Gutfeld 8/30/2024 FULL HD FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP August 30 2024

so KLA Harris will give her first major interview on Thursday but not without bringing her running mate Tim Walls but we get it as a former football coach walls will know when to take her out at the first sign of traumatic brain injury plus walls will be there in case she needs to use the lady's room and she'll be there in case he also needs to use the lady's room meanwhile according to a report kamla's team demanded she be allowed to sit during the president debate but Trump has to be on a pelaton engulfed in a swarm of bees but believe it or not her team did request that she be allowed to have notes which was denied although she will be allowed to bring this that's real McDonald's is introducing its biggest burger ever called the big arch and it's being rolled out first in Canada if we leave now we can be there in eight hours said one man he's a friend man California Democrats are pushing a bill that would give illegal aliens up to $150,000 to buy homes forers oh at this rate we'll be mowing their lawns thank you thank you the view is starting a new season next week and it's promising a hot new studio and we're pleased to show it to you here for the first [Music] [Applause] time meanwhile scientists are saying it's a mistake to take advice from the world's oldest people well unless it's stock at advice finally a sexually frustrated dolphin is accused of rubbing its genitals on beachgoers near Tokyo Japan in other news Jesse Waters has booked the next flight to Tokyo so if you ever want to know if you're on the right side of things take a look at the adts on the other side according to a recent report from USA Today 238 Republican staffers signed a letter endorsing kamla Harris the letter claims that another Trump presidency would irreparably damage our beloved democracy and although they disagree with the Dems the alternative is simply untenable the staffers worked for McCain George W bush Mitt Romney meaning the same people who were also once deemed a threat to democracy by the Dems how quickly the stupid forget so how is it that 238 genuine conservatives are so offended they're fleeing the GOP to Glam on to the most liberal presidential candidate of our lifetimes a lady unburdened by the weight of brain cells a woman so left she's left reality I mean this is a this is a crackpot who bailed out violent felons wants the tax money you haven't made yet while also demanding that you pay for inmat sex changes if she got any nuttier you could feed her to elephant but the answer as ever is one word Trump and it trumps everything it's never policy because they never mention it instead they prattle on about nebulous fears while catering to a party that Imports killers and rapists because apparently ours aren't up to the job and they wrote a similar letter in 2020 so how'd that work out we know it's like being circumcised with a spork for the past four years we could go through the list of disas from the border to Afghanistan crime inflation not to mention the odd Staffing decisions so shouldn't these truth tellers at least admit their endorsement came at a cost or could it be it didn't cost them at all they got to pay off the media's strange new respect invitations to cocktail parties previously off limits a guest spot on CNN sniffing Jim acosta's farts and so after four years of leftwing Luna they went and did it again as if nothing happened in between and you know it's not about policy hell even Harris is stealing Trump's positions instead it's that he refused to do it their way so in a way it's like suing the doctor who saved your life because he shaved your head to cut the tumor out so now they're on the war path like Liz Warren at a Columbus Day Parade you know it's no question these Republicans to took similar abuse from the left that Trump takes now every day George W Bush was called a war criminal they deemed Romney a bigot a cracker who' put blacks back in Chains and there's McCain who was loved by the media until he ran against Obama then he became the old reactionary bigot who'd bomb Iran and caused World War II it's obvious these Republicans are more full of than a hotel toilet at an IBS convention they're really just swamper rats terrified of the orange monster cuz he flipped the script when Trump came along nothing went according to plan Republican or Democrat there's an approved way of doing these things approved pipelines to produce candidates and Trump unclogged that Pipeline with a fire hose filled with xlxs no wonder they act like they got their prostates punched by Mike Tyson but remember the Dems may be able to capture 238 drones but Trump got a Tulsi and an RF K Jr and that's a trade that I will take any day cuz those cuz those two aren't just signing letters they're putting themselves out there offering ideas and discussing Solutions people who are like Trump willing to break the mold so if you're truly radical a rebel in the purest sense how can you not do the same you know they sued Trump they tried to arrest him they tried to kill him they changed laws and the ways we voted to prevent him from winning they shamed targeted and hoaxed not just him but also his supporters what is that tell you he's scary scarier than a court-ordered orgy with a view so this is the moment when you ask do you want to join a petition of or a pirate ship