Josh Homme tries one of Anthony Bourdain’s FAVOURITE dishes | Dish Podcast | Waitrose

hair of the dog hair of the toast and hair of the bone which doesn't sound as great I wish I had said that hair of the bone not great tongue sandwich and like corned bee anyone else getting turned [Music] on an might leave dish and come and be your you know personal chef or I might become your personal guitar player yes yes now we're talking [Applause] [Music] hello welcome to Dish from wait tros I'm Nick Grimshaw and I'm Angela Harnet and today we are joined by a a musical Legend oh God such a legend one of if not the indisputed king of rock from Queens of the Stone Age makes the noise for Josh homie everybody yes yeah yeah hi Josh I'm so happy to be here you yeah I am this is great well we're very excited you're here well but also I've had a few drinks already you've given me a few drinks yeah I don't really know where I am yeah but he's here he's very relaxed well you know we've got quite the menu you know in your honor we're starting with tequila because we heard you like tequila we're also having something which we rarely do an which is a starter but not any old starter we there's a there's a there's a history there's a bone on my plate we know stick with you darling so tell us what we've got in front of us why big fans of will you're great friends with anony bouran yeah and then he again was great friends with Fergus Henderson who is a great dear friend of mine right and I know this is fergus's dish with the bone marrow and it was one of Anthony's last dishes that's what he wants to eat you know and so we've done it in Anthony's honor and your honor which is a bone marrow with a parsing shalot salad with capers and salt on the side and then you've got your toasted toast there your sound toasted toast revolutionary yes exactly how do you toast the toast but I've never had anyone double down in this just get used to it it's going to be like this all day yeah yeah so the toast is toasted Che but yeah cheers and then we've gone for a Corvette Summer which is um tequila grapefruit little bit of lime and a little bit of tonic water it's very nice I'm not necess bit more I know this is going to sound dark and but it's actually not it's making me really happy but my my my other best mate Rio who's no longer with us either that was his drink the Corvette Summer oh wow and so um you're really killing me here wow no uh we don't upset you no no not at all it's not you know I don't think of it that way all it's actually making me really happy good yeah well it's absent friends and those that are with us here now and can't be with us anymore right you're welcome Josh thank you welcome loving this drink that is a goodie right do you want to get into this should we try this out should we eat let's do this toasty toast yeah Jos you take the toasty toast so what do you toasted with a [Laughter] toaster go here we go you're not going to live that down I know there's a lot of really intense Tech here in the kitchen very very technical this cooking Mal anyway like I see Fergus just nodded me like this and squint that made you go back to the Corvette Summer I can see so shall I just go ahead and yeah get invol water yeah go for it when did you first have that the uh bone marrow Josh oh I I had it to survive after the plane crash it was the only thing I can sorry is that funny uh no you know um I had it as a kid and it was a shocker because there it is bone and all mhm and I had no idea you could get in there and get in the guts so to speak go for it and um and you know fat is my favorite flavor I don't know if I told you that yeah a little goes a long way in terms of being satisfied my dad would have like you know a tongue sandwich and like corned beef and like what else would he anyone else getting turned on sorry you were saying well I never had never had bone marrow until I went to fergus's restaurant to St John and I love this sometimes I crave this like I I don't want to need it you need it sometimes funny about that is like the body you know and um being that I'm completely hung over and was up all night last night this like the perfect bre so many boxes for you yeah good hair of the dog hair of the toast and hair of the bone which doesn't sound as great I wish I had said that the Bon not great where did you go last night why'd you have a hangover oh well it was my my job I was entertaining others oh you have to it wasn't because I wanted to no no uh we were in Hamburg Germany uhhuh and uh and yeah well I like it the kids were the kids were great and uh yeah there were some guests and uh one thing led to another and uh woke up on an airplane today with a big old piece of toast in my hand and here we are and here we are this is great and here we are and is this if you're listening to this where you're like I could actually make this at home would you advise someone that's never made this to give this a go yeah of course it can't be that hard can it it's only a little bit when you read fergus's description like he says you know and you need to discipline the parsley and I look with Sam and I and John so there's this guy Wells John who worked for Fus for years yeah exactly and I said what do