Locked On Bama: Big Recruiting Cookout Weekend for Alabama Football & Roster Countdown! 🐘

the over under for commits after Alabama's big cookout this weekend is going to be one and a half which way do you think it'll [Music] go you are locked on Bama your daily podcast on the Alabama Crimson Tide part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey everybody welcome back in lock on BMA HSA radio Network's Luke Robinson that's me and BMA onlines Jimmy Stein that's him thank you every day for making us your first listen or second listen or third listen we don't care just listen and watch we appreciate you guys so much and also want to thank FanDuel and game time for being sponsors today is game time I just threw out FanDuel because I'm nice but uh game time is who is sponsoring today and we appreciate them so much Jimmy Big cookout this weekend in Tuscaloosa there's a lot going in other places I know Auburn's got their big cat weekend I think there's something going on in Georgia Justice Terry apparently will be at that and won't be at Alabama which is a shame but I mean you could sort of see that coming and you know I'm I'm looking at everything here I'm I'm putting the overunderish for Alabama after this weekend within a reasonable amount of time let's say four to seven days at one and a half do you think I'm being optimistic no I think that's a real reasonable guess um you know I think there's a difference I think people should realize there's a difference between a commitment that we all know about in the public versus a commitment that a kid might make privately to the staff I I would feel like in terms of Silent or private commitments uh and that sort of thing I would probably Le lean to go over uh on the public commitments maybe under you know uh but in terms of at B what we've predicted to happen or or or or guys that we you know have currently predicted Alabama would be AK deer I mean you know so that's one and and we we feel like that's going to happen in July um so you know that's what we're looking for uh in terms of of of outright commitments by others uh whether they're 25 guys or 26 guys or even 27 guys uh we're not uh we're not expecting that I mean we're not like hey be you know be on commitment watch you know for this guy that but it could definitely happen because really what this has turned into Luke and this is the fascinating part of this this to me is the cookout has sort of turned into the 25 guys that will be there will be the committed kid the commitments and maybe one or two that they would like to add at most uh the real recruiting in terms of trying to get kids committed are all 2026 and 2027 guys uh primarily 26 and that's what's going to happen really at the cookout and of course the hope is that the committed 25 kids will be the ones doing the real sales job to the 26 kids just know this uh that uh kids at this cookout generally are high priority guys that these aren't guys that they're doing a lot of evaluating on these are guys that they want to have you know in the group um so that that's one thing for for everyone to know these are the high priority guys they would like to get commitments from virtually every one of there uh but with the 26 and even 20 there's a handful of 27 guys too that we think will be there I know we've reported at BL uh the the linebacker from Moody Willis uh he's really good 27 guy uh you know and Andrew bone Joseph Hastings and Tim Watts put together uh the list that we have at BO it takes a lot of hard work and a lot of uh a lot of phone calls to make that to make that list happen so y'all y'all check out the full list over there yeah I can't imagine uh because the these kids are inundated with you know Auburn's having their thing Batman's having their thing George is having a thing and the kids are getting caught like you coming to ours you coming to theirs you com to ours you coming to theirs and um there's some guys like Caleb Cunningham who apparently will be going to both um which will cause some hand ranging I'm sure on the Alabama side but let me just run down a few of the guys that'll be there for the tide side uh Kean Russell Tai Haywood Caleb Cunningham dejon Lee Derek Smith of course Derrick Smith should be at Auburn too again that will also uh gives us some anxious moments Chuck McDonald doson Merritt Jaden Harmon M Micah deos Luke Mets M wadr London Simmons holy cow that's that's really a lot of your dudes that are committed to you and and uh when you've got keine Russell who is sort of the P Piper of the class that helps a ton underclassman you got tank Jones from down there at St Paul's Episcopal the number one player in the state for next year Jack canwell a fstar offensive tackle we talked about him a little bit yesterday I believe Zion Gibson from gon City uh Brandon Arrington the number one athlete in the country for next year uh Blaine Bradford uh from Louisiana who is probably the top safety in the country for next year xaven Griffin Ryder Lions another underclass and quarterback we talked about vadney Cleveland who should be at big cat as well he just transferred I think I think he's gonna transfer from Prattville to Parker at least that was a rumor I don't know if that's actually happening um I know that that was a rumor apparently he's at PR bull now U that's at least that's Parker has been on a roll with prospects geez yeah at least that was a rumor I heard I I mean don't anybody go off with what I heard but uh that's what I Brian Mosley from wide uh a wide receiver from Carolton and Barack Willis as you just uh mentioned so that is one heck of a list and that's not the entire list I mean yeah cuz here's what's coming I mean we we we haven't been able to release names but stay tuned because uh B we're going to be adding names all the way to and through Saturday there could be I don't there could be some reporting on Saturday of surprise visitors uh because as Luke pointed out earlier