I Have A Need For Speed... Shogun Showdown 1.0

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:42:28 Category: Gaming

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welcome back to Shogun Showdown going to be rotating through the characters again although I think I'm going to be yeah I'm going to be skipping through the wander since I already have around day six and uh yeah I'm going to be should I okay do comment down below if you want me to cycle through characters and then go through the days you know as they come so like everybody on day two everybody on day three everybody on day four or if you'd rather I just push to day seven on the wander and then or like push straight through days with a specific character but I feel like that would get kind of boring in a way it'sin you want more variety right each each video but I wouldn't mind like maybe pushing to seven and then and then doing the rotation so yeah just comment down below I I don't know I don't know if I will necessarily follow that but it would give me a slight idea of what people want to see even though I don't know it's not going to be representative of the majority probably cuz most don't common either way let's get some stuff so odd curse back Shadow Dash so I know what that does and then Earth impair don't love Earth and pil actually I think it's pretty good kind of want to unlock some more skills though I feel like it's I know let's just finish up the tiles can I check Bui combo let me check the oops you can move the squirrel wheel so we have four tiles here three tiles missing here so okay only nine tiles left to unlock so it's oh no there's yeah that's sign okay skills are a lot more okay okay all right oops trying to go back oh I can just move all right so we're going to start with crossbow second load out since we got three stamps let's get started here Elite enemies May spawn and I can push enemies with the special ability for this character it will do collision damage do I have the I don't have the 30 minutes on this character so I should try to do that let's get started so crossbow you fire once goes on cool down get it off cool down and you got to re reload it it's a really weak starting setup here for me I basically only have one damage skill and it's going to be on a very high cool down so I'm going to have to use my push to do majority of damage here I don't have my push yet okay do that thankfully it does do some damage this is a free play which means it doesn't cost me my turn to cast it to add it to the action bar and uh it swaps the contents of the cells ahead and behind so it's really good for kind of mitigating damage grappling H I need something to do consistent damage so it's going to be Earth impale two two tiles ahead and behind so you'll see it in a second here that's going to be pretty useful crossbow hits two two Targets right Y correct I can definitely just push this guy Earth imp pale really cool animation on this one one feel like my Run's going to be relatively slow here it's the only issue trying to think of like how to do this [Music] but all right does Elite this one cannot be moved or turned around can't remember all the elite so it's going to take me a while this guy is definitely going to hit me so I'm going to have to oh Can't Be Moved right [ __ ] that sucks oh I can't even push it holy [ __ ] that's so bad oh no I'm stuck okay I can't swap okay wait wait this is [ __ ] this thing it's like I I can't like it just messes with my sense of like how to play this game super weird feel like I lost my ability to play there for a [Music] second M two cool down definitely need that that's a big one that's definitely a big one just going to dash on me as well just swap it then [Music] I'm going to crack this make things a little bit easier on [Music] myself three ticks of [Music] poison pretty good so far plus one damage plus one cool down not against that definitely the two damage is pretty underwhelming on this I think it does not have to be three right now to keep up with the Enemy Health total I mean sacrificing a tile is definitely not happening so shock wve all right Shockwave is pretty good I've already had a Shockwave crossbow and it was relatively strong so I'm going to do that again oh man mindfulness would be so huge I can't get it though I I [Music] can yeah I can get it I think I think I should SO waiting so passing my turn manually does give me an extra cool down refresh so it reduces cool down by two which is really important because especially with these current skills that I have it's pretty bad have to wait for shock wave here oh man it killed it that [Music] [Music] sucks uh [ __ ] H actually it's fine I can just do that I guess good thing I have this cuz this character has like no defensive [Music] capability if enemies are too close together obviously the push doesn't really help if if you can't there's no free tile swap toss again and M M is pretty good it does speed up runs quite a bit having two copies of swap toss is not the worst but I feel like I'm I'm just lacking damage right now so this uses a coin to deal five damage which is fine all right this has an extra Health right oh no can attack immediately after adding a tile but it still has an extra health is what it is I guess very annoying Elite there