Chicago Bears start Cut week with 9 Cuts..Who will be next?!

[Music] [Music] so I was telling JC when you roll the dice with your left hand you really have to do it at an angle so you get the perfect roll because he typically goes to jail when we start with Monopoly it's CZ his roll is off you know what I'm saying his roll is real janky you know what I'm saying just just real weird interesting way to start the show I'm going be honest was doing hey pause we go anyway it's Monday hey it's Monday what's up what's up YouTube what's up Bree Nation it's your boy P kid back in the building with my fellas they got the squad in the building yeah to my left the man in the place to be my man JC right here what's up boy hey my older brother my DJ right there first of all he was actually sh top six DJ week top six DJ Hey listen only five people there he was number six that's not a it aut his mic off he's done roll the credits on him but Hey listen my man uh C Dove oh man Bobby V oh yeah got the shades out again Hey listen you see every time he gets back on the show he gets a little more glossier more sa hey hey a little more saer you know he's gonna have finger pain uh next time gonna be pay his finger dance because guess what you gotta have the Caleb Williams support right there right after dark baby listen hey man listen y'all know what it is man it's Friday hey we're filling in right now as you know Pat is on vacation I ain't going to tell you where you know he famous now we got got protect the guy you know got to protect the guy but uh bears are making some interesting moves you all yeah are making some interesting moves real quick real quick real quick shout out to Bree we got who we got we got Noah Noah P was number one he was first all right shout out to you Noah my man DJ Rick 66 in the building number two what's going on SWAT Raymond Bernett we uh Bennett sorry Daniel Barry sports highlights what's going on SWAT mty Legend Chris raal baky in the building raal what up and there we go that's so so far salute boys salute salute appreciate the support he man said that uh that bull hood is nasty work he meant that in a good way oh no I already know that's man you know hey shout out to Pro standard everybody who wants to shout out shout out to Pro standard go online check him outy no free promo over here hey man I'm just saying you know hey Hey listen got the match Hey JC be fly the low you know what I'm saying I try every now and then I get it right I get it right every now and then we got to get the gold match Pat soon you know what say I do have to I'mma get my I'm I'mma get the thick joint you know the little the Mr joint a little big heavy rope I'm only going to wear it on the show is it bad if we actually get pat p the designer glasses or is that just his thing that's P thing that's Pat's thing okay we'll keep the glasses away all right got his glasses Pat's got his glasses I'll keep the glasses off I like I got aviators I like aviators yeah your Shad are nice too glasses you know I look like I want to we got with SH TI today so I got my glasses can't see that man hey he he was working this whole weekend that man put in some work this weekend I would look like about to pull you over doing 30 and a 35 get let get Hey Joe I got this baby don't worry about got the old man on the today this this is Paris we got to keep him Hey listen listen can't I got it all right listen Bears make some interesting moves over the weekend we know they make Cuts uh was anybody surprised by the cuts of thing yeah know and nasty work with the N uh was anybody surprised with any of the cuts that they made I know we've made nine cuts so far that was updated as of 40 minutes ago so if anything has changed you all let us know in the chat um but Bears make some Cuts we know that they have to get down to 53 they're currently by tomorrow yeah 3 p p.m. central Time Tuesday so we're not Hey listen by the time this this this if you will watch this on the replay there's gonna be some more people off this team but at the end of the day uh they they start off with some interesting Cuts there is a list Joe do you have a list there or do we uh we'll just talk about it we'll just talk about I got a few names quick the topics 53 man roster predictions we got the preseason superlatives and the best and the worst yeah so we can go ahead and get into this show let's get into the show also make sure you subscribe to the page get in tune with us tap in subscribe if you haven't yeah please subscribe to the page share you know get into do all that all that stuff all that great stuff that Pat normally says that's what you do here anyway let's move on this stuff right GNA get to this topic here Pat PK is gonna make the show go two hours no I'm not this Show's gonna be short hey this show is gonna be short baby we're getting out of here at seven I promise you we are you want to know why I'm not gonna I'm not gonna have a whole show full of people we're not even gonna care about about about a day yeah I'm I'm about to say I'm extremely tired too we're not gonna do that but no surprise cuts for me today but there is a list Jason you got a list talk to me well I just got a few of these guys that they uh showed up as far as being on the nine waves uh one of the names that I was surprised at that didn't really stand out in the preseason was the Illinois product uh Keith Randolph even though we did get him as a undrafted player that was somebody when you look at his tape I mean you thought that man he kind of stands out he he stands out on the on the film uh he's explosive enough I thought that maybe he could make a name for himself and kind of stand out and get at the end of this roster but you didn't hear him at all I mean there was no Keith Randolph at all I didn't hear once him making any sort of like impact in any of the games uh as we went on so you know that was a surprise cut for me and of course it being so thin at that position behind uh your boy Javon Dexter and then we had to go out and get Chris Williams from Cleveland that was one of the reasons why I thought that we would actually keep him but because of that you know I I was I was surprised Yeah so basically what I've seen here is that uh they saider Carter headline is a list of players waved on Monday Michael dwam for receiver John Jackson shout out to D for Peter LeBlanc yeah offensive lineman Jerome Carvin defensive lineman Jaylen Hutchins defensive back quindell Johnson and linebackers Paul MOA and J Javin white so most of these people were not really I mean Jer Carter is probably the one who makes the most uh most notable um and then they're talking about um on Saturday like you said Keith Randolph Jr uh KH kareim and Freddy Swain and they terminated the contract of a vested veteran tight end Tommy Sweeney Tom Sweeney now Sweeney was was is actually because I think of he's a vet he actually Mak go practice team I forgot how that works out because they can pick up a few people if they don't get picked up by another team yeah then you can kind of play some people on the practice squad uh shout out to the uh to the the uh imitation khil Mack every time I saw that guy out there and if you don't know who I'm talking about I'm talking about KH Kareem because he actually wore number 52 and every time I Saw 52 I was having flashbacks I was like man is that is that khil he kind of have a body like like you know shape like him a little bit you know he kind of got a build like him but of course no he's not KH Mack shout out to him hopefully he finds this place hopefully a lot of these players find another team you know that have impressed them um some of the other unfortunate cuts that we had to make you talk about uh one of the camp Darlings Ian wheeler man Ian wheeler was somebody who I really was high on I know we talked about it pat talked about him he had a really really good camp you saw him uh being uh uh uh exposed as or or or brought up and spotlighted on hard knock's episode and uh how you know he's uh what is he I don't know if it's Harvard or if he's been rolling into some sort of he's about to be a doctor he want to be a doctor yeah he's about to be a doctor and but he's still Talent it's not like he's just on this roster just waiting to get his degree like the man is actually a talented football player so shout out to him hopefully he you know he he continues to pursue those other off the field Ventures as he gets healthy maybe he wants to still stick with football maybe not but he has other things that you know can uh yeah no he a lot of these but you know a lot of these guys for example are just you know these are the the first Fringe guys you know so uh probably purging the rest of like a Jer Carter I think he how long was he on the Bears for a few years