Stetson Bennett Preseason Week 1 2024 Analysis

Published: Aug 14, 2024 Duration: 00:52:23 Category: Sports

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hi everybody Welcome to the QB school I am jto Sullivan today STS and Bennett week one preseason 2024 rough statistical day four interceptions probably could have been more could have been a few more but we hang with it battle back resilient walk-off touchdown at the end locked in fired up let's get it going welcome to the QB School [Music] before we dive into the video quick reminder about the quarterback School patreon Community this group is the foundation the Bedrock of the channel not only is it a great cheap way to support the channel but you get even more quarterback School content hop over there join become a member I appreciate your support as for this video let's get into it STS and Bennett come from behind winter after four interceptions and really should have been more probably this thing is all over the place y'all no doubt about it right here this is pretty awesome and there were a number of pretty awesome throws left no quick reset right down the middle super catchable playing with anticipation so whatever we're working to the left it's not there good decision no so quick out little stick don't like it boom Kickback reset he's throwing the in to the bottom of the screen I mean it's this is nice right I mean he's this you can see right here we're going to pull that trigger throw anticipation right down the middle of the field it's beautiful it's not like you know splitting zones but it's nice manfree put it on him wh again he goes to throw that thing right there that wide receiver's not out of the break yet that's anticipation right up on his face super accurate right here I love it put it in a bottle it's outstanding left to right no uh kick back again all his cleats in the ground so the the reason I say Kickback here is these are quick game Concepts to the left so it's almost like old school spacing where you have that quick out off the pitcher you've got this little stick right here you don't like that because you're in quick game footwork here now you can almost reset back but when he resets back then he puts all his cleats in the ground he doesn't stay toes he's not bouncing around Kickback you can see all his cleats hit boom and that's a beautiful throw right up on his face that's a strike next one here fourth and one okay this a nice job from Bennett using his legs to get a first down little play fake naked keeper out to the left got the over the corner the late from the tight end you you've got the horizontal stretch with the fake fly sweep to 19 so no now the interesting thing here now it's fourth and one okay he makes the right decision I get it I'm just going to be honest with you these guys would love a catch in the preseason you know those guys want the ball it's fourth and one okay it's it's the right decision to go get it you know anything could happen you throw it drop it Miss it all those types of things but again it's just you know you would love to be able to throw it too I totally understand why you wouldn't those guys want the ball you can see it in real time here those guys are open but it's fourth and one just go get it get a new set of downs I totally see both sides of it and I totally align with ston Bennett running it here but it's one of those things too where these guys expect the ball they want the ball but they also know situational football we need a first down keep it rolling Bennett wise here the dude can run okay not the biggest guy in the world but he can move a little bit he gets the uh the Aaron roders here guitar fake whoop probably not as long as Aaron would ride that thing out but nice job getting to the edge use your feet first down do you get a little high five too from McBay real time man that guy wants to play bad right next one here second and 11 we're going to rip the slot up top a little slam are lookie this is an interesting concept it's a great kind of catch and run Yak thing here and again you show I show this to know we have 224 yards passing you know some of these things are going to come on short underneath throws you know not necessarily right on him but nice catch and great Yak after that thing now this play is kind of a West Coast staple I'm often used to calling it stick nod down here to the bottom so we're going to run this little this is supposed to look like stick right here and then you stick knot it where you double move it up the seam and then this flat really becomes more of a loop or return and you usually read this thing kind of one to two now on the other side it's often paired with what I'm used to calling a lookie or a slop or you come up and some teams will have you just run the true traditional slant other teams will have you come in here and slant till you can't and potentially come out of it the only reason I don't love the true here slant is because this return sometimes if it's not right on time these guys will kind of run into each other or be in the same space but right here this a thing of beauty it's a really nice job showing your strength at the slot nice catch go up and get it and then accelerate down the sideline pum turn right Bennett wise here I think this is a really nice decision see the space to the left vacated backward blitzing put it right on him you know again not a perfect throw but certainly good enough nice catch great strength nice acceleration and we're rolling here right feeling good next one here third nine okay the first of probably a number of what I would say questionable decisions murky muddy looks and we're going to talk through this whole thing and again it's it's super easy with a clicker marker days later right now you could all probably make the argument that 87 gets held a little right here by 13 not much though right on the hip that safety makes a nice play driving on it it's a muddy throw I think is the nicest way to put it there are a few things that we're going to talk through here because I think it it Paints the picture