thankfully I had the damage for it yeah all Elites have plus one so after taking damage automatically get a shield it's kind of annoying not a massive deal but shock wave just kills it I'm going to have to crack this I think [Music] don't want to waste the coins but not much I can [Music] do not terrible oh yeah shock wave if you don't know it just does an extra point of damage if there's an adjacent enemy and it keeps Ricochet ricocheting until there's an open tile so and it does it to the main target too so if there's an enemy I'll explain in a second actually Ice is very PR strong but guess I don't have a choice I would have to put on [Music] this which doesn't feel good cuz I don't want this to be my utility but I'm I'm going to roll that actually I think yeah that's better I want more damage on this so I'm going to [Music] lower lower this cool down all right so if there's an enemy here an enemy here I deal three here deals one to the main one to this one if there's another one does another one damage so it's essentially just whatever is making [Music] contact with the initial Target and since this hits twice if there are two enemies and they both don't die it will deal five here five here and then two two two you know Etc eventually [Music] pretty easy boss I do have the weight thing I forgot all right there's the shock [Music] wave it's probably the best thing you can get on this thing I do need one more damage on this at least I think minus one cool down I mean obviously it's nice on this but I think I still need to interesting should I just lower cuz it can technically do five already if there are two next to each other right there's almost no point in this doing four unless I want to well yeah actually there is a point if I want to kill like a four toughness character directly with no shock wave I should probably still reduce this whatever just get the damage increase from this two consumables in the same term receive a random consumable just going to crack this plus one I oh I can't well I'm definitely going to sell this oops not too healthy but yeah the elites definitely throw a wrench in the the way this game plays it's actually really nice I can kill archers from behind now [Music] yeah that is this is actually a very important [Music] skill huh do want to hit [Music] this another health potion very nice oops thought that would kill that for some reason okay this Archer I need to one shot that question is how like [Music] this [Music] [ __ ] so be it I totally forgot I would not be able to move there minus one damage minus 4 cool down hm I don't think that's worth it here it could be worth it here but again I feel like the three is really Cy especially with the leads now roll that minus one cool [Music] down all right fine I'll I need some more consistent damage output yeah this sucks this is where you can see a problem damage up is kind of [Music] weird Can't Be Moved it's okay should kill it no it doesn't wait why oh it's only three yeah no it did it did do five this is plus one HP I keep forgetting so it's not it's obviously not going to do anything oh man this sucks I got to do this oh wait yeah I got to do [Music] this oh great whatever [Music] so annoying yeah pretty pretty tough run for me here a very weird damage numbers and pretty long cool down as well I don't want to use this but I might have to [Music] whatever can't do anything against me if I push it I don't think we're on Pace for the 30 minutes ice still not good enough one damage I mean it helps but it's still off I need like a small damage skill a really really low damage skill if possible I got one than I have the mindfulness otherwise I'll would be in trouble I [Music] think hopefully I can find an extra let upgrade for this [Music] [Music] oh this might be annoying [Music] um I guess it's [Music] fine is [Music] it is it fine not sure I think I have to kill this with the the money shot [Music] tricky that's going to get a shield [Music] fortunately just do this then I got to oh this is [Music] annoying kill the Archer oh nice shock wave I forgot double shock wave I can just easily sweep through everything think very clutch in in those scenarios plus one sure I shouldn't have played oh that was a two range attack [Music] whoops my mistake I didn't see the uh I didn't see that that's going to swap with me it's also pretty annoying I can just move two tiles up right then move into this Swap this that's going to try to do it again not a problem 10 minutes yeah we maybe maybe on base it's hard I just don't remember Dash forward through targets stopping at the first empty cell behind them no effect if no empty cell is available H it's another like kind of utility tile I'm wondering how well I can use this cuz unless it gets to five it doesn't feel like it's going to do much but it's still probably useful enough I do like that they can hit behind which is definitely useful minus one cool down for special I don't think push is necessarily that good get an extra slot damn this shop is crazy you perform a combo kill a random enemy is cursed for seven yeah actually I kind of wanted the plus one damage whoops and I can't sell my way to it oh four coins wait oh these are worth four wait [ __ ] it let's do it I want this to be at five that would help my run a lot one damage [Music] again even the three it's already pretty [Music] good I got to kill that g so annoying I should have pushed that whoops whatever wait four how did it do four oh it was cursed okay [Music] all right not not bad not bad that was actually pretty clean think I do need this at lower cool down I keep getting stuck in like weird situations oh this crossbow is going to farm oh it didn't quite didn't quite do it but whatever [Music] I'm just going to kill [Music] that what is this double Striker actually that's not a [Music] problem it's pretty weak actually this this unit is just not very strong okay that's kind of all right that's a little bit more annoying do I have time I don't think I do I guess I have to push this I got to move this way that's the problem uh this is annoying all right I got to I'm just going to have to oh that's a solution I kind of forgot that that works too am I ever getting this no I'm not right I can't do it oh no I can it takes one turn to and I forgot they can't just move immediately they have to Signal move okay this could be uh I think it's more relevant for this to be upgradeable one more time to five this has shock waves technically not not really a [Music] problem o highly annoying [Music] actually oh okay I [ __ ] [Music] up wait what that was my actual okay well nice it I didn't realize that was my actual crossbow shot oh it didn't do anything okay nice waste of a potion was a real intent potion didn't do anything all oh [ __ ] actually I kind of that might have been a mistake unless I want to play ranged against bosses which H I might I still think that was a mistake [Music] this boss is really easy [Music] though okay did not summon right in front of it I'm just going to kill it with a coin oh [Music] whoops thought I had an extra turn there oh can I play immediately oh okay whatever back dash strike all Targets that are not full HP that could be huge trying to think of back dash is that good yeah yeah yeah that could allow me to hit archers that are stuck behind I think this is better stuck behind me I don't have time to turn around sometimes all I definitely need I need the potion not doing so well there Collision I mean my skill does Collision damage but I do want this to be at two kill kill archers man this is annoying feels like a waste too but other healing potions very good here also it's good that I have five here as well custom five [Music] whoops how the hell did I not see that [Music] I'm just going to kill those that going to be too annoying otherwise oh that's yeah that's pretty bad that is pretty bad it's okay oh it's done whoops that was the last wave 15 minutes H I can't roll this do I want to use it probably not [Music] [Music] pretty good just going to use this I do want both potions here so oops oh you got to be kidding me all right well you're going getting Frozen [ __ ] so annoying it's stealing the crossbow there okay I got full potion refill plus one slot I wouldn't hate this being at five damage I should have just I got to remember that I have the curse thing that is definitely [Music] irrelevant just going to wait until they spawn more enemies here eventually get some good stuff going any extra potions yeah there are is one healing ition okay that's kind of a pain actually this guy is pretty oh well I did just use a shield potion so who cares all planned all planned actually I'm so dumb why am I doing again this going to shoot me again whatever and archers are just the bane of my exist I I can't can't do it I just can't do it they get me every time oh that still shoots oh [ __ ] I really did not expect that to shoot holy moly I can't believe that shot Please Don't Steal another okay let's see this could be really bad [Music] I don't think we're going to get the 30 minutes here it's a little bit [Music] slow this probably more relevant oh and it's the stage Master yeah this is going to be it's too slow I think hate the stage master [Music] this is the worst ball like for time purposes this is definitely the worst [Music] pause yep I did that again I keep doing [Music] that all right back on stage [Music] it's trying to hit me with that I don't care it can it can go for that I really don't [Music] care I ah it's one shot I could have killed it I'm so dumb totally forgot about my potion Please Don't Steal okay that's fine [Music] okay that one's cursed oh my God why did it steal [Music] that how annoying what it's really spawning me into this seriously can I get away with this yeah I did I didn't know if that was actually going to work or not didn't do the math 20 minutes I have 10 minutes left plus one upgrade slot that's not good anymore ice okay ice on this is definitely playable H can maybe get there maybe no damage increase that's what I'm really missing here hold on for push uh plus damage attack removed with a tile in the same turn probably not going to happen knock wave number two I'm not spin such an awkward [Music] build that freeze is so good definitely missed that that's a very satisfying way to all right that's going to die first thankfully [Music] oh I'm taking damage here I'm not that's the back dash for [Music] you no exploding why [Music] [Music] [Music] I use this at least I mean I definitely think I'm just going to grab that [Music] all right whatever just wait