full of scary people the great thing about being on a pirate ship you've already decided that you don't give a what people think you're free Freer than those petition signing pansies unlike them you aren't desperate for acceptance you are your own person you don't need to belong you just need to be honest especially on November 5th welome tonight's guest every morning coffee has a hot cup of her co-host of outnumbered Emily cabano he looks like the kind of guy who broke your uncle's legs over a gambling dead comedian Rich Voss she's got a kid in her belly and her office is smelly New York Times bestselling [Applause] author and he keeps the actual Statue of Liberty on his dashboard New York Times best selling author comedian NBA NBA Emily are you ever influenced by petitions by a group of people signing on to one cause to influence you to change your mind never no never and no one is and that's exactly the point that all of these guys signed it because their currency was them signing it with each other it's a really insular Community there and that ensured to your point earlier that they're still in the game whatever game it is whatever organizations committees cocktail parties invitations the the leak lines you know the trusted reporters they clearly are coming to each other and say hey time for this again or you're you're going to sign this right but at the end of the day it was based on such fallacy so the call to action they said was to conservative Independence and those moderate Republicans that they claimed swayed the 2020 election they went on to say that a trump presidency as you said was untenable right but the whole point the whole movement of conservatism of any type of common sense or rationale was everything that he stands for so even if you remove if they don't like what he said about McCain or have certain issues with his personality how can you claim with a straight face that limited government and secure borders and the the rights for people to actually have their freedoms the First Amendment maybe not law fair maybe maybe just simple economics lower inflation the value of your savings actually holding the the list goes on of things that America is actually untenable in is right now under Harris and Biden and the Democratic watch so for them to try to Gaslight Americans and say no no no all of these would be untenable what planet are they on the point is their own and it's really tiny M well said she has great points and also great arms I don't know what to say to that I can say that on TV cuz that's not harassment You Know Rich if if a group 200 people signed a letter that says we hate Rich Voss would that influence or persuade you well it was probably the club I was working at that night uh first of all first of all after your monologue and what she just said I really realized how stupid I am it just I'm going wait a second these people really prepare uh we don't expect you to prepare no here's the thing you know they they they do these polls you know they don't talk you know 200 former they don't and talk about the 300 that are on his side they always you know it's like look when I'm at a club and I'll go to the club want to look okay so 90 people walked out but those 10 that stayed they really liked me you see what I'm saying J cat you know if you wanted to I bet you could find 200 people at Fox who would want to fire me or sign a petition to have me fired and that would just be on the 18th floor I'm not going to say anything um I I I really don't understand this cuz it's just like you don't have to like either one of them guys yeah you know if you don't want to vote for Trump that's fine I understand or if you don't want to vote for comma you do want to vote for kamla why do you need to endorse K you don't have to endorse kamla How Could You endorse somebody if you're a capitalist for example just one of the things if you're a capitalist how could you say yes I'm putting my name on this just because for obviously a lot of people think I'm crazy for this but I just have an independent thought where I don't have to sign up for one side or the other put my name on for one side or the other um and I just I mean you will have people from both sides yelling at you if you do that but I don't let people yelling at me about what not to do stop me from doing what I want to do cuz I'm not a baby in the park yes yeah one guy agrees with me yes if I if I would have said I get it if I would have said something different if I would have said something different everybody would have clapped for me and that's okay don't blame them cat no no it's no because it can be really tough to not have a side it can be really tough to have a especially in an election year literally everybody hates you and it can be tough but that's the only reason why I can even fathom something like these people can't possibly actually support KLA or their policies or they don't really have principles at all all right you know Tyrus you see it this one hand you know the media got all excited about this PO and on the other side you have RFK and tulsy gabard wouldn't you be happier to have two kind of basically free thinking independent Minds than 200 clones well yeah well they're they're independent minds too Greg but here's the thing there's no money for them with the Trump Administration they've been fired moved on from the party shifted from them so they're not