"Trump and Hannity's Awkward On-Stage Fight Goes Viral"

I have some more breaking news this Russia story keeps getting crazier and crazier and Elon Musk has just been pulled into it Mayo on Twitter says the United States government needs to cancel Elon musk's contracts and revoke his security clearance working to sabotage America's presidential election for Russia has consequences and this is a very legitimate Viewpoint to arrive to and I think you'll be thinking the same thing by the end of this video I want to lay out the case for why the doj is absolutely correct in their indictments of right-wing influencers and why Donald Trump and all of these magga politicians sewing distrust throughout America only benefits Vladimir Putin it all makes sense and you can directly connect the lines so let's waste no time all that I ask is that you like the video below and subscribe to the channel so to lay the groundwork just to catch you up we got this breaking news notification earlier today it says Kremlin agents in the US with millions of Twitter followers were paid $10 million by Russia to spread dis information and rally support for convicted felon Trump on social media per indictment unsealed by the justice department tenant media based in Tennessee and honestly this didn't surprise anybody I mean if you've been paying attention to the direction that the Republican party has been heading since Donald Trump entered politics or since Donald Trump became the nominee in 2016 you'll notice that they are becoming increasingly isolationist increasingly authoritarian they want to strip away our liberal democracy and Donald Trump only wants to embolden author Arian dictators across the globe he will say in one breath that Vladimir Putin is very smart and Brilliant meanwhile people like Justin Trudeau are nasty human beings who are evil but just to break down a few of the influencers involved you have Benny Johnson one of the most smug debate Bros you could ever possibly see on the internet Tim P the dude who never takes a beanie off and is always saying that there is a civil war coming up Dave Rubin who works with the daily wire and then Lauren Southern and this brings me to this video that Brett melis friend of the show posted where he asked does this sound like somebody being paid by Russia to you and I want you to listen to this clip of Tim p and just it all makes sense but I don't know that it matters anymore this is psychotic Ukraine is the enemy of this country Ukraine is our enemy being funded by the Democrats I will stress this again one of the greatest enemies of our nation right now is Ukraine they are expanding this war now don't get me wrong I know you've got criminal elements of the US government pushing them and guiding them and telling them what to do Ukraine is now accused a German warrant issued for blowing up the nordstream pipeline in triggering this conflict Ukraine is the greatest threat to this nation and to the world this man is just spewing Russian talking point after Russian talking point talking points straight from the Kremlin and I don't just say that in just anymore I used to say that jokingly but it has now been confirmed and this man is supposed to be an alpha male yet he is baby raging with his beanie on banging on the desk saying that Ukraine is the enemy of America When Vladimir Putin is invading his nextto neighbor I mean these people have it so backwards it's almost impressive Ron Philip Kowski shared a Maga lawyer named harit that says remember friends don't talk to law enforcement without counsel just trust me on this so maga maga influencers are all back the blue Pro police cooperate they'll see a video of a black person getting beat up by a cop and say they should have just cooperated but now they are saying remember don't talk to law enforcement now that you are a Russian shill an actual Russian shill I mean I'm just going to keep going this gets funnier and funnier CBS posted a photo with the Chiron feds crack down on Russian election disinformation efforts and there is a blurred out face who do you think this is who could this possibly be it's definitely not you can see the beanie you can see Tim pool's beanie and then you see tenant media in the corner it's absolutely despicable one clip of a raas Swami who is the biggest Russian shill of them all I've been calling him a Russian shill since the second I laid eyes on him just take a look um I want to move to another topic which is that doj seems to be back to Russia Russia Russia because they announced indictments against Russians for alleged election interference um so the media's favorite talking point they think is back watch this they're not saying explicitly that Russia is trying to help Republicans but if you just read the context of it it's extremely easy to figure out what we're talking about here and what the US government and here we have Fox News playing defense as always now remember Fox News lost almost $800 million after settling out of court with Dominion because they told lies about election fraud so I wouldn't put it beneath them to spread Russian propaganda as they have many times in the past and now they are running defense they're letting V ramaswami come on air and just completely spread Russian talking points this in 2016 so they have a historical practice when they when they afraid of Donald Trump coming back to office they invent every figment of imagination of Russia or somebody else putting him there without actually paying attention to the threats coming from our own administrative state to free and fair elections in the United States free and fair elections number one that is ironic number two give me a break VI ramaswami straight up Russian talking points I'm not going to lie the Republican spin machine is honestly just impressive at this point Donald Trump could genuinely speedrun us into a dictatorship he could be executing people I still think people like Laura Ingram VI ramaswami and Lindsey Graham would be going on Fox News and running defense this brings us to the meat of the story Elon Musk got caught up boosting the Russian information operation on behalf of his favorite creators now now we have known for a while that Elon Musk ever