GT Football: #GASTvsGT Coach Key Weekly Press Conference

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:21:40 Category: Sports

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all right cameras [Music] yeah all right everybody ready to go all right uh already into the Tuesday practice of prep for uh uh for Georgia State now this week uh you know everybody think knows my feelings on going back previously so I'll just go and say a couple things previous game a really good win for the Georgia Tech family for uh for for our uh fan base uh you know for every everyone in the school you know and that's we you know it's it's last week's yeah it's another game it's another opponent but it was on a stage that allowed Georgia Tech to get a lot of exposure uh a lot of people to find out things they might not have known about Georgia Tech uh and I'm not just saying Georgia Tech football I'm saying Georgia Tech in general so that was a great uh opportunity for entire uh entire school and for the fan base but uh uh that game's over we got a new challenge this week um anytime that that you create opportunity for yourself like that uh you create new challenges and uh the challenge this week is uh it's really the same it's preparing the right way uh and look that doesn't mean that we didn't enjoy a win so let's don't talk about that we did you know I want those guys to enjoy things but when we we got back here on Sunday at 3:09 it was 24 hours and it it was time to get to work so uh and and it the the being able to have a game move on to the next game uh we've said it before uh there's really three phases right now in our growth as a team you know learning how not to lose learning how to win and now learning how to win consistently uh you know the challenge we have this week I told the team this on Sunday uh Sunday afternoon the challenge would would have been a lot easier had we lost the game on Saturday night been a lot easier but that's not the way we want it that's not the what we want to do right we want to stay in the moment you know uh work dayto day um and and live out the week live out live out the month live out the year hopefully the same way you live out a game and that's that's one play at a time next play uh mentality and you know success and failure I said this after the game that success and failure both can be distractions if you let them if you let them be distractions all right that's part of the mental uh makeup that's got to go into to to being a a a really good football player and a really good football team right and we're not there yet we we've got to continue to strive every day to get to that point um so really I told him I said you know whatever the mindset is it's got to be you know nothing else matters get better and so doesn't matter get better is really our thing this week and we' got to have show individual Improvement there's a lot of mistakes that have to be corrected um there's a lot of things that we uh did well but there's a lot of things that didn't go well are you going to you going to change the way you coach the game off of six feet off maybe six inches I mean about 6 ft to the left you know 6 in on a ball on the ground from from from recovering it so you know you can't change an entire mindset based on you know those outcomes so uh you know I know you're probably going to ask about momentum uh and was say momentum is not created by a win momentum does not carry over I said at the beginning of the Season momentum does not carry from last year to this year momentum's created only one way and that's how we go out and we practice and we prepare uh and we work uh when we're given the opportunity to be together and work so uh you I talk to the team after practice again and and you all all of our goals for this season are in front of us um and really equated it to uh to when you're driving you know you there's a reason the windshield's a lot bigger than the rearview mirror I mean if you get distracted and you're looking in the rearview mirror the whole time you're going to have a wreck I've been in a wreck we've been in a wreck before and uh that's why we've got to keep our focus and our attention uh looking forward that's where our goals are that's where our opportunities are and that's where we have to stay right now is being able to prepare ourselves to be able to uh uh move forward yesterday doesn't do anything for today so uh you know we got a great opportunity this week to play uh play school right down the road right you we we we start out the season with with with goals of you know winning a state championship and winning a conference Championship all right so you talk about our goals are right in front of us I think it's a great great opportunity for uh two schools to play each other that are that are close that have uh a lot of guys that know each other uh coaches and players uh so I think it's going to be uh be a really good environment on uh on Saturday night really encourage everyone to come out uh we really need the uh the fan support uh the students I mean you know the second half of the season last year as the students uh came more and more to the games I mean what an electric atmosphere it was and we're expecting the same thing on Saturday night so uh with that open up with any questions okay question uh Trey koua got banged up in the game and and horse the whole team's banged up and Horus we saw his cast at the game obviously he was dressed just kind of where those guys at and are you hopeful to to get them back this week yeah I'm hopeful I'm hopeful for a lot of things I'm hopeful for a brand new Ferrari to show up in that parking lot I'm hopeful for hopeful for the building to be completed tomorrow but I mean live in Hope and you die in I won't say the rest uh we're banged up was a physical football game right we have a physical football team and that's going to happen week in and week out uh a lot of guys that weren't able to go today so hopefully we get them back tomorrow and hopefully by Thursday I can address a little bit more where we're at as a a team as far as injuries go um hoping we get them all back but uh it's highly uh highly unlikely we will so uh we've got to prepare everybody reason we practice the way we do is be able to have the twos and threes get work um you know guys that are able to play on Saturday will play but uh you know we're not going to we're not going to force somebody back sooner than than they can be uh I mean we're we're banged up now you know a lot of guys that played played and finish that football game or kind of walking wounded right now so uh you but there's a lot of time between now and and in the uh and Saturday night CH you take us in the left inside the left tackle position battle in the preseason and how it's looking like you know moving forward uh what was it 6040 I think in the game the other night something like that uh I think they both did things really well I think they both did things they've had to work on uh and you know to be able to get uh a game worked together like that 640 and you it's hard to do it every position but that's that's we've been practicing that way for for majority of Camp