LSU Football Injury UPDATE / Reaction to John Emery Jr. Injury

welcome to the ver and verdict Sports show I'm your host Jacob ver and we're back in the studio went to Las Vegas took a little bit back you know getting back took a little bit on the roads a little bit of a little bit of a trek if you will we got some news for you today some good some bad I'm sure y'all know by now John emry Jr ruled out for the rest of the season first things first before we do anything in the Stream before I give you a preview before I get to your questions any I just want to say prayers up for John emry Jr straight up I mean it's heartbreaking he had a phenomenal game in week one coach Kelly said yesterday that you're going to continue to see him get better you're going to continue to see him improve from that injury and just nobody saw this comment it's one of those things that just wrenches the heartstrings and like I said prayers up to John Emy Jr and his family I hope somehow someway he can recover get into a situation where he can continue to play football I mean I know he's got a lot of injuries and he had a lot of injury history but I'm going to stop believing in my guy so John Emery hope things work out for you man but without you know further Ado let's get into a little bit of a preview um we'll talk about the running back depth and just the overall injury report as a whole uh I'll kind of talk to you about the wide receiver depth a little bit too heading into Nicholls talk a little bit about who's the backup quarterback and um we'll give you a little bit of a brief brief brief brief preview so first things first when you see a star like like this go down especially somebody that was leading the game carrying the torch being the the the team bus if you will I mean he was carrying Us in that second half especially when I mean everyone's confused on the play calling everyone's confused on the conservativeness why was the ball not in the air why was you know kir Lacy not getting any touches what happened well the only real big bright spot in that offense was John Emy he had a lot of big explosive runs and it's going to be tough to lose them and everybody knows the the philosophy in football the saying you know as cliché it might sound next man up who's the next man up you know yeah you got Josh Williams yeah you got Caleb Jackson but you're going to need to add a little more depth so naturally I'm sure Kaden Durham is going to see some reps he's been seeing a lot of good touches in Fall Camp so I'm imagining that you know they were kind of prepping him just in case John emry wasn't going to be 100% from the initial ACL injury this was 100% unforeseen um now it makes me wonder a little bit you know John emry I'm sure uh did his part with the conditioning did his part with get it back to speed you heard coach Kelly kind of mention a little bit how he would want him to get a little more conditioned in the lower half and how at times that was kind of preventing him from breaking away and now I'm going to wonder with the Caleb Jackson situation he added 35 pounds of muscle Caleb Jackson's getting bigger getting stronger do you maybe slim him down do you maybe kind of pull back a little bit on him and try to preserve that health I'm not saying Caleb Jackson looked bad on Sunday against USC but he didn't look great he didn't hit his potential and it's not saying anything about Caleb Jackson It's not taking you know anything away from him it's not saying he's not a great player this that the other he's a phenomenal athlete I'm sure he'll hit his potential by the end of the season that's not going to change what has to change though is just that scheme the way they're running I don't know maybe be more balance maybe not just continuously short game short field maybe push something deep maybe use the the Gunslinger of Garrett nmar we talked a little bit in studio before we flew out about are they going to test them are they going to you know let Garrett usar play his speed are they going to let him you know let one eat every now and then we kind of heard the bully ball rumors and we thought the offensive line was going to play a lot better than what they did but all in all I mean it's one of those situations where you just got to live and learn week one's over week two is on the horizon you can't keep beating the dead horse Nicholls is coming in they won their conference sure they're you know a smaller school and they're not going to be as competitive but at the end of the day you just can't sleep on them you're going to have to really try to flex some muscle and iron out those Kinks and you know God Bless but if you drop a 60 ball on them it's going to make everybody in Louisiana feel better regardless of if you're from Tio you know hom whatever I mean a lot of Nicholls fans are probably going to be rooting for LSU in this one quite frankly injury report real quick some unfortunate news uh also for our guy Princeton Malu friend of the show shout out Princeton he's got a little bit of a banged up knee injury coach Kelly talked about how they're going to send in that uh footage that little clip from the kickoff where the injury occurred because he was saying it looked like a block in the