if this is Muddy just come out here raise up and put it out here now it's third N I get it you don't want to throw underneath the sticks like this in the red area but maybe he catches it falls forward now it's Fourth and two and you go for the gamees changed like that the other part about this just this route okay this is not tight end school but it's all connected to the quarterback performance I prefer to think that when you're going to run this type of Route like seam quick post whatever this is you're really not running it against the linebacker type so you're not running it against the second level of the defense you're running it against the safety that's the guy we got to beat and so for me when we go inside here with the release so he goes inside here now this backer can just kind of push and engage you down and it you're never going to go here and then this safety is not threatened you back to the corner so they can just kind of like lean on you and you end up getting this like two onone so what I would much rather prefer stem wise here is to go outside the backer if you can and then get up and threaten get onto this guy's toes like you're going to run a corner and then cross his face not only when you do that you also open the window right so you can see the window here this is a small window this is a much bigger window for us to be able to put this thing on so again just that release part of it but that doesn't take anything that doesn't make the decision better okay that that just means it's not my favorite route so see how he just kind of lets that linebacker dictate him going inside and how quickly he looks now maybe you know if it's supposed to be a slant I can't imagine it it is supposed to be a slant but let's pretend it is supposed to be a slant if it's supposed to be a slant well then the ball needs to get on him super quick I don't think it is if anything it's supposed to be something like this and it's just it I don't love the stem but you can see down here to the bottom the number one is open that's where the ball should go again easy for me to say with a clicker and a marker now he plays it on time and again if the guy could catch you'd be playing Wide Receiver right but still this is Muddy this is Muddy and to be honest probably could be an interception turnover worthy type play interceptable for my peeps next one here third and six the first of four interceptions we're going to work the in up top or the basic the wrap in for me here this is late and obviously High also looks like could be a penalty on 84 but we Sky mail this thing it's a bummer you know I think it's there which adds to the [Music] frustration that thing's not close right 88 doesn't even put his hands up so you know it's hard to sit here and say you know what would you do should you do better you should throw it on time so right out the break right here and obviously you got to put it on his face you can't be late and high over the middle bad things happen I that's just thank you Captain there's not a whole lot of smart takes that you can go through here and say how we're going to fix this you got to throw it where you want on time so my thing about it is on time it's right there it's late as soon as that second level Defender so as soon as this guy starts to move or feel like you're moving this way you I'm used to calling it a wrap in you almost wrap that thing in as opposed to like a traditional basic which is a little bit more kind of square in every team does it a little different you know right here I just think it's a tick late so throw it no just like that little extra up and down like uh and that's enough especially when you go high even if it was on point though it'd still be a big Collision so we get a little funky here with the tight end motion kind of Janks the whole thing up I mean that's definitely a false start from 84 maybe it's so horizontal that they think it's a motion but we're late we're High that's real bad next one here third and six we're going to run a spray speed out down here to the bottom and this is beautiful on time accurate anticipation absolute dot on the sidelines outstanding late hit there yep just a beautiful job from Bennett now how he times that thing out three no hitch talk a lot about the footwork on these kind of out Breakers especially from gun lots of different philosophies here on how to do it I think this is how most universally it's done so again Square out speed out uh so speed out to me just means the top of this thing is rounded as opposed to like old school Square out you're going to spray it because we're in a condensed split so it's not going to be up and rounded like this it's going to be out and rounded quarterback Wise It's really the same throw because you end up getting to the same spot with the spray so three no hitch right three no hitch that means when you put your back foot in the ground at the top of the drop you're throwing it and it it's thrown with great anticipation it's a thing of Beauty really well done here third down execution so again it's like the Polar Opposites of the last one one two three throw look at the anticipation down here to the bottom I mean that thing is off his hand in the wide receiver it's halfway to him and he hasn't looked yet it's beautiful it's really well done nice tight route as well and that's a perfect thrown strike just a dumbass play at the end from 37 fighting Al Harris is come on is Al still there whoop and you got the left tackle in your lap so you can't even get through the throw see how he's lined up that back foot hits he kind of dovetails a little too so watch the drop kind of round all his cleats in the ground and that's I mean he can't follow through right that's a beautiful rotational torque to get it out there that's a hell of a play man it's awesome second and six here this is a rough one so this is the same play that we got that big Yak on earlier when we said when I said he ran that little slant lookie and this is the option part of it so stick not up top stick nod looks pretty good the little option