Glen "Big Baby" Davis Tells His Side of the Story | Higher Learning | Ringer NBA

Published: May 20, 2024 Duration: 00:57:59 Category: Sports

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all right you guys we promised we would make this happen we promised this interview was going to happen we talked a little bit about it before um joining us in person on the podcast yes is none other than Glenn Big Baby Davis yes we're pleased to have you here thank you for coming it's it's a it's a pleasure to be here I'm a fan I've watched you guys grown see the work you guys been doing my cousin here and uh very proud of you man position for bad and Rouge app we talk a lot of bat and Rouge on the podcast mhm um look cuz man I'm concerned you know word came down that you were uh you got three years um 40 you have 40 months based upon you know you're convicted earlier and let scheme to defraud the League's Healthcare Benefit Plan me and you had talked about this and you had told me now just for people that know there's there was a NBA players that were involved in an Alle scheme to defa defraud the insurance benefits plan there's been some sentences handed down Terence Williams the ex player got 10 years will bham I think got 18 months you got 40 months um there a lot of people caught up into it you've also been ordered to pay $80,000 in restitution so mama my sister everybody we heard we were very sad very concerned but then when you you reached out you said that you wanted to tell your story and I think for a lot of people they would be wondering like what your story is so I guess my first question would be what do you feel like is being said about you that's not true what do you feel about where are people getting it wrong what is your story well my story is the fact that I I never defrauded the plan and my intentions was never to defraud the plan um I had an injury in 2015 where the Los Angeles Clippers didn't tell me my ankle was broken so I took it upon myself as a player and you know um I took it on myself and also the the education that they gave me on my foot that the fact that it wasn't broken so I kept playing so you know and I shot my foot up three times to play and my foot was broken I didn't know I would have never shot my foot up if they would have told me it was broken I would have never tried to play and and so me trying to play um it did more damage to my foot and I didn't realize that until after the exit meeting they didn't tell me my foot was broken I had to find out from my own research and people in Baton Rouge that hey your foot's broken and so now as a free agent that's different right you you're by yourself you're you're you're rehabbing by yourself and at the same time life is hitting you right going through a divorce uh my agent's brother got shot you know Daryl Hamilton from Baton Rouge um you know it was a lot going on and um it put me in a big depression where you can see it where you can see where there's an assault charge there's a drug charge a drug charge that I had that went away you know because weed is legal now so it's just like I was going through so much and when they say you defraud the plan it's like it's impossible you know because of my background and my injury and what happened I had a real injury and so when you're having a real injury you're coming from a place of like not trying to take I'm trying to get what I is old when I'm old like you know what I mean so but the thing about it is that people don't realize the fact that the system is corrupt there were hundreds of basketball players that wasn't on that list that literally got subpoena for the same thing but you didn't hear nothing about it they're on ESPN they're on your favorite podcast and so imagine if the the NBA lets that get out you know what I mean explain to me what you're saying now so meaning that the fact that the Players Association and the owners came up with a collecting and bargain agreement right the collecting the bargain agreement had had health insurance in there for the NBA players so if you wanted to be a part of it you put your money and the owners matches your money this money doesn't come from taxpayers this money comes from us if the if the money would disappear the money would go right back to us so that's one of the issues also too because now they're telling us that we have this money for these injuries right I just want to get compensated for what I've been through and so running into this system the system everybody like is doing it like you know what I mean so I don't want I didn't want to sit here and rat on my friends and rat on the people that you know I didn't want to do that and so now I'm sitting here doing time for health care when I when I needed it you know when I needed it and when this doctor in Atlanta is a scam and everybody knows this and so he just basically told on me right to get his time cut he only got 6 months um let me I want to go back cuz you talk about an injury that you had that you didn't know um how did we get here you know to the point where like in between you having injury you needing um care and then additional care outside of the injury to the ankle cuz it was more than just the ankle right that you were receiving care from so like how do we get here how let this happen to the point cuz you've mentioned a couple of things you were talking about the doctor in Atlanta um the insurance plan so going back to the collecting the bargain agreement there's money available right and I didn't know when I first got out a friend of mine that's in this investigation that's during time he came to me and he asked me he said hey are you paying cash for all your injuries and I said yeah right and so he's educating me about this money that I have with the Players Association and letting me know how much money I got being a friend you know uh as basketball players it's a Brotherhood whose responsibility is it to let you know that this was available like your agent your my financial advisor and my business partner who was not doing that who also took the stand on me and lied and so um so basically the collecting bargain agreement has this money that it's available for us and he came to me saying hey you know are you using cash and I said