【Apple】Big sis stole my husband and contacted me with a smug face, boasting she’s gonna have a…

[Music] oh my God Paige I heard from Mom you're engaged I'm so surprised yeah I am is it really that surprising of course it is a plain girl like you getting married it's like a sign of the Apocalypse you don't have to say it like that you've never been good at anything you were terrible at all subjects in school always last and Sports your art was incomprehensible that's in the past things are different now how did you even find the guy it's like you won the lottery no probably better than that well knowing you he must be nothing special that's not true he's a wonderful person oh really but I don't trust your judgment there's no way you'll be happy someone as plain and unattractive as you can't find happiness I will be happy I'm sure of it you're good at making big claims but just because you're getting married doesn't mean you'll be happy do you get that I do but I'm determined to work for my happiness work for it huh I doubt any effort you put in will make a difference you know what's with you are you jealous of my happiness jealous no way I'm just giving you a reality check whatever no matter what you say I will be happy we'll see how long that lasts wait a minute are you planning something what you've always taken my boyfriends in the past oh that was a long time ago are you still holding a grudge of course but you wouldn't steal your sister's husband would you well who knows honestly I think it's pretty audacious of you to get married before your older sister please don't ruin my happiness well do your best bye now hey Paige how have you been it's been like like 6 months since we last chatted right oh it's you Gigi hey what's with that cold response do you need something I'm busy can't you chat with me once in a while I always think of you as my cute little sister you know since you got married you hardly ever come back home I miss you don't act so innocent you've all always look down on me you wanted everything I had and even went after my boyfriends well can you blame me I'm older so I'm more important than you I've had enough of this pointless conversation if you don't need anything goodbye wait what is it I promise this is the last time I'll want something of yours last time I got a boyfriend a boyfriend given this conversation it sounds like you're saying I took your boyfriend Bingo as you know I'm married so there's no one in my life who could be a boyfriend I mean he's a boyfriend in my case what I'm talking about Victor what Victor no you don't mean yes I'm taking him for myself or rather I already have I see oh that's a surprisingly dull reaction aren't you upset that I took your husband I had my suspicions I figured he was cheating lately he's been coming home late and even though he shouldn't have business trips he kept saying he was on one oh a business trip you mean the vacation last weekend I see that's exactly it I also noticed signs that his other woman was trying to draw pins oh so you figured it out yeah I didn't expect it to be you though have you told Mom and Dad yet of course I did they said an incredible guy like him is more suited for me incredible since we're two sisters I the eldest will eventually have to take care of our parents right in that case it makes sense that I should have a high income husband with impressive credentials oh uh okay I'm not surprised mom and dad always favored you of course they did you're just a sidekick to me you know well now that it's clear I'm fine with it so you're giving him to me do whatever you want but I'll make sure to get what I'm owed what you're owed alimony you're so greedy it's me who's taking him even if we're sisters I need to hold him accountable for his infidelity fine whatever I'm sure he can easily pay for it no problem by the way your house is in his name right yep that's great it's spacious has a pool it's like living in a celebrity's house I want to move in with him soon so can you hurry up and move out Sure Thing Once I find a place I'll move out do it quickly okay hey I know you're free answer the phone come on Paige I have some wonderful news for you hey I'm talking to you jeez you're annoying I'm tired from work oh that's right you're working now huh ha not long ago you were a housewife it must be tough for a woman who couldn't keep her husband and ended up divorced if it's not important bye wait what is it I'm having a wedding congratulations bye hold on I'm not done what now I really don't want anything to do with you and Victor the wedding is the day after tomorrow that's nice of course you'll attend right no I can't what come on it's your beloved sister's wedding the Beloved part is a huge exaggeration please retract that statement oh don't be so bitter I'm serious why should I attend the wedding of my ex-husband and the woman who took him from me but you're my sister right it would look strange if the bride's sister wasn't there wouldn't it oh so you do care about appearances even though you went through a scandalous ordeal wow surprising your sarcasm is noted but I'll ignore it and guess what we spent 100 Grand on the wedding 100 Grand you guys still had that much money what do you mean well 50,000 was wiped out by the alimony he paid me there's also the mortgage loan Victor's salary makes that a small amount oh really let me ask you something just to be sure what do you know how much he makes his earnings well he must make about 200,000 a year right haven't you asked him Direct ly there's no need to ask he buys me brand name stuff every month