right yeah jer's been here for a second I can look that up real quick three years the interesting thing is it get it like is the a does Austin Reed make the team like I like ripan um you know Austin Reed make the team yeah as a quarterback because you already have three you know I think that depends on if they trade uh if they trade beij that's that makes a that makes a difference yeah that sounds like that's heating up like people have been talking about giving be a lot of praise and a lot of shows like that's great I mean if we could develop it but for the first time have we had it where a bears are developing quarterbacks and we still strong QB room strong QB room that's crazy I actually saw some highlights recently uh well it was obviously because I was getting into the fantasy football I'll get into that later in the best of the worst but uh Fantasy Football uh I saw some some throws that he had previously when he was on La uh or should we say St Louis I would say la right the Rams uh to uh Cooper cut man R ripping can can actually throw that ball man he can rip it ripping can rip it yeah so I was impressed with him I was very impressed with him by the way uh oh wait we way over 100 over 100 in the CH wow that goty that guy got up there quick the double pump pump you at the Double pump okay Jesus okay okay hey with the inter why would you trade be I'm gon be honest with you good question good question I don't think I would I I don't think you would I don't think you should mind you should what if somebody comes calling for him here's here's the reason why I think it's something you entertain okay um POS is a players GM facts like he really does try to look out for the players Bean has pretty much made it known I ain't trying to sit on the bench like be is like hey I got I got bigger plans than being Caleb's backup yeah right and so if that's the case you don't you want to avoid any situations where you have like negative tension or anything like that I'm not saying that's where it is now but that's what you can foresee he he knows he's not gonna be not gonna be here this Caleb Squad you can't he can't do anything about that yeah so yeah you get him into a situation where if the the league is looking for a QB the league is willing to give up some draft capital for and this actually makes sense and you feel comfortable with Brett rippi and uh uh running the running the system or qb2 actually yeah why not why not try to make up for it because uh realistically I think beun is beun has the the skills to develop it to a starting QB I would say this though it I would rather have more Talent than nine so I don't see why we would need to trade him unless you're getting like a great deal I mean a second or a third and by the way we have 200 appreciate all y'all man we appreciate all this is dag on nerve I got if y'all didn't hear that through the chat my God they got it now is he dead or is he dead listen is we finish or is we done took down the foundation no more good my ear we ain't gonna see him in rush hour office space like be any my goodness and I will say this as we move this thing along man um there are some people who I think are going to probably not make this team like I I think I think I mentioned Homer in our in our chat I don't think he's going to make the team uh which sucks and Paul say actually said this PA said specifically hey it's gonna be really hard to make this roster right and which is a good thing which is a very good thing right so we have about 20s something odd more cuts to go by the way U sorry for your ears Andy my bad we said my ears my bad dog my bad listen from me to you my bad broke the sound barrier man just for a bug broke the sound that being um let's let's move into that talk before we go into the other topic mind Joe before we do that did any did we speak on over the weekend the two we had the two moves I know Pat was like in the car yeah Chris Williams I did mention it briefly you know Chris Williams the pickup from Cleveland which was a decent pickup uh I looked at a little bit of his tape he's a defensive tackle and because uh we just cut uh uh rph rph and I believe somebody else got hurt I'm I'm blanking on the name but I believe somebody else got hurt so I think there was a need for a little bit more of a strength there because that that that turned into a weakness very quickly behind Dexter uh they talking about go ahead yeah no no so so so that was one and then I think on the offensive side another defensive end from Seattle this dude had like oh oh oh darl D yeah he actually I actually saw his second year he had nine and a half sacks I believe and then it went down to maybe five and a half the last year but what people were saying is that the scheme in which they used him wasn't really to his strengths yeah uh I know Pat and I talked about it pat saying that he's more like a situational pass rusher because he's not really good in coverage he's not good at like a uh keeping the edge and stuff but when you want him to just kind of pin his ears back and get to the quarterback that's what he's really good at and and the tape shows that so hopefully he's somebody that Eric watching can continue to mold and make even better well it sounds like too you're just building up your rotation of the defensive line and from what I heard some stuff where it's like Booker it's probably that Booker getss a good shot to see how he does yeah beast and now you have some rotation but you know it could be one of some guys are situational right it's third down I need you go attack and you know that's all you need to do some guys are really good at the run and I think that's the issue like Demarcus Demarcus is good at the Run yeah not necessarily n i what they say he he's he's better than the ones we got yeah he's an okay defensive but you're still looking for an upgrade period which is why they for judon they were going for har they I'm gonna be honest with you I'm more and more glad we didn't go for that cuz I mean you're looking at Austin Booker's potential you're looking at the guy we like we honestly might be good unless there's somebody just pivotal like Hassan reick that that that comes up which is why I wouldn't have a problem you going back to that Beijing conversation trading him for the right person or for the right like piece what would you accept back oh well oh yeah offensive lineman or a defensive end those two you need to address I think you have to do o offensive line simply because I mean we let we let go two lineman today yeah Jer was a surprise because we need we need dep still need depth there so now I think we're down to seven on the linebackers you still got seven linebackers but on the line yeah outside of the starting yeah Darnell you got uh you got uh uh uh Braxton Jones you got Tevin Jenkins B I don't have a updated Matt prior uh Nate Davis is still dat to Nate Davis but probably GNA Be Your Right Guard amaji is back amagi is back yeah that's good news uh let's see you got B Matt PRI Jenkins Ryan Bates Larry B he injured they just cut jome Carvin that was the cut list and Jer Carter is gone so they cut those guys Nate Davis am I hearing that Bill Murray was actually doing pretty good yeah that's why they let go of Carter uh he actually impressed more than Jer so you know there's that uh I think we need a few more more more people there kind of strengthen that on the line oh absolutely uh Hey more protection the better I'm actually I think our defensive line itself up I think I I mean obviously point I think realistically what you're talking about though is that you want depth and so I think we have a lot of talent this team feel it feels good feels like a good squad can't wait to get out there week one but what you just have to compensate for in case of injuries and things of that nature so being able to you know if guys can stay just healthy in general I think we're gonna be good but it's the whole point of the drop off so to have that rotation if you can get especially on well the offensive line we need clicking we need that to be solid you know we we still have question marks that Jenkins will actually play more than what 12 to 13 if he could play 12 to 13 games that's a win yeah you know so we need that line to be cohesive and to be set but then when you need to spell somebody it's not a drop off so bad like it's Larry Bor and it's a barn door letting somebody in you know we can't have that so now again you we're going based off of what that what exists today we still have 20 more people to cut yeah and that's the yeah it's going to be very difficult diff think the team is pretty much said it's not a whole lot where it's like oh I'm surprised this guy didn't make maybe they might be one person I got a guy I got a guy I think that