yeah and so okay this is what you can do I can help you you know get the money that you deserve so we go to a doctor's office right and I'm thinking like oh okay cool we're going to a doctor's office and we we're getting easy access we don't have to go you know there everybody's back here to his assistant and stuff but we're just getting the right treatment I'm not thinking nothing's wrong or I'm doing anything wrong um so we go we get the examines and then two weeks later Terence Williams calls me and I know Terence Williams but I don't know him this is my first time having a conversation with him and so he asks me hey man why you not answering the phone why you not answering the phone and I'm like you know I didn't know you like what's up like he like hey man I'm the one that did Allen and I'm the one that helped this I represent the Players Association I'm like you're a rep for the Players Association he's telling everybody this and so as we go along as we go along we're having conversation and I I feel weird about it so I get my financial advisor invol involved and so I get him involved he talks to him and then he calls me back and he says Hey review it sign it send it back and for me I'm thinking that's cool because this guy has done everything for me and for my whole life from divorce papers from signing taxes to making sure that everything my family like this guy but 11 10 years what did you sign um there's a document right that he has to fill out with all the things we we have to fill out with all the stuff right and so he fills it out so I'm thinking it's okay you know because I'm coming from a place of hey he knows my injury he knows what I've been through and we we need this money you know what I mean and so he signs this I'm thinking okay and as things start to evolve Terence starts to be like yo I need $166,000 and I'm like [ __ ] no I'm not giving you $116,000 for what what do you and so that's when I started to know and started to feel so I called Tony Allen and Tony Allen told me like hey man you shouldn't have you know you shouldn't have [ __ ] with this guy you you should [ __ ] with me and I'm thinking like in my head I'm like what the [ __ ] is going on right and so as the plan evolves and stuff happens right me and Terence get into it and I'm like hey bro I'm not about to [ __ ] give you $16,000 this is you know what I mean bro here go $1,000 right cuz he needed a loan he was begging for a loan like he he needed money and so I gave that just to say hey bro it's over with look hey so I end up not getting any money right cuz the plan manager vetoed the plan right but I'm still under investigation right and so as I thinking to myself oh it's over with hey I didn't get no money hey everything's good there's an investigation going on MH right and as I'm going to rehab again I go to another friend doctor that's in Ino who's also in this situation right who also played right to whatever he did you know what I mean so that's another corrupt that I don't even know right I'm just going to where my peers are going and all my friends are going mhm and so as that evolves as that evolves you know I'm like I'm good you know I'm like oh you know so I end up end up calling uh uh the lawyers from the plan ends up calling me what shocks me from the NBA's health plan from the yeah the NBA health plan they called me and they they called me with like three or four or five lawyers on the phone and they call me you know and and all I think about is I don't want to snitch right I don't want to rat on them I don't want to I don't want to be the one that's telling they you know they doing something [ __ ] up because I was so lost in my my world I wasn't paying attention did you know it by then that something was wrong I knew something was wrong by then and I could have went and told you know I could have been like hey no these guys are but I didn't want to do that let me let me ask you something you say that you had an injury and it was to your ankle the documents and things that have come out claim that you guys had six root canals on the same tooth that it wasn't for an ankle yeah so now that comes to the point of trusting right I'm thinking Edgard and doing the right thing you know what I mean and he's paying attention doing the right stuff but he's not paying attention doing the right stuff so you weren't aware that I wasn't aware of that I wasn't aware of that they had this invoice on here or that invoice on there you know I I never knew you know all I was just asking him hey man find out for me cuz I don't know you know what I mean I know I spent so much money like figure it out and that's what he came back with and Edgar's your financial aer's my financial person so you were getting treatment for what you needed I always getting treatment I was always getting treatment and were you signing paperwork in regards to the additional treatment like what van referred to or I think there was something yes I was I was doing physical therapy with different types of Physicians I was always in a in a phase of getting treatment because I had a broke ankle and it never really healed you know what I mean so I was always going I have records of every doctor that i' ever been to you know in situations like that I mean were you signing the paperwork in regards to like the root canal or that said you got service on one day but you were really in somewhere else it's all on it's all on one piece of paper right and so if you sign if you sign down here on the dotted line like it's all one it's not like oh multiple pages that I got ass signed it was only once you mean when you're reporting to the insurance for your um the treatment that you received is that yeah so like all the treatment and stuff is on one piece of paper so everything you know the terance made up all the invoices he made up all that stuff and my my financial advisor I don't know what the hell he was thinking you know what I mean because I'm trust in him you know I asked him like you know what I mean we like I literally asked him I say hey I need you to find out all the things that I can put on here and cannot so you didn't read any of the paperwork that you sign I didn't I didn't and I never did I've never have from taxes I never