back uh looked like kind of an egregious play he said so I mean we're going to keep monitoring that as well but it might be kind of a similar note to John Emy for Princeton where he might not play the rest of the year it's a major knee injury it's a major uh you know major major thing to get banged up on they said that they xrated a little bit what they've seen doesn't look good and going forward I would imagine his role will be very very limited um Parker is another player that is uh banged up and questionable he's not necessarily out like Princeton Malu will be but he'll be monitored he said he coach Kelly said he has a UCL injury and they're going to just keep trying to make sure that he's getting back into the speed of things Jordan Gilbert now I know he's going to miss the first half regardless of if he's healthy or not because of the targeting call we'll get to that in a little bit but um he's dealing with a little bit of a tenderness I don't know if it's a hamstring or exactly what it is his issue but you got a couple of pieces here where you're really going to have to worry uh Kyle Parker stepped in for Chris Hilton Chris Hilton's still going to be questionable they're not going to really want to throw Kyle or Chris out until they're 100% ready because you're at this part of the schedule where you can breathe you can relax I mean we wanted to win week one but these next I'd say four weeks you've got Nicholls you've got South Carolina UCLA South Alabama now I'm not trying to sleep on anybody and I'm not trying to turn into you know a Timeless clip but it looks like LS you can coach close to a 41 record we thought they were going to start 5-0 I know I know I know but you're at the point now where you don't really have to put all chips in yeah you want to perform well yeah you want to try to get back to speed but you don't want to risk losing a key player toward the end of the year when it really really matters when you're playing o miss when you're playing Alabama when you're playing Texas A&M for right now I'd imagine they'll lean on guys like a Shelton Samson against Nichols zavon Thomas Aaron Anderson had a hell had a hell of a game so I'd imagine he's going to get an increased role in a creas playing time so with that being said it's it's going to be it's in due time really for Shelton Samson to get his reps he's a five star he was really sought out uh sought out for After High School and we haven't really seen him get into his role we haven't really seen him get into that spot that we thought he would be capable of we haven't really seen him hit his potential and Coach Kelly's kind of saying it's time to really put him in that situation and see what he's made of it's time to put him in that situation and see you know if he's going to be capable of being leaned on in this situation when guys are banged up and when they need some depth now depth as far as the quarterback position I'm really confused on what they're going to do for Nicholls because more than likely knock on wood I mean gez I don't want to jinx nothing but more than likely you'll see a pretty big blowout more than likely the starters will probably come out and the backups will come in so you're going to get your real first Glimpse at who the backup quarterback will be it's it's kind of a toss up you really don't know who it is they've been in a battle it's been hush hush and nobody really knows wouldn't be surprised if they throw you know an AJ swan out there but there is a good chance for Ricky Collins to be here as well because of the amount of time he's been in this scheme with these coaches around these players they both have a pretty good case they both have a pretty good argument you can make for either one of them uh like I said though I wouldn't be surprised to see AJ Swan be the guy just simply because and this is just speculation there's nothing really behind it other than he probably fits the mold that the offense is currently in it'd be a little more difficult to put a mobile quarterback is a little younger a little more green into the spot and expect immediate production comparatively to someone like AJ Swan who's played SEC ball who's more of a pocket passer who resembles Garrett Nar more if you will I feel like that's kind of important and now in this situation you might see both of them play you might see them you might even see Colin Hurley touch the field but it'll be really really interesting to see where LSU is at in this point of you know just deciding their depth deciding their quarterback position and trying to really feel this out so to speak um lastly real quick before we go into a little interesting recap I got to I want to recap a segment from Friday show and I want to just explicitly announce if you're not watching Friday shows you got to start tuning in you got to start tapping in because we went three for three on picks I'm about to bang the damn gavel the verdict was in bro we had three solid pcks for you on our top three games of the week they all hit if you parlay them you were rolling and D you got Notre Dame playing a damn good game Georgia walked all over Clemson and Miami had a day such a day that I think cam War quite frankly might be a Heisman finalist now