or Choice whatever their terminology is in their system this one of those things you just you don't see misses like this very often from guys who play in the NFL I'm not saying you never miss okay so first thing here just defensively watch the bottom of the the screen they're trying to get lined up Personnel wise they're man down here combo coverage so they want the corner on the wide receiver and they want the back or type or the safety the bigger guy on the tight end great go to school it's man down here so a little option we're going to work the slot and again you can usually tell an option or a choice by the release of these guys so when you run these options or choices you don't see a lot of as fast as you can out or fast as you can in or fast as you can turn around it's much more of kind of like a skip off see what the defense is doing see where the space is and then go and remember last time we saw him take it right here some teams will let you take it to the slant and again that stick nod wide ass open up top now again I'm not saying he makes the wrong decision here we just make a bad throw you don't know that it's going to be that wide open you don't know you're going to catch combo coverage and have it you know not even combo coverage I think that linebacker or the safety up top just loses his mind that safety should proba would be all over number three in Man of coverage he's the only guy playing Zone I don't even know if he's playing Zone he's just playing recess up there but the reason this is on the video is because this is a slot choice or quick out or flat from the number two we got to be able to make this throw and again the quality of the misses matter to me it just just it's a big spray radius and it's just that it's more the inconsistency of the ball control more than anything else on the film cuz some throws are great and some throws look like this next one here third and six this is a tough one to me this is a Miss touchdown opportunity now could we catch the corner down here at the number two maybe we certainly could catch it it would be a tough really nice catch I think we can give him a better ball more forgiving ball with a little bit more Arc towards the back pylon making that way easier this is one of those ones where you know as a play caller as a evaluator you probably thinking damn we we got to hit this so up and then again as this thing comes through if the aiming point is the back pylon carvon this thing down I I prefer a more like seven iron touchable ball as opposed to this looks like a little flat as the only reason you'd want to throw this thing flat is if you were worried about running out of real estate running out of room if you have time verse Man corner with the leverage you want you just want to lay that thing out there and again he's playing with anticipation here I appreciate that but this isn't you know here's the thing there's I love anticipation probably as much as anybody that you know and or watch a lot of their videos this is not like an anticipation throw you don't need to anticipate this throw right it's manto man there's no safety over the top you've got the leverage that you want you just want to make sure you give your guy a chance here and so we're throwing this early it almost looks like he's a little uncomfortable with this where this throw almost turns into like what I'm used to calling a Chuck and duck where you're like I think I'm going to get hit so I throw it and kind of brace myself as opposed to hanging in there throwing it you can see the kind of see him throw it and kind of Chuck and duck who like bro you got to just take that it's not going to be fun you would love your running back to take the hit off you here it's not a terrible throw it's not it's certainly a catchable ball it's just it could be better it could be way easier and that's a really good opportunity there for a touchdown and shoot the wide receiver down here to the bottom the number one thinks it's a touchdown you nope and again from the back you can really see kind of the Chuck and duck mentality of it now it's not easy I can tell you as you take this drop and think I'm going to throw a touchdown right here and you've got this corner coming out down here and your eyes are this way for you to see this color blue running towards you without a blocker it takes courage you have to know where the line's going does the back have him do these three have these three what you know what who's who in the zoo as far as what's going on up front but you got to trust trust it if you're not hot you hang in there throw it instead of Chuck duck I'm like Chuck like throwing skip away damn next one here second and eight little naked keeper to the right we're going to be working the over starts at the bottom the safety down here is going to cut the over this just a dangerous ass throw I'm going to say that he probably never sees the safety on the backside play fake ball handling and he's throwing that like that safety is not going to take it I'm going to bet a lot of money he just never sees the safety here and that is fortunate I mean that could get picked by a few different people so I mean you look at a four interception day and you say holy [ __ ] then you look at the film and you're like oh my God it could have been six or seven and you know hard to say here I I don't know what I would say other than the fact that you got to try to see the whole field there's no easy way to say hey we're going to run it over here and unless this guy is Ed Reed you know I don't think he should be able to cut the over that doesn't make sense to me you know if if that's the case we we got to come back here out here and do like that crazy throwback [ __ ] this is you you can't have guys coming out of the roof cutting these kind of overs on the other side and I I don't know how you would even see it there nothing about this place says that this guy should make a play on this split field coverage you know you just got to I guess you just got to have the capacity to know that you see the you see the play a