getting $250,000 for speaking engagements anymore and they're not able to show up influences and and get get the little inside perks when they were in the thing and they had control they don't so what do you do you go to the other side and you make a big deal about endorsing them for what hopefully the other side will start asking you to do speaking events and maybe there's a cabinet position for you or or maybe you could go out on the campaign Trail it's basically 200 people who ask for a job because there's no job for him with Trump that's all this is about that's their LinkedIn that's it yeah that's all it is yes they're like that you know when you're walking down the city and you see a F on a telephone poll and it says we'll help you move and you tear off a little thing and it turns out they come to your house and they abuse you that's what these people are right they're like they put it up there it says hey we're not going to vote for Trump would you please hire me yep interesting Rich uh do you where are you politically I never well you know where am I well one thing I heard and this is what I heard so don't quote me on this yes but Camala used to go out with Montel Williams yes I heard she gave him Ms I heard now I don't know of all the things hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on before you before you start the loving was so good he got Ms from it she got my vote where you want me to tell you yes I now have to hear this whole story no where I where I am politically uh who's ever well this is who I stand with here and here I who's ever more uh on the side of Israel who's ever going to help Israel or uh maybe put the stop the anti-Semitism in this country and move forward uh I'm on that team okay I'm on that team there we go I never saw that coming okay up next says Harris need notes to generate quotes kamla wanted notes for debate so rich this is interesting a senior Trump adviser says kamla's team wanted to be able to use like a cheat sheet for the upcoming news debate the Harris campaign Source says that's not true but given the other things they asked for it sounds like they're not too confident in her do you use cheat sheets when you're on stage you know I think that is so ridiculous that uh no I don't use even if I'm doing new material I just work it out but you know these debates on balance you know when when the moderator is basically her campaign manager you know throwing softball questions uh you know uh should children go hungry you know and then to Trump what were your legal fees uh you know so uh I I I don't think and whenever they go for a big interview they're given the qu they're not taking hor all questions I heard Biden on a major radio show and I didn't ask him M what's going on Ukraine Israel Detroit whatever you know what I'm saying which is a nice place if you're a bullet but anyhow that's that's where I stand and I stand corrected cat uh she's also um bringing a plus one to her interview on Thursday Walt she's bringing basically her sugar daddy politically not literally you sick people I also don't understand how he would be her political sugar daddy either I don't either good making sure yes I mean the fact it to me the fact that it's taken the the I'm still hung up I'm sorry on the phrase first interview yes this true November's not that far away yeah I mean there was a lot of signs as many of us pointed out that Joe didn't seem to be able to probably go the distance of four more years uh we were all called horrible names for pointing that out then all of a sudden he drops out and whatever and then she's and then she's still still she's a media manufactured thing at this point and I think that the fact that this is already this is the first one this should be the first of many that's what I'm more concerned about than the little details I want to see more of her but I think that her team sadly was smarter than that m cuz she's not the best at talking it would be good if she showed up with Montel Williams that would be an ms3 um a lot of questions would be there here look the the cheat is on okay yeah they did this for Hillary they gave her the questions they have so much lack of respect for her long-term memory that they're they want her to have notes cuz they're afraid even giving her the questions in the back and going over it on the dry race board five or six times that she'll go out there and forget or get them mixed up wouldn't it be hilarious if she was answering the questions for the other question when they ask her the first question but she answers the second question like what is your foreign policy well as far as the Green New Deal goes what needs to happen is oh no no no wait okay will be unburdened yes but we know why you did that and we we took the Quaaludes away from you and you've been great ever since that was for you but yeah she's they they're trying to do everything they can because they know what's going to happen when they can't do anything for her now the next thing they to tell us that overnight there was a sonic boom and she lost Hearing in her right ear so she's got to have a earpiece in so she can hear that'll be next with somebody in the back going saying for her word for word and even that she'll be like what I'm sorry I can't what would you say so they are terrified of this of this debate it's and if they can't get Trump to get off script and her and him get into an