you mean discipl discipline the person yeah that should be your next s know the way he describes it is quite really emot and it's just brilliantly written so you know you got to make things proper so can I get these in wait Ros you can get the bone marrow in waitrose takes about 10 15 minutes in the oven your toasty toast just rubbed with a bit of oil in a pan pan toasted pan toasted you see that's changed your whole thought process so much safer than hand toasted yeah hand toasted dangerous nicely charred definitely feels more cheffy as well very Chey um so when you are headlining a festival do you get like a I always think it's quite funny when you see a Headliners like area cuz you don't just get a dressing room you get like a compound becomes a compound sure get compound are there things that you're like I can't possibly headline download Festival without blah BL I'm really glad you asked that um so you know I always say elitism sucks when I'm not included right and so I think now I think I think that over the years one of the things that keeps you young um other than injections is uh is to have a good sense of humor you know and so as the years have gone on and um we've had access to more and more outrageous requests being honored yeah it it starts to make you ask for strange things like for a while I used to ask for chocolate covered ants in a map of Ireland to be put on the wall and and it would be like and people would ask me they' say Josh why do you have chocolate covered ants and a and and a frame map of Ireland and and I would say wouldn't you like to know mind you bus yeah mind your damn business more more bone marrow right just keep it real you know I I do I do think I think it's it's it's nice to have a bit of Pizazz and eccentric let your Centric nness you know just sort of herniate out every once in a while I think it's perhaps it's gross if it's in Earnest and too far yeah because then you think by God I wish I was in a different room than this person but but you know it's it's nice to uh it's nice to push the boundaries and try new things that even if it's so simple as as uh setting up an entire harrybo gummy bear War do you get a ride arange when you cuz you do like a food festival or when you go and do like limewood do you get lime was different you you get room stuff but some food festivals you barely get a kitchen I mean you know it's like hello where's the rolling bin it was on food festival I needed to roll pasta and they literally had no rolling bin so I had to use the bottle of wine we were supposed to drink on the stage I adapt I adapt you adapt you got a TR that's a sexy way to adapt that's good if you're like don't worry about it I got this bottle of wine rolling up rolling your penino over there G you and just never break eye contact there you go love you know what I mean I think I think you're on to something I think you're on to something or or I or I might be on something it's definitely one something fine something is on something is on we were joking before saying if this goes well an might leave dish and come and be your you know personal chef so it goes the Mania or I might become your personal guitar player yes yes yes now it's talking now we're talking can you imagine turn up at the restaurant say by the way I've got something to cheer you all yeah I need a knife I need some flour and I need a massive amp's here get going in the kitchen my heart fluttered when you said massive ass I just think of you opening up the oven door and me having tun just for that stuff and then you open the trash and I was like throw it away yeah and can we talk about glastenbury last year because I loved the the story that I heard of you were you were headlining Glon Bri great news but then you find out you on the same time that Elon John says the last time I'm ever going to perform oh in the UK ever what worse than that thanks El yeah nice one Elon it's worse than yeah thanks Elon yeah selfish very thanks for stopping your career during our show great first of all I love Elton and which camera can I look in I'm still going to do your pool and jean shorts and I promised you and I'm still going to do it what the we need more we need moreo on it guys this is personal anyways uh but uh elon's always been really just the kindest loveliest I mean you know I realized that one we when we got to perform together once he was in an all blue Adidas tracksuit with the same color blue lenses yeah and I thought God this mother looking I mean I look like a Smurf to him and so like with all that with all his kindness and his kindness and his care he's also so idiosyncratic like what a weirdo like he brought flowers to work with us in the studio and was like but but it's our studio you know he brought flowers amaz wow he's always been so kind and lovely with me he's such a music fan and what happened was is that uh they couldn't find anyone that would accept the gig playing against Elton oh god of course and so I had had this experience at glassenbury before where they said they couldn't find anyone that would play against Beyonce mhm and I just felt like oh why not and at least when we stop playing in between I'll be like listening to all my single ladies until