Sage of Quay® - REPLAY DOUBLEHEADER - Mike Williams on the Crypt Rick Podcast – Part 1 & 2

[Music] so I want to welcome from the sage of quay Mike Williams Mike welcome to the show I'm excited you can tell Rick thank you so much for the intro I hope I live up to it you're gonna do great I mean I'm just I'm really have been talking about this for a while as I was just saying I ran once in a while buil The Beetles cuz I kind of take some Flack for it and I don't get it I just I never got it I I tried I it's not an effort of trying but I just never felt a connection to their music and it's changing as I said slowly it's getting there I'm starting to appreciate it I think because of the musicianship um but it's still not like what most Fanatics are like and so but I I like music from that genre I'm very into you know all those other bands I like the doors and I like the stones and I like a lot of those older bands I go way are you like Elvis I mean I'm all through I'm I I just the Beatles never stuck with me so I'm here to learn from you Mike I want to know about the Beatles how they started what is going on with them there's a lot of rumors is Paul dead I want to find out what you think and just wherever you wanted to start right at the beginning how about the beginning well the beginning would be I was one of those people that loved the Beatles Rick I grew up with them back in 1968 I was a little Beetle freak I was uh born in 59 so I was 9 years old in 1968 and I was well aware of the Beatles and I begged uh my parents to take me to the movie theater to go see Yellow Submarine and uh so my father took both myself and my brother my brother's 15 months younger than I am so we had these two little Beetle fans going to to the movie theater uh to go see the movie and I remember being disappointed because I didn't realize it was an animation mhm but at the very end the Beatles come out it's like a 10-minute little segment at the end of the film and that made it for me now my father had to sit there for an hour and a half in anguish because Dad did not get the Beetles so they were very influential in my life and uh music has been a big big part of my life and the Beatles were integral to that and so uh I was a beetle freak I was in the in the church uh I've said on a on a number of um interviews that I had a front row Pew in the Church of the Fab 4 and my brother used to come to my house and and say that I had a beetle Shrine I had all of this Beetle memorabilia posters to this day um I still have a vinyl collection of beetle records that probably Rivals just about anybody's collection of beetle albums I collected for years and years and years and and I collected their vinyl from all across the world recently I've been selling well actually I should say I sold a big chunk of it off I kept the uh what I deem to be the most collectible most valuable pieces but what I what I've been doing over time ever since I got into the um into the research on the Beatles and realizing that there's a completely different narrative than what we've been told absolutely very very different and uh so some of the lust has come off the band I still love the music I still like to listen to it but um it doesn't have the same impact that it used to have because of what my research has unfolded and you've done eight years of research if I'm correctly remembering um eight years is a long time and that music when I started learning about all of what we're going to be talking about I will agree Mike that music for a while lock it that's a great term lackluster because you start to really question all music which I'm get into you with uh definitely tonight but I get it I like I it's when you find out what's behind it you're like it really makes you look at it different it does it makes you take a um a hard look at the industry not just the music industry but entertainment overall right and then when you realize that the music and entertainment industry is a huge lever in how the controllers control the world the pieces start to come together now I will say it's very difficult to get your head wrapped around this it's a very hard pill to swallow I was no exception what happened to me was in 2016 I read a book titled I'll show it here so people can see it it's the Memoirs of Billy shears okay okay so the book first came out in 2009 I caught up with it in 2016 and the way I found a book I was on Amazon and then a recommendation po up and said hey you might like this book and uh so I took a look I read the overview and I said okay I'll give it a shot and so when the book came and I started reading it I just couldn't believe what I was reading because the story that this book tells is so diametrically opposed to the official narrative that it makes you step back and so I read the entire book and um I wound up having a discussion with Sophia smallstorm going back into the earlier part of 2016 and and I told her I was reading the book and it's a very very interesting read and uh I needed time to really let things settle in because like I said the The Narrative is so so different right and she asked me to come on her show to talk about the book and I at first I really didn't want to do it the main reason was because the book is 666 pages so there's the beginning of some occult numbers right mhm y 66 chapters some more occult numbers and so my first thought was well do I really want to spend the time to boil down a 666 page Book for a uh 90minut or a 2-hour presentation so Sophia being Sophia was uh she was very determined to get me to talk about it so finally I relented in order to do the presentation to do the show with her I actually had to create this huge PowerPoint presentation in order to organize the book to organize the topic so it would flow in a way that it made sense to the audience back when I did the show with her back in September of 2016 before that I was aware of the Paul's dead conspiracy M and for those that don't know it's a conspiracy that goes back to 1966 actually but it got legs in 1969 and um The Conspiracy says that Paul McCartney the original Paul McCartney who I refer to as biological Paul died in a car crash in late 1966 and we will get different dates some researchers will say it was August of ' 66 the book tells us it's it was September 11th of 1966 and when we get to that part of our conversation I'll explain why I think September 11th makes more sense to me and other researchers will say that the date was November 9th which is the inverse of September 11th so November 9th and September 11th interesting and so the book talks about the uh the Paul's dead conspiracy it is written in first person and the author who is actually really the encoder is Thomas EU Harriet okay and the reason why Tom is referred to as the encoder is because the book is encoded it is classified as historical fiction but because the book is layered and encoded if you're Intrepid enough it's like a big puzzle let me just put it that way so if you're interested in digging and figuring out whether the book is truthful or not which was what I did you start to break the code you start to decode it and once you do that you come to the realization that the book is truthful are there threads of fiction in the book yes why is that done for plausible deniability exactly y so it's very um it's very clear once you start reading the book because it is just loaded up with information that at least what I thought was the only way that information can make it into the book is it has to come from a source that is very close or was very close to the situation or is the person that's playing the role of Paul mccr okay and so we get introduced to Billy shears on the Sergeant Pepper album we have the title track Sergeant Pepper then that makes its way it Segways into With a Little Help um from my friends and uh the transition from the first track to the second track Billy shears is introduced and one and only Billy shears and a lot of beatle fans think that because Ringo sang the song that Ringo is Billy shears and it's not what the Beatles did was they used Ringo to sing the song as really a way to deflect away from the new Paul McCartney okay it's very similar to what John lennin did when Ringo released his 1973 album his self-titled album Ringo and there's a song on that album titled I'm the greatest and I'm the greatest follows the same format as With a Little Help from My Friends where John actually wrote the song wrote the lyrics and the song is talking about Billy shears okay and Ringo sings it but they're not talking about Ringo they're referring back to the person that replaced Paul McCartney back in September of 1966 so hope I didn't get too long-winded on you there no that's amazing I mean I like I really want to learn about this because I have heard the Paul is dead thing I've heard people go back and forth not diving too deep into it but I do like looking if it comes up I'll look into it like a few documentaries and that I find it interesting uh on both sides I'm very open to all all of this I mean I I don't know a lot about the Beatles I don't make any problems about it I just don't uh it's not somebody I focused on a lot I'm like I said it's changing my my taste it's growing on me and that happened with the doors I didn't I remember first hearing the doors I did not like them I could not stand them I was like get the music off I don't understand this music and then like four years later I played the doors and then I do I loved them and then I dove in got all their vinyl and so I think you have to be ready for it so um that's just the way my music taste goes and it's changing even to this day but I like when a lot of people I think they see the Beatles come over and they break I think on The Ed Sullivan Show what show is it that people remember yeah it was The Ed Show back in' 64 right but this I like the way you go back to the beginning that's where I to start people have this image of The Beatles like we're saying on the end in show and but there's I found it their history before that really fascinating I wonder if a lot of people don't even know about it I should also mention that my research goes Way Beyond Paul McCartney being swapped out and replaced it sure does yeah you know so for me uh the replacement of Paul McCartney became a subplot that there's a much larger play at hand and it has to do with the Beatles as a massive psychological operation to social engineer the world and being a creation of the Tavistock Institute out of Britain and the Tavistock Institute reports up through the committee of 300 and there's a couple of books if you don't mind me Rick taking a moment to get people acclimated so the world the way it's presented to the masses as to how it works with presidents and prime ministers and parliaments and uh the Congress if we're talking about the United States that's all theatrics that's all Puppet Theater in front of the curtain if you really want to know how the world works I would say start with this book here this is by Dr John Coleman the book was released in the early 1990s it's the committee of 300 okay and in this book Coleman talks a bit about the Beatles being a creation of Tavistock because Tavistock reports into the committee of 300 the committee of 3 00 refer to themselves as the Olympians the gods oh wow okay so that's book number one so once you get through that book and you understand about the committee of 300 then I recommend these two books to learn about Tavistock Tavistock is very very important and it's it's very important to understand who they are and how they go about their business they are fundamental to all of the deception the social engineering the mass manipulation the the brainwashing and the mind control that takes place across the world and this is another topic where a lot of people have a difficult time trying to understand how it is an organization like Tavistock has that much power and we could talk about it uh as we progress through the show and I'll explain it best I can but the best way to understand it is not listening to me on this show because I can only cover it from a a high level perspective because of time here's a book by Daniel estulin it's called Tavistock social engineering the masses so I recommend this book this is a very good primer then what we want to do is let me see if I have it here hopefully I do um okay well there's another book by Dr John Coleman and it's his book on tavestock I don't have it here in front of me but that book is absolutely fabulous so read Daniel's book first and then jump jump to Dr John Coleman's book on Tavistock okay and you'll have a very quick grasp on why it is that they are very very important to what goes on in the world and how the world operates behind all this is a uh an ideology a spiritual ideology that goes back to this guy Alis Rowley who we're going to dive into crazy so a very good book to understand Crowley as far as his connections into British intelligence going back to World War I it's a book by Richard Spence titled agent secret agent 666 I have to get that book it's a very it's a very good book another book on Crowley that I'm about a third of the way through right now and it's also a very good book is this one here it's aliser Crowley and the cult of pan I got to write that down okay okay that's a another very good book so that's just some of my recommendations before we get started because people will ask about Crowley they will ask about Tavistock they will ask about the committee of 300 and um and like I said I can only cover so much in an interview I agree and to really understand folks you're going to have to roll up your sleeves and dig in you're going to have to read books you're going to have to do research and connect the dots yeah and that's what happened to me Mike is that I I've heard over the years I've heard of Tavistock and you know I think a lot of listeners have maybe a they got kind of an idea of what they are but I it was somebody that emailed me and said you got to really dig in the Tav of stock like to like you have to you can't just watch a you know one hour documentary and think you got the picture which was the mistake I did at first and then when I started reading more and diving into it it really to me it's a picture it's part of the puzzle I was saying to you when we did our little pre-interview on Saturday I said I think that's a major P piece of the picture people are missing is the Tavistock and just how powerful they are I keep trying to tell people on the show what we're up against right and that they're into everything I said like and there some people say oh so everything in life is a lie I'm like well it's definitely being manipulated it's being twisted and and they're into everything pick the pick the thing schooling medicine government anything they're in there and they're steering people and so people have to like you said read and really dive into Tavo and the and the committee of 300 it's key to figure out what's going on in our world today yeah and and once you do that when you used to ask the question you mean everything is a lie you'll start to understand that yes just about everything is a lie agree you know I I know it's it's not something people want to hear but if you don't want to hear it and you want to deny it then what's going to happen is it's going to be status quo things are going to continue to go the way they're going and they're not going in a good direction but if you educate yourself on how the the control system works how the Deep State Works how it really works not this nonsense that they talk about on Fox News and MSNBC and stuff like that then we increase the odds that we're going to be able to turn the ship around because if you really if you don't understand your enemy if you don't understand your tactics if you don't understand how they operate then how are you going to defeat them I agree with everything you're saying that's what I'm not here yeah so so the Beatles are a creation of Tavistock this came out as a a clue actually in the Memoirs of Billy shears that I picked up uh going back a number of years ago with regard to their music the Beatles not writing all of their own music and not rec not being on all of their recorded tracks so now what happens Rick is with a lot of uh researchers that do the whole Paul is dead bit they primarily focus on the replacement of Paul McCartney so they will major on well here's biological Paul McCartney and here's the guy that replaced them and some will refer to him as fall I call him Billy because he refers to himself as Billy shears in the book he gives us an alias he says his name is William Shephard what does a Shepherd do a Shepherd leads flocks and this goes back to the cult of pan and we could talk about that a little bit it gets it does get a bit esoteric there's a lot of back to mythology but this is how the controllers roll yeah this is how they do things so what happened was when I first got into the whole Paul's dead research I initially started with looking at the replacement of Paul McCartney but then what happened was I thought to myself you know things just didn't happen let's say in September of 1966 so the story would say that Paul was killed in a car crash and so then there was a mad rush to go find somebody who can replace him somebody that look like him that plays like him sings like him that whole bit there that's just a story because there was no last minute 11th Hour rush to go find a replacement because what if you couldn't find a replacement what were you going to do and then the other thing was why did they keep it a secret the standard issue story says well the reason the reason why they kept it a secret was because they didn't didn't want to upset the fans and they were concerned that some fans might hurt themselves or commit suicide because they