lot actually nowadays where they'll come on the front side and have that kind of like corner post big play back the other way you know if the tight end did that right here you know you could punt it to them so it's just one of those things where they got you you know good on them but man we're we're we're putting the ball In Harm's Way pretty often damn near every Drive every other drive it's pretty wild so a little fortunate right here that the ball's not intercepted flat over throw it oh goodness close one next one here third and eight this a nice completion up top you know I would say this throw is a little muddy not exactly where he once this is old school shallow cross with what I'm going to call a clear and a corner it might be a clear in and out this is a it's a gunslinger Vibe right here it ends up being a nice completion no doubt about it I think if he had to do it over again he would just play out the old school shallow cross so to me here shallow cross is deep hook over the ball and here's that shallow that's old school shallow cross right here they're going out of a 3x1 they're going to clear must outside release go and I'm going to call this a corner this this might might be a deep out whatever that banana out is the reason I think it's a muddy throw here is because this flat Defender he does a lot to take this thing away and the ball is not what I would say thrown well it's almost like behind him so we get a little fortunate right here I think you had to do this thing over again you just play the shallow cross the ball probably ends up go going right here now it's third and eight I understand why you want to potentially push you past the sticks but this this is close to muddy so watching that slot up top I mean that flat Defender you'd love that flat Defender if you're a defensive coach to get more of a reroute there but he's getting pretty good depth falling under that thing and again the ball's almost behind him you know we throw that thing with anticipation the dude plays with anticipation you can't say he doesn't do that I mean that this is now what third or fourth throw we've seen in the first half where he's playing with anticipation we haven't come out of this thing again this this is pretty good coverage it's pretty tight if anything they they probably also wish that they had like a quarters beater on right here so take the post off versus the must outside release go but again you you you put a better ball here and this play probably looks a little bit better aesthetically the ball location just probably not what you want and you get a little fortunate and good things happen when you play on time with anticipation TR I tell you guys you don't listen nobody listens to turtle one two three boom [ __ ] out against someone right at your feet that probably doesn't help the accuracy either if it wasn't there you can see the de Hook from 87 and the shallow you're probably going to throw it to the shallow right there now who knows if he gets a first down on third eight on a shallow that settles up in zone regardless completion first down let's go next one here nice one fourth and three we're going to hit a hitch down here to the bottom one two ball out right up on his face outstanding first down love it love the aggressiveness going forward preseason for sure nice execution get a double mug Mike Zimmer special nice job by the back right up on his face again decisive accurate just want to see more consistent right I mean it's it's nice they obviously teach one two footwork so one two I don't know to be honest with you I don't know it's a if you're going to go stagger here this might just be his normal false step one step foot work again all these teams will have specific ways they want these balls thrown with the footwork but this works right just because I prefer One Step timing of it here you know this not my favorite hitch route in the world see him turn early right there with his head before he hits his back foot I would want him to turn his head there with that left foot in the ground to make it look like a vertical don't cheat the route you turn the turn signal on there now the corner can drive it regardless nice job catching it hooking it up getting a first down so nice execution here this is what you have to do as a backup be able to come in there put it on him convert these big down in distances let's go next one here right before half another interception this is brutal this is a shallow cross now this is a funky look okay and and at some point if you play quarterback long enough things like this will happen and and you just got to put it in the bank and remember this look because this is a little bit unfortunate because this is man coverage and that is the corner the guy who's covering the shallow picking off the deep hook and let me say that again man coverage the guy covering the shallow so here's the shallow here's the de this is old school shallow cross now this a this not obviously I don't like this play dinosaur play there's so many better ways to do this nowadays but whatever and the better way is mesh if you're wondering but the guy who picks it off is is covering the shallow in man coverage so he's running to cover the shallow now the reason he's able to stop his feet and pick this thing off is because the iteration of man coverage that they're playing so they're playing what I'm used to call an 11 rat or thief and it really doesn't matter what the hell you call it one of these players the second level players is the free player the whole player and so when they sort this thing out so he probably has the back he's got the tight end and he's got the number one the the wide receiver going across so again concept-wise here you get this shallow and you get this deep hook well when the corner is running running to cover the shallow here there's an extra player right here in here so he potentially can pass this thing off so if he passes it off to the backer well then this guy becomes the whole player so what looks like it's wide open to the hook actually is double covered cuz