The Binary Moon Project - Twitter Story

a second moon type object appeared in the night skies above me about a week ago this object is brighter than the actual Moon I first notice it as I walked my vehicle in the parking lot of the grocery store at approximately 1210 a.m. on Sunday July 15th I thought that the moon seemed rather bright that night this is what captured my attention shortly after I'd gotten into my vehicle I realized that the moon was actually behind me from the direction in which my gaze was was focused on this object this wasn't the moon having been under the assumption that I was looking at the moon and now discovering that I wasn't I began to get rather anxious understandably I quickly pulled out my phone and launched the Discord app on my way to the grocery store that night I had been listening to Fantastic Daily's weekly live stream I now knew I needed to share what I was seeing with him and his fans I've always been a fan of content like the content on his channel UFOs aliens ghosts freaky stories Etc I never thought I myself would have a story like this to share nonetheless something very odd was happening it needed to be shared I began spamming the Discord chat with descriptions of what I was witnessing in the sky as I did so the object began to move along the skyline and make a low humming sound then it began moving toward me it never seemed to get any lower in the sky almost as if it came toward me in an arc to keep its altitude by the time fantastic daily at fdor he folks noticed me in the Discord chat the object was directly above my vehicle the humming was very loud at this point and I could feel a strong vibration coming from it then this happened this guy named yellow Mist says he sees Two Moons and he has picks and he also says there's a UFO above him I'll take the bait on that yellow yellow Mist you better be over 18 are you there yeah I'm here yellow Mist so how old are you yellow Mist I'm 25 okay so what's going on right now I'm in the parking lot of my grocery store and there is this it looks like a dominant life for or light Force light in the sky and it's not the Moon but there's something above me right now I've called 911 and I'm afraid to drive I don't know what to do it's making a noise a humming noise I don't know what to do night when I when I called 911 the dispatcher said that they've received many reports about it tonight but it's above me in the parking lot right now okay how how high above it how high above you is it I can't tell how big it is it's the light the light from it is is ridiculous can you take photos of it or video of it yes yes I did I did I I sent them to a couple people on on the server okay could you send them to me yes if you can do that now maybe yeah maybe it'll take your mind off my phone is at my phone is at 5% right now I'm like shaking I'm scared okay well listen dude calm down first of all calm down right I don't think a lot of people get abducted or taken by UFOs while they're on a radio show you're G to be okay here okay I'm waiting for them to pop up all right so you just sent them to me I am going to share this with the audience right now folks so uh you guys can see what I see here um this is what he I tried posting it in chat and it wouldn't work yeah you're not allow Post in theat I feel I can feel the vibrations of it above me right now you tried to move your car have you gotten out of your car and walked look like no no no no I'm terrified to get out of my car okay um what about driving your car slowly away why don't you try to ignore it at first I didn't want I was watching it I was watching it there's nobody else in this parking lot it's like 1215 right now at night okay well um yellow Mist I'm going to tell you what I tell a lot of people in situations like this I'm not an expert I'm I can't I can't ghost bust for you I can't I'm not an investigator in that way I make videos and podcasts about the creepy I'm familiar I'm familiar uh but we don't want anything to happen to you and we want you to stay safe so what what do you think you should do right now hello hello uh oh um that was kind of crazy guys during my call my phone suddenly lost service at this point I was completely terrified wanting to continue documentation of this bizarre incident I launched my phone's camera app this is what I captured okay okay I lost service I was on the live stream I lost service I'm in my car the light is gone the light is gone it disappeared I don't know if this thing is still above me I I don't know what it is I don't know what's going on but I'm terrified I don't have service on my phone and I don't know why I have no idea what's going on the rumble stopped the vibration stopped the noise stopped everything stopped it's not happening anymore I don't know if I should try and drive I don't know what I should do I have no idea I'm terrified to do anything I've never experienced anything like this before in my life my car my car just shut off my car just shut off the keys the keys the ignition should be working the ignition it should be on it should be on there's the noise the noise is coming back I can feel it I can feel the vibration oh God oh God it's happening again God no [Music] I do not actually remember recording this video I found it on my phone after I woke up in the morning of Monday July 16th nearly an entire day later I woke up in my bed like nothing had even happened I was so disoriented I mistakenly thought it was Sunday for the majority of the day this experience became that much more unnerving once I realized that any recollection of Sunday was completely missing from my memory truly terrifying that day my mind was so fixated on this experience that I completely forgot to call and sick to work as a result I was terminated from employment to make matters worse and even further my confusion when I went to check on my car later in the morning there was an additional 224 miles recorded on my odometer that I do not recall driving what the hell now let's jump forward in the week a bit my wife returned home from a girl's vacation on Wednesday July 18th we spoke over the phone on Tuesday but I purposely omitted my experience during our conversation as I figured sharing it would be better left in person when she returned home I was beyond eager to try and explain everything that had happened to me over the past several days of course she didn't believe me how could she it is an insane story after all lucky for me though I didn't have to try to convince her for long that night while she sat on our back patio smoking she noticed the exact same object in the sky she immediately ran inside to tell me we both watched it for hours through our bathroom window it didn't move it didn't make a single sound it just sat there Illuminating as the brightest light in the sky our neighbors watched it too from their front porch I wanted to tell them how dangerous it could potentially be and about my experience I didn't though I didn't dare go outside with that thing in the sky again since that night the object has become a familiar sight in our nighttime Skyscape every night it is there always in the same spot just to the east it hasn't moved it hasn't made a sound nothing the people in our neighborhood seem to have stopped questioning why it's there it truly is amazing just how adaptable human beings are I seem to be the only one that I know whom is aware that this thing could be dangerous aliens I I don't know I do know that the video documents something something happened to me I believe I was taken by something the thought scares me but I believe it to be true the local news has been surprisingly quiet about the object's existence as far as I'm aware there has been absolutely nothing said of it obviously this makes me suspicious but I will refrain from indulging in conspiracy for now I will continue to update this TW twit page with any new information if anyone in my area is reading this please be careful there is something going on this is not something to get used to Quick bit of info this is where I have always seen the object there's nothing notable or odd to be seen in the sky during daylight hours just as dusk started to set in tonight like clockwork it appeared again I was able to get brave enough to go out and take a few more pictures of it tonight it appeared from the west and slowly started moving across the sky this is soon after it appeared around 30 minutes after it appeared it had moved to where it normally stays and has been there since it was silent the entire time no Rumble no vibrations nothing I have no idea what the hell this thing could be honestly I don't know what to do I would call 911 again but this doesn't fall into the the category of an emergency since my first experience I haven't necessarily felt threatened by it again Samantha is afraid and confused but since I'm just as lost and confused as her I don't know what to say or do to comfort her it's very bizarre no one seems to care much at first they were all struck and freaked out by the object but now they don't even seem to notice it I'm I'm sorry I just realized that I never introduced Sammy Samantha is my wife's name I usually call her Sammy though nonetheless I suppose it will just be another night of anxiously tossing and turning trying to sleep for the two of us we definitely still have far more questions than answers hopefully this Twitter account will start cultivating a community of people who will treat this situation like we are so questions can be answered how can we help you in your situation I want to start this Twitter account because no one else seems open to talking about this object the account will document everything that I experience but if any of you have any ideas or know of anything that could help I would love it if you shared quick bit of info I woke up this morning to my back chest and shoulders peeling I haven't suffered from a sunburn this summer at all I can't help but think that this might be the first physical effects I'm seeing from my encounter with the object in the sky it's kind of a scary thought I'll keep you updated on the status of the peeling so I'm on my deck in my backyard um and then up here these trees right here this is about the angle I think that I I uh took that picture last night of it the object it was right in this area shining through those branches kind of shining um down and then over the course of about 40 30 45 minutes or so it moved across the sky this way over this direction and see right here in the sky usually it's usually right there like in this area just kind of almost in between those two trees right there um for the majority of the night uh really the rest of the night um it's been that way all week um I have no idea what the hell this thing is but I'm going to try and catch a video of it tonight um so I will keep all of you guys posted okay so I cannot explain this I've been waiting on my back patio for this thing to show up so I could get video of it the object is not in the sky tonight it has been there every night I have no idea what is going on never mind I guess it just decided to show up late tonight I'd almost given up on it coming back still silent still no movement it's just floating there in the sky so I was mistaken there it is it is in the sky tonight I don't know what to make of this it's back I will say that the lens flare makes it look so much brighter than it really is don't get me wrong it is really bright it hurts my eyes to look directly at it the lens flar just makes it more pronounced that's all for tonight though I will continue to keep you updated on everything tomorrow Qbo my shoulders and chest have been completely peeled my back is still peeling it isn't hurt at all but it is still kind of alarming it is peeled a bit like a sunburn does but seemingly a lot faster I could not link the peeling to anything rational at all I don't want to freak you out but is it possible possible you're being watched and observed by the object it's hard to tell I suppose it could be observing me it seems to be rather large though so my