looked at anything and that's why I'm here today to talk about the athletes that are not filling in the Gap meaning the fact that like doing the necessary things this is why we are going instinct when we are done you know what I mean because the lack of Daisy and just the worldly things that come in the midst of what's going on we got to figure out how do we help these athletes instead of putting them in jail like that's the issue you know what I mean and so as this stuff is evolving the investigation is still going on so I didn't get no money but they still wanted to investigate me so as me I go to another friend of mine who did I trust that I know I've seen Physicians he's worked with me you know um at the big three at every game this doctor and I go to him and I say hey I told him the situation what happened with Terrence and I say hey man I don't want to do anything illegal I need to be accounted for for my injury though and I said what can we do he said you can put all the big three because I was there working with you all the big three dates and that's what we did and now he turns around pleads the fifth doesn't come to court and just turns around and say hey I brought him to the to the party when he's already over here partying that he says that you involved him in this game yes at any point did you have a conversation with Tony Allen or with Terence Williams where they explicitly told you that there was a scheme to defraud the NFL the NBA's Insurance never had it never had a conversation with them do you think that they thought you knew what was going on no they had no idea that I they literally had no idea like like like they had no idea how clueless I was like you know what I mean like as far as they were just so far like just so farn because they just I just literally just let it go like you know what I mean like when I talked to I didn't when I when I questioned Edgard you know he was like everything's fine and so I just let it without even just checking you know what I mean I just let everything go you know so but at the same time my intentions was never to steal from the plan because I have an injury you know and I've been working hard you know I was trying to get back for the big three so like all those hours that's what I was accounting for what year is this that this is taking place um 2017 well 20189 20181 19 yeah when I was in the big three and you were made aware that you were being indicted when I made aware when I was being indicted it was somewhere around like 92 mhm I watched a Vlad interview with you when you were talking to him and you seemed pretty confident um you said take it to trial you did not think that you were going to be found guilty and sentenced to jail about this no I figured that the did you take the whole thing seriously Glenn yes I took it seriously sometimes it doesn't seem like it I did I took it seriously you know what I mean I really did I just figured that the FBI would do better job like I thought they were going to do a better job and find you know what's going on instead of me instead of me getting on the stand and telling you know and I thought I was going to get on the stand and talk but they didn't let me you know what I mean I thought that was a big thing on why the difference between you know um you know will and me you know he got on the stand he got a chance to talk you know and then also they made it seem like I brought the doctor to the party so it's like you're bringing somebody you know and so they added more time because of that also too you didn't testify no that wasn't a decision you made with my lawyer told me not to when I told her I wanted to she told me not to let me ask you this you said that there are over a hundred NBA players that have been involved in this or are involved in this I don't know if you're saying this is still going on or not why do you think you were targeted when you look at my career and the things um that has happened in my career I think as a basketball player in the NBA they put you in the C category and I think when the FBI came to call me to talk to me to come to me I think that was my opportunity to say what I wanted to say so I think it was just more like the FBI all these guys are doing this you guys got to give us something and so they just let at it the ones that they felt were not beneficial to the leag and that's why I'm here do you think they indicted you hoping to flip you flip me flip you and get you to talk do you think that they oh yeah most definitely I think they wanted me to you know I don't I really I don't even think that I just think that this is a a high profile case and I'm the biggest guy on here when you think about it I'm the biggest one nobody knows anybody else really on this case like nobody knows Melvin heli nobody knows you know Allan Anderson you know um I just think the way I went about it I think gave them more fuel right because you go on Vlad TV you know you're having fun you're going to the Celtics game you're going to see you know Kevin Garnett get retired they you know they think you know that he's in you know but I'm just trying to like deal with the other [ __ ] I got going on trying to embrace what I done in the relationships I've been around so I think I've handled it the wrong way you know what I mean even after you were sentenced you were talking about the fact that you were not going to be able to eat hamburgers for three years and I wanted to call you and be like look cuz man relax don't antagonize the government yeah that was wrong but at the same time it's said what you want me to do you want me to go you want me to go take a crack pipe and go put it to my mouth or you want me to go start doing meth or do you use that as a way of just coping you know what I mean because I'm I'm you know months ago years ago you know I was damn near close you think about my career and my life and all that [ __ ] I was sending you yeah that all happened divorce death you know arrested for the first time in your life like arrested again for the second time in your life a month later like I remember it I need help needed help I needed somebody to say hey what's up what you doing what's going on you know cry it's okay to cry I know you big baby but you don't