is like holy crap like people are really getting Justice and I mean how Bittersweet you have to wait 25 years to find out who murdered your sister what happened but they're doing it you you see these stories pop up every single week and I love I love love love to see that cuz just gives people a bit of clo and hell they're Prosecuting these old hags that are these mostly men that are 75 years old honey they were living their life and they're going to prison where where they should be I did however watch the other documentary that a lot of people are talking about for one reason which I will share is American murder Lacy Peterson which has been out on Netflix now for over a week but people are really talking about that very good documentary interest they dropped it before peacocks because very damning to Scott Peterson and if you're thinking to yourself why is Scott Peterson having a moment again it's because the Innocence Project last year here in California said there is other DNA evidence that needs to be tested to truly prove that Scott Peterson is guilty we believe there's a chance that Scott Peterson could be innocent and they point to some robbers that were in the area that they believe could have abducted and murdered Lacy Peterson seems far stretch farfetched to me but I am not a lawyer I'm not in the Innocence Project and I have been told the Innocence Project really knows what they're doing okay okay sure let's see it but people the reason that the American murder Lacy Peterson documentary continues to get conversation is because Amber fry has resurfaced after more than a decade Amber fry was the my of Scott Peterson who initially was treated in the Press like a home wrecker only to testify against him work with police and to be proven that she knew that Scott like lied to her Scott in fact was at a candlelight visual told her Amber fry he was in Paris for New Year's Eve was at a candlelight vigil trying to find his wife and was telling Amber couldn't wait to see her okay okay so people have said wow Amber fry is like living her life in Fresno she seems to have had more than a great decade she also has a daughter who is grown now she looks terrific and people are praising her for helping Lacy Peterson and her family put Scott behind bars but we'll see how it goes because Scott could be getting a new trial if you can believe it Bethany Frankle I like I don't I've told you guys this I what what do y'all see in her what do youall see in this woman that like is such a narcissist like a narcissist on another level been engaged nine times nine times okay that doesn't say right there to you something I'll tell you right now it doesn't work with schm and I get divorced I remarry that doesn't work that's it okay two times maybe I would go a third if the third doesn't work it's I I no same with her engagement why is she getting engaged This Woman's been engaged nine times it doesn't work you're the issue like at what point I can remember Sammy Kay my old radio co-host I would make him go out and take photos of me and I never liked any of them and we would take dozens and dozens of pictures and I'd be like I look fat this that he goes at what point is it the subject it's not the you know it's not the cam the best that line I have used for people in my entire life at what point are you the problem she is a nut job the latest thing she's done that's now gaining press and the video is everywhere is she goes in into a Hampton's gourmet shop where over the P if you I I have unfollowed her on all accounts because I cannot take it anymore she's so self-righteous she's so GH she's the worst and so round swamp Farm let's find the chicken salad video so she goes to this Hampton's place that she's kind of made famous because of their chicken salad and she wants to be w recognized she wants some sort of recognition because she believes that she has gotten them thousands and thousands of dollars in okay here we go she had somebody filming herself and she's filming herself she goes into this this gourmet shop where she has promoted their chicken salad told everybody to go there and she walks in and she expects people to recognize her now some people are saying this is a joke some people are saying that she is joking first of all she's not funny she has no sense of like humor whatsoever so some people are saying she no she's not being self-righteous she didn't want credit she just she's being funny she went in here and and she wanted to see if anyone would thank her for all the people that she's brought into this gourmet food shop this is it big reaction I want a reaction I moved pens thousand of of food here I want a big reaction shut up insufferable this woman she's filming herself and no one's reacting I I think we have to cancel bounce off chicken salad I was actually in shock I thought I'd go in there and someone would like say hi I I I I can't believe it did you see that you messed up I walked in there every person at the store was talking to me and like I'm buying this because of you what's with me what's WR she said they don't say people they