assumption is that it is actually nowhere near me or my house on top of that its actions do not seem to be directly related to anything I have done okay so I finally have some time to update you last night was definitely the oddest night I have experienced since this object appeared so first the thing doesn't show up until it has been dark outside for nearly 2 hours this is the first time it has taken so long to appear then in the middle of the night I think around 2:45 a.m. I wake up my wife is not in bed with me this is odd for her and she never really gets up in the middle of the night I knew something was off I went out to our living room looking for her she wasn't there then to the kitchen nothing the house was dark all the lights out just as I left it when I went to bed that night due to this I knew she wasn't out in the main section of the house I returned to our bedroom confused as hell as I walked by our master bathroom I saw a figure in the corner of my eye directing my attention now to the bathroom I discovered her standing there in the dark she was staring through our bathroom window we've used this window to investigate the object in the sky many evenings this past week as it is on the east side of our house I knew she was looking at it I walked into the bathroom and half-heartedly told her to come back to bed keeping my stride I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her giving her a back hug I fig she' just experienced a moment of fear in the middle of the night my intent was to comfort her she didn't say anything she was rigid there was something wrong knowing this now I circled around in front of her I tried to get her attention repeatedly but she was not responding Sammy and I have been married for 5 years I've never known her to sleepwalk she's never done this before starting to really freak out at this point I grabbed both of her arms which were flat at either side of her body and simultaneously gave them several shakes I figured it might be able to shake her out of it it did no good she was looking right through me almost as if I wasn't there at all truly it was terrifying after about 30 minutes of trying to comfort her and get her alert she tilted her head slightly and made ey contact with me this was probably the freakiest moment of it all because it was as if she knew I was there but had been ignoring me she stared into my eyes for about 2 minutes there was a blank and empty expression on her face all the while I was trying to talk to her I felt a pit in my stomach as I did she then calmly told me that she was going to take a shower absolutely bewildered at this point walked back into our bedroom she took approximately a 20-minute shower when she was finished she walked back into our bedroom and climbed back into bed I was also back in bed at this point when she climbed in next to me I asked her if she was okay she responded chipper as always yeah I just wanted a quick shower then she went to sleep I didn't push the issue at this point I was just happy to see she'd returned to normal needless to say I didn't sleep at all what the hell was that is she okay should I try and wake her up am I even really awake right now was it a dream I had so many questions I've made repeated attempts to ask her about the odity today but she claims she remembers none of it it seems that things are getting even more crazy I will continue to keep you updated on everything qoi the object appeared at its normal time tonight unlike last night it had already been there for a good two hours she's in the bathroom again she's doing it again Sammy Sammy hey you're doing it again wake up Sammy Sammy wake up hello Sammy Sammy [Music] Sammy [Music] Sammy I'm finally able to discuss some of the things that have been going on first I feel it necessary to apologize for not explaining the last video I couldn't put words to it I was obviously very shaken After experiencing that after I ended the recording I had to comfort Sammy for nearly an hour until she snapped out of it it was terrible she was singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star the entire time straight out of a damn horror movie I do not know how to explain what is happening to my wife she is not okay at all her behavior just keeps getting more bizarre we've been getting into arguments every day she's very angry and for seemingly no reason at all she's eating a lot too she's eating at least three times what she normally will eat every night for dinner she's becoming very distant from me it honestly makes me very uncomfortable because of this I'm beginning to feel more and more alone in all of this the only time she even looks at the object in the sky anymore is in the middle of the night while in her trans which has become a nightly activity for her while she's doing this I try to help the best I can but there's honestly nothing I can do she just comes out of it when she comes out of it and if I'm being completely honest I feel like I don't trust Sammy anymore to me she seems very unpredictable it's like I'm living with a complete stranger for the life of me I cannot understand why everyone seems to be all right with this thing hovering over our heads my wife included this very fact is confusing and enraging to me is everyone else around me a complete [ __ ] [ __ ] there's this mysterious object hanging out in the sky above us every single night and no one cares how is this possible at this point I really hope I could find some Solace from you with this Twitter account and from Fantastic daily speaking to that I almost forgot to mention I was interviewed by fantastic daily on Wednesday evening it went very well he promised to try and help me get to the bottom of the situation and I really hope he can I feel like I'm living in a world that is no longer my own I think that is all I have for now I'm trying to hang in there I will continue to keep you posted when I can Qbo as a Friday my back chest and shoulders have completely peeled I have no idea what that could have been so far that was the only abnormal physical effects I've observed with my body I'll let you know if anything else happens ever thought of telling a news Outlet I honestly hadn't thought of telling one myself I know that sounds pretty stupid to me I've I've had a lot of my mind this past week though it is a great idea I'll call the news out out tomorrow thanks okay so about last night to everyone that was there I'm sorry for the way I conducted myself on fantastic Daily's live stream I shouldn't have gotten on while I was drunk it was a mistake once again Sammy is back to normal today she's still acting odd but at least she's not stuck in a trance for those of you who don't know for the last two nights Sammy has been laying in our front yard still in the now familiar trance she initially began slipping into while gazing out of the window in our bathroom she's now taken to our front yard this has been happening for the past two nights she'll just lay in the grass gazing into the sky for hours this nothing I can do about it I have to just sit with her trying to talk to her and ease her out of the trance nothing I've done has ever seemed to help she just comes out of it when she decides to so so last night after she snapped out of it we both walked back into the house she seemed a bit disoriented almost drunk she wasn't sing good words though I attempted to talk to her about what happened as I always do when she comes out of it she was not receptive as always to any of my questions blatantly ignoring most of them the ones that weren't ignored she would start hysterically laughing at it's odd really I found that I'm almost becoming numb to her weird mannerisms it doesn't seem to freak me out or affect me as deeply anymore I don't trust Sammy anymore I know that I figure that fact is likely to blame for my insensitivity towards her now speaking of Sammy she just woke up she fell asleep shortly after her trance last night and has been asleep since I'm going to go try to talk to her I'll be back in a bit so now we are arguing again and don't ask me about it again I don't want to talk about it I don't want to think about it I don't want it I don't want to have anything to do with this anymore I want this to be the end of the discussion okay I was just wondering what was going on with you last night that's it that's all you are obsessed with this I don't want to talk about it anymore the only way for her to believe you is if you show her the pictures of it in the sky she has seen the object in the sky with her own eyes many times she's been at it again tonight sami's been laying in her front yard for about an hour and a half I really don't know what to do anymore I've tried to shake her out of it several times she won't even talk to me this is the third night in a row I'm worried about her I'm worried about our family I'm worried about myself I have too many unanswered questions to count thanks to all of you who are showing support I really appreciate it I I'll try and get around responding to some of your suggestions tomorrow Sammy and I had the worst argument we have ever had this morning I woke up early around 6:00 am like I do every morning she was still asleep heading out of the bedroom I remember noticing her snoring in a quick and odd manner this point isn't notably important I just feel it's worth mentioning after all at this stage I'm used to abnormal behavior from her I made my way through my morning piss and then into the kitchen to make some coffee after Brewing the coffee I turned my attention to the carton of much desired eggs I wanted eggs and I figured it couldn't be a bad idea to surprise Sammy in bed with a plate of scrambled eggs my assumption was that perhaps she would be open to a real conversation with me if I attempted to display sensitivity towards what she may be going through how could it be a bad idea right well it turns out that for this new version of Sammy it was a bad idea when I brought her the eggs she wasn't happy not at all she immediately began to assume the worst intent I was just doing this to butter her up I cannot get out of the dogghouse this easily I must want sex or something the suspicious speculation being thrown my way obviously started to strike a nerve within me I was pissed this is when the argument began quite honestly I figured there would be an argument there hasn't been a single interaction between the two of us that hasn't become an argument all week did I really think the eggs would work not really at this point though I'm out of ideas now back to the actual argument she continued to tell me that I have formed an obsession with the object in the sky also that I don't love her anymore and if I did I would just do what she says and drop the subjects it was at this point that I decided to be completely honest with her looking back on it now this probably wasn't the best move I told her that her recent Behavior was causing me to distrust her that I was out of ideas concerning how to speak to my own wife the argument ended when she threatened to leave me then quickly got dressed and left for work an hour and a half early I have not heard from her since then I feel like I know that she'll come back this evening but then again I don't really feel like I know Sammy anymore we've been married for 5 years years and have not separated once it would typically be a characteristic of hers to come back after an argument but I'm not too sure anymore I truly hope I could figure out a way to fix our marriage on another note though I will quickly respond to some of your tweets never give up Michael because I promise you I am here for you not as an internet friend as someone who acts to protect thank you for the support I promise you and everyone else that I will not give up I'm in a dark time right now but I truly believe that things will get better with positive and persistent intervention they usually tend to why not try pinching her in her entran State try different stimuli for a response I've tried stimuli man I've tried pinching shaking yelling like I've said she comes out of