Mark Carney's ACCIDENTAL REVEAL in his first press conference about his NEW POSITION!

what isn't it for you Mr Carney you are pitching Your Wagon to a party that is really struggling right now why look I well first thing um I I have a couple Simple Rules uh this isn't really going well for Carney and this is why [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mark Carney made a rare appearance at a press conference during the liberal caucus Retreat for many Canadians it is their first view of who Mark Carney is and how he operates let's take a look uh thank you all for coming I'll just say a few words and then uh please to take your questions look uh and let me start uh by saying it's an honor uh to accept this role as chair of this new task force on economic growth uh for the Prime Minister for the leader it comes at in my view a decisive time for our economy for our country you know the world is becoming a more dangerous and divided place and at the same time the global economy is being transformed every major economy is accelerating their energy transition and being low carbon is becoming a key driver of competitiveness we're just at the start of a revolution driven by AI in every sector every economy every company we can no longer rely on the world's rules-based trading system we have to become an essential trading partner we can't win an industrial policy arms race and in all of that environment we have to grow both in the short term uh and for the long term so a couple things right off the bat he says he's honored to have this position as chair of this economic task force so in our previous video we talked about the fact that Mark Carney is being paid by the liberal party and not by the government of Canada well if he's chair of a task force does that not mean he's being paid by the taxpayer allegedly not so you know the question is is WTF how can the liberal party hire uh like somebody for the position of chair of a liberal task force like of an economic task force this makes no sense to me right and he says well it's for the Prime Minister well if it's for the Prime Minister then that sounds like it's for the federal government right not the leader of the liberal party right I mean if it was for the party it would be something like um the the chief electoral uh strategist right um that's a party job it would be like the treasurer that's a party job this makes no sense yeah like if he was the chair of the economic strategy task force for the Liberal Party of Canada you can kind of see that but even that it's a little sketchy um he's saying right here it's for the Prime Minister and if it's for the Prime Minister then it's for the federal government so so skirting the rules yeah and this is where we pointed out in our previous video as well that Michael Barrett has a big problem with this and rightly so Michael Barrett is the ethics critic for the conservative party so one of his jobs is to call out BS and potential ethics problems when he sees them and this is clearly one of them we need real policies we need Solutions not slogans action not indifference and I was very pleased by the discuss in the room the ideas and the energy uh of the members uh and look forward to working with them uh to develop the strategy and I look forward and I may regret this I'm looking forward to your questions ha so cheeky you know at least he comes across exactly as what he sold as a Davos Elite High rolling business guy that's that's what he comes across as there's not a lot of Personality there I was going to say he's got the personality of a wet dishcloth um and uh uh probably the same amount of culture too yeah probably uh the the irony is for those that don't know is that Mark Carney grew up in the Northwest Territories um but it doesn't come across it certainly doesn't come across here um but it doesn't I don't know it personality doesn't matter when it comes to doing a job attitude is what matters capability is what matters but the job is what's in question right because how could he be paid by the liberal party but it sounds like he's doing work for the Canadian government right and it doesn't make sense because I mean let's take for example Max vet who is the uh he's kind of like the social media guy foror of communications yeah but that's a government job he's doing work for the federal government of Canada it benefits the Liberal Party it it's part of their strategy but it's work for the government of Canada therefore he's on the government payroll well and one of the main reasons probably why he isn't on the payroll the federal government is because people would be saying well that Rule's already failed Justin well you mean that why Carney is not on the government payroll yeah yeah that role is already failed by someone named Christia Freeland and you know you kind of have to get elected to do that job but I mean they can have advisors and things outside of cabinet but they're typically paid for by the taxpayer and are accountable to the taxpayer and are also subject to the ethics laws within the government of Canada right so are Trudeau and the Liberals trying to skirt the ethics laws wouldn't be the first time Randy Randy have you been hanging out with [Music] Randy isney you are pitching Your Wagon to a party that is really struggling right now why look I well first thing um I I have a couple Simple Rules uh one if uh uh prime minister of Canada asks me to do something uh I will do it I will serve uh to the best uh to the best of my uh ability secondly uh you know I'm interested I've have some experience in these issues and I'm interested in helping our country to grow I'm interested in doing something not being something uh and this is a decisive