2024 SEC Preview and Week One Preview

all right welcome in Cube Show podcast college football podcast comes to you usually on Sundays but not this week um took the family to a brce game on Sunday and had a wedding reception to come back to so it was just a jam-pack day didn't really have enough time to get it in uh but I do want to focus in on week one today we're going to preview some games talk about a couple of the teams our expectations what we think is going to go down what we're looking for couple things we're hearing from Fall camp and just give you an idea heading into this week what we're looking at uh for all these football teams some of these match ups are going to be really interesting some we don't need to spend a lot of time on so we probably won't but we'll dive right into it um quickly week zero a couple thoughts as you guys know each and every week we're brought to you by wickles pickles wickedly delicious they sponsor the shows and you should take care of them go grab some wickles in your local grocery store if they don't have them ask them why tell them they need them and if you need them and can't get them there wil.com you can have them drop ship to your home and go catch them there at wickles pickles Instagram get a bunch of cool stuff there they've got gear on the website as well wickles pickles. and go check them out today thank you for sponsoring the show uh some week zero thoughts first and foremost uh Georgia Tech and Florida State Master Class really in gab scheme runs by both of these football teams there's a lot of similarities in the Run games uh with norell and with Buster and what they do um but I just thought that it were it was the bonus guys the extra guys that did a little bit more for Georgia Tech uh the offensive line played a great game don't get me wrong I never want to take credit away from an offensive line uh hey King even though he put the ball on the ground twice no turnovers I mean this was a game where Florida state had two penalties and Georgia Tech had three and there were no turnovers in the game so this wasn't flukish there was nothing weird about this this wasn't you know a bunch of big plays George Tech beat Florida State and a lot of people pointing fingers at DJ U young I get it I understand it had some opportunities down the field uh missed two balls that probably could have been touchdowns had a couple drops could have been first downs or bigger gains so uh had a couple guys that slipped on some play could have done some things so I I mean listen he's not going to be a deep ball guy anyway down the field accuracy not ever been his strength so you got to build it around him and I didn't think the Run game was going good enough early on it looked like it was going to but then it kind of slowed down and did a nice job of putting pressure on that group where they needed to uh took advantage of some of the pressures that I think they thought knew were coming Florida state was in trouble uh but on the flip side of that uh Jackson Hall's tight end for Georgia Tech absolutely phenomenal um I haven't enjoyed watching a tight end that much in a long time when I went back and took a look at that film kind of got an idea what Georgia Tech did and really the first place summed it up for me uh you go back and watch it stretch play to the left and it cuts back all the way back behind the backside tackle so all the way to the right off the line of scrimmage and then there were about eight or nine Florida State Defenders front side of that play So really almost nobody staying home on the backside to be able to go make that play and there you had it but 85 tight end Jackson Hall as I mentioned he blocked his rear end off and I'll say this too the offensive line was great Halls was great even some of those backs and they're not they're not big backs for Georgia Tech they they get after you they run hard they have great patience they finish forward and when they when they're asked to block pass Pro in the Run game they do it you know Buster was going to give you all the Motions all the shifts all the eye candy did a great job with that thought it really set a lot of things up but when you saw that first stretch play and you had that kind of flow from the Florida State Defense guarantee you Buster was up in that boo smile andan we got him because it sets up everything else that they want to do beautifully by the way and so I I just thought it was a master class in zone scheme runs a master class in how to build off of things that work and you didn't ask your quarterback to do a whole lot Hayes King had a solid gain ran for like 54 yards uh had a decent night passing but he didn't have to be dynamic because the front seven was attacking and caused problems and you played ball control I think it was one possession in the last 21 plus minutes for Florida State 14 total possession sessions so uh it was cool to watch cool to see proud of uh proud of that staff because there's a lot of guys on that staff that I really like Bren ke being and one of them he's a Birmingham guy like I am and uh the