argument which I think she probably will do better women tend to argue a lot better than we do cuz we're facts and their feelings so if they can get a feelings then she's got a shot yeah she wants one Brave man oh one one honest woman I'll take that lying ass women yeah she she wants that moment where she can say I'm talking you know that one moment you know I'm always impressed I know Montel Williams and you're no Montel Williams you know Emily I'm always impressed like in the a block you just rattled off off that stuff I you're not even sitting here with notes and you just what do do you have a photographic memory for things that men probably get annoyed by I will say this that I do does that mean like like you know when you're you're like and I remember on and June 5th when you said this like that kind of thing it was a bad joke this is why I'm not the funny one um okay here's here's what I wanted to say that the travesty of this she is not just a candidate guys she is our current vice president and she likes to remind us how prior to that she was Senator and attorney general and da my point is shouldn't the vice president already have command of all of that information the debate should be the easy part after you prepare for the five all day let's say and then you do your show and let's say you're walking off set and someone's like oh quick question about X you could rattle off everything because you spent all day preparing for that hard hour right yeah that's funny you think that what are you say what are you saying I as an as an example right like you right as an example so so the fact that our vice president who told us that she was the one more suited to meet with all of the foreign leaders during that G7 Summit in Europe that she remembered declined meeting with the spouses of the leaders because she said no no no I'm vice president I don't meet with spouses so she wants us to trust her representing the us but she can't even trust herself to do it solo she can't even trust herself to have a conversation without walls holding her hand how in the hell am I supposed to trust her in the white house or with anyone else if she can't even be trusted on a stage for 5 minutes yeah y see no notes wow no notes I would just like to point out that both of us do have notes yes it's fine to have notes No in fact in fact I it's not that I don't know this stuff it's that it's like my emotional support notes honestly I just like to know that they're here exactly or remind like numbers and stuff I need them I never know what I'm saying I don't really look at my I don't look at my notes but I always keep anxiety medicine in my pocket just in case there you go whatever another approach yeah all right up next Dems think it's best to Nick rfk's request oh what a pleasant surprise Jean was working extra hard today I knew that shock train would work all right welcome to can you get more obvious tonight Dems Force RFK onto ballots Kat this is really interesting uh he wanted his name off so it wouldn't screw Trump out of votes but the Democrat Secretary of State in Michigan your state and Wisconsin elections commission are denying his request to be removed so basically he wants his right not to run for president to be respected and they deny it yeah first of all I am from Michigan yes you this is all my fault no it is yeah I lived there 18 years ago and and then this happened cause and effect make no mistake they're directly related uh yeah the whole thing it's just look it's you can't get off and then you can't get on the ballot when you want to get on the ballot they make it tough because then maybe they but it's it's just politics is dirty it's just dirty cuz at first they thought maybe that he would take votes from them but now when it they realized that actually people might be more likely to vote for Trump and I think people started realizing that maybe even before he endorsed Trump because a lot of his support came from people that were pissed off particularly about covid which a lot of people made mistakes but Democrats handled in a particularly I would say deranged uh horrible corrupt oppressive tyrannical way so then it's you know all of a sudden there's this change I think who I don't know that it'll make that much of a difference cuz if you're like maybe if you're that that much of an RFK dude you probably would write him in anyway or something like that so I'm not really sure but yeah politics is a dirty dirty game it's a dirty dirty game Tyrus you know what's funny though is the the Democrats tried to get Cornell West off the ballot in Michigan but the Jo I think the Judge uh said they yeah put him on but so they wanted Cornell off and RFK on there's some slaming because of his stance on Palestine that's what I can't imagine it but it just goes to show you and you say it's dirty but there's there's levels to dirt and they couldn't they they wouldn't give him security they they brought his family in to go after him they they did everything they could to to and then they finally can get rid of him but they can't afford it because they're so afraid because the wheels are falling off they they don't even care if they lose votes to him in Michigan as long as it they hope it hurts Trump that so they're on a hope campaign you know is this part of the joy through strength manifest that they're because they they continue to do these things they go after this guy