don't oh my God they know exactly who Am [ __ ] nobody cares H anyway Bethany has her St I have said this people have slid in my DMs they're like have you seen this what what do you have to say about it y'all know what I have to say about it if you listen to my episodes with David every week I'm like she's just become I don't know who would follow her I don't there's nothing likable about this woman and I don't think she I'm with Perez Hilton I don't think she's as rich as she says she is because you wouldn't be doing all this if you had real money anyhow if you're Bethany Stan please tell me why you're still following her some people do message me these long things they're like she's so great with Charity which also that whole um be strong is just like a shell for a different charity that was a whole video that's out there on Tik Tok which we looked into and is true but be strong basically goes to you think you think she started her own Foundation but essentially all the money for be strong goes to another 501c3 nonprofit and what the person alleges is that she has made such a big donation by having her fans donate that she can then put like like she basically is the banner sponsor of this Foundation that's really what it is and says oh be strong we're sending all this relief to uh Puerto Rico or we're sending all this relief and it's actually them but she's just raise the most money so she gets to say oh it's me bit of false advertising there anyhow there's your Bethany rant for the day the other rant for the day is is anybody else over the very de very mindful dude or uh woman sorry she's trans and she uh is very happy because her very demure very mindful is going to pay for her to get complete her transition surgery Jules LeBron is her name and it started as this thing where she just said like my makeup at 900 a I don't make noise like I'm very Demir I'm very cutesy you know cutesy very demure everybody is loving her how I do my makeup for work very demure very mindful I don't come to work with a green cut crease don't look like a clown when I go to work I don't do too much I'm very mindful while I'm at work okay well everybody loves them some Jewels if you're over the very demure mer very mindful Trend you're probably getting more of it she's now getting brand deals good for her like I said she's going to pay for her her transition and she also it JLo has done a recreation the whole thing now she's asking if Airbnb can sponsor her because she wants to go take her I believe her mom or her grandmother to Puerto Rico so she's very excited about that well good or my teeth on the Internet is because they know that the bag I'm about to get from all the success that I've had is about to change it now she making fun of someone who I'll be here in a few weeks the only that's kind of funny so she and she's clapping back at people that have something to say about her appearance and it seems like it's all taking off bottom line I do agree with this part about her she says post it on the internet she said post it on the internet if I if she's like if I hadn't you know just posted me being me I would never be making money flying across the country getting brandals while with that I agree with that one girl I don't really get the very demor very mind it it basically means that you're very subtle very considerate of your looks it's just a trend anyway but the internet is talking about it and they I they're very divided they either love it or they absolutely hate it so there you go there you have it I have to shout out Kim K who was in DC my friend Blair who I love sent me the video she said all right La ain't the only place with celebrities in lines because I've been standing in lines for whether it's something about her or Kylie Jenner crumble cookie collaboration I got to say that I know people hate crumble cookies they're actually I thought they were better than I than I remember like I think they've taken people's suggestions and they cook them more and they're less sweet my two cents but did you get to see Kim K in Georgetown they opened a permanent skims location in Georgetown and Kim K rolled up the videos being circulated on Tik Tok they look great Kim surprised everybody she did not say she was coming but the lines were long to see my girl Kim K lastly dorm talk dorm talk is also taking over you guys know I'm obsessed with Tik Tok I don't know so I do know all the trends I don't get them all I don't care about most of them but I do follow them and the other dorm talk that I absolutely find to be the most ridiculous thing that's happening this fall is there are some people now this is mostly in the South by the way so FYI but dorm talks where the girls and the moms are going in and decorating you can watch this on my YouTube are decorating dorm rooms for anywhere from a th000 to $8,000 because they make custom bedding and custom drapes and curtains to hang up in this what anybody else go to like Five Below to out fit their uh dorm room back in the day I'm trying to think of are was like Spencer Gifts and Claire's I feel like Claire sold