guy that he brought in that I want to give some extra credit to I had heard anybody talking about is Trent mcnight his wide receivers coach these wide receivers block their asses off and that sticks out when you see it because it's not often that you do especially collectively see a group of wide receivers getting after folks this group did and it was blatant it was was obvious and it hit made a lot of runs hit for an extra five an extra 10 uh because of what they were doing out on the perimeter or even coming down inside and they were asked to do a couple of times so solid performance there's a lot to build on there for Georgia Tech they're going to be a handful for a lot of teams I will get to my playoff prediction not that you guys care I really don't think anybody cares about any of these picks because all you want to do is just focus on the stuff that people got wrong uh because when I hit three out of four in the last year's playoff didn't hear a damn word about it so what's the point why should I even go into to it but I'll tell you and we'll get to some SEC stuff that I think is going to happen as well predict the championship game we'll go into that so uh let's roll into week one before we do that oh also SMU quickly um you made some big plays down the field late tight end had an amazing game a quarterback made big throws down the field when you had to but when I went back and watched it I was surprised at how much that defensive line got pushed around and how little pushed the offensive line got but man we got we got quality Games Week zero competitive games games down to the wire couple games that were looked like they were going to go one way second half or fourth quarter they go back the other way so I think it was just what we needed to kind of lather us up for week one and get into it uh Blue Delta jeans they want to get you into them no matter what no matter what 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does it even look like are we really going to get this fullback in the game are we really going to get eye formation can they have success running the football they should be fairly dominant in this game and don't be surprised if Pine Bluff loads the Box moves a bunt Slants you see run through trying to disrupt that run game and force ton green into passing because it's not necessarily an overly proven wide receiver group for the Hogs even though satang and Armstrong some of those guys have been there for a while still think you go out there and you may them win that game through the air if you can but I want to see if that Arkansas offensive line can take over and the Run game can take over maybe even utilizing Green's legs just a little bit but how is that going to appear just on the surface and then defensively like how much three down are we going to get Landon Jackson's going to move around a little bit want to see who's in at linebacker and where in Travis Williams's defense and just kind of how they build upon that but should be a good win for the Razorbacks you just want to see where some guys are aligned and how they're managing some things from a Personnel standpoint both on offense and defense Murray States at Missouri by the way that Arkansas game ESPNU 6:30 Thursday night 7 SEC network Murray State at Missouri um just want to see Brady Brady be Brady cook be clean want to see him operate the offense in the fashion in which we know he can there's not going to be a lot of extra risk taking I wouldn't think here uh pretty simple plan from Kirby Moore but I do want to see a couple of the new offensive linemen that are going to be stepping in um and then I want to see two defensively that secondary get guys to the ground at a similar rate that they did a year ago Al Marcus carot running back Nate noell at running back the stretch play is it going how does that look uh because they'll build upon that throughout the course of the season but I don't think you're going to see anything glamorous you're not going to see Brady cook with a lot of designed runs maybe not too many balls down the field uh as far as taking risks but you get those receivers going a little bit early high percentage throws had the score get out of there with a win running backs secondary getting guys to the round and probably just really the defense alignment assignment effort because it is a bit of a new scheme so see how you react to that um you got Temple at Oklahoma on Friday night August 30th that's six o'clock on ESPN um offensive line that's about it for Oklahoma and you know physically I would I would want to see the defensive line the front seven impose a little bit of their will because it's one of the things that we keep talking about with Oklahoma is it's a little bit of a lighter front seven collectively all of it so are they going to be able to hold up want to see them maybe punch this team in the face when they're on defense and if they're going to have the capabilities to do that throughout the course of this season but we know we've got talented receiver with Deion Burks quarterback Jackson Arnold can that