were so in love with the Beatles and Paul McCarty I'm I'm not kidding you this is some of the narrative that is around why they didn't when I say they I'm talking about the controllers I'm talking about Tavistock why they didn't announced that Paul McCartney died and they were going to replace him with somebody else in the band it's a nonsense story in my opinion so what we have to do is we have to go back in time and uh and that's what I did and this is where I catch a lot of Flack by other people in the uh Paul's dead community and other researchers because they don't want to touch the peace before he was swapped out because many of them want to hold on to that story I call it the Cinderella story that the Beatles were organic they evolved naturally they were prolific genius songwriters they want to hold on to that bit I ran into that I told you that sorry I didn't mean to cut you off Mark but Mike ran into that um and I was telling you that before we went live I said boy I talked to somebody that really loves the Beatles And I said I I told them that we were going to be talking about this and they got upset that I even brought it up that they weren't these great genius musicians at the beginning and I was like whoa like so I see well your's I can imagine with the heat you've gotten what Tavistock majors in Rick is creating Cults and their ability to create Cults allows them and the controlling system to be able to manage the masses if you believe something so strident that you're not going to budge that actually makes it easier for that person to be manipulated because you know exactly how they're going to react to certain questions or situations or circumstances so on top of creating Cults what they do is Tavistock looks to reduce the adult behavioral patterns the critical thinking down to that a child and you see this a lot not just with the Beatles but with other bands where there is a Romanticism that takes place with these bands people are in love with their bands they're in love with their artists they're in love with their celebrities and their entertainers their sports figures their politicians the Silicon Valley quote icons Elon Musk as an example people just fawn over these entertainers and whenever you do that when people do that what they don't realize is what they're doing is they are worshiping it's idol worship then there's a a tendency to follow even if it's subconscious they they follow so in the arena of The Beatles you have this gigantic fan base with many of them being very fanatical and they will follow the band to the ends of the Earth even though the band is no longer in existence and I'll explain more as to why that's so fitting because I refer to the Beatles as the PIP Pipers of Alisa crowle's eon of Horus and when people worship and they idolize what they do is they are going outside themselves they're disempowering themselves and they're giving up a level of their Authority because now they're right to be told what to do how to do it when to do it we saw this with the March 2020 event you know back then I thought that a lot more people were awake than there actually were I did too y I called it a complete hoax way back in March of 2020 and I just did not believe it was going to get legs and then I was just shocked me too how many people rolled up their sleeves fell in line and the rest is history that's what got me into what I'm doing was how quickly I saw people roll over and I've said it on the show any of my listeners know that I get going on this sometimes because I'm like cuz how quickly like people forget is the thing that really gets to me too like you know we don't you know now you they and I know they engineer it this way they keep the next fear bullet in the chamber boom and they just keep repeating and it's the next fear but I tell people they shut the world down like this is not an like this is the power of that and and I think they were I think they were putting a shot across the bow to see if they could get away with it and I think even they were shocked I really believe that I think they were like oh my God they're actually going along with this like I can't believe it worked yeah I just I just didn't think I had to reset my parameter as to how many people were really awake agreed and guess who was behind all of that as far as the uh the manipulation and the mind control and the brainwashing and the the selling of the whole story it was Testo the controlling system is an International System it knows no borders it does not recognize National sovereignty we have to understand that all of the intelligence agencies across the world especially what we refer to as the West they all work together so even though we'll talk about the CIA and we'll talk about the British MI6 and we'll talk about the Israeli mad even though they're separate entities on paper they are for all intents and purposes one because they're all operating and working toward the same goals the same agenda which is a one world government with a one world religion and the reason why I'm giving everybody this backdrop is because the Beatles played an a very important role in getting that ball rolling we'll go back in time a lot of uh folks a lot of beetle fans they think they know the beginnings of The Beatles and that's because you know they may have watched documentaries or they may have read books these documentaries and most of these books are feeding you what I refer to as a Cinderella Story it's the it's the official narrative it's a fictional account of the be's backstory now are there threads of Truth in it yes there are threads of truth because every lie every deception has to have some truth a threat of it yep making its way through it right in order to to keep it together and make it appear feasible so the Beatles wind up in Hamburg Germany in August of 1960 before that they were known as the Quarry men and they were doing some you know some gigs at the cas club which was in the house of Pete best and his mother Mona best but in August of 1960 they have a a manager and his name is Allan Williams and Allan Williams no relation to me I refer to Allan as their first Handler so he takes him to Hamburg now the other thing we should understand is Hamburg and Frankfurt in Germany are hot beds for Tavistock okay so that's the first thing we have to understand gu Hamburg and when the Beatles get to um to Hamburg they are there from August 1960 to December of 1960 and it's a total failure they get booked in these clubs they're not very good in fact the way I describe it is and I'm probably being very generous they were mediocre at best as far as musicianship goes and they showed absolutely no Acumen for songwriting so they weren't songwriters ERS and they weren't very good musicians so we have to understand this so they leave in December of 1960 they come home dejected nothing materialized nothing happened it wasn't a good time they were living in squalor while they were there for moment let's just pause there there are images on the internet of The Beatles with Ault symbolism engaging in Ault symbolism surrounded by ult symbolism and one of those images are images of Paul McCartney and George Harrison with bird cages on their heads and there's also an image of John lennin in a Superman shirt with his head next to a bird cage now bird cage symbolism in Illuminati speak is a reference to mind control being a mind control slave so we have to keep that in mind so the whole bird cage thing for me raised the red flag this tells me that it's very possible that the Beatles were in a mind control program from an early age now how early I don't know but by having that symbolism out there that's communicating out that there's a mind control program involved that's where I landed with it agre now gets even more interesting because when we take a look at the the image of John lennin with his head next to the bird cage he's got a Superman shirt on that's also now telling us about John Lennon being tied into a mind control program but the Superman shirt is in reference to the Uber mench the Superhuman and this is a philosophy and an ideology of the controllers it's a philosophy and ideology of Al Alisa Crowley of nii so we've all heard Yuval Harari saying that they have gotten to the point now where they have evolved or they're in a position of being Godlike they are Gods now so I hope most people have heard that nut job talk about this yeah I hope so so when we talk about the Uber mench the Superhuman that is a reference to becoming Godlike and this is really one of the main tenants behind Crowley and his religion of the Lima which um I have deducted is the uh the primary belief system spiritual and philosophical belief system of the controllers so if we think of the controllers as being a pyramid I call it the Pyramid of power I believe many of them the majority of them subscribe to to crism and it is a form of luciferianism I totally agree and it's really funny that I've talked to this about people like I try to talk to people in person Mike and I talk to them about this even online though I will and they and they some people snap right back and go well I don't believe in that and I always tell them I'm like you may not believe in it but they do like that is their whole that is their religion like this is they believe it and I'm so I'm like it doesn't matter if you believe in it that's not the point people tell me that too I I don't believe in that stuff and I don't believe this and I don't believe that I don't believe in the power of numbers and all that and I say well it doesn't matter what you believe because you don't run anything yeah I'm not trying to be flip but it's the truth so the people who are in power they have they have a belief system they have an ideology and their spiritual for lack of a better term belief system goes back to the Egyptian Mysteries and it goes back to Babylon and as well as Greek mythology and other Mysteries but with Crowley specifically he's clearly centered in the Egyptian mysteries for sure and the Egyptian mythology of Osiris Isis set and Horus so when CLA Schwab and the world economic Forum announced the great reset It's the Return of set and what does that mean what they're looking to do when they say the return of set It's the Return of chaos It's the Return of darkness and now what's going to happen in their minds okay because this is the Egyptian mythology there's going to be a battle between set and the Savior god Horus and this ties back to the Beatles if we take a look at Peter Jackson's documentary that he did on Let It Be the get back documentary going back a couple of years ago y y if you take a look at the splash screen that Peter's team put together it says get back but take a look at the way the G is written the font it looks like an S set back or set is back what they're doing is they're going through an alchemical process this is what they're doing and the the elites the controllers whatever you want to call them the Illuminati they are driven by their belief system it's another ISM the people behind the curtain are running the world based upon their spiritual and philosophical beliefs all right so the reason why I wanted just to cover that a little bit so now let's go back to the Beatles in the early days so we've got the Beatles now they're young guys in August of 1960 I think George is like 17 years old Paul is 18 years old John's a little older Pete Bess is there there's no Ringo at this point in time and so you know they go through this 1960 period August through December and nothing materializes John and Paul come back to Liverpool dejected and so then what happens is you know they get into 1961 and they're doing these gigs they're playing in Liverpool and in adjacent areas and they're still not a very good band they meet up with Brian Epstein on November 9th of 1961 so here we have another 119 or 911 encoded date or event yeah from that point on let's just take November of 1961 move forward now two months they wind up with a demo with Deca records on January 1st of 1962 I need the audience just to stop and think about this and especially if you are a musician and a songwriter and you're in a band I want you to think through this they show up in August of 1960 in Hamburg they're not very good musicians they're not songwriters then 16 months later they wind up at Deca doing an audition that doesn't make sense like okay 15 songs 12 of which are covers and then they did three Originals non-descript Originals which never made their way the originals never made their way on to any of their albums when they were together as a band as a unit the songs didn't make it onto an album until later on when Anthology was released in the 1990s so they do this tape this demo with Deca and deca turns him down Deca says no we're not going to sign you a month later in February their manager Brian Epstein they have a new manager now it's no longer Alan Williams he takes tapes to George Martin and George Martin worked for Emi and George Martin was the head of the parone label so parone was part of Emi and so Brian Epstein plays the uh the tapes for George Martin and George Martin I'll read read you exactly what he said he says to Brian Epstein if you want me to judge them based on what you are playing me I'm sorry I need to turn you down so what's interesting is now they've been turned down twice by Deca and by Emi then mysteriously what happens is they are then doing performances for the BBC now we have to take a step back and say okay now hold on a second you weren't a very good band you weren't writing songs 16 months later you wind up at Deca doing a demo okay they turned you down then you go to Emi you play tapes for George Martin Martin turns you down and then you somehow you wind up connected into the BBC you're doing the live at the BBC Sessions well how did that happen yeah that yeah okay so the other thing we should know about the live at the BBC Sessions they were not live so for those of you that have the the CDs and you think you're listening to live performances you are not it's documented in in mainstream sources that the those sessions they did takes and they did overdubs and then the shows were released a couple of weeks down the line oh okay I don't even believe the Beatles were playing on those BBC Sessions that were hearing on the CDs session players with the Beatles doing the vocals but we can get into that in a little bit so then what happens is um so now the Beatles are starting their BBC gigs and that runs through uh I think it was mid 1965 and uh and while they're doing that they were also continuing to play night after night after night after night if it wasn't in Hamburg for weeks on end they were doing local gigs around Liverpool and the adjacent areas so they they were getting all of these gigs so another question is how are they getting all of these gigs and if you take a look into Wikipedia and you you type in the Beatles live shows you're going to see that it was just about every night they had a couple of breaks here and there but it was just bam bam bam bam it just kept going so they're doing that they're doing the BBC gigs now this is a band that was turned down twice by by Deca and Emi yeah so then in June of 1962 they are signed by Emi George Martin had a change of heart so 4 months prior George said no and then four months later he's like okay now in the book it tells us that George Martin was instructed to reverse his decision and sign the band now the question becomes who made the phone call to George to tell him wrong answer I'll give you a little bit of backstory George reported to a guy by the name of name of Len wood and Len wood and George Martin you know ultimately reported up to the the chairman of Emi sir Joseph Lockwood now when I did the research on this I wanted to understand why was George Martin's decision reversed George Martin wasn't just a producer folks he was the head of the parlophone label he was promoted to to head the parlophone label in 1955 when OS Prius resigned now some people are under the belief because this is what the official narrative tells us that George Martin only he was doing classical records and he was doing uh comedy records like with Peter cers and the goons and stuff like that and he didn't know anything about rock and roll and yada yada yada y that's not true when George Martin took over the parlophone label he was looking to bring in current acts which means rock and roll he was looking to bring rock and roll to the label yeah cuz heading up the label right he doesn't want the label to die on the Vine with comedy records and classical music so that whole bit where people are told that he didn't know anything about rock and roll and the Beatles taught him rock and roll that's not true based upon my research okay George was way ahead of the curve looking for acts to bring in so that he could pump up the label and have an inventory of artists now what happened in 1962 is the Beatles recorded two songs Love Me Do and and uh PS I love you and his immediate boss who George Martin his immediate boss was Len wood there was some tension between the two of them and Len told George to sign the band and I'll give you my opinion on this I believe Len wood had the bigger picture understood as far as where the Beatles were going so he told George Martin look sign them and Len wood was looking to to flow the publishing rights at the very least for the first two songs which were recorded in 1962 love me doing PS I Love You to emi's publishing arm because there's going to be a lot of money if you own the publishing rights to the Beatles music so even though they were starting with the first two songs I believe it's possible Len knew what was coming he was in on the overall strategy of where the band was going to be taken George Martin signs it but then George Martin