might be that that I hope stays on the team but because this specific position is working from a a position of strength he might be on the fringes on the outside looking in and I'm talking about the DB room because uh ready Stewart really showed up and showed out in really did especially that last game I think had two picks like that man and he was known for being a ball hawk in college so he's kind of just continuing that strength with him I think he's really really good being that fifth guy behind the the people that we already have and Kyler and and and jayen and Tariq and uh I even have all your boy Terrell and so I hey I'm I'm I'm with trying to keep him but he probably might be a casualty do D make yeah it sounds like he always says he's good as far as special teams because I mean that guy is fast if you you you tell him to go out on special teams that's why another reason why I think Travis Homer might be here those are the guys that are on the fringes that's a good name I don't know we'll see about that one I don't I wouldn't say he's definitely on the roster for the defensive Edge though because that they they would put him on a death Trot So Far Over Austin absolutely not absolutely not I'm just let you know chart looks like that's blasphemy saying I agree with it that's blasphemy if that's the case no you Dominique Dom Ro better not see that field over Austin Booker we've seen enough of Austin Booker's potential and what he's done I was about to say Mike KN gonna get on you Mike say something yes even in the chat we'll see cuz last time he told you you standing up too much hey man Hey listen Mike watch your eyes listen what did Chris what did Chris say hey Chris said um so he said that the NFL veto the uh the QB uh the usage of the emergency third uh quarterback so this just came out as far as far as the the usage of what so it says NFL teams were informed that the NFL PA veto three Vis emergency third quarterback rule that would have allowed teams to elevate a Bonafide QB from the practice squad in an unlimited number of times so the rule reverted to the 2023 version which says the emergency third quarterback must be on the 53 man roster not an elevation thoughts on that so you a Ching ra so you you need you have to have him on the Rost you need to have him on the roster you can't sneak him into the practice squad or something like that yeah we need if ripping I here's that's the thing too like so depends on who you decide to cut you know you might want to keep three quarterbacks for sure maybe cuz you never know by injuries a fourth that still tells me Austin Reed ain't gonna be there yeah that's the French player here's the reason why Austin re a't gonna be there yeah yeah here's the reason why I think it would be good if we kept ripping and we we did put Bean in a trade I think that works well I don't think there needs to be a Young quarterback you know with Caleb Williams I think maybe more vets on the team as far as in that quarterback room would be okay uh I don't think that there's an issue with with Caleb you know learning the offense and you know needing to be kind of maybe backed up by another rookie or another no Prospect Caleb is that guy look if I'm if I'm poed you know you always want to sell high right let's yeah if bent keeps getting better I'd rather hold on to him for this year and if you're able to make the move for later because he's not going to ever be our number one but when would his stock be be higher though cuz see to me it's all about the value think gets any higher than today no he if he keeps he's still learning he was a rookie last year right he's in this learning but I mean he's in this system now that's true new system system and he looks good in the preseason right right he goes through one more where it's as long as he puts on good tape there other GMS looking for talent somebody's gonna get injured somebody's gonna want to believe in bent that's all you need is one person so but we can it if it helps the team that we keep him for a while at one just in case something happens to our rookie quarterback we need somebody to spell I don't now if RI knows the if he knows the offense then I mean I'm cool with that but he's still not a starting quarter well he knows the offense because he was in LA with Shane waler so that already is a plus but my thing is I'm fine with keeping ripping because rippen isn't just the guy that's there to kind of bring along you know Mentor Chase he he's a guy that's actually talented enough he's like compared to when we used to have like Chase Daniel in the building you knew Chase wasn't getting on the field for his talent he was just going to be there as a as a as a mentor yeah I think he's good on and off the field so I don't know see I mean you if we can stockpile talent and we're able to get you can if you can flip a quarterback for a third or fourth that's awesome he but true I say why I'm not trying to go in a season and I don't third third I take a third let me ask you all this yeah is Beijing better than Tre LS Boy Yes man I I saw that article if you take the 32 quarterbacks is he better than the 32nd quarterback they got him up there like is he better than Cooper Rush yes yes oh I see where you going trade him to Dallas you trade him to Dallas see where you going trade him to Dallas are you see where you are you saying that's how we get our boy I'm saying that some way somehow hey over 300 in we got 3 oh SN Hey listen uh our boy Tyson be listen I'm boy Tyson be right now was uh yeah it was gonna let you hold that no I was going to see how long you gonna hold it see if you add it U Tyson be I mean listen he he's our backup but uh again there's some teams out there that need some QB help there's some teams out there that are flirting with the idea of maybe they do maybe they don't pay their QB for some odd reason Dak gets the most hate out of everybody in the league despite putting up cuz he don't do nothing after the season 36 touchdowns nine ints 4500 yards 69% completion rate great regular season you know who else looks really good during the regular season Lamar Jackson he ain't do nothing in the playoff season you don't you don't talk bad about Hey listen when you talk about a a choke job a choke job is when you do not play your game and your team loses because of it between the two people who played Lamar Jackson didn't play his game and his team lost because have a quick sideb conversation Lamar Jackson didn't have the offensive line that Dak always has had even when it was really really good back when Tyrant Smith and all those boys was younger and he didn't have this the receiving help that that that remember when it was Amari Cooper CD lamb and somebody else Jackson had a line so good that he decided not to run pass his best receiver was markw we'll keep going you know why you get the credits because the MVP thank you that's what I was saying that's put it on me you you're defending him wasp he should have performed better exactly you can only perform as good as your team around you it's why do you not Dak pres got that same that same you put it on your no don't put it back on me you know what I got time to day all right I got time to he got him to the playoffs and he didn't deliver that's the problem with Dak Dak has a an amazing Squad would you take Lamar Dak right now who would you take out out of the two at least I know thank you okay that's all I'm saying I think Lamar is better than because I can at least one extra game Hey listen Hey listen if Lamar lar played the Green Bay Packers that showed up against Dallas that dude wouldn't be playing next season I'm anyway hey that Green Bay Packers game showed up anyway moving on though I think there's uh this is where we the next topic because we gotta get into the superlatives we gotta get into all these other topics because Joel is making sure we stay on time uh it's eight it's 6:35 he said 25 minutes we got to go I Ain't Got You can't say that what is the B equivalent to that I don't know like what are you saying cuz you can't you can't just blast out at the light like I ain't got no like what you say C rocking that they they people mess with that I ain't touching that a tou that one all but I did I did find our next topic uh there was a really good point that uh a really uh a good topic that uh Jacob shout out to Jacob INF fonte brought out on Twitter about the Bears preseason superlatives just people who we think might have been like the MVP of the preseason uh maybe they helped their stock the most uh sneaky sneaky sneaky performer most disappointing maybe position or player uh most up and down player and then this one in particular cracked me up this only can be one person because it was the Johnny Knox Memorial great player before