it might be an overreaction but we might uh roll a tape back in a few months phenomenal performance he's really mobile he looks like one of those type of quarterbacks that you could rely on in a big moment regardless of who's around him and then Mario Chris Ball I mean yeah he's had questionable decisions as a coach but right now getting cam W on that team and and in this situation is probably one of his most sound decisions as of late um we'll be monitoring our top three games of the week I'm going to start diving in I'm going start looking and on Friday we'll give you some more picks some more locks if you will you heard it here first ver verdict top three games at a week coming Friday every Friday this season um with the week one schedule and conversation revolving on LSU and how they've just haven't had luck in week one recently I mean it's not even recent It's the Last 5 Years every single year I've been at school at LSU we've lost I'm a senior my freshman year we lost to UCLA last two years we lost to Florida State and here we go in the final the last dance if you will we lose to CL or excuse me we oh Lord I hope we don't lose to Clemson we lose to USC we do play Clemson two years from now it's a home and home swap we're going to go to Clemson first then they come to us probably not getting out of that one not going to lie I don't think that at this point you can just flip non-conference opponent like that who are you going to replace him with how are you you going to play a power four non-conference um you know and put them into the schedule you're still going to have to find a tough team so at this point the the writing on the wall is a week Zero game or you just knuckle down hope that you win the opener and if not you just got to keep using this as fuel to the fire I mean I don't know how many times I have to say this it hurts I mean look I I didn't want to lose I didn't want to walk into Las Vegas and get my heart stomped shattered smooshed whatever you want to say I didn't want that to happen I'm sure nobody wanted that to happen but the fact that it did it's not the end of the world it's not going to be one of those situations where LSU season is all but over and we tried to kind of pump the braks a little bit before the game even started just because you know kind of we're worried about it but all in all I think yasu is in a situation where if they play their cards right if they do go on this four game bender and they're 4-1 get the bye go back home play Old Miss and Lane kein and Brian Kelly have been going back and forth back and forth whether it be social media media press conference Jabs there's some animosity in this game if you can beat a top 10 Old Miss team or whatever they're going to be ranked whenever they come into Tiger Stadium on October 12th you're in a situation now where the cost football playoff is yours for the taking once again yeah it looks rough and it looks like we're on thin ice and it looks like we might not have a clear path right now but you you know you shape this thing right you go into a by week you hold your head high you have some confidence you go into Tiger Stadium you beat old miss you get your spoon back from last season and then now you got some juice now you got you know some respect if you will and also another thing that's going to really help LSU and I feel like I could see this happening it's going to be kind of something similar to what Florida state did last season they went undefeated they looked really good Jordan Travis had a good year I'm pretty sure they won their conference Championship 99% sure I think they did they did get snubbed out of the cfp but that's besides the point it made LSU's opening week loss a little more tolerable and I know like I said everyone wants to start one and0 I'm not trying to make excuses and I'm not trying to really just make it seem like something in didn't but what I'm saying is that at this point if USC runs the Big 10 table goes to a conference Championship or is in the playoff it makes it look like two playoff caliber teams battled it out in week one it happening at the beginning of the years it feels like it it's just Earth shattering and it's going to ruin everything and it's just like oh man we're back at square one but it's really not potentially the case I mean yeah and you're wal Bryan Kelly Florida State beat him again and they do somehow someway find their way in Atlanta for the SEC Championship game just give them an opportunity like that again and I find it really really hard that this team doesn't sees that moment the defense has turned over a new Leaf they looked really good held the Lincoln Riley offense to 10 points in the first half did they Bend did they have bad moments of course both sides did both sides did there was penalties there was a lot of moments that you wish you had back you had a couple of potential turnovers that you could have held on to but you had some studs ball out I mean I feel like Harold per did pretty good led the team in tackles everyone's going to question about the inside you know playing this playing that I think he did pretty well sure Miller Moss had a hell of a game and shout out to him because he's looking like a top 10 