does not lead the Beatles publishing to Emi I want to say this carefully because I don't want to make it sound like George Martin was behind this but he was having discussions with Brian Epstein about forming a different publishing company like a standalone publishing company which became Northern songs and Northern songs came in under the umbrella of Dick James music which was a huge publisher back in the day now why did George Martin do this right so George Martin was having issues with Emi because he didn't feel he was being compensated properly he had compensation concerns and he would voice them periodically with with Len wood so again this is conjecture on my part folks I'm speculating because I haven't found anything that spells out exactly why it is there was this this change in decision from not signing them to signing them so I I think what happened was there was uh there was a little tit forat going back and forth between Lenwood and George Martin so George said okay fine we'll sign them but the publishing didn't go to Emi and by the way between dick James and um and Brian Epstein they took a huge piece of the publishing at that point so that's a little bit of a backdrop so George is told you got to take him on George he signs them but here's the other kicker when the Beatles show up George Martin doesn't work with them immediately he assigns it to his assistant Ron Richards so George is still not touching the band in Memoirs it tells us that Ron Richards spends time with the Beatles of the studio and he really couldn't get anything out of them they were not Studio Savvy they just weren't very good musicians so they listened to the playback and uh it was at that point again this is spelled out in Memoirs George Mar Maron gets another phone call and says okay look there's no delegation on this you have got to work with this band directly now Ron Richards so everybody knows Ron later went on to uh to produce the Holly so Ron was you know he wasn't a slacker Ron was very capable but you know George Martin was told okay you need to work with him directly so what I want to do now is so we're up to June of 1962 and what I want to do is just read you some quotes from George Martin okay now before I do that there was a mercy beat article going back to August September of 1962 in that article it announced that Pete best was out Ringo was in as the drummer but in that article It also says this and I'll read directly from the article The Beatles will fly to London to make recordings at Emi Studios they will be recording numbers that have been specifically written for the group which they have received received from the recording manager George Martin that's interesting so let me read that again folks they will be recording numbers that have been specifically written for them not by them for them so George Martin is looking for music that they can record why is that in the 1980s documentary the Complete Beatles it tells us that John Lennon and Paul McCartney between the two of them whether individually or as a team between 1956 and 1962 wrote 100 songs between them they didn't record them but they wrote 100 songs between 1956 and 1962 yet when they get signed by Emi apparently they didn't have any songs to bring to George Martin or if they had songs George Martin deemed them as not good enough not good enough yeah to be recorded right so here are some other things that George said on meeting the Beatles in 1962 he said I wasn't terribly impressed with the first stuff they did in U a documentary that is titled produced by George Martin there is a scene where George Martin is speaking to Howard Goodall Howard Goodall is a composer and a broadcaster he's a very accomplished composer and George says to Howard they had this wonderful Charisma they made you feel good but I thought their music was rubbish and then in another interview he says that even though they had really nothing behind them now remember George is saying they had nothing behind them but the documentary says that they had 100 songs written between them between 56 and 62 and George Martin is saying they had nothing behind them but they were still fairly irreverent and then he goes on to say so I looked at these four guys and I thought none of them shines above all the others so nobody stood out he said Love Me Do is the best song I could find from them at the time I was very conscious it w it was not the the big hit I was looking for and then in another interview he says that they certainly had no and then he pauses for a second because he's measuring his words he says it wasn't too obvious they can be songwriters at this stage Love Me Do was the best thing they had so this is coming out of the mouth of George Martin right right so back in the day between their first UK release Please Please Me and uh Rubber Soul their sound engineer was a a gentleman by the name of Norman Smith so in 1971 in a music magazine uh called the new musical Express in the article Norman Smith says the following things he was not impressed at all they were awful he had doubts about their musical ability uh with regard to recording Love Me Do he said we had some hard times working on that one and he said in the article that they failed in the studio now in that article what he then does which is something that we see a lot in the uh in the beetle narrative you'll have these unflattering things said and then they move to kind of like they want to prop up the story so they move to a more flattering line of discussion and then Norman goes on to say that the Beatles talked their way into a contract now between you and me Rick nobody talks their way into a contract right exactly you have it or you don't y then he goes on to say they had so much personality and so much magic about them and and the word magic is very important if we get an opportunity to talk more about Crowley we'll understand why when you look at the Beatles narrative and you really investigate and dig into the uh into the official narrative the official story some of the stuff is just it Bard us on ludicrous so as an example we're told that for the Beatles first album UK release their official releases by the way were their UK albums not the capital releases in the US they tell us that in February of uh 1963 The Beatles recorded 10 of the 14 songs in their first album in one day in one long session wow okay 10 of the 14 songs were recorded in one day but here's the kicker Norman Smith goes on to say that we did their first album please please me in one one take in one take I'm going to tell you right now I have been a musician for a long time a songwriter for quite a long time I'm very familiar with the recording process very familiar with writing songs The Music the lyrics and so on 10 songs Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang at one take that doesn't even sound plausible right yeah so then he goes on to say we did the whole album in a day that's how we did it back then but we have to remember now I just read you this piece folks right right but if we go back to what he also said in the article he was not impressed with them they were awful they had a hard time getting Love Me Do down and they failed in the studio so this is what we're talking about this is the what I refer to as the unofficial story y around the Beatles so we have this whole backdrop here and then what happens is in March of 1963 they released their first album please please me so remember now they get signed in June of 1962 and then Amir nine months later from a band that had nothing behind them that their producer felt like he needed to go find songs for them they make an album they make an album W so this band that had nothing behind them now they have these eight original songs in the bag on the first album Please Please Me and by the way it was released on March 27 of 1963 March 22nd is 322 it's the Skull and Bones number fast forward then we get to uh their second album with the Beatles that's released in November so eight months after please pleas me is released in November of 1963 and it was on November 22nd of 1963 which is the same day that John F Kennedy was assassinated and November 22nd is 11 and 22 which is 33 another ult number another ult number okay on that album another eight original songs and six covers so between the first two albums we have a band that didn't have any songs they weren't very good musicians and now all of a sudden There are 16 songs that were told that they wrote Originals for the first two albums then when we move forward to the third album a hard day night there's 13 tracks on a hard day night and we're told that all 13 tracks were penned by The Beatles No Covers once you dig into it there should be a lot of questions for sure right so um now just to give you some time frames just to put it into perspective okay and and uh let me see here let me just get there okay so let's just use Hamburg as a steak in the ground August of 1960 so here are some elapse time analysis from Hamburg to the DECA Audition one year and 4 months 20 days 16 months remember they started as nothing Hamburg to the Emi contract in June of 1962 one year and 10 months Hamburg to their first release please please me their first UK album two years and 7 months Hamburg to with the Beatles 3 years and 3 months here's something I think people really need to get their heads wrapped around starting with the starting point being August of 1916 Hamburg and then Landing in the United States on February 2nd excuse me um February 7th of 1964 is 3 years and 5 months so the Beatles went from from Zero to Hero in 3 and A2 years from Hamburg to Landing in America and by the way when came to America the tagline for that was the Beatles conquer America y the British Invasion so when we talk about the British Invasion think in terms of Tavistock the Tavistock Invasion The Beatles conquer America it was very important for the world order the new world order for the Deep State however you want to refer to whatever label you want to give them the control system to be able to take control of the United States and to take down Traditional Values and especially they had institutionalized religion on the radar too and specifically Christianity so Christianity was in the crosshairs Christianity had to be taken down along with the traditional values that permeated the United States so the Beatles were all part of that and a lot of people struggle with that because they say well I don't know I mean I like the Beatles music and they were these for moptop Lads I mean well what you have to understand is the way Tavistock operates is it's incremental and it's methodical so they had a start very basic Now understand also that when the Beatles were in Hamburg they weren't in suit and ties they were dressed in leather that's interesting too yeah yeah so when Brian Epstein got them he cleaned them up like he he threw them in the shower scrubbed them up said here right here here wear where here's a white shirt a tie here's some Beetle boots and here's a suit and this is how we're going to move forward until we got to later toward 6566 especially when we get to 1967 with the release of Sergeant Pepper that's when everything changed drastically but there was still changes between 62 and ' 66 The Beatles released two albums a year from 1963 through 1966 jeez so they were on the hook for two a year uh in the early part of the year and then another album later in the year in time for Christmas so in ' 63 it was Please Please Me and with the Beatles in ' 64 it was a hard days night and Beatles for sale in 1965 it was help and it was um Rubber Soul and then in 1966 it was revolver and then they released a quote greatest hits album and I don't know if we're going to be able to get into this too much but it was really a transitional album it was called a collection of oldies okay so here we had a situation where in the latter part of 1966 they release an album called a collection of oldies for songs that only dated back 3 years why would you refer to a song that was recorded three years ago or two years ago or a year ago as an oldie doesn't make sense yeah well the reason for that is because Paul McCartney was gone at the end of revolver so revolver was released on August 5th of 1966 he passed away on September 11th of 1966 and so they had to put a second album out so what they did was they put this transitional album out a collection of oldies which was a quote greatest hits album and that was the segue the bridge between revolver and Sergeant Pepper and Sergeant Pepper was Billy's album that was Billy and George Martin working together in fact Billy when I talk about Billy fo I'm talking about the guy that's playing Paul McCartney today he's the guy that's had the primary contract to play Paul mcartney since 1966 to current day so when we think in terms of Paul McCartney the actual biological poll was there from 62 to 66 if we just separate out the Hamburg days I'm talking about when the Beatles were were popular for four years and then from 1966 to 2024 that's Billy so that's why so many people have a hard time with this too because the guy that they have been looking at for almost 60 years is the replacement right okay by the way Tavistock also was putting out images that included doubles and lookalikes I was told by a source that from the very beginning there were three doubles and or lookalikes for each Beetle right out of the gate and doubles and lookalikes were used throughout the Beatles timeline and also into their solo career I have a clip uh it's a dialogue between um Mike Campbell and bent Mont Ben from Tom Petty's band the Heartbreakers and it's just Mike and um bmon speaking and they're talking about how Ringo sent a double to one of their recording sessions and they were laughing they said this guy looks just like him they were saying that when you know when Ringo can't or doesn't want to do gigs or be at a certain event he he Taps his double to go make the trip now this is not me telling you that this happened I have the clip on my YouTube channel and you can listen to Mike Campbell and B Montano of the Heartbreakers have a discussion about their experience with Ringo's double and the book tells us Billy still uses a double to this day that's some of the background that a lot of people don't know about that's fascinating The Beatles were not writing music in that early period they were not writing music in Hamburg their Hamburg stand they were playing like seven hours a night in an interview I have uh with Pete best going back many years ago Pete said that um when they were in Hamburg they would show up at the The Venue at the bar of the club at 6 p.m. and they would play for 7 hours a night they would then head back to wherever they were sleeping wherever they were hanging out in the early very early days back in the 1960s they were in an in an old vacated Cinema that's where they were uh hanging their hat at night after the gigs when I mentioned before they were living in squ squalor that's that's really what it was it got better as they were being handled and groomed going through 61 into 1962 but they weren't writing music so what what Hamburg and um and their live gigs in Liverpool and and areas adjacent to Liverpool what that was all about was that was boot camp that makes sense that was to get the Beatles to learn to be better musicians not great musicians in fact in a June 1966 interview at the Hilton in Japan Paul McCartney is asked about their songwriting and their musicianship and he says that we never claimed to be great musicians we're adequate that's him saying that that's him saying that now what we have to keep in mind is in August of 1966 that was the in June of 1966 I should say there's another interview in August of 1966 I'll I'll talk about in a minute in June of 1966 they were just wrapping up the recording of revolver which is considered a seminal record along with Rubber Soul and even help and for one of the main songwriters Paul McCartney to say that they were adequate that doesn't make any sense how how could you have how could you have all of that under your belt seven albums at that moment in time please please me through revolver and then just say that you know we aren't very good musicians we never claim to be and we're adequate it just doesn't resonate it doesn't make sense and in August 5th 1966 interview that was the day that revolver was released uh in that interview he said that um they were limited as a group they were not very good musically and he also made a comment the the Cinderella story tells us that the Beatles were writing music all the time they were writing when they had their free time they were writing when they were on tour they were writing when they were filming movies they were writing when they were in the recording studio and in the August 5th 1966 interview with the BBC Paul McCartney states that the Beatles wrote in great big batches whenever they had to go in to do a record or film so he was saying that they were writing in great big batches so they they were writing 12 14 16 songs in big batches and during that interview the BBC interviewer he came across like he didn't even kind of believe that statement because he said I always thought it was quite impossible to sit down and write 12 Songs in a great big batch yeah from scratch wow try writing a song people like I I mean I'm a musician now and I play with musicians and try hashing out a song never mind that many it's not easy like it's not but the most important thing Rick about what Paul said and it's coming from the horse's mouth is Paul took the official narrative which says that they were writing all the time they were writing when they were eating breakfast when they were on the crapper it didn't matter where they were they were always writing on the back of napkins and all