injury award Wow first of all I was like what who other what other player can can be that unless you know outside of the obvious to me it's obvious but we'll we'll mention that name you in the chat you all figure those things out when we talk about it but I guess we can start off with uh MVP how everybody feels about who the MVP of the preseason was I started off uh surprised I'm saying this one but uh uh oh agent bent oh it came out that notable top Bears performers on the offense this season this preseason per PFF uh Tyson bent uh leads the away at 89.2 third from QB behind him is Brett ripping and then Brennan bat so he had a really good preseason obviously he really showed that he could be a starting quarterback in this league potentially and we already talked about the fact that he's better than maybe the 32nd 31st or even 30th starting quarterback uh so the that point in itself shows that to me Tyson be if it wasn't for that I was gonna go hey who the Giants got over there that they they can get rid of because I mean the Giants need some help too you know care GI as far Asen shout out toes say I'mma say my would be Booker like he he's been solid like he got multiple sacks a few games like he the point was like we're talking about him yeah like we're like we were hoping because we got him in the fifth round and I know we kind of graded he was graded like a third or a fourth round pick anyways and so it was it we all rejoiced draft day when we got him because it was like we took the punter the fourth so now oh yeah Tory Taylor baby T Taylor so now him being there um no I think Booker for me I put him as you gotta love his motor I feel like I'm gonna be honest with you I feel like Austin Booker is the type of guy if he stayed in college one more season he would be one of the defensive ends that we'd be talking about rising up the board or already being like a a second day pick maybe not first round maybe at the end of the first round but definitely like a second or third round pick for next year no for next year like if he stayed in college his draft stock would would just like he his value would go way up and I think maybe and that's another reason why I love PO is maybe the foresight is like looking at okay this person has potentially you know some some really gamebreaking talents and some some some skill sets that we can probably uh continue to uh uh uh uh Mentor him and and and and uh develop in him so let's get him a year ahead of ahead of uh time you know he's going to get out of college and let's see where he's at a year from now so I think that's uh that's a good call Austin Booker that actually was my MVP as well Austin Booker I I just like his Relentless motor this is a guy that just is non-stop uh even after the play is over he's he's kind of still moving around and just like pushing people so hey to me he's like the offensive uh uh version of uh T Jenkins so I wouldn't be surprised if he end up starting uh by the end of the by the time I wouldn't be surprised he definitely has earned it he definitely has earned it in my my opinion you know the funny thing is you you all just took all of my my you know I had Austin Booker I we to hear your opinion I had so I'm I'm I'm I'm go I'm going go left with this uhoh you know what it is our [Applause] Sinners no that's a good point watch this you know why us hey Justin Fields first start with the Steelers dang he gota always go back that hand off wasn't good baby that hand off wasn't good that was the Cent that was a center's fault that's true that's true that's true so I feel bad for that kid that kid going everywhere but no Center play all right listen so our Sinners whether it be that's crazy right whether it be Ryan Bates or whether it be Coleman Shelton I ain't heard their name which is a good thing so if I don't hear your name you doing something right so keep that going cuz Hey listen how many pre-nap penalties did we did we have on them Sinners very good point very good point yeah I think too um also to be honest with you though the real MVP is Caleb Williams like the minute that he got out there it was like the world went insane like we got everybody was like we got a quarterback going right to the Hall of Fame it was Super Bowl baby Super Bowl right there like he's the MVP what uh what Pat Pat McAfee deemed it as he said Caleb Williams doing Caleb Williams is hey man hey like he he does Caleb the highlights that he does bro hits all all the ESPN top 10 and then and then he just throwing the fact that this guy just he knows how to command a huddle he showed you that even when he can't hear in the in the headset he could still create plays on his own we still g go ahead and run these plays pan he said I'm G piece it together we'll figure it out figure it out you saw you saw flashes of Brilliance like okay the good things to come so technically on the offensive side definitely you know Caleb is MVP on the defensive side Booker stood up but it's good to see these rookies kind of doing their thing stepping up hey the rookie class period is is pretty strong you know what I was just having that conversation with somebody I was saying even if we didn't choose Caleb the next QB was going to be uh Jaden Jaden Dam Jaden's looking good too he looked good yeah like I think the league is in really good hands moving forward with these young QBs and I'm happy about this could be uh it could be kind of what the 03 year where it's rensberger Eli and Philip Rivers that was that year okay you know just wa good call out because I definely don't remember that year huh Drake May Drake May looks good mayly Drake may look good he he's way better than the last guy I thought was going to be decent from Alabama was it's good this is the next crop of the quarterback like the league needs quarterback so if we're fortunate to finally get one of them but you know best it's about that time yeah let's our next let's go the next superlative we got is who helped their stock out the most chat we want to hear from you as well who helped their stock out the most what you all got who do you think Rose their stock the most whether it be to stay on this team or for another team to look Tyson bent yeah Hey listen he helped his stock out so much we're talking about trading him right now because he's so good being okay with it that's true like we walked in here thinking we got a good backup now we're like he's so good he could start somewhere yeah that's a good one and so like hey I gotta R I'm say I'm say veis Jones and I think hard kind of helped that out a little bit too all right I'm g go ahead get a drink you made the man stand back up where you going no but honestly like I mean no he might he might I mean you if you look at some of his games as a running back how he played as a running back he was okay he wasn't that bad I wouldn't say that I don't I agree with you I don't think he was bad I don't think but he raised his that one game he had like yeah he had a good game right the problem is that you're trying to make somewhere and he's like he's a good dude in a sense but he's not the unfulfilled uh expectations that you probably have for him you drafted him as a dynamic returner as a Speedster receiver and he's he can't play the receiver position we got play nothing we put him at but one thing so yeah you know yeah yeah but we didn't think he had anything to to offer right at first it was like just cut him because he's that trash you could have said anybody but him I mean you gota if you saying who raised their stock who raised their stock he literally has the most disappointing on the list shout out to sophis yeah I a going to lie he's the most up and down Jacob has him as most up and down that that is that is he got him as his flows ready is probably the guy that actually improve I mean he the ball Hawk interceptions you know he was probably one of those guys that uh and maybe also um there's whiskey sour for you did we feel did we feel good about um Dexter did he you know some reports Javon didn't he didn't stand out but I guess he he did enough to show that he he can be he will be a Difference Maker I and I don't think he got that many snaps I could be wrong I don't think that he got that many snaps you know for the preseason went along you know I think they already know what they have in Javon and what he potentially can be so I think that they will look which is why I think that was one of the kind of the most disappointing we'll get into that real quick as one of the uh superlatives but I think behind Javon was the issue Javon is kind of we already know what he's he's gonna probably bring to the table I would have definitely like like in terms of like helping stock and moving forward I would really liked to see Kanan uh amagi I would like