this guy falls into it now the other thing about shallow cross that I just don't love it just doesn't have enough man answers for me so if that's the concept of shallow of shallow cross this is your man beater but because he sees that rat or Thief there he settles up so he runs it like it's zone so you don't even have a man beater now some teams will allow you to run out of this thing at the top I I never loved that we end up getting I think they run like a chip like a stinger he's probably going to run a seven stoer curl here with a speed out out here it's not there there's no good answers you just have to be able to put this thing in the bank make sure you see it again I think if there's anything that these interceptions or potential interceptions are making me question about Bennett it's just his vision I'm not saying it's because his height I'm saying it's just he we're throwing muddy balls we're throwing a few of them so again watch the shallow cross watch the corner go he passes it off now he settles up like damn you know if a few things things here that I would question if our guy knew it was man coverage and kept running here would the corner keep running I I would probably say yes now maybe they're so good the fighting owls are so good that the corner can know that he can pass things off to a backer you know you see safeties and backers pass it off and funnel those things but pretty rare to see a corner do it it's just a really nice play you know you you almost got to just kind of tip your hat and realize you know that's just well done now the other part about it is that deep hook vers man coverage you know it's not really open either so all sorts of bummers really good one to learn from you know if you're a shallow cross fan one of those ones you probably put in the clinic Bank to be able to remember you know if someone falls off the shallow just like that so 37 running with the shallow he falls off throw it right to his face damn damn that is a bummer go make the tackle bro get on your horse there you go halftime you dig the channel and you haven't already please like subscribe hit the Bell get the notifications I sincerely appreciate you subscribing to the channel it means a lot to me so thank you for taking the time and doing that again the quarterback School patreon Community you know about it join become a member get even more quarterback School content we also have quarterback School courses now these courses are the premium content available through the channel these are deep deep Dives and my favorite football topics we have courses on rpos tempos pass protection the best selling course is how to beat every cover we even have an entire offense available for you so hop over there and enroll you can enroll at the new quarterback School website get over there and check that out got a really cool feature where you can ask me anything all sorts of fun ways to interact and get more football questions answered by you so hop over there check it out let me know what you think then finally make sure to follow me across social media platforms I really appreciate your support as for this video let's get back to it all right second half big opportunity for STS and Bennett here to play this whole game we're going to go naked keeper to the left hit the corner down here to the bottom nice route from the corner jump up body it up nice job from Bennett getting out on the edge going to the left big chunk play here play fake guitar action I mean it's not a perfect throw it's a damn good throw good enough no perfect throw is out there more on the boundary but again we're carving that thing watch him hit behind the white line right there sort of left foot on the line carve it downhill just a tick hopefully it counted what's the penalty on WE holding somebody holding on the edge 83 oh hands to the face right there yo coming back damn come on dog from the wide here you can see the corner by the new number one look him going there like he's going to block Watch what it does to 31 wh got him again I like the touch from Bennett I like him getting downhill you know I like the opportunity for you know get a chunk right here if it doesn't get called back just nice athleticism touch on the ball good enough throw let's go next one here second and 18 I put this one on here for the pocket movement they're going to work a condensed hook up top and it's a really nice job of him climbing in the pocket staying on time on Rhythm throwing a strike down the field so no up up up set he's not taking off and running he's not throwing off platform when he doesn't have to he's staying within the pocket he's moving in the pocket moving up keep your base and continue to be on time now it's may be a tickly but if you got to move in the pocket it's going to mess with the clock so hit that back foot going trust it over up and put it right on the chest on the body on the break my guy my guy gleon used to say back on the scout team next one here third and 11 this is a hell of a completion third and 11 we're going to rip this deep out down here to the bottom or circus and this is beautifully thrown it's a perfect throw it's a handoff of a throw outside the numbers look at my boy alave Al Harris down here on the 50 he can't believe it the fighting owls damn I love it this a really nice job from Bennett great anticipation it's a beautiful throw driving it deep down the field outside the numbers now my favorite thing about this besides for the quarterback play we'll pause it at the top here so you can see the anticipation he's tapping the ball right there look at the wide receiver at the bottom not out of the break yet deep out outside the numbers to the field now watch the stem on this I don't know who the hell number three is but this is a world class stem oh my god so let's see what he does he goes outside right there inside right there back inside let me see if I can even draw that so he makes this thing look like a go so up and out then he goes inside goes back then he goes inside again and then he comes out this is a a legitimate world