From Riker's Island to Internet Sensation: A Corrections Officer’s Journey Through Chaos

Working at Riker's Island, a Notorious Penitentiary and they put me in this housing area and this is in the 80s and I went in there and when soon I went need to take my count I thought I was in the Night of the Living Dead oh my [Music] God before we dive in it's important to remember that the information we provide is for for informational purposes only every situation is unique and decisions regarding your health or legal matters should be made after Consulting with your own doctor or lawyer our aim is to inform and Empower but personal circumstances require personalized advice hi welcome to another edition of Justice in Scrubs I'm Attorney Richard Hastings and I am normally joined by my co-host Dr Jeff michelis but he is under the weather with covid today so he will not be joining us but today we have a meast star with us today and it's I I'm so thrilled to have Leroy Ebron here he was a corrections officer at Riker's Island and we're going to talk about that his experiences there but on top of that he has filmed a number of podcasts with locked in with Ian Bick and and his reels have been viewed by over 20 million people so we're going to talk about a number of those things but first of all welcome to the program and thank you for being here no problem thank glad to be here let's talk about your background you live in Brooklyn New York yes Brooklyn New York and you are a correct or you were a corrections officer at Riker's Island yes can you tell us about that yeah I worked at Rus Island for 22 years uh you know I worked in one of the worst part of the jails was called the segregation unit the Bing the Box some people call it the hole whatever you want to call it but that's when the m is locked in they sell 23 hours a day one hour wreck you know what I'm saying and um these guys supposed to be the worst of the worst you know what I'm saying you know come to stabbings cuttings assault on staff you know stuff like that you know what I'm understand and um and for those people that don't know Riker's Island is an island off of Manhattan and it's I believe a part of the Bronx is it not well I don't know about part of the Bronx but uh I definitely know it's lik in the Queens Brooklyn area right I think you have to drive over a bridge in Queens to get to the island yes you do and it is one of the largest penitentiaries in the country yes and it's one of the most dangerous oh definitely so you worked at a place that was literally notorious notorious who are some of the people that were in the seg unit we had PL a lot of people in a se s unit you know what I'm saying that was Notorious you understand what I'm saying and some of them that wasn't some of The Central Park Five them that didn't even belong there cuz when the Central Park 5 had got you know you heard about the Central Park five yes at that time for what reason or another they had nowhere to put them they put in them in our area for a little while you understand and that whole time the guys was telling me they was like IAM we didn't do it we didn't do it and they was so you could see the honesty in the eyes you get you know how they say you can't look a person but judge them but I felt it the way they were telling me y we didn't do it man so I said do your family got money man cuz you don't need a good lawyer they was like nah man you know and that was tough times for them because they wind up paying for a crime that they didn't even do years later when I'm retired they getting exonerated right and one of them the one that was in court when he was telling the judge you know talking to the judge and he start crying I actually start crying wow because he told me they didn't do it I had no power to do nothing to help him but all that time he lost and he told me the in his eyes I can feel it they was telling me they didn't do it but everybody that's in prison will tell you that they didn't do it yeah but if there a certain or that come over you I can't tell y'all what it is cu everybody got that aura and then some people say oh I can't believe he did that you see what I'm saying I do but what came over me was the belief the way they was crying and pleading to me they didn't do it and they didn't do it let's talk about what Riker's Island is and how it was set up how many how many buildings on Riker's Island how many people are in Riker's Island how many people work in Riker's Island well you know the numbers has changed since I left but like I was talking to my uh W Robinson at one time like 24 25,000 inmates on that island oh my God and like now it's like 10 jails you know they could build jails break jails down modules down so it it it varies and change but it's it's something it's a sight it's a sight imagine con going across a bridge and in the winter time say winter CU in the winter it get dark you going to work it's still dark when you get there in the daytime it's still kind of dark and you see nothing but fire trucks and smoke then you just hear shout outs from the enies through all the jails screaming it's it's like you in a a whole another world so how does that affect you psychologically physically emotionally psychically I go in in I like oh God what what's Fear and Uncertainty During a Storm on the Bridge going on what kind of day am I have am I other going to go home today what happened all the thoughts come to you what happened and one of my fears was if the recil and Bridge break cuz nothing is unbreakable if I break how the hell I'm going to get home how we going to get off the I don't want to be stuck there not not like that you know and this is crazy y'all cuz like I said I lived it I experienced it it was actually times when they said a hurricane is coming a big storm is coming I said I ain't going to work I ain't going to work and you know