they finally get rid of him but he didn't go away like they wanted him to he he did he gave them every opportunity to include him right he went to and all he was like listen he he was eating crow all he wanted to do was to really be in charge of fixing food in this country for our kids and our future it doesn't matter whether you're a donkey or an elephant we all got to eat yeah and I would think we all would like to eat healthier together so I don't understand why they would be like hell no yeah and then they let him go and Trump says hell yes scoop and score we'll take him yeah and now they're after him to the point where they're now and he has no security so you worry you worry like with the with what we saw with other people get influence by what you say you're toxic accounts about other politicians that your political enemies or whatever we unfortunately have citizens in this country who take it to the next level so they continue to go at them and you start to worry about what the results are be because Democrats clearly don't care they so focused on keeping this election their way that there are no breaks there are no hey hey you know what this is too much and that's that's really scary yeah they don't know when to stop Emily no yes so let me get this straight if you're a Democrat you can just step aside all of the the votes that the nominate that made you the nomination and just say hey guys instead of me it's going to be comma yes but if you're an independent you can't say I no longer want to be the one running I would the draw and to your point wasn't it oh Carrie Kennedy Progressive Catholic and all the rest of the Kennedy clan that fought so hard to have him removed that fought so hard to say everyone he is not deserving of this he's not worthy of this and yet here he is being put back on the ballot they say oh it's only death that will make him be removed to your point well what do that signal then so only if you vote blue are you able to totally rearrange Civics 101 but if you are an independent or dare to support Trump in any way and if they think it's going to benefit them in any way then God help you you cannot even be the master of your own life you know you bring up a great point you can clap go ahead I'll let you clap all right that's enough but you too much not too much you know you talk about how they got Joe Biden off the ballot well Ben shapira had this great idea if you leave RFK on the ballot they should be forced to keep Joe Biden on the ballot right cuz he's not running either totally y yeah that little that little Jewish fella he's pretty [Laughter] smart couple of us are yeah Rich so what's your feeling on this incredibly substantive topic here's the deal I I came out too strong so it's hard to follow myself [Laughter] it's like if you get a a new job yes never show up the first day cuz then they expect that out of you you see what I'm saying and then go in and ask for your vacation yes uh my opinion on this is I did no research and I thought the opposite I read it wrong I thought they took I Hey listen good for him so you know what you're a Kennedy you could do whatever you want you know what I mean so I listen I've already done well enough Coast the rest of the [Applause] show they agree apparently since comrade kamla Harris took office her administration's crime statistics indicate that violent crime has increased by 43% these are all government numbers he stated nonetheless Trump promised to Crackdown on local Marxist Doss who refused to enforce the law while he claimed harming the lives of police officers for simply performing their duties over the last four years the Marxist left has fought a Savage attack against law enforcement in our country they've taken away the dignity soul and vitality of some of these police officers and that's why you see it crime is out of control in our country he said Trump stated that the cops have a lot of difficulty with the laws of our land we going to get rid of that difficulty because they shouldn't have difficulty our police declared him Trump added we going to guarantee immunities the former president accused Harris of having a proc crime anti- police record she repeatedly endorsed defunding the police he said if she ever had a chance she would do whatever she could to defund the police because that's where her spirit is that's where her heart is and we can't have a president like that Senator Harris supported the defund the police movement in 2020 following the death of George Floyd by a white police officer and the rise of the black lives matter movement Harris stated at the time that that the BLM was correct in questioning the amount of the money spent on militarizing police agencies at the expense of Social Services housing and education this whole movement is about rightly saying we need to look at these budgets and see if they reflect the right priorities she said on the radio show abro in the morning the former president also accused Harris of being responsible for an increase in stealing during her tenure as California's attorney general a decade ago she came up with the idea that if you pay $950 or less you won't be prosecuted so guys are walking into stores with calculators to figure it out he continued much to the amazement of the police officers around him did you realize that they use calculators to add it up

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