class this is Art right here as far as a stem out in out in oh my God oh my God he does that corner dirty got the corner going the other way [Laughter] I can't believe it cannot believe it third and 11 we're giving out out to the stick I would never yo that's beautiful next one here another rough interception so this is on the over up top to the number two my guy number three we doing such a great stem on the last one this is not for me Bob not great now it's as bad of a route as it is I think it's a worth throw decision you just can't make this throw it's never there it's late down the middle hits the safety in the face it's brutal now it's not the worst part is the decision no doubt about it the next part this thing is never it never has a chance so we're out here we get sniper okay Turf monster we're down the let's draw what this is probably supposed to look like post over in okay everybody body runs this play everybody okay so first thing here is we ball right here that's sucks the next part here that probably that sucks is this decision to go outside this player most offenses will teach you to go under over on these kind of cross or overs you don't want to go the reason you don't want to go over here is because now you're too close to the end the the the separation is never there so you really have to take this thing under over the mic and then get to your area and so just that decision to go outside that flat Defender up top by number three the number two Receiver right there that's a rap dog it's the play sucks so he goes around him we're on the ground down here to the bottom okay this is a disaster of a play okay now the one thing that he could control and he just didn't do a good job of it in this game is you can't make a bad play he this is a bad play on the ground wrong release this is a bad play you cannot make a bad play a disaster and that's exactly what he does and there are just simply too many disaster plays to feel good about this thing even though you come from behind have a winner at the end that's great these are bad bad reps and really bad decisions there's no need to throw that thing it's muddy it falls apart eat it scramble check it down there's lots of different things you could do here you can't go late down the middle versus the wrong route versus a bad route and think good things are going to happen next one here second and 20 this a tough one on a few different levels we're going to throw it down here to the bottom to the number one receiver my guy three he puts it on the ground drop okay that's a bummer I would also say that the ball probably should go to the tight end most teams would read whatever this play is to the right inside out just timing wise you can see the tight end there and the reason I'm you know comfortable saying that it's just the timing of these things whether this is supposed to be double slant or kind of the same play we saw at the early in the end zone where he they threw it to forced it to the tight end and this guy came out like this more cherry so whether it's this all these plays are read inside out so to me I'm saying the ball goes here now again he might be making a pre- snap determination like Hey by this look I feel like I should have this this and I don't disagree but that's why you got to play the play out you can't skip reads so when we get pressure up the middle it creates this huge void and because we predetermined we're not going to throw it here this guy's wide ass open for an easy completion instead we throw one out here it's a little contested it's a drop it should still be a completion but the better play is on time within the play to the tight end so boom right there and you can see the timing of it right the tight end comes open now and the number one comes open now so the timing of it is one to two put on the tight end he predetermines where it goes it's still a good enough throw and you got to catch it my guy might be the Stem Master and not the catch Master because this is you know I'm falling in love with his deep circus stem then he comes out and has two rough reps the rest of the video next one here nice job pocket movement again we end up doing a little play action trying to get the sail up top or Seattle it's not there up up up check it down the check down probably flashes right in his face and it turns into a nice P turn right just really well done here timing wise you know understanding the play it's not going to happen to the left up in the pocket and he just sees that thing flash so up nice little side flick put it right on him super catchable for the back and it turns into a big big chunk so we get the horizontal stretch here we're going to get the sail up top to the tight end it's not there it's kind kind of a quarters beater they end up catching closed so so the quarters beater part of it is usually the post here's where the ball's probably trying to go he gets Collision here as he's trying to get to the Seattle or sale it's almost universally paired with a deep in right so we're going to fake it to the back then he's just going to leak out on the checkdown and it's wide open as Bennett kind of hitches up here it's not going to be there regardless so he just sees this thing and puts it right on him it's just a nice football play it's the way things happen when you play tackle football sometimes it's not how you draw it up necessarily timing wise but pops he's able to take advantage of it not force it down the field really nice well done kind of Veteran Savvy quarterback play play fake I love the climb right there again pretty nice pocket movement for not being the biggest guy in the world manipulate it find the throwing Lane sidearm flick let's go next one here second and 12 another interception this one's brutal we're again trying to work my guy number three the number two down here to the bottom of the field on the Crosser or the over I don't know what to say like it it looks like he just is blind like he like this linebacker got photoshopped out of this look for him maybe he just doesn't see him with the big guys