why I said I'm not going to work cuz one day the storm was so bad the water was coming up on Rus Island and I'm walking through the hall in the jail and I swear to F whole jail move like that I said oh oh God and I'm actually feel like I felt you know reconciling move I could be bugging out but that's what I felt and I was like oh God but then when I went outside when it was time to go home some of the cars was underwater wow or a where you park at the mads and some of the cars was I said oh I was not bugging out and like the bridge is like this the water is level like this but when I'm going home the water's level like that so no I'm not bugging out a change reaction and I don't want to be on here if that's suck thought the sake or it's out to move go that way I want to be that way uhuh tell me what it what is it's like your your normal day you you drive over the bridge in Queens to Riker's Island you park your car par your car I'm assuming you go through all kinds of security yes you you go when you park your car see I had a special privilege because I worked in the being so other officers would have to park in the parking lot but me I could park with the wardens the chief and all of them because the area that me and my partners was working we all could park right in front of the jail but when you go in you have to turn in your weapon and then after you turn in your weapon you go to your locker room change your clothes you I don't I always went to work but dressed already so I Ain have to change nothing I just go in there and they got the scanner then you walk through the scanner let the scanner if you clear you good if you rain the officer got to F you down and use the machine and that's when you're able to enter the yeah and then do you have like a morning meeting where where you're briefed by the oh definitely definitely uh whon Robinson Depp Andrews de belly well he became a chief Acknowledging Important Mentors too belly and um I gotta talk about uh Depp newo I love you newo you out there he was a big part of me too and de rich is certain people that I have to give them they props because I wouldn't be here today without the guidance and they schooling so I always got to mention them you understand what I mean sure always got to mention and CIO uh little CIO he looked out for me too so I have to give him his props too you know so you would go to a meeting and they would tell you this is what's going on uh we go to Road call it's called Road call you go to Road call and they will school you on what's going on what happened at night what to look out for and if you need them let them know you understand you know and they they giv you the current occurrences that went down so you will be ready for anything that's getting ready happen so when you leave roll call do you at any point in time physically interact with the prisoners or are you always like behind a a a bars or when you leave roll call and you go behind that gate you always around prisoners walking through the Halls going to the post where you work just hands on all the time and I mean you're one of and and i' I've met a lot of people in my life but you're one of the most friendly affable nicest people I've ever met and you you you have a great way about you you're a very very nice human being and I would imagine that that would help you in your interactions with the prisoners believe me yes I did but once again I thank God thank to my mother you know the upbringing that we brought up to always treat everybody fair and nice no matter what no matter what they did just talk to them respectfully treat them nice sometimes you might not get the response you want but you keep on until they push you to that next level where you have to show them another side of you and then when you show the other side of you and it happens they respect you even more because they said listen you started out nice with me I'm the one that bring that out of you and I'm sorry so do you have a baton with you do you have mace with you do you have a weapon with you what are you carrying when you go in they give you Mace that's what you got you got mace The Paton itself is full when the bells is ringing and you got to run to a situation like a officer being SW and a fighting you got to go into a rot you get The Paton you get the riot shield you know the mask the helmet that's when you go in with all that but when you go on your post all you get is the spray and you get a panic button so if you run into altercation you can't handle you press that button Responding to Alarms and Dealing with Difficult People it goes straight to the control room it blows the control room the whole jail up it rings through the whole jail now when they hear that ring I don't care if you on the toilet you're eating or whatever wipe it real quick wipe that butt ass real quick wipe it get up that mean somebody's in trouble go and help your partner or whoever a inmate a teacher a doctor anybody you know a teacher when them bells ring that mean for you to get up and get out somebody need help so going back to the fact that you're a very nice and likable and respectful guy obviously you're going to have people there right that that are not at all interested in you being nice or respectful right and I would imagine that you have seen if you can call it that evil yes I mean people that are just evil by their very body nature and what happens when you come in contact with these people tell me you a minute remember this you won't like me when I'm angry you won't like me when I'm angry the haulk it brings the haulk out of you and when the Hulk come out you can't control they got what they deserve they ask for it now you gonna get it and when that all come out let me tell you something you better not lose you better not lose once that Beast come out cuz if you lose you might as well pack up and get the hell