offensive line hold up can they open up holes what do Bill bebo's group going to look like because that will answer a ton of questions for what Oklahoma's going to be this year and I think we'll get some takeaways from it if there's not a lot of run through if there's not a lot of pressure if they're opening up some holes you can take that and you can move on with it you can figure out a way to make that last most of the season all right Saturday morning Georgia Clemson man I'm excited for this one because I think one of the better matchups of the entire weekend is that Clemson front seven against the Georgia offensive line we mentioned Center been a little bit dinged up in Camp both guards having really good camps one tackle having a good camp you have a nice group of tight ends you also have a new running back in ATN how is he going to fit in what's his role going to be are they going to move in much will we get some two back who's going to line up in different places in this Georgia offense is Dominick Lov going to be more of move guy listen you have you have a a receiver that played running back for you last year that's back this year as a receiver you're going to have him lined up in different places Dylan Bell doing some different things for you so I just think the Comfort level for Carson Beck should be off the charts and I want to see that on display against one of the better front sevens in college football and can Mikael Williams Christian Miller and that group be able to consistently get pressure and disrupt enough to allow them to be successful against Kate kumnick and kind of keep him where he was last year and not being able to go off and find a way to win that game I think Georgia wins that game I like Georgia to win that game but I'll be interested to see just how good the offense looks and how disrupted the defense can be because I think Malachi Starks in the secondary will be okay specifically if they can cause some problems up front but just keep in mind that's a quarterback friendly system it's a system driven by the quarterback that coach Riley's going to run there at Clemson Matt Luke comes in now as your offensive line coach they say that group's ready to take a step it's going to be better going to be more physical I'll believe that when I see it and I think Georgia even if it's not one of the all-time great dominant Georgia defensive lines they can have success against this group uh vanity and Virginia tag going to be a handful but very anxious to see quarterback situation Diego Pavia uh see the new offense that Tim Beck brings in because it is an offense that can allow you to be successful against more Talent now where I really have some issues for V is on the other side of the ball even though Clark Ley now has his hands on it a little bit more Kiren Jones and Company probably going to move the ball around a little bit more Georgia Clemson 11:00 ABC uh Virginia Tech and Vandy 11:00 ESPN all these are Central times because I live in God's time zone so you can figure the other stuff out on your own how to change it um gonna be a tough one for Vandy I'll say that if the defense shows up and they get a turnover or two they can win the game because I think the offense is going to surprise some people and that's mainly because of how I know that it's manage it I had that offense last year two different times and studied it a couple of other times it can be a handful and it makes life really easy with some Playmakers around there but that one's going to be one where Vanderbilt I think has to play pretty pretty close to perfect football specifically on defense they got to get the ball back a couple times uh Tennessee taking on Chattanooga 1145 SEC network uh just want to see Nico operate the offense um I want to see a couple of these new receivers just sort of how they fit in what the role is going to be um I've told you guys before Tennessee a group that they got to have a couple guys healthy and they can make a playoff run I got playoff here I'm going give to you in a second um might be some good news for the falls and your fans but we'll see Nico managed the offense second third fourth running back want to see how that group looks when they enter the game because they're going to get some good reps you know brazle McCoy so these receivers that have been dinged up or are new how they kind of fit in um and then a couple of the Freshman dline tight in what kind of reps they get how much impact they're really going to be make but mazee at Center peely at linebacker I think two guys that have to stay healthy for this football team if they're going to make the playoff and maybe make a playoff run they have the receivers they got most of the offensive line in TCT is going to be fine defensive Line's going to be really good and I think they're going to be able to be problematic up front they need a second level protector I think peely can be that and also a playmaker there you don't have to do too much from you know maybe going overboard with the numbers defensively to add pressures because you got two Edge guys that