since he bought Twitter the amount of Russian bots on this platform have skyrocketed it's been Next Level I mean all over Twitter there's disinformation about elections about Russia about Ukraine about Israel Israel Palestine kamla Harris you name it there's stuff on Twitter and what happens when the owner of Twitter the man who bought it and then disabled fact checks on his accounts starts to spread AI images as Elon Musk has been doing it is absolutely a mess and now we know that he has been boosting this Russian disinformation so friend of the show Dylan Birds tweeted out Elon boosted the Russian information operation half of his favorite creators got caught up in and it's him replying to a few different people first at tenant media which is the account that got indicted or sorry the company that got indicted Lauren Southern who works for tenant media Dom lucr who works for tenant media tenant media again again again this account this uh Twitter account that is being indicted the company behind it is being indicted is being actively boosted by the largest account on Twitter Elon Musk and Elon Musk has also posted AI generated photos of Kamala Harris AI generated videos of kamla Harris's Voice without saying that it was parody so when I ask if this man is a Russian stoe the answer should be pretty obvious right but Elon Musk time and time again has shown that he wants Republicans to win he said he would not endorse Donald Trump he would not endorse anybody than he did after he bought this platform and again removed fact checks from his own account so he had the free terrain to spread as much disinformation as possible it is disgusting in the pipeline from Russia to uh Tik Tok to Twitter to then Fox News and then Sinclair injects it into the the homes of millions of Americans through local broadcasts it is dangerous it's also dangerous when people like Tim P who are again being paid by Russia tweet out we are going to be in a civil war we are heading towards a civil war Civil War Civil War a hundred times in a row over the course of a year to just to Spread disinformation spread fear and to seow distrust in every single institution that is all these people exist to do and I will keep saying that until the election it just got way worse so I needed to make another video about Donald Trump's disastrous town hall on Fox news with Shan Hannity because at the very end of the Town Hall there was a little bit of an awkward moment where Donald Trump calls Shan Hannity out on his BS funny it's supposed to be the other way around when you have a journalist and a politician on stage but Donald Trump calls Sean Hannity out and it leads to a little bit of an awkward moment let's not waste any time let's dig in some of these Wild clips from Donald Trump's Fox News Town Hall if you even want to call it that didn't even take any audience questions in this first clip Donald Trump boasts about how smart he is about how smart his family is and the only word I can think of throughout this is hubris just listen it's beyond parody upgraded our entire program and you know the one program I hated to upgrade hated it was the nuclear program and I understand it maybe better than anybody my uncle was at MIT a professor the longest serving professor in the history of MIT very smart guy we have a smart family it's nice to have a smart family but I knew I understood nuclear for a long time the power of nuclear weapons you need a president that's not going to be taking you into war he spent more time talking about how smart he was than he actually did talking about any substantial policy actually he spent zero time talking about any substantial policy remember less than a week ago when he was being interviewed by Mark lvin on Fox News because he only takes interviews from people who are friendly with him he rambled on for 30 seconds about how he can talk to somebody for 5 minutes and become a master at any topic so he thinks he's a master at nuclear and in the same vein he thinks he's a master of transportation again make sure you leave a like on this video and make sure you subscribe to the Adam mocker Channel below figure this out the American people I think a lot of them want to know how do you come by your decisions and how do you manage in the oval off I don't want to know well I think that I learned like I talked about the truckers I learned about trucks and by talking to them in minutes I knew as much as I'm going to have to know to make decisions that are going to be Earth shattering for transportation moving cargo and moving a lot of other things Earth shattering decisions this man could not shatter anything he is actually really dumb here is the audience cheering after Donald Trump talks about the world blowing up you know Tim Walls gave a speech earlier that was great and he said in it that every time Trump talks it's like the new screenplay for a Mad Max movie in that is so true I am always talking about Donald Trump using this apocalyptic rhetoric saying that the country is failing the country is melting down he makes it sound like a wasteland when we actually have a pretty beautiful country with a lot of identifiable flaws that VP Harris wants to fix but watch this Trump everybody now I'm not saying it but he said it because I'd rather say respect but he said everybody was afraid of trump you bring him back you're not going to have any problems it's all going to go away the world is blowing up the world is blowing up who said that Victor Orban Vladimir I'm sure it was Victor Orban or Vladimir Putin this this brings and Sean one thing yeah the world is blowing up and when you look at Ukraine and you look at Russia you look at all the things that are happening we are potentially getting ready I'm telling you and I've made a lot of predictions that this is not a prediction because it's so bad I don't want it to be a prediction we're heading into World War I territory and because of the power of weapons nuclear weapons in particular but other weapons also and I know the weapons better than anybody cuz I'm the one that bought them and you know we rebuilt our entire military I'm very impressed how does one man know everything better than anybody how does he know about