off the island cuz your reputation going to be shot and word Trav travels fast I'm sure like a bullet like lightand so do you go into or go onto the island every day with the expectation that perhaps something bad will happen oh definitely definitely come almost every day something bad happen if nothing happens that's a miracle it was times I went in cuz I worked at 7even we T sometime it'll be like in the on a day shift it'll be like 20 alarms 25 alarms a day that's only from 7 to three you know how many alarms that is how many times the officers got to run up and down the halls and and them Halls be like two three blocks long sometimes it's like every 20 minutes one of those is going off yeah it's yo it's man man I tell you and sometimes they back to back so think about it back to back you ran into this alarm you taking care of this situation but now another Bell going off so now the Manpower is going to be shorter cuz now some of them got to go to that one and it goes on and on and on and on let me ask you about the people that are in isolation that are in the seg Treating Inmates with Respect unit yes so they're locked down for 23 hours a day yes for one hour they're taken out and they go into some kind of exercise yard yes yes do you do you have conversations with these people do you become friendly with these people how does that whole thing work me my per se this what I do because that's my area every one of the inmates that come in my area I take them in a day room like they on a job interview and I spend around 20 to 25 minutes get to know who they are why are you here man what's going on talk to me this is my housing area this is what I expect from you you know I tell them you need a newspaper I got the newspaper you want a phone call you get a phone call you understand what I'm saying I'm going to make sure you get everything you need when I'm here when I'm not here I can't proom promise you that cuz everybody don't do what I do but when I'm here you going to be all right you don't have to worry about nothing all I want us to respect each other and if we got a problem and you don't like what you see or something talk to me tell me maybe I can help you maybe I can't but if I can't help you I'm going to find you some help but just talk to me and believe me it works for me it works for me every time and and when you say that there there's such power in those words because these people are are in the worst possible place and you're saying to them you're going to treat them like a human being yes you're going to get them what you can get them yes and and you're asking them to respect you yeah I think the challenge is that you're going to deal with a certain percentage of that population that is mentally ill and that perhaps they they can't understand that or they can't put that into action or they just want to be evil and harm you I have some that came through that too I don't I don't want to hear that sh you know you know I'mma do what I do this is me this is what I do I said okay I can understand what you're saying but you don't have to be like that with me I'm not like them I'm not like the rest I said you will see that cuz that attitude that you throwing me that's not going to get you nowhere I'm still going to give you what you're supposed to have but if it was for me to give you a little extra you won't get that you understand what I mean and then they come down and look I all right see all right they want to breaking down because I'm not your orary Co let me tell you just like that cuz I learned from the best like I said W Rob Depp Andrews and they taught me I learned I seen so I know how to rock and move with you guys and I never changed Loyalty to Friends in a Job who I was when you got on a job in the academy they say listen the friends you used to hang out with they can't be your friends no more you can't hang out with them no more you can't affiliate with them no more me out the window there's no way you going to tell me that cuz before I got on this job I was with those guys we did things together ate together party together everything together and saved each other lives in different situations and you going to tell me I got to turn my back on them because I have a city job no way in hell that GNA happen I'm not going to change who I am because I got this job how much gang activity did you witness while you were there a whole lot of gang activity bro me and my partner thank God for them Fontaine I love you wherever you at out there if you watching I love you bro I miss you please get in contact with me things are happening and good things and I really feel like you should be a part of it and um me and Fontaine actually start stopped a little ride that was happening in jail you know he was Spanish and I'm black and he knew how to deal with the Spanish guys and I know how to deal with the black guys and was either or we could switch it back and forth and at one time they would planed a big ride and I didn't even know nothing about it but he knew about it and he came to me he said e man said get ready go down man I said well he said this getting ready little be a war going on man and he said if we don't put a stop to it ain't nobody G to be safe he say it's definitely gonna make the newspaper so I said okay fontain you do what you can do on your end and I'm going do what I can go on my end you talk you talk to the top leaders over there and I'm talk to the top leaders over there and he said all right and by me and him doing that together they don't even know we stopped a melee Riot from happening but me and him knew it wow and they was they was expecting it but they didn't go down they didn't go down because me and my boy FTE and then how much Contraband would you seize or or see come in there and how are they getting different things in the prison contraband is a tons of Contraband