How to Transfer Money Sparkasse Online Banking | Transfer Money From Sparkasse App

how to transfer money Spar Castle online banking hello guys and welcome to this video in this tutorial I will show you how to transfer money using the sparas online banking in order to do so we first of all need to open up the sparas app alternatively you can also use a spar Castle website to transfer money in order to do so you first of all need to go to your specific Spar Castle website for example I'm a customer of the Kash basa coin which means that I would have to go to the website of the Kash basa coin log into my bank account there and then I could also transfer money using the online banking on the Kash basa Co website however in this video I will show you how to transfer money using the sparas app so as I said just open the sparas app select your bank account right here and then we have the option send money in this list at the top so just go ahead and select the first option send money and then we have basically four different options either a normal transfer SE reference transfer stand in order or a foreign bank transfer if you just want to transfer money to another bank account then you have to select the first option and that is also what we are going to focus on in this video so just go ahead and select transfer right here now we need to enter the recipients information which means that we can either enter the Ebon or if we have already transferred money to the exact same bank account previously we can also simply search for a name so just go ahead and enter either the ebun or if we just search search for a name we can see a list of our last recipients with the same name basically and here we can also select our recipient now we can enter the amount we want to transfer I just go ahead and transfer one Euro underneath we can also check our estimated account balance and if we wish to we can also add a memo but as you can see this is optional I just go ahead and say this is a test then we need to click next right here now we can also select the time either next possible at a later date if we choose this option we can set a date where the money is supposed to be transferred to the other bank account however otherwise we also have the option as a realtime transfer normally I would suggest to use next possible and then we just need to click verify transfer as you can see here we can check if everything's correct and so on and then we just need to click next again then we just need to verify this transfer with the sparer pushon app and as you can see as we switch back to The Spar casser app the request was completed successfully so now we can either check our overview or added additional transaction otherwise we can simply close this menu using the X in the top right hand corner and as you can see this transfer automatically pops up in the list of my recent transactions so if this video could help you please leave a like And subscribe if you have any further questions just let me know in the comments below thanks for watching and bye

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