SPY recap we had a beautiful move to the downside today but critical support level was tested let me show you guys my oneyear trend line the orange trend line all the way back from October of last year's low we recaptured this level back on October 6 after breaking it down the previous trading days and today guys after recapturing it back about October 6th today we bounced off this level we tested this level at the end of day today it's a beautiful move to the downside in my opinion I really hope you guys caught it and guess what guys we didn't even have to call a top let me go to the smaller time frame and break it down for you guys about what the hell happen and you know based on a price action perspective right so for the past trade you know week and week or so a little more than a week of trading days I I mean the Spy broke down this 4375 is level that I had broke it down back in October 12th and after that every test from there was met with selling pressure okay I gave it a Zone this little red rectangle zone right here 437 to the 4375 Zone that was the supply Zone Okay so I was watching it and I think in the last video I mentioned this to you guys that if we can break it out it would be pretty bullish break it out with f through would be bullish because we've been getting sell pressure there so if we can break it out it would be a sign that the selling pressure is absorbed and we can get a breakout however market makers had other plans you see they spent a week and a half giving us cell pressure around that zone right so if I uh show you something here I'll make another square right here and I'll change the color to Blue right now the reason why I'm making this other square right here was because as they were given a selling pressure there a lot of liquidity was being built up above that so anybody who was shorten from that zone most likely had their stop losses above there now you guys I'm pretty sure a lot of you you guys already know about how the market makers they like to go stop loss hunting that's why the false breakdown setup and the false breakout setup is one of my favorite setups because that's what the market makers do they like to trap us they set us up and trap us and they screw us over but as sheep style Traders we are trap Traders we trade with the traps we learn to trade with the traps so here's an example of what I'm talking about we did not have to call the top because the last two trading days you know the high was at 438 today's low was at $429 that's a $9 drop in two days that's a pretty good move in my opinion but did we have to call it top no we didn't because after the market makers were building up all that liquidity they gave us a false breakout setup a false breakout setup where they Clos this is a 15minute chart guys where it closed above the 4375 level and then later this is uh uh Tuesday price action okay they broke it back down false breakout setup let's take a closer look at this 5minute candle here when we we got the false breakout you see that on this 12:00 candle this is Tuesday's price action okay the 12:00 candle we cleared 4375 we pushed a little higher and then what happened at the 1230 candle we closed back below 4375 and here's the beautiful part the 1245 candle what happened here it retested 4 37.5 as a resistant and we found selling pressure and it pushed downwards and it even extended until today giving us this $9 drop the false breakdown setup remember when we had the false breakdown setup when we broke down that one-year trend line recaptured it and it gave us a beautiful move to the upside and now today gave us a beautiful move to the downside the opposite the false breakout you guys see how beautiful price action trading this because with price action trading we can see the traps and trade with the traps instead of against the trap now as far as today's trading when it was definitely h a really trappy choppy day the morning was just choppy going nowhere I wasn't even around for this chop because I had to take my son to his appointment this morning but by the time I got back the market broke down my 433 level I think I mentioned that level to you guys if we lose that level I'd be bearish and we broke it down now here's where a lot of people get tricky and get tricked out we broke down 433 you see all these Wicks how went above 433 that might trick a lot of people into thinking that 433 is getting recaptured but remember guys based on the sheep style criteria we use the 15 to 30 minute chart to confirm intraday breakouts and breakdowns with a $1 tolerance okay I've mentioned to this many times and uh and I hope you guys remember and learn it and incorporate it into your own trading hopefully you guys did if not it's cool but you guys can see here all these Wicks but none of them closed back above 433 on the 15-minute chart it never recaptured and it sucked how long it took to play out but eventually it hit the next Target for 433 breakdown down to 431 to 431.073 what happened as soon as it