it when she comes out of it there doesn't seem to be anything I can do okay I'm getting ready to call local news Outlet now I will record it I am [ __ ] shaking right now I cannot tell you how much that messed with my head I don't know what is going on guys okay all right so I'm getting ready to call the news right now I'm going to record it U see what they say because I like I said I haven't seen the story at all on the news like it hasn't been reported on nothing's been said about this thing in the sky so I want to see what they have to say so all right I'm going to put it on speaker thank you for calling KB's Channel 7 News is my trying to yeah no problem I'll be right back sir are you still here yes yes I'm here thank you so much for holding how can I help well I'm actually I'm calling to report a story all right let me get you transfer over to our investigative [Laughter] team so are you still there yes yes I'm here the investigat team isn't available right at the moment if you like to give me a brief overview of your story I can relay it to them yeah absolutely um so I'm I'm calling to report a strange object in the sky at night all right a strange object yeah yeah so like a UFO or something it's it's a bright oh sir let me let me start documenting on my message system okay go ahead go ahead okay yeah yeah so there's this there's this light in the sky it's brighter than the moon and it has been I mean it's been there every single night than the moon yeah over the last the last couple of the last couple of weeks really and You' seen this yeah there's this damn thing in the sky it's been don't ever take our twin's name in vain do not call again what hello what the [ __ ] was that what the [ __ ] was that what seriously I'm numb what is going on all right so Samy's not home yet she should have been here 45 minutes ago starting to get very nervous now she's still not home I've both tried to call and text her nothing I think she may have really left me Samy where are you are you coming home babe hello I'm with Nicole what why are you at our house that's none of your business by the way I'll be by in about 20 minutes to pick up London she wants to take my dog what should I do I cannot let her take London are you kidding me you were not taking her you in the [ __ ] grass for hours every night she's staying at home [ __ ] yes I am you can't stop me Mike if you try I will bring the police with me to remove her oh and by the way Nicole showed me almost 600 likes Michael really lol broadcasting our life on Twitter you're an [ __ ] I have to to let her go she's here I have to let her take London I don't want my daughter to see the argument that would ensue if I refuse she's only 3 years old I'm done broken in so many ways right now there were two men with the Co in her they took London Sammy said she doesn't trust me with my daughter she had them convinced I wasn't capable of keeping her I'm done I'm I'm so [ __ ] confused my head hurts my wife and I were in love 2 weeks ago and now I am demonized and actually alone Sammy are you coming home I miss my daughter nope sorry we aren't Mike I don't trust you your negativity about the light is unhealthy it actually has a name not that you'd care Nicole calls it the twin and it's not bad what what you have a name for it all I'm doing is asking reasonable questions no they're disrespectful questions it's not bad at all Mike I actually kind of like it not that you'd even care about how I feel either QB this seems to be proof that something is actually going on here my wife is calling this thing the twin just like the phone rep at the news station I don't know what the hell is happening but I need to get to the bottom of this also so I will catch you all up in a bit I'm sorry for not updating you yesterday after everything that happened on Monday I really needed a break from Twitter I have a job interview to be at in about 30 minutes it's been difficult to find the discipline to consistently apply for jobs during all of this the reality of it is though the bills still need to be paid I'll let you know how it goes I'm back the interview went well I think other than a few concerning moments I feel really good about how it went I'll get to those moments and tell you what was concerning about them later but first about yesterday I scheduled a legal consultation yesterday my intent was to figure out what if any leverage I have to get London back unfortunately I pretty much hit a dead end with every angle I think I could pursue the lawyer seemed receptive to my case at first I told him about her odd behavior and that I didn't think my daughter was safe with her after showing him the evence I posted here on this Twitter he told me that he doubted it would hold up in court he told me that I do not actually have any evidence that the woman in the video/ pictures is my wife unbelievable right his reasoning was her face is not distinctly shown in any video/ pictures regardless he agreed to take my case if I wanted to pursue legal action he also encouraged me to file an anonymous Report with CPS if they found that Nicole's house was a Nega negative environment for London they would remove her they conducted their investigation this morning and found everything to be perfectly fine [ __ ] of course at this point I'm left feeling completely helpless do I pursue legal action I don't feel like I trust Sammy anymore but for God's sake she's my wife she's my daughter's mom I think that if her personality changes it happen more gradually I'd feel more confident in taking legal action against her this entire thing has me so conflicted and confused but I suppose on the bright side if there is one she would normally go into her trance later in the evening after London was asleep I choose to take solace in that thought for now I'm so exhausted with trying to make sense of everything I feel like I'm living in a fairy tale I'm sad I'm nervous I'm feeling completely run down okay okay so I I don't even know where to start with this um I feel like I need to show show you show you this but I I don't know how to explain it I don't know what's going on um I'm just I'm I'm so tired I'm so tired of not being able to sleep I just I haven't slept I I'm sorry I haven't slept I'm exhausted and I'm just so tired of all the questions that that never get answered um so let me explain um my dad my mom and sami's Mom all live out of state my parents live in New California and Samy's mom lives in California Province and I've tried repeatedly to try and reach out to them over Facebook over email um and all all of the messages have have been UNR returned they haven't gotten back to me um it's too late right now to call my dad but I'm going to call him anyway just to show you what happens when I try and call my dad what happens when I try and call him it doesn't matter that it's too late is what I'm trying to say it doesn't matter so let me get the number here all right I'll put it on speaker for you guys here we go all right speaker I'm sorry you were not allowed to make calls outside of your District please hang up and dial another number within your District so that's it just a bit of unasked advice you and your wife are legally married you both have custody of your child so for instance if you go and pick up your daughter and take her home it's not kid naing yes we are legally married legally I could take London back my hesitation comes from not wanting my daughter to witness my distrust towards Sammy firsthand regardless of how I feel about my wife I want my daughter to feel like she can trust her mom that night it first appeared to you is how you were connected to our reality I think it is trying to kick you out I've pondered about this concept A Lot the biggest question on my mind is does my initial experience with the object have anything to do with my awareness of it now I think it does there has to be an explanation for all of this get in your car during daylight hours and get out of there believe me I've wanted to do this many times I cannot abandon London though I've been trying to deny the proof I have witnessed but I can't anymore I now believe the object in the sky is actually having an effect on things okay so this morning I woke up and my satellite TV was out and so it's just been it doesn't matter what channel I turn it to any channel every every channel is doing this weird static thing and I I mean I have no explanation for this my satellite is usually really reliable I've never seen it do this before ever and I mean another thing to mention is that it's actually daylight outside like it's not it's not nighttime at all so this thing is affecting things during the day now and I don't know I mean I I feel like I'm going I feel like I'm crazy saying this but it's affecting things it's affecting things it's affecting my wife it's affecting my phone calls it's affecting my my my satellite it's affecting things I have no explanation for this I don't know what's going on I mean it's normally right there and you can't see it there's it's not there right now it's you can't see it right now but this whole satellite this whole satellite TV thing is new this morning I was just watching TV last night it's new this morning I don't know what I don't know what's going on I have no idea I feel like I'm going crazy I I needed to record I I'm trying to record all of the weird things because I feel like I need to document it and I need it to be on video to prove to myself that I'm not going crazy and just seeing these things because I feel like this this is like I feel like this is not real I feel like this is this this getting so crazy it can't real I don't know what's going on I don't know I I I have no idea what's going on I'm trying not to be paranoid but I think it's becoming rather obvious at this point that this thing is trying to isolate me I am so tired of being alone in this house I am so tired period I haven't really slept in days I'm too anxious to sleep on top of that I'm really starting to consider running I cannot tell if the thought of running away is rational or a product of sleep deprivation I know many of you have suggested that I leave town if there's anything I actually feel like I can rely on right now it is your suggestions I will admit though the thought makes me feel guilty if I leave alone I'd be abandoning my family if I somehow take London with me I'd be abandoning my wife I know the latter of the two seems to be the obvious and best option I love my [ __ ] wife though regardless of how easy it may seem to you it is not to quickly change the subject I received a phone call earlier today where I was notified that I was no longer a candidate for the job I interviewed for I should be bummed but like I said I'm starting to question if staying would even be a good idea at this point have you noticed any other effects in your neighborhood how were people at your local grocery acting have you seen any of your neighbors maybe you can ask them about the satellite interference to see how spread this is not even a weird question I haven't witnessed many other effects with personality changes I haven't been around many other people the past couple of weeks though when I've gone grocery shopping the object never comes up nothing about it at this point I'm a bit afraid to bring it up to anyone I feel like I need to update you but truthfully there's not much to update you on I've been held up in my house for far too long my confusion has had a paralyzing impact on me I'm finding it increasingly more difficult to trust anyone in addition to my distrust towards people I'm also finding that I am also starting to distrust my own judgment I'm unsure which distrust is truly to blame for my newfound introverted Behavior adding to the slew of other problems I still have not slept at all turning to the bottle has also become a nightly activity for me I know this is not an efficient practice for managing one's problems and I have accumulated a fair amount of guilt being aware of this fact I am really missing my family today as well I keep reliving Cherished