should be able to get home you have four or five guys in the middle that are proven that should be able to handle everything else make life easy on that secondary and Tennessee could end up having a pretty good season I think Tennessee makes a push for the playoff either way I think georg's in the playoff um I think Missouri is probably in the playoff I think Arkansas is going to fight scratch and Claw for a bowl game Vanderbilt I don't think it's going to go to a bowl game all right 230 ABC Miami and Florida folks aren't going to like this one but I think Florida gets this game um I think Florida is going to be able to match the physicality I think cam Jackson and Company up front I know you're down one defensive tackle going into the season but I think there is enough there to be problematic and I think Austin Armstrong and Ron Roberts are going to be able to design some things that are going to be able to steal the eyes of Cam ward in a new system with new players around him on the road hot as hell in the swamp out as hell and I think Florida is going to find a way to get it I want to see if this offensive line can withstand a really good defensive line I want to see if grah merch can do just a smidge more down the field so that's probably going to require another weapon or two being able to step up for this Florida offense but I think that this is one where they probably go in the mindset of let's limit possessions across the board we'll take the big plays away from camard we'll design some things up front to kind of mess it up a little bit offensive line talented but maybe some new faces you got a a monster running back who's transferring in but he had play with these guys either so try to disrupt the timing and the Rhythm the communication up front take advantage of that try to get the ball back once or twice and then all of a sudden you look at it as all right we've managed this game down to one two more possessions each all we got to do is get a field goal get out of here we got to win I like Florida home to get that one I know a lot of people aren't with me on that don't like that a lot of people think Florida's going to fall in their face this year I'm not in that camp I think you'll see a different Florida football team than what you've seen the past couple years ODU at South Carolina 315 SEC network uh this comes down to Lenor sellers want to see him operate things in a clean fashion how much can he use his legs how physical can he be Nick Harbor have the hands come on just a little bit who else is going to step up at receiver for South Carolina I feel pretty good about running back in rocket Sanders he's been healthy through Camp the offensive line has been very competitive you got two starters from last year that are back that got beat out so you got maybe a little bit of depth there you got a couple veterans back at tight end slot uh along the defensive line in the secondary we won't get a true test against old Dem minion although it's an offense that can get going but I think with veterans in in the secondary mainly at safety and a veteran laac defensive line veteran group of linebackers South Carolina's defense will be better than people think and if Sellers and Company can just find a way to get some things going offensively some of that going to depend on those wide receivers that could be a little bit of a problem but I look at it as this is a massive opportunity for South Carolina to begin to build on some things where they can go pull a couple of upsets this season I think the the upper tier Talent is there and the veterans are there it's just you got to find a way to bring it all together you got to play clean football uh Eastern Kentucky at Mississippi State 5:00 SEC network plus ESPN plus I have confidence in Blake shapen I have confidence in the offensive line crowded running back room I think you'll be fine good tight end room the offense is going to go I'm not really worried about it who's going to be my problem guys up front on defense who's going to be my Edge rusher who are going to be guys in the middle that can hold the point that can penetrate disrupt cause problems they can keep pullers from getting around or from keep double teams going back to the linebackers and getting in their laps those are the things that an to see about how they're going to play out and what they're going to be with Mississippi State I think it's a good group of receivers Kelly Cari and Company are going to be fine especially in this system in this offense uh because shapen looked clean in the spring game he has experience in it he knows it he's a vet that part's going to work itself out how many stops can you get on defense and then also I'll say this offensively because the tight end room is going to be solid can Jeff slow things down at certain points in time to protect that defense that's one thing that's kind of happening with Lane and Pete Golding right now can Coleman Holzer and Company kind of get Jeff to get on the same page or does he feel like he's got to go straight techmobile and just go out score everybody