he couldn't be out I know I'm saying I I would have liked to see someone from the offensive line stand out that would have been like they helped themselves the most maybe Nate Davis help himself by every cutting even though nobody gonna cut him he's guaranteed million but to be he played for a little bit like it been nice to see that I think uh no who's the other guy prior PR prior helped him I think I'm GNA put prior as mine okay because he that's good for the the starting offensive line for what we saw little glimpses look pretty good oh we got super chat in the building well we look shout out to Bear Down Mike five eyes I appreciate you bro appreciate anyone that supports the channel whether it's the the the super chats or just you all tuning in but uh Jets to trade for be to study under Rogers for a season or two that's a bad that might be deadly that's not a bad take at all my a very good good yeah that's a good angle it's Rogers a good angle and I don't I don't I can't do that he's still a pack he get offended with any other quarterback that's on the roster that's younger than him that they might potentially want to start mean like he never will age he got it coming off a tour and a kill uh exactly like come on now you got to think about the future of the team I think I think half the chat is is agreeing with me that veas has improved his stock if you look at this if you look at the chat like make point right just scroll through the chat go back to the chat Hey kid scroll through theat always be right hey hey kid scroll through the chat I want you to look through the chat and you're G to see half the people saying the veil hate has to stop I only see one person say that here we go only saw one person say that here we go only saw one person say that right Hey listen if V Jones is still on this team come to start of the Season I'mma buy you a Caleb Jersey Hey listen I'mma hold you to it I'mma buy you a Caleb Jersey don't be surprised if he's there I don't know is there is there a glimmer of hope that they just didn't put him out there because they know he can do some stuff in the return game like they tried him out at running back the whole point is the way that the new rules work I'm going to be honest with you he didn't he didn't put enough stock in the game to be okay with not being used that where he was supposed to be like if they if they were comfortable with using him already at special teams yeah he would be he should have had a better track record then to me he didn't put that that stake that stock in the game yet he I think he should have been out there if they were gonna use all jokes aside I'm all jokes this is the one thing first time on kickoff preseason he did fumble didn't he and what has he done you know what I'm saying so here's my thingin you me L Calvin I'm cool with I'm cool with us oh baky said do it don't you do it sorry man me once shame on me I Can't Get Fooled Again baby that's fo me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me hey hey just like big green said I cannot wait till you owe me my jersey bro Hey listen I hope I do oh you know what that means I'm gonna be honest with you sincerely that means he actually got together because he didn't catch he didn't catch it yeah bro we're making concessions for it but guess what he cost us a game in the season he's been known to have Butterfingers he started off this preseason with butter fingers get paid to do one thing catch the rock catch the rock bro bro he got better though as a running back hey time out he has to catch the rock station I would say he got better they just used him at a different position never running back he's waiting for the ball here you go he ain't in motion he ain't doing nothing he still dropped it don't get me wrong he's not great as a receiver we we see that clearly but he's made strides as a contributable player at running back the only reason why you like him is because he's still fast I Gotta Give say like from Florida I didn't say I like him I just think that he's you know he's he could be a solid contributor potentially the the problem liability go ahead shout out to mag chop real quick from Florida from Pano Beach Hey listen we need one more for 400 can I get this 400 the problem with veus is that we don't get that 400 he's it's that tease of of that his ability that he has that speed so you I've when I watch him I look at like he has the potential but it's like he keeps shooting himself in his own in the in in the foot and it's like you can't keep trusting that so it's like you almost rather this just I'd rather necessarily I'd rather just move on from him in a sense because it's like it's hard to trust that get very straightforward Steph very straightforward I got correct we got 400 in we appreciate y'all rocking with us it's always love I remember the days when it was barely 40 in the chat so that have 400 truly a blessing Let's uh let's move on to the next superlative uh next superlative is going to be the most disappointing just kidding dis oh we already talked about that I'm sorry yeah sneaky performer I mean to me yeah you know what you're right yeah I switch that out yeah sneaky we already did it you want to know why no no you want know who the most disappointed is we going to get to Calvin for bringing Calvin for bringing up get out of here one job come I think bis is a hot take no doubt but I do think that he's shown strides that he could be contributable B let's go sneaky perform sneaky performer who do you all have as a sneaky performer matter of fact you know what I put a name out there because we haven't talked about him but I have seen actually a couple guys I mentioned a couple names uh Jonathan Owens who when he was out there I like the way he kind of just gets himself in the trenches he seems to me kind of like a poor man's Kyler Gordon version he's okay with getting getting a little physical uh I I didn't think that he was somebody we just signed just because you know connection to an Olympian but I like that he actually is a very good football player but then also Michael basille I saw his name a lot of times throughout the uh preseason Michael basille impressed me as as well who else y'all got yeah sneaky performer I mean I think like most of the people that we've been talking about are where you're wondering how good they are to a degree I mean I'm trying to I'm trying I'm actually drawing a blank about who I think was a sneaky performer I mean it was good to see see like seeing legatron our partner to do his thing but is that a surprise come on I mean hey that's why we got him in the fourth round Taylor you f okay they dra the guy in the fourth round he has to be good but to be able to do it it's like okay good oh he's been doing it who else no you know doing it well the one receiver we didn't see anymore Colin I thought he was no he got didn't he get hurt he got hurt though he got hurt name actually that's a good name that that would be the sneaky performer to me okay because you didn't expect it you expect to see like Tyler Scott try to do something you expect to see uh Keenan Allen you expect to see our guys DJ more and all them but no one saw Colin Johnson do anything I got Colin Johnson over over veis Pettis Force that's a good name I think I heard he's on the bubble though he is but I mean his performances were good he had a a sack uh I think the second preseason game he he I can see I can see because nobody was nobody was talking about Hardy yeah because to me this this means who did we not expect to do something well I didn't I don't know who Hardy was I didn't expect Hardy to be anything but I mean he did okay another person based off that your thing was uh Bill Murray another lineman yeah because you got rid of Jer because jer's been here since 2022 he was drafted in 22 so he's been here a couple years I would say those are the top three Hardy uh Bill Murray and umh who' I just say uh Hardy B Murray and one the first one ah whatever okay I'mma throw in one and I'm G say this just because it is part of the conversation why we're so comfortable making certain moves Brett rip and looking as good as he did Johnson yeah that was a r looking as good as he did I know that he has the system and there stuff like that but he looks the way that he looks I feel comfortable entertaining the idea of try and Tyson so because of that and how he show it yeah you know I think he he really you know showed out for me and I I wasn't expecting much from him but he looked pretty good so yeah let's move on to uh most up and down well I'll say this I'll say this jacob Jacob and fonte said B Jones junor so I think we want start with cdub on this one who who do you think is the most up and down wait is it Cobert the dude who gave up some touchdowns