of this stuff and he said that's not true we wrote in great big batches he took the official narrative and he just blew it out of the sky yep exactly but he presented another problem when he said that because the problem he presented is okay so how was that done how do you write 12 14 16 songs in a very very short period of Time how do you do that that's a good question and that was never explained in fact when the uh the BBC interviewer a questioned the feasibility of writing 12 Songs you know just sitting down at a time and and said that you know it seems impossible John said well it is at times quite impossible so the point is is that within the mainstream information that's out there about the Beatles the truth is actually out there it but it's hidden in plain sight it it's what we see all the time with many many many conspiracies you just have to read between the lines you have to look under certain covers under certain hoods and you'll find information that you're really not supposed to know but when you find it if you're Intrepid enough you start to ask questions so with me what happened was getting I want to move to the if you don't mind Rick to why I concluded that they did not write all their own music absolutely I was going to ask you so yeah perfect yeah so let me let me just take everybody through that so what happened was I was reading Memoirs there was a passage on page it began on page 350 in one of the previous editions I think the book has been updated four or five times and the paragraph said that George Martin was going to take their little songs and make them great so I thought to myself well they're supposed to be prolific genius songwriters you know what is this bit about their little songs and George Martin was going to make them great and then the next page Segways to the committee of 300 and it mentions the snitch the snitch was John Coleman Coleman was a Former Intelligence officer with British intelligence the British military he turned whistleblower and so in his Committee of 300 book he talks about Tavistock creating the Beatles and the music being written for them and the person that he mentions that wrote the music music was Theodor Dono and Theodor Dono was out of the Frankfurt School the Frankfurt School is about 6 hours drive from Hamburg and the Frankfurt School is is connected at the hip to Tavistock right yeah so now I don't agree with Coleman Dr Coleman with all due respect that Theodor adoro wrote all of the music I believe that Theodor Dono was in an oversight capacity he was overseeing this Psych ological operation this social engineering project titled The Beatles And he was working together with George Martin The other thing also I should mention that Emi the label Emi has connections back to the British military industrial complex so I believe it was theodoro and George Martin that were the managing directors I think George was the managing director and adoro was in an oversight capacity reporting into the Frankfurt School in Tavistock to put this whole thing together so and I I'll get into more of this in a moment but what happened was so I got the clues out of the book and I'm like what what what is this book telling me I I think it's telling me that I should look into whether they wrote their music all their own music so sometimes you know these synchronistic events take place in your life Rick and for me um I came across a a series by Scott Fryman and it's it's called deconstructing The Beatles and what Scott does he's a uh a musicologist he's a he's a composer himself he has a you know he's a very solid resume but uh he presents The Beatles official narrative I'm not knocking Scott for that that's what he does okay on a lar a little bird whispered you in my ear and said get the Rubber Soul series The Rubber Soul episode of the series okay of the deconstructing I call it deconstructing Rubber Soul so I get the DVD I buy it off of Amazon and I get like 15 20 minutes into it Rick and it's saying that the Beatles came in with essentially no backlog of Music they had to write 16 songs from scratch in the studio 14 for the album and two for double aside single and they had to do this they had to they had to write both the music and lyrics they had to learn the songs so in other words if John and Paul wrote a song or if George wrote a song they had to bring it to the other band members so they can learn the song hey guys this is how the song goes what do you think then they had to rehearse the songs and then once you introduce a song to the band there's a give and take absolutely there's an e and flow about how this song should play out absolutely yep maybe the verse the verse should change maybe we should add a little bit of this a little bit of that hey maybe we should extend the brid Bridge maybe it doesn't need a bridge how about the chorus sounds a little more like this let's add some keyboards I'm just smiling because with the people I jam with you're so right like you bring it and you this discussion goes on for hours like add this pull this try this so where where to believe that the Beatles wrote learned rehearsed arranged recorded and mixed 16 brand new songs from scratch in 30 days they came into the studio on October 11th of 19 1965 to record Rubber Soul recording started on the next day October 12th but they were in the studio on October 11th according to Scott Fryman and they finished up on November 11th into the we hours of the night actually in the early morning hours of November 12th so on November 11th we're told that they finished up recording four songs in one long session two of those songs songs were told didn't even exist prior to November 11th the last day of recording the two songs that uh were you know allegedly written on November 11th and recorded on that day not only just recorded but written learned rehearsed recorded was you won't see me in girl they finished up I'm looking through you which were told that they started on November 6th so 5 days later on November 11th they finish up I'm looking through you and then we're told that to finish off the album with seven songs on each side a 14 track album they brought us the song weight in the basic Rhythm tracks from the help sessions earlier in the year so they added some overdubs and vocals to that now I'm I'm going to say that doing that four songs I don't even care if you brought one in from earlier in the year if you still had to do overdubs and vocals to get all of that done within 13 hours or whatever in a single day is not possible I'm with you on that one it's not possible so you know like I had a a couple of a couple of friends of mine we did a show a number of months back we discussed how the whole process works when you're putting a song together one of the examples I use is you know when I record I might go through four or five guitars to get the right sound I might check out a half a dozen amps to to get the right amp sound I might try different effects to make sure I get exactly what it is that I have in my head because that's how it works you have something in your head and you want to take what's in your head and you want to be able to represent that audibly and that's you know that's really the the basis of when you're you're songwriting and and you're recording now the other thing too what this says is that everything they touched every song they started they completed that means not only only the music but the lyrics it means they never stumbled Rick oh okay it says they it says they never had any false start so let let me just take the folks through the calendar a little bit I'm not going to go through the whole thing because we're getting really short on time here but so they ared at Emi one day later they wrote rehearsed recorded and completed run for your life the second day in they nailed drive my car wrote the music the lyrics rehearsed it had it in the bag two days after they arrive in the studio they had Day Tripper nailed down on day five if I needed someone on day seven Norwegian would on day 10 in my life and nowhere man were both completed on the same day 11 days in on October 22nd and we can work it out 18 days in was in the bag on October 9th and so I'm I'm not going to go through November but it's the same pattern in November so what what we're seeing here is a conveyor belt and writing music lyrically and musically is not a conveyor belt process that that makes a lot like that's what I hope people listening understand is it's one thing if you're a band and you're out in the circuit and you're developing which a lot of most bands do they tour they do little bar gigs they're honing their craft that's why a lot of bands have an amazing first album they have their whole life to craft it and they're but they the point is they go into the studio and they have a lot of it hammered out they're just do you know they do some fine tuning and and stuff like that but we're what you're talking about is going into a studio with nothing nothing and writing it and doing what you're saying that is a feat that is astronomical a point I brought up a number of times in my presentations is I mentioned earlier that the Beatles are on the hook for two albums a year right that's a lot of music wow so when we take a look at 1963 they had their two albums Please Please Me with the Beatles And The Beatles had a very very hectic schedule but they still had time to write 16 original songs for those first two albums then we get to 1964 and that's really when Beetle Mania really kicked into high gear so now the Beatles are doing worldwide tours in 1964 they did a movie a hard day night was sandwiched in between the recording period for the album of A Hard Day's Night so not only were they were they in a period of time when they were recording the album but they were also on a movie set filming a movie and they were touring and they were doing news conferences and guess what they came up with 13 original songs for A Hard Day's Night and eight songs for Beatles for sale that's 21 original songs in that hectic period and then as we get to 1965 help is their first album in ' 65 touring slows down a little bit beginning in 1965 but again when they had the period of time when they were recording help they were also on the set to film the movie help and we're told that John lennin wrote the song I think it was weight on the movie set of of help but I have an interview that was published in the independent going back a number of years ago where John Lennon said that they were in a haze of marijuana the whole time that they were filming the movie help I remember that yeah they were basically useless by the time they got to lunch and the the director of the film Richard Lester knew he had to try to get everything as much as he possibly could as much filming as he possibly could into the earlier part of the day because once they hit midday it was all she wrote it was so stoned they were useless but we're told that they wrote 12 songs for help as a 14 track album 12 were original and there were two uh covers and then something happened Rick everybody fell asleep everybody knotted off at the wheel because nobody was checking in with anybody about how they were coming along with songs for Rubber Soul okay you see the point I'm making yes so with all this busy schedule and everything that they were doing in 63 64 in the beginning of 65 somehow they still found time to write music we're told allegedly but then it goes dark Brian Epstein I mean he didn't he didn't contact John Lennon and Paul McCartney or even George Harris and then say hey guys how are we doing with the songs how many do you have because I have and and and George Martin we have studio time booked in October at Emi Studios and we're going to need 16 songs 14 for the album two for single so I hope you guys are banging out Tunes every L that conversation never took place nor evidently did it take place between George Martin and the band the producer of the band he doesn't inquire about how they're coming along would be so what happened was before they entered the studio in October 11th of 1965 6 weeks before that they were on their US tour the US tour ends on August 31st and then they have a six week break before they go into the studio and some people want to claim that they wrote the 16 songs or whatever number of songs people want to say they wrote because some people want to argue and say oh they had some songs in the bag I said okay look you know what I'm not going to argue this pick the number of songs 10 12 14 that's still a ton of songs that you have to write from scratch and that you have to nail down within 30 days I say 16 because I don't believe they came in with anything and I'll explain why in a moment okay so people want to say oh well they were writing while they were on holiday between when the tourah ended and when they had to show up at Emi on October 11th 65 the problem with that is the official narrative tells us that's not what they were doing during their holiday in fact in Mark Lewis's one of Mark Lewis's books I have two of his books he clearly states that that period of time that six weeks between when the Torah ended and when they had to go into the studio to record Rubber Soul The Beatles were on vacation they were on holiday with no work and if people want to argue that writing songs is not work I'm going to tell you try it it's work okay getting your band together writing songs rehearsing going back and forth and let me tell you many times personalities Clash there could be arguments that's the life of being in a band folks for those of you who have never been in a band I'm telling you from experience that's how it works and you can get these stories from many many other bands in fact many of the bands that you follow there'll be stories like this where they were at each other look at The Kinks oh yeah right yeah classic example so so what happened was I said well this makes no sense to me like I said this is conveyor belt stuff and so we go back to the August 5th 66 interview and John Lennard and Paul McCartney said that it's a bit of a drag for the first two songs they're talking about writing music they said the last LP and I believe they were talking about revolver because they did the the interview when revolver was released on August 5th we took weeks weeks just trying to get one song written so if it took you weeks to get one song written for Revol how did you write 16 songs in weeks because what's 30 days 30 days is 4 weeks and then in that same interview Paul said we're limited as a group we're the first to say we're not all that good musically the other thing with uh the Rubber Soul sessions is not one song took more than five takes to record the basic Rhythm tracks jeez now remember they came in with nothing Rick yeah every song was five takes or less to nail the basic Rhythm tracks if we fast forward to the White Album sessions in 19 68 I mean you could take a look at Mark Lewis's books dozens of takes to get those songs done 20 30 40 50 60 70 I think it was 100 takes to get the song Not Guilty recorded which never made it onto a Beatle album George released it as a solo song so we're talking about dozens and dozens of takes three years later so we have to ask the question well what happened to your studio prowess I was ask 196 65 you can do this stuff in less than five Tes worse you're getting worse you're going backwards well the TR truth of the matter is they weren't going backwards it's the Rubber Soul story is total fiction so the other thing with the 30 days is there were six days when there was no recording scheduled due to fan club obligations that was one day there was mixing within the 30 days that was two days they stepped out for a day to receive their mbes and they also stepped out for two days to do a TV special so in Octo October they did eight songs they were recorded in 18 days in a total of 28 takes for all songs so eight songs in 18 days no more than 28 takes for all eight songs which is an average of three and a half takes per song in November they finish the other eight songs remember there were 16 songs 14 for the album two for the single right they did that in 13 days in five less days than they did in October in a total of 14 takes which is 1.8 takes per song and if somebody wants to argue well they brought weight in so there were really no basic Rhythm track takes then we can say that the average was for November two takes per song If I back weit out either way it's it's it's not it's not feasible it's not reality it's not reality so 16 songs in 31 days with a to in a total of 42 takes for all of the songs averaging 2.6 takes per song eight songs were started and completed on the same day and four songs were completed on the very last day I took everybody through that on November 11th which is in my view uh an impossible task so that's the that's one problem with Rober soul and there's another problem with the manufacturing process that I won't get into right now because we're really I know have to ask you Mike I hope you can come back and do a part two yes I would love to schedule that for in a few weeks if you're available I know you're really busy but I would love for you because we're hav even got into Tavistock and and Alistar Crowley we're just building this Foundation so I I really hope we can do a part two I would love to have you back no we'll definitely do a part two Rick I knew that we were going to have a lot of difficulty getting all of this in in two hours that's the thing with this you know I've been at this for eight years there is so much I mean I I can talk about Tavistock analystic crowy for two hours that's why I was going to go with part two like I'm glad we're building this Foundation because believe me for all the listeners this all ties in what we're building here is very important to when we do part