Western Kentucky at Alabama six o'clock ESPN um TJ Finley gonna start for Western Kentucky at quarterback has a bunch of talent alama's played him a couple of times hadn't gone well for him um tackle positions want to see both yes Kaden proct will be at left probably going to play two at right how does that work out up front defensively who's the edge guy out of the four that we keep hearing about Robinson Pierre whoever else it is caught is going to be able to get back there on a consistent basis and be problematic how problematic can the front 4B defensively are we going to see the good Otis are we going to see the good Smith who are we going to see up front that's going to be problematic on a regular basis Tim Keenum I think he can do it I think you have one of the best tandems of linebackers in the SEC but after that with a little bit of Jordan Jefferson in there I'm not sure who else fills that void so if you lose one or two of those speaking of Lawson and Campbell who else is going to be there and then how does that secondary mix in match Malachi Moore has been there forever I told you guys before that staff previously told me he could play any position in the secondary they're that confident in him he'll be a field General he'll be great for that group but you bringing Keon Savage safety from Michigan how much can he help couple others that are coming in as freshman and transfers are going to play at corner so just how much are they on the same page in a new scheme and that vision coverage and who can give you that pressure off the edge Alabama's going to win that game South Carolina's going to win their game State's going to win their game but I just want to see individually who are some of the guys that do some different things Ferman at Miss that's going to be 6:30 on ABC we're not going to learn a lot about om miss here uh don't be surprised to see guys out early because of how dinged up they got early in the season last year but I think you're looking at this defensive line you know princ Ley off the edge can he be a guy they lean on for a consistent pass rush where certain guys line up physically is that offensive line a little bit different can they run inside Zone a little bit more and be able to get a push on a consistent basis which will change how they look in four-minute offense it will change how they look maybe at the beginning of games trying to set the tone see how that group with some bigger more physical offensive lineman maybe can operate in a little bit of a different way um because I don't I mean juice wells will be next gotta see if he's healthy because if he is I've said it a million times he's gonna be magnificent he's a Dynamo 's gonna win that game comfortably Notre Dame Matt Texas A&M uh the Notre Dame offensive line issues should be concerning uh with Mar Turner and Nick scorton up front on that defensive line it's going to be a problem at Kyle Field 6:30 on ABC uh offensively is where I have a little bit of concern for Texas an I think the defense is GNA be fine I think that defensive line will disrupt will be problematic I mean you got Riley Leonard in Mike Den's offense with a porous offensive line and you're not super Dynamic at receiver or running back and I don't think you're close to what you've been at tight end if you're Notre a not saying you're bad but they've been unbelievable there the past couple years so can you come up with a game plan with a good group of backs and talented receivers a talented quarterback and a ton of questions on your offensive line to just make life easy and find a way to go out there even if it's a slugfest slow it down sort of a sloping round in the mud type of a football game and get a w if you can you set some things up for this season to maybe be special the Notre Dame defens of line is going to be a handful Howard Crossing those guys can get after it they're going to be problematic so how can Colin in clim protect that group up front to be able to make life a little bit easier do you run Conor wigman aming just to see that he's run quarterbacks in the past do you want to run a quarterback that's been dinged up I don't really think that that would be advantageous for you so offensively I'm interested to see that game plan for A&M the role of Conor wigman but I think the Texas A&M slows this game down and they get a win at home against a fighting Iris I think Marcus streaman is a good coach BR Le's a good quarterback d br's a good OC but that's a lot of new with an offensive line that could be a real problem in this game and you're not going to line up and run it down A&M's throat it's just not going to happen they're too good up front and they're too problematic up front so I think A&M steals one at home to kick off this season Alabama A&M at Alburn you're not going to learn exactly who this team is 6:30 on ESPN plus SEC network plus has Payton Thorne taken a step from what I understand he has left tackle right now is a little bit of a concern it's not the left side it's the left tackle uh Dylan Wade's going to start at left guard he can kick out the