Memories within my mind and fighting then succumbing to fight the urge to browse through family photos the photos bring a sense of hope and peace to my situation however they also Inspire emotions of defeat and anguish like much else I've experienced it's utter emotional and mental conflict above all else though I just miss my family Y come here come here come here come here Daddy's got you the Tickle Monster okay you guys come on it's time for dinner Sammy if you're reading this I still love you please kiss my baby girl for me okay okay okay so so there's somebody in my garden I need to document this hello hello hello who are you you need to get out of here you need to get out of here Sammy Sammy Sammy is that you Sammy oh oh my God Sammy what are you doing in the garden Sammy what are you what are you doing in the garden no you need to come home you need to come home come inside please please Sammy where's London where's London Sammy is London with you no don't go don't go back to Nicole Sammy don't go back don't go back to Nicole Sammy no then why are you here why are you here then why Sammy look at me Sammy look at me Sammy look at me why do you keep calling it The Twin Sammy Sammy look at me look at me turn around right now Sammy look at me Samy I don't I don't know where to start I I I woke up I woke up in my garden this morning right there this is my garden and that video last night this this this is my my scarecrow I I thought I thought it was Sammy I know I know I know this is a scarecrow it's my scarecrow I put it up like three months ago I put it up I put it here like 3 months ago I don't know how I forgot I forgot that it was here I feel like I feel like I'm going crazy this is is a test tweet yes it actually went through okay so I don't know how much time I have to communicate via Twitter but this week has been absolute proof that the twin is trying to isolate me every single tweet I have attempted to post this week return the error failed to send all week long it has been completely frustrating especially because all of you were the only people I feel like I can trust right now hey at fdor hey folks have you seen binary M Project's Twitter he's tweeting but they're coming up on his page we're just getting notifications here are some pictures by _ forx wow this is very bizarre I have no idea how to explain I'm so incredibly [ __ ] relieved that I'm actually getting through to you now though I know that many of you are concerned about my well-being firstly I want you to know that I deeply appreciate your sincere interest in my story and the things going on with me I am okay I feel that my mental state has become more stable over the past several days I won't say that I'm doing well of course I am however becoming more aware of the reality I found myself trapped within because of this I feel like I'm now able to view it through a more realistic and a healthier lens okay so there's a lot I need to update you all on the twin is still in the sky every night and at this point I have come to believe that it is actually only visible every night I don't think it ever leaves I'm still alone in the house Sammy and London have not come back I haven't seen or spoken to either of them since Sammy took my daughter after the initial incident in my garden I have further reason to believe that I have been doing things while asleep at night due to continued mysterious morning discoveries I believe I have eaten made phone calls played piano and attempted to drive all while sleep sing needless to say I have started locking my truck keys in my bedside safe every night before falling asleep I'm not quite sure if locking my keys away is Sound Logic but I figure it's unlikely for me to summon enough cognitive awareness to recall a safe combination while in a state of Slumber so far it seems to be working well hey man I have a question for you what's up have you seen anything weird over the past month weird what do you you mean like in the sky at night no wait what are you talking about hello continuing on now this week I reached out to an old friend from high school I haven't spoken to him in several months but since he only lives 5 miles away from me I thought it would be a good idea to find out what his thoughts are on the twin I've trusted Clayton above many others in my life there's absolutely no way that he is too far away from the Twin to see it I suspect he's fallen under its chance as well and can no longer be trusted so being unable to post a Twitter this week I took to Google which still oddly worked to research about what the [ __ ] this twin could be I couldn't find any sound scientific explanation for it consider psalm 84:11 for the Lord God is a son and shield the Lord will give Grace and Glory no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly also m Matthew 17:2 and was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the sun and his reignment was white as the light and think Revelation 21:23 and the city had no need of the sun neither of the moon to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it and the lamb is the light thereof after some digging I found this excerpt from the Bible I will say I am not religious in any way I'm out of ideas though could this be the rapture Qbo I woke up this morning and discovered a game of solitire set up at my table yet another odd morning Discovery I suppose I can assume that I was playing cards in my sleep I've been following your story here and through fantastic daily and I'm sorry you're dealing with so much I hope everything works out I do have a quick question why do you call this the twin unless I missed it I can't find anything in your tweets that explains it good luck thank you for your support during this time I'm grateful that you and so many others are on my side through this Twitter account to answer your question it is not me both the receptionists at the news station and my wife are calling it The Twin have you thought of possibly setting up cameras at your home maybe you'd catch yourself sleepwalking or an intruder just a thought yes I have I'm honestly afraid of what I might see though nonetheless it is a good idea for the sake of documentation I will try and rig up a camera in my room tonight I have been keeping an eye on Michael's Twitter I know I've have been called a crazy [ __ ] insane and a terrible mother I need to set the record straight he is a liar and a manipulator Michael is the one in the wrong here the twin has changed him not me don't listen to anything he says London is safe with me so Samy texted me Michael yeah look I'm sorry babe you're sorry yeah I want to come home I've realized the error of my ways and I want to be a family again bab I love you she wants to come home I don't know what to say I'm really having a difficult time deciding what to do here please help me out guys help me ensure I'm thinking logically about this should I let her come home okay you guys can come home I love you too don't expect me to stop documenting things with the stupid [ __ ] twin though took you forever to respond oh I don't expect that you like documenting the twin bab that's good I like the twin too you know I report whatever you want to do we will be home tomorrow morning okay I let her know that she can come home I tried to insult the twin seeing how she would respond I figured that if she was still being affected by it she would respond negatively surprisingly she didn't something still seems off though okay so Samy comes home today she said she will be here in a couple of hours I will stay close to Twitter as to report any odd happenings I plan to stay aware of course I wanted to come home but there's still something very off about all of this so I recorded myself while sleeping last night I'm currently reviewing the video so far nothing notable I do know that I moved last night though so I'm expecting to find something on this video I went to sleep in my bed I woke up on the couch in the family room earlier this morning never mind there is something notable I'm clipping the video now now this is exactly the kind of [ __ ] I was afraid to see myself do by far the most unsettling thing about this my watch doesn't make noise I've never heard my watch make a noise for I've also been looking through that Magazine on my nightstand I'm not sure what this is but I drew it repeatedly with the Sharpie my return home has been great today I love Michael don't worry I believe he will come around yes he is different yes his attitude toward the twin is alarming and is caused distrusted be I truly believe he will come to love them though I am here to help him along I'm finally able to give you an update I know I said that I would be staying close to Twitter but it has been especially difficult to do so between spending time with my daughter trying to reconnect with Sammy and researching the symbol I documented myself drawing in the magazine I haven't had a lot of time so about yesterday my family returned home in the morning London was ecstatic to see me as I was to see her samie seemed excited as well but I could also sense a fair amount of reservation from her otherwise Sami has been a complete Delight almost suspiciously delightful do not worry I am heeding all of your concerns towards her I'm being very cautious she has been very loving towards both me and London however it has not been the kind of loving nature or attitude that I'm accustomed to coming from Sammy it is different I cannot quite put my finger on the difference but it is safe to say that it doesn't feel natural now on to the oddest part about last night she invited a number of our neighbors over for dinner expressing an obsessive interest in wanting to connect with them she was finally able to convince me that it was a good idea to me it was very odd we have never been that close with our neighbors we've only ever had one of these over for dinner before obviously I was more concerned about reconnecting with my family I continually attempted to share my feelings on the subject but she just assured me that we would be okay and that it was important to connect with our neighbors dinner was weird to say the least there was an uncomfortable amount of talk about the twin I've been wrong people are indeed very aware of the twin's existence they all spoke very kindly of it consciously knew this dinner conversation was insane but almost on an unconscious level the conversation felt normal like we were just sharing fun family stories they spoke about how beautiful it looks tonight and that we're all very blessed to live in Bishop Sammy even piped up at one point and told them that I enjoy recording the twin our neighbors seemed there I say proud of this Revelation there wasn't any talk that I can say would leave me feeling more ed educated on what is going on what I can say though is whatever this is it's making people [ __ ] crazy the entire time I sat there as an observer I didn't want to speak up and reveal my true feelings I'm trying to play it safe at this point needless to say I was glad to see the dinner end and our neighbors return to their homes after dinner I thought it' be the best idea that Sammy and I sleep in different rooms she agreed actually in a good mood that is until London expressed that she'd like to sleep with me Sammy didn't like that at all she started to become confrontational with me but then quickly pulled back and retreated to her good mood again it was almost as if she didn't want to give me any reason to doubt her sincerity moving on now today has been fantastic I've been spending time with London all day long it has been mostly daddy daughter activities playing watching movies practicing her letters everything is mostly been normal I don't know what she was talking about I've asked London about it several times but I've been unable to get any more information out of her as far as I'm aware Sammy is not pregnant are you playing yeah are you having fun I'm setting them up you're setting them up M I'm so happy you're home tickling your titsy I'm so happy you're home are you happy you're home are