quarterback in college football threw for almost 400 um and I mean yeah he had a couple of risky passes but he also had a great Supporting Cast and everyone was including me I'm everyone everyone was doubting USC everyone was wondering if USC is up to speed and I'll be the first one to tell you most of the doubters myself included were wrong USC is a team that could potentially be in the college football playoff potentially Make some noise and they look really physical they look ready to play Championship level football and there's not really many questions on that team they needed to address the defensive concerns the offense has always been really good under Lincoln Riley that's not the worry the worry was can this defensive turnaround happen instantaneously and it did right in front of our eyes we've seen you know a fourth and three stop we saw a couple of of of I think we went three times inside the 15 only scored six points that's a defense that anybody would love to have I mean you're playing LSU with with all kind of players that are going to be able to be on Sundays or playing on Sundays you got two first round caliber tackles you got Kiren Lacy who's catching damn near 100 yards in the first half and like 14 15 minutes of play Mason Taylor is probably arguably a first-run Talent Garrett nm's definitely going to be starting on someone's NFL team here in the re you know near future my point being is is that USC's defense almost did the impossible I mean I don't I don't think many people were expecting LSU to score 20 points through four quarters especially with how many times they were able to get in the Red Zone get near a scoring opportunity and really you know just get close to the moment in general it it's heartbreaking it's a tough loss we don't want it to happen obviously obviously obviously but just it can only go up from here I think we're going to go in a Four game Run you if you drop one in these next four that might be a nail in the coffin I'll be real that's my realistic take my optimistic take is you get to go to 41 you get the bye week everyone gets healthy you run into Old Miss with momentum and you punch them straight in the mouth and then boom you're back into the conversation we'll see how it plays out we'll be here covering it of course Friday our show will be at 5:00 p.m. we got some things that we're doing with the Women's Basketball team so we're going to have to kind of you know put that one more toward the uh afternoon but as of right now we might have a special guest joining I I don't want to I don't want to name it yet it's not a player it's going to be a fellow media member we we got some some stuff coming we're going to have him phone in to the show and uh we'll give you a nickels breakdown Nicholls preview if you will and our top three picks of the week will be on Friday and I know look not everybody likes gambling not everybody likes you know trying to predict it's really hard to predict games quite frankly I mean it it it's rough look at uh college game day the other day we were scrutinizing Pat McAfee oh he's the only one that didn't pick LSU guess what Pat McAfee was also the only one that picked the damn game right so shout out Pat McAfee because I wouldn't have got that one right so like I said predicting games is hard but we did pretty good at it last Friday three for three in the top three picks of the week I got to harp on it because we're undefeated right now with that segment we we don't know how much longer we're going to stay undefeated with it so I got to I got to wear the strap when I can real quick for I hop out our guys a happy Dad they've been coming in clutch supporting the guys appreciate all the support from you you know where to get them Albertson Rouse's Walmart the best tasting hard Seltzer with electrolytes you're sweating you're hot you need a nice refreshing hard Selter glutenfree low in sugar no artificial flavors you know where to go like we said Rouse's Walmart Albertson we got a link in the bio with a discount code verin 15 get you 15% off your merch all this different type of stuff we're kind of scheming like I said we're trying to get some merch for you I'm about to about to make some phone calls we're going to get a a little giveaway segment I might do some typee of trivia I'm going to make you'all earn it we ain't just giving no freebies out you going to have to either answer a question right or I don't know maybe we'll do a score prediction whoever's closest gets it y y'all comment in the chat what y'all think but I appreciate everybody for flexing with me while I calling audible we were on the road we're back back in school back in the grind so to speak I mean we're back we're ready Nicholls on Saturday damn Hometown College I'm from south Louisiana it's about 30 minutes from the old stomping ground so it'll be be interesting to see some of the fellas come in I hate to say it but I'd love to see him get merked I want a 60 Ball but appreciate everybody for tuning in going to be live at uh 5: on Friday but every other day Monday Wednesday Friday 1: pm. the Verdi verdict Sports Talk on the go I'm your host Jacob Vera you have a great night go Tigers

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