left tackle you got a couple other guys like Tyler Johnson that have been working there we'll see how that looks or what they do you have a tight end I think that you can use to cover that up to a certain extent and a couple of good backs and quarterback Mobility that could help there as well but you've got to find a way to get comfortable with whatever it is after this game you can maybe go one more game but you got to start trying to figure this thing out of what it's going to look like and what it's going to be and for me it's the defense I I feel good about the receiver position I feel good about the backs it's going to be a run first offense they think they can run the football football they should be able to run the football against this group no matter how much they move no matter how much they do this is year two in the system Jeremiah W's ready to go at Right Guard they should be ready to move people Conor L is going to be a studded Center that should happen in this game if it doesn't then you've got problems so I'll tell you right now Auburn wins this game comfortably Peyton Thorne has a good game the big question mark is defense is it bleedy is it rakes that can come into this game and be a problem UPF front that can make things happen on that defensive line because if the linebackers are healthy and apparently they have been a little bit dinged up in Fall Camp the dline might not have to do too much and I feel like the secondary is going to be okay this is a year in which I think gburn Advance has passed what some people believe and it starts against Alabama A&M but my questions will be the defensive line and then left tackle how does that position look heading into that one against A&M uh Southern Miss Kentucky I'll be on the call for this one uh Tate romaker is going to get the start a quarterback for Southern Miss Florida State transfer super talented this all comes down to Bush Hampton's offense and Brock Vandergriff um I think the defensive line is going to be solid we know about some of the star power that's back there for Kentucky Dumis Johnson transfers in that linebacker most a secondary back Brad white does a great job the defense should be super solid now the offense we just don't know chip trums got the broken hand Ohio State running back transfer don't know exactly what he's going to look like talented group of receivers in my understanding if some of the vets that transferred in are helping some of the younger kids understand how to do it on a more consistent basis but now you have an offense that's going to kind of slow things down just you know just to as far as the processing to an extent for your quarterback maybe utilize Tempo a little bit more at times have more probably one and two read plays where quarterback's going to have the option to get rid of it quick make life simple and then next thing you know if you got your receivers making plays on high percentage throws the offensive line can hold up that's a big question mark for me too so I go into this Kentucky game Thinking confident that they can get a comfortable win with 28 point favorites but I want to see the oine have they jail who looks like they're going to be a major player Marquez Cox was a great fit last year also watch the tight end group here because that's an underrated group for Kentucky going into this season and then I guess whatever else is left at running back how much that's going to help down the road but I just want to see the Comfort level the processing the decision making of Brock Vandergriff and Bush hamton's offense because that's going to tell us a big piece of the story moving forward for exactly what they going to be kind of like the Better Business Bureau of Alabama can help you be what you want to be as far as what your business is doing and who they're bringing in if you need better web traffic if you need web design if you need digital marketing anywhere around Central and South Alabama go to bbb.org and put your ZIP code in today you're going to want to see all the different things the Better Business Bureau of Central and South Alabama can do for your business listen it's easy go in there let them see what you're all about let them see what you're doing and then let them come up with a plan for you it might be billboard digital marketing it could be marketing through the web it could be web advertising where they try to push 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that perspective I really think that that's going to be a way for LSU to find success and go win this football game LSU is going to win this game it's going to be because they're a more physical football team how much has it changed for Lincoln Riley you bring a DC across town from UCLA everything looks like it's going to be different but is the mindset really different are you still taking multiple weeks off of practice in the spring because you have guys dinged up are you allowing transfer to practice that you know are leaving that sets a bad example in your locker room these are questions that I have about just sort of where they