time for our economy these issues have to be tackled headon uh and as I said at the outset I'm I'm I'm honored to be part of this process I'm interested in doing something not being something sounds like a slogan Mark does sound like a slogan I thought we were interested in uh in Solutions not slogans as you said like 2 minutes earlier but um nobody believes nobody believes you here man uh nobody believes Justin Trudeau nobody believes Christoph reand nobody nobody really believes anything that any of the liberal party has to say anymore and that's kind of the problem and kind of the reason they're in the situation that they are is that they have gasset Canadians for the last 9 years to the point where even in their base doesn't believe them anymore so that's the issue so now you're bringing in like this is again such a very weird thing to kind of do well especially for Carney because why would he want to Sully his name with the liberal brand because liberal brand is going down in flames and why would he want to hop on that ship that's going down right well and strategically it's also kind of a a bizarre move as it relates to thinking what the conservatives are going to do because one of the the main worries that the media says that the conservatives have is that their whole platform has been built around Justin Trudeau just inflation Justin Trudeau Trudeau Trudeau Trudeau Trudeau and if Trudeau were to leave the party the assumption is the conservatives would have a problem because if you remove the entire focus of your campaign and and where you're directing all the blame then that may cause a problem for what the messaging may be coming out of the the conservatives well I think that may be true to a certain degree I mean we know people personally who have been part of the Liberal Party who have said we're not voting liberal we're not voting at all in the next election because of Justin Trudeau if Trudeau is gone I imagine they'll vote again now I imagine there's more people than just them that hold that attitude but I don't think it's going to be everybody I think think you will see some people come back to the Liberals to vote for the Liberals but I think by and large most Canadians have their minds made up well as I was saying in terms of the Strategic misstep this is where it is so Trudeau bringing in Carney now assuming Trudeau's not going to step down this now puts Mark Carney into the crosshairs of the conservatives where they can start to Brand him themselves and they've already begun doing right so and they they kind of poked at this throughout the last session you heard carbon tax Carney a couple times so now having him with a more direct role in the Liberal Party it opens him up to a lot more attacks from the from the conservatives before the guy even has the opportunity to run a leadership campaign and become leader of the liberal parties which is normally when a party would launch its attacks on a person like that so um they are telegraphing Mark carne's involvement with the Liberal Party in the future by moving with this route so it's it's a bit strange well and no doubt Michael Barrett's going to be very vocal about the fact that carne is on the party payroll but doing work for the government well and I guarantee you well I can't guarantee you if I was on the committee I would guantee you that um that most likely Michael Barrett is going to be introducing motions to bring Mark Carney into the Ethics Committee to start start talking about his vess's interests elsewhere oh that's going to be amazing I can't wait to see Barrett go head-to-head with Carney that's going to be beautiful well and this is the thing um the irony the irony Mark Carney is not a minister of cabinet correct correct ministers are immune from having to appear at committee right you can ask them to come but you cannot summon them so Mark Carney is not a minister correct so therefore he is not immune from coming to committee well from being summoned to committee that's right and it would look very bad if they actually had to summon Mark Carney to committee yeah especially if he does have political aspirations and wants to be prime minister remember transparency people so it's it's it's it's going to be very interesting the chess moves that have have come in in into play and come into Focus are going to be really really interesting to watch over the next [Music] month run for look I think that look the the the story for today and the and the task that I've taken on is a it's a big task it's an important task but I'm a catalyst in a much broader uh effort effort of uh those members of parliament in that room uh effort of other Canadians look these issues those who really think about uh our future are increasingly seized with these issues and the question is how do you translate those to the best ideas the best policies that are going to make real differences for Canadians this isn't really going well for Carney and this is why because again he says I'm just a catalyst for the work of the members of parliament that are working in the House of Commons that doesn't sound like you're working only for the liberal party right you should be on the taxpayer payroll as much as I hate to say it but he should be a public servant and he should be subject to our ethics laws 100% Liberal Party on the carbon tax you have said you know it had done it purpose up to a time will you be advising them to make any changes I think the fundamental uh sometimes what happens with these issues around is that the focus misses an important other aspect which is that as I said a moment ago being low carbon is going to be a determinant of whether we can create jobs whether we can sell our products in the