though cobt yeah yeah that first game where like he slipped and somebody went around yeah cob was getting cooked I might I might start adri cob Co cobber was Adrien cber was getting cooked a little bit on that first uh and that was a Hall of Fame game was it yes yeah I mean but that that that feel was trash though it was yeah it was it a lot of slip and sliding yeah we talked about that really count that game I would look at the second and third games I don't know I mean I the I'm not gonna lie I was with you I thought I thought Keith I wanted to see if Keith Randolph would be one of those di in Illinois like I was hoping that so but most up and down to me means I think veis is the poster chop for most up and down cause because you get your nine yards per carry here but then he does you know he just you know to that guy that that's fair and I'll say this and I do think that he is the most up and down player and also the guy who's raised his stock the most just for the simple fact just lost me just just say again get a Double T and then you try to make so when his stock went up how far down did it go when it went back well the point is the point is it was so low it can only go up that's I just want listen listen I see what you I just want let you know hey kid I want to let you know bro real talk um I wear size double x most of the time my jersey sideen I'm looking forward to you going I'm about to bur you with this jersey he still ain't got that hey hey as long as I owe you you never be broke baby that's all I'm saying but no I'm G buy you one I'm buy you an orange one I'll take it and I'll I'll wear it the first day we do a show after that how many how many truth said where's the that said I wear a double xale what oh oh snap talk about jerseys baby talk about Jers I did kind of pause a little bit he kind of he kind of smoothed his way into that sentence get the but for the most part I think we we've we've come to the conclusion that mvp Austin Booker for the most part maybe Tyson bent yeah maybe one and two one a hey is this just a co- Rookie of the Year type thing yeah yeah whatever um you know what I'm trying to say so we we have one more we have one more Joel do you have enough room to put oh no not most disappointing the the Johnny Knox did you make a thing for it or am I'm just gonna say it you okay chat you all really have to guess this one because I mean it should be obvious but the Johnny Knox Memorial great player before injury award now I don't think I have to say who this person is but is it anybody else other than Ian wheer Ian wheeler wasn't this this award made for him this year Ian wheeler even though did bring up a good name Colin Johnson Colin Johnson might be a second place winner in that one because he was the guy that showed up in the Hall of Fame game with the two touchdowns big body tall mean six foot what 65 like six5 like listen it's a big dude I I to be honest with you I think he was gonna give Tyler Scott a run oh what about the uh rookie that that Dana Tor his uh didn't he mess his hamstring the the guy that the the rookies the lineman who was singing oh yeah yeah not Theo benedet right the bened the one that was singing in his underwear Canadian Eagle right there you go eag yeah Theo bened his hamstring oh yeah man did a full split I oh that's right I remember that now yeah that man yeah split yeah he he did a Michael Jackson yeah yeah Michael Jackson did split I'm just saying Theo's too big for that but yeah no he he he messed himself up but that's that's a good name uh Colin Johnson Ian Willer I think uh somebody said ready Stewart no Ready's not hurt this the person who who who perform people watch got one y' ready boy Nate Davis he's not hurt what we try to yeah yeah follow him follow him half the Reas half the reason he ain't even practicing cuz he always hurt we're talking about somebody that was in one of the games that actually performed and then got injured the camer he does not apply even no I I think this is because he great potential of a player right Johnny Knox was a solid solid receiver who did pretty good then that injury just killed him so it messed up that still blows me my mind that that happened the way it did yeah if he folded like a a folding chair but my goodness all right y' best the worst of the weekend before we get up out of here yeah yeah Joe let's start done time I think Joel got the best of the best I think Joe got the best I think so too I think it's my best as Welly for those who don't know Joe was kind of showcasing that he was one of the best DJs in the city he don't like to say that that's you outside of the best really good DJs own party Hey listen I will I will say this in all actuality Joe had the best set of the night yes abely the best set of the night um yeah no it's we was at different events let me say this let me say and Sunday it's not necessar the best of the night it's just that at a certain point time of a party or an event you have to bring it I was basically closing so I can't I don't need to do that in the beginning so we had it's a it's a it's a it's a flow so if I delivered at the part I was supposed to I'm grateful shout out to all my guys that did come out we had a good time we basically threw a big picnic over the weekend and a nice little three-day event so and also my best too was um as I'm trying to get my Graphics up because you jump right to me before I can get everything up and running you know I want start here go no but I I had my first Fantasy Draft uh over the weekend too sitting there trying to oh no and the other best was that my new son thank you I was waiting for that give a shout out to Kendall uh Tiana Tan engag in my backyard which was great like I got married in my backyard and now my my son they got for real in the backyard still got all that footage we set it up we set it up so that like they were doing like a couple months or weeks ago we were doing like a karaoke in the backyard this true baky what happened Nate Davis out four to six weeks with said don't play with me bro hang i i a see the last part on my phone back to Joel I'm sitting there talking about my I'm not gonna lie I can see why you would think that that was real cuz baky usually does break serious new I I would see if it was Grady I would be mad at you but if it was Bak he kind of threw you off that is true baky you know better Bak yeah come on you show byy a hang I'm just saying I would at least gave it him some Grace so like oh maybe he because n Nate n stayed out of out of a a training camp to go to sleep as as far as I know so shout out and and the Mrs tana and the Miss to be for real that is the best man that was a really really good he say he sang so he he tricked it like it was a karaoke had a whole screen up and then we had uh a lot of the family members that were waiting in the back they came out and and were behind uh the girl where she they had it all lined up will you marry me she had no no idea and Kendall's just singing to her and so when he gets done singing the song drops down on KN she she was in shock she just it was it was a beautiful moment she turned around and saw all of it she said yes of course and we had a great night so yeah great weekend overall sir so even that and my fantasy draft I got Caleb in this draft there you go yeah Jordan stole him from me oh so so y'all so y'all going with the Caleb as a QB thing but I was oh I definitely got Caleb I got Caleb and well you know what our our league was kind of was crazy because they were taking the best quarterbacks in the third round they do that all the time they don't care about the projection they don't care about it being a fifth round thing they go with quarterback in the first round sometimes so you got to adjust on the fly with these guys all of them predictions don't mean nothing when you see people so first person to choose a QB early the floodgates is open everybody getting a get you got yeah by the way I don't know how I did it but in our league well I guess I know how I did it in me and Joe's League when he picked Caleb guess the two quarterbacks I got I got Josh Allen and I got Patrick Mahomes just for the simple fact that if anybody wants to trade for a really good quarterback I'mma fleece you because if you want to trade and you want to get Pat or you want to get separate by weeks too oh absolutely yeah absolutely hey I got I got I got a sleeper I got a sleeper I do too I ain't gonna tell you is this for the the bfl what so baky baky needs to put up the date I think he did put up the date I think that's that's a different draft that's a different draft for the uh uh it's hfl for for us hfl okay I thought that's on a second am am I wrong Joe say again we don't know the date for that yet no it's already uh it's the second