you are you I love you I love you too all right line them up line them up put them all on the straight line know mommy going have friends wait what did you say you know how mommy going have friends did you say twins who told you that mommy J mommy told you [Music] that Mak your own I will continue to update here as things progress and we'll try and answer some of your questions today thank you for your support during all of this judging by Michael's Twitter today I'd say he's coming along great I am so proud of him sure he still has his doubts that's to be expected sometimes though time is the best medicine so as you said earlier what is the deal with new California and the California Province what country do you live in and what year is it for you things are different here yes apart from my personal life and the experiences happening to my family and I this has also been a very troubling Discovery I live in America it is 2018 and Donald Trump is President I've been shown a map of America that I don't recognize do you think that your abduction is the reason you're not as happy about the twin the peeling makes me think that there was some kind of layer of protection on you for a while maybe I have thought a lot about this I don't know why I apparently the only one who seems to be thinking rationally about the twin I never considered the peeling to be a sign of protection that is an interesting Theory Michael I don't want to add up to the people demanding for the same information but what happened to the United States what happened to the 50 States United States I completely understand the Curiosity I have been curious as well when I spoke to at fdor hey folks I was made aware that the majority of you aren't familiar with the USA that has 54 states I cannot explain it I don't know if I'm in a different reality or what also I think you should check this out yes I am aware that Sammy has created another Twitter account to tell people the truth she is insane I'm definitely keeping my phone locked now that she's home oh glorious Glorious Day the twin is here the twin is here she Rose in the East our eyes shall Feast oh glorious Glorious Day the twin is here the twin is here our eyes shall crave if not their bath oh glorious Glorious Day the twin is here the twin is here oh glorious Glorious Day nope never mind dude something weird is happening text me back I think I can help you I received this text message this morning I guess Clayton has realized that something odd is going on I'm hesitant obviously is tough to know who to trust what do you guys think I should do all right so I texted him back let's see what he says how can you help me well it requires some trust Mike I know things are not right I've experienced it myself I just don't know who to trust anymore that's why I initially said I hadn't seen anything weird okay what do you mean by trust look I know who you are bro Samy may not know but I do I need you to leave with me just for a few days wow very odd I cannot afford to get Reckless with my decisions I don't trust him I've known him for years of course he knows who I am well I'm very conflicted about whether to go with him or not I've been mulling it over in my head since I received the text I think I'm going to sleep on it tonight is the first time the twin has made the humming sound since my abduction experience not only that but after shooting this video I now have reason to believe that the twin is harming people and Sammy knows about it might be a good idea to leave this house after all okay there it is the first time this has ever made the sound the sound did you hear that what the [ __ ] is going on don't worry about it Michael what the [ __ ] is going on Sammy what's going on Sammy nonbelievers will be deleted wait what did you just say I've asked her about her comment during the video s several times now the non-believers will be deleted that is what she said then I asked her if I will be deleted she just calmly told me that I will come around what the [ __ ] does that mean I'm genuinely starting to become afraid of my wife it's not just me looks like Michael gets a taste of his own medicine tonight so look who it is someone's doing some weird stuff at night someone's doing weird stuff at night other than me huh Michael you like to record me when I don't know Michael come on it's not fun when people record you stupid [ __ ] I haven't responded to Clayton yet but I've decided not to go with her surely it could be an opportunity to learn more about the twin I just don't trust him on top of that I really don't want to leave London alone with Sammy right now speaking of Sammy she is honestly acting the oddest I've ever seen her act she's no longer being nice as she was when she had first returned and guess I have seen her latest video it is very unsettling she's been walking around the house like she owns everything very obviously acting dominant over me she doesn't take anything I say seriously at all I'm telling you this is no longer my wife absolutely nothing of what she was a is shining through anymore again she invited our neighbors over for dinner last night this time though she didn't consult me at all I ate alone in my room with London things in this house are not going well guys I feel like it may actually be time to leave with London however trying to look at our situation from all angles I have reservations about leaving if the twin is taking people for being non-believers how am I supposed to avoid being taken and keep my daughter safe while she's with me I feel like I need to learn more about the twin before I go at a fear and hesitation I haven't been listening to Samy's twin lectures at all I never thought I'd actually consider leaving is this lar yes this is lar I live in the capital Bishop when I came home from the store tonight the twin was over our house London is gone Sammy Sammy Sammy the twin the twin it's right above our house Sammy Sammy it's above our house what are you doing what are you doing Sammy what the [ __ ] is this what is this where's London at where's London Sammy it's it's okay Michael the offering the offering what what where's London [ __ ] [ __ ] youon London London baby are you here London London London London baby are you here oh God she's not in the [ __ ] house what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what did you do Sammy what did you [ __ ] do the [ __ ] is the offering the offering the offering what the [ __ ] where's my baby girl where's my baby girl I left Michael you're not filing a missing person's report what where did where did London go she's fine where' she go she's fine she's with the twin she's okay okay what is that even mean Sam what are you doing are you using this for your Twitter are you filming for your Twitter now I'm out get out I'm doting out oh what you have our neighbors you have our neighbors now I want you to get out you're [ __ ] crazy what the [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] oh my God tonight has not been a good night London's gone the twin [ __ ] took her I guess she's gone my daughter is [ __ ] gone it's all my fault it's all my [ __ ] fault [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] fu it's all my [ __ ] fault I shouldn't have gone in the [ __ ] star [ __ ] [ __ ] F [ __ ] F you [ __ ] want me you want me you want me [ __ ] huh get me come come get me I'm a non-believer you [ __ ] come get me [ __ ] you twin [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you ready to come with me now okay I will come with you but I drive I'll pick you up in the corner of Waterway and pilot Avenue in 30 minutes [ __ ] it don't be angry with me Michael deserved everything that happened to him last night you may not understand yet but he is a traitor to the twin has anyone heard from Michael I know that all of you have been concerned about me I'm okay I promise I've been staying with Clayton for the past couple of nights things outside of Bishop are not good there are armed men on nearly every corner in this town they do not look official they look as if they're average citizens all of which openly claim to serve the twin the twin's impact has spread farther and wider than I could have ever imagined as I and many of you have suspected Clayton is also serving the twin he spoken to me very honestly about his favor for her them it he has used all three pronouns in reference to the twin I almost feel as if I can trust him as odd as this may sound the best way I can describe it is it's like having a friend that simply chooses to believe in a different God than you do that's not to say that he hasn't attempted to preach to me though he has unbeknownst to him it has fallen on deaf ears I have no intent to follow the twin at all I do however see a great benefit in pretending to be interested in her for one he has promised that if I walk in her glow apparently the believer's slang for follow her he promises that I will see London again and secondly if I promise to be what he describes as a traveling Prophet for the twin with him he will help me leave the state to do the said prophet's work both of which I have expressed to him that I am interested in I need to see my daughter again and I want out of listar and as and away from the Twin I do not think that I would farewell trying to escape Escape armed guards on my own I figure that I will concoct a plan to ditch Clayton after we successfully escaped from lar on top of that Clayton has a gum if I can ensure that he trusts me being with an armed man can not be a bad idea at this point that is all for now I have to make this a quick update Clayton will be back to the motel soon our Escape is planned for tomorrow I'll let you know how it goes I'm not sure what is going on with my Twitter hopefully I don't become unable to post again please let me know if you see this tweet there are two main roads out of medeville that cross the state line into poesta one of course is the highway and the other is a lighter traveled back road the highway would be faster however I think taking the back road would be our best bet what road do you guys think we should take tomorrow all right I've convinced him that traveling the back road was the safe for Choice Rel leaving in about 30 minutes wish us luck there's an armed guard blocking this road we're pulled over right now we came across this Bend and were able to see him in his truck in the road before he saw us okay here's the plan he doesn't look friendly so we're going to approach quietly on foot Clayton is going to flank around from behind him and help get this guy out of the way hopefully we don't actually have to shoot him all right Clayton and I are leaving the car to sneak up there right now I'm so [ __ ] nervous I'll let you know how it goes you notice Clayton they're [ __ ] guarding the road they're [ __ ] guarding the road [ __ ] clean clean St that way that direction down there to to see if we can can pass this guy or if we can kill him there's no way we're can pass this with the car this guy doesn't look like he's just hanging out he looks like he's he's not letting anybody passed I don't know what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I backtracked a bit and are now laying behind a tree I've have no idea whether Clayton is okay or not so far the armed man has not seen me I don't know what I should do dude you all right Clayton did he hit you hello he hasn't responded to any of my texts I may be on my own at this point the man is back at his truck in the road now I Fe that Clayton is dead [ __ ] I can't L here forever I need to move I see no sign that the man retrieves Clayton's gun Clayton may still have it on him I don't know if it would be smart to try and make my way to him though please help me out guys what should I do [ __ ] I guess I'm going going for the gun I got the gun and made it back to the car that was the scariest thing I have ever done Clayton was obviously dead that was not a sight I would ever like to see again I didn't trust him anymore but I'm grateful for his assistance helping me get this far regardless of how