Chanel bags Louis Vuitton wallets my closet is overflowing I go to the spa and we travel whenever we want we even go overseas a few times a year it's like living the life of a celebrity with all this there's no need to ask his income covers everything I see compared to that you must be having a tough time now that luxurious lifestyle is a thing of the past since he left you you can't live like a celebrity anymore no brand name items no Spas no trips right now you're working hard like a corporate drone you must be exhausted working from early morning to late at night I can picture your Haggard face oh poor Paige you got married but ended up miserable so pitiful well say whatever you like I'm doing my best and I can't come to your wedding because I have work oh I'm sure you'll still come after all you're my sister don't be so cold I'll prepare your seat okay everyone is looking forward to seeing you so make sure you come I'll send you the photo of an invitation card with the location and time later so you won't get lost I said I'm not coming I have work I can't believe what you've done just because you were upset I took your husband I can't believe you had to go this far are you that hung up on Victor does ruining my happiness make you happy answer me Paige what do you want explain this to me explain what isn't today your wedding day yes but thanks to you it's a disaster get here now and explain yourself convince all the relatives to come here immediately and I don't know how you did it but get all my friends here too do you think they can just cancel a wedding last minute and get away with it cancel are you saying that no one you invited is showing up don't play dumb only you would do something like this mom and dad are Furious oh so they're there don't act so blasé none of Victor's family including his parents are here wow that's really sad stop laughing and get everyone here now I hate to break it to you but I had nothing to do with this yeah right even if I didn't do anything this was expected don't you think why you've been stealing other people's boyfriends for years you were known for it back in school you've made quite a few enemies haven't you then why aren't any relatives here well no one wants to celebrate someone who stole her sister's husband and is brazenly having a wedding but it's my wedding our uncles and aunts love me they said they didn't want anything to do with you or our parents who accepted your actions what yeah they told me this right after Victor and I divorced given that it's no surprise they wouldn't want to attend a wedding and as for his side I heard his parents and all his relatives cut ties with him makes sense he cheated with his wife's sister after all I'm sure he's not well-liked at his job either I've heard some rumors this is horrible how could this happen look at your own actions and you'll see why this is is the result of all the trouble you've caused didn't you check the RSVPs you should have known if people were coming or not those who replied they couldn't come I made sure to convince them to attend I called emailed and even visited them personally so they were supposed to be here today after all the preparations they should have come wow forcing them like that did you think that would work it's the opposite I just wanted everyone to celebrate with me ignoring everyone's feelings and trying to force your way leads to this I just wanted to be happy Paige be honest with me you did something didn't you you're having your wedding in New York right yes but what about it I've been in Hawaii for a business trip since last week we what Hawaii business trip yes when you told me about the wedding I was enjoying my Resort Hotel I wouldn't waste such a wonderful time scheming against you wait what's going on with you I started a business selling handmade accessories 3 years ago what at first it was just online sales but recently I started selling in stores too so I've been busy and fulfilled thanks to that I honestly don't care about you and Victor wait what you weren't a housewife no but you were always at home you know I've always been good at making jewelry Oh I thought you were just tinkering away in your room I thought it was a dull hobby that suited you what started as a hobby has now turned into a job I even have employees now and the business is thriving I can't believe it I thought you'd be struggling after the divorce not at all in fact since the divorce I've been able to focus on my work and my income has increased every day is fulfilling last year I even hit 100K income 100K yeah it fluctuates a bit from month to month but it's enough to hire staff and without having to support Victor anymore I can save that money instead hm what do you mean support him oh so you still don't know know what has he changed jobs no he has a high income so there's no need for him to change jobs High income he earns 20K a year what if he hasn't changed jobs that means his annual income is is still the same just like when we divorced wait 20,000 a year he only gave me $500 a month for living expenses spending the rest however he liked I doubt he saved anything that can't be true then what about all the expensive gifts he bought me and this 100 Grand wedding plus there's still the mortgage loan I took over the payments halfway through and there's the lottery Money Lottery yep right after we got married he won half a million in the lottery really yeah but he's the type to spend every bit of money he has he uses it like water he spent it all on gadgets cars anything that caught his eye by the time we divorced there