in front of him I don't know it's a this a bad bad look bad bad film this might be the worst one so route wise here again post over Crosser in right everybody runs it verse Middlefield closed I think this thing is normally dead you know unless this guy invert replaces this thing where he cuts this and now he can Let It Rip but this is going to be there like you just got to this is the wrong Club you know as you move in the pocket just lay it out there show a little bit of touch on it now I will say his footwork here is not for me right we almost get like a karaoke as opposed to keeping that base or moving in the pocket resetting your base this is this is unnecessarily difficult now you got to move so watch the footwork here at the top of this thing life fake y yo yo yo yo all right like that's karaoke in that thing reset move get off the spot reset your feet that's multiple karaoke that's rough now watch my guy number two the number two receiver down here number three this time he goes under right there nice don't get Collision under the first one over the second and again it's going to be a hit it's going to be a big hit this is just a weirdo decision you got to stop saying weirdo he he must just not see this guy I mean there's got to be like a vision issues because this this is a a this is a layup out here if you throw that thing with any sort of touch there's nobody out there it's going to go for days full speed here so just appreciating I'm not sure which is worse the footwork or the vision probably both Jesus that looks like you're you know like a Friday rep on the scout team when the coach tells you to throw an interception that's terrible watch the feet what are we doing holy goodness what are we doing I can't remember the last time I saw some do that look at that for who for what good God and you throw it right to his face Jesus it's just we're all over the place like there are some really good reps and then there are reps like this that say hey do I oh my goodness holy moly next one here second and nine we're going to be hot up top two on the back we're taking a sack can't happen it looks like he wants to throw it and gets a little confused now it's not a good look to throw a flat into a cloud corner or a pomy type Corner up top but you have to throw it you don't have to throw it to the corner you can throw it at the guy's feet but we can't be taking sacks like this when we're two on the back this is too easy of a look so it's not an easy look coverage wise so coverage wise here this looks like it's going to be zero to me it's got a zero Vibe Birds on a fence everybody on a straight line it ends up playing more like what I'm used to call in paly where he's going to kind of take the half field he's going to take the flat or they're going to essentially switch this thing off we got two eligibles here one's on the deep end he's got the first one out he's got the first one in well if that's the case if this is the route and the corner sitting out here like this that's not a good look but you don't have another option there is no hot throw the the hot is right in your face you got this player you got this player the back has both of them if the back has coming across he's got the duel we got to throw it so you either throw it outside here in the Gatorade or you throw it at the feet but you have to throw it you cannot take a sack and get hit here so it's just it's a combination of design because there are no good hot options but you have to throw it and he wants to throw it I think he just sees the corner it goes oh [ __ ] that's not even an in that might be a hook up top that's a true hook then you really have to throw the flat oh God just can't it can't happen cannot happen because down here at the bottom there's no Hots those guys aren't looking they're going deep down the field it's a rough it's a rough look for STS and Bennett more than anything and again he sees it he just doesn't execute it damn you you absolutely have to throw that ball at the feet of six tough easier said than done right next one here fourth and nine another probably turnover worthy interceptable throw get a little fortunate right here they end up calling a hold on the star the nickel running down the middle of the field but I mean this is that has the potential for an all-timer bad day here with another interception we're looking at eight potential interceptions seven eight right again the karaoke footwork it's not for me it's late down the middle it's high it's all bad it's it's all bad bad bad and it feels like it's a you know almost like a avalanche on him snowballing right now so concept-wise here it's a it's a little unfortunate because you got this look to me this is Middlefield open pretty clear most teams are going to want to attack here fourth and nine this being able to get up here and run I think is probably where the ball should go you know the guy ends up getting held fortunate that it's called we end up throwing it to this in route and again the ball's High the footwork is weird by the quarterback but also he's inside here it's like two man so he's running inside on this it's really hard to get an in Breer deep down the field versus two man so again I the decision where it goes I think it should go to the slot the number two up top and then look at the release by the number one up up top see how him go around the corner to then run it in I'm not saying it's not there it it is there you just don't expect it to be there maybe he just sees it and he's that good but I'm throwing the ball down the middle of the field I'm putting that thing right on the logo then the other part about it is you guessed it watch the footwork karaoke style here whoop whoop whoop who who he'll click he'll click he'll click so he's got good initial movement in the pocket like you can feel him get off the spot and buy time but the way he gets there is is what I would consider just loose and borderline sloppy so again get off the get off the launch Point great get up and reset don't as you go you know karaoke right there behind yourself