United States in Europe around the world we have to help our companies become more competitive there's a huge range of things that the federal government can do many of which they are doing huge range of things that other companies or sorry the provincial governments and other their stakeholders need to do in order for that to be the case and we need to be cleare eyed about not the challenge but the scale of the opportunity because no country is in a better position for this make one last Point these issues the issues around being low carbon is an issue for our manufacturing sector it's a mission it's an issue for whether or not we're going to lead in information uh technology it's an issue for whether we are going to rain our ability to trade into the major markets and we are best place of any country in the world to do that but we have to be cleare eyed about it and move forward so I believe the question was around you know are you you know going to be recommending any changes to the carbon tax or or anything like that and I found it very interesting in that his entire answer was focused on the corporate aspects of society which would make sense nothing in his answer said anything about well you know Canadians have to be sucking it up and paying the carbon tax even though he actually has a book out um that he he says that the carbon tax is is basically a model that other countries should follow um but when you're answering these questions it sounds pretty silly when you're you're trying to say that oh well you know Canadians you know being taxed to under the carbon tax that's the best way you know to uh to move our our economy ahead you want to know the best way to move the economy ahead nuclear power I don't know why we do not have more nuclear plants in this country Canada has the best and the safest nuclear reactors in the world and again it's a bad PR problem that government doesn't want to build more nuclear reactors because everybody freaks out well and even if okay even if you're going to say well we're going to put some sort of tax or penalty on people that are using gasoline engines even if you're going to do that there has to be an alternative that's reasonable and cheaper and viable because electric vehicles do not do well in Canadian Winters so their their first problem if they wanted to do this which they can't is they would need an alternate fuel source to gasoline that is mass-produced in these cars that is going to be capable with standing Canadian Winters and the long distances the Canadians have to drive so if you're going to do that then there has to be massive incentives to get people to move to that and then you can put penalties on the uh on on the people that are that driving death now I'm not in favor of doing that because it's an affordability problem so then you have to say all right so we can't do the penalties now you're coming back to oh look Pierre pov's platform where he's saying you don't penalize people especially when they're in an affordability crisis what you do is you incentivize the new technology So currently electric cars as a permanent solution across Canada is a disastrous approach well and consumers don't want them I mean besides the logis iCal stuff consumers just don't want them well number one they're very expensive and there's no way the average Canadian is going to be able to afford one and number two our electricity grid can't withstand it that's why we need nuclear power or maybe nuclear powered cars what do you think they've got Subs why not Cars sure why not get on it [Music] Carney ask me to run into two byelections uh the conversation this is the outcome of the conversation I had with the Prime Minister which is to take on this important role uh and let's be clear about the role uh David to your question okay very important if you missed it so the question was around did he have a conversation with the Prime Minister around like joining cabinet as the Finance Minister something like that and Mark's response to that was this is the output of that conversation I don't know if he meant to slip up or not but to me that was a major slip up because that means to me that they had a conversation over how Mark would join their government and evidently Mark didn't want to actually join the government in an official capacity Trudeau probably wanted him to because it would just add to the credibility of the liberal government but evidently Carney doesn't want to disclose things wants to keep his his money wants to keep his Investments doesn't want to have to worry about bending over backwards for uh for for to comply with the ethics act well and I think he's still keeping his current job as well right yeah he's still the chair of Brookfield so um and I mean you wouldn't be able to do do that if you were a minister you have to declare everything within 60 days of your appointment to the ethics commissioner and then the ethics commissioner tells you what you have to divest and you literally cannot have another job yeah so um and then lastly he as much as I'm confused as to why he's he's getting this close to the Liberals he's probably thinking well this is enough distance between myself and the liberal government I can just say that I recommended these things and they didn't follow it but why do it in an official capacity if he's been doing this all along with Trudeau and Freeland why come on in an official capacity see none of this makes sense and I I think what it is is to kind of introduce him to the rest of the liberal caucus because in the inevitable outcome of the election he's going to be the I guess one of the main candidates for the liberal party like I'm wondering if they are just going to proceed with