two so that's why I wanted to build this strong Foundation because then we can get into how they work like I can see it but people that haven't looked into what we know might not see what what's happening but I can see what's happening so and Tav stck and the commedia 300 and is a very detrimental in what we're talking about so this is important this part but let me just I'll give everybody the punchline because I'm sure people are saying well Mike you know like how did it get done because the album did it was released so how was it done the way it was done folks is that all of the songs were pre-written by ghost writers songwriters and they were recorded by session musicians while the Beatles were out doing their tours doing their films and doing everything that they did publicly behind the scenes George Martin was pulling the music together he pulled the studio musicians together they recorded the uh the instrumental tracks and so the Beatles job when they came in to the studio was to sing the vocals so when Paul McCartney said that they wrote V in great big batches I believe what Paul McCartney was really saying was they had to learn the vocals in great big batches so when the Beatles showed up at the studio on October 11th George Martin already had the instrumental tracks recorded and I'm sure there was a guide vocal so that they could listen to it and then they could learn the vocals they could learn The Melodies work on the harmonies that's what they did for 30 days that's what I concluded was the process for the Beatles from 196 2 through 1966 and even going into the 67 to 70 period although during the Billy period 67 through 70 The Beatles John lenon and George Harrison in particular were writing more of their own material and playing on more of the recorded tracks but ghost riters and session players were still being utilized right through 1970s sense to me yeah so that's the punch line and by the way if people think that that's a strange concept I recommend a couple of actually three documentaries you should watch The Wrecking Crew watch The Wrecking Crew That's How records got made pop records got made in the 1960s and the 1970s and in England they had their version of The Wrecking Crew with people like Vick flick Big Jim Sullivan also watched documentary Hired Gun that one's great yeah yeah hire gun picks up where The Wrecking Crew leaves off so from the 1980s on you'll see how these session players they're the people that are on those tracks in fact if you watch hired G I have to watch it again it tells us that on the Aerosmith albums it wasn't Joe Perry on some of those tracks and the last one and because I know we're we're 30 seconds so let's muscle shs watch muscle shs and that is uh amazing another documentary must watch thank you so much Mike I'm already looking forward to part two I will set that up guys I will have Mike back I promise and we're going to dive into this even deeper and it's going to a must listen Mike where can they find all your work in that uh I want you to have the last 30 seconds okay my Hub website Sage of quay s a g f QA it's all of my links are there Perfect all of my platforms you can hit my music there lots and lots of stuff there so it's One-Stop shop that's amazing and thank you guys so much for tuning in as I said a listener made this happen by your request please reach out to me if there's guests you want and I will have Mike back for part two as soon as it I can set it up guys so thank you thank you for tuning in thank you for sticking around and I will see you next Monday guys have a great week and uh thank you once again Mike amazing welcome back Mike I'm excited as you can tell to have you here thank you so so much for taking time to come and do part two with me I've been looking forward to this one thank you Rick thank you for having me back so did you have a lot of backlash from the uh the first show yeah like not backlash from the show it was be the information that I've been learning and then I kind of talked to fan I have a few musician friends that are really big Beatles fans and it's really weird that when you start questioning anything about their songwriting or their musicianship in the early days like when we were talking about in Germany and stuff like that they get really defensive like no they were always amazing they were always great artists they were always this they were always that and I'm just like I'm not saying that they didn't be they didn't become great I never said that I don't think anyone has but I'm saying they're not you know they were kind of built and then then they really get upset yeah well they were not great when they started so you don't have to take my word for it for those who believe that and are listening all you need to do is go back and listen to the interviews that the Beatles themselves especially the guy that's playing Paul mccardy Billy shears in a number of of interviews that he's done he has said that in the beginning they weren't very good but in any case you know you were describing the reaction which is something that I'm very used to by the way I was just I can imagine yeah but what Tavistock and we'll get into Tavistock what they're very very good at doing is creating Cults and so when you look at the Beatles they are a cult they're a huge cult with a huge following I would argue that it's a religion it's another ISM people react to it Mike as it is yes I saw it like I said I've had discussions and the only time i' like I've had I've had a little bit of good discussions I don't like to call them arguments because they never argue we have get sometimes it gets a little heated but it's a discussion yeah and the only time I get I was really shocked when it because it's music to me and I'm like like why are we arguing I mean this isn't my hill to die on it's just what it is and um but people that are religious that get that way so you make a point it's a very emotional reaction they become very triggered because you're cutting across their belief system and you can't blame them because when you think about it I think we spoke about this in the previous show Rick The Beatles Story the official narrative has been hammered into people's heads for 60 years think about that for 60 years and so that's the story that people have come to know that's what they're acclimated with so when somebody like myself or if you're asking questions and we're cutting across the grain that gets very uncomfortable for many people for the Believers and for those who are believers and Beetle fans or maybe even Beetle fanatic let me just uh say again like I said in the first show I was a beetle freak and it was a very difficult pill for me to swallow as well as I was going down this path to understand what they were really about and the interesting thing about the beetle story is well especially the story that I'm looking into what I refer to as the Cinderella story or The Unofficial Beetle story is the information that I'm bringing forth is in the public domain it's out there it's hidden in plain sight like most things yep that's key to this and so what we'll do is where we left off last time I believe I was explaining how I was questioning the Beatles writing from scratch to record the Rubber Soul album right 16 songs so it would be 14 songs for the album and uh two songs for a double aside single which was Day Tripper and we can work it out and I took the audience through how quickly those songs were being cranked out yep it was like a conveyor belt process and I said that that's not how songwriting works there were a lot of issues or there are a lot of issues with that story folks can go back to part one to take a listen but there is a another problem with the Rubber Soul sessions so it's twofold one is the 16 songs in 30 days write learn arrange record mix within a 30-day period of time and I said that well that's really not reality but here's the other piece of it the Beatles wrapped up late in the evening going into the early morning hours of November 12th of 1965 MH on the last day November 11th were told that they finished up recording four songs two of which did not exist before November 11th so they had to write learn arrange and record two of those songs and one of them weight was pulled in from the um the help sessions from early earlier in the year the basic Rhythm tracks but they still had to do overdubs and vocals on that and there was another song that was uh they started recording at least the official narrative tells us this earlier in November so I think it was November 6th okay so they finished that one up so two brand new songs one that they started and finished up during the Rubber Soul sessions and another song Wait like I said that they brought in from the uh the help sessions so that's the story at least but the bottom line is we're told that they nailed down four songs on the last day Quite a feat if you ask me I agree and if you ask me I don't believe that it's possible but that's me and the audience can decide for themselves but the other problem that we have with uh the Rubber Soul sessions is not just the recording the writing and recording it has to do with the manufacturing process of the record so we're told that after the Beatles finished up recording again November 11th going into the early morning hours of November 12th George Martin and Norman Smith sit down and they start doing the final mixes so my premise is the Final Mix what that meant was to mix the Beatles vocals which is what they did for 30 days they didn't write the songs they didn't record the songs they didn't play on the album all of that was done beforehand so the songs were all pre-written the songs were all pre-recorded so when the Beatles showed up on October 11th at Emi Studios their job was to to lay down the vocal tracks okay and so when George Martin finished up the mixing what he was doing was he was taking their finalized vocals and he was mixing it down to the pre-recorded instrumental tracks and that's how the songs came together okay okay so then we're told that George Martin finished up the sequencing of the songs on November 16th so for those who are unfamiliar sequencing means the order in which the songs are going to play on the record so side one of the album track 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 flip the album over side B track 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 there were 14 songs on the album seven songs per side so he finishes that up on November 16th and then we're told the very next day on November 17th of 1965 that the final mono lacer was cut but that means is now they are ready to create the Stampers and start pressing the albums okay so they either started pressing on November 17th or the very latest November 18th because they had to get rubber so into the retail outlets by December 3rd so when you calculate the time from November 17th to December 3rd we're talking about 2 and 1/2 weeks and we're talking about pressing thousands and thousands of albums so so here's the problem how could you print the album covers with the songs on the back of the album cover if you only had the sequencing done MH the day before they've created the final mono lacer right how could that get done well you can't print the record sleeves and you cannot print the centa labels of the 33 RPM record until the sequencing is done right and that's a major major problem with the Rubber Soul narrative so we're expected to believe that George Martin finished up the sequencing on November 16th and then magically everything got printed thousands and thousands of album covers and thousands and thousands of Center labels for the 33 RPM record within 24 hours here's the other problem the center labels for a 33 RPM record are pressed at the exact same time that the vinyls being pressed it's an automated process so when the machine presses the the vinyl makes the record the center label is pressed at the same time the label for the record is not adhered to the vinyl later it's adhered to the vinyl at the exact same time the very time that they're pressing the record so which means in order to start pressing the records all of those Center labels Within the names of the songs in sequenced order side a and side B had to be inhouse on standby and ready for the pressing process part of the team when I was doing this work has been in the music industry for a very long time decades very familiar with the the VY process the manufacturing process and I asked him how many weeks for the whole process how many weeks would that take to do what they had to do and he said eight weeks eight weeks to get everything done wow so I said to him well let's just say that Emi pulled out all of the stops because it was the Beatles and it was a Beatle record that they were trying to get into the stores by December 3rd for the Christmas season if Emi just threw everything they had at it full capacity how much time 6 weeks but the Beatles were able to or Emi George Martin was able to get finished up recording on November 11/ the 12th sequencing done on the 16th of November and the records in stores by December 3rd in two and a half weeks so it it's a problem I was also told by the person that was working with me on this that the printing process alone called four-color printing it took a week for the ink to dry on the record sleeves what they refer to as the Slicks before they could start handling them to create the actual album jackets adhering them to the cardboard jackets and all that stuff so it takes a week for the ink to try yet they got everything out the door starting on November 17th when the lacquer was cut in stores on December 3rd in a little over two weeks it doesn't work it's a big problem for the story so the 16 songs is one piece of it and then the manufacturing process the printing process and by the way you know when you do all this stuff what you print everything has to be proofed that's true you know it's not like today where we have all of this digital ability and we can make changes on the Fly any changes that had to be made if there was an error in the uh in the printing maybe they they could have misspelled a word in a song title or whatever that was a longer process than what would happen today in the digital age if something like that took place you know right so we're dealing with printing technology that goes back six decades it's not today so you can't think in terms of today's process okay so that was just to finish up part two of what was the problem with Rubber Soul so so what happened was once I took a look at this I concluded that okay so what happened was the Beatles did not write the songs they were not playing on the recorded tracks the time frame in which they were operating in did not make it possible it was not feasible and so I concluded that between 1962 and 1966 that was the process that the Beatles were involved in they did not write the songs they weren't on the recorded tracks they came in to sing the vocals that was their job their job was to be a vocal group but they were sold to us as this group of brilliant songwriters genius songwriters prolific songwriters yep great musicians but it's just a story and again I'm saying this and I know that people are listening to this Beetle fans and this is you're shaking your head you're going no this guy's crazy it's not how it worked and so what okay I know I know been there done that okay but I'm just saying if you're really interested and you want to break through the programming because that's what it is it's brainwashing Tavistock has conditioned the masses to believe this story and like I said to the point where it is a cult and it is a religion and I was in the religion I had a front row Pew in the Church of the Fab Four that's important that's important Mike to let people know like you said that in the first uh interview like the part one you were saying that you were a huge Beetle fan yeah like like so this isn't like you were just picking on them from day one this must have been like when you were learning this you were probably one of those people going this is crazy the last thing I wanted to do was to pick on the Beatles I I loved them yep and get it it was uh I don't want to call it by chance or luck I don't know maybe it's just some kind of synchronistic event that took place in my life when I bought the the book The Memoirs of Billy shears and I read that book which was a difficult book for me to read because it contradicted the official narrative around the Beatles it was 180 degrees diametrically opposed to what we have been told so I had to get my head wrapped around it so I could have done one of two things I could have read the a book and said oh this is just a bunch of nonsense and just set it aside and Go On Believing The Beatles Story the official narrative or do what I did to dig in and say well is this book is it true is it a bunch of nonsense what's going on here and so when I took the time to sit down and break the book down and decode it and go off and do the research as I mentioned in the first show I deducted that the book is truthful and it does have threads of fiction in it I mentioned this in the last show as well because there needs to be plausible deniability right anybody who's interested can go to my channel Rick gave you the uh the name of the channel I guess we could put the link down below too and you can go poke around I have uh 300 videos that I've done over eight years on this topic So and I've I've covered just about every angle to be honest with you so it's amazing so in any case the one question that comes up is well why did they do this that's what I heard why would the Beatles be a psychological operation to understand this we have to begin to dig into the control system and the ideology of the controlling Matrix we have to start to get our heads