all right they can make contrabands from breaking a window panel breaking off a radiator you know going in slopsink breaking stuff off the wall breaking the mop bucket teacher Social Service even another officer a doctor will bring in it comes from Shocking Experience in the Housing Area everywhere man that's why they got that scanner cuz you never know know where it's coming from you know what I'm saying it one time when I first start it it scared me to death I came in cuz I wasn't ready for this I came in and they put me in the module area and the modu area got like like a little Auditorium you know the mar got like 60 beds no cells that spread out and they put me in this housing area and this is in the 80s and and I went in there and when as soon I went in there to take my account I thought I was in the Night of the Living Dead oh my God and I we wanted to take a quick break to remind you about our sponsor find the great dealing with the aftermath of an accident or injury can be overwhelming and the last thing you want to worry about is finding the right lawyer findr simplifies the process by connecting you with one of the top attorneys in your area who specializes in your specific type of case whether you've been injured in a car accident suffered a slip and fall or experienced medical malpractice find a great has a network of experienced lawyers ready to help and remember their service is completely free so you can focus on your recovery without worrying about the cost of legal representation if you or someone you know leads legal assistance don't hesitate to visit find a great and let them match you with one of the best lawyers in your area for your needs I never saw that like this in my life what did you see they had me go in and that's when they said they came up with the thing when you search your inmates let him empty his own Pockets don't stick your hand in his pockets cuz uh the clinic is missing hypodermic needles wow and uh we don't know you know what hands they Li in but I walk in this house and they got these guys like this leaning to the floor like drug overdosed they look at me their eyes all up top of the head and I'm like what the hell going on in here then I hear the shower water water running I go by the shower dudes is in the shower with the water hitting them and they got the the sneaker screen tied to the muscle and the needle sticking out the arm oh my God and they looking at me me like this and I'm like and this is when the AIDS epidemic was really out there and I'm like oh God Confrontation with Drug Users in the Street what's what's going on so I'm like they P me what's going on so I go and I'm walking through the m and then they got these group of guys they standing together and they I I don't like calling people junkies but basically that's the way I see you know and they all they're not scared they got the needles and they see me coming they go try to hide it but I see the plastic bag with the needles coming so they got the needles and they know I see it but they also know I'm young I'm new so they were like want some of this SEO oh my gosh just one hit that's all it take and he look at his buy we should hit him right we should stick them one time right they see me jump they look at him but see they don't know I'm from the street I ain't G to play with you because you got that needle but you better you know what just like that record when I was young my father's play you got to know when to hold up know when to fold up know when to back up no when to run I said I'm getting the hell out of here so what I did was I backed up they was laughing at me I went to the bubble I told the officers yo listen call the captain cuz uh I see the guy got some needles now I'm talking to some experienced officers they say okay we'll call them like it's nothing meanwhile I'm watching them they still talking they ain't calling no goddamn body and you think I'mma stay in here for eight hours knowing that these guy got hypodermic needles and he talking about I want something just one you know you know what I did what watch see coast clear back then they had the school chairs the iron chairs with the wood I grabbed the iron chair and I threw it in the goddamn window bam broke the window oh no said what I said they do a chair at me they do a che at me they what now they ringing the Bells they do Che me they say you all right come on get out of here meanwhile these guys so drugged up they like oh what's going on they are so now the captain come down the captain say they do a chair at me man yeah yeah but see I messed up I'm tell you where I messed up do it you man he said come on come we got to get you out of here which one do it you I don't know but it came from flying that way right he said come on come on get out here you go out in the hall and and walk up to the clinic where backup is coming so when they close the door I'm going up the stairs I'm like yeah I got him out of there and when I did that it was another Captain F the top of the stairs he said boy ain't nothing wrong with you Fred Flake and the Frustration I said oh yeah no no F I said he said for I said yeah he said go to the clinic so I went to the clinic and my favorite doctor did you know and Dr tul he told me he said you know what happened and I told him he said man you did good he said said because that's a method daon house he said he don't know why they put me down there but that's a method house he said some of them guys down there do got Aid so that was a scary part for me I got the hell out of here I don't care wow tell me about some of the more memorable inmates born son that was the Fred flake Thief he was the one that when I came in in the morning all inmates was on the gate they they would wait for me to come in and they be like I'm hungry so what I said y'all ate already right cuz they eat before I come in they eat like 