twice shoot this oh there was a healing potion so many potions dropped there that's so crazy poison man that's that's a very good thing to have but it's mostly one boss fight so I just don't see I'm just going to roll okay minus two cool down is interesting every turn swap toss it's just got to be this way if I'm not going to get damage I might as well whoa haven't seen this guy either immune to ice and a strange me mechanized Creature built I can't I can't read it I just I'm wasting time here at least I can freeze this what does this do swap positions with the boss Dash forward as far as possible I should have pushed it I do that now oh oh this is not good I know what's happening here okay thankfully I have this definitely very key here wait this boss is a huge pain what the hell can I hit this and it damages the boss no does this have a health bar in the first [Music] place oh who cares swap with the boss yeah [Music] very very annoying boss already but I'm getting frustrated this is definitely the most annoying boss all right whatever I'll tank it it's like it's one damage who cares [Music] [Music] damn super super annoying might be able to do it 7 minutes yeah I can do it I can do 7 minutes minus two cool down sure zero cool down swapped off so crazy okay this is where I really need to Max I [Music] The Killing deficiency here G just going to have to do this ah what the hell whatever everything's just spawning in I keep forgetting this this is not an easy level here [Music] do I kill this that's a good question I can do it like this true what I'm going to do it I need to kill this it's getting too annoying oh my God what I just played too fast I did it again okay these snipers are so they're doing it every other turn I was hoping I'd cat a break but it won't stop [Music] [ __ ] I holy [ __ ] I'm getting I'm getting tilted I'm actually getting tilted stop please oh this is because it shoots immediately right okay I was like this is not normal this can't be happening surely not I have to I have to think okay playing fast has its benefits and its downsides definitely how am I going to deal with this guess I have [Music] time I can maybe I should I shouldn't try to tank that that's a mistake oh but do I have a choice I can all right here's what I'm I'm just going to all right screw it I'm actually going to turn it arounds oh it attacks anyways okay cool all right 4 minutes o I wasted so much time there thinking about how to get out of the [Music] situation perfect strike minus two cool down it's all bad I guess this is all right I'm going to try to boot Force through this let's see okay that's already kind of [Music] annoying I'll tank this I guess this that might have been a mistake actually I didn't didn't realize getting wrecked that hard [Music] [Music] oh I that's not free [Music] play what the hell I'm actually kind of in trouble here I played this really poorly cuz I was rushing but I think it's fine I just have to play this a little bit smarter so it goes back dash teleport it's going to teleport next to [Music] me yeah sure you can deal one I don't that much let's go in Center Center's here bo bo okay okay got for again backwards okay I'm just I'm just going to do [Music] this sure kind of annoying but 2 minutes laser I'm just going to grab [Music] this B yikes I'm not dead oh no I am dead [ __ ] no I [ __ ] up I should not have gone back I I would I would have actually won if I didn't move back to grab the potion oh [Music] well well got to learn the hard way I didn't need to rush that much I think I just I under I overestimated how long this fight would take but it's it's fine I learned Med I won't do that again okay so what's the average time that boss will take me by playing well probably like 3 minutes I didn't have to play that fast like I was playing like I had 1 minute on the clock basically all right that's okay I don't need to do date well I mean I I guess that sucks I can do this off not on video I guess I I could have played that like I could have just won without taking the potion I got baited so hard I didn't realize that the boss would be prepping Dash forward dual strike which is probably the only thing that could kill me there because I moved back I should not have moved back it was just it was just really bad there was no way I could die there other than moving back to grab the potion so if that potion wasn't there I would have won like if I didn't my brain just couldn't really think on the spot I was like surely the potion's going to do more but no if I just hug the boss I can't die cuz I can just swap him any at any point just whatever I had like easy easily a minute and a half left I I guess we're probably just not going to play too much Ronin I don't even enjoy this character that I actually don't like this character too much except for the crossbow I like the crossbow but it's not I like other characters more so it's not a big deal that I didn't Advance him I'm probably just not going to play him anymore by the way hope you enjoyed sorry about that it happens though I'm sure you guys I mean some of you have played this game probably have lost some pretty unfortunate battles but yeah I'll see you in the next one don't forget to subscribe to my channel bye

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