wrapped around that now the overarching umbrella is Freemasonry the world is run by secret societies and the people who run things run them run them are occultists and the word occult means hidden so there's a hidden hand and that Hidden Hand includes magic and I'll explain this as we get into alist Crowley perfect now this Hidden Hand Under the Umbrella of Freemasonry and let me just explain something about Freemasonry as well I won't go into great great detail but there is is a book that I highly recommend that if you get a chance to uh to read it it's excellent okay it's Freemasonry from A to Z all right and the author is John Coleman so John Coleman is the same person that wrote the committee of 300 and he has an excellent book on Tavistock so it's Freemasonry from A to Z okay by John Coleman underneath the free Masonic umbrella there is a Federation of uh many other secret societies so so we have the uh we have the Jesuits we have the Templars we have the uh the pilgrim Society uh many others that uh the Knights of Malta the rosac crucians club of Rome would be in that group The Club of Rome is actually a um is an internationalist Think Tank institution okay versus a secret society but here's the thing people who belong to secret societies the elites they run the club of Rome as an example Tavistock is not a secret society Tavistock is an actual institution within the controlling Matrix the internationalist structure the club of Rome is the same thing the bilderbergs Council on Foreign Relations the trilateral commission the world economic Forum the World Health Organization the United Nations the World Bank the bank of international settlements the bis the international monetary fund so anytime we see the word International or United it's a pretty good bet that what we have there is an organization tucked in within the controlling Matrix the Deep State that's a great term too mik I don't mean to cut you off but I just want to say like all my listeners should be really on par with what you're saying and really listening because this is what I cover on my show I mean I don't know how to if people people aren't listening and resonating with what you're saying then they're not listening because that's basically what every show I get into in one form or another we're speaking about what you're speaking about these shadow governments and how we are being controlled the social Engineers are in every aspect of our lives and no I obvious say nothing is left a chance they have it all covered and it goes that deep so I'm hoping people this people are realizing like this is what I talk about so it makes sense to me when I talk about the secret societies it's also important to understand that these people they're not just members of One secret society right so they could be a Freemason and a Jesuit they could be a Jesuit and a rosac crucian they could be a Freemason and a Templar they could be a Freemason and belong to the pilgrim Society the pilgrim Society is a very powerful secret society that very few people know about I haven't heard that one there's a great YouTube channel American intelligence media they don't do a lot of videos but when they do it's pretty good stuff okay so the pilgrim Society is made up of the Eastern liberal Elites so this would be the Rockefellers the carnegies the Fords the Morgans all of the names that we're familiar with think in terms of the uh the American Industrial Revolution from that time period okay very powerful families and they're tied into the British elitist system so the pilgrim Society is comprised of American Elite and British Elites and the control system goes up through Britain back up through the in city of London referred to as the crown Corporation most people know the rothchildes know the name at least a very very important piece of this puzzle and then you have other secret societies like the black nobility and the black nobility draw their lineage back to Rome back to the Roman church and they are very very powerful there were other researchers to take it a step further will say that the British Monarchy traces its ancestry back to the house of David a davidic bloodline which takes us back to where it takes us back to Israel Yep this is stuff people need to hear how deep it goes I think that's the problem is a lot of people at least I speak with they have at first they have a really hard time um knowing how deep it runs and and it's like it's it this is really deep and and it's very hidden but it's hidden in play play side I love when you said that because that's what I say like it's out there and to me they're getting to the point now where they're just blatantly not even trying to hide themselves now because they just they just do whatever they want and people just say oh whatever but that's what I'm try to tell people what we're up against we're up against social Engineers that are Master psychologists that know how we think better than we ever could and they have studied us and they are steering us it's not easy to to March through this because it's very complicated it is and if you ask 10 researchers to explain the hierarchy of the control system you might very well get 10 different answers very true they'll explain the same players but who exactly is where on the ladder in the pecking order that in all likelihood would differ but what I explain to people is it's more important at this point in time to understand that there is a control system and you're being controlled that's the most important thing right now agreed after you figure that out then you can do the research to figure out okay well who exactly who are these people who are these organizations who are these secret societies when did they enter into the name like I said it's complicated so to talk about the the black nobility as an example I think it was John Coleman mentions that some of the black nobility actually sit on the committee of 300 so we're talking about very powerful families the British Monarchy goes back to at least Robert Seer said that the uh the British royal family goes back to uh the House of David and there was another researcher recently that said the exact same thing so anyway that would expl explain some of about in fact it probably would explain a lot about what's going on right now with Israel oh for sure you're right and and I'm glad you brought up Tavo too in the in the Comedia 300 because I I was saying maybe I said I've said a lot of my show Mike and I know maybe in the first uh show that we did that I heard I I think everybody's heard that name Tavistock in the communia 300 but I had somebody once email me that told me about it and they're like yeah but you got to go deeper you don't just look at the surface of that you have to start digging in to what Tavis is and how deep it goes and when I start that's what I've been doing that's lately what I've been doing and my mind's blown I'm like they are wow like people have to look into what Mike is saying Tavis give a 300 you are when you figure that out you're going to see the world and you're going to go I get it what they're doing right so in the last show I mentioned there there's two books um Daniel aelin's book on Tavis and Dr John Coleman's book on Tavis now Daniel's book was I think he published it in 2008 and Dr Coleman published his back I think in 2005 so what we have to keep in mind is they're giving us all of this information about Tavistock and that was 20 years ago and like Rick said when you start digging into Tavistock and you read those two books to start it will blow your mind and what will blow your mind even more is when you take a step back you pause and you think well and that was 20 years ago so what has happened 20 years since because we're sitting in 2024 now this all goes back to the Egyptian Mysteries and back to the Babylonian Mysteries back to the priesthood so those are the two primary threads back to Egypt back to Babylon so this will give you an idea of how long this has been around so let me just read this here this is um I got this off of Henry macau's website some interesting information on the black nobility it says the most powerful of the black nobility families are located in Italy Germany Germany's important because where were the Beatles The Beatles were in Hamburg Germany where is the Frankfurt School in Germany Switzerland Britain Holland and Greece in that order their Roots may be traced back to the Venetian oligarchs this is what I was mentioning before back to Italy back to Rome who are of kesar extraction the kesars the Kazarian Empire has to do with the Jewish control system and they married into these Royal houses in the early part of the 12th century according to researcher and author John Coleman a committee of 300 was established early in the 18th century although it did not take on its present form until around 1897 when the China opium trade was legalized it goes back to what I was saying before there's a lot of players it's very intricate so then it goes on to say that documented proof as to the existence of the committee of 300 is not forthcoming and it may be no more than a convenient phrase to describe certain key players but then take a listen to this socialist politician and financial adviser to the Rothchilds Walter ranel writing in the Wier press on December 24th of 1921 Christmas Eve of 1921 said only 300 men each of whom knows all others govern the fate of Europe they select their successors from their own Entourage these men have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of state which they find unreasonable exactly six months after publication ranau was assassinated so the Socialist politician and financial adviser to the Rothchilds spilled the beans about the secr of group of 300 and then 6 months later he was dead he was assassinated so this stuff is real and like Rick said we have to dig in let's go back to why the Beatles are mixed up into this the ideology of the controlling system of the controllers is communism and if we go back to World War I we had the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia lots of blood was spilled in the Great War World War I and the Bolsheviks won that war bolshevism is communism and I have said that the Bolsheviks the Communists made its way into Zionism that's what I've concluded because it's pattern recog Rick exactly you're seeing the same players constantly paging in and out and involved in what's going on in the world decisions major decisions that are made across the world now what happened was after um the bulvik revolution the marxists the Communists were expecting that the world was going to unite under communism remember the old slogan World Workers Unite yes well it didn't happen so this was a setback for them because they were expecting momentum where there was going to be a worldwide communist movement Marxist movement so think of Karl Marx as a theoretician then you had lennin and Lenin's ways of implementing Marxism was through violence through Force but there was another group of marxists that said you're going about this the wrong way you're not going to get where we need to go if you're going to run around blatantly creating War killing people and spilling blood that's not going to work so enter a group of marxists known as the Frankfurt School so the Frankfurt School is really a an adjunct to the University of Frankfurt so it's not actually a school it's a group of of intellectuals Jewish intellectuals that formulated a way in which to get Marxism implemented worldwide without the violence that's known as cultural Marxism so cultural Marxism what it looks to do it looks to subvert from within so they Infiltrate The institutions of a country the government the politics and they start to break it down from from within when you go and you read about the Frankfurt School and the four primary members were Max horkheimer Theodore dorno who John Coleman ties into the Beatles And I believe Dr Coleman is correct Herbert maruse and Eric FR so let me just uh I I'll go through the Frankfurt School in a moment here but I just want to read a quote from Max horkheimer from the Frankford school he said that Revolution won't happen with guns rather it will happen incrementally year by year Generation by generation we will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards Universal egalitarianism so when you read about cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt School you're going to see the word egalitarian a lot think of it in terms of equal outcomes versus equal opportunity right they're thinking in terms of some Utopia where there is no class structure everything is taken care of I'm hoping most people understand at least the basic tenants of what Marxism is about I would hope so and I hope they realize that what you're speaking about right now Mike is key and if you're looking at what's been going on in our world you have to I hope they can see that this is what's exactly going on they're infiltrating everything like you said from the inside and and basically rotting it from the inside out one of the institutions the industries that they infiltrated obviously would be Hollywood entertainment and the music industry okay but we'll just put that on pause for now so when you read about the Frankfurt School and you read about their writings it reads like it's altruistic it reads like it's egalitarian but my question is is it really that or are they gaslighting us are they telling people what they want to hear and then go about their business behind the scenes completely contradicting the message that they're giving to the population worldwide bertran Russell who was connected into the Frankfurt School and I believe beron Russell was also connected into the Fabian Society now the Fabian Society is another organization very similar to The Frankfurt School but they were out of England and they were huge into Eugenics and the symbol for the Fabian Society is a wolf and sheep's clothing they're going to make change but it's going to be methodical and incremental so beron Russell said that the goal was to produce an unshakable conviction that snow is black so to brainwash people and condition them to accept irrational illogical situations conditions environments thinking so cultural Marxism looks to subvert from within the other thing is when we look at the Frankfurt School and we take a look at this ideology there are synergies between the protocols of Zion on and frankfurt's critical theory ideology so that's what the Frankfurt School was known for their cultural Marxism was done through a theory called critical theory critical theory what it does is it divides the masses into two categories oppressors and victims so think about that what do we have today oppressors and victims and we've had that for a long time we're constantly bombarded with that ideology the intent was to destabilize society and destroy the oppressive order so in their minds Traditional Values the traditional ways of life as it existed prior to let's say World War II and right after World War II that had a go institutionalized religion especially Christianity so what critical theory does is it dissects existing social beliefs and criticizes them in a way to redefine existing beliefs as well as values and morals which they say were imposed by governments religions Etc so these government organizations and these religions are oppressive and therefore they are inhibiting human potential now I'm assuming that if you're into the truth and you've been into alternative research and you're taking a look at what's going on in the world today you can see how this is out there today this type of ideology so the Frankford School recommended the creation of racial divides other types of racial conflicts that have been manufactured continual change to create confusion that's another one of their tactics teaching sex and alternative sexual Lifestyles to Children undermining the authority of schools and teachers promoting excessive drinking and drugs emptying churches I mentioned before about the war on Christianity now in John Coleman's book he tells us that Freemasons despise Christianity contrary to what they say publicly their Doctrine has no room and no patience for Christianity also in John Coleman's book he explains that I believe it's the 26th degree in the 33 degrees of the Scottish writer Freemasonry when he's told that Lucifer is their God prior to that to enter into Freemason all you need is a belief in a god it doesn't matter who that God is but by the 26th degree according to John Coleman it's spelled out Lucifer is their God where they're going with this is a pagan based spiritual ideology and lifestyle and I'll talk about the cult of pan because the cult of pan is tied into luciferianism it's tied into this paganism and I'm going to read something from a book a very good book aliser Crowley and the cult of pan where it describes the attributes of pan and we're going to be able to lay that up against what's going on in the world today and what has been going on in the world in the past and hopefully we'll be able to connect some dots one of their other ways of doing things or one of their ways of disrupting Society is to create an unreliable legal system dependency on the state and controlling the media to dumb down the masses and to encourage the breakdown of the family and we'll get into the breakdown of the family in a moment because they are anti- the husband the strong male and the way they couch that is the world would just be a better place a softer place a more gentler place if it was matriarchal versus patriarchal a lot of people believe this but the reason why you believe this is because you've been brainwashed and indoctrinated to believe this men create Wars no the elites create Wars they create all of this Havoc they create all of this chaos they create