the twin has affected him over the past month I still knew this man as my friend it's not easy to see him like that for now I'm going to head back down the road to an outcropping of trees that Clayton and I had passed while driving from town I could not go back to town I could not press forward at least not yet I've never killed anyone before if I do want to keep driving on our intended path I would have to kill the guard I am not ready for that including the bullets in the magazine and those that Clayton had stowed away in my glove box I have a total of 27 I need to be focused on conservation I have to turn around and get back on the road now it's almost dark which means the twin will appear soon it's about a 20-minute drive and Clayton had expressed that it's not safe to travel at night mandatory public statement a faithful servant of our holy twin has perished today at the hands of one of her faithful Patrol Personnel this is a deplorable act it shall not be repeated all holy servants are now required to identify themselves in the face of conflict what a very sad day today rest in peace dear Clayton menta go in her glow forever holy servant Michael if you can see this please text me back I hope you're doing all right this is a test tweet it went through it works oh I honestly thought I might never be able to tweet again every single time I tried Twitter just told me that it failed to send my tweet I absolutely believe that the twin has been interfering with my ability to communicate with you now that I'm able to post again I'll let you know what has been happening I'm still hiding out in the woods sleeping in my car night after night the road that Clayton and I traveled has been very active for the past couple of weeks regularly I've heard Vehicles driving up and down the road both during daylight hours and at night seems that the experience with Clayton and the armed man has caused quite a lot of commotion in the local area as for me I'm safe for now I've experienced a couple of close calls when armed men have searched the woods around me on foot so far though I'm very grateful to have remained undetected I haven't attempted to make another move yet with all the activity around me I feel that would be a very stupid decision luckily I've been able to keep my mind occupied by speaking to a new friend I have met while staying in the woods his name is bie together we have shared many great conversations although he mostly only comes by at night his visits have been a Saving Grace for me I don't know what my psychological state would be if I was alone out here for all of this time I'm not sure but I believe that he lives in the woods he hasn't shared much with me concerning himself personally he does seem to support the twin but it isn't the type of radical support I become familiar with seeing he first arrived on my third night out here resting in the driver's seat of my car I noticed some shrubs violently shaking about 20 ft in front of me as if someone was crawling through them seeing as how this was just three nights after Clayton was killed and things were still very Lively around me I was alarmed I absolutely believed that I was moments from being captured I sat and watched intently the shuffling stopped I was not about to remove my eyes from this bush the very odd feeling came over me I knew that I had a gun and that the gun could potentially Save Me In This Moment In this very moment that is because any gunshots would likely alarm the others around me giving away my location I found myself with a very odd contradiction then I saw him almost as if he suddenly no longer cared about staying hidden he stood up in front of my car a vague smirk inched its way into existence on his face my driver side window was down it would be so easy should I shoot him my hand was on the gun and ready it wasn't until he started walking towards me my survival instincts kicked in the pit in my stomach seemed to control the reflexes of my arm hand and finger before logical thought had a chance myam was out the window and the magazine was empty seven shots echoed through the woods I'd never shot at anyone before my ears were producing a deafening ring and I was uncontrollably shaking cloud of dust in front of me was too thick to see the damage I caused did I kill him as the dust started to clear I could see that his figure was no longer there I assumed that I'd hit him feeling a bit more confident now I opened my car door I knew that I just made a mistake by giving away my location regardless of whether I hit him or not I needed to leave my car and move stupidly I decided to quickly run up and check on him stupidly again I forgot to reload my magazine or bring any additional bullets with me adrenaline in my veins I was in the moment after several strides I saw bie laying behind a tree he was softly chuckling to himself he had not one bullet wound of course I'm missed sitting up now I will never forget what he said to me are you done stupid [ __ ] reminding me of something I already knew to be true he explained that they will be coming to find me now and that I needed to follow him immediately without much time for thought I did I sprinted behind him trying to keep the pace we traveled about 50 yards until we reached our destination a tree this tree unlike many of the others looked rather easy to climb I already knew what the plan was we both started to climb this is when the armed Men first searched through the woods that I thought was my safe haven we watched them from about 20 ft High all the while I was a nervous wreck afraid that they'd discover my car my only shelter out here my only means to escape when the time comes they combed through the trees and the bushes for nearly an hour mostly on the opposite side of the woods from where I'd been staying there were seven of them they never thought to look up they never saw us they never discovered my car thank God after they had left bie and I climbed down and returned to soil as we walked back to the car he repeated a mix lecture consisting of both obvious warnings towards making loud noises and a comforting reassurance that he wants to help me needless to say after this experience I have grown to trust Benji I believe that he saved my life that night despite the terrible first imp impression I displayed he still consistently reminds me that he's here to help for that I am thankful I am also thankful that I can now talk to you again I've truly missed this as always thank you all for the support you have shown through all of this I still have little information concerning the twin I still don't know much I really don't at all through all of this I've been finding the value that comes with taking life one day at a time I still miss London dearly I do believe though that I will see her again I cannot explain why however I'm starting to think that maybe the twin isn't to blame for all of this maybe instead as usual it's the actions of people that are to blame that is all for now I'm going to try and respond to some of your tweets this evening after bji leaves what are the names of the US states in your map I was able to have an interview with fdor hey folks while in the motel room when Clayton and I were on the Run this should address your question what about food do you have enough yes I've been able to drive into haale a few times for supplies it's a much smaller town and it doesn't seem to have a very heavy presence of armed guards I hope that continues to work well for me have you forgiven Sammy after what she has done no I have not I don't know if I ever will can you read replies when you can't post what while I was unable to tweet I was also unable to do anything that would require data everything looked fine my phone displayed that I had service but nothing worked the way you say things is weird you say them as if it were a novel telling a horror story with very clear descriptions I know it's a story but at least make it sound like you were actually there I'm sorry that you don't appreciate my writing style I feel that proper documentation is best can the twin community to people and if so can the twins see from above and tell people where to go I'm not sure I haven't seen any evidence of anyone communicating directly with the twin I will say though people have certainly not acted like themselves lately however people do change naturally well you won't talk to me but I'm happy you're safe Michael I am most happy to see that you're starting to have a deeper faith in the Twin babe I love you hello just so you all know I am still all right my phone has been working all week and I've been able to communicate with you I just have been advised not to bji doesn't think it's sensible for me to speak about the twin with you while being so ignorant of it don't worry bie knows so much about the twin he promises to educate me on her well that way I'm able to address the details fluently he also promises me that he knows exactly how I can get London back he will share those details with me when I'm ready I truly believe that he is the answer to everything it has been months since I felt as good as I do in this moment bji and I have shared so many great moments this week he has visited every night we've had a lot of deep and enlightening conversations about long lost lovers or reality perception and the human species impact on Mother Nature just to name a few he is very intelligent he's witty he's downright hilarious he can do the best impression he does one of Arnold Sportz Saker that do spot on he could even do women's voices like Sammy for instance he has her voice down we've made fun of her so much this week weirdly making fun of her with bie has been quite therapeutic for me I suppose humor is one of the best ways to cope with [ __ ] up situations overall I've enjoyed my experience out here with him again I could not thank you enough for the support suggestions and love you have shown me during this very confusing time in my my life I will continue to keep you updated as I can I'm safe for now and for now I'm also happy you all think you know me but you don't I love Michael I'm just required to wait to demonstrate it until he comes to his senses like I told him he will come around I know it I need your help Samy just texted me Michael yes TT been silent you ready to come home yet no Sammy okay I understand babe but I'm really starting to Crave You I want to have sex plus we have been assigned an erotic witness so we can now OMG Michael when I read your Twitter yesterday I was full of joy I've realized the error of my ways can I come visit you for a few nights she wants to come see me bji hasn't shown up yet I don't know what he'll say but what do you think should I let her come visit should I trust her thank you for your opinions BJ you just got here I'm going to see what he thinks too don't worry Sammy is not going to be visiting me I don't think it' be a good idea and bji says he thinks it should remain only him and I out here for now I'm so excited bji shared more details with me last night he told me how I can learn his insight about getting London back he's given me permission to document those details here so last night bji brought me some supplies when he came he brought a notebook and a lantern I'm very grateful for the lantern as I'll be able to use it for a nightly light source instead of my car's headlights originally I thought that lighting a fire would work but bji advised against it he said that the armed man would likely smell the smoke he definitely has a unique way of analyzing things from all angles needless to say this Lantern will be useful now back to the details I spoke of bji told me that in addition to him teaching me about the twin verbally it will be useful for me to transcribe the things he tells me this is why he brought me the notebook it's simple really as a reward for transcribing his teachings of the twin when we're finished with the book he will tell me how to get London back I'm eternally grateful for BJ's generosity he truly is a great man no one else has been this kind to me since the