uh you know Cory uh got banged up early on in Camp I think Jordan Brown you I don't want to say quietly cuz he is quiet uh he doesn't he doesn't hardly say a word so uh but I thought he played in the game the same way he's practiced he just just can just steady Ed now I mean just consistent uh a lot of things we got to get better at uh and that the work started on that on Sunday night so is that a rotation that will continue you think or you'd rather have one consistently I'd rather have 10 guys play yeah but we're not going to this in the YMCA either we're going to play guys that have earned the opportunity and and they deserve to play and both those guys deserve to play Jordan Williams has has played a lot of snaps since he's been been a short Tech where is he now in his in the locker room thank you sorry roica hold no no problem uh you how far has he come since you know he got on the field as a freshman oh my gosh I mean you know play playing offensive line is a true freshman is uh second only to really quarterback uh it's it's it's hard and you know it's not necessarily the the the physical ability or the DNA the god-given traits that you have it's it's the technique it's the experience it's the amount of live reps that you can get but Jordan played Jordan has he's played a lot of football I don't know exactly how many games but I would guess it's in the 50s you know that that that Jordan's played in uh but whether it's 50 games or five games or you know been here for 5 days I mean he he's held to the same standard as everybody else uh you know we coach him just as the same way as everyone else he's got a lot of things he has to get better at he the ones I called out in the team meeting on Sunday as far as and ask him to stand up in front of the team and and and say what was the one thing that individually he was going to work on had to improve on this week look if if if everybody on this team can make a commitment what my challenge was to them to get better at one thing I mean we all hear 100 things during the day that we need to improve on and be better at in football you know as a as a player you know year 6 8 10 all of a sudden now it's it's compounded in 20 25 things but if everybody on our football team can take one thing that they have to get better at right as a as a team we've got got to improve in a lot of things offense defense special teams but every player can get better at one thing I'm talking about scout team players I'm talking about starters I'm talking about everyone that's 120 players on the team that have improved over the course of a week if you can do that week in and week out for 12 weeks of a season you know it exponentially becomes a uh a better football team when we talk to uh Haynes on Sunday when you guys got back here he was already talking about Georgia State and moving forward you talked about mind set in your opening statements how much of that are you finding that the guys already have that how many of and versus maybe having to teach that to the guys or having them learn it about that that approach I'd be curious to ask y'all like how many of y'all have that mindset truly to live in the moment to be where your feet are to not worry about the things that might come in the future the things that have already taken place in the past that you can't change that is human nature does not want us to do that all right well that's why there's anxiety that's why there's stress that's why there's pressure uh that's why and and it's just multiplied by the world that that we live in nowadays I mean you can't do anything without it being all over you know you know Twitter and and all that so it's not even Twitter anymore uh so that just adds to the anxiety and the stress these kids have um how do we do it no no different than bench press no different than running 40 no different than you know technique on the field I me it's it's thousands and thousands this isn't something that that we say once a a week this isn't something that I talk about once a month or you know it's here say this is this is a way of life it is truly a way of living your life and if I don't live that way I'm nothing more than a hypocrite to these kids and these coaches I things I say I have to live and walk it the same way and I truly do I do I do I struggle with it yeah everybody does but you have to constantly remind yourself you can do nothing about what's going to happen tomorrow you can't do anything about what's already happened you think about it these kids I mean between you know girlfriends and school and are they going to play are they not going to play you know the the the the external factors I mean all of those things we talk about Focus well focus is the ability to eliminate external distractions right you have all these cool things to say but truly in my every day my every part of my life and I think majority not all of our coaches live that way right and it takes a while it takes a long time and as soon as you think you've accomplished something right you better work even harder at it because you ain't going you don't stay the same no one does you're either getting better or [Music] worse this is obviously a Super Bowl for Georgia State and it is for us it is for us too Kelly and it's the next game you guys have had some let Downs in the past in these types of games coming off an emotional win yeah yeah that's why the windshield's a lot bigger than the rear viiew so I'm not talking about the past no no and I get that but just do you feel like the the focus is there was it there today are kind of how are you sensing your team make sure we show up at 8:00 on Saturday night uh I think the team that is a distraction uh so look no one in this building is blind to what's happened in the past no one right the focus has to be on what we have to do instead of what we aren't going to do we can't do this we're not going to do this well how are you improving anybody how are you getting people to step forward and make that that that step forward when I tell these guys all the time that they have ownership in this team that I trust them okay how can you say that you trust someone and you've given them responsibility and they've had now since July 24th up until this moment right now to prove that to you every single day and then all a sudden you change script and you don't trust them on something right this isn't something that happens and changes this is a this is a mindset that started on January 4th that works through the whole season you know no different than will the last game of the season right this is the biggest game of the year hands down make no bones about it right in practice indicated that right I told you we're banged up we're hurt other guys got to to step up they got to play okay next man up so what now what right back U Brent going program to program in your career I mean you've talked individually about it's human nature to look back or you know panic but when it comes to a program uh you've been at a lot of places how challenging is it uh for an entire program to buy into that model of let's not let it affect us let's move forward um as a whole if I looked at the hole all the