was less than 200,000 left from there 50,000 went to alimony and 100,000 wasn't for the wedding who knows what else he spent it on if he still hasn't curbed his spending you might want to check his bank balance I can't believe this he told me he was financially stable maybe temporarily but with his spending habits it wouldn't last long you should have asked more questions about his finances but he bought me so many expensive gifts if he was broke how could he do that those gifts were probably the last of the lottery money once that's gone there's nothing left only the house loan if you plan to keep living there you'll have to find a way to cover the payments this is a nightmare this isn't what I wanted welcome to reality ha you thought you married a rich man but you actually married a spender who can't manage money what should I do now start by checking his bank balance and making a plan no this can't be true I quit my job then you'll have to start working again I can't why not I'm pregnant with this child and we're already legally married oh I need to get back to work wait Paige please time to focus on my business wait please listen to me I'm really in trouble how am I supposed to raise a baby without any money you're rich can't you help me please We are family it's too late to play the family card now I'm sorry for everything I've done we supposed to help each other in times of need right you've given me so much trouble but never helped me don't say that Victor isn't reliable and I don't know how I'll manage I had no idea things would turn out this way please just a little help well that's it for me good luck bye wait Paige please don't leave me as I had thought Victor had squandered all the lottery win my sister mistook his lavish spending for a high income but his annual salary was only $20,000 he had just been temporarily wealthy for her who dreamed of a Carefree Life as a housewife it was a major miscalculation after giving birth she had no choice but to leave the child with our parents and start working part-time however she managed to mess things up again she had an affair with her Mar married boss at work and got caught by his wife of course she lost her job to make ends meet she had to take on a well-paying night job leaving her exhausted and with no time to rest on the other hand my jewelry business was booming and I recently opened a new store I've also met a wonderful man through work and we're dating with marriage in mind my personal life is going well too of course I haven't told my sister about my plans to remarry not that she has any chance of sabotaging it this time this time it looks like I can find happiness without her getting in the way on the day after tomorrow make sure to get up at 4:00 a.m. huh why why because you have to do a lot of things for me when you wake up prepare a bubble bath for me oh and don't forget the roast and bath salts those bath salts make my skin so smooth it's amazing and for breakfast make it healthy with fruits and vegetables it's an important day so I absolutely don't want to eat anything with a strong smell also iron my clothes and help me curl my hair oh when the store opens Rush there and buy beauty supplements um what's the important day there wasn't anything planned for the day after tomorrow right huh what are you talking about are you serious The Day After Tomorrow is the day my fiance comes to our house what fiance did you get engaged to your boyfriend Mark yeah what I didn't know that of course I haven't told you anything why haven't you told me something so important huh why would I need to tell you in the first place you're just a maid so follow your Master's orders there's no need to ask for reasons a maid I'm your sister getting married is such a big deal I wish you had told me earlier what's the point of telling you for some loser like you I shouldn't tell you good news like this if I foolishly tell you who knows what jealous actions you might take if you try to ruin my marriage I won't forgive you I won't do such a thing oh really I don't think so you've always been a loser who medals without knowing your place come on was sisters aren't we we're family don't say such horrible things huh what family you may be my sister but we are not blood related first of all we became sisters after our parents remarried both my dad and mom are highly educated and accomplished individuals however your mom is so so but your real dad on the other hand is an alcoholic loser abandoned and divorced by Mom right with half the blood of loser running through you you don't belong in our family so you're basically like a maid you're only kept in this house out of pity for dad and mom so treat my fiance in the same way like a master okay a maid what do you have any problem I've said many times that if I'm causing so much trouble I'll leave the house huh if you do that I would have a maid working for free anymore don't you understand such a simple thing if you understood your place you wouldn't think like that right you are really really stupid um I should be home the day after tomorrow right that's right get up at 4:00 a.m. and get ready for me fine oh but you don't have to introduce yourself to my fiance what of course what are you surprised at he's going to greet my family not to a maid so you being there would be a nuisance I'm your family too May kid are not family that's the part where you're being intrusive you know it really irritates me after you serve tea and snacks you should immediately go to the kitchen it's natural for a m to live in a way that doesn't interfere with us fine Mark