like pillows and crap you could buy in the earlys that's what I did and of course everybody and you went to Bed Bath and Beyond like everyone went to Bed Bath and Beyond to outfit their college oh God does anyone else have anxiety thinking about going to college I do oh like I'm so college for me was so hard you know I went to an all women's college in Mount Holio and I really just wanted to be a radio DJ and TV personality and be Jerry Springer so I like when I went to mount Holio every like the women were so smart everybody there was like a doctor or a dentist and I was like [ __ ] hell I want to like play Little Kim you know I do not it was so hard I to really study and work and I have anxiety thinking about moving back in and doing it but dorm talk is going viral again for the cost for these moms for these girls and then look at these places this is going to end up with vomit and condoms all over it and we've done custom bedding for these wats what here it is look at this tour has been a labor of love all the things um but we are so proud of how it turned out we were able to mix some Shazer what in certain places what's a Shazer it in the lands um their girls are from Texas of course we had to have a little here's their bed um we had to give them a little piece of home right there and here's Kel rib the watercolor by Amanda Fox it turned out fantastic manting by Premier Fabrics they are my go-to place and again this look you get the gist I mean this bedding is insane right it's it looks like something out a lily poit sir it's like it just everything is done so demure and mindful no go and foolish anyhow you can see the videos who the [ __ ] goes to college like this I'm sorry I'm trying to think of did I have like a picture a poster of Luke Perry still on my wall I guess that was high school Luke Perry at that point was out this is crazy to me mostly these these dorm rooms are being done over the top in Old Miss down at Old Miss in LSU I always thought I want to go to Old Miss and then I realized like Vegas I swear I'm the most high low [ __ ] you've ever met like I love a Four Seasons dinner but if you saw what I looked like dayto day stained I mean honestly if I didn't thank God I got a full set of teeth because if I didn't you'd be completely like this trailer park Queen truly I am that but I really enjoy an $800 dinner that is it but if I went down to oh M I would never fit in like I could not not no anyhow these before and after dorm room shots they put glamour shots of themselves up on the walls this is so crazy so crazy they do trays on the beds aren't these aren't these girls like going to hookup with dudes like what what dude in college wants to come in and ruffle through 18 pillows to hook up with your drunk ass no thanks okay well hopefully KJ and then M will be like KJ like and I'm accepting it LSU like oh great I wonder what the boys do or do they do normal dorm rooms all right look we're out of here okay huge week on tsfs this week yesterday the queen of Melrose herself Cosmo lombino you've seen Cosmo Cosmo Tik Tok train I told you guys I'm addicted to Tik Tok Cosmo had the very famous so my father gets a job at the Palm restaurant and my uncle like Louis works there too anyhow you've seen it he is on he has a store here in Melrose he's the most amazing kind sweetest thing you have ever met in your life and by the way he goes you can he's sort of uh pronoun fluid does anyone care anyway I he doesn't care what you call him woman man so that's how I feel you're welcome to call me and anyhow so she is on the show and it's so great I love it it's a story of true Redemption from and getting sober in your 50s and also hilarious stories about celebrities that she never shared before so go and listen to that tomorrow huge recap we have I'm so happy uh shida and Bal are pregnant from 90-day fiance they've been trying for three years I can completely relate to their baby struggle five months five months prer so we're so excited and happy for them they will'll talk more about that welcome to Platville recap you know episode six drops tonight so we'll talk about that Sister Wives tea Cody Brown Cody and Robin how do they feel about the trailer for season 19 and some leaks coming out of what we can expect on season 19 so we'll get into all of that Thursday David yon joins the Pod so does uh David on Friday Saturday Rachel you could tell fellow podcaster from misunderstood we do a recap of what's Happening from news and stories of the week and then Sunday I usually give you I step into the Vault and play some of the most popular podcast episodes that I can because unfortunately with podcasting very hard to go back and find some of the biggest episodes it's very hard to search they for whatever reason they don't have you can't pin episodes you can't create like a podcast list so you could just have like your most downloaded it's very strange so anyhow I try to give you some some of the best of all right love you all follow me on Tik Tok for more at the Sarah Frasier bye everybody

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