Category: Gaming
Intro hey this is b from kong of r us and today we're going to show you how to play all the different games that capcom has been releasing on fight cade that's right for the last couple of section 1: overview of capcom fighting game collections years capcom has been releasing their compilation arcade... Read more
Category: Gaming
Se viene otra colección de legendarios juegos de peleas no hace mucho que capcom anunció la salida de la capcom fighting collection que incluye clasicazos como marvel versus capcom 1 y 2 de los que ya tengo un video por cierto pues el pasado martes se celebró un nintendo direct the partners y la compañía... Read more
Category: Gaming
Let me tell you guys something right now it is absolutely imperative that you support this initiative that capcom is doing with these fighting games if you love fighting games you need to make sure you let capcom know and support these collections so what is going on guys it's your boy c q here and... Read more
Category: Gaming
Fala pessoal beleza papai urso hoje é quinta-feira tem tweed da band atualizações aqui no site da band duas notícias importantes que eu vou falar com você principalmente sobre a nova masmorra e também a destaque aqui da missão exótica primeira parte ele vai repetir aquilo que nós falamos sobre é o futuro... Read more
Category: Gaming
[música] todos lo rumoraban... y nadie lo creía... pero es real... estas palabras describen perfectamente este anuncio nintendo lo hizo de nuevo... o mejor dicho fue capcom la nostalgia, el hype, pero principalmente la esperanza ha vuelto a nuestros corazones y sé que, al igual que yo, estás ansioso... Read more
Category: Gaming
Fala pessoal beleza papai urso trazendo mais um vídeo aqui para o nosso canal neste vídeo vou mostrar aí a forma de você fazer um triunfo secreto que vai lhe conceder um emblema secreto exclusivo aqui no jogo beleza bora lá deixa eu mostrar aqui para você e aqui trajetórias episódio eos se você tá fazendo... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] the two miles edgeworth games that comprise the ace attorney investigations collection represent a noticeable departure from the adventures of phoenix wright and apollo justice the pair of investigations titles also mark the final two dominoes falling into place every ace attorney game barring... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The ps5 pro is a complete scam sony has been having a rough time as of late with some notable high-profile failures including the abysmal launch of the life service game concord along with concord's failure sony has attracted the ey of playstation players and most consumers the reveal of the ps5 pro... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] hey guys angry monkey here and um i was told there was a nintendo direct today uh now kaji nama told me that this direct didn't really have a lot of things that were exciting um but the last uh direct that i did which was very heavily like first-party nintendo stuff was uh really good u so i... Read more
Category: Gaming
I'll get what i got car [music] [music] Read more
Category: Gaming
And for this one we're kind of getting back to the roots of gamefly it's one of those car racing games five nhr classes top fuel funny car pro stock promod and super modified and i know just enough about cars to know that those are actual categories they sound made up but they're real 38 top nh drivers... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Em segundo lugar com 83 pontos homem-aranha 2 de 2004 falando dos primeiros filmes do homem-aranha e fazendo parte da trilogia do samurai o segundo filme de longe eu acho que é o mais amado e tem seus motivos nesse filme tudo é muito a história as lutas a redenção do peter ficando sem poderes e depois... Read more