Category: Education
Okay what' you think uh i mean i thought it was uh an excellent debate in terms of uh the the showcasing the candidates if i could put it that way i did not actually watch the prior debate with joe biden and and uh oh donald trump that was the most consequential presidential debate ever i woke up the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Us network abc saying absolutely not abc has denied allegations that kamala harris was given any questions ahead of tuesday's debate the denial comes after trump who claims the debate as unfair and and rigged flirted the idea that harris had been given a heads up on what questions to expect in the leadup... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The united states now republican nominee donald trump has announced that he will not take part in another presidential debate with kamla harris ahead of the november 5th election this decision follows several polls indicating that kamla harris won their recent debate in fact in a statement on social... Read more
Category: News & Politics
You are watching the world 24/7 on the ndtv network i'm parmesh barava we've got an action fact bulletin lined up for you let's begin with the headlines we're tracking at the moment the known american election forecaster and historian alan lickman has officially predicted that vice president and democratic... Read more
Category: News & Politics
To digest the first presidential debate now it's been almost 48 hours or so um i want to ask you that specifically as far as immigration and economy is concerned this is us election watch i'm gori dedi let's get you the headlines this thursday evening first up kamla harris aims to reach those unlikely... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Ending speculations that donald trump could back out from debating vice president kamla harris the former us president has confirmed he will be debating harris next month however trump has specific terms and conditions for the life face off that is 2 months before the presidential elections in a post... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Foreign policy and aspects related to the ukraine russia conflict and the uh uh war that's taking place in gaza could be the factors that could be undecided right now to explain to us what could be the impact that they may have in changing if at all uh your prediction no matter what happens with two... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[संगीत] मा ब्र ब्रा [संगीत] वनस ए ल बलेजर इ फट हेल्थ ए नेवर कपन अब इज ब ड समथ [संगीत] [प्रशंसा] [संगीत] अब कमलास हि बा वमन द फर्स्ट ब्लक पर्सन एंड द फर्स्ट इंडियन अमेरिकन टू बिकम यूएस वाइस प्रेसिडेंट इन 2021 शी नाउ रेडी टू टेक ऑन हर रिपब्लिकन राइवल डोनाल्ड ट्रंप फर द टॉप जॉब कमला हरिस ऑफ साइट मदर एस एन इंस्पिरेशन फर हर पोलिटिकल करियर बट वट ड वी नो अबाउट द वमन हु इंस्पा हरिस ू ब्रेक बय कमला मदर डॉट... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
But just to finish i got more votes than any republican in history by far in fact i got more votes than any president sitting president in history by far quiet please but just so you understand she has a plan to confiscate everybody's gun has a plan to not allow fracking in pennsylvania or anywhere... Read more
Category: News & Politics
General philosophy is this you know debates don't necessarily change much uh especially not in a campaign season like this one where you kind of have two incumbent administrations running against each other right like harris has been part of the biden administration even though she will differ in a... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[applause] so let me use my teacher [applause] [music] voice english teachers you know what these babies are for okay here's my mr vance how about you mind your own [applause] business h i see okay you don't have to put your glasses on but try with me in your teacher voice mr vance how about you mind... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Donald trump dice que no necesita la revancha que le pide cala harris porque él ganó donald trump descartó volver a debatir frente a cala harris en respuesta a la solicitud presentada por la campaña de la mujer que pretende convertirse en la primera presidenta en la historia de estados unidos a través... Read more