are you on the way now yeah I just got on the train a little while ago got it I'm so nervous to meet your family being 3 years younger than you I hope I don't come off as too unreliable you know don't overthink it's going to be okay I'm confident my parents would really appreciate a guy like you they would totally be on board with the marriage I've already sung Mark's praises to my mom and dad you know I'm not such an amazing guy to be praised that much oh come on don't be so humble well I love that part of you I can't wait to see you me too oh anyway the strange girl is staying at my place kind of like a freeloader or something strange girl it's kind of like a housekeeper or a maid a maid for some reason I let her stay at my place and she takes care of all the household chores like a living helper you mean yeah something like that she will just serve the tea and snack for you please don't mind about her she's not part of my family or anything so there's no need for Greetings I see got it okay I'll wait for you hey I'm home now thanks for today thank you for coming today hey just like I said my mom and dad were really welcoming to you right there's no way someone as perfect guy as you would be rejected since my mom and dad are Highly Educated Geniuses too they said you are the perfect fiance I see now we need to choose a wedding venue right when can we meet next hey I want to ask you something what is it that living helper her name was Lily right huh yeah now that you mention it mom did call her that is something wrong with our maid oh did she say something rude to you I knew it a mate talking to my fiance like that I'll scold her later please forgive her okay she didn't say anything rude if anything aren't you the one being rude huh why hi isn't she actually your sister of course not there's no way that dirty maid is my sister I know someone in my family who knows Lily what Lily fled with her mother from an abusive father and her mother remarried Another Man 2 years later that man also had a stepchild and they became sisters huh the name Lily and her mother's name matched and she looks a lot like her mother are you treating your own sister like a maid wait wait you might think that way but she's just considered a maid in our family so I don't see her as my sister sympathy won't change anything Mark with dad being the head of the family and no blood relation she's naturally excluded from the family plus she inherited the blood of an alcoholic and abusive man in our family of geniuses she's the only one with a low status and is considered unintelligent she plays the role of a housekeeper cuz she has no brain we're not even related by blood allowing her to be a housekeeper allows her to live in our house so Mark feel free to treat her like a maid okay so treating non-blood related siblings like that is how it is for you well it can't be helped I'm sorry let's call off the engagement what let's talk about it officially in person wait what I also want to invite both sets of parents and your sister why would it come to breaking off the engagement because of the maid's story wait I haven't even met your parents yet it's sudden to talk about breaking off the engagement like this isn't it we'll talk about it another time anyway I can't understand your perspective what's going on once your parents meet my father everything will become clear well then goodbye for now Mark Lily are you kidding me what's wrong what did you tell my fiance because of you it seems like the engagement might be called off what what on Earth did you do I haven't done anything following your orders I woke up at 4 in the morning and did what I was told served tea to your fiance and waited in the kitchen as you said I also wanted to talk to Mark but I didn't don't lie why what happened shut up get out of this house what get out of this house today hello it's Lily's number right this is she but who is this I visited your home today I'm Mark Emma's fiance what Mark yes sorry for messaging you suddenly Emma added me to your family group chat earlier and I found your contact info ah that group chat I was actually kicked out of that group just now well whatever anyway I couldn't greet you properly during the day I apologize so is there something you need from me yes first I'd like to confirm one thing just to be sure is your biological father named David and from macallen city in Texas um yes but how did you know that I knew it so I wasn't mistaken what I don't get it I'm your brother what half brother to be exact we have different mothers but I'm your biological brother I've been looking for you for a long time what what do you mean I've never heard that I have a half brother I didn't know until just recently either this may come as a bit of a shock but may I tell you I'd like to hear it our Father David as you know was a terrible man alcoholic and prone to violence he was also truly irresponsible in his relationships with woman despite being married to your mother he had a child with another woman no way are you yes I'm that child what really when this was discovered your mother decided to get a divorce my mother also cut off ties with David later she married a different man judging by your reaction your mother has been keeping this a secret hasn't she yes I knew my father was an but to think he had affairs and even had children is news to me maybe because you would be shocked I think think she was hiding it my mother was the same way but when I got engaged and moved away from home she told me the truth ever since then I've been looking for my own half sister um about