5:00 in the morning I come in at 700 sometime 4:30 5:00 they said no I mean my whole house is like holding his stomach like I'm like what's going on who fed y'all they don't want to tell me a Fed y'all you know so then I go to one guy he ain't scared he don't care he tell it he going to tell I go to him I say yo what's going on he said y I eat last night I mean this morning I said what's wrong he said Y Man all he gave me was milk and Kool-Aid and a piece of brother bread I said milk cool and piece of I said who did to feed it he said born son I said that damn born son born son is a house G suicide a SLS he got both titles so I said where Bor son at they said he he went back to the house so I told officer I said listen I got to leave I got to go get Bor Sun so I go to the Bor Sun house I Pig on the door officer open the door I said listen what s born sun in he said he what's about said I got it he said born sun is in uh three sale so I go over there so crack three cell they cracked three sell born son is on the bed eating a big bowl of foret flakes dripping from his mouth what's up eball what's up I'm looking at I'm like yo B no you didn't what what por you didn't get the got no for and Flake oh somebody snitched on me somebody snitched on me I said Bor son now you know you got the Fe Guy where is it at Bor oh man where is it at boy he on his bed he pull out the whole box the whole box of the fled flakes all over man give me that box man I don't even know how you got in this house in area carried a whole box of Fred flakes you know he said no no don't give him that e give them the brand flakes not give me this took the for flake I went back and I fed everybody we took Bor son J we like suspending him for like a week or two cuz it's hard getting Building Relationships with Former Prisoners somebody to work down there for you to get somebody to work down there they got to be bad who are some of the most dangerous people that you had to deal with when it com to me I don't call them dangerous because basically sad to say I grew up with all mostly all those dangerous people I got you know what I'm saying some kind of relationship I ran into them one way or another so they wasn't dangerous to me but they were dangerous to other people you know like my boy Shasha you know bornon was a dangerous uh guy named wimpy these are guys that I still talk to today they watch the shows they gonna be watching now my boy wimpy are they in or out they out now they out they did 20 years 25 years they out now you know I just uh my boy tin toes down shout out to T toes you know his name is tank you know oh spedy spedy is a spy I love you spy I'm doing this because you deserve the shout out love you spy Spy was a good man he turned his whole life around he was a big guy in jail and uh he's doing great things you understand so I definitely got to give a shout out I was talking to him and my brother Derek Brazil and like I said tin toes I was talking to them that's funny right tin toes I name tto tank and they actually came to my house and picked me up and uh we you know we had a good conversation you know what I'm saying and yeah let me tell you man you wouldn't believe who you could become friends with cop killer hate to say it it happens you deal with this guy you get inside his head y'all get inside each other head and then they start revealing talking to you and you come to find out wow he was just misled just went down the wrong path you know what I'm saying he didn't want that to happen he got caught up in a bad situation and it happened you know what I mean but what's interesting is the fact that you're in with these people while they're prisoners and then when they get out you I guess in large part because of who you are and how respectful you are and how how friendly you are that they continue a relationship with you listen I got guys right now that came home fromin 27 years coming in see me and thanking me for taking care of them why they was in there you know what I mean you know and it's remarkable it's remarkable and I would think that most people that are on the inside that are treated with respect and with dignity like like you're doing that you're going to establish some kind of a relationship with them that will allow you to do things that perhaps others might not be able to do and would command respect for them in such a way that you might not be as fearful of some The Journey to Internet Sensation type of harm yes yes yes because there's a lot of them that came home and they already told me say Hebron when you ever start your own we will go on yours we ain't going on nobody else's but we'll do it with you you know even my boy shawel he even told me you know and shael was one of the big head big guys out there and he even so he matter of fact he's writing a book and he called me up he said e I'm writing a biography book of my life and I would like for if you don't mind can you send me a picture I want I want to add you in my book that's fantastic and that touched me you know so I said sure you know and I I I did that for him you know so you know like I said you know I got a lot of notorious people you know wow I can't begin to name them all so you you retire from Riker's Island mhm and then you meet Ian Bick yes and Ian Bick is our producer yes and Ian Bick has the podcast locked in with Ian bck yes you go on his show and then overnight you become an internet sensation I don't even know how that happened I don't know where it came from but I'm glad it happened I I just was being me and you told a story about working in the women's unit yes and the different things that went on there yes and the sites The Sounds the smells the the interactions that these people would have yeah and I was just being real with it at the time I wasn't looking for the the expansion that it went but I was just keeping it realway at