right there again heel click heel click heel click as opposed to keeping your base keeping your base keeping your base and allowing yourself to throw that thing down the middle of the field now I would also love I'm not sure why the guy running down the middle of the field 81 is looking over his left shoulder maybe he just sees the ball maybe that's supposed to be a deep flag or pylon I don't know it's all bad we're real lucky that this isn't the fifth interception to end this thing look at Al he loves it on the sideline loves it it's awesome next one here so we get the ball back a little lucky my guy number three down here though number one receiver at the bottom Man Down Bam oh God hope he's all right so this is going to be a pretty good example of why I think the heel click and the base is so important for a quarterback if we were to throw this on what I'm considering on time so little wrap in right here put it right on him verse quarters tough look not not necessarily ideal usually some sort of like gather route underneath here whether he comes out or not it doesn't matter I'm saying that if we threw this with what I'm saying is a great base so when you hit the back you keep the base that you have at the back of the drop and you just throw it like a tight hitch so from here to here as opposed to heel click heel click and then we have to get back to the base so wasted movement inefficient movement that leads to this guy getting hit and looks like hurt y'all this is the difference in the lead that's why the footwork matters so much see him well it looks like he's like throwing from the warning track right there just throw it just like that don't click [ __ ] he goes beyond clicking he's full kokei there and that because that half second later now the ball's caught closer to the hash and now we're going to get collision and hit in the back of the head y'all it matters [ __ ] these are people's livelihoods we're [ __ ] around back there with karaoke getting people drilled over the middle of the field it's this is no joke what are we doing what is that what is that he's lucky he's getting spider cam there but we can see the lower half that is a rough footwork all right so the game-winning drive here third and six the ball's on the six we are down six points we're going to win the game with a touchdown okay third and six great opportunity fighting back clawing back after a four touchdown could have been more four interception could have been more day we just skymail this corner now this is one of those ones where I thought his vision was great right here I don't think there's any reason to think this corner is going to be there full field read again I don't think he helps himself with the toess how he's bouncing around and we skymail that thing so the route itself inside release to the corner you know with the defender outside of you you're thinking I'm not thinking I'm going to have this corner at all but he does a nice job scanning the field so looks like he starts down here and works all the way across to be able to see this thing and find it it's there this is a throw we can make we got to make you don't know what's going to happen on fourth down so no down here to the bottom heel click heel click Sky Mill I mean just lay it out to the corner it's a touchdown it's a walk-off oh oh got to give your guy a chance there whether it's high back five or more touch to the back pylon it's there great pass Pro too Jesus huh those guys must be gassed D line wise that is great pass protection everything except a throw and here we go fourth and six for the winner Big Time play right here get outside the pocket scramble to your left make this thing happen find him work in the backline really nice nice job I mean you you got to acknowledge the the facts here rough day stat-wise some nice plays but this play makes you almost forget a lot of that not there got to go good athleticism running away from the big guy running fast away from the big guy drop it down beautiful throw running to your left throwing to your right for a walkoff that's awesome shows some great resiliency some toughness now who knows where the hell he's looking he looks like he's looking down here to the bottom and if you're looking down here to the bottom this to me needs to be thrown touchdown if you're playing up top this right here touchdown touchdown if you play the play and don't have to move so I I think he probably does have to move and go here you know check down touchdown so we got a lot of good options here at the end of the day he does a great job extending this thing he doesn't like it it's muddy for whatever reason extend drop it down it's a hell of a throw going to your left it's a it's a big time throw to win it now the only thing that gave you a chance was you know the other side not being great on offense either but this is a beautiful job right here I mean that is beautiful that is Art going to your left drop your spine down drop the arm angle down and throw a strike right on the logo let's go Lo it off so that is a wrap STS and Bennett preseason week 1 2024 rough statistical day but we battle back we got the win now it's helpful when the other side of the ball uh is not great on offense but regardless I thought you know there were some really nice moments for STS and Bennett obviously the interceptions and probably should have been more interceptions uh not great you got to learn from them you got to have learn really quickly to not make a bad play of disaster there were a few disasters in there there were some also some bad luck in there as well but there was still a lot to like I really love the anticipation I thought he threw the ball pretty well down the field outside the numbers you know I think the footwork got a little loose and sloppy as the game went on but he battle back he found a way to win you know that that's something for sure now is it enough we'll all find out together regardless thank you so much for hanging to the end I'll see you next time have a good one

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