are collectively and I want to see if things really are sort of taking a turn for the better for Southern Cal but you're doing it against the best offensive line in college football a veteran quarterback with a ton of talent at running back and wide receiver I think LSU gets the win they're a four-point favorite in Vegas and Sunday night I think that'll cap off one hell of a weekend for the SEC I think Georgia and Alabama will face off in the SEC Championship game I think Alabama will get knocked back a couple of notches and Old Miss will get the next highest seed for the SEC uh here are my playoff teams that I have in once again not that you guys care at all but I've got Georgia the one seed Ohio State the two seed I'll give Utah the three seed and I think that Oklahoma State matchup and potentially matchup again is going to be interesting to watch because I think those two teams going to be ahead of the pack but there's going to be a lot of dangerous teams in that League I have NC State at the four seed yes Here We Go Again lot of y'all forgetting Grayson McCall's playing quarterback for NC State this year do they have enough juice at receiver do they have enough in the secondary eh I don't know but I don't really love anybody in the ACC I think Miami is very similar um I think Florida State can be semi similar I think Clemson is similar but all these teams are missing something big Virginia Tech's a team that could kind of stretch a little bit Louisville's a team that I think can be really dangerous so I don't look at like a true leader of the pack so I'll take the veteran quarterback with a coach that I know the kids love playing for and they're going to find their way into the college football playoff all right the five seed then is going to go go to Old Miss who I think jumps Alabama there because they lose in the SEC Championship game I'm really interested to see how Conference Championship game losers are treated in this new system because as we know in years past they have been thrown out to the wolves and basically just been thrown to the Liberty Bowl and to the Music City Bowl and the cheit bowl and just we don't want y'all don't need it so the six seed is going to be Oregon seven seed's going to be Bama the eight seeds going to be Penn State the nine seeds going to be Missouri Missouri schedule is too comfortable not to get in now 10 and two it'll be problematic for him to get in but I just with that Runway and what they have coming back I think Missouri gets in now I'm going a little bit Homer here and y'all are going to be pissed and I don't really care Notre Dame with that loss to A&M I think has to run the schedule to get in but I think it's feasible possible even with one more loss I think Notre Dame often times gets benefit of the doubt they find their way in as the 10 seed I think Tennessee gets in as the 11 seed and I think Memphis is your group of five team in as the 12 seed uh Penn State will advance to play Georgia Georgia will advance ol Miss will advance over Memphis to play NC State ol Miss will go down to Georgia again Georgia will play in the championship game Bama takes out Notre Dame Ohio State takes out Bama Oregon takes down Tennessee Oregon takes down Utah Ohio state gets Oregon back and loses to Georgia in the national championship game and Georgia is your college football playoff national champion for the first time as a 12 team bid that's it that's what we got that's my quick preview not that a lot of you guys care please go like subscribe to the YouTube page I wanted to try to just Blaster some of that give you some previous what's coming up this weekend and as you know next week we will watch the film of every SEC game break it down and give you what we saw right here on the show uh tell your friends about us we appreciate subscribers going up we appreciate you sticking with us to the office season I don't care what Josh says it's still an offseason all right hell I was calling UFL games I had less of an offseason than he did so I ain't worried about it and you know I see that he's now you know going retroactively naming his show after himself because other people have been doing that all right we'll be back next week thanks for tuning in Please Subscribe five star review leave a comment on what you like what you didn't like this 12 team playoffs hard man like I don't know how it's going to go I feel pretty good about the first five or six seeds but I think the ACC can go a lot of different ways I think the Big 12 could go a ton of different ways Phil I like the SEC I think the three through five could be really interesting uh and if you notice there's a team in Texas I didn't have in the playoff I just got bad vibes right now man I love Sark love Quinn ERS I love that offensive line love Kelvin Banks but I just the running back injuries and dline being different I all this we're hearing about Bo Davis at LSU he's also not at Texas anymore more you have to take that into consideration so all right I got to go because I'm just keep rambling thanks you guys for tuning in we're back next week