cry you know what I mean last time you cried he was on national TV that's the last time I ever cried you know what I mean so you said in court that when you lost basketball you lost yourself can you explain that cuz some people could take that as like an admission can you EXP explain what you meant when you said that because I think that there are other people who might I would imagine there other people other players who are um maybe feel the same way I don't know but you know he kind of know my history and where I'm from and what I've been through and basketball was a protector it shielded me away from the things that I had to endure and see growing up and when that was taken away and I had to fend for myself and and figure out how to deal with life I didn't know because I didn't have basketball I didn't know I I used to gauge basketball with everything that I did in my life and so I had to route and figure that out you know and it was difficult in the way it happened not on my own terms you know I was eating myself up you know uh uh you know living in the flesh going crazy doing things flying private just doing things to to to to get away from the divorce to to you know to get away from the bad decisions and you know I kept digging myself in a hole you know um and so I was lost I didn't have a guide you know everybody has a guide in life you know sometimes people come in your life and you know or you know people guide their Yourself by the Bible but basketball was my guide so I just struggled I struggled I was in a dark place meaning the fact that like I was depressed I couldn't get out the bed you know smoking extremely a lot like don't want to work out don't want to answer the phone like you know I didn't know I was depressed and so now you're in a situation when you you know you're you're going through so much you know what I mean and you're coming from a place of like you know a injury a real injury you know what I mean that's why I'm sitting here now trying to get my point across because you know walk out in the street and people looking at you and seeing you and you know damn well like man like this is not me like people you know so you know like I don't even know if like really when I think about it like it's just [ __ ] up you know the way the situation is you talked about players um and the league and what they do in retirement you made $30 million in the NBA I know Tony Allen had a successful career as a veteran for a long time one of the best defensive players Terence Williams not as much didn't play as long um but a lot of these guys had success where where's the money like what what what what how does something like this how do people get involved in something like this well um the biggest thing that I see right is the fact that there's this big Mirage this big illusion of what NBA players make and what what they don't make you know and at the end of the day you know you see 30 million but it's really 15 12 because so much money has to be taken away from you right taxes you pay taxes in every state right you got the agent fees you know you got your family fees you got your fees and then what happens is you get in the NBA and there's a certain way in stigma and image to live and you try to keep up but you can't keep keep up with Kevin you can't keep up with Paul you can't keep up with Rondo you know what I mean and so you live with this and you keep going and now you're building bad habits you're not doing the right things you know and now it's just a Snowball Effect because you are the leader right and nobody's going to really tell you anything you know they're just going to be all right you know they're going to watch you you know your financial advisor is going to watch you like hey you know he's not going to be like hey you know stand there and and and hey bro this is what you need to do like they're all with it you know what I mean and so there's so many things that you have to endure you know so but you got to be ready and you know I wasn't ready you know when I got that money I wasn't ready you know I did some things to help me now you know to keep me afloat keep me going but I could have did way more if I have did those things you know when I had millions and millions of dollars M right and so um I think what it is the player association I think you know they have to do a better job of being handson and then I think the other thing is that you have to go to where they are in order to affect anyone you got to go to where they are you know you got to be handson with them and I think that's what we miss because as players we're up here you know what I mean and so when we come down we're not outside we're in the house there has to be somebody to go knock on the door and say hey bro what what's going on you know and I think that's that's what we're missing and I think it's going to keep going and keep going you know you your favorite players are broke you see on TV every day don't have no money you know and I think that's a problem right it all those players they didn't you know they they're losing money they they're not how much just to how much of that is on them if I'm asking you like just to I understand everything that you're saying where in your opinion does the responsibility of League end and personal responsibility begin what would you say if someone asked you that well when I think about right how much is on you right um a lot is on you mhm you know a lot of decisions are on you um when I think about how I grew up the way I grew up I know you know my situation is a little bit different I get it than your other situation well you know I grew up in bad news Louisiana uh the Eden Park area gush young and um it was a tough Place what's the nickname of that place um call it Park Town um you know it's one of the most deadliest places you know you can be in and um my mother was on drugs majority of my life um until now you know what I mean U she's been clean but um we went through a a crazy path you know um to the point of you know seeing her every day on the streets you know but you ain't see her in two weeks but she around the corner in the back you know so it's like I seen a lot of things and basketball took me away from it you know um I'm really an