these kids are being pulled in a hundred different directions some of the kids literally haven't made up their minds because you know the there's this is the only weekend in July where you can do these kind of visits this is it dead period starts again August 1 so it's kind correct at football Alabama and pretty much all the other uh College places so it's kind of a one weekend to do this and I I I think it's fair for fans to read into hey who's where because you only have one weekend so you're only going to go where you're like super serious right uh and it is a big deal that the Alabama commits are are visiting Auburn the ones that that may like Caleb Cunningham and Derrik Smith uh doesn't mean that they're flipping to Auburn it means they might but we've told people that from minute number one it used to be this way now it's really this way and this this new era of so don't be mad or alarmed it's just hey this is what recruiting looks like now and and hey if you want to sign high-profile good players other schools want those kids too if you don't like that then you need to encourage Alabama to sign two and three stars that nobody else wants but that wouldn't be a great way to go about this you want the most highly recruited good players and and hey everybody else wants them too so uh anyway just stay tuned there we we're expecting not a specific name or so to throw out there but we're expecting surprises as in more kids that have been reported so far coming uh we'll see about final decisions that are made again this will lead up two and three um okay Jimmy we're gonna get right back into your countdown here uh because it's time now to talk a little Justice Haynes and a little Jeremy Bernard and those are two guys we are definitely excited about but I got to tell you about game time and look the live read says I'm supposed to tell you about how much I love Major League Baseball and you can use game time for Major League Baseball and I have I've used it to send my son to the World Series and I'm telling when Arizona went a few years ago it did it was great or last year whenever it was he did it um and you know but I I'm gonna tell you instead I excited I to use game time to get my Alabama Wisconsin tickets I'm I'm I'm already searching around I'm already seeing some fantastic deals I just hadn't jumped on one yet because I'm like I I see this thing change it it changes a good bit and uh I'm G to wait just a little bit longer and see what I can get I'm not necessarily worried about being on the Alabama side I don't I'm just looking for the best view and that's what's great about game time is you can use the game time app to find your best view and you're not only going to get the best price you're gonna get the best view and the customer service is topnotch absolutely love game time go download that app today and the first time you use it if you use code locked on College you get $20 off so that's a big deal I'm going to be buying four tickets to Alabama Wisconson through game time that's a Luke Robinson stamp of approval guarantee y'all and uh that's gonna happen so go check out game time you will love it I use it all the time I've used it for NBA Major League Baseball World Series college football college basketball college baseball NFL I've used it for everything man used it for concerts it's fantastic game time is the absolute best and I just love seeing where I'm going to sit and I love the fact that that I when I had one small issue long many moons ago they helped me out with their great customer service and it wasn't their fault it was my fault and they still talk me through it and made it all so much easier so that's what I love about game time go check them out use code locked code locked on college for $20 off your purchase download that game time app you will not be sorry yo also want to tell you about the locked on uh sports today stream if you have to turn down your volume with all that shouting that you get on like fox or ESPN or whatever or you know the Mad Dog it's in his name he's mad why do you listen to people who are mad all the time a free 247 sports streaming channel is brought to you now by locked on sports today you can get the biggest stories without all the screaming stream 24/7 on YouTube or on the free Amazon Fire TV channels part of the locked on podcast Network which is your team every day and you already knew that so now we get to talk about Justice haes and you know I I the picture in the thumbnail that I'm using for him I'm just going to put the thumbnail back up because I've uh already deleted the the actual picture itself they're use it for the thumbnail but where I have Justice will be served I mean tell me tell me why that in Mark Ingram tell me why that picture doesn't scream Mark Ingram to you number that's the number partly but no he is a real similar player to markr the body style and I think the running style the you know hey my feet are always churning style I think Justice may be a hair faster um yeah yes but now it's it's almost um sacrilegious to compare people to Mark Ingram we you know people forget when you talk about the greatest running backs of the Sabin era and things like that you talk about uh you know Derrick Henry TR Richardson maybe even you put yel in in there some people have an affinity for Lacy or Naji Harris or whatever Kenyan Drake but Ingram started it all and Ingram is the Sabin bot of Sabin Bots and he's up there with Jonathan Allen I mean if you ask me those two are the sa the they are the Pinnacle of saving saving Bess and uh but if I'm comparing you to Mark Ingram I feel like I'm giving you the ultimate compliment and Justice Haynes has got a lot of that in him and when you see him training you know the videos granted we hadn't seen a ton of highlights because he hadn't had a lot of opportunity but we have seen highlights of him training and when you watch him train you're like um that dude's a dude yeah