twin first appeared I will continue to keep you updated on the progress of of our book I feel that it won't be long until I'm with my daughter again after reading through your responses I am aware that a lot of you have been concerned about me and my trust towards bji do not worry I'm in good company no no no no we're no no I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready so tell me why why shouldn't why shouldn't a blonde be a faith why shouldn't a blonde be a faithful servant to the twin why why why [Laughter] [ __ ] you have the [ __ ] the [ __ ] best jokes oh oh my God can you can you can you give me another [Laughter] beer oh my God all right thank [Music] you I'm sorry about last night B brought beer with him when he visited and things became rather silly needless to say I'm certainly feeling the after effects today good news though we're making Headway on B's book I'm looking forward to tonight's visit so we can continue progress on it with sober Minds throughout the transcription process so far I have learned so many eye-opening things about the twin I cannot wait until I'm able to disclose them to all of you after all from the beginning the purpose of this Twitter account has been to document her so many other realizations like this have come from my nights with bie I trust him and I trust that he will keep his word when he says that he will show me how I could be with my daughter again I have to go now I have a busy night planned but if I have some time I'll will respond to some of your comments may I ask what made you trust bie more than you did before at first I didn't think he should be trusted but he has since proved himself to be trustworthy watch your video from last night I did it was just as hilarious as it was when it first happened can you show us that page you filmed last night we couldn't quite get to see it properly I may be able to photograph the page for you I do not know if I'm allowed to though I'll have to ask bji if it's okay do you think you can ever forgive Sammy one day I'm sure I will I have a lot of maturing left to do with sign comes forgiveness I am alone and Afraid now I went out for my daily hike a couple hours ago I've been hiking out to the various roads that run parallel to the trees on all sides of the wooded area I'm hiding in I do this to get an idea of where the armed men are every day today's hike started like usual everything seemingly being the same as always I accounted for nearly all of the Armed men I have become familiar with seeing then started back towards my car on my way back things started to seem off I become familiar with the trees and landmarks around me during my time out here things seemed different I couldn't quite put my finger on the difference when I came around the final Thicket of trees expecting to see my car I found that my car wasn't alone the armed men discovered it I was able to record a quick video after I recorded the video I ran back to a portion of the woods that is more dense I've been here S I could still see them they are no longer going through my car they're just standing around now I suspect waiting for me to return I don't know what to do I am so scared I hope that they aren't still there when bji returns tonight okay as far as I can tell the men left about 10 minutes ago there were three of them they completely tore everything apart I feel like I need to go and investigate is it safe though what do you guys think I should do I'm leaving for the car now [ __ ] there's a problem I've search everywhere my gun car keys and and BJ's book are all gone I'm lost I don't know what to do now guess I'll just wait for bji to show up tonight he will know what to do all that work night after night all of it is gone I'm so pissed off I told bji everything when he came last night he didn't have much of a reaction to the news he was surprisingly calm he said it was time for me to move in with him he told me to stay in my car until daylight and that he would then return to guide me to his Safe Haven he hasn't turned up this morning yet I'm still waiting for him he should be here soon I feel as if an update is overdue firstly I'd like to apologize for my absence I am okay I am safe I am happy I'm sorry for the delay in tweets I've just been so focused on the transcription of B's book lately we've been working tirelessly to get it done it has been very labor intense because of this I have felt withdrawn from Twitter I know that many of you distrust bji but I could not disagree more it is been difficult for me to frequent Twitter and read your comments about him while at the same time being so close to him I truly appreciate your concern but the conflicting philosophies between you and I have been difficult to let coexist in my mind I have a profound love for bji I believe his wisdom I believe I can trust him I believe this book is the key to being reunited with my daughter I hope that makes sense it's nothing personal I've spent a great amount of time in contemplation about how to expressed my feelings concerning all of this now about my current situation after my car was discovered by the armed men I waited for bji to return through the night and into the next morning he returned just as he had promised we left shortly after bji insisted that it was no longer safe where I'd been staying after hours of hiking we arrived at bie Safe Haven he has been living in an abandoned mine under the wooded area it is safe here he's done a wonderful job making the space livable but most importantly we are now able to work on his book during the day too and not only at night during our hike I was very afraid that he would be upset that I had lost our book in True bie Form though once we arrived at his mind he notified me that he had actually made it to my car before the armed men I found our book my keys and my gun waiting safely on a table during my initial tour of his mind he is so [ __ ] wise almost as if he knows what will happen before it does nonetheless this is where we have been living for the past couple of weeks it has been a very nice place to stay I will continue to update you on anything new like I previously wrote though I've exclusively been focused on transcribing benjie's book conforming part 3 of 8 she is among the great yet wondrous For Those whom do conform she will lead to peace in her glow For Those whom demonstrate immunity she will confront with love firstly she will confront with education disclosed by her Faithful Servants secondly she will confront with her behavior projects thirdly finally if her will after subject evades to conform still banishment to the Stars will be worthy punishment immunity to conform is possible immunity to punishment is impossible this is in fact enforced by The Regulators fact is truth fact is unchanging fact is prophecy and policy our words are now implacable and awaiting enforcement all will know of her but few will know her I almost forgot many of you have been asking for a clear picture of the page from B's book in a previous video of mine he has reluctantly given me permission to share this page with you I'm not sure what much of the content within this book means yet but here it is Michael you're back yay since you won't talk to me I guess I should just tweet and hope you see I think the work you're doing is amazing babe when you can please text me back all of the work we've been putting into B's book is starting to pay off today bie told me that my assignment is almost concluded I had to share this with you because I'm so excited I'll see London very soon it has taken so long and been so much effort I'm ecstatic right now thank you all for the support you have shown I still have a lot to deal with but right now an actual Victory will be very nice this morning bji told me that my work is finished for now our book still isn't done but he doesn't need my help in anymore he says that I'm going to find out how to see my daughter again today I'm completely Overjoyed Daddy's going to see you soon baby girl Michael London is home babe she's back I just found her in the backyard come home now please really okay I'm leaving in a few few minutes I'll be home tonight Sammy just texted me Benji came through on his promise I'm leaving BJ's mind now he gave me permission to return to my family I'll keep you updated I have a long trip home finally I made it back to my car I got turned around a couple of times but managed to find my way there's about 3 hours of Road between here and my house my plan is to stop for gas in shaon then drive straight through without stopping again London I'm home hello Sammy who are you you know who I am what' you say you know who I am Michael oh yeah are you ready then I'm here right I'm ready Michael it's your duty you know it yeah it's my duty okay okay all right I don't want to do it but I'm ready well you know what your duty it's my duty it's my duty I guess thank you for your sacrifice hello you might think you recognize me maybe you do but do you think I'm Michael I have a secret about Michael Michael never came back I am not him I am not him figuratively speaking though we could all learn something from Michael when the Twin presents herself to you do not resist oh glorious [Music] glorious and that was the binary Moon project this is um this is interesting though because not even a year later we get what I'm going to call an epilog of sorts I'll go ahead and just give you that little sequence now oh glorious Glorious Day the twin is here the twin is here she Rose in the East all I shall Feast the twin is here to stay 7 22 19 entry number 7 2 2 8 1 9 0 0 0 version B transcript exerpt disclosure number one no no no I don't agree I don't agree you look look listen to me we live in an evil world I mean you know this right hate greed murder lust I mean [ __ ] it disgusts me in my [ __ ] core we are only but a cancer here infecting her like the black rot that we truly are don't worry though right it was really only a matter of time until she what got got her blood work done she has I mean [ __ ] right she's already nearly a year into her chemotherapy entry number 7 2 2 8 1 9 0 0 0 version B entry number 7 2 2 7 1 9 0 0 1 version B transcript exerpt disclosure number two yes well like I most people some people just need to be shot because they don't belong in society there are some people that deserve to be shot people that commit severe offenses need to be deleted from the world thank you entry number 7 2 2 7 1 9 0 0 1 version B do you want the documentation to continue even if it is difficult to see entry number 7 2 2 6 1 9 0 0 2 version C transcript exerpt disclosure number three people are mostly good would you agree uhhuh but these people really bad what do they tell you about these bad people in school be and to be a good person what do you have to [Music] do listen to her if you don't you're bad very good thank you London entry number 7 2 2 6 1 9 0 02 version C some creators say it too soon some say it too early I don't know where I lie here but I'm choosing to say it now the end hello this is not Michael or any other characters within binary Moon project this is the creator of binary Moon project um I'm posting this video because I'm really at a loss I've spent many hours constructing a story that I loved in the beginning the premiere was perfect you know disguising myself as just another caller on one of fantastic DA's live streams the plot I mean was intriguing not only to myself but also to the cult following I've been lucky enough to to build here I mean the ending though this has been a challenge for me you know it wasn't at first I thought I knew exactly how this story would end and it was a good one you know it it really was just as ruthless as the story you've witnessed so far unfortunately though there were elements of the story that I lost control of because of my own mistakes and now the ending just it's it's simply doesn't do the story Justice anymore I mean it really it really isn't the ending you all deserve I've tried to rework it from every angle it just doesn't work so rather than continuing