overachiever you know that's why I kind of smile a little bit because I came from the [ __ ] dirt like [ __ ] you know that's why I make a joke you know you know but um I hate using that for an excuse you know I hate using my past for an excuse but it has hindered me in way that has affected me right now and um and a lot of these players that are are in the NBA are coming from these broken homes that's the thing a lot of these players are coming from broken homes are coming from you know tough situations where they're not you know they're they're trying to break the cycle but their past is a part of them and so that's what happens I think that's what's going on a lot of these players are are really coming from these urban areas you know and they're not having guidance or you know people being there and then leaving you know what I mean um I think that's where that's coming from you know so I think there's a point where you have to be accountable but then at the same time it's just the fact that if you have an organization like the Players Association that get paid to protect the Players let's protect the Players let's stop this ongoing cycle of what's going on let educate them on what they have I didn't know I had pensions and things like that I didn't find that out to 3 years after that I can get paid every day I mean every month I didn't know that you know because you know they let that money just sit because they use it you know what I mean right if the players go in the player in the CBA if the owners have a loss of Revenue guess what money they can pull from the the health care plan they can pull money from the healthc care plan if they have a loss of Revenue I'm going to jail that don't make any sense to me how are you right now [ __ ] up but I'm a dog you know what I mean a curbside dog you know what that is a curbside dog is you might see him in the backyard over there you going to see him on the curb over here you going to see him stealing chickens over here you going to see him over here fighting that dog over here that's just what it is yeah I might got a hurt leg but I'm I'm outside I'm okay you know I got people that ain't coming home I got [ __ ] waiting for me in jail you know what I mean so it's like my mindset you know and it's just the fact that now like I just I just want to be a staple I want to be a staple for athletes that need mental help that want help that need help that want somebody to sit with them want somebody to talk with them a guy like me that they can relate to not some regular guy that just you know and so back to the case for a second you're saying that a lot of the things that happened all of the things that happened you were un you were unaware of do you think in any way you were targeted by Tony Allen or Terence Williams because they were aware that you were I think I think Allan Anderson and Antoine Wright Antoine Wright was a guy that testified against me that said that I knew Terence Williams before this and I did this before with him before I think Allan I think those two right there are are because they were best friends they live with each other they and everybody knows this you know what I mean like they were dogs and I felt like he went out on the limb for him because if i r on Allan Anderson and say he brought me to the par and that's three people bringing him to the party mhm not two and the other two were his best friends how did the government prove their case were there text messages were there emails were there Alan Anderson got on the stand and he went and visit the the they say he went visit the prosecutor probably like 15 16 times before testimony yeah so testimony is what got me and you didn't testify and I didn't testify I don't want to ask you why because I don't want to get into a current attorney client I don't want you to say something that's like attorney client privilege if that's a decision that youy just [ __ ] attorney was you know I I don't think she truly understood who brought you in Alan Anderson and you did you know him at all before I knew him before I knew he was a friend of mine he was you know I can call him I used to call him my friend do you think you're too trusting of people hell yeah I was just talking to my friends about that too trusting and I think that's what that's this is what's that's my situation so I know you joke as a form of just to get by like van brought up the hamburgers thing but truly are you going to fight this and what's next for you I got to I got to I got to go to the appeal I'mma put the appeal in I got to I got to fight you know where I'm from you know if I can I can take it if I've done something wrong where I'm from we can I could take it and go sit down and you know I [ __ ] up but this this ain't me I didn't [ __ ] up on this there's a lot going on there's a lot of stuff being hidden and I just want to get help to to prove my point you know to make sure that you know that a lot of athletes Don't Fall by the wayside like this you know so in reading the document it says that there were not just the root canal but fake chiropractor treatments that were invoiced that were created for you um an email to Terence Williams um and they had a service charge of $155,000 you have no knowledge of that you did not know that did you ever see a chiropractor yes I've seen a chiropractor and that's what I was trying to leave it up to my financial advisor because he knows all my finances he can look at all my bank statements and look at say you know he was over here this is what he did here you know um like that's that's where I want to take the blame also too because my big fat ass should have [ __ ] got up and looked at that [ __ ] instead of sitting here smoking weed doing this you know feeling sorry about myself what I'm going through you know that's what that's the only thing I regret that I trusted this man and then I should have I should have never trusted him like that you know if you're my financial advisor and you're some party that I'm not signing that no matter what the [ __ ] you say or whatever the [ __ ] like did the financial advisor that the financial advisor benefit financially from whatever this scheme was he get paid yes he would benefit right because he would get paid by