I think the second okay hey I do want to do a a a draft I think baky should just open it up to like I think we had 10 open up to 12 people at I'm not in that one I don't think I am either actually I haven't got we open up to 14 people I got a lot of keep it 12 did you say 10 to we're at 10 now yeah go to 12 don't go to 12 we had two more people that one we'll be at that one uh C what's your best man uh my best of the weekend I think you know I didn't really do I ain't gonna lie a lot was going on this weekend but I think Angel Reese is uh leading the league in rebounds um which is crazy for already doing that uh so shout out to to uh no longer the Bayou Barbie but Shytown Barbie as she doing her thing you know playing defense grabbing rebounds getting double doubles looking good off the court end on the court shout out to Angel I heard that uh there might be a a boyfriend on the Detroit Pistons sound out that there might might be might be a connection to Jaylen Durant there was there was a photo of her wearing a Pistons jersey so there might be something there but hey actually to your point I actually was thinking about that that game was really really good it came down to the wire this guy came back I think it was uh 7272 or 7575 uh versus the aces you know shout out to azer Wilson she's she's obviously the MVP of the league she's a beast but what you what you what I thought you was gonna mention just to kind of give some some some some uh emphasis to Angel ree's performance she's the only player now to go three games straight with 20 plus rebounds she had 11 or 13 and 22 yesterday 20 plus straight rebounds bro like like 20 plus rebounds in three straight games is crazy that's crazy work now they just got to learn how to win she's a do that was that no that wasn't my best but I just wanted to kind of emphasize that point since he brought up the sky but the best for me is the fact that I got Caleb Williams you paint your nails I might clear clear only clear guys only clear but for real though I do like the way that the draft I I love the fact that we're back in the fantasy football season I don't know it's just certain energy that comes about when you get into the football season that just other sports just don't bring about like you know baseball when our teams are doing good I know Pat really isn't really looking forward to watching the socks I know the Cubs are kind of on the fringes even though I think they got back to 500 it's like those teams yeah you kind of watching you know that those are the up and down teams but you know when it comes to football season we know this is a football Town through and through so along with that you know you you getting into all these leagues now fantasy football whether you're playing to pay or playing to win some money or not and it's you're just playing to for for bragging rights with you guys like it's a really fun time and that's what I love right now my best is going to be uh that sky and Aces game yes AIA dog dog straight beast dog straight dog but what G me wasn't the fact that she hit the shot it was the entry pass Chelsea Gray that entry pass she exec she tossed that up before she even cut yes so to have that type of to be in sync with your star player like that to lead them to the basket that way that was a d that was better than a Daniel Jones Pass right there it really was they need to go ahead and get her on the New York Giants because shorty has dimes right there cuz uh I mean uh shout out to Chelsea Grace she a beast I can't I can't say anything about it that was a well executed play and to me I was just like that's the difference between good and great I didn't like the defense because I think there was the the point guard end up being on Asia when she got the ball and like that's a significant height difference I was like that was a easy layup and for me that's why I said differ and angel in that paint this is the difference between good and great because guess what she doesn't leave your site no not at all I'm her and you keep her as far away from the basket as possible you you force her to take a really tough shot abolutely easy money for and so not only like I'm I'm I'm appreciative of Angel ree I'm appreciative of Caitlyn Clark uh but we need to show more respect and put more emphasis on what AJ does because she literally is her when it comes to ball for that for that League everyone else is bringing more attention but adri Wilson is the best player in that League absolutely by far it ain't even close absolutely that's a good that was my best right there was that everybody's best who's what do you got for worse he up you got anything for Worse yeah man I got something for Worse man uh my worst goes to a player that I've I've I've come to like as become one of my favorite players in the NBA and that's uh Anthony Edwards uh oh oh yeah Edwards took a shot at the players from the 80s and the 90s uh he said that Michael Jordan was the only skilled player in that time frame that so Mike didn't play against Real comp basically because he was the only skilled player but was crazy what makes it even worse for him though is that so he makes this statement and then Magic Johnson claps back showing a picture of him holding his five trophies basically say I normally don't even acknowledge someone who has never won a champ ship in high school who has never won a championship in college who hasn't yet won a championship in the NBA and so now it's like okay all this attention is on you so now this year you have to win because yeah sure there is way more you could say more skilled players now because everybody can shoot the three but he forgets what everybody today got what they got from is from the players of yesterday just like how Jordan got what he got from from uh from from uh Dr J and and the players before him so to make that kind of statement is is crazy talk but that's my wor just I my issue is that I get tired of that generation and understand it's the Christopher Columbus of gen of of culture it's like you act you don't respect if you don't get this part you don't get to hear yeah if you don't get Trailblazers if you don't get um David Ro David Thompson to Dr J to Magic to Mike to Kobe like it you can't keep skipping over all you guys would be whatever no because if you didn't see what they did before you it wouldn't motivate you to do more to get to where you are now thank you yeah so it's like Sky Walker motivated Jordan to be who he was motivated him to be who he if you don't watch the dunk contest and watch Kenny Skywalker do the dunk now it's lame when it first happened it was amazing amazing yeah you you know what gets me about ran out if if Isaiah Ryder doesn't do the in between the legs dunk the first time you ever seen that Kobe did it Kobe did it before Vince no he what I'm saying is that if Isaiah Ryder doesn't do it first no you're right Isaiah did it first saying perfected oh you guys suck no you never got the idea to do it you didn't innovate anything yeah all you did was study tape and now that there's so much there's better technology better medicine players are able to heal faster so that allows you to be able to play longer and then at the same token there's way more programs like aaou that that's that they playing in high school so yeah they and they really they have more analytics so the analytics say sometimes a three is a better percentage shot than taking a long range I go a whole r with this and Anthony Edward was my favorite play he he's mine to about to wrap this up I'm G tell you I'm G tell you the truth y'all know what the most dangerous play in basketball is dangerous move it's very simple do y'all know what the most dangerous move is most dangerous most dangerous move it's been said by every professional who's ever pulled it off it's the two dribble pullup oh yeah if you have that if you got a solid quick two dribble pull up and you can actually shoot is money right so he's never seen Isaiah do that I see who who who who actually came up with the two dribble pullup who's known for that who's that who's the originator of who perfected it who you can say perfected say I would say maybe Jerry West oh yeah yeah okay Jerry West was doing a two dribble pullup full speed in Chuck tayers yeah yeah I want you all to go out there and do a two dribble pull up in Chuck Taylor's right now see what happens I'm good flat shoes I want you I want it's hard it's no grip yeah so while y'all say oh they were slow this that and the other based off the technology they had they couldn't go no faster bro they they were well they was in Chuck Taylor so they didn't even have the latest shoe technology that we got today bro no I'm say this but but 25,000 the difference the difference is too the I will say this the level