to tell a story that I know is approaching a very disappointing end I've just decided to end it now with this video this is the last video that I will ever post to this Twitter page I think every one of you that is a fan of binary Moon project sometimes one's creativity just reaches farther places than you know one is actually willing to go I been but don't worry whether you know it or not you either already a fan of my past work or you're about to become a fan of my new work thank you yeah quite um quite interesting really how he's got kind of a bittersweet ending really kind of a epil Loy thing it's got some interesting little Snippets which kind of tease a little bit more like World building and Bizness going on and then obviously he's got his heartfelt actual message to the audience which which I think is quite beautiful and it's a shame that it didn't quite go exactly how he wanted I mean I definitely feel like there's um there's a lot of really good points about the binary Moon project I think the the whole setup the whole premise of it is quite interesting there there's a lot of early bizarre Mysteries and information that kind of come in which really kind of set up this scenario which I was I was really drawn into I was really really engaged with but then a lot of them didn't really go further than that or there weren't more Mysteries there wasn't more explanations it just kind of stopped with that and then it ended up becoming this kind of um almost like just kind of a a bizarre Quest at the end that led to just a disappointing end right like a weird end if if you ask me so let's let's go ahead and do a bit of breakdown so kind of early on in the story it's quite interesting because you got this integration with a fantastic daily which um before you ask all like an awful lot of his content is just is just gone been removed from YouTube and stuff I've been trying to chase up maybe some of the streams and any information I could find there's been a level of controversy when it comes to Fantastic daily some people are like oh he's a complete Faker thing there was a hack and stuff that there's all kinds of weird weird Rabbit Hole things with that that I don't think it's too overly complex I believe there's a level of fakeness to their whole shtick but I mean that's kind of the name of the game when it comes to um fictional storytelling right or even narration like like myself you know there's a level of fake I I try not to be fake but obviously the things we cover are fictional you know and so you play a little bit around with it it's a bit of fun uh you know myself s included like like the fact that one of fantastic Daily's videos that do exist currently is him in the binary Moon projects but not like his involvement just the story as a whole like it's just like well you're part of the story kind kind of sort of confusing anyway um yeah not like I can talk so um so that was quite interesting but yet again a fair to level of disappointment so a lot of people call this an ARG and I totally understand why because there was a lot more involvement with people when this was live when it was going on when it was happening um there was a bit more question back and forth there was obviously the the the messing around with like fantastic DA's live streams and things there was things you could see there were more things that we don't have access to anymore which is a shame but you know that's the way it is after a couple of years you know what I mean I mean this was back in what 2017 2018 so things get lost the time it happens it happens anyway so so that was interesting um I think I think that so I was I was intrigued by the moon Prospect this idea that the twin is some kind of a Celestial being some kind of a you never truly learn what it is or its purpose but I mean there's so many Mysteries and questions behind it and yet it kind of just stops being like so relevant to the story like like like at least with the sun vanish stories like that the the main problem is always a problem and yet kind of halfway through the binary Moon project even though the twin is still mentioned and still revealed and everything like that you don't really see any sequences involving the moon anymore you don't really like what was up with the peeling that just kind of went away there's all these weird little Snippets of story that kind of just stop you know or just no longer exist no longer relevant I just kind of you know like nobody else was peeling what's what's going on with that like and and then it makes you question things like Clayton and bji well I mean at one point you know he's clearly staying with bji for quite days but if he's a follower of the twin he must do transes right no answer to that no just B's totally banie was such a red flag by the way like how is it not more obvious the fact that the two people he confides and trusts and Clayton and bji are both followers of um of the twin and yet he still choose it's just it's a weird weird kind of the fact you continue to trust him and things it's like clearly he's not capable of doing things on his own apparently uh so he has to rely on others I get that you know you've only got so many skills and tools at your disposal to kind of deal with the crazy situation going on and then inevitably he he conforms not even not even being aware that he's becoming brainwashed but he's still not really truly giving into the whole twin thing but clearly it's affecting him enough that he's not ignore he's completely bypassing these red flags of anything related to people of the twin right and then at the end sequence he just like kills himself but who was I don't know it's strange isn't it who was the one filming him because I thought that was Michael but then Michael was at the table is the twin able to clone people that's another question that there's there's so many questions and sadly there's not really any any other answers and maybe I just haven't looked hard enough I've done the best I could but a lot of the information isn't really out there anymore and and then when you've got like Samy switter account and Clayton's switter account Clayton's only done two posts he's got a couple of replies as well but mainly to Sammy nothing engaging with people so that was just a weird little snippet cute but strange uh Sammy had a little bit more engagement with her Twitter not not massively you know they both just kind of stop when they when they stop and uh yeah I I don't know also London gets taken but then comes back but obviously there's no evidence she came came back so this dude is just totally believing with no evidence whatsoever that London has been brought back and everything is okay now and he can go home and everything's totally going to be fine this there's certain things that are just kind of like you go through all this turmoil all this madness that you went through I mean you almost went to court with your wife and all there's so many so many niggles that are just bizarre right but uh but those aside I still thought the story was quite good I still enjoyed the story I thought there was a a fair level of information not a great amount of information it definitely felt like that one guy said it definitely feels like a novel but sadly this novel doesn't really give you any answers to the mystery it's just you're playing along but there's no truth there's no uncovering like even when you get that one the the page of information that bji had him write down it's very general knowledge nonsense right there's nothing defining in there there's no weird nuggets of interesting lore or anything it's just kind of you know like oh well you best behave and follow her rules you know otherwise you're going to get punished and it's just like it's not really telling us anything sadly it's just kind of basically saying oh my God don't break her rules she'll get you punished it's just I don't know I don't know a bit silly in my opinion anyway uh that's that's my little ramble over but um here's the thing as well about binary Moon project I'm still intrigued and I hope you are too because there is one more thing there's one more thing I need to share with you and this is the the last post sadly that was uh December 31st 2019 and it's a Netflix series poster and he's put a date on it which looks like July 2021 I've sadly never heard if it ever came out on Netflix found any information doesn't look like it has sadly maybe they lost funding maybe the project was pulled I'm not really sure there's there's no information I'm able to find about it sadly this is the last but um but but uh actually some of his replies are talking about how you know it's it won't be released for a little while there is an ending the ending he always wanted for the story so there's a lot of promising sounding things in here and I do hope whether it ends up on Netflix or maybe on some other kind of a platform even YouTube or something like that that we that we get more of the story because quite frankly I would like more of the story I would like to understand a bit more about what's going on you know is it a spacecraft of some kind I clearly massive like a death star type of thing uh is is it aliens is is it a Celestial body that maybe it has some powers of manipulation kind of like we've seen in a variety of analog Horrors and stuff I don't know but I would be really interested to see more but yet again it'd be good to see not just like CU it's quite obviously there a little culty brainwashing going on with the people and I I get that that's that's cool we've seen a fair bit of that and I'm I'm cool with seeing a bit more of that maybe a bit more structured to it maybe more proper worshiping or something like that but but we do need a little bit more maybe like you think you think something like this is pretty obvious right you think maybe NASA or some other kind of like scientists or governments are like spying on this thing maybe they're looking at it through telescope they're trying to understand more about it maybe they send a rocket up to it there's certain things that just yeah that feel left they they just feel like they haven't fully been explored you know and I get it you can only tell so much in a story especially with limited resources I'm not complaining about that I just I would just hope I'm just interested to see if there is going to be more what will be in store because clearly we've seen the end of Michael's story that's that's quite obvious that's been done or is it was that actually Michael was it a clone or Michael we still don't know we still don't know and I'm so curious I'm so curious so oh God I forgotten his name already this is this is embarrassing I didn't really have his name here anyway so dear creator of the binary Moon project if for some crazy reason you're you're watching this and listening and you made it all this way get Reach Out get in contact with me I'm I'm really curious I'm really curious to to to be able to talk to you maybe we'll do an interview maybe we'll have a little Pow Wow about about the project and your ideas and your thoughts or maybe some other work that you're working on I'd really like to know so I can share it with with everybody I think it'd be really really cool and you deserve as much attention as possible thank you so much for taking us on a very interesting journey and um I'm I'm excited to see what else you have in store you can tell a great story I do feel like you're missing a bit of information details and stuff context but besides that story storytelling wise I feel like you're able to get a good level of pacing you got some got some good ideas just need a little bit more solidifying but let us know what's coming we'd be really excited to find out this has been n at night I have really enjoyed sharing another Twitter story with you and I sure hope you've had fun too we'll see you for whatever's next Take Care thank you so much to my YouTube members and patreon members for all the love and support thanks to people like you that we can keep growing

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