the time and believe believe me that's on a job training that's when I was still on the job training M I would tell you I couldn't last weak in that place that place is and that's back then everybody I talk to now they said no it's not like that now you know they more up to date with stuff but back then I went home with a headache that day I'm telling you I went I went home with a headache that day that day I still see the girl ringing the bloody pad out in in the slop s and blood going through her fingers and they looking at me like what what you looking at uh I had the sky blue shirt on you know one of the girl said you keep looking like that I slapped this bloody pad all over you oh I don't want that to happen so I'm not GNA look at it no more I'm a new Jack you know but that's how they was talking and it was for real too so this video comes out and now you have I think almost you have 20, 400,000 views yes yes and you live in Brooklyn yes and you become a celebrity MH and and what does that look like and how does it feel and how has your life changed as a result of that well you know um I'm just taking it as a g you know what I'm saying I'm taking it with scri you know I never thought this would Building a Brand and Spreading a Message happen wasn't looking for it to happen but it happened you know and like I've been getting phone calls from different people now me and and bck was talking and like he said disguise is the limit with us you know so I'm going start doing other interviews here and there Ian B GNA be hooking me up you know what I'm saying cuz like I said I said Ian B I hooked you up with Shannon Briggs man you up here with all the movie stars I even talked about you I said yo you up here with my man yo hug us up you know what I'm saying he said okay I'll start looking out for you you know what I'm saying and we were talking about building your brand yes and and when we talk about your brand you're very recognizable I mean it's not like you just wander down the street and nobody notices you you're you're big you're bold you're loud you're you're very flamboyant you dress a certain way right and people know you yes and people come up to you and people want to have their picture taken with you yes yes and you're a celebrity now in Brooklyn and hey it's all good you know I like I said I just want to spread the love and I'm doing this and I'm reaching a lot of young people man that was doing the wrong stuff and they said after watching you with Ian B and what you was talking about he said man I ain't I ain't going to jail man thank you man and they feel good to hear that from some of the guys it was not only the youth some of the grown dudes be like yo E man you right man I I ain't going back in there no more you right about that he said I'm glad you telling it like it is you know what I'm saying and I think the beauty of of you and your message and the brand that you're building is the fact that you're you're not just doing some goofy thing where people are watching it because it's entertaining you really have a message no yeah I have a message and the reason why I do the things what I do I try to bring the people I want them to see what I see feel what I feel I want to bring them there so if I could bring them there that's more likely for them to say oh wow that happened or it happened like that you know this is what I really saw sure I lived it like I tell them they have this stuff that the YouTube capping he lying and all I lived this 22 I Liv this I got stories that I can't tell you if you want me tell you this story you got to give me a million dollar $2 million I got $2 million stories $5 million stories yes I do I got it you understand with me I do I got some for you you know but I'm doing this not for the money I'm doing it for to keep the youth and the older crowds out of jail jail is real I didn't seen The Emotional Toll of Being a Corrections Officer people get raped I can't scrape that out my brain it's in printed yes I have nightmares but I'm okay because I know how to deal with it it affects me and and we were talking earlier about the fact that there is um there's a lot that Corrections Officers deal with yes and like you said you see things and then you can't unsee them they're they're in your brain and they're people that go through depression yes that have PTSD and then sadly some of the people that you worked with have taken their own lives yes I think I had p d s d a b CDE e f g I'm tell I got I got more than got label you know what I'm saying but I thank God that my mind is strong and I just give it back when it get I give it back I throw it back out there and let them know I'm not going to hold this on my own I'm going to show you what I've been doing to East my brain like sometime I tell a story you might see tear come out my eye that's because it's hurting I'm trying not to cry you know what I'm saying or sometime I may do something to make you laugh that's the ease the pressure of the seriousness that's going on in my brain that is too much at that time so I know when to break it up mhm leway that's too strong right now you going to start crying or something you don't want to do that in front of the people so try to ease up a little bit so I try to throw another story to ease my mind then I come right back because it could it could go like that so the things that you experienced people might see once or twice or three times in their life yes these horrible horrible experiences that affect them in a very deep and meaningful way yes you're seeing these perhaps one and two and three times a day yes over and over and over and I can't imagine that you get used to these things I mean you see a rape once you see a rape a h hundred times it's still still incredibly violent and and horrible it's it's crazy man it's crazy you know it's like I'mma do this thing with Ian B give