that what about Emma I haven't told her about it but after hearing how she treated and thought about you I decided to break off the engagement break off the engagement ah so that's why she what did something happen today she forced me to leave the house by the end of the day what what oh no it's my fault I'm really sorry no that's totally fine I was surprised when told but truthfully I've wanted to leave home for a long time so it's actually a good opportunity I'm sure you understood that when you came to greet me today my whole family treated me like a maid I didn't feel very comfortable they kicked you out out of nowhere right if you have nowhere else to go would you like to come to my place but when I told my mother about you she said she didn't know why you were being treated so badly and that she wanted to help you your mother we've all suffered due to our despicable father my stepfather who is my mother's remarriage partner shares the same feelings although we are only half siblings we are connected by Blood I want to help you thank you Mark can you come out to the Greenwood station my father and I will drive to pick you up well if it's just the train Fair there I can manage somehow huh um do you not have money by any any chance you work right I am ashamed to say that my stepfather manages my salary transfer account I only get $200 a month from it with what I have now I thought I could barely afford to stay overnight at a motel after that I thought I would have no choice but to become homeless thank God you reached out to me you're a lifesaver your salary was being taken away in that case even more so please come to our house yes thank you very much I really appreciate your [Music] help no way I can't believe my fiance was your half brother the world is small isn't it I was really surprised when Mark told me to but I don't want to break off the engagement you talked to him in person and officially broke off the engagement right it was my only chance to get rich oh because Mark's father is a company owner that's right I heard that Mark will be the the next president I wanted to be the president's wife but thanks to you everything's ruined what are you going to do about it hey think about it what Mark's mother is just like my mother she has suffered from an alcoholic and Despicable partner facing hardships so what despite overcoming those hardships and finding happiness with her current husband it's impossible to accept a woman with a harassment prone attitude treating her sister like a maid as a daughter-in-law what do you mean besides even Mark himself wouldn't want to marry a woman like you who might ruin the happiness his mother worked so hard to achieve what the hell what are you talking about you are a loser who has the blood of an alcoholic scumbag flowing in you don't go against your master you Ma Mark also has the blood of that alcoholic scumbag flowing in him uh well that's breaking off the engagement was for the best wasn't it at best you can take good care of that bloodline you're so proud of Hey where's the money are you taking your salary without my permission return it now do you mean the money in my bank account it's my money as a maid you shouldn't have any money to spend freely when Dad tried to withdraw your salary for this month the card was n working anymore you did something didn't you I changed all my bank information my bank information and card are now invalid what I already left that house so I find it strange that my salary is being managed by your family I'm not your maid or anything as you wish I've been trying not to get involved with you I'm a loser who has the blood of an alcoholic scumbag flowing in me right do you have any problem with me now yes yes we will be in big trouble I can't believe that out of our monthly household income of $88,000 $5,200 was your income oh that's news to me so that's your father's income huh I can't believe he makes less than I do and yet acting like the main bread winner of the family that's laughable give me your money and do all the household chores since you abandoned your M duties the house has become a mess why don't the three of you share the responsibilities what do you mean you told me to leave so take responsibility for your words until the end what's with the attitude I'm just saying bye wait no it's not like that I mean hey I can't marry the rich guy anymore and we can't live on just that salary help me we're a family right I don't have an arrogant family like yours are you sure you've got the right person don't say that well I'll let you off with the housework so figure out the money somehow we won't even have anything to eat tomorrow hey Lily don't ignore me [Music] please so after cutting ties with family I got some help from Mark's family and started Living on my own it's amazing to have a life where I can use my entire salary just for myself since I was used to a Thrifty lifestyle I ended up with quite a bit of extra money I use it for savings and treating Mark and his parents well as a way of showing my gratitude Emma and her family were struggling to get by on just Emma's dad's income apparently Emma and Mom reluctantly started part-time jobs everyone in the family had developed a habit of spending recklessly indulging in luxuries beyond their earnings before they knew it they were drowning in debt they've even sold the family home and are apparently facing the crisis of the family falling apart thank you for watching please rate the video and subscribe to our Channel see you in the next video

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