who if I get money in my account he has money because at the same time you know like he could see the money leaving and he was leaving too and this is a situation to where if and I'm not Conjuring anything for anyone I want you to be able to tell your truth but I want to make sure we ask all the questions little CU if what you're are you saying that he was part of the scheme because at that point maybe you weren't generating enough money for him in other places no he for example if you you know I didn't pay him right I didn't I had to stop paying him right but he was still working because I was still having opportunities places and stuff like that so he was still working with me you know um but Edgar knows what's going on he also has a client that works that was at the same doctor's office that got the doctor and the valley got took the plea right he also knew about that I was going to ask you that is he the financial adviser for any of the other yes that have been not not not indicted but was around got investigated but they play you know coach on you know teams own big companies these guys so the list of players that are involved in this just real quick 18 player charge Terence Williams Allen Anderson these are guys that people are going to recognize Anthony Allen Tony Shannon Brown will bham Melvin Eli uh CDR Christopher Douglas Roberts um Anthony Ron Milton P palasio I don't remember him Sebastian Tere Antoine Wright Darius miles Ruben parison Eddie Robinson Gregory Smith Ronald Glenn Davis you of course and um Jamario Moon these people have been indicted these are all the people that were that were uh under indictment at first um and so all those players gave money back to Terren why Terren basically did everything for them right another player like will bam Terence came to him and said you know he works for the Players Association too he told a lot of players that you know and then players felt like they had to help him you know so they gave him back a lot some players didn't give him nothing back you know because they knew it was wrong so that's what I'm trying to understand so he came and said I work for the association this is what the the rights you should have or you you have this this pension or this insurance and then he said because I informed you're saying because he said I informed you of this then I deserve some money back MH and that's what he was saying and you're saying you're the only one so they they didn't Trace you giving any money to him I gave him $1,000 like a loan H $1,000 I didn't never get any money so imagine I didn't get no money from the plan but my dumb ass feeling sorry for him gave him a th000 bucks so all you got was treatment all I got was treatment mhm you never got any money the money that I got from the doctor right so when I go this is what happened this is what happened this is why I got in this right cuz I didn't get no money from this and they kept investigating me right so I'm thinking that I'm doing something right I go to a real doctor this doctor is real he's at the big three with all the players he's here with us working out and I went to him and I told him about the situation over here and he said don't worry about this everything we're doing is legit all you have to do is just send me your card what I'll do the times that we were at the big three this is what I'll put down here and that's my understanding of the money that I got what do you mean when you say that so basically like basically like for the big three right I was working everybody was working out trainers here trainers everywhere this guy this trainer was there right and so basically when I came to him from another friend another friend that say hey I got a doctor for you a player that's playing right a guy that I didn't want to tell on you know and so I get his information from there and he's like hey man come come right cuz he's been recruiting me this whole time at the big three right and I'm seeing all these guys I'm like this is some legit [ __ ] you know and so basically what he does is he turns around and said hey Glenn brings me to the scam like like you know he's telling me like I created this whole thing for him which I didn't because I got my information from my best friend who plays on a team with you that goes to you right all the time how does that how does that interact with you getting money that's what they love okay so basically for all my work that I did right that was Cash on what you mean work that you did so work I did treatment from the name of them like ice and stem I did all types of and you were being paid for treatment yeah what' you say you're being paid for treatment no you don't get paid for treatment you get paid for the stuff that you've already done right so the big three right we go we out we do uh ankle release we do stem we do acupuncture we do all types of stuff right and so now I can account for all that because that's all Health injury that's all getting my foot ready to play uh rehab all that stuff so that's what he put on there he's the doctor right so he puts that on the doctor okay cool so he puts that on there what I'm trying to figure out is how does putting that on there relate to you or somebody he's telling me that they're they're saying that I'm supposed to be in Atlanta right he turns around and switch everything right and says that oh no Glenn was at the big three when you told me that to put the big three on there right right so but so the doctor does that then does he submit that to the NBA he submits that to the NBA and then there's then a payment based upon cuz they're supposed to cover your medical bills so then they re urse you for whatever the cost would be for that did you receive any of that money yes $40,000 $40,000 mm you received that from The Big Three I've received that from the doctor right the doctor the doctor said the doctor the doctor say hey I'm going to send you this money what account you want me to send this money to now this this treatment that you were getting would not have been covered by The Big Three The Big Three would have paid for that hell no okay so you're getting this treatment to get you ready to play this doctor is telling you that okay we're going to do all of these treatments