Justice SS we have him as the 11th best player on this football team uh which is saying a lot considering Justice was such a not not really an integral member of last year's team because of the depth at running back but now he's sort of the show It's the Jam and Justice show at running back or the justice and jam show I do have Justice one spot ahead of jam Miller here in my my roster ranking but uh you know some CS I like to make because I think it paints a picture for Alabama fans who is this guy like and some cops are difficult some are a stretch Luke Luke already mentioned it the cop with Mark Ingram is not a stretch at all here he is so similar to Mark Ingram which is just just one heck of a compliment because you're talking about a Heisman Trophy winner and a first round pick and and heck I think that the New Orleans Saints alltime leading I think rushing touchdown guy uh I mean Mark so he had a stellar pro career on top of a Heisman winning college career I think even Justice is so similar to mark that uh off the field their gregarious personalities you want to hear from them they're gumps they're both gumps Mark ingrams as Luke said he's the gumpi you know he's the mayor of gumptown Justice Haynes is is on that track I mean he loves Alabama he loves the program loves to talk about it uh he's going to be super popular with the fans this is the year we'll hear a lot from Justice and the media uh and and the fans will fall in love with this guy because he's so always has a smile on his face real good on TV he'll make he'll be a good commercial guy uh but you know the only guys that get to make commercials are the superstars the star players hey write it down right now I mean Justice is going to be a star player this is not wish casting or hoping I've seen enough I've seen enough I mean you know between him playing in the games on the high school tape and and what we hear from inside the walls Justice SS is going to be a star football player at Alabama this fall he'll be a huge part of things if anything I've under ranked him here at 11 uh and again that comp to Mark Ingram sort of spot on same size same style of Runner uh if anything Justice might be a little faster so I think one thing we might be able to expect under Justice was a little different under Mark is there could be even more home runs I mean I I think from 30 40 50 yards out he's a threat to score uh and he can really catch the ball but Mark Ingram was good catching the ball too but but justice has has has got really good hands for a running back so expect a big All Conference type season just understand that he's going to be sharing the role at running back with Jan Miller who we talked about yesterday who's also a fantastic running back so boy Alabama's running back room considering you lost your top two guys from a year ago Alabama's running back room in fantastic shape with the justice and jam show yeah and look I don't mean this as a shot at the guys from last year at all but it feels like they were in the position to play more because of a seniority as much as anything I mean there were some little things that the younger guys didn't do you know they're picking up which are very important things but in terms of just being a running back I probably would have taken my chances with young Jam or Justice Haynes but it you do have to factor in the picking up blitzes all that stuff's very very important especially last year when I mean actually now I think about it maybe it was less important last year because the snaps were so bad maybe Blitz pickup wasn't as big of an issue were coming back there anyway you know yeah I do think I mean I get kind of riled about a little bit when people say oh they they should have played not Jason royell first of all Jason mclin's an Atlanta Falcon and Rory and Rory Dell went in the portal and another top 10 program said we want this guy so let's not pretend for one second they weren't good players or they wouldn't be with the Falcons in Florida State right now secondly uh Alabama's problems last fall in terms of why Alabama didn't win games it was because of Jason Rory Dell they weren't the problem they played well they both were good and for all the Roy Dell and and for all the Jason for all the jam and Justice are better I mean I wouldn't necessarily say in every game some yards per carry Jason royell were better I mean I agree Jason royell played because of seniority also think due to their seniority they were just better primed to help the football team on a snapto snap basis while Justice and jam can continued to get ready for the future uh Alabama's problem in 2023 was not playing the wrong running back Alabama's problems a 2023 was they couldn't get the front blocked they couldn't get the snap right uh they had an inexperienced quarterback that wasn't always making the right decision and didn't always make the decision quickly enough as young quarterbacks usually do and uh the wide receiver core was so young you were only really getting playmaking from two guys so uh overall yeah other than that oh and and the and by the way the offense was still pretty good it was still good but the problem wasn't oh they should have played the other backs that that was but hey Justice and jam are ready to go now now they're the seniority they're the oldest guys they're the the dudes that have been coached the most that will be better for instance than Daniel Hill and Kevin Riley at picking up lizes but hey after everybody sees Justice and jam for a few snaps I wouldn't be surprised if there that some fans out there are convinced that you know Daniel and and Kevin aren't the guys they should be playing that's just kind of how this works y'all y'all just give my main man Justice just a minute please oh yes just a minute and you're gon G be long ain't gonna be long either he's he's a three and done guys if I've ever seen one if he stays healthy all right now maybe the most interesting