BORDER CONTROLS This time the crackdown is HARD

Well, I've already heard that. You've probably already heard that name, who now wants to introduce border controls in Germany, wow. Now they're taking tough action and while she's proclaiming it so beautifully. Rhubarb Rhubarb gives the people who arrive here a little tip through the flower. Those who say no asylum go straight back to the neighboring town, so you know , if you say asylum at the border , then you can stay and if you don't say that, then there is no citizen's benefit, oh I mean asylum, we do not accept that the numbers have gone up. No, never. And that is not the case now because the AF d is so strong and because we still want to be represented in the Bundestag in 2025. No, that's no use, lady, they're all in the coalition now and we all know that they're three different parties, but they're all one if you want to know where the traffic lights are going. If you had to listen to Ricarda, she's always babbling around so strangely, because we're currently experiencing that although climate change is becoming more and more an existential question for all of humanity , the consequences are currently primarily affecting people on a global scale, in Kiribati People are losing their livelihoods and for all Green voters and those who want to become one , Kiribati is a sandcastle. In the sea, so to speak. Now I don't know exactly what kind of livelihood you can build there, apart from selling salt water, maybe the Greens can do anything, they'll definitely support that with buckets for 200000000€, but now it's even funnier, in the Sahara people are losing their livelihood and again for all Green voters, the Sahara is not this one, this is the Sarah one. Sahara, that's what it is here, and I don't know what kind of livelihood you can build there . But he doesn't know all that stuff. Buyers in the desert there are the sand sellers one after the other to sell sand, red sand, coarser sand. Sand, sand, yellow sand. With small stones. With large stones. Well, except Christoph and Sven. They sell ice cream, we want to make global solidarity practical and find opportunities. These people need to be protected. One question we are addressing, for example, is the question of climate-related migration and flight. Well, that sounds good, we can finally get all the people from Siberia, because it's always so cold there that the people can't live at all. I can't even walk around without blinking a lot so that my eyes don't freeze and all the people from Africa, oh, only a billion or two can see that. Listen, we'll accommodate them all in Cologne , we demand the climate passport, because we want the residents of Pacific island states who are losing their livelihoods because we get citizenship to talk oh how beautifully they talk about the tropical island. And the Sahara? Hey, hardly anyone lives there. They can come, there ca n't be that many of them and they just have to learn the word asylum, they could send a translator over to them . Because Nancy said that those who say no asylum will go straight back to neighboring countries, yes friends, you know, and that's it again with the video. The long ones , no, you can't go through them for that long. It doesn't name itself anyway. Yes guys, I hope you leave a like here and a follow and a subscription and what do I know not everything and I now have a membership on YouTube , so we can take a look there and maybe there's something for you, we'll see you in the next video friends. Clean skin.

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