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WILL THIS BE THE BEST CFB SEASON YET? 2024 NCAA College Football Preview

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What's up everybody and welcome to the channel it's the bottled water guy tw the night before week one of college football saturday and all through this crappy apartment not a thing was moving not even ea sports college football 25 which i got it's a pretty difficult game but it's fun but even though... Read more

East Tennessee  vs App State | FULL GAME 2nd-Qtr | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football 2024 thumbnail
East Tennessee vs App State | FULL GAME 2nd-Qtr | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football 2024

Category: Sports

Ended off grad school overtures to come back and play one more time for this bucks program trey lamb again said maybe a punter is okay touchback will bring app state out of the end zone here avery hall 10 nothing the score it feels like it could be more than that obviously the touchdown taken off the... Read more

Montana State Bobcats vs New Mexico Lobos| Full Game Final|Aug 25, 2024 |NCAA Men's College Football thumbnail
Montana State Bobcats vs New Mexico Lobos| Full Game Final|Aug 25, 2024 |NCAA Men's College Football

Category: Sports

Fourth look out 22 scott trey humphrey bolts ahead for five to the 15 something we've not touched on in depth is the fact that mot is being asked to do so much more he was part there you see last year's co-starter shawn chambers he's now an offensive analyst right there in the middle and he could run... Read more

Elon Phoenix vs Duke Blue Devils | Aug 30,2024 Final | NCAA Men's College Football | NCAA To day thumbnail
Elon Phoenix vs Duke Blue Devils | Aug 30,2024 Final | NCAA Men's College Football | NCAA To day

Category: Sports

Manny diaz's team here as he makes his blue coaching debut quarterback sak maybe here and downing trying to get a little help from the push of cody hardy the tight end and he got love the quarterback sneak love it on four get under center just go get you at half a yard yard it's like that's another... Read more

Akron Zips Vs Ohio State FULL GAME  Aug 31,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football thumbnail
Akron Zips Vs Ohio State FULL GAME Aug 31,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football

Category: Sports

Meeting between the teams akan did win one back before the turn of that century last meeting ohio state won it 59 to7 tell you we've had a good ride together but coming back here together really feels it really does and seen a lot of old friends in the last three days jaden ballard's got it teed up... Read more

Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME Final | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football thumbnail
Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME Final | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football

Category: Sports

That the huskys are so high on is adam muhammad but deon williams a guy who threw for over 10,000 pass uh 10,000 passing yards 93 touchdowns only had 12 picks but he is a freak of an athlete and he was committed to jed fish to go to arizona part of a a larger class that jed was jed was able to flip... Read more

Montana State Bobcats vs New Mexico Lobos| Full Game 3rd | Aug 25, 2024 |NCAA Men's College Football thumbnail
Montana State Bobcats vs New Mexico Lobos| Full Game 3rd | Aug 25, 2024 |NCAA Men's College Football

Category: Sports

An fbs opponent that's johnson with the return out to the 18 and let's go down to just sims watch to catching up with head coach brent vegan he said the biggest problem with the first half is that new mexico made all the biggest plays all the game-changing plays and his team simply did not they need... Read more

Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME 2nd-Qtr | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football thumbnail
Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME 2nd-Qtr | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football

Category: Sports

Give goes to coleman they try the left side some space just across the 40 yd line good run for jonah coleman they've had a lot of success jake they in that first quarter running a lot over that right side of the offensive line a brand new group that's still trying to gel all transfers you know you mention... Read more

Montana State Bobcats vs New Mexico Lobos Full Game Aug 25, 2024 | NCAA Men's College Football thumbnail
Montana State Bobcats vs New Mexico Lobos Full Game Aug 25, 2024 | NCAA Men's College Football

Category: Sports

Mexico won the toss will re he got a booming leg also handles the putting will kick it away and luke weong 15 toari rogers 28 and this one's going to go well through the end zone for the touchback and montana state defensively junior year at saguaro in arizona as one of his teammates as a go-to receiver... Read more

Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME 3rd-Qtr | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football thumbnail
Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME 3rd-Qtr | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football

Category: Sports

On the ground plus a score at [music] halftime heard him talk about quinton moore out for the rest of the ball game as we were heading to halftime brook fletcher on that in just a moment too b state kicks it off [music] returnable up pass the 20 flag flies pass the 30 yd line but there is a flag all... Read more

Colorado Buffaloes vs North Dakota State Bison  Full Game Aug 29,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football thumbnail
Colorado Buffaloes vs North Dakota State Bison Full Game Aug 29,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football

Category: Sports

[applause] season two for coach dion sanders and the colorado buffalos tow meets leather and we're underway and the bison will take it first and 10 from their own 25 yd line let's go downstairs but he's a great runner as well they come out in a trips right formation three receivers out to the wins in... Read more

Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football thumbnail
Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football

Category: Sports

[applause] the dogs are [applause] loose thursday with ruers now to be a part of the big 10 for washington well ever since i wore these colors as these guys are wearing down the football field it's been a fight for respect this team was playing for a national title earlier this year comes back in not... Read more