Brett Favre shares his thoughts on Jerry Glanville

Published: Sep 08, 2024 Duration: 00:08:55 Category: Music

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picking it out I never really I guess fully understood is what the hell Jerry Glanville had against you he just it was like he was just I don't know I feel like he made it he went that extra mile to kind of be dismissive or uh maybe that's not the word even no I know what you mean and and I I got us uh a pretty good answer later down down the road in my career the the and I'll give it as best I can to you so yeah I was I was drafted by Atlanta 91 played one year or I was on the team one year and was traded the Green Bay after that first season so and I've told this story the first time I meet Jerry Glanville I'm drafted on a Friday and the I I I back up I was drafted on a Thursday and I had a mini camp I had to be at the next day that was back when the draft happened so you get drafted by a team the next morning you're on the flight to that team and they have mini camps everybody has a standard mini camp and it was for the weekend it was really kind of rookies get to know the you know you shorts and t-shirts and helmets so I had a flight there was two flights out of gulport Mississippi down on the coast straight flight to Atlanta there was one in the morning there was one in the evening the small airport and I was on the first flight it was 7 o'clock or something like that and went from central time to Eastern time so I was going to be I think many Camp started like the first practice was like 11 o' so eastern time so 10:00 my time so I got about an hour and 20 minute flight I'm going to be pushing it to get there get dressed get out on the field but obviously they knew that well my flight's delayed so I'm late so the guy that picks me up in Swani Georgia was way on the other end from the airport Airport's bottom leftand corner of Atlanta Swani is going up towards aens so I got probably 45 minutes drive at best so the guy that picks me up at the airport Danny mck he was like in scouting is he and I we driving up to Swan and I'm I'm like sweating bullets I'm like Danny this is not good it happens all the time and and it does as I look back in retrospect I mean it wasn't the end of the world but I'm thinking I'm late for my first practice so we get to Swan pull up the facility and it's probably 11:30 so they're 30 minutes in I run in throw on my my shorts t-shirt helmet run out there Danny's waiting for me and he Jerry's the first person that we come to and he's got his back to me he doesn't he doesn't see me coming he's got a cowboy hat on he's got a horn in his back pocket one of those loud horns and he's got a black windbreaker on I'll never forget and Danny says hey coach Coach Jerry turns around he's got dark sunglass is on he said got your quarterback here Jerry said he Mississippi Mississippi what school are you from Mississippi and I thought to myself that's kind of a weird question he just drafted me so I said you know eager to Brown those and and get on his good side I said I'm Southern Miss coach and he goes gosh dang it we drafted the wrong guy we wanted a guy from Mississippi State and I I I thought to myself a lot of things went through my head I'm like am I supposed to laugh at this is that a joke serious because he said it like he was serious and I said uh I kind of laughed and he said get get your ass out there to practice so I go out to practice and from there it went downhill from there he just anytime he had an opportunity to ridicule or criticize me or he did and uh I was drafted 33rd pick which was in the second round and the more he put his you know thumb on me and just suppressed me the more I retreated more I drank and partied and and even missed a team pitcher I mean I I digressed the whole year put on 25 pounds I'm like I I'm G never play again I'm a just and then lo and behold I get traded for a first round pick so it's like I did nothing never played got drunk put on weight and yet it ended up getting me traded for a first round pick so it's like how I got redrafted but in the first round so I knew this was too good to be true well later down 10 years later we hired a guy named Shan herck whose dad was Ken herck was the general manager for the Atlanta Falcons when I was drafted well Ken always was nice to me my year with Atlanta he was always very polite and always Lifting me up you know keep keep your head in there keep working I know I know it's frustrating he was always encouraging but we never he never called me in his office and said look here's what's going on so I I always kind of wondered what what the deal was why Jerry was why like he was I mean I mean I'm talking about I didn't do anything to get on his bad side initially but yet I was on his bad side so Shawn comes in who I didn't know and he's like the director of Scouting For the Packers and he he and I hit it off we would I how's your dad doing time I said hello and one day I said Sean what in the heck went on why what what what and he said Brett obviously my Dad loved you thought the world of you and it was his decision to draft you but Jerry did not want to draft you not because you were you he wanted to draft a different position he didn't want a quarterback he wanted a defensive player and they argued over like Jerry was I don't know how this argument played out but I could see him in the draft and Jerry's like we need a defensive player who could get on the field right now and help us this guy is not going to play quarterback for us we got for several years we got a guy Chris Miller who still got some good years left which is true and that makes sense uh but Ken was like no this guy's if we don't get him now we're not gonna get him I can't believe he slid to the second round so I'm gonna take him knowing that I probably wouldn't play my first year so Jerry was pissed yeah so Jerry in his mind and this is speculation on K or Sean's part but it makes sense Jerry's like I'm gonna make life miserable on Ken by just you know ruining Brett's career yeah uh and he and he did that did that and so did Sean Sean said he said my dad didn't want to trade you but heck you didn't play your first year and you get traded for a first round pick I mean you can't you can't pass that what you can and U the rest of this history well uh have you ever thanked him cuz that was the best thing that could have happened to you probably at that time yeah you know people have asked me have I talked to Jerry since then a couple times but we never really we never had a he was he actually did commentating a few years he did some of my games and I had had to meet with the the commentators before every game like the day before well I remember meeting with him and I was like yeah Jerry said in front of the whole group that was in there I knew he was gonna do it I knew he was gonna make out he was gonna be a star some day like I'm thinking I I I didn't throw him under the bus I'm thinking myself you so L you lying piece of

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