Category: Sports
You fell zero count 14 30 15 14 15 that is a [applause] magnificent that's not like it [applause] [applause] time counter juice another return game one by le m z got to [applause] z f uh something to spark into life and mtons to drop off a little bit [music] z yes well done yes well done [applause]... Read more
Category: Sports
On route to top honors her parents well you know this they were ecstatic we always say she's our first first uh sports team you know and and our favorite so the crowd goes deathly silent with everyone on the tennis court waiting for her game-winning serve then later she steps on to a $ 74.9 million... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Ready play now straight set s for you how did you feel on court today hello to everyone uh i feel great it was a difficult match because uh we are like not close friends but we are friends we know each other so it's tough but uh i think the the first set uh i played good and then he changed his his... Read more
Category: Sports
K 15ct beat a player ranked higher than that sam stza then world number five k 35 war [applause] for couple of double faults early on here from rer s k trying to back up the break s th she's correct some break back points st just catch in the line 15 [applause] qu quer th 403 sir kinson love 15 15 on... Read more
Category: Sports
Buona giornata a tutti bentornati e benvenuti sul mio canale se ancora non l'aveste fatto vi invito ad iscrivervi e a lasciare un mi piace al video se sarà di vostro gradimento episodio 14 del tg tennis azzurro la rassegna giornaliera che vi tiene aggiornati sui risultati e sui match in programma dei... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Ready [applause] play down the t it's long second serve from 32 in the first set foran return from muka foran mov again cross court and she's won it with a forehand winner a forehand winner from kolina m and she's over the line wow well let's have a quick look at twitter and then we'll come into the... Read more
Category: Sports
That's the problem that kesler will have against po constantly encouraging his sister yes brilliant defending for k this is what pot kesler needed three sets kler to get past katrina scott and jin no such problems for poova as he takes the first game on 11th of the week incidentally for the american... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro do not adjust your tv screens jack draper has made it into his first grand slam semifinal at the us open defeated alex de manor in straight sets and this is my postmatch [music] reaction and before we go anywhere make reaction sure you have hit a like and subscribe to the channel let's get stuck... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] it's a very tough first round draw [applause] admittedly s sar tour a little bit ragged early doors on surve pton confident tennis from pton sts brilliant she is a joy to watch when she gets moving [applause] love the element of poise and purpose about her play sts her fitness levels have... Read more
Category: Sports
Jack draper served up a hugely emotional interview after he marched into his first grand slam quarterfinal with a sensational performance against tomas mahaw do draper has always relished playing in new york where the fast courts help his style and he will now be dreaming big having yet to drop a set... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] lexus presents tennis on sky sports and so it is curios and [applause] novak novak i mean obviously not the way you want to win but you know he had elbow surgery 6 months ago and to see him back at on court playing amazing how heartbreaking is it to see him having to retire tonight well um it's... Read more
Category: Sports
And find the way back into a contest after losing a tight first set falling a drift early in the second but in the end she wins it 62 in the decided well the smile says it all doesn't it that she can finally let it out and relax she's got the win on her belt and donna veic worked very hard out there... Read more