hit the next Target it bounced short squeeze style it bounced short squeeze style so if you didn't take profit at the next Target level to level style you may have been hurt or spooked out when we got this little bounce right here but as you guys can see that bounce LED nowhere and look what it gave us a false breakout setup cleared 433 and then broke back down 433 once again the false breakout setup leading to a beautiful move to the downside even end the day when it broke down 431 it led to a nice move to down to 429 I had a 4296 Target and the 20 daily moving average around 430 but it SPY Price action analysis and plan went as low as 429 and look where it tested holy moly that oneye trend line that one year trend line are we going to get a bounce or what well we got some earnings with Netflix and Tesla we'll talk about Tesla later but overall that critical support level has been tested and so far as you guys can see at the end of the day there was some buying pressure will that lead back to upside if the answer is yes the price action needs to clear 431 and 433 if that happens I will trust this Bounce from the oneyear trend line okay I trust bounces from support levels when it can lead to breakouts of resistant levels so now that the 429 is level of the one-year trend line has been tested 431 and 433 needs to clear tomorrow to show F uh bullish follow through if it does guys don't argue with the price action look to Long above 433 we put 4345 436 that's an important level guys 436 I'm going to mention why later uh 437 point4 that's a fib level and then the Gap fill which has still has not been filled at 4386 okay I also have the 20we moving average around 440 and then my white trend line is around 442 okay now if we want the bull case to happen if you want to trade that you have to wait for the right setup and in my opinion now that we bounce off this trend line it got it clear 431 and recapture 433 okay if it does look to Long however however here's the bare case scenario because we want to be prepared those who are not prepared going to get caught with the pants down and that's not going to be fun we're going to be prepared right we we know the bull case scenario the potential bull case scenario and what the price action signal will be okay a recapture 431 and 433 that's our trigger to go long however what's our trigger to go short well it will be a dead cat bounce if none of those resistant level levels clear that will be your first sign and then the bearish follow through would obviously be the breakdown of this trend line okay I got a fib level of 4296 and it's literally a Confluence with the trend line for tomorrow Below 4296 guys bears are in control we're using IF statements cuz I'm just looking to react the price action does something then I'll react to that and what that what I mean for the Bears case scenario if spy breaks down this trend line and breaks down my macro level FIB level at 4296 that is bearish and b bs will lose they they dro the ball okay if that happens 428 426.7 425 what I got here 423.15 in early October around 420 those levels will all be in play but the context will be a little different this time because if we lose 4 29.6 this basing this consolidation all this testing we did at the 4375 is level that in my opinion will be a lower high okay and since July we've been putting in lower highs and lower lows guys it's a it's a downtrend till it isn't okay so like I said we can play those up moves but it has to clear 431 and 433 to trigger Longs if we drop below 4296 Bears take control don't argue with the price action bearish money bullish money it's all good money as long as it can pay the bills all right as far as the RSI I don't really talk about RSI but it's neither overbought over sold for what it's worth okay 20 daily move average around 430 few cents off of my 4296 level you can combine it 4296 to 430 though no big deal those levels lost bears in control man but if it bounce remember the resistant levels okay let me not be repetitive here triple Q well this is a QQQ one hour chart I've been watching triple Q it's been consolidating in a descending triangle pattern go back to the Daily yeah been consolidating I mean it's been an uptrend since late September in a descending triangle pad I was watching we get the breakdown we did get the breakdown but after the market right now it's bouncing a little seeing Tesla Tesla bouncing holy moly look at Netflix look at Netflix you guys want me to bring Netflix back if this video gets uh this video gets 300 likes I will bring Netflix back okay let's make a deal guys you guys give me 300 likes I'll bring Netflix back triple Q triple Q okay so yeah the breakdown level of that triangle panel was supposed to be at um around 363 we're going to rounde it down to 3 63.5 I have a fif level at 365 it I mean if if triple Q can stay below those levels I'll be bearish okay below 363.50 will definitely be bearish and put the lower targets in play I'll definitely watching 362 36.3 