Category: Gaming
All right so we have warhammer 40k space marine 2 this is ign's review now we want to see what they're going to say um i have a feeling i i think i know what they're going to say uh i'm going to get my prediction at the end of the video make sure you guys like the video subscribe to the channel and... Read more
Category: Gaming
Stick around to learn more about how surfshark lets you browse the web freely and securely plus get four additional months for free when you sign up using offer code skillup at surf forge sl skillup gamers when concord was first revealed i made a flippant offhand joke being like oh let's hope... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] [applause] [music] there's a scene in the order a riveting an explosive docudrama about the dawn of the modern american white supremacist movement in the 1980s that creeps you out in a very eye-opening way two leaders of the movement are meeting on an isolated country road in idaho one of them... Read more
Category: Music
Intro woo hey everyone anthony fantano here the internet's busiest music nerd and it's time for a review of the new zack brian album the great american bar scene this is the newest full length lp from country singer and songwriter oklahoman zack bryan who is showing no signs of letting up on his current... Read more
Category: Gaming
Esse vídeo é um oferecimento da global cards na global cards você vai encontrar o seu game pass sua live go de jogos xbox com preço simplesmente incríveis quero o game b ultimate com o melhor preço do mercado a global carts tem qualquer jogo de xbox a global cart dá 5% de desconto em cima então cara... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] [music] welcome to nashville tennessee music city usa and home to the commodor of vanderville who hope today they will hit all of the right notes what a game and what potential drama we have in store you've seen this script before top 10 team goes into a cauldron of emotion on the road and just... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hey guys metal jesus here and i am in downtown seattle for the penny arcade expo also known as pax west hax is very different than the expos i normally attend because instead of having a bunch of retro games hax is all about new games upcoming games it's very similar to e3 actually so this is going... Read more
Category: Entertainment
A few days ago, i uploaded a video of some of the worst brand tweets of all time, and in that video i included a tweet from this thread netflix started where they asked "what's something you can say during sex but also when you manage a brand twitter account?" and after scrolling through it... Read more
Category: Gaming
Intro spirit power in deadlock definitely doesn't work like you would initially expect it to i've seen a few people end up being a bit confused about this or just fled out wrong and i'm actually working on a larger video that goes over the item shop completely and what to buy and and however thing works... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey what's up everyone welcome to another for anyway so this is uh the crow 2024 anyway so yeah a lot of the reviews have come out the movie is out i'm gna just i'll let you know here right here right now i already saw one review and it was not good uh also i'm going to say right here that uh i already... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Introducción y las acciones de bugisoft star wars outl es el juego más roto y controversial del momento el cual es una representación de todas las malas costumbres de bugisoft y en parte de la industria en general una empresa que no hace más que reciclar fórmulas sacando los mismos juegos una y otra... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] [music] how's it going everybody welcome to the channel this is big day dave and this is a map update for farming simulator 22 on the mod map fring 2k 23 and currently there is a history of a new save game being required please take note where you started your save game in comparison to the... Read more