this is a little different so I go backstage to see Elton and say hi MH talk about the contract and the hours of doing his pool and uh and he jokingly said uh en enjoy playing to all three of those people tonight I thought he was joking that's what I thought he was doing I was like you that's such a you know it's such a sassy little thing to say you know I was like whatever I'll scratch your eyes out but so but then I was walking back to the dressing room I'm like hands in my pockets like he's such a cheeky little and then but then it was like oh God is he get me three people so to to put it into context when we play with Beyonce or bian as I like to call like we walked out there was like 65,000 people we had lasers and I that being said when Elton John is performing for the last time in the UK ever we w we walk out and don't get me wrong there was a lot of people but compared to what I thought it would be like the 65 th000 of Beyonce like it was it was seven people no it was like 35,000 still pretty yeah but not for me what I'm using not for Josh no but but the space is qualified to hold a much larger of course grouping of people Elon we he no and and I I swear to God I was like that some is right over my God and and and you know fair play and I also thought well you just cannot say yes to every gig but the the competition that night it was Phoenix Phoenix another stage as well it was Phoenix queens of stone age and Elon but elon's the last ever one it's that that's where he did it probably playing next week you know like yeah actually it was a joke I'm playing again I I saw I saw mcartney there too and I was like what's up dude and he was like I'm going to see Elon oh forget it I'm did you see him after Elton no because I was upset yeah yeah rightfully so I I I didn't I didn't see him after but you know uh the great thing about festivals and and shows and and art exhibites like they really do the you know the whole point is to steal moments out of the sky that are up for grabs and and make them yours and and the the the crowd is obliged to do the same thing as well and make the most of their moment to sees their moment right and so it just was a night of that so it's a little hard to be upset we had a great show sure and and you know all 17 of the people that saw us just really knew we were way better than us yeah said he's hey they were like yeah who is it who is it they like panda in the wind I don't even know what that song means what we do what have we got here we have a fish so we got grilled mackerel with beetroot red onion and red cabbage salad and on the side we've got creme fresh with toasted coriander and cumin seeds and a touch of horse radish this is a a a recipe and a menu for Josh right so yeah I mean as I said before Fat's my favorite flavor I I I I'm not much of a sweets guy I love that salty Savory business yeah that's great by the way we all love that that's fantastic this is so good it's good isn't it you know it's weird to say this but boy do I love the skin it's a crispy part it sound a bit like Jeffrey in that moment but you know what so do you so whatever it's the best bit best for sure when you're cooking do you like cooking by the way I do I love to cook I love to cook and do you um what sort of things do you cook is this something that you'd make in the I do a lot of I do a lot of swordfish I do a lot of fish I do a lot of salmon different ways I think because I've got a really nice grill that gets up to 600° that really changes everything proper massive grill out in the G sort of Big Boy desert type put a camel on there sort of size Grill comes with a camel right yeah I imagine yeah yeah and and but I just that notion of being able to use yeah hot hot heat to really sear things in yeah and then let them rest and it's fun to well you know this you start cooking with people and you and you have them chopping up stuff yeah it's the best bit you know and you play find my fingertip where right yeah that's a game in the Cabbage yeah game I noticed that got it yeah got it well done you've won and if you always like cooking have you always like food or is it something that you no as a boy I only at like meat and potatoes till I was about 12 I had no you know I was not adventurous you know I'm I'm probably not the smartest guy in the world but travel has at least altered that and helped me right in staves too dumb too much too long big man not know what say um you know because I I think travel is the way to educate and open people's eyes and um and take a chance you know and when you're a Starving Musician you really are starving and when you're in a foreign land you're like what the hell is that yeah like a dingdong just cuz you you're like it's not what I'm used to in my house it really expands your horizons because you're starving and you get the chance to uh experience something you wouldn't have so I I do like to cook and I like what it does bringing people into the fold that's amazing part of the job that we discover on heing it when we speak to people like musicians who say their favorite bit of touring is actually all they've got to do is think about the show which they've done so they're like cool with that it's like what can we eat tonight