and then we're going to and then that money is going to come back to you because if not you'd have to pay him for that well yeah basically right okay so $40,000 you got but is and and you and in this case the doctor you're saying was a part of the scheme you already has a scheme going on was he connected with Terence Williams and how so how did what was game it was many different games he got he but you can look him up he sexual harassment charges he he literally was doing it so how did you find this doctor then if he wasn't connected to the tent from my best friend Allan no oh my best friend that I didn't want to tell him oh gotcha gotcha was the best friend involved in the scheme as well the the original scheme so there were two different things is what you that's what I'm trying to say there's all types of schemes going on you understand what I'm saying yeah the NBA hid a lot of players right there was stuff going on everywhere me not knowing what's going on I run into my friend but they got it going on over here too they all there's several different people defrauding the NBA it's so many people doing it and I literally got went to jail but I have a real injury I had a real problem had a real real serious problem okay for the and you might not know the answer to this you were really received treatment and then got reimbursed for that treatment is what you're saying yes I really received treatment and got reimbursed the other people that are involved in this scheme I'm not Glenn hold on for a sec I want I want people to know this because this is g to be difficult and it's not gonna sound right man we from some place where you don't tell all right and I know that sounds stupid to a lot of people out there I know that sounds crazy to a lot of people out there but you know some of the other things that we're talking about on this podcast are ingrain they ingrain that too it's just difficult to get over it you know what I mean um so I'm not asking you to breach anything that you grew up by I'm asking you this because in this situation the comparison of what went on with some other people and what went on with you is going to be key to whether or not people understand and be able to connect with your story to your knowledge was there any other players involved in this that got legitimate treatment because what you're saying is you got legitimate treatment and then you are like okay cuz the treatment is legitimate I had a real injury the money that's coming back I don't think it's untour it's not like I'm saying hey I need to go to the chiropractor or hey I got to have a real Canal or I got a migraine you're saying I'm actually getting worked on so if I get $40,000 I think it's real to your knowledge was there any other players that were getting legitimate treatment that were that were getting actually worked on that were reimbursed by whatever this insurance plan was yeah there was other players that doing it the right way and they got caught up they got swept up in this too no I I don't I don't I don't know anything about that but I know for a fact there was multiple play players that got swept up into this and they subpoenaed them differently but do you see what I'm saying what I'm saying is if so if there if what people are saying is hey all of these injuries were fake and these guys were getting we're getting reimbursed for him if you're saying I had a real injury I'm saying to your knowledge were you the only person that had a real injury or there other people that were actually caught up in the case that had real injuries too I know for a fact I had a real injury I don't know about you weren't talking to the other people it wasn't a it wasn't a scheme of like a plan going to the doctor I wasn't talking Tony Allen I wasn't talking to Sebastian tare I wasn't talking to [ __ ] you know I I literally just own my own the only person I was relating to was Allan Anderson and then when Allan brought Terrence in that's the time I talked to Terrence that was it since this have you talked to some of the other players that van listed on uh only will Will's the only person that you know that testified that that not testified but will was the only one that went to trial too you know I was the only person I talked to everybody else they told or tried to tell or pleaded out or told what happens now um making sure that I tell my story what you want people to know [Music] I want people to know that Glenn Davis is a God-fearing man and just I'm not who you guys think I am you know what you guys paint or what they painted the picture the society you know um I'm really just a human being going through life and yes I do make mistakes but this is not this is not me what do you want the NBA and the nbpa to know what's your message to them the fact that we might not be Superstars I never made an All-Star team yeah I made some money but I never started you know I started a little bit but your stars right and the people that do make the lead Thrive you know um you know that's good but we we're still here you know we're players that didn't might have not made hundreds of million dollars but we still got to go back to society you know we still got to go back to society and and try to you know fit in and so what I would say is the fact that like don't take none of this for granted like the players and and and and show everybody like the same amount of love if you're going to show one show it to all you know there's so many players like the lante West that needs help you know there's players that need help like and I think the NBA being a billion dollar entity and the Players Association May that's what they get paid for need to come and check on these players that's building that that are building this lead that we got to stop this stigma of what's going on I went through divorce injury death and no one was there no one was there Chris chin didn't call me the player ass Ron they didn't call me say hey Glenn even this case happened they didn't call me the Players Association never reached out they never called me they never called me until I went to trial it wasn't even there to help me make a decision for trial so it's just like we have this ongoing problem and then we're saying we're doing all these