infectious diseases better than the experts how does he know so much about the Bible so much about family values and nuclear weapons and foreign policy I mean obvious SAR our entire program and you know the one program I hated to upgrade hated it was the nuclear program and I Donald Trump could literally take a [ __ ] on stage and I think most of these people would keep on cheering I mean he said the world is blowing up and the entire audience just goes crazy this is Donald Trump continuing to talk about VP Harris working at McDonald's he is obsessed I think he spent about 22 hours out of the past week just truthing and talking about VP haris not working at McDonald's when she did she just never put it on one particular job application that leaked on the internet you know my jobs I've listed him a 100 times working in the service industry and bartending and cooking and washing dishes and construction not McDonald's that was a lie um and I see other way she didn't work at McDonald's right she did not well of course we there's no evidence of it did work in McDonald's cuz so far no evidence yeah that's the crowd I'm sure the crowd isn't incentivized to just kiss your ass by the way I guess this is a participatory thing with the audience because somebody just yelled out McDonald's and they took it in that direction Sean Hannity is losing control of his own show he's been doing this for probably longer than I've been alive and I think I could handle this better now this is Sean hany just kissing Donald Trump's ass before this Awkward Moment happens let me play this clip let me let me ask you a more personal question cuz you paid a a very big price for getting into the political Arena never mind opportunity cost that you would have had you've had a successful business obviously you've been a victim of lawfare if you will or a weaponized Department of Justice um although Sean Hannity goes on for the next 90 seconds literally just kissing Trump's ass saying you're a successful businessman you're great but this is the wild part so Shan Hannity and Donald Trump marketed this with Fox News as an exclusive Town Hall where audience members would be asking adversarial questions and Donald Trump would be practicing for the debate in a roundabout way but they never got to the questions tonight tonight and you can tell that Donald Trump is incredibly pissed off Hannity made it all the way through the first installment of his town hall with Trump which was actually just an interview where Trump gets his ass kissed so take a look at this and look how mad Trump looks when he's looking at Hannity he is pissed off because he knows Hannity's about to cut the interview off and Donald Trump calls him out all right now so unlike kamla Harris our time is actually up however we are we're going to let Dave McCormack asked the first question uh and we're going to air that not uh not tonight but tomorrow night he always does this here I do our times up but you know what let's make two shows out of it all right he's actually a little mad former president Trump as we continue we are in the all important state of Pennsylvania and Harrisburg thank you for being with us Donald Trump is actually a little mad when he's saying that when he's calling him out look at Sean hanry he's like oh God our time's up but you know what let's make two shows out of it Donald Trump is a showman he loves the cameras he loves the headlines he loves being live on television so I'm sure it hurts whenever that is cut off but this entire interview was incredibly embarrassing I'm not sure Sean Hannity quite knows how a town hall Works you're supposed to let the audience ask questions throughout the town hall not just interview and not just Brown NOS the entire time but that is what we got Shan Hannity and Donald Trump sitting on stage talking about how great Donald Trump is for over an hour that was the word of the day weird weird weird they're all going but we're not weird guys we're he is so mad he's been talking about being weird for 30 seconds straight Trump just did a town hall with Sean Hannity on Fox news and it was more of a disaster than you can imagine I don't even want to waste any time let's jump right into it and begin breaking it down in this first clip Shan Hannity brings up the shooting that happened at a Georgia high school today where two students and two teachers died and Donald Trump somehow pivots to Victor Orban within 20 seconds of answering it's almost impressively demented make sure you leave a like on the video and subscribe to this channel let's hop in I I mentioned we have this terrible shooting in Georgia right our prayers are with our friends in Georgia and I've been doing town halls and interviews in public with you for all these years since you got the political Ara and I told this audience never before have restrictions been so tight obviously after the assassination attempt as well and director Ray said the Threat Level has never been this bad he said it five consecutive times before Congress what is going on well it's a sick and Angry World for a lot of reasons and we're uh going to make it better we're going to heal our world we're going to get rid of all these wars that are starting all over the place because of incompetent leadership and we're going to make it better you know Victor Orban okay so now he pivots to Victor Orban about 20 seconds after answering and everything he said was BS but I think it's important that we all understand who Victor Orban is this isn't some goofy Gaff that Donald Trump does like the Hannibal elector stuff Donald Trump is actually laying the groundwork for him stripping away our liberal democracy so obviously Victor Orban got into power and eroded all of their Norms ER Ed their liberal democracy by stuffing their institutions with Loyalists and stripping Independence away from all of them which mirrors the exact path that Donald Trump wants to take his exact plan if he gets a second term so again when he brings up Victor orbon that is him laying the groundwork to strip away our liberal democracy here's a clip of Donald Trump rambling and lying about VP Harris's plans with Social Security if they one you'd have not 20 million you have a 100 million