time I would lose sight of the focus I have to have on my day-to-day job and responsibility I've got a responsibility these kids and the responsibility of Georgia Tech to coach them individually and collectively right anything that happens as a whole right is going to be a byproduct of how we go about our day-to-day what we do right the challenges we overcome the adversity that we able to push through failure makes all of us better right we've all had I told you I've had recks we allhe head wrecks right but we've got to stay focused on what's in front of us and our goals that's what that's what it is they're in front of us so the byproduct of those things it's it's simply that and it's great yeah it's great for the University it's great for the fan base the alumni all those things are outstanding okay every time you win a football game right people think it gets bigger and bigger and bigger well that's my job is to keep it the exact same not that it's small in any means at all right but the focus and the preparation and the concentration the discipline we have to have to go out and play the way we have to practice and prepare in order like I said momentum momentum is created by preparation so all those things that happen you know those those those are those are great those are but those are just byproducts right when we're getting ready to play a game I mean there's 120 young men in that locker room there's you know 40 50 support staff and coaches right at that point when it's ready to go out on that field is nothing about the it's not about the fans the media the families all that it's about one thing it's that family that's in that locker room that we're going out there together um and not looking at the past to talk about it but kind of as a way to see what you can get better at and what you improved on what is one thing you say you learned about your team from Ireland uh so you know every game you set and reset what what the standard is all right and then what your identity is okay what did they do to establish that in game one okay well they played for 60 minutes they played for 60 Minutes uh they overcame obstacles and adversity that happened in the game right they trusted the plan believed in the plan and executed the plan uh they didn't waver when it came to that uh and and they they stuck together as a family they W offense defense special teams it was it was one team those are the things that that we did well okay now what do we have to improve on we have to do those better otherwise you're getting worse all right you're not you're not improving so those are the things that that's the standard and I didn't do it those kids did it out there on the field right they're the ones that now have to uphold that week in and week out you you made a conscious effort to build depth up as one of the core principles of your program having that is this a week where that will start to pay off a little bit for you as you said you are beaten up a little bit yeah I mean it was it was good today to be able to have guys out there that um have been taking a lot of reps with the twos and the threes right um and sometimes it's special teams reps right sometimes they're taking uh a lot of reps on special on special teams right and those become game reps those those those help um you know but yeah the depth is is important and we've got to continue to increase our depth and it really you increase your depth by the acquisition of talent okay but then you truly increase your depth by developing those guys and that's what we've done over the course of the last eight nine months and for a lot of those guys and really the last three months for a lot of those guys so um we've got to be able to continue to develop those guys uh you know when when one guy when one person goes down you don't want to feel like you know it's the it's the end of the world you you want to truly have that mentality on the team that it's the next man up and and you're not going to miss a Beat a couple weeks back Chris win talked about haynes's ability to understand when to force it when to scale back um obviously interceptions were a little bit of an issue for him last year and that game took care of the ball where have you seen him in that maturation understanding uh when to make the right play yeah I mean I could talk for two hours about that uh but I think the answer to that really is in what we've already talked about about learning from the past right not living in the past but learning from the past being able to look yourself in the mirror right to be honest with yourself is the hardest person in the world to be honest with right and he's understood that he knows that he's uh and the the maturity that he has shown uh and de development that he he's shown from the beginning of the year you last year really until now uh it it shows up when when it needs to without getting into specifics your recruiting has been on the up te and especially in the state of Georgia are you starting to feel more momentum there and in terms of kids even reaching out after this game and just the momentum you guys are building in that front yeah I mean we we hope to have a a a packed section uh on Saturday of of recruits from the state of Georgia from the the local area from the state of Georgia and from the surrounding uh surrounding areas so uh you know then we want we want to recruit the absolute best players to be able to come and help us win football games and to graduate from Georgia Tech represent our place the way it should be um just touching on Georgia State similar to Florida State a lot of new pieces new coaches how do you go about game planning for those guys yeah so it's kind of neat like it's like two game once for us which is I've never been a part of uh so really it's no different than it was in the first week you don't know what they're going to come out with you don't know what type of thing you think but but you don't know I mean uh so it's about us being able to play the best football we can we can play right not over complicating things right being able to be simple with what we do but appear to be complicated with what we do right and then our ability to make adjustments I mean the best answer for that is look between the first series and the second series on the defensive side of the football cool calm collected came off the field there was no you know yelling at each other no fussing I mean that shows the the the confidence and the trust they have in Tyler I mean t is upstairs and those guys came to the bench coaches got in front of them right you next play next play and that's what they did and uh that's that's how you have to be in games where there are unknowns and uncertainties you have to take the unknowns and the uncertainties all that gray that people want to talk about right and you have to you have to Define it and that's how do you define it well you define it in improvement improvement in your own team anything else coach thank you all right go jackets appreciate yall thank okay how come when your phone's on silent an alarm can still go you go to set go to settings hap

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