things but we we literally just letting these people ride away these these great athletes that are mentally ill from the world that you know the NBA brought upon on right and yeah it's our fault too but you know like we already fighting six feet deep from where we come from I've already fought to get out the hole you know so it's just it's just like as the game evolves get more people that are elevating that can evolve with the game guys like me right you know guys like that have played that can make a difference and won't sit there so miserable because they making somebody else diff they they doing something the NBA needs to you know use these players to be able to reach out you know what I mean and so that's what I want that's what I want I want the NBA to notice that hey there's there's a mistake here that we've created and we got to fix it and I want to be the first guy you know to say I'm going to jail for he health and my injuries and the things that I've been through is crazy to me and you maintain that you are 100% innocent I'm innocent I'm innocent I had an injury that's where I was coming from I never wanted to Def fraud the plan and get money that's not deserved or that that's not doesn't belong to me that's not that's not it and so now you run into a system where everything is [ __ ] up and corrupt and the NBA and the play they know it they know it and now I have to fall in the hole just because you know so so you have an appeal have an appeal um starting that process um and I'm just getting my word out get get you know getting my story out letting people know like where I was coming from and and and what I meant and everything you know cuz what's the what's the case on appeal before we let you go like what so the appeal is when the the pill if I can get the appeal in and the pill heard um I can get it heard then I can stay out while my appeal process the trial is going on so that gives me just more time right to be able to have another case then get it reduced or get it thrown out you know depending on the next case depending on how went on the next case um I don't know anything about that Rachel like how does that work like are based are based on like an error that was done in the original trial so that's it's not like he gets to redo everything all over again it's just like if there's certain errors that happen that's what you appeal on and if an error is found then it can either be thrown out or it can be remanded back for another Tri and so that's what it is with with the proc now we filling out the errands you know lawyers situations you know so you know hopefully mind you know did my new lawyer in this process hopefully we can make some things happen and I can testify it um okay and then that happens what's the uh what's the uh when would you have to go away if you were going away do you know August 2nd August 2nd [Music] mhm how are you preparing for that if that would happen I'm already in it I'm in it right now you know it's already in me it's nothing I can't can't accomplish and do 85% because it's fair time you if you had to go away you be back I do a couple drug programs though do drug program do some other type of programs have a work release get in shape get fine as hell that's what I said I'm get fine as stop playing bro get fine as hell that's all I've been thinking about stop RI ABS stop playing CL stop playing bro a hitting in the gym getting crazy ripped up jail B yeah all right man we going to let you go before you go I want to let you know man I love you yeah I'm so proud of you too man I been watching [ __ ] [ __ ] up down the sideways whatever you need um I'm there for you thank you but I I also keep it all the way gangster bro like you mean a lot to a lot of people let me tell you something real quick we're not going to get into the back and forth of what it's like in Baton Rouge we gonna leave it where he where he put it but for the Brandon basses and the Glenn davises and the Simone augustus's and the tyus Thomas and all of these people they mean a lot to us in Baton Rouge because like we know what the situation is like we know what it takes to dig yourself out of that and not everybody shoot up and grow not everybody is born 6'8 6'9 not everybody got what Brandon Simone what you got and what everyone has not everyone gets that a lot of the people that do have it they get lost by the wayside too but as you move through the world I want you to remember that you matter that people look at your life and what you've been able to get out of they look at the final four they look at your NBA career they look at how all of that stuff and everybody that helped you Mr Temple all of these people they look at all of that and they're inspired by you whether you know that or not they're inspired by you you make them kids in the south in North B Rouge in the park and Gardia and Sherwood you make them think that they don't have to die so that's a responsibility by you man to comport yourself and to continue in your life after basketball to continue to inspire those people to continue to be that and that's going to be on you the only person that can make that decision is you the only person and it means something that you could come from there and do that and it don't have to get you down it don't it means something and I don't know if you know how much it means yeah I didn't I didn't know but it does they see they see you and it means something so the responsibility and you didn't done a good job like your mama not might not be off that narcotic if it wasn't for you if it wasn't for what you could the stability that you could provide her and I know that you've been too loose with giving away money and taking care of people I know this I know all of this what I'm telling you is whether we go inside for a little while or whether it works out it we don't your life matters to the people where you're from and people everywhere and we need to see you do good bro we need to see you do good and I mean that from the bottom of my heart and I know that you're a good person you got a good heart all of that we need to see you do good man all right appreciate you coming by brother thanks for having me cuz yeah

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