of athleticism is way is much more is greater than it ever was back then there were guys there were outliers that could jump and all that type of stuff but like the type of torque the type of power that players are using today a lot stronger you have more guys with 40 50inch verticals now in the last 20 years Vince Carter was one of the first him Steve Francis and a couple guys one of the few guys actually had like a 40inch vert oh my Mike had one too Mike was one he had like a yeah but Mike was has a 45 inch ver yeah but now you got Jerald greens of the world Zack LaVine all these guys a lot of that is groomed so like if you if you got the right technology and the right type of medicine and the right doctors to kind of help you with your training your recovery all that stuff and now you watch tape of Jordan you come watch watch the video tape of come fly with me and you see Mike flying in the air you're trying to imitate that they didn't have nothing to imitate off that before they didn't have the technology to have VHS like they had in the0 Dr J the thing is too I mean you had to see it when it happened you didn't really have a lot now you can go back and find everything absolutely you have to catch it you had to record it they couldn't record it at first so you have to be there get hear about it when when I was eight when I was eight nine years old bro I watched all MJ's tapes bro and so like we had all that at our disposal uh the Michael Jordan when he was eight nine years so he didn't have none of that none of that so here's what sums this up in like in a nutshell though because I like to move it away from basketball because everybody think they could hoop but when it let's let's do it like this y'all ever heard of the four-minute mile yeah Runner going four-minute miles did y'all know that before the first person did it they thought it was like an impossible feat you couldn't run a four-minute mile the first person does it the next year 26 people do it the year after that it doubles again why because now people say oh it's possible yeah once you realize it's possible your imagination now can run wild you can now push yourself to something you seen someone accomplish this Fe yeah it's been done before guess what there are some things that those these players today only know because it was made possible by the people before them and guess what some of them still can't do but you can't but the problem is disrespecting the ones before versus just that's what gets me that's the issue it's like yeah you know anytime someone does something ahead of you know you you might recreate or do something better than the person did before you but you pay homage to them at least now I get it if the if the Elder comes back and disrespects you y'all suck now it creates this animosity between the two generations but I mean it should be that it's it's you should take from that and you build on to it but that's how life is everything is evolving yeah everything that we've done music to Art to whatever you starts off with this it's always starts off with a small spark and it and it grows to whatever it is now or or it's recycled or it's recycled better like there's always people that take from others so so no that is the key word for me I just feel like real briefly I'll say that I love Anthony Edwards attitude like when he talks about not wanting to team up and get away from the fact that you know you had these these uhh uh three star player teams and super teams yeah with LeBron trying to get everybody to be with him and going to Miami and you know forming with dwade and Bosch like I feel like Anthony Edwards is that type of player that wants to win on his own terms and doesn't need extra help or super help right I get that from that aspect but when you're just crossing the line and saying that hey these guys there's no Talent there was never any Talent outside of MJ that to me is like a a line you should never ever cross you always got to give respect to the people that did it first of all the other problem you have is that now these guys are entitled making all this crazy money that did not exist years ago Magic Johnson was the first one to get a 25y year $25 million contract he a year guys Mike was making $4 million guys if you even read the um cont smarter no if you read the Jord read the Jordan Rules book right they was it points out first of all was even a negative book it was just showing what was going on back guys were scraping and clawing to get a million dollars Mike made all his money on end his endorsements and which also that's another pivot of conversation it was the shoes that made this happen was it the shoes because the shoes that compensation that he got that was almost unheard of the money he's making he's making like $16 million off the first year that's crazy at at that time and then when it explodes and then we talking about the mid 80s yeah so like that was he was motivated but that play pushed everybody everybody gives my credit if it wasn't for him the league doesn't get pushed the players back then were flying Charter today you could take private jets I mean it's just so much more luxury in uh a better lifestyle so the players can play longer LeBron can play 25 years or whatever because they they they live in better medicine better technology and better luxury so to compare what those players are doing then to now and say that they weren't as skilled as we are today is is blasphemy it it's like it's uncalled for and now you're gonna start a war between the the old vets and the guys today which the reason I hate this for him though the real reason Carmello Anthony and Dwayne Wade had a podcast about a month ago that talked about this Dwayne Wade said it specifically they said he's he said he's gonna put a Target on his back not because he's not good but because he talks and because he talks we're now in that honeymoon stage we love Anthony Edwards we love the bravado and everything like that the media's gonna turn on him he said it said he said the media's gonna turn on him eventually and now the pressure is gonna be there by him saying stupid stuff like this you've now accelerated that process to now we was okay with you hey you make it to the finals next year or you get a little further cool you know what I'm saying or or we cat we know cat is like like if you start feeling yourself a littleit but now you have to show up and you started talk what he what he did is that he crapped on the Clyde dxers who was super athletic you you you're craing on Bernard Bernard Kings come on man like these guys were Killers back then like so you you can't say mike first of all Mike wasn't beating he couldn't beat Detroit by himself he got he got better athletically no he was always that dud but he to get a better get more teammates better teammates my thing is Boston I mean these these there's people in Hall of Fame for a reason yeah so you can't crap on the Kevin meles and and all those type of guys that say they don't exist only Mike was the only one but Mike didn't win for eight years and by the way Chris Dominique Wilkers is one of the only people to have 25 10 years straight oh and by the way obviously back then hand checking was allowed knocking the player to the to the floor when he's flying in the air was allow without being called a flagrant foul so yeah okay you want to go ahead and dribble between your legs do all these extra moves cross all this unnecessary movement that wasn't allowed when I could put my hand on your hip and direct you in the direction I want the defense to direct strong hey so so we got to we got to wrap this up but I I'll say this the reason why we we are so passionate about this is because we come from an area where we have to respect our elders yeah we expected the contribution that they made the path that they paid for us and things of that nature we didn't sit there and crap on them simply because we have it easier and better and can do other things we appreciated what they gave us and we built upon it and we gave them their just doe that's a lost art nowadays and that's crazy so hey man I expected more better do better do better cuz now you got to win and I'm gonna be on your tail that's it for me though man Hey listen from the from the from the from the studio we got my man JC shout out man Mr medium self oh yeah but man see dub right there Hey listen he got he paints his nails I might ow him a jersey later no I ain't doing that bro I ain't going to lie to you I'm sorry and my man my DJ right there show super producer hope it's been one man y'all see Pat soon or later happy fantasy football everybody hey Trey Tyson for for Michael Parson listen do it we hey let's do it bab we do it hey

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