you a little sneak peek new inmates come in and they be giving out sandwiches cheese sandwiches all right butter sandwiches and they got the group of guys over here playing jokes CU they know the new guys don't know no better and they throw some on the sandwich H and they say yo hurry up eat that eat that eat that before the SE come and they don't know no better until the Roma hit him like sheepers creepers and then and I actually seen this from the after effect after he done bit it in his mouth and I looked at him and he go ah and all of them are laughing they done gave him a sandwich and he got the The First Day in Jail milk he and yo that's the most horrible his thing and that dude said I'm going to get y'all I'm gonna get y'all and they wind up getting them stabbing them up in a thing but that's the things that I remember when I'm first starting the cheese sandwiches we used to call them wood sandwiches you know why why is that I wish I had some meat I wish I wasn't here I wish I wasn't here right that's even better you know what I'm saying but that was I was has to me and well you see those movies where they bring people in in the buses you know the new inmates and they're yelling you know fish fish yeah and I'll tell you one of the reasons why I don't engage in criminal activity well there are many reasons but one of the main ones is I'm just not set up psychologically to be on that bus that gets out in the prison to go through that that horrible horrible process that process is something that oh it is tormenting even as a new officer when I came in I didn't know what to expect I was nervous you know like anybody else you going in Jail's nervous you know and you're going to get tried I don't care who you are somebody GNA try you I'm in the first day I snap is either you know how they say Make It or Break It either I was going to quit that day or I'm going to make it that day for real that's your first big test that was my first big test either quit that day or make it that day and that's when they put me in a a new Jack housing area with these inmates was just off the hook they was like raer raer room they was running all over the place jumping on slapping people putting toilet paper on their feet lighting a mats setting them fire see a guy running down with his feet on fire and all kinds of stuff like that have a Magic Shave put that's when they used to have magic put the Magic Shave you wake up he ain't got no eyebrows and I'm sitting I'm seeing all this and then they start thr a a roller toilet paper I ain't got roll of toilet paper they playing football they throwing it boom boom I'm seeing it go over me like that and it kept getting closer to me and I said that toilet paper better not hit me y'all and I'm letting them do the bull craap that they doing with the toilet paper they already know I don't play that fire on the toes and the I ain't doing that you ain't doing that cuz I'm watching them but they doing that that toilet paper closer and closer and they trying to be funny and I always told them don't let that toilet Off the Hook Man! paper hit me y'all and I'm sitting there and I can and don't you know one of them through the toet pap and they hit me right in my head and when it hit me in my head excuse the French that's when they know they just up my whole no for my whole demeaning brain just I just snap and when I snap it was like like Eddie Murphy said when when he was doing that uh delirious with his mother thr the shoe W I always said who did it I went after that boy I grabbed him then I tell you don't do that do do him on the bed and next you know I was just going after everybody when I got finished everybody was on their bu like this okay see y all right I said now everybody go in that day room all the way in day and then in my mind this who I got to be this who I got to turn into to get respect back so Leroy as our time is drawing to a close here I want to give you an opportunity to share with our viewers your closing thoughts what is it you'd like to tell people my closest thoughts is the world right now is off the hook man all the crime that's going going on people walking in stores just walking out with groceries not paying for them you know it's like the cops hands are tied they don't want to do nothing no more cuz now they could be sued so now they kind of stand offish they don't want to do nothing either so it's like the whole world is going chaos what I want yall to do man find yourself say to yourself you're not going to be a victim of all that nonsense you know what I'm saying if you're going to school stay in school you know I know it's old stay oh saying stay in school don't be a fool stay in school keep trying to get your education you understand what I'm saying jail is not a place for you to be you know what I'm saying but try to get a city job try to get a city job federal job post office job anyone of them good job that could back you up where you can get a pension you know so you have a something to stand on later on in life but remember crime doesn't pay I've been there for 22 years I've seen a lot that I can't even tell y'all but I'm going tell y'all as much as I can and I'm standing with somebody famous right here and he told me when I met him he said you gonna be somebody and I never forget you said that to me and he said you're gonna be somebody and he said I want to be there with you and look we here together we are and yo thank you for very much man L you're a human being you've got a great message and you've got an amazing personality Q&A Session with Doctors and I thank you very very much and I'm sorry to doctor I look I I want to be do this again when both of y'all was here because I'm ready for some questions I know y'all want to ask so this is only the beginning thank you so much thank you [Music]

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