election with Trudeau's leader and then I don't mean immediately I just mean like eventually we'll go to election and Trudeau will be leader and then carne is going to run in one of the liberal strongholds and win and then be in government possibly as opposition and then they will vote like the party will vote whether or not to have him as the party leader that's what I'm wondering if their end goal is he may end up running in papino which is trudo's writing oh that's a good point because I was going to say no initially but I think possibly what could happen and this happened in the Ontario election a few years ago um oh no yeah it was a few years AG it was just like two or three years ago where um the leaders of the parties ran and lost lost badly and then immediately after the election like the same night or the day after they resigned and then the party chose their new leaders so we'll see uh I'm an outsider uh I'm providing a perspective um GA gathering opinions from interested Canadians um and feeding them in so that we can have the best possible growth strategy that puts people first grows our economy not just in the short term but in the medium long term in a world that is fundamentally changing yeah you but look the what I understand uh my career my career if you look at it uh has been in and around the interface between policy and the econ economy the public and private sector and what's animated throughout has been to get the private sector to work to the objectives of people through uh whether it was when I was doing Financial reform as governor of the Bank of Canada uh with the financial crisis whether it's my work internationally on climate change it's to ensure that we get the private sector to provide what people want what Canadians want that's the issue now so one thing that the conservatives are constantly bringing up when Mark Carney is talking about climate change and he's talking about the carbon tax and he's talking about what Canadians want is that it's very interesting that the company that he works for ended up purchasing a pipeline out in uh out in the rest of the world but he was opposed to any pipelines that were being built in Canada so isn't it interesting that when it comes to Canada pipelines are bad but when when it comes to pipelines outside of Canada pipelines are good isn't that interesting and I'll say it again that what I find the most interesting is that these politicians don't change their behaviors when it comes to climate change I mean look at the liberal cabinet Retreat which was at one end of the country in Halifax and then the liberal caucus retreat was in AO at the complete opposite end of the country so obviously you had to fly at least 37 people from one place to the other and then everybody else had to go into Nimo and then they're going to be in Ottawa next week most of them are probably going to be flying in I mean if climate change was as severe as they say it is they would not be flying all over the country like that they expect us to change our behaviors but they won't change theirs so at best they're Hypocrites and at worst they're not telling the truth well and let's let's bring up one more aspect if they were really that concerned where would they be holding these meetings Toronto Toronto or Ottawa because they're all going to end up in Ottawa anyways no but in but in Toronto because that's where the lion share of their MPS are elected so having it in Theo there's hardly any liberals in western Canada yeah so they all have to go west just all go back to Ottawa yeah all of them all of them why are they haing in Nao cuz nao's great this time of year that's why they're in the Nyo so they don't give a damn about their carbon footprint that each of them are paying for in flying out there so dat's Point give me a break that's the issue now in at an even higher level because these huge changes are coming as I said at the outset the world's more divided it's certainly more dangerous we can flip that around and take advantage of it okay last question why do you feel that you can help the party better in this way than presenting yourself as a candidate in what matters what matters for Canadians let's be frank it's not a party it's not an individual it's what happens on the ground it's whether the country is moving forward uh to their priorities this is where I can help right now in order to move our country forward it's look it's an exciting time it is an exciting time for Canada if we seize it and this is about seizing it and I'll finish with this uh I'm I'm pleased and honored not just uh by uh the prime minister's conf confidence uh but I look forward to working with Minister Freeland Minister shampang uh minister in and the rest of uh the caucus in developing this too well I'm looking forward to see what Mr Barrett and the rest of the Ethics Committee has to say about this appointment I would laugh my butt off it's not going to happen but I would laugh my butt off if in like a matter of weeks the government fell because this now this this doesn't mean anything it's just like one more complicating factor in this whole mess but it would just be funny cuz like you know they're they're doing all this pump and making it official and he's he's you know doing this presser but wouldn't it be just hilarious if the government fell in a couple of weeks and then an election happened and then the Liberals got tra and it's like wow great that you brought on Carney wasn't it well and it could happen because as we've said before politics is extremely volatile right now without that NDP Coalition agreement so we're just going to have to wait and see what happens next [Music]

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