359 and 357 okay if we want to get bullish it got to recapture some loss levels first of all it needs to stay above 363.50 and recapture 365 and maybe just maybe it can go break out some higher levels 366.50 and especially 368 that'll be a break off this descending triangle pattern and it recapture a fib level okay so above 365 368 that' be pretty bullish in my opinion putting 371 and 373 is back in play now let me let me Zoom back out real quick that that 373 level is based on this blue trend line guys I mean triple Q's been in a downtrend since July but that downtrend is based off of a really strong up move so look like we flagging out so above 373 would be a breakout of that blue trend line and Bs will be in control okay overall as long as below 365 and if it can get below 363.50 that'll be bearish otherwise watch for those recaptures guys iwm holy IWM moly I think the last time we spoke it'd be bearish if it drops back below 172 well guess what it broke back below 172 Clos right around my 171.5 level okay if it can stay below 172 and break down 17 71.3 that definitely be bearish 169.50 167.5 and 165.7 would be targets all right I mean it can recapture 172 to to to build some bullish momentum but it really needs to get above 173.50 and my yellow trend line which is my multi-on trend line here to recapture that for tomor it would need to get back above 174.000 and uh that will put 175 at 176.50 and at 177.1 back in play okay TESLA Tesla got earnings today did oh listen guys I'm not a news reporter but according to trading view uh don't look like good numbers okay however it's bouncing go six hour chart it's bouncing for some reason despite earnings right what the hell all good like I always say follow the price action even if it don't make sense just follow the price action guys I do have a level around 247 okay U Monday and and what was it uh Tuesday 247 did serve as pretty strong uh support level however we lost it today but I guess with the earnings report it's it's finding some buyers if it can get above and stay above 247 tomorrow then I guess today's breakdown don't mean nothing uh and that will put 249 251 and 253 in play now critical level for me is 253 because that is the 786 FIB level so if it can't get above 253 maybe we got ourself like looking like a double bottom over here that'll be bullish put in 255 256 259 261 and 263 back in play guys all right right so far is gapping up or moving up whatever you want to call it in the aftermarket to be bearish overall it needs to get below 247 if T no matter what's happening now the the real move happens in the during the trading hours okay during the market hours because that's where the volume is and if they in the trading hours is below 247 that's bearish with 245 243 24.7 and 239 in play below all right let's try to do our best to keep it simple despite the chaos right now APPLE Apple that's a nice rejection from the 50 daily moving average if there is to be follow through for tomorrow because a rejection from the 50 is bearish for for follow through it needs to break down 178 uh excuse me 174.72 point8 it's bouncing a little bit in the uh afterm Market but if it can break down from that 50 daily moving average with 173 uh 171.5 170 in play 200 daily moving average is actually at 169 that's definitely worth watching all right as far as bullish plays uh that 50 daily moving average is at 177.1 I trust it more of it clears 178 and that would put 179.2 and 181.50 in play that would be the blue trend line right there okay above 181.50 consolidation is over this little downtrend that we have uh since July would be over in my opinion okay so just watch the setups react unbiasedly if we can lose 1 74.8 tomorrow that's bearish if we recap to that 50 that' be bullish above 178 okay NVDA nvd I tell you this one of the most amazing stock ever they had some amazing trade setups to today okay and I could go on and on and brag about this but let's talk about the plan for tomorrow okay today I had a fib level at one at 4 23.6 today we got the breakdown at that of that level closed at 42196552 if tomorrow it fails to get above 423.15 is not really be uh bullish okay below those levels would be bearish and if below 4 23.6 watch for the next breakdown support at 422 420 49.5 and 47.7 all right those are the next support levels if those levels fail guys look to short below 47.7 I got 416 414 41.6 and 49.2 Below all right to be bullish for a reversal needs to recapture some levels 423.15 will be a good start 428 would be nice a fib level I have is at 42963 that' be a critical level 1.38 to F level if that does don't argue with the price action look to Long had strong rejection around 432 is if you can clear that that's a resistant level we clear that guess what 434 435.916 okay got to let the price action guide us that's the number one indicator otherwise below 423.15 GOOG A6 FIB level after reclearing it in previous trading days it broke below today follow through would be a breakdown of 138 if it