people you won't have social security you won't have Medicare you won't have anything already if you take a look at the numbers they're filling up and loading up Social Security Medicare with illegal immigrants that have come into our country many of them from jails and many of them from very bad okay that is not true at all Donald Trump always says many of them from jails he'll probably say many of them from mental institutions because he doesn't know that Asylum means someone is seeking Asylum not coming from an insane asylum but I do just want to clarify the Democrats are the the party of more social safety nets we always have been I mean Obama was the one that passed the Affordable Care Act and Trump is talking about stripping Health Care away from millions and millions of Americans he wanted to repeal the ACA which would have stripped Healthcare away from 20 million Americans so when he talks about Medicare being Stripped Away or Social Security being cut he is absolutely projecting because he's the one that has told his Rich donors that's what he plans to do here's Donald Trump talking again about the largest deportation operation in history that never had the problem they're pouring in 21 million people that's bigger than New York and we have to stop it and we have to do the largest deportation in the history I always say this but how do you Deport 11 to 20 million people whatever the number is now without number one massive amounts of violence without number two accidentally deporting American citizens without that number three uprooting tons and tons of families and crashing the American economy not to mention if the police are occupied deporting working people in this country they won't have time to fend off the real criminals like Donald Trump here is Trump shook about these weird allegations let me let me tell there's something there's something weird with that guy he's a weird guy JD is not weird he's a solid rock I happen to be a very Solid Rock we're not weird we're other things perhaps but we're not weird but he is a weird guy he walks on stage there's something wrong with that guy and he called me weird and then the fake news media picks it up that was the word of the day weird weird weird they were all going but we're not weird guys we're he is so mad he's been talking about being weird for 30 seconds straight and every single time he does an interview he does the same style of projection where he says I'm no puppet you're a puppet or he says I'm not weird they're weird I'm not interfering with the election they are it's the same repetitious talking points from Donald Trump over and over and it's funny because you can tell that this really gets to him they say that the things that uh affect sociopaths and narcissists the most are being made fun of being made the butt of the joke and when Donald Trump is called weird I think it genuinely gets to him Donald Trump still thinks he's running against Joe Biden as evidenced by this next clip although a friend of mine said you shouldn't have done the interview he's not going to make it and you know what he didn't make it you know think of this it's very unfair in a lot of ways I complain about it but she ran against him in the primary she got no votes no votes and she was the first to leave 20 I think 22 people or something like that and she she dropped she was down to nothing never even made Iowa and he got 14 million votes and they threw him out they said we want you out and he wasn't going to win I don't think I mean I don't think nobody threw Biden out Biden stepped down after a month of deliberation he was going to win but we did good debate we had a good debate and it was a fair debate and he was down like 18 or 19 points after the debate and I hate mosquitoes I'm surprised I didn't think we had we don't like those mosquitoes run that was random number one but this reminds me of When Donald Trump was saying that we should stop counting in states where he's ahead and keep counting in states where he's behind Donald Trump is simultaneously a threat to democracy wants to tear everything down but then when President Biden steps down Donald Trump is all of the sudden very concerned about Democratic norms and rules and it's just insane to me Donald Trump does not care about Democratic Norms or Biden stepping down he just wishes this was an easier race here's Donald Trump throwing out a completely baseless conspiracy theory that VP Harris apparently knew the questions before CNN's interview last week again not true I'll say I'll say something else real quick cuz we got a break if you yeah if you watch that that interview she had notes that means she knew the questions and she had notes she kept looking down up look nobody wants to cover it I I know all about notes I mean you know it's all right if people know that but she was supposed to have notes so she's asked the question she looks down she keep so she had notes that means she knew that she knew what was this is literally just old man yells at Cloud at this point Donald Trump is cranky so he's making up conspiracy theories about VP Harris having AI crowds VP Harris using notes for her debate VP Harris lying about her identity and honestly this is like the psychological example of projection down to a t Donald Trump knows that he is the one who is a snake he will lie steal cheat his way through life he says in this clip that he would use notes if he wanted to so he thinks that VP Harris will stoop down to his level in the same way and that perfectly explains Donald Trump also throughout this entire interview you just see that his authoritarianism is so deeply embedded in him that he almost can't help it every time he talks about the Constitution he wants to terminate it or rewrite it or change it in some way said he wants to terminate it before every time he talks about elections they have to be stolen he talks about Judges and juries and courts they are all rigged Donald Trump has anti-democracy in his Bloodlines he has authoritarianism so deeply embedded within him that it just manifest every time he gives an interview that is why we have to vote blue this November for VP Harris

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