all of this dysfunction and then they blame the average Joe in the street it's like the club of Rome the club of Rome is responsible for all of the wacky ecological nonsense that permeates the Consciousness today as an example climate change global warming global cooling that all comes out of the club of Rome and who do they blame for that they blame you and me for that they blame you and I for the climate supposedly changing but they never talk about the geoengineering that they have been engaged in for the past 30 years they'll never talk about that they never talk about the fact that they have the ability to steer the weather to control the weather don't believe me go to mit's website and type in geoengineering stratospheric aerosol spring is another term so the point I'm making is is they create all this stuff they create the chaos problem reaction solution and then they push it down to the people so that the people will fight between themselves and while people are fighting and throwing rocks at each other and screaming and yelling Left Right liberal conservative Democrat Republican Biden Trump they're off pushing the ball forward closer and closer to the goal line the Frankfurt School promoted pan sexualism this is the cult of pan and what that means it's it's the search for pleasure and overthrowing traditional relationships it's Hedonism and I'll talk a little bit more about this when we get to the Beat Movement which was the precursor to The Beatles as I mentioned they want to marginalize the role of the father they want to abolish the male quote dominance for example women are oppressed because of men they want to remove the parents as primary Educators and they want to off escate the difference between genders the whole woman's movement was manufactured coming out of the Frankfurt School and Tavistock when you go back in time the traditional role of the woman was accepted by most women that they were the the caretakers of the home to be the mother at home with the children to raise them while the male or the Father the husband had the role of provider protector and security now this is not something that's wacky this was the traditional role of the man and the woman and again I noticed people listening to this right now and say no no women's rights and all this women's rights and all that stuff glorious diyon and all that we're all put out there to brainwash the population shifting away from a traditional role from Traditional Values and to turn things upside down the traditional family relationship and the roles of the mother and the Father the man and the woman put us in a whole lot better place than where we are today because right now we're seeing the results of all of this brainwashing and all of this conditioning that has been jackhammered into people's heads many people believe this is the way it works well it only works this way because it has been subverted from within and then it has been pushed through the pipe by politicians and governments and laws and regulations and acts and mandates that were put out there to force behavioral modification and we're seeing that now Mike like God I hope people and I'm really happy to say Mike I'm watching chat as you're as you're speaking and the people in the chat get it like they're like the like yeah they're like he's on it like we like he's on On Target and I'm glad to see that because you guys in the chat are awesome and and I hope people that aren't in the chat and that are listening realize like take a look at what they're doing and I've been I talk about it constantly so people know that in my show I'm always talking about how they're destroying the family unit and they have to weaken the family and and that's what they're doing and what you're talking about that's not nature that's not natural that's social engineering and that is mind control that is nothing natural about what is happening there's a natural order exactly everything they do is artificial it's forced correct and the only way they can get away with what they get away with is if people fall in line and play their game so the Frankfurt School also said that music can be used to promote mental illness and Destroy society and verses set to music in other words lyrics and repeatedly in toned are very effective so here we're getting into how music is going to be used to turn things up down to subvert from within so that they can move their Marxist agenda forward Theodor Dono was quoted as saying that they could promote a culture of pessimism and despair via radio and television absolutely for those who are listening think about when you turn hopefully you're not doing this too often but let's just say you know you happen to be going through the channels and you're watching cable news is there anything ever good that comes out of the television set is there ever a good story Feelgood story something positive no it's always about tragedy it's always about war it's always something that is going to try to inflict fear and concern and worry and stress and anxiety in your life that's the use of the media to ruin your life to make you focus on things that if they weren't doing what they're doing with their social engineering many of these issues would not be in your life you'd be in a happier place a more productive Place frankfort's Network extends into Eugenics like the fabians as I mentioned earlier population control sexual and family law reforms it is linked to publishing houses medical educational and research establishments women's organizations marriage counseling and governments and on and on and on now the Frankfurt School the Fabian Society and all of these other think tanks and these organizations and secret societies they are all working together so the Fabian Society and the Frankford school they converge into Tavistock so they're not separate they actually know they page it's like a revolving door you know it's like our government when you take a look at the private sector and then the government sector think in terms of when a President appoints somebody to their cabinet or to the treasury and they worked for Goldman Sachs and then once that that four-year term is up what happens to that person that worked for Goldman Sachs well they go back to Goldman Sachs or some other financial institution the three major Financial entities that essentially control all of the financials in the world would be Black Rock Vanguard and State Street so we have this like I said this revolving door thing going now let me just talk about The Cult of pan and then I'm trying to get myself organized here I am trying to keep myself organized with uh you're doing incredible well thank you incredible there's a lot it's a lot it's a lot that's why I try to tell people like it's so hard to cover it because it's so such a big web so when you try you know to try to weave through it in a couple hours like you could like you got it's it's not easy because it's so much going on so I'm glad that you're doing a great job breaking this down and it's esoteric absolutely yep that's the piece of it that is very difficult to get your arms around there's this esoteric mystical piece of it that is a big part of what's going on so let me get into that quickly and hopefully this will make the point so in the last show I told Rick and the audience about a book it's alist Crowley and the cult of pan so what is the cult of pan so in the book I think it's on page 36 it's the best definition of the cult of pan I have ever found so pan is the goat foot God of quote Panic or pandemonium or pandemic okay it is the sudden fear that seizes one who is alone in the forest he is the god of vegetation vegetarianism there's nothing wrong with being a vegetarian but we're going to start to see how there are linkages to the the programming and the messaging and um the social aspects of Life today how it gets pulled back into these ancient mythologies Pan's name has been translated as meaning all for he stands for the manifestation of nature now nature goes back to paganism I mentioned before that where the controllers are going is a pagan based ideology it's a pagan based spiritual belief system luciferianism pism The Cult of dionis this is all the same he is Roar undirected energy the dance of blood along the arteries the rising sap he is sexual desire running a muck the god of unfettered bodily instinct no social Force contains him he is the Lord of death of corruption bodily Decay and dissolution he is also the Mindless mob Instinct the Beast who takes control of man the frenzy of the orgy w women and song Quicken his pleasure he plays his pipe and the forest resounds with laughter and celebration think of the Le Zeppelin song Stairway to Heaven talking about laughter in the esoteric tradition of the West he often borrows the attributes of dionis I mentioned the cult of dianis who is the Lord of Vine who provides over intoxication and its After Effects that's the cult of pan and a person that was in the Cult of pan and extremely influential and who plays a big big part in all of this is Alis Crowley but let me just cover Tavistock real quick and then we'll get into Crowley Tavistock is an internationalist organization responsible for implementing change via brainwashing social engineering they collaborate with other internationalist think tanks and theoreticians as an example I mentioned the fabians and Frankfurt and there were many others it reports up through the committee of 300 and you can get all the information on that from John Coleman's book on the committee of 300 they have far-reaching influence throughout governments NGS which are non-government organizations the private business sector corporations public and private institutions mass media Global think tanks the military education and the music and entertainment industry saavs tentacles are very wide and very deep occultism is integrated within Tavis STS psychological approaches to manipulate and transform thinking and I mentioned that the ideology and the objectives of the controllers is to implement Marxism via cultural Marxism and that is subverting from within a One World Government centralized control luciferian Pagan based and crism and that goes back to Crowley's religion of the Lima and his book of the law the tenants are to pursue one's true or pure will there's going to be a new Eon a new age the Eon of Horus and I'll get into Crowley we'll talk about the Eon of Horus and you'll see how that Maps exactly to what we're talking about with the Frankfurt School and Tavistock so the obstacles to a One World System obviously would be Traditional Values so if it's family Centric that's a problem exactly yep traditional institutionalized religion like I said Christianity Freemasons despise Christianity they won't admit it but according to John Coleman in his book Freemasonry a toz That's Where It's At they claim that or they believe that a rules or a law-based society inhibits the pursuit of Will and freedom and that goes back to cr's Eon of Osiris and again don't worry about this if this is not connecting yet I'll get into Crowley so methods of brainwashing would be social engineering reshaping and redefining values morals beliefs and ethics creating a new culture what is that new culture that they've created what is cultural Marxism how can we how can we think of it in terms of something that we know pop culture cultural Marxism is pop culture very interesting they want to break down traditional structures as I mentioned the Common Thread with the Frankfurt School with Tavistock is a threat of psychology behavior modification and Hedonism The Cult of pan and they're going about their process of changing the world to move toward their one world governance and their one world religion via an alchemical process and that process entails dismantling the old and bringing in the new it's the Phoenix Rising From the Ashes the Phoenix is Lucifer okay so let's take a moment and let me just mention the Beat Movement quickly because and then we'll get into Crowley perfect I want to hear about yeah the beat this is something I want to hear about too yeah let me just um get to it real quick here because this is like this is like so many the things like as are looking for that that I talk about on this show like the destruction of the family and what they're doing and and then when you learn about the music in Hollywood you really like then you really start to see it but you see it in every every any Rock You un turn there it is like they're really I've always said they they've really done their job well as a as an adversary you have to respect them because they've really they're on the same page getting it done and we're all over the place fighting with each other like you said yes that's the problem yes I mentioned in the first show Rick that the one thing that the controllers do and they do really well is to set aside their differences they do they have their eye on the big picture goal line and are there disagreements Within the Pyramid of power yes MH they don't all agree on methods and tactics and whatever but they're able to sit down at the table and say you know what okay I understand you don't agree or we we're not completely Square on this but don't worry about it let's get to where we need to be let's get to the goal line into the end zone and once we're there then we'll then we'll deal with it oh yeah we'll deal with our differences y whereas Humanity does the exact opposite they will sit there and spin their wheels running on a treadmill throwing rocks at each other and with no goal line and even worse they're waiting for some savior to come save the day to pull them out of the ditch and I'm not just talking about a a religious person I'm talking about politicians some politicians going to get elected and everything's going to be okay so let's just talk about the Beat Generation for a moment so the Beat Generation was the precursor leading into the Beatles And when we take a look at the name of the band The Beatles it's representative of the Egyptian scar of beetle which is associated with Enlightenment so remember I said that Freemasonry and these secret societies go back to the Egyptian Mysteries the Egyptian mythology back to the Babylonian Mysteries and priesthood well Egyptian scarab beetle is associated with Enlightenment and there are many images of The Beatles engaged in a cult symbolism if you take a look on the internet one ey symbolism as Sonic handshakes and on and on and on Beatles be a l has ties back to the Beat Movement so beats and the Beat Movement be three key players in the Beat Movement were William S Burrows who was on the cover of Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band Alan Ginsburg and Jack kowak and John Lenin was a big fan of Jack kowak and Billy who plays the role of Paul McCartney has collaborated with alen Ginsburg so what do we see with this interaction well we're seeing that members of The Beatles are associated with people who are cultural marxists because the Beat Generation were cultural marxists the members of The Beat Generation developed a reputation as new Bohemian hedonists who celebrated non-conformity and spontaneous creativity this would be the cult of pan in other words nothing can hold you back and this ties into aliser Crowley pursue your true or pure will and I'll read Crowley's book 77 in a moment it's not that long and we'll get a very good idea of where Crowley was going with true and pure will elements of the expanding Beat Movement from the late 40s into the 50s was incorporated into the hippie and larger counterculture movements so the counterculture movement was directly linked into cultural Marxism into a mar ideology the Beats had a pervasive influence on rock and roll and popular music including the Beatles Bob Dylan and Jim Morrison The Beatles spelled their name as a reference or in reference to the Beat Generation and as a mentioned John Lenin was a fan of Jack kowak and the Beatles put beat writer William S Burrows on the cover of their Sergeant Pepper album cover that's the Beat Generation so where are we right now so what I'm trying to do is to help the audience understand that there is a culture war and we've heard that term before the culture wars but a lot of people didn't know what does that mean what exactly does that mean what war what cultures are you talking about most people never even asked the question it's the culture that existed prior to these marxists getting their hands into our business right you're correct y the Traditional Values the family values traditional religious beliefs the way people conducted themselves followed more of the natural order it's not to say everything did but a lot of it did people were more instinctual about what had to get done people were a lot more resilient they were a lot more resourceful yep God so true think about all of the small businesses that used to exist all of the entrepreneurs that used to exist the U solar Proprietors think of that think of all the stores that used to be owned by small businesses going back 30 40 50 60 70 years ago what they did as part of this cultural Marxism was to create this corporatocracy this corporate Matrix remember what I said about the Fabian Society a wolf and sheep's clothing with a turtle being their symbol saying a very slow methodical March that's how we're going to get things done which is also the exact same thing that Max horkheimer said that I read earlier from the Frankfurt School so what they did was they created a corporate construct where they moved a disproportionate number of people from an employment perspective into the corporate structure so small businesses started to diminish so Proprietors and so on you're so right with the small businesses too Mike because even in my town especially with covid there's none left like it like that