does look to short same levels 136.6 134.0 and 132.0 okay obviously if it wants upside got to recapture 14038 to put 142 143.5 and 145 back in play AMD AMD AMD it broke down that level 103 as long as below it bearish I would favor I mean 101.5 is a Target but I would favor 99.5 we might blast through it we'll see um if 99.5 can't hold guys we might get a bounce there though but if it can't hold that' be very bearish with 98 and 96 in play all right uh yeah to be bullish 103 and 105 needs to recapture to put 106.4 109.5 and higher Targets in play okay all right so Netflix Netflix reported earnings did it report earnings oh they did good with earnings all right they did good with earnings I did pay for my Netflix account they charg me like 20 something dollars now maybe that helped but the earnings I don't know look at here listen guys I usually save Netflix content for my YouTube oh my YouTube I usually save this content for my Discord members okay but I have people requesting me to do it so now I'm going to do it just for today I might not do it tomorrow it's up to you guys if I do it tomorrow just for today I'm going to um give you guys an analysis nobody better not say uncle don't care or love them man okay nobody but nobody better not say I don't love them so if I get 300 likes in this NFLX video I will put this back into regular schedule with this stock all right let's make that deal give me 300 likes or join my Discord that would be great but if not I'm just covering for today and as you guys can see it did good with earnings I guess all right I'm pretty sure somebody in the comment section will try to argue with me about this but I mean I don't it's whatever man this is what trading views is showing but as far as the levels critical level is 382 uh 383 excuse me 383 why because it'd be a recapture of this big wedge pattern that I had here okay it'll be a recatch because when we lost that wedge o it led to a beautiful move okay like a $30 plus move to the downside all right now it's trying to recapture if Netflix stays Above This level tomorrow guys I would be B bias okay stay bullish look for buying opportunities if it drops back below 383 then obviously you can get back to being uh bearish because it never recaptured okay so we it's so hard to do analysis on this after earnings it's really hard the best I can do is give you guys the pivot levels to watch okay 390 support right now or resistance depending what it wants to do in the next 20 seconds 390 is a level to watch please add that level to your chart okay uh what What's the next level I have uh three I'm we'll round it to 395 please add that level to your chart 395 I'm going add that level to my chart yeah all right 390 395 is the levels that I'm identifying right now if you can clear that L look we're already getting some selling pressure there if it can clear tomorrow all right there is some you know resistant levels around the 32.5 to 393 Zone but I would favor a test of 395 and then above that you know want to watch this next cell zone right here that a little double top around there what is that 3983 is okay the next FIB level I got it's around 41.6 all right so very possible so I give you guys some upper targets 390 uh 393.7 is 395 398.36 another cell Zone this level actually served as both support and resistant right around there at 405 okay guys so what do we do in the resistant clears we look to Long what do we do support fails we look to short all right um yeah as far as support goes from 390 there is some support at 388 based on the the Wicks that I got here 388 um and then right here a little double top back in late September that's around uh 386.3 is and another little double top right here back in late September that's around 384 fiveish and then below that boom 383 below 383 recapture denied all right guys that's the levels and plans I have for you guys for Netflix 300 likes and I will cover this stock normally again all Dark pool and Option flow right let's let's move on to the dark pool look at that 436 once again in our last video even yesterday I didn't make a video yesterday but 436 and today 436 over billions in premium all right watch that level because that is where there's a lot of activity happening between the you know the big institutions all right bullish above it bearish below it let's keep it simple now we take a look at the flows tell me cheddar flow what's the big money doing they're buying puts big money buying puts guys triple Q puts puts bearish man iwm bearish Tesla is uh kind of bullish Apple is bearish nvda is holy moly bearish goog nothing for GOOG AMD is a little bullish and Netflix this should be interesting oh it's bullish oh did somebody know something all right thank you guys so much for watching if you want more content from Uncle Charles please consider joining my Discord I would love to serve you guys at a higher level let's get this money other than that have a great evening peace

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