where can we eat and they get to go to you know different places around the world and try different stuff I think of Tony quite a bit and you know cuz whenever I bump into we'd be out on the road and that's what you do and you end up talking to the chefs and standing around you know in the kitchen with them how did you and Anthony budy meet I met Tony in Berlin it must be like 20 years ago now maybe a little more and his show is in his wasn't even done I don't think I'm not sure he was done with his first season on travel chanels MH and uh my friend Joe who's a promoter as well but owned part of this restaurant was like like um I have this guy Tony Anthony Bourdain here I was like I think of heard of that guy and and he was like he wants to come to the show and I said bring him down and he he came to the show at like 4 in the afternoon yeah sound check hadn't even happen and we stood outside smoked siggies and drank and made fun of stuff until 2:00 in the morning you know forgot the show yeah yeah missed the show where where am I supposed to be we're coming back I swear no I just you know we we were fast friends and I uh um as was the case we'd sort of uh lay our schedules together and say oh okay I'm in I'm over here I'm over here and and and our daughters are the same age and um uh and so um we went through some of those things um in parallel together you know um yeah and honestly I felt that he was really coming into his own and becoming who he was yeah you know some people like you know it's getting tattooed midlife crisis and all that stuff it's like you don't know what you're talking about actually sometimes it takes um you know half of your life to realize okay I actually know who I am now and I'm doing this yeah totally did you guys meet an yeah he came to the opening of my first big restaurant yeah what to where to where when I opened the Conor Hotel so that was what 20 years ago now maybe yeah and he came as one of the guests that's when I met him yeah and then you knew him because at the time not parallels but he was coming up with the same time Fergus he was a huge influence on that sort of new cooking and just as you I think as you said he you know there was so much about French cooking it's precise you've got to do it exactly like that whereas people like Fergus came in and changed all that they were like well actually no we're just going to do a bit of mackerel and a cabbage and that's it and it doesn't matter if it's not cut properly as long as it tastes delicious and he was always about that it was just about fantastic food and it didn't follow a pattern even though his restaurant in New York was that French beasto type of you know in the house it was you know so it was a huge influence I think yeah it was funny too though was that you know I had a lot of crappy meals that Tony cooked and and uh and I and I don't I don't say that as as to be a contrary or anything it's just like um and the those crappy meals that that for those nights cuz we were talking yeah MH yeah you know I I also liked what a nerd he was too I I think a lot of people um saw Tony and saw someone speaking their mind and almost with an aggressive stance yeah willing willing to say like well I can't stand that which in itself is a gutsy thing that you don't see all the time as someone that's not kissing ass all the time but also he was kind of a nerd you know and uh he was really into stuff in the same way I think you know just music where you go oh my god oh oh my God I thought calm down man and but I think that stuff is really quite cute mhm it's wonderful to be into something well he's enthusiastic about things he wasn't one of these people that just said yeah great you know there was he was genu like he made you feel like you could try some and say I don't know if I like that or well for as a seric as he was too we never bonded over what we didn't like that's not the way to bond with people of course like I hate this don't you there's nowhere to go there you know it was it was um in the nerdiness of excitement about I mean it's I guess I guess I should it's obvious because the show is all about Discovery and and and really the the you know the channels really had to take a hands-off approach with a guy like him because yeah let him do his thing you need more people like that and totally so how do we do this at home and if we're listening and you're like do you know what I actually have Josh homy coming around for dinner next week and I'd love to recreate that how to do the grilled mael beetroot and red onion so a whole mael mhm um gutted um then basically season it out very lightly gutted gutted in a grilled pan to get the Lovely Scorch skin and then in the oven for about 7 minutes I'd say a mackerel that size and who's got in this for us the fish fish mongle the lovely people at waitress yeah okay cool there you go so you just go ask them to gut it gut it keep it whole and I took the eyes out but they'll take the eyes out for you if you want and then what is this that you made this is and then this is um cremme fresh with horseradish um toasted coriander seeds and toasted fennel seeds crushed up little bit of lemon juice and seasoning in there which works it's the horseradish