was like the final at least where I live I can only speak for what I can see and who I've spoken with but a lot of people I speak with that businesses that have been generational like you just said for 50 60 years are gone like it's they're boarded up they're done they couldn't it's gone yeah it's all big stores now and it's it's so sad to see but you see that they're doing their job well this is the Frankfurt School this is Tavistock this is their social engineering through their social scientists that have created this now Crowley let's talk about Crowley real quick yeah this is crazy oh my God it is crazy I'm I know it's crazy I'm going to move quickly here because we're really low on time the Eon of Horus is a concept of Crowley that is based on the book of the law which he allegedly channeled while in Egypt back early in the the 20th century he published The Book of the law in 1909 which by the way the beal song one after 909 is Crowley's law of reversal so he published The Book of the law in 1909 and if we reverse 1909 we get 9091 it's the one after 909 so that's a very simple tie the Beatles back to Crowley aside from the fact that he's on the Sergeant Pepper album cover but is a lot more than those two examples he was prominent within the cultic elite he was with British intelligence I mentioned a book from the first show great book I recommend reading it secret agent 666 by Richard Spence in Memoirs they refer to Crowley as the father of modern Satanism his religion of Helma is the prevailing religious doctrine of the Pyramid of power and the Pyramid of power is a term that I coined to explain explain the the corporate structure of how the elites work it's all it's a corporate structure it's like a big multinational corporation so when we take a look at Freemasonry think in terms of like Freemasonry Incorporated Crowley believed an initiate must experience the Dark Side of duality in order to become enlightened and Achieve illumination rituals included Sex Magic non-heterosexual Sex Magic drugs summoning entities Etc Enlightenment and illumination is achieved by moving degree by degree through rituals so Crowley had taken over the OT and in order to achieve the upper levels of degrees within the Otto required Sex Magic members of the OT at the time there were those that did not subscribed to that and didn't want to go there but because at a certain point he let it he mandated that if you want to get from here to there Sex Magic Crowley's teachings and the process of becoming an Adept is reserved for the upper Echelon of secret societies and again folks this is based upon my research some people want to argue that's fine you can argue with me if you want but this is where I landed with this stuff lower level initiates are used as tools to promote theic satanic ideology that would be celebrities entertainers politicians Etc the Eon of horrus will be comprised of literalists who subscribe to the tenants of the Lima this will require extensive depopulation to remove non-conformists so the new age starts with a devout base nonadherence will be relegated to slaves and this is in Crowley's book 77 it's only one page so if I don't get to it just go on the internet type in alist Crowley book 77 you can read it for yourself the controllers are playing out Crowley's blueprint for the new age the age of Horus the Eon of Horus by applying an alchemical process so basically the alchemical process means that they are breaking down down the old structures they're tearing it down so that they can bring in their structure correct let me just explain for a second here because this will tie back to the Frankfurt School it'll tie back to Tavistock it'll tie back to the cult of pan Crowley taught that the Eon of Osiris which is equivalent to the pisan age was an age of Oppression it was rules-based it Shackled Humanity man and woman did not optimize their lives because they were unable to pursue their true and pure will but with the Eon of Horus the new Eon which he claimed started in the early 1900s about the time that he released or published The Book of the law 1909 that was the beginnings of it the Eon of Horus would be completely different the Eon of Horus was going to be a period an age of enlightenment of Illumination where man and women did pursue their true and pure will and it would lead to this Utopia this is the same premise that the cultural marxists were presenting there are oppressors and victims we have to get rid of this age of Oppression so that we can bring in this new age this new control system of egalitarianism and altruism it's the same thing I'll read the five basic bullets from Crowley oh that'd be great thank you man has the right to live by his own law to live in the way that he Wills to do to work as he will to play as he will to rest as he will to die when and how as he will man has the right to eat what he will to drink what he will to dwell where he will to move as he will on the face of the Earth man has the right to think what he will to speak what he will to write what he will to draw paint carve etch mold build as he will to dress as he will man has the right to live as he will take your fill and will of love as ye will going back to the Cult of pan and to do this when where and with whom ye will man has the right to kill those who would thwart these rights the Slaves Shall Serve love is the law love under will now there are thelemites and Crowley proponents that will say no this he's talking about everybody everybody's going to benefit from this and I'm like no everybody's not going to benefit from this because Crowley was part of the elite system he was part of the elite establishment and his religion of the Lima with all of its rituals this is reserved for adepts and initiates who are within the elite controlling system and if it was for everybody why would he say the Slaves Shall Serve so in other words if you're not rowing the boat and you're an outlier and you're not buying into this then you're not going to be in in this club that's the key Point you're right we have to understand that the control ERS Don't Care About Us Rick I know you know this They Don't Care About Us they call us useless eaters they're trying to clearly depopulate the world they talk about this all the time yeah they don't even try to hide it anymore like we have Yuval Harari telling the world that they have reached Godlike status he also said that Jesus is fake news so for those of you who are Christian out there listen to what Yuval Harari is saying he's with the world economic forum remember I talked about these organizations within the internationalist structure well the wef is one of these main players especially today listen to what they're saying they have achieved Godlike status Jesus's fake news he even talks about what are they going to do with all the people that don't have a lot of skills what are we going to do with them I think he said something like we'll give them video games and we'll drug them up something to that effect I'm paraphrasing but that was pretty much what he said so the Beatles are part of this agenda to disrupt it was an agenda to social engineer the world on a grand scale it was to break down Traditional Values it was to be anti-establishment it was to bring in a counterculture it was to introduce a drug culture to introduce free love which goes back to the cult of pan especially when we got to the Beatles psychedelic ERA with Sergeant Pepper now the first seven albums or eight albums because the well the eighth album was um a greatest hits album a collection of oldies so the first seven albums would be please please me through revolver we could see how it all kind of started and how it was progressing through the timeline it started very basic with the their first album please please me just basic rock and roll numbers The Beatles were dressing differently they had these you know different haircuts their attitudes were a little snarky pushing back on the establishment press anybody who was interviewing them there was kind of this um this banter that went back and forth and that was done intentionally to make the person who was asking the question they were perceived as part of the establishment to look like they were dull like they weren't hip y to use terms going back to the 1960s they were squares these are inhibited people these are people that are constrained these are people that are not optimizing their life and so we're going to push back at them yep you're making great points I just want to really quickly Mike that it's really noticeable when you go back and look at old footage before the time we're speaking about um and you see how different any even the music was and they were on stage very they were very stiff and they were kind of standing there just doing their thing and but it was a totally different look and then what you're speaking about you start to see this change very quickly of of like just it just seems like the the wheels come off and you have like the doors and you got the Beetles and you got the Rolling Stones and you got you're like whoa what a change but engineered it's engineered Tavistock engineers and creates the genres of music it's so noticeable it really is when you look the British Invasion remember I said earlier that it all goes back up through Britain back up through the crown the crown Corporation yep the British Invasion folks the Tavistock Invasion if you want to get even more basic I agree so let's just talk about the Beatles real quick in Germany why Germany because a lot of people believe oh that that's where the Beatles were you know that's where they were learning to write their songs and become great musicians and all that stuff wrong The Beatles weren't writing any music in Hamburg I have a Pete best interview where he said that goes back years ago where he said that they were playing seven hours a night they had to be at the venue by 6 o'clock and by the time they got done playing they went back to where they were staying in the very early days it was an old rundown Cinema they got up at 3:00 in the afternoon Pete best said this not Mike Williams Pete best so they get up at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and they have to be back at the venue at 6 o'clock how much songwriting do you think they were doing between 3 and 6 exactly zero let's talk about Germany why was Germany important the powerful black nobility families which I mentioned earlier are located in Italy Germany Switzerland Britain Holland and Greece in that order that's the order of importance how powerful those families are so Germany is number two on the list right behind Italy mayor Rothchild who was the the Rothchild that got this whole thing kicked off with the banking system the international Bankers he's from Frank for Germany vilhelm vun 1832 through 1920 was a German psychologist philosopher and professor and is considered one of the fathers of mar psychology and more specifically experiment mental psychology he was the father of what they considered modern psychology and everything after that was built upon vilhelm vont the Oto or the ordot temply orientis Crowley is an occult secret society and it was founded at the beginning of the 20th century it originated in Germany or Austria between 1895 and 1906 I find it interesting that in Wikipedia they really can't nail down exactly where and a year but Germany or Austria Hamburg is a major Media Center in Germany a lot of people don't know this and a colleague of mine Patrick Oar Caroll uh sent me an email letting me know this frankfur University is a six-hour drive to Hamburg wow okay when the Beatles arrive in Hamburg in August of 1960 as I just mentioned they played seven hours a night and it was a very decadent environment the red light district lots of booze it was very very decadent and interestingly enough just to throw this in many Beetle fans will know the name ASD ker astd was a German photographer and her photography was known for her association with the Beatles while they were in Hamburg and the way the story goes is that in 1960 when the Beatles were there when they were not writing songs and they weren't a very good band ASD ker plugs into them and now she's taking pictures of a band that is not notable Rick they're not on anybody's radar but she's taking all of these very artistic pictures to the audience test this out for yourself watch a lot of these rock documentaries that you'll find on Amazon many times what you'll see is before these artists like Tom Petty is a good example this all of this film footage going back way back when of the band and so on the other one was Gordon Lightfoot watch the Gordon Lightfoot documentary I was just going to bring that up when you were done I was going to be like there's a weird stuff in that documentary the filming Rick there's all this artistic film angles taken from when he was supposedly a nobody nobody even knew he existed right the only person that knew he existed was maybe his girlfriend and his guitar what's happening there it's the same thing that asid kerit did with the Beatles that's setting the backstory it's creating the backstory it's setting the table to build the narrative but Germany is a hotbed for the social Engineers Frankfurt and Tavistock that's why the Beatles started there that's why they were in Germany makes a lot of sense man and God I wish we had more time Mike I'm looking at the time I'm like we got like two minutes so oh I know I know it's I I tried to get as much in there Rick as I possibly could I'm hoping to get you back eventually you're you know you're always welcome back uh definitely and I would love to eventually have you back again and CU I think we're building a great F like we're building you're build you are building a great Foundation from the ground up and and I love that we're not just covering the Beatles we're building this Foundation getting to the Beatles of how this is all starting and now we're getting into the music of it which is important because I'm like you I know they they've engineered the music they're into the movies and that's what we're getting into and you broke it down amazing I I can't thank you enough and I hope people will check out your channels I'm I'm making sure I keep putting the links in there please guys go check it out he might gets into everything like if you go to his channel the Paul's Dead channel you're going to he breaks all of this down and really gets into all of it so and you can definitely do that at your own Leisure and learn way more than what we're covering here there's so much it's how do you fit it in well you know Rick what we have to understand is don't take the Beatles personally right it's a good point understand that the Beatles are one of many major psychological operations that have been put in play over time y do you want a recent one how about Co yeah Co was a major psychological operation yep I've said that too well and and and to make it personal even for me I was like like you were a Beatles fan I was a huge doors fan the surprise I got when I started digging into the origin of the doors I'm like oh my God like so I get it yeah read Dave McGowan's book yeah it's crazy so I hopefully people are gonna to look into this Mike I can't thank you enough thank you so much for coming back here and taking time to talk to all of us because I I think this is going to get people really questioning and thinking and least looking into things and I want to thank everybody for in the chat you guys are on fire tonight and uh I will leave links for all of Mike stuff please go check out his work and Mike thank you once again so so much you're always welcome back please remember that my friend thank you Rick [Music] a [Music]

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Hello, there are reports that apple may hold an event to launch the iphone 16 and new products on september 10, 2024. mark german revealed that apple may hold an event to launch new products on september 10, 2024. going with the iphone 16 series is the iphone 16, 16 plus, 16 pro, and 16 pro max, followed... Read more

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WILBUR ROSS: Robot is good for America

Category: People & Blogs

I'm not in favor of trying to hold back technological advance we need technological advance and if we don't employ robots the chinese will the vietnamese will the europeans will the japanese will everybody will so anything that handicaps american business is not good but what we really need to do is... Read more

iOS 18 Beta 8 Released - What's New? thumbnail
iOS 18 Beta 8 Released - What's New?

Category: Science & Technology

Everything released what's up guys my name is brandon and today apple released ios 18 beta 8 to register developers and soon to public beta testers now along with this release apple released the eighth beta for ipad os 18 watch os 11 which is not out currently but it will be coming soon mac os sequoia... Read more

iPhone 16 - OFFICIAL TEASER thumbnail

Category: Science & Technology

[music] so it's official guys the iphone 16 series was series 10 airpods and ios 18 stable is coming on 9th september that is in a few days the invitation of this event says it's glow time yes the teaser is like different colors all glowing together kind of similar to ios 18 siri 2.0 so i think they'll... Read more

Apple Appoints New CFO: Who Is Kevan Parekh, Apple’s Indian Origin CFO? thumbnail
Apple Appoints New CFO: Who Is Kevan Parekh, Apple’s Indian Origin CFO?

Category: News & Politics

Who is kevin parik apple's indian origin cfo apple has named indian origin kevin parik as its new chief financial officer effective january 1st 2025 paric 52 currently serves as apple's vice president of financial planning and analysis and will be replacing loca myri as part of a planned succession... Read more