guy on the list so far because that's that's saying a lot too Jeremy Bernard you got him at number 10 and he showed out at aday I mean I think he only had three catches but all of them were pretty awesome and you know I looked at his stats from Washington he he's a junior now um he spent two years with the huskys first year only had seven catches second year last year had 34 catches you're like Ah that's okay you got to remember he had two first round wide receivers first round picks on the roster with him yeah NFL guys three three NFL guys I mean that that's pretty amazing now he's only got four total touchdowns in his career um okay uh he's got he also had two rushing touchdowns last year that needs to be discussed he had 13 carries now I mean I'm sure it was like some kind of pass back or beh pass behind the line of I don't know what all of them were maybe some kind of Jet Sweep where they hand it behind the back or whatever regardless he's got two rushing touchdown he had 13 carries for a Washington team that played the national championship game and 34 receptions as the number four option and then he comes to Alabama now you can paint this one of two ways you can say he dominated the spring game because Alabama didn't have a lot at the wide receiver position or you can say this dude's just a junior who knows the system very very well knew what to do and capitalize on it and I choose to believe the latter rather than the former I choose to well we have Jeremy Bernard here super high 10th best player on the team uh and Luke said maybe the most interesting guy on the countdown in the sense that hey he's number 10 and we have fans potentially listening to this show that are like who is Jeremy Bernard I mean how can you have a guy number 10 I've never heard of him well he he he's brand new and he's from Washington and he was here in the spring uh came with the divorce staff and and look the reason he's number 10 is he's a clear he seems to be the clear wide receiver number one this is the go-to number one receiver on this team and beyond that and here's where I'll surprise people uh I don't know that I I don't know how bold I I'll be about this but I have him 10 because I think there's a pretty decent chance Luke that he goes James Williams style one year at Alabama and then off to maybe the first round of the NF draft I mean that that's why he's this High I I think think he is potentially a player in the draft next a April no worse than day two uh and I like James Williams as the cop here not for the reason you think it's not because he's the ex exact oh sorry about that Jimmy is moving so he's got some issues uh with the with the Wi-Fi you know he's got to get adjusted to his Wi-Fi it's like getting adjusted to a new office yeah he's back I'm back back I'm back if you'll have me yeah anyway you were talking about how yeah go ahead with Jeremy well I'm just saying he could be he he he he could be a first he could be a first round pick uh next April he could be a day two pick he uh he's just needed an opportunity I think his story is a lot like Jameson Williams he's just not a player exactly like Jameson Williams but his story is like J where he wasn't getting an opportunity where he was before not because he wasn't good it was because he had older veteran NFL ready guys ahead of him on the depth chart and that's what that's what happened uh that's why uh he he didn't he didn't have more catches for more yards in fact he's got more catches for more yards than Jameson Williams did before Jameson got to Alabama he's actually caught more balls for more yards than J uh now is he as fast as Jameson no is he as purely gifted as Jameson probably not with Jameson you're talking about what the 12th pick in the draft uh I'm not saying that that that's German future I'm just saying that he's got a story similar to Jameson Williams and getting to Alabama and I think in terms of how impactful he may be it could be a Jameson Williams level impact because you're talking about a number one receiver on a team that's going to throw the ball quite a bit so his numbers I mean we're talking about potentially a thousand yard guy here that that could happen obviously he's going to share catches because Kobe pris is there Kendrick Law's there Ryan Williams is a guy we all want see so uh but Jeremy is a guy to know I mean he's going to be a huge part of this football team could also be the kick returner maybe even the pun returner uh he might be the favorite to be that guy so this is a dude that's gonna wear a lot of the offense Luke and that's why we have him even though he's brand new to this team number 10 on the best players on the 2024 Alabama football team I'm not saying he's the most important person to stay healthy all year but I'm going to put him in the top five because of his familiarity with the offense because of his experience um I'm gonna say he he of all the you know if you rank people who needs to stay healthy I mean Jaylen milro certainly gonna be up there Tyler Booker's certainly gonna be up there um Deontay Lawson will certainly be up there but Jeremy Bernard's in the discussion oh no doubt no doubt I mean he's critical he's absolutely critical I mean if he wasn't there wide receiver one is Kobe prenis good player yeah it could be Kendrick law he had caught a lot of balls could be Ryan Williams it's a Ryan Williams podcast uh Jimmy just contracted covid in the last five seconds and I think he's over it now I'm not sure I don't think I'm gonna get over it but I do appreciate he's using the mute button his Jimmy's come so he's come so far we're so proud of him okay there he goes again all right so that's it's the it's it's a little Dusty from our our did you move into a haunted mansion it is now just became one that's going to do it for today's podcast we'll be back tomorrow with more until then roll out everybody roll out

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