that's what you want that kick with that fattiness of the fish you see do you have to do the whole fish or could I do this with a fillet you can do it with a fillet but obviously cook it a lot less if it's just a fillet all the ingredients for this recipe are available at recipes the recipe is on there if you want toy try it as is the wine pairing there's a perfectly matched wine with this mael La per if you want to go try that we should talk about your um your last album which came out in June of last year in true in Times New Roman it's called Josh just in case you didn't know um and the theme of the album is what I want to touch on because the theme of the album is and I quote is the end of the world what are you going to do with the time you have left Angela you go oh no come on come on on if I had no if I had the time the end I would just travel everywhere and see as much of the world as I haven't seen I would I would yeah I think I just like to watch the Telly all day the end of the world you're never going to see that's it it's done seen it see it I'll send you pictures she's in the we're coming to you for the end of the world in Dubai Dublin exactly seatt now that's a televisual event that would be fantastic what about new records not under pressure um will we have a new album soon well I I spent um I there there was too much time in between the last record and this one and I think you know the goal is to make things and enjoy that process and so I'm going to get I'm going to roll up my sleeves and jump bus I mean I guess you're not doing it when you're the start of an album making process but you you collaborated with so many people do you have like how does how does that happen is that like a bump intimate festivals like we should do something is it like a DM situation is there a Hit List in your I have a bingo roller a bingo roller I a bing roller I actually I think that the reason I've collaborated with so many different people is because when the moment has come up I've really enjoyed the moment and immersed myself in that and and thought this is it this is the final moment and I honestly think that that sort of Outlook has made those moments go well and it propagates more of them and H and happening because you know the the sort of collaboration with people I have a I've always had a really good time and they have two and that's the sort of word that travels fast and that begets more of that collaboration and those type of that that positive friction you know so I hope or at least I hope that's what it is have you ever been in a situation and maybe you have an as well where and and where like anyone's ever been like we should work together and you're like you don't want to but you're like yeah what you do how do you I guess you've got to say yeah to their face yeah no I've so when would you like me to start you can't say you can't say no like surely if you I don't know the Grammys or something like we should get in the studio together I'm I'm I'm realizing why I have like sort of a mixed reputation what you do because I'll be like oh n you know because I think it's I I don't know I think the the you know the the Arts are really really important it's so hard to it's so hard to say or play how you feel it's so hard to express how you really feel and it's important and it matters it it matters but but so I don't there's certain things that where I think oh I don't know if I want to do that and I'd hate to say like yeah it's it's okay not to like something it's not to be mean about it because notary but I I do think there's I'm just thinking right now a couple times where someone's like hey will you play my record and and my response would be like oh no no and and and and it's not even because I'm thinking like it's not about being better than it's just like maybe in that moment it's just like I just kind of don't feel like doing that at all and we come to the end of the show question Josh o we're going to provide your know my nickname yeah the bag says tart on it lovely um okay for your chance to win the wait tart bag um everyone knows stop calling me that you are top B everyone knows that Dave Gro is the the nicest guy in rock oh is that so yeah but for the benefit of the dish crew and our listeners tell us just how nice Dave Gro is is he the nicest guy in rock and roll what's the nicest thing he's done for you yeah oh well I mean hold on let me crawl up in his ass real quick yeah come on no uh you know uh no one's done more for for me in my career as a mouthpiece of just telling people you got to hear this guy than Dave has and you know i' it's I'm biased I have a really special relationship and and it's predicated on telling each other to shut up you know because you need someone to say that's ridiculous and be honest with you and and I love Dave's Dark Side too he's a sick little booger you know and and so he's definitely told the world about me and my vast